The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, December 07, 1916, Image 4

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THE POST-SEARCH LIGHT Pua'»nad Every Thursday at i3a; ibr.dge, Georgia. E. H. GRIFFIN Editor and Proprietor Entered at thePostofflcein Bain- b-idfic, Oa., as second class mail matter under Act of Congress March ISth, 1897. Subscription Rates ONlv VKAH $1.00 HfX MONTHS &0c Advertising Rates A Iverlisiug rate depends on pxitlnn, number of insertions an f other requirements, ttnil will !>• furnished :tt the business o lire. OKTlt ■ IAI. OKfMN or Till! < II V or H.tiNUKtnoK ami nwATrit Tc ephone No. 239 Say Bub, if you have not used your name this month, let me use it. You old skinflint, did you give thanks or pet sore with the fel low tiiat did. An overdose of amusement last week ought to leave the boys all in good shape to take care of the holiday business. Well, take a little soap and clean your old name. You got to use it this month as sure as shoot ing. The show business was a little overdone last week for sure- Too much of anything will spoil the cooking. Roumania seem to have been playing with loaded dice in this war game and somebody switch ed them on them. The town has been very quiet since all the brass bands of last week. The hot air brigade were even on a furlough. The preachers are all fixed for another year. We bet they would like to know that as surely that they will placed pleasantly as they are to be placed. Georgia bad only three counties to go for Hughes and four years ago 20 went against the ticket and yet some have said that this state was not at all satisfied with Wilson, Bub, break it to some people that it a show comes to town that they dont like there is no law to make them go to it, nor is there any law making them other folks guardian about what they see. Britt Craig has taken to air ships. Well, we never have been up in an air ship but we have been a judge at a baby show and got out alive. Now pick your hero from the pair of us. The most distressing feature of the holiday situation is that eggs are way up yonder in price and you cant get but two quarts. The egg-nogg proposition will not be in good working order. The justice court election Saturday did not do much to wards stirring up any excite ment. Fred Strickland was given the job as justice and we feel that he will make a good one. There was not as many turkeys killed this year as last and there will be less killed Christmas than ever before. Folks just cant have those lavish holiday dinners now and they are backing up on thejproposition. The high price of paper has played the devil with our old Friend Nick Carter and Diamond Dick, as well as handed Fred Fear not and Frank Mernwell a jolt in the neck. The excessive price may do some good yet. Some of the boys killed pretty bunches of birds Thursday but most of them prevaricate about how many until they thought of the game warden then they had not killed but about half what they claimed. Some of the local merchants that got stung by the movie advertisers fake ought to have been hit, especially those that will try to hog the local papers and then take up with every advertising grafter that comes along. This kind of a gink is al ways the one that says advertis ing dont pay. The hunter that forgets to get that license may think that he is pulling off something but he seems to have forgotten that good sportsmen tavor the pro tection of the game and they will prevent taking advantage of his cheap chicanery to save a few dollars. We cant give you any idea how long the war will last but we can tell you most accurately how long a pot of collard green cooked with hog jowl will stay on the outside of the average southwest Georgia cracker. The same lenght of time that Pat was in the army. The Methodist conference was on last week in Thomasville. Certain towns hoped that certain preachers would not be sent them and certain preachers hoped they would not be sent to certain towns and as this is the case it is an even break and everybody pretty well satisfied. When will Bainbridge have that million dollar bank? It is about time that she had a hank ing institution in that class de spite the closeness of so many little banks all about us. They are growing here now and we will be glad to see that big an institution here. The Savannah Press still finds room for thought when the pro position come before them that Kansas and South Carolina went the same way in a national election. Old South Carolina it given a chance will live down Blease just as Kansas did Jerry Simpson and Mrs. Lease. Give her a chance bud, just one more. That Moultrie Dog that wears glasses only uses them to find some of the birds that the town hunter lies about killing. He dont need them on an ordinary hunt. Moultrie is some famous town with a “glass eye dog and booze grafting hens” sure as you live. Come along now’ with that sub scription and let the printers have little holiday feeling too. They are human just like the balance of you although many ot you act as if you thought they were not. What does Watson rear about foreign missions so for. He dont give them anything and other (oiks that desire have a right to give to them. It is none of his business unless he donated him self. Maybe it makes him sore because they send money to the foreign heathen instead of giving it to the home heathen for the Jeffs. The behavior of the Thomas ville Editors last week we learn with pleasure was most circum spect in every way. Thank you boys, w’e will not have to use any time making any apologies for any mishap you made. Your behavior howevet makes us know that no subscriber came in unsolicited during last weak and paid you five dollars. If they had this would have been another story. We desire to call the attention of the readers to the new Com pulsory Educational bill. Com missioner Bradwell has published the bill for the information of the citizens of the county and every one of them ought to read it care fully study it. The bill is a pro tection to those children that are denied the right to attend school and made to work while they ought to be at school. It is to be hoped that Savan nah will succeed in getting that Altamaha river bridged before long as it will give the folks all a chance to learn more of their chief port city. Many, many autos from this side of the state would pay regular visits to Savannah but for this very rea son. Savannah is so intermingled with our people and their pros perity the counties along the southern tier ought to take hold on this proposition. The Lee County Journal wants to know why the driver of an auto is never to blame when he hits a man but the man on the ground is always at fault. Well j cords would have been made be- Bub, it is this way. The auto fore if purchased, owners have to hang together HOG STEALING AGAIN. Some few weeks ago we had an editorial on this subject and since its publication we have found out that hog stealing was more general than we had any idea. The following suggestion has been handed into us by a reader and it seems to offei some remedy if made into a general law. The evil ought to be stopped if there is any possible chance to stop it. “Having notice a remedy for hog stealing in the Atlanta Con stitution dated November 26th, have decided to ask if it would not be advisable to make it a state law or a county law as is thought advisable by the next legislature. It the seller was required to report all sales to some county official would keep for public in spection an alphabetical list of names of sellers whose report gives the marks and brand of all stock sold and to whom and when sold as well as the P. 0. address of the seller. The same report being required of the purchaser, showing the address of himself and that of the seller and the date of sale. All persons selling in an incorporated town or city any animal butchered should be required to make a re port to the marshall and the buyer should be required to make the same report giving all necessary date. This applies to butchered stock only. Persons killing stock for home use need not make any report as such re- and sustain each other or hang separately if they cant fool a gullible public. There is a free masonry among the gas-murder ers that public opinion dont seem able to do much with. Tom Eason’s suggestion that the office holders pay up the shortage of the Democratic National Committee is not with out good bottom. They will get all the cream and they ought to be willing to foot the tail end of the bills. Brer .John I). Walker should go after them and quit trying to use the weekly press as a collecting agency. Brer John has his eye on a job and he might come across pretty hefty himself. He has never been known to take so much interest in anything unless Brer John figured pretty strong in the pie. Watson says that he will let by-gones be bygones. Yep; we reckon he would like lor us to forget what hell he has tried to kick up in the ranks of the Demo crats. There will be another election before long and Tom wants bygones to be forgot be- We suppose Watson sees now how his conduct about dragging a dead woman’s name in a cam paign lowered him in the minds of the people. In his former trial he had a lots of sympathy ex tended him and the men on the streets would express the wish that he got oft. Now since his filthy methods of campaigning are known, these same men ex press the wish that he be sent to the penitentiary. He abused all the sympathy that was ever ex tended him when he stopped as low as he did in this last cam paign. A self respecting man would not notice any man that would drag the grave of a woman into the poltical sewer to bolster up a rotten campaign. His sins are on his own head. His cheap attempt to play martyr will avail him nothing. No man with the fire of a martyr in his breast would stop to the level he did and he cant fool any more people except the crowd that he has by the goosle all the time. The treedom of the press is in no danger so far as Tommie is con cerned but license is. Grave rob bing is notone of the freedom’s cause he sees that the Democrats are not going to put up with his j that the press desires with, gang in their primaries any more. If they are not kicked out by the party heads the party deserves defeat the next time. It can not succeed when it harbors traitors. Tom would like us all to forget his dirty low method of dealing with the grave of Mrs. Wilson but no gentlemen will ever forget that a Georgian drag ged a dead woman into political fight. Bygones, Bah; CHARITY AND THE PRESS. We have kept a tabulated ac count of the ammout of free ad vertising space we have been asked for in the past five weeks and it runs over ONE THOUS AND DOLLARS. Most of these are charities and not one single one of them them has sent one penny offering for publication. WHY DONT they ask the banks to give them money in the name of charity or the merchant to GIVE THEM SHOES or other merchandise in the same name. It is rotten disgusting to think that our charities would feed on the weekly press like this it the publishers would per mit it. Several auto manufacatureshave asked for modest amounts. But think that so much free stuff is asked of the country papers and stock costing four times what it ever cost betore. Did we accept any of it. YEP, the same amount that any citizen would donate to a charitable enterprise out of his hard earned money and when we used that amount in the name of charity we stopped right there. WE WOULD like to see some of these same charities ask the banks to accord them the same treatment that they ask at our hands and the banks are public institutions and we have wonder ed would they get mad with the banks were they to refuse and threaten a boycott. Charity that floats at the expense of the county papers is not charity at all, we would not fall for it. Is’nt it funny to observe some of the brethren throw a fit when a crap game is mentioned, dance a Fiji dance when a quiet game of stud poker is proposed, pitch a convulsion at the mention of a little old game of skin but sit up and take notice when some bro ther gambler bumps the cotton market for a few hundred. What hypocrisy to carry into a church pew. And did you notice that same church sister turn up her nose when she sees a common “gamboleer" smile most gracious ly at brother Jones as he takes up the collection at the services. Bro. Jones is the guy that pulled down twenty thousand on that recent rise in cotton and deserves that smile for being no piker. It is rotten to see the conduct of some our moralists along this line. ' > If these recruiting agents were to come through this country with a good negro band like the Silas Green band that was here Friday night they would lead off all the negros and half the white folks. Bill Ainsworth and Tom Wat son are at each other. Thank goodness they are for so many people can rejoice at the demo- lishment of either. Bill wants all the money and power of the un iverse invested in him and Tom wants it all place at the disposal of the Jeffs. “Sick him Tige, eat him Bulger.” Now lady, this is serious. Do your little shopping for the holi days early and help the merchant of your town out that much. In the summer time he dont m nd tearing down half the goods he has in the house to show you after you have bought a spool of thread but when he has sbnw that patience with you all sum mer now come across and help him out a bit during the holidays. And you lady that makes it a habit to come up town every morning and evening you ought to get yours in ample time and not wait until late Saturday after noon of the 23rd to get your little holiday things. Make this a mutual beneficial affair and the merchant will appreciate it and be glad to see you come instead of wanting to crawl under the eounter when you come in. Tom Watson was acquitted of the charge of mailing obscene stuff and justly so for his matter was only clippings from books that were copy righted and that had been passing through the mails for years. Tom says that he is being persecuted and we wonder what he was doing to Wilson when he was dragging his wife’s grave in into a cam paign. If that is not persecution there was never such a thing and as being Tom is so glib at perse cution he ought to take his own medicine and not growl over it. Tom will persecute anything or anybody under the sun and now he yells because he got a dose of what he has served so often to others. Tom has never opposed any one but always has persecut ed every one that crossed him either in capacity as an editor or a hired attorney. The ghoulish occupation of grave robbing is worse than any persecution that Tom has ever gotten. The Red Cross stamp sale will soon be on. It is a worthy pro position but is it wise for citizens of this country to pay for humane work being done in countries that are at war and care so little for their citizens as to have them shot up for nothing. If the American Red Cross and the American Grub were withheld from Europe that war would not last very long. It a foreign country will destroy its own citizens we can not see why this country should take any care of them. The Red Cross work in the attempt to prevent the spread of diseases is a worthy one but they spend much money to heal or take care of a wounded sol dier, get him well only to send him back into the same trench to get him again. A funny piece of humane work. TflAOt MARK RUB-MY-TISMfl Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c. Tonic Digestive stimulates the digestive organs to action so that the food that enters the stomach is disgested and assimilated. Sold only by us, $1.00. MILLS PHARMACY Callahan Bldg. Bainbridge, Gal — _ . Ask for and Get Skinners THE HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI 36 Pag Recipe Book Free SKINNER MFG.CQ. OMAHA. U.SA LARGEST MACARONI FACTORY IN AMERICA Ub p^np D ^ ” c WEEK ^ M on th?h£ W ‘0 paper, in part, says: Be » “The paper situation is ,„ v -grave almost bevrJ lllc and it will bethe^S? lor many of the smaller unless there is some early ^ XNews the increase of amounting to less than $3? S With paper costing w k a . iTad q abS0lut ^ imS for a daily paper to survive its present advertising and scription rates. However, the situation i SevJ more serious with the J newspapers, commonly e , weeklies. Buying | ess J hey pay more for , t in J" tion. For instance, the vvetiS a year ago, on contract see 1 paper at $2.75 a hundred P0N Now they are paying abouteig dollars tor the same quantity increase of over 250 per « Unless their subscribers pay \ dollar or dollar and a halt s scriptions promptly-and weekly ought to be published] less than a dollar and a half year—these weeklies will brought almost to the point discontinuance. It Is True that the unusual sale ofareme is the best evidence of its ma RHEUMATISM POWDERS are guaranteed to give itS from rheumatism. They are usually large sellers. Sold « by us, 50c and $1.00, MILLS PHARMACY Callahan Bldg. Bainbridge, I GUANOl • i Any Grade Supplieg. PRICES LOW WRITE HOME GUANO CO. DOTHAN, ALA. # • Phosphat Our Banner Is Never Lower Eternal vigilance is the pm* pay to insure absolute clean- in the baking and hand 1 our bread. This means J you use our bread you best bread baked and comes to you from an a n sanitary bakery. Safety the time. . IBS WHITEWAf B1W Subscribe for the