The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, December 14, 1916, Image 12

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I A Half Dozen of the “GOSLINGS” with “SWEETHEARTS” at the Callahan Theatre, Wednesday, December 20th, Company of 60 People. A Happy (Bhristmas goes hand in hand with sensible buying and sensible gift giving. We offer you nice assortments of Jewelry, China, Glassware, Stationery, Ladies’ Coats, Sweaters, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, etc., and Men’s Socks, Ties, Handkerchiefs to choose from. WE WILL BB PLEASED to have you visit us of ten through the Holidays, and bring the children with you. Give us your orders for fruits, nuts, candies, Etc., and we will save you money. thulock supply company CLIMAX, GEORGIA. Personal J^ocals Hon. Wallace Wright of Quincy was in the city Sunday afternoon with his father. Mr. John McFarlin of Quincy Break your Cold or La- Grippe with a few doses of 666. Mr. Gus Weil will leave right after Christmas to spend a few days with his mother and rela- came up Sunday in his car with j tives in Louisiana, a party of friends. Mrs. W. L. Miller of Attapul- Break your Cold or La-1 gus was in the city a short while Grippe with a few doses of 666. Dr. J. D. Chason returned Saturday from New’ Orleans where he !had taken the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Cohen for medical attention. Buy a box of the finest Indian River Orange;, and send home for Christmas, from Ralph R. Belcher, the wholesale Grocer. J. G. Johnson and wife of the early part of the week shop ping. Rev. M. A Morgan preached his farewell sermon at the Methodist Church last Friday night to a good audience that had assembled to bid him good luck in his new field of work. Among the farmers most deep ly interested in the movement on loot to stop the hog stealing and one of those that met with the city council was Mr. J. P. Har rell who begun the crusade J. u. Johnson and wite otj ,C1 '. . urc Cyrene were in the city a short j a K alnst the hog thieves, while Sunday afternoon taking (Monogram) plain flour, in the conceit. The fire department had an early Sunday morning run but found very little trouble in put ting out the cause of the call. Mr. Livingstone Snow’ of Quit- man was in the city Saturday a short while with friends and acquaintances. HP B-MY-T13M—AritiwpUc, Relieves and (Ever Ready) self ris ing flour the best qualities in the world for sale by Ralph j?. Belcher, whole sale Grocer. Dont forget that Dr. Parks wi 11 be at my Jewelry Store for just one day Monday Dec. 18th, this means expert Optical Services Prof. J. T. Gorte of Iron City' was in town a short while Satur day. ( The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Episcopal Church will hold j their monthly meeting next Mon day afternoon at 3:30. A Foot Ball for the boy’s Christmas gift we have them $1.00 to $3.00 The Motor Bicycle Co. Rev. F. F. Reese, D. D. Bis hop of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia, spent a few hours in the city as the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Sams. Mr. J. E. Roberson was called to Orlando, Fla., Monday morn ing by the serious illness of his father. Much interest is being mani fested in the recently organized Bible Class for men at the Epis copal church and the attend ance is increasing each Sunday. Mr. H. S. Richardson is leader of the ciass and will be glad \o welcome any and all men wh\ can make it convenient to at-fr tend. This ciass is not only for the men of the Episcopal Church but for all men who are not connected with the Sunday school work of the other iXELENTO for the * Hair CUA DEAN soot picture ti b&ix lookt EXELENTO \ w»» nappy »n<l coar»*. .iow it id twenty-two inches long, soft nod ulky. Don’t be fooled all your life by using some fake preparation which claims to straighten kinky hair. You have to have hair before it can be straightened. EXELENTO POMADE is a Hair Grower which feeds the scalp and roota of tho hair and makes the hair Rrow, and you can see the results by using sev eral times. It cleans dandruff and stops Falling Hair at once. It leaves harsh-stub- born. nappy hair soft and silky. Price 25c by mail, on receipt of stamps or coin. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Writ* Pmrri •■Urv EXCLXNTO MEDICINE CO.. ’ Hants, Oa. —ill— Subscribe for The Post- Search Light. “The Big Paper” and get the county news. 'The many friends of Mrs. D. A. Cohen ure sympathatizing with her on account of the death of (her father, Mr. J. Feile, whlia occurred at Meridian, iMUittiiaiaiw. YOU ARE INVITED You are cordially invited to visit Moultrie, the Packing House City. Also to go over the Joe Battle Stock Farm, “The South’s Greatest Breeding Establish ment,” where you can find the very best strain of pure bred hogs, Angus and Jersey cattle and Shetland ponies; also look over the poultry and pigeon yards, where you will find the Imperial Ringlet Autocrats, America’s finest Barred Rotks. Get my prices on mules, horses Percheron mare. I have the largest and best assortment south of Atlanta and my prices are cheaper. Joe J. Battle, Moulrtie, Ga- MORE LIES AND SLANDERS Atlanta, Ga. December 14— The emigration of thousands of negroes to northern states has furnished the red shirt abolition ist papers of the north and west a new excuse for another crop of lies and slanders about the SOLth. It is true that negroes in large numbers are going north, at tracted by the promise of high wages, but listen to this from a Chicago paper as the reason for the movement: “There will be no crops for the negro laborers to reap until nest spring, owing to the fact that they have been destroyed "by the boll weevil, and THE NE GROES WERE ACTUALLY FACING STARVATION.” Of course the boll weevil is here, but certainly the negroes do not expect to harvest any crops in the frozen north be tween now and spring. As tor work, there is just as much to be had in the south where the winters are mild, as in the north where the thermomoter stays around zero. Promise of social and political equality is really the lure, but it will not materia lize anymore than it did in the days of the cilval war. Ladibs i kilt I'mr kinM for CHI-CHB3-TBR S DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in RRD and Gold metallic boxes, scaled with Blue! Ribbon. T/.KB no otbei. Bay oF to«i> Drngffiit and ask for Oni.CUE8.TFR 8 DIAMOND BRAND PIT. 1.8, for twcntr-BTO years regarded as Best,Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIME FVPPYWUPRP WORTH aiKD c w ^ n i it n p n u tested SCHOOL RECITAL The public is invited to attend a recital to be given by pupils of the Music and Expression de partment on next Friday even ing December 15th at 7:30 at the School Audlsorium. Admis sion free. A»k for and Get m Skinners THE HIGHEST QUALITY SPAGHETTI 36 Page Recipe Book Free SKIMMER MFG.C0.. OMAHA. U.S.A. LARGEST MACAROKI FACTORY IR AMERICA Please send in your laundry as early as possible next week, as we are running close to our capacity at present and it may save disapointment. Phone 58. The Dixie Steam Laundry, Rl B-MY-TISM—Antiseptic, Relieves Rheumatism, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc. MUSTANG For Sprains, Lameness, Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism jPenetrates and Heals. Steps Pain At Orice For Man and Beast 25c. 50c. Cl. At All Dealers. LiNIMEUTi p si. o* sr rt- v© Xmas Special Trial Offer Kokak Films Developed 5cts, Prints 2cts Each IMirrors Resilvered 30cts per square foot. DIXON, 317 RUSS STREE1 Why Not a Wrist Watf> for the gift you are plan They are very modish and practical besides. Ana watches are guaranteed , lutely accurate. The sun . rise by them. We have aud other watches in an » of styles and grades, d j . dard. You’ll find our price; as right as the watches. N f J. SMITH & SON Oldest and Best^Jewelers Good for Constipation . Chamberlain’s Tablet; are celient for constipation. * are nleasartt to ta<e aT L u ,