The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, December 14, 1916, Image 4

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THE POST-SEARCH LIGHT PuOtlsHed Every Thureday at Bainbridge, Georgia. E. H. GRIFFIN Editor and Proprietor Entered m the l’ostofflcein Bain- bri'lge, Oa., as second class mail matter under Act of Congress March 18th, 1897. Subscription Rates OHH YEAR. *100 tiiK MONTHS - r,0c Advertising Rates Advertising rate depends on position, number of insertions and other requirements, and will be furnished at the business oflice. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THU CTTV OF BAINBRIDQK AND DECATUR COUNTY. Telephone No. 239 if you did not get the preacher you wanted at the last shake up just pour him back in the jug. Seriously lady do that shop ping this week for the holidays as you will do every merchant a favor when you do. With Joe Brown preaching arid Will Ainsworth politicing we are having the reverse order of things right along. • They say that Cranberries are the only thing that have not gone up in the price this Xmas. How about our old friend Dill Pickle? Mr. Subscriber you can save something by paying your sub scription before January 1st if you will just think of it. Georgia has never seen a more promising time in her history and the fact is about to kill the calamity howlers. The jackals that are raising the price of tood stuff just to get abnormal profits ought to be made to feel the straight jacket. If you really wish to have a good time Christmas, see how many other folks you can give a little holiday encouragement to. The Monroe Advertiser is 63 years old and a lusty looking guy at that ripe old age. One ot the real good weeklies ot the state. It is predicted that shoes will go to *20 per pair before many months. We know some folks that, will have to stay home then ,cr go barefooted. Teddy is not at all pleased with the outcome of the election. Well we are very sorry but we did not intend to please the gentleman at all, at all. There seems to be a desire on the parts of a number of our folks to eat old possum instead of turkey this Christmas as it seems to be cheaper. The way to a man’s heart may be through his stomach but that is certainly a poor route to his pocket book if you will stop and measure a little. There has never been a better time to show the editor courtesies than when you are killing hogs. The most seasonable time that we know of Bub. The girl that fails to take ad vantage of Leap Year now will have to' wait four more long years and be shop worn a bit when the next chance comes around. Well [we can use a few old hams, chickens or turkeys, or even a few old blue stem collards in our list of Christmas gifts. Have no hesitancy about sending them. i You hear of folks scrapping about everything but going to work. You never hear of such intense desire on the part ot a fellow looking for a job to lick some one if he dont get it. Just one more issue of this paper and then Christmas. Have you used your name this month? We shut down a few days for the holidays and would like to use that old name of yours just once. “The Assyrian came down like a wolf from the fold, his cohorts all gleaming in purple and gold” must have been a reference to the boll weevil to hear some of the boys use him now when that old note falls due. — - O . The turkey situation has help ed the market men. Very few can cough up the price of Sir Gobbler now and get by comfortably. He is a great institution but his price is working him harm, or good whichever is his viewpoint. They say that if you mention peanuts in Richland you will get took out immediately to the nearest limb and hung higher than Hamaan. The town has just fallen for the smooth tongued immigration agent. Most of the preachers are get ting ready now to get in their new homes for the holidays. Rather hard on a fellow to have to go to a new town and make new friends in this season of the year. Judge Hill does not want to try any more cases as “atwixt labor and Street car lines” and we dont blame him. It is not a question of law either way but which side can get the most sympathisers on the jury. Just 11 more days until Christ mas and that turkey has not come yet. We are going to tell the truth about the looks of the next couple that marries as sure as shooting if that fowl is not forthcoming pretty scon. Is it against the law to shoot one of these fellows that meets you at night witn all his auto lights on and blinds you so you cant see? It must be just because folks have’nt the time and it cost four dollars to bury one of them. The pea-nut politician has been pretty successful in a way. In preventing others from doing many things of use and now we will wager that that the pea-nut farmer will be successful in making them do the things that the other one prevented them from doing. Macon has opened up that new Million Dollar Station. When will Savannah open that Altam- aha Bridge. They can well expect the little close in to help build that bridge because it will cut the little town’s retail trade and carry it to Savannah hence their being luke warm to the proposi tion. The Macon News had an article on their school situation several days ago and we had 31 letters with th : s article enclosed in it asking us to reproduce it. A singular thing that this many citizens would send the same article to us for publication. What is it all about? Since it has got so close home. If the negroes keep going to the north cotton will bring 50 cents per pound next fall as they make fully either as laborers or farmers 00 per cent of the cot ton. The big day for the small white farmers that do their own work is dawning in this country sure. A big day too for negro farmer that stays here is at hand 1 also. The Post Searchlight wishes everybody a happy and enjoyable Christmas and we feel that there is plenty of cause for enjoyment on the parts of the people. While the high prices have been em- barassing to some our farmers can sell anything they have to the very best advantage. Our people will attend a theatre and when a piece of music or a song that pleases them is sung or played they applaud those rendering the treat but on the parts of the band we never hear anything like that. Is it because it is tree or because the boys dont deserve it? Fellow blew an old cow-horn a few nights ago calling to his fox hounds and it was a sight to see some of the old citizens straigh ten up and look like they had heard an old familair tune. The music of the fox-hounds is the only thing that has a nigger band beat for music on earth. You can hear the deep mouthed bay of old Spot with every gentle wind that blow trom that direc-- tion. “Close on the hounds the hunter came to cheer them on the vanished game”. Hand over the jug Bud. Do you know what a human Jackass is? It is a fellow that waits until he sees a crowd bunched in the streets listening to a band, watching a parade or hearing a speech and then bursts through them with an automo bile. There are several around Bainbridge and some day some good man is going to loose his temper and dragged one of these jackasses out of a car and beat him up to the edification of the crowd that will be with the beater in heart and spirit if no other way. George Griffin, aged around 76 an old Confederate marshaling his dogs for a fox chase is a sight to lend inspiration to any young man. Watched him the other night and could not tell which was the keenest for the chase he or the pack. The minute that Spot hits the trail he sheds those year like a man peeling off a shirt. Leaving one arm on the battle field of Olustee, he has cheered many less un lucky than he with his naive wit all these years. Straight as an Indian he is a splendid example of the result of the military train ing of the Rebel Soldier, the greatest that the world ever saw. Sister Longstreet is asking the Press of the state to agitate a matter that will give her a job that “she is as well qualified to fill as any one” to use her lan guage. We think Sis has been given enough as her only claim Jo fame was to marry an old worn out Coufederate General to get the benefit of his illustrious name. A benefit that she has worked for all it is worth and not hestitacing to place that name at the service of the enemies of the state when she gadding over the country making Roosevelt speeches. We are loath to give Sis Helen any more free stuff to aid her in getting a job. Several of the ladies of the city misconstrued our references to charity riding the press in last week’s paper. We had no re ference to the little local church notices, bazzar notices or any other local charity where the officers work free. In all local charities where those concerned are donating their services free and without hope of gain we are glad to meet them half way and give their notices and etc publi city but when it comes to three and four columns discourses by salaried official at the expense of the press we halt right there. A A church, An Aid Society notice, an Eworth league notice or something of that nature is legiti mate news but when the officers of an associated charity that draws a big salary asks us to give him free space we just will not do it. JULIA GIFFORD In “Sweethearts” at Callahan Theatre, Wednesday, Dec. 20; Company of 60 People. GUANO Any Grade Supplied. PRICES LOW WRITE HOME GUANO GO. DOTHAN. ALA. Ph osphate Danger Signal. If the fire bell should ring would you run and stop it or go and help put out the fire? It is much the same way with a cough. A cough is a danger sig nal as much as a fire bell. You should no more try to suppress it than to stop a fire bell when it is ringing, but should cure the disease that causes the cough ing. This can nearly always be done by taking Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Many have used it with the most beneficial re sults. It is especially valuable for the persistent cough that so often follows a bad cold or an attack ot the grip. Mrs. Thomas Beeching, Andrews, Ind., writes: “During the winter my husband takes cold easily and coughs and coughs. Chamberlan’s Cough Remedy is the best medicine for breaking up these attacks and you cannot get him to take any other.” Obtainable everywhere. Bicycles are ideal Chris tmas gift, so are tires, bells, baskets and electric lights. We have them; The Motor-Bicycle Co. Tonic Digestive stimulates the digestive organs to action so that the food that enters the [stomach is disgested and assimilated. (Sold only by us, $1.C0. MILLS PHARMACY Callahan Bldg. Bainbridge, Ga 1 lib L c*ii aa ' Grocery- Bills Smaller- coitee better and more of it —that’s what comes of using Luzianne Coffee famous for its flavor and economy all over th South. Try the entire contents of a one-p OU nd can according to directions. If you are not satisfied with it in every way, if it does not go as far as two pounds of any cheaper coffee you have ever used—tell your grocer you want your money back and he’ll come straight across with it Write for premium catalog. JJIi? COFFEE The Reily-Taylor Co. New Orlea: ■ns KNOWING THAT they are getting the real, genuine article—under its own label- in a sterilized bottle—absolutely pure and always uniform in its delicious flavor— is one of the rea sons why Chero*, v Cola, is the satis-’ fying choice of particular people 6°|, FARM LOANS 6 Loans on improved farms in South Georgia proinp* j made at lowest rates and best terms. Call on o write us stating your needs. : WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY- Barrow Loan & Abstract C°; "The Biggest Farm Loan Concern in Southwest Geore 14, PELHAM, GEORGIA. .