The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, December 21, 1916, Image 3

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The night before Christmas To Tiny Tot Town There came an old fellow Of world wide renown He filled all the stockings Right up to the brink Then spied Chero-Cola And sat down to drink I’m tired” he declared Then lips ’gan to draw I’ll soon be refreshed through This bottle and straw” Christmas Bainbridge, Ga. THE FARRAR LUMBER W C desire to correct impression th&.t we &re burned out &.nd out of the gfcme. We did h&.ve disastrous fire, losing Pluming Mill &.nd Kilns, but sfc.ved our shed full of dressed stock fcnd our sawmill. We hwe added numerous cars from our connections and secured some eight hundred thousand feet at the plant of Stuart Lumber Co., Brinson, and are now better prepared to serve our friends than at any time since we come to Bainbridge. We cater to local trade and at the same time are shipping houses to Athens, Greece. Farrar’s are born Lumbermsn and cant quit. THE FARRAR LUMBER CO. II SHOULD TAKE HOLD To as great a distance as De carur county, in the very south west corner of Georgia, the need of a bridge over the Alta- maha is felt. The Bainbridge Posh-SearchLight says: “It is to hoped that Savannah will succeed in getting that Al- tamaha river bridged before long as it will give the folks all a chance to learn more of their cheif port city. Many, many autos from this side of the state would pay regular visits to Sav annah but for this very reason. Savannah is so intermingled with our people and their prosperity the counties along the southern tier ought to take hold on this proposition. Some of them have taken hold and all that have not should do so without delay. The bridge will benefit Savannah, of course as well as, directly or indirectly, all the people on both sides of the river from Savannah to the Altamaha line. It is not diffi cult to see that the Altamaha is seriously impending progress, but even those who have studied the whole matter diligently will likely be surprised- at the results of building the bridge. Many persons have been unconscious of the loss they have sustained because of the great barrier, and will realize it only when there is no longer a barrier but a good and easy automobile route be tween Savannah and the verti- able south of the Altamaha.— Savannah Morning News. There !• more Catarrh In thli eection or the country than other diseases put together, and for rears It srt.i sup posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly Influenced by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine. manufactured by F. J. Cheney Sc Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional remedy, is taker internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars re ward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Send tor circulars and testimonials. / CHENEY Sc CO.. Toledo, Ohio. £>4* by Druggists, 35c. Hall's Family pills for constipation. CALLAHAN THEATRE Friday, December 22nd J. A. COBURN’S Greater Minstrels Bigger and better than Ever before. Advancad to the front line in minstrelsy 6—BIG MINSTREL-VAUDEVILLE ACTS—6 Ford, Mack & Simons, Lynch & Boyne Marvelous “TOLEDO” Letter Lucas Eddie Clifford, Ragapation Quartette Sensational “BUMP” Act STARTLING NEW ACTS GEORGEOUS SCENIC DISPLAY NEW SONGS, NEW JOKES CHARLEY GANG WITH THE Millionaire Hunt Club In India Prices 25c to $ 1.00 ♦ " * A Liquid Cold Cream For Skin Comfort If you would keep your skin soft, white and free from all roughness you should use Rexall Cream of Almonds A daintily perfumed, liquid Cold Cream, that is cleansing, sooth ing, cooling and healing and prevents chapping. It’s use renders face and hands soft and velvety. Rexall Cream of Almonds is sold only AT Chrlich *Druy Company The SgZgMc Store- HOLIDAY EXCURSION FARES ======== VIA ========= A. B. & A. Railway The A. B. & A. Railway will sell holiday excursion tick ets to all stations on its line and to many other destination in the southeast. Tickets will be sold December 20th to 25th inclusive, and will.bear return limit January 10th, 1917. Those persons contemplating holiday trips to distant points should call on ticket agent or write the undersigned as far in advance as possible, so that lull information may be furnished and tickets made ready for their trip. W. W. CROXTON General Passenger Agent, A. B. & A. Railway, Atlanta, Ga.