The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, December 21, 1916, Image 8

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TOO ilfliELL COUNTY T L L? John Stcadham Says He’s Gained 13 Pounds on 3 Battles—J. E. Culpepper Says, “I feel a Hundred Per Cent Better.” Statement after statement from all sections of Georgia are being made from day to day by people who have tried Tanlae and are willing to come forward and (ell other sufferers just what it. has done for them and these grateful testimonials have ac cumulated until there is hardly a county, village or cross-roads in this great state that lias not furnished a living witness to the remarkable powers of this medi cine. Only a few days ago at Pel ham, Mitchell county, Ga., two well known farmers and leading citizens, John Steadhain and J. E. Culpedper. made statements that have caused a great deal o talk in that section and indu ced hundreds of people to buy 'Jan lac. After stating candidly that he had gaitided fifteen pounds on three bottles of Tanlae, Mr. Stcadham went on to say: “When I begun taking this medi cine I. had suffered a good deal for (he last month or so and I was awfully pulled down and weakened by condition. I had pain.) in my muscles and joints something like neugalgia, and I was terribly nervous and feel ing just like 1 was suffering a regular breakdown. “Well gentlemen, three bottles of Tanlae have simply relieved me completely and built me up fine, ft’s a fine medicine and I want suffering people to know about it.” Mr, Culpepper, was also warm in his praise of this medicine. “Tank's:: has made me feel 100 better,” lu said, and ‘‘since tak ing a through course of it my general health has improved wonderfully. I’ve taken eight bottles of the medicine, for I felt bad and run down and my con stitution seemed to be under mined. Tanlae has built me up and f certainly do reccommend it because it’s a good medicine. I ha 1 suffered eighteen months and 1 was lucky to find out about Tanlae,” Tanlae, compounded from the most beneficial roots and herbs known to science is a power ful reconstructive tonic. It creat es a healthy appetite, builds up lb? system, purifies the blood, pronioks digestion ar.d invigor ates and re-vitalizes the system in a way that brings back the color to the cheeks and the sparkle of health to the eyes. Tanlae is sold in Bainbridge exclusively by Willis Drug Co., in Donalsonville by the Palace Drug Co; Climax by the Climax Pharmacy; Iron City, by Strick land & Cordell; Brinson, by II. B. Harrell Supply Co; Babcock, Ga, by Babcock Bros. Lumber Company; Eldorendo, Ga.,J. L. Smith. ! Section 1. Be it enacted bv the Geneial Assembly of the State of Georgia, that every parent, guardian or other person having charge and control of a child between the ages of eight and fourteen, who is not exempt ed or excused as hereinafter provided, shall cause the said child to be enrolled in and to attend continuously for four months of each year a public school of the district or of the city or town in which the child resides; which period of attend ance shall commence at the be ginning of the first term of said school in the year Such attend ance at a public school shall not be required where the child at tends for the same period some other school giving instruction in the ordinary branches of Eng lish education, or has completed the fourth grade of school work, as prescribed by the State Board Education, or where, because of proverty, the services of the child are necessary for the sup port of a parent or other mem ber of the childs family depend ent on such services, or when the parents or persons standing in parental relation to the child are unable to provide the neces sary books and clothing for at tending school and the same are not otherwise provided, or where the mental or physical condition of the renders such attendance impracticable or inepedient, or where the child resides more than three miles from the school house by the nearest traveled route, or where, for other good reasons (the sufficiency of which shall be determined by the board of education of the county or of the city or town in which the child reside) the said board ex cuses the child from such at tendance, such boards being authorized to take into considera tion the seasons for agricultural labor and the need for such labor, in exercising their discre tion as to the time for which children in farming districts shall be excused. Provided, that no guardian shall be compelled to send such child or children to school out of any other than the fund belonging to the ward or wards. Temporary absence Quick rCoid Relief-i 13 usually found through the prompt administration of a mildly laxative, dispersive tonic—one that will scat ter the inflammation, remove the waste, and help Nature to build up resistance. Peruna is That Tonic. Its action is prompt, usually very effective, and its use i3 without harm ful effects. Every household should keep it at hand for this purpose, and every catarrhal sufferer should reg ularly use this reliable remedy. The tablet form will be found very convenient. A tablet or two at the very beginning of a cold will fre quently prevent its development, and these tablets may be taken reg ularly with beneficial results. Mnnyprefer theliquid form which for nearly half arr-ntury has been tho reliance of tho American Home. Itoth are good. Your ufUKgiat. can supply you. Tho PERUNA CO. Columbus, Ohio Corns Loosen, Nothing But “GETS-IT” Will Do This to Corns and Calluses. —salves that eat . tho corn remaining-, cotton rinp;s that make your corns bulge out like pop- Yom Can’t Hide Corn MUery. Stop Fooling Around I Use “GETS-IT” Tonight and Soo til. Corns Vanish. eyes, scissors and knives that make - , corns bleed and Bore, harnesses and ot any child enrolled as a pupil bandages that fill up your shoe, press ..... i . „ „ j . ,i * • i on tho corn and make your foot feci may be excused by the principal; like a paving block, wimt-s the use? nr tiviohnr in rhomu nf tha 1 why not do what millions are doing, ut Itacnei 111 cnaige OI the | take 3 seconds off and apply "GETS- school, because of bad weather, 1IT ", it dries, you put your stocking sickness, death in the child’s far l ehoes aw Vo anrt family or other reasonable cause. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, or Cheap Larin Land That any parent, guardian other person who has cliaige and control of a child between the ages aforesaid, and who wilfully fails to comply with the foregoing requirements shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be puni shed by a fine not to exceed ten dollars lor the first offense, and not to exceed twenty dollars for each subsequent offense, said fines to include all costs; but the court trying the case may, in its discretion, suspend enforce ment 01 the punishment, if the child be immediately placed in attendance at a school as afore said and may finally remit the same if such attendance lias con tinued regularly for the number of months hereinbefore prescrib ed for attendance. School at tendance mav be proved by an attested certificate of the princi pal or teacher in charge of the hool. No person shall be prosecuted for violation of the foregoing requirements unless the board of education of the county or municipality in which the person accused of such vio- -. wear your regu lar shoes. Your corn loosens from the toe, it lifts right off. It’s pain less. It’s the common-sense way, tho in the world. It’s the national corn- cure. Never falls. "GET5MT" is sold and recommend ed by druKplHt/i everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent on receipt of price, B. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. Break your Cold or La- Grippe with a few doses of 666. dictment or accusation. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the county and municipal board of education to investigate as to the attendance and non-attend ance of children required by this Act to attend the schools under their supervision and it shall also be their duty to insti tute or cause to be instituted prosecutions against persons vio lating this act. It shall be the duty of the principal or teacher in charge of any public school which pupils between the ages of eight and fourteen years are instructed, to keep an ac curate record of the attendance of such pupils and at the end of each month to make a written report of the same to the board of education having supervision ation resides shall have cause to; 0 f the school and to note there- be served upon the accused, atjj n excused absences and the least ten days before such jiro- j ,-oascms therefor, sedition, a written notice of the Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, charge with the name of the t That all lines imposed hereunder child to whom it reters. Any i an( j a |i sums required to be paid person so notified, not previous-1 a s penalties under bonds given Iv convicted of voilation of this | un( j er this Act, shall, after pay- Act as to the child referred to \ meet ot the costs of prosecution in said notice, may prevent j anc j 0 ; recovery thereof, be paid prosecution on the charge set j ln to the county treasury and be- Well improved 770 rcre farm. One mile west from Eaceville, Ga. 155 acres in cultivation. Most of it stumped. Good red pebbly soil. Fronts on main graded public road. Quick sale for $5,500. See or write, J. B. L. Barber Hamit Building Bsmbriilge, Ga. Good for Coastipalion. Chamberlain’s Tablets are ex cellent for constipation. They are pleasant to take and mild and gentle in effect. Obtain able everywhere. out therein, by giving, at any time before such prosecution is instituted, a bond in the penal sum of fifty dollars payable to the ordinary of the county with security to be approved by the ordinary, conditioned that the said person shall thenceforth faithfully comply with the re quirements of this Act as to the said child. Each day’s wilfull failure of a parent, guardian or other person in charge and con trol of a child as aforesaid, alter the expiration of ten days from such notice, to cause the child to attend school, when such attendance is required by this Act, shall constitute a separate offense. In prosecutions under this Act the exemptions and ex cuses herein provided for shall be matters of defense to be established by the accused and need not negatived in the ip- fund come a part of the school of the county. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of this Act shall become operative on the first day of January, in the year nineteen hundred and seventeen. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the board of education of each county, at least four weeks be fore the first of January follow ing the adoption of this Act, to cause this Act to be published in a newspaper of the county, if there be one and to cause copies of this Act to be posted at the court house of the county and at the public schools thereof. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts in con flict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved August 19, 1916. N. E. Harris, Governor. We Now Have In ..STORAGE.. More than 40,000 pounds of Decatur County meat for curing under cold storage. Our plant contains the most modern and sanitary meat curing cold storage rooms to be found any where in the South. We real ized the necessity for providing this facility for the farmers of Decatur county and spar ed no expense. Our rate for meat storage is lc per pound for the first 30 days and 1-2c per pound per month after the first month. We are prepared to to take care of all the meat that is offered us. SSainbridge See Company Telephone 152 bainbridge:. GEORGIA. Give Her Kerns Candies For that Christmas Gift and you will satisfy her as well as make her happy. Not an expensive present but one that w ease her. We will have for the holidays a complete line of holiday candies^put up by this reliable concern and can supply your needs. A magnificent line of Toilet Articler willl be yours for the asking at most reasonable prices. Bainbridge Drug & Seed Company Bainbridge, Georgia.