The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, December 21, 1916, Image 9

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Han Inside ^ „ J The Collar Lin? to be pleased unless Hris laundered correctly, lot stiff enough, or if it F‘r edge and scratches C k there is going to be f We pay particular at- ■ to the way we launder land cuffs, and we don t ■- you send yours to us, 11 have any cause for Steam Laundry f Phone 58. @©6 ,6 prescription prepared ccpeciaUy l/ftlA or CHILLS A. FEVER. J,ix doaei, will break any caae, and ■then <ie 0 ionic the Fever will not T j, art* on the liver belter than lamldoes not gripe or sicken. '*• The present methods of school teaching is being scored all over the state by the press and it is high time that some of the new fangled ideas of the willie-boys and sissies just out of college were giving away to real old horse sense. You cant pick up a paper but what you read the complaint of some citizen on the methods. The teachers will not take time to explain to the children, anything and then when their parents do so Miss Smarty informs the child that its. parents are old fashioned and “we dont teach that way nowa days” and consequently the child is allowed to stumble along in dark. School teaching ought to be a more serious problem than dressing and attending social functions but the average town teacher dont seem to think so, nor do they seem to recall that their salaries are paid out of the tax payers purses and they are not above their employers. When a servant grows bigger in reality or in imagination than his or her employer it is time to get another servant. A NICE ROAST OR A RAKED FISH will take the place of that expen sive Christmas Turkey and comes a lots cheaper as well as tickle the palate more. Don’t spend your head off when we carry things that will please for less money. Our pork, sausage and meats are sup erb. Try them and see if you miss the cheer of the holidays, A Full Supply of Sausage Casings on Hand. THE PEOPLE’S MARKET PHONE 61 T g~ \ and Bad Colds are caused by germs. Fat I ^ VjflDDC Quick relie f take The Giant Grip Germ KMa Johnson’s Tonic SSe aol Mo. on* TttiioU 26' t SHOP EARLY AND BUY Aj PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ' f j GEORGE H. FIELDS The Store Where He Buys A Veritable Fairyland of Wonderful Styled and Fascinating Christmas Gifts. Jewelry Cuff Links SOc to $3.50 Scarf Pins. .. SOc to $2.50 Dress Sets $1.00 to $2.00 Sterling Silver Belt Buckles with belt $3.50 Knives & Ghains Big variety of the popular Knives and Vest Chains, also pencil and Chain. Prices $2.50 $3.50 $5 $7.50 Leather Goods -Men’s Traveling Sets $2 to $19 Men’s Military Brush. .$1 to $5 Card Cases SOc to -52.50 Bridge Sets $1 to $3 Trunk s & Bags Wardrobe and Steamer Trunks $10 to $25 Leather Suit Cases $7.50 to $15 Leather Bag Trunk $5 TO $25 N ckwear Of all Gifts, Rich Cravats head the list. We have a beautiful collection. Dazzling colors and designs, from 50c to $3.00 Silk Shirts A variety of Rich Silk and Silk Crepe, beautiful colors and designs. $3.50 to $6.50 Heelers And Mufflers Knitted or plain Silk, Angora, etc. Rich and Nobby. 50c $1 $1.50 $2 $3.00 House Slippers Feet Slippers in Grey, Oxford, Cardinal and Buckskin. The most comfortable slipper made. $1.25 AND $1.50 Bath Robes Of all the Gifts, none serves the two-fold purpose of necessity and comfort as the Lounging Robe and Smoking Jacket. Smoking Jackets $G.50to$10 Lounging aud Bath Robes $5 to $25 Silk Umbrellas Natural or Silver Tipped Handles $3.00 to $5.00 Useful Gifts Overcoats $12.50 to $25 Mackinaws $7.50 to UO Sweaters $1 to $9 (All Bradley Knit) Fancy Vests, in Neat and Snappy Patterns. Gloves. Dress, Auto and Work Gloves. Shoes, The Best on Earth. Hats. STETSON Enough Said. GEO. H. FIELDS “The Store For the Young Fellow and His Daddy” Callahan Block Bainbridge, Qa. BOSTON WOMAN REGCOM- MENDING it to HER FRIENDS ON THE [Aeon SITUATION Seretary L. C. Busch, of the Thomasville Commercial Asso ciation, has written Secretary Redfield, Department of Com merce; Secretary Wilson, Depart ment of Labor, and Attorney General Gregory, Washington protesting against the malicious of certain labor agents in south ern Georgia, north Florida and east Alabama, who claim to re present the big munitions manu facturers of Pennsylvania, New York and Connecticut. The activities complained of are that these agents deliberate ly spread false rumors or race riots, war against the blacks and such nefarious tales in order to persaude the poor negroes to leave their homes and property to go north to work in a cold and inhospitable climate. The police departments and sheriffs of all counties in the tenitory mentioned have been asked to interest themselves against these labor agents whose sole business seems to be spread- ind terror among the negroes with wild tales and lies not only about labor conditions in the states mentioned but also about what the future holds for the negro in the South. Odjection is not made so much to the labor going where it will but strendous efforts are being made to prevent the migration of labor because of false and un founded rumors industriously spread by these - . „ , who- agents some of .a are white and some negroes. The more intelligent among the negroes have joined in join ed in the movement and have advised their friends and neigh bors against going North be cause of fear of alleged bodily violence and maltreatment, which is wholly false and utter ly unfounded. That the activities of the labor agents has resulted in some well meaning and good intentioned negroes selling their property and leaving good pay ing jobs is well know and to prevent this uncalled for exodus of labor from the South this preventive measure has been taken. Ever Salivated by Calomel? Horrible! Calomel is quicksilver and acts like dynamite on your liver Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It’s mer cury; quicksilver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into sour bile-like dynamite, cramping and sickening you, Calomel attacks the bones and should never be taken into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your druggist sells for 50 cents a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and plesant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is gauranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivate. Don’t take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day,s work. Dodson’s Liver Tone straightens you up and you feel great. Give it to the children because it is per fectly harmless and does not gripe. MBS. SLACK’S LETTER To Mothers of Delicate Children Palmyra, Pa.-—"My little girl had a chronic cough and wai go thin you could count her ril>», and ghe had no appetite. Nothing we gave her gtomed to help her, until one day Mrg, Ncilx*rt asked me to try Vino], and now ghe is hungry all the time, her cough ig gone, slie is stouter and has a more healthy color. I with every mother who has u delicate child would try Vinol.”—Mrg. Alfbeu ,Slack. We guarantee Vinol, our non-eecret tonic, to make delicate childrcu healthy gnd strong. Willis Drug Co., Bainbridge, Ga. Also at the leading Drug Stores in all Georgia towns. Popular Boston Lady Says Tonolme las Proven a Godsend to Her. It is always interesting to> listen to the statements of our friends and especially when you know they are sincere and honest in what they say. Added inter est is created in a statement coming from one who has spent a lifetime in Boston, where she is well known socially. Such a person is Annie Stewart, who resides in Boston and is possesed of the respect and confidence of her associates, and is willing for anyone to call on verify the following signed testimonial. “I have suffered with stomach trouble for the past seven years. It took the form of indigestion and dyspepsia. I had dizzy spells and headaches and after I ate a little food it would ferment and cause gas to form in my stomach. I had pains all over my body and was chronically constipated. My liver was torpid and I felt generally miserable. I had doctored and had been in the hospital, but received no permanent relief. I was so nerv ous and restless that at night I could hardly sleep. The gas pressing under my heart caused palpitation and when I arose in the morning I was just as tired as when I retired. About two weeks ago I began to take to- noline and I can truthfully state that it has done wonders in my case. I am feeling like a new woman and can oat food. J * u *' ' -°f . . -.cep the night through and have no more aches or pains; in fact, it has cured me, and I am recommending it to all of my friends, as it has been a Gcd- send to me.” All gcod druggists sell and guarantee tonoline. There are numerous symptoms of this trouble that tonoline can relieve. In fact any of the following may denote affections of the stomach: Indigestion, dy spepsia, belching ot wind, bad breath, sick throbbing headache, poor circulation, night sweats, that tired feeling, costiveness, coated tongue or a poor complex ion. Caution:—As tonoline is re commended as a flesh builder those not wishing to increase their weight 15 pounds or more should not take it continuosly. NOTCIE! All the permissions heretofore given in writing or verbally to hunt on the lands owned by C. K. C. Ausley in Decatur county, Georgia are hereby revoked and canceled. All game wardens are hereby notified and directed to prose cute any and all persons hunt ing on my lands unless the per son present a written permit signed by me. No person other than myself is authorized to give permission to hunt on my lands and notice is expressly given that no verbal consent by me is valid or bind ing. I offer a cash reward of Five Dollars to any warden or per son upon prosecution to convic tion of any person hunting on my lands. I do not wish to prosecute any one so kindly be governed ac cording to this notice. C. K. C. Ausley. Winter Brings Colds To Children A child rarely goes through the whole winter withoug a cold and every mother should have a reliable remedy handy. Fever sore throat, tight chest and croupy coughs are sure symp toms. A dose of Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey will loosen the phlegm, relieve the congested lungs and stop the cough. Its antiseptic pine balsams heal and soothe. For croup, whooping cough and chronic bronchial troubles try Dr. Bell’s Pine Tar Honey. At all druggist, 25c. (3) 0RI0/1 LODGE t\o. S F. & A. M. Meets Every First and Third Thursday Nights Out of town Brethren Especial ly Invited. GEO. H. FIELDST V.BERKK, W. M. Sec'y.