The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, December 28, 1916, Image 3

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— ST *s " ash corn market x\t£ are affording the farmers of this W sec tion a market for sound white milling corn either shelled or in the ear, chucked, and are paying liberal prices. CALL OR WRITE THE Flint River Milling Co. [inbridge, sraiwaKBi Georgia iW §’/Ci a^OUR friends can buy anything you 'can .give them— except your photo- , graph. Make an appointment to-day. H. W. SOUTH PHOTOGRAPHER Bainbridge, Georgia LEGAL NOTICES Georgia, Decatur t.ounty:- Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge i^ said county on the lirst Tuesday in Jan. dur ing the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; A one-seventh interest in lots 1107 and 3114 in the 20th. district, Decatur County Ga., known as the Lou Jack- son estate. A one-seventh interest levied on as the property of Sim Jack- son to satisfy a ti fa in favor of D. A. Cohen. This Dec. 5th, 1016. Tenant in possession notilied. S. W. Martin, Sheriff. ainting g Decorating W E have added the departments of PAINTING and INTERIOR DE CORATING to our business. We select only the purest of paints. Our decorations are designed to harmonize with individual tastes. WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH Are surpervised by men highly skilled in their business. No matter how large or how small the contract, we live up to our reputation. We should be glad to consult with you on any improvements you are contemplating. Phe Richardson Engineering and Constructing Company r.NEAL BUILDING PHONE 305 BAINBRIDGE, GA. Saved Girl’s Life * “I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re- 5 |reived from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught," writes V *ks. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. ^ "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, fiver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught Jr paved my little girl’s life. When she had the measles, J Ittiey went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford’s Jj. IBlack-Draught made them break out, and she has had no S' pore trouble. 1 shall never be without ^ I _ THEDFORD’S • Lack-DraugHT m y home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzl- J nes s, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ^ ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved Itself a safe, J reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. S h you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- J draught. It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five J lears of splendid success proves its value. Good for ^ young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. ^ ^ *•«!««•«•«••••••••••«••• Imppe^ , - ns’ssmraJohnson's Tonic and Bad Colds are caused by germs. Fo* Quick relief take The Giant Gnp Germ Ki- *3 Georgia. Decatur County; Will he sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Jan. during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit; 2 wooden heJs and bedding, 2 trunks and contents, 3 straight chairs 1 Hocker and 1 center tabic. Levied on as the property of Owen and Susie Edwards to satisfy justice court (i fa in favor of Fred A. Cohen. This Dec. 5th, 1915, S. W. MARTIN, Sheriff, Georgia, Decatur county, Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Jan. dur ing the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; i! iron beds, 3 springs, 3 straight chairs, 1 Hocker, i2 combination mat tresses, 1 safe, I dining table, Levied on as the property of S. J. Salter to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Barker-Mo Caskill Co. This Dee, 2nd. 1910. S. W. MARTIN, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County: Will he sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Jan during the legal houra of sale the fol lowing described property to wit; Fifty acres of land located and being in the Southwest Corner of lot of land no. 34 in the 15th, district of Decatur county, Ga., Notice of levy posted on said land and elaimatUs II. G. Brock and W. A. Brock notified. Levied on under and by virtue of a fi fa of the Cairo Guano Company vs W. A. and H. G. Brock issued from the city Court of Bainbridge June term 1910. This Gth, day of Dec. 1916. S. W. Martin, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County: Will he sold before the court house door in and for said county on the first Tuesday in Jan. 1917, within the legal tiours of sale for cash to the highest bidder ail of the following property, to-wit 50 hushles of corn more or less, 300 bundles of fodder more or less, 1 old 2 horse wagon, 1 gray mule named Annie about S years old and one bay mule named Bill. Levied on as the property of John Long to satisfy an attachment in favor of E, D. Spooner. This December Gth. 1916. 8. W. .MARTIN, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Jan. 1917 during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit: One house and lot in the city of Bainbridge, said county. Lot number 8 in the Boozer subdivision of the city of Bainbridge and formerly owned by J. M. Laing. Levied on as the property of Wiil Howard to satisfy a laborer’s lien in fuvor of Will Rankin. Levy made by J. M. Vereen L. C. and turn ed over to the sheriff for advertising and sale. This Dec. Gth, 1916. S. W. MARTIN, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur county Will be sold before the court house door m the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Jan. du ring the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; 4 iron beds and bedding, 6 straight chairs and 5 rockers, 1 safe, 1 side board, 1 hall tree, 1 dining table, 1 stove and fixtures, 1 sewing machine. Levied on as the property of Mr. and Mrs. Iru Bell to satisfy a distress warrant in favor of 11. C. Mathis, Guardian. This Dec. 7th, 1916. W S. .MARTIN, Sheriff. APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE Georgia, Decatur County. W. T. Nicholson, guardian of W. B. and H. .1. Nicholson having applied to me to be discharged from such guar dianship, let all parties concerned show cause before me at the court house in said county on the first Mon day in January 1917 why such dis charge should not be granted. This Dec. 5th, 1916. , T. B. MAXWELL, Ordinary. LEAVE TO SELL Georgia, Decatur County. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell lands belonging to her wards Joseph M. and John D. Boston for the purpose of maintenance and education. 8aid ap plication will be heaul at the regular term of the Ordinary’s court held in and for the said Bounty on th# first Monday in January 1917, This Dee 5th, 1916. Mrs. Mollie Boston, Guardian for John D. and Joseph M. Boston. Gorgia, Decatur County Notice is hereby given that on the Fourth day of January, 1917, the undersigned will apply to His Honor W, M. Harrell, Judge of the Kujierior Court of said County, for leave to sell the follow ing property of her wards, Onedia Dollar and Norwood Dollar, minor children, to wit: A Two Thir tieths undivided interest in the estate of Adam Dollar, deceased, which con sists of Fifty r50) nerds of land in the Southwest comer of land lot Number Three Hundred and Five (305) and One Hundred and Eighteen (118) acres of land lot Number Two Hun dred and Fifty-six (256), all in the 16th, district of Decatur County, Georgia. Said property to be sold at private sale for the purpose of maintenance and education of petitioner’s said wards. MARY LOU DOLLAR, Guardian. “Goodnight Corns! We Usem-lt!”’ 3 Drops in 2 Seconds. That’s AIL “GETS-IT” Does the Rest. Never Fails. “Really, I never could seo how some few people uso the most dim- cult and gainful way they can find to pret rid or corns. Thoy’ll wrap their toes up with bandages into a package that HUs their shoes full of feet and makes corns so painful they.’vo got to walk sideways and wrinkle tip their faces. Or they use salves that eat right into the too and make it raw and sore, or thoy’ll uso piasters that mako the corns bulge, or pick and gouge* at their corns and make* the toes bleed Funny, Isn’t it? “GETS- IT” is the* simple, modern wonder for corns. Just out 3 drops on. It dries instantly. No pain, fuss or trouble. The corn, enlTn.q or wart loosens and GOmeson*. Millions use nothing clso. 1 ' "GETS-TT” is sold and recommend ed by druggists everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent on receipt of price, by! B.. Lawrenco & Co., Chicago, 111, ^^ TEACHERS INSTITUTE This is to announce that the annual institute for the white teachers of Decatur County wil be held the first week in January, 1st, to the 5th, inclusive. All white teachers of the county are invited and requested to attended the entire session under penalty as prescribed by the school re gulations. Supervisor F. E. Land of Macon will have the work in charge. It is hoped that every teacher will come full of en thusiasm and be prepared to at least offer one or more sugges' tionsto the other teachers of the institute along some subject in school work. Yours very truly, J. B. L. BARBER. Supt-EIect. Neglected Colds Grow Worse A cough that racks and irri tates the throat may lead to a serious chronic cough, if neg lected. The healing pine bal sams in Dr. Bell’s Pine Tar Honey—Nature’s own remedy- will soothe and releive the irri tation, breathing will be easier, and the antiseptic properties wifi kill the germ which retarded healing, Have it handy for the croup, sore throat and chronic bronchial affections. Get a bottle to-day. Pleasant to take. At all Druggist. 25c. (1) OUR BREAD deserves your immediate atten tion if you are looking for some thing jnst a little different and better quality than the bread you are using. It is a delicious loaf and will give you complete satisfaction. We say this be cause we know it to be true. If your grocer doesn’t keep it order it from this bakery. THE WHITEWAY BAKERY Nervons Women. When the nervousness is caus ed by constipation, as is often the case, you will get quick re lief by taking Chamberlain’s Tablets. These table also improve the digestion. Obtainable every where. CITATION—YEAR’S SUPPORT Georgia, Decatur County. The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months’ support to the family of Lewis Mathis deceased, hav ing been filed in my office, all persons concerned are cited to show cause by the 1st day of Jan, 1917, why said a[>- plication for twelve months’ support should not be granted. This Dec. 6, 1916, _T. B. MAXWELL, Ordinary * II W..I ■ • ’S BOLL PREPAREDNESS MEETING It is announced at the Georgia State College of Agriculture that arrangements have been made to hold a series of boll weevil preparedness meeting for farm ers and business men in Georgia. These meeting are to addressed by bankers, farmers and busi ness men who have met with success in dealing with financial changes in boll weevil territory in states west of Georgia. They come recommended by federal officials who have been in posi tion to study the weevils effects from Texas to Georgia. JThey are to be sent out under the di rection of the Extension Divi sion of the College of Agricul ture to tell business men the re sults of their experiences. It is believed that they will be wet corned by Georgia business men and farmers and given an inter esting hearing, lild hbj'ect, oi course, is to help the farmers as much as possible, to protect his resources by finding new bases for credit and to establish the best basis of credit possible for cotton under boll weevil conditions. In this campaign the ccrdial co-operation of business interests and tarmers as well, is being received. It is not an effort on the, part of the College to fix bases of credit but to provide the best information possible in helping farmers and business men to get together in an equit able way in view ot the disturb ed condition caused by the weevil. The dates of the meetings thus far are set as follows: Macon, January 22nd; Tifjon; Jan. 23 a. m.; Valdosta, Jan. 23 p. m.; Thomasville, Jan. 24 a. m. ; Quitman Jan. 24 p., m.; Bain bridge, Jan. 25 a. m.; Cairo Jan. 25 p. m.; Moultrie, Jan. 26; Al bany, Jan, 27; Cuthbert, Jan. 29 a. m.; Dawson, Jan, 29 p.m.; Americus, Jan. 20; Columbus, Jan. 31. Cough Medicine tor Children. Mrs. Hugh Cook, Scottsville, N. Y.. says: “About five years ago when we were living in Gaf- butt, N. Y., I doctored two or my children suflering from colds with Chamberlain’^ Cough Re medy and found it just as repre sented in every way. It prompt ly checked their coughing and cured their colds quicker than anything I ever used.” Obtain able everywhere. Calomel Salivates and Makes You Sick Acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver and you loose a day’s work There’s no reason why a per son should take sickening, sali vating calomel when 50 cents buys a large bottle of Donson’s Liver Tone—a perfect substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it does not make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson’s Liver Tone be cause it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your banes. Take a dose of nasty calomel today and you will feel weak sick, and nauseated to morrow. Dont loose a day’s work. Take a spoonful of Dodson’s Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling gaeat. No more bili ousness, constipation, slugglish- ness, headaches, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don’t find Dodson’s Liver Tone acts better than the horrible calomel your money is waiting for you. CAN’T LOSE HAIR TwentyYears from Today a Baldheaded Man Will Be an Unusual Sight. One of the most prominent druggists of America made a statement a few weeks ago which has caused a great deal of discussion among scientists in the medical press. He said: “If the new hair grower, Mildredina Hair Remedy, increases its sales as it has dur ing the past year, it will be used by nearly every man, woman and child in America within eight years. "When Mildredina Hair Re medy is used almost universally, dandruff will disappear and with its departure baldness, itching sCalp, splitting hair and all scalp diseases will follow and twenty years from now a bald head will be a rarity.” There is only one way to cure dandruff, and that is to kill the germs. There is only one hair preparation that will kill the germs and that is Mildredian Hair Remedy. This unusual hair restorer with its record of thous ands of cures wifi grow hair on any head where there is any life left; it cure dandruff, stop falling hair and itching of the scalp in three Vveexs of money bacKV It is the most pleasant and in vigorating tonic, is not sticky, or greasy and is used extensively by ladies of refinement who de sire to have and to keep their hair soft, lustrous ard luxuriant. Fifty cents for a large bottle druggists everywhere. Mail or ders filled by American Pro prietary Co., Boston, Mass. CUT THIS OUT. FREE to show how quickly Mildredina Hair Remedy acts, we will send a large sample free by return mail to anyone who sends this Coupon to American Proprietary Co., Boston, Mass., with their name and address and ten cents in silver to pay postage. KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health is Worth Saving and Sow Bainbridge People Know How to Save it. Many Bainbridge people take their lives in their hands by neglecting the kidneys when they know these organs need help. Weak kidneys are respon sible for a vast amount of suffer ing and ill health—the slightest delay is dangerous. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills—a remedy that has helped thousands of kidney suff erers. Here is a Bainbridge citi zen’s reccommendation. Mrs. E. H. Daniel, 154, Wash ington St., Bainbridge, says: “Some years ago, I was suffering Irom a serve pain through the small ot my back. Black specks floated before my eyes and my sight became blurred. The kid ney secretions were two trequent in passage and scanty. Doan’s Kidney Pills gave me great re lief.” Price 50c at all dealers. Don’t simply a3k for a kidney remedy —get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same kind that Mrs. Daniel had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buf- alo, N. Y. The Man Inside The Collar is not going to be pleased unless that collar is laundered correctly. If it is not stiff enough, or if it has a razor edge and scratches the neck, there is going to be trouble. We pay particular at tention to the way we launder collars and cuffs, and we don’t think if you send yours to us, you will have any cause for complaint. Dixie Steam Laundry Phone 58.