The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, December 28, 1916, Image 6

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Ah! That’s what Everybody that tries Luzianne votes it the best of all coffees. You try it—at our risk. If, after you have used the entire contents of one can ac cording to directions, you are not satisfied with it in every way, throw your can away and ask your grocer to refund your money. He’ll do it willingly. Write for premium catalog. ‘ 1JJZIANNB COFFEE The Reily Taylor Co. New Orleans ^ “There Goes That Telephone Bell!” callers or right in the midst of some important task. But you’ve got to go to that telephone,—and the stairs have got to be climbed, whether you like it or not. Now you don't try to get along with one water faucet,— why with one telephone? Why not have an Extension Wall Telephone to bring the calls to you? Save the wearing tramp up stairs, or down. Have;a Bell Telephone at your elbow, always. $1.00 per month in residences. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 'WAWWV WWW VWVWVWV^ ...THE... Bainbridge Hospital Well Equipped • Prices Moderate 527 E. Shotwell Street (NON-SECTARIAN) AAA AAA wm A AAA AAA AAA i 6°o FARM LOANS 6 # 0 Loans on improved farms in South Georgia promptly made at lowest rates and best terms. Call on or write us stating your needs. —WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Barrow Loan & Abstract Co. “The Biggest Farm Loan Concern in Southwest Georgia.” PELHAM, GEORGIA. If you havn’t paid your subscription tc The Post-Search Light You had better do so before Jan. 1st, as it will be $1.50 after then, PEANUT CULTIVATION Have your land well drained, break broad cast as deep as possible and as early as possible. Prepare your land for planting by laying off with middle buster, three to three and one half feet wide; plant on top of the bed in the center between the middle buster furrows, with a Cole planter, drop your peanuts from 8 to 12 inches apart, do not cover them too heavy. CULTIVATION; Examine the peanuts a few days after they are planted and as soon as you see they are sprouting run a Little Joe Harrow over the row dragging off all clods and mak ing a good smooth surfice, for for the peanuts to come through, you might nan another harrow as soon as you see them coming thi'ough the ground and every time it rains you should run a harrow over them as quick as dry enough. You ought to be able with moderate seasons to cultivate your peanut crop with out putting a hoe into them, as soon as they begin to bunch large enough run around them very close with a scrape, then as often as they need cultivation run a scrape around them until you have laid by. We plant from the middle of April to the first of June, or course you would have to be governed by the seasons. About one and one half bushels of unshelled peanuts properly shelled would seed one acre of land. GATHERING. We gather with a peanut plow made by C. Billups Sons & Co., Norfolk, Va., especi ally made for this purpose and it is a great success, the plow is so simple, any common hand will know what to do with it as soon as he goes in the field, About October first is the time to start gathering in this section. STACKING. Have your stack poles about 7 or 8 feet high, nail 2 slats across shout 12 inches from the ground, stock your peanuts the same day plowed up if they are not wet peanuts, next tc> stack pole, cover the top of pole with pleanty of grass or peanut vines and they will keep indefinitely. We make in this section frem 30 to 75 bushels to the acre I would say 50 bu. average. We are getting for our peanuts this season from 1$74.00 to $80.00 per ton, all of our peanut grow ers are making money and I believe before many years that the peanut growers will be the money lenders of the country. We find peanut growing very much more profitable than we did cotton before the advent of tue boll weevil. PICKING. We use the Bent- hall peanut picker make in Suf folk, Va., by the Benthall Mac hine Co This is only picker that we have ever seen that nas been a success in peunut picking, pea nuts picked on a Benthall Picker are worth 10 cents per bushel more than peanuts picked on any other machine. Sloan’s Liniment Eases Pain. Sloan’s Liniment is the first thought of by mothers for bumps bruises, and sprains that conti nually happening to children. It quickly penetrates and soothes without rubbing. Cleaner and more effective than mussy plast ers or ointments. For rheumatic aches, neuralgia pain and that grippy sorenes after colds, Sloan’s Liniment gives prompt relief. Have a bottle handy for bruises, strains, sprains, and all external pain. For the thou sands whose work calls them outdoors, the pains and aches following exposure are relieved by Sloan’s Liniment. At all Druggist, 25c. (1) ’Jo. 636 Thi» i. a prescription prepared apeciclly <r MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. ive or tir dotes trill break any case, end f taken then at a tonic the Fever will no -turn. It acts on the liver better than 'slomel and docs not gripe or sicken. ? c * APPRECIATION That the farmers of Decatur county ap preciate the excellent facilities that have been provided in our plant for meat curing is evidenced by the fact that more than nine ty thousand pounds of meat have been plac ed in storage for curing during the past six ty days. No other cold storage plant in Georgia is equipped to handle the farmers’ meat in as perfectly sanitary and highly satisfactory manner as is the plant built for the farmers of Decatur county. We want to again remind you that our meat curing plant is kept open for business throughout the entire year and that you can now be making plans for having hogs ready for killing next summer when meat will com mand a higher price than it does during the winter -season. ffiainbridge ^ce Company Telephone 152 BAINBRIDGE. GEORGIA. w ANNOUNCEMENT On January 15th, 1917, the Manufac turers of the Incomparable BUieK Will increase the Price on the following Models, delivered in Eainbridge as follows: D 34—4 Cylinder Runabout - D 35—4 “ Touring Car - D 44—6 “ Runabout D 45—6 “ Touring Car - - $ 735.00 750.00 - - 1,115.00 - 1,145.00 Remember Buick is still worth more than the price. We can possibly take care of a few orders before January 15th, at the old price. P. T. RICH Bainbridge, Georgia.