The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, December 28, 1916, Image 7

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Serve$ at soda founts anil refreshment stands—the sanitary 'way— WITH NO EAD AFTE# EFFECT. 'In a Bottle through a Straw 1 DRfNtC 'a rker-McCaskill Furniture Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Calls answered in city and anywhere in sur- Lnding country. A full assorted line of metal and V ood Caskets in colors of Black, Grey, and White, large line of childrens Caskets and Robes carried stock. Motor Hearse for city and country use at the ame price charged for horse drawn hearse. Corn- Lent Funeral Director always in attendance day br night. OUR AIM IS TO SATISFY Parfcer-McCaskill Furniture Cu. Mr. Marion Bradely, of Grand- ridge. Fla., made a short call over to Fairchild last Saturday. Quite crowd came over to Fairchild from Jackson county Fla., last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Turnnge and sister Velmer, visited Mr. J. T. Paugh and family last Friday, and attended the dance at Chattahoochee Friday night. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS luay Phone 229 BAINBRIDGE, GA. Night Phone 413 A Liquid Cold Cream For Skin Comort If you would keep your skin soft, white and free from all roughness you should use Rexall Cream of Almonds A daintily perfumed, liquid Cold Cream, that is cleansing, sooth ing, cooling and healing and prevents chapping. It’s use renders face and hands soft and velvety. Rexall Cream of Almonds is sold only AT Chrlich *Druy Company The Store )AL AND WOOD juy from us, we handle the best, famous Montevallo Goal and licest clean free burning house and stove wood (oak and pine) at lowest market price. 14, 18, AND 24 INCHES ne and Oak $3.50 the Cord CASH ON DELIVERY . We prefer to sell you wood as it teeps all the money at home. wer Fuel Company 23I-J—Two Phones—407 EXTRA POWER; NO EXTRA COST ( The 5-passenger 6-30 Chalmers is rated at 30 h.p. It’s remarkably sim ple engine develops well over 45 h.p. So that you get extra power without £extracost. Aqualitycar. 0nly$1090. Detroit) FUNDERBURK & HARDAGE WHEN THEY PROSPER WE ILL REJOICE One of our former citizens that went to Florida and made good in his way of farming and as soon as prosperity smiled on him he at once began to think of the old county paper. They will all do it. The following letter from Mr. J. H. Perritt shows that a Decatur county cracker can do anything that he wants to do and do it successfully. Post-Search Light, Bainbridge, Ga., Dear Sir—After having made good on my fall lettuce crop, which makes me feel good and I will try to help your feelings just a little too. Hence I am sending check to cover back subscription and pay one in ad vance. Who is doing any better than that in old Decatur? Hoping you a happy Xmas and a prosperous new year. Yours Truly. J. H. Perrittr FAIRCHILD FACTS Messrs, Boyd and B. E. Turn- age visited their grandmother, Mrs- E. F. Nichols at pellwood, Fla., last week. Charlie Coleman, Jr., visited his brother, R. L. Coleman, at Apalachicola, during the holi days. Chester Paugh spent Christ- at Fairchild. Mr. Glasglow and family of Blountstown, Fla , has moved to our neighborhood, and will now hold a position with the Fair- child Navel Stores Co. We wish them to be pleased in our midst and extend to them welcome. Mrs. J. W. Whitaker, was called to the bedside of her sick mother, Mrs. Jno Brown, near Bainbridge last week. Mrs. Brown is an aged lady and has a host of friends at Fairchild that wish her to revive and get well again soon. Statement of the Condition of the CITIZENS BANK Located at Brinson, Ga., At the close of Business, Dec. i2th, 19Hi RESOURCES Time Loans, - Overdrafts, secured Overdrafts, unsecured Banking House - Furniture and Fixtures, Other Real Estate Due from Banks and Bankers i State, - Due from Banks and Bankers in other States, ------ Currency Gold, Silver, Nickels, etc. Cash Items, Advance on Cotton TOTAL. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid In, Undivided Profits, less Current Ex penses, Interest and Taxes Paid, Individual Deposits Subject to Check, Time Certificates, - • Certified Checks Cashier’s Cheeks, - - - Notes and Bills Rediscounted, Bills Payable, including: Time Certifi cates leprescntinK Borrowed money TOTAL. - 4D.74r,.r,8 State op Georgia—County of Decatur: Before me camu A. Y. Jones, Cash ier of the Citizens Bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bunk. A. Y. Jones, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 20, day of Dec. 11)10. O. J. King, Notary Public, Decatur County, Ga Statement of the Condition of Farmers Bank Located at Climax, Ga., At the close of business Dec. 12, li)10 2,000 00 82,604.88 070.01 2,000.00 2,059.62 RESOURCES* Demand Loans Time Loans Overdrafts, unsecured Bonds and stocks owned by tiie bank Banking house. Furniture and Fixtures, Other real estate Due from hunks and bunkers in this stute. Due from banks and bankers in other states, Currency, 3,145.00 Hold, 102.50 Silver, nickels etc, 916.30 Cash Items 300.00 Advances on Cotton 2,000.00 6,462.86 Prolit and l.oss Total, i.iABrr.rriKs. ('upital stock paid in, 115,000,00 Surplus Fund 4,811.18 5,641.79 757,200.81 People Ask Us what is the beat hair tonic. We always recommend • * _ A \ HAIR TONIC We know the formula and it is a good one. Sold only by us, 50c and $1,00. MILLS PHARMACY Callahan Bldg. Bainbridge, Ga. RUB-MY-TISM—Antiseptic, Relieves Rheumatism, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc. I'mlividcd profits, less enrrent expenses interest and taxes pair!, 3,425.35 Due to banks and bankers in other slates Individual deposits subject to check, 27,389.08 Saving deposits Time certificates, 11,250.31 Certified Checks < 'ashler's cheek, 135.50 Notes and Bills Rediscounted Bills payable, including tim# certificate representing bor rower! money Total, *57,200.81 Before me came R. R. Davis, cashier of the Citizens Bank, who be ing duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true con dition of said hunk, as shown by the books of tile in said bank. W. B. Johnson. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 20th day of Dec.* 1916. C. A. Knight J. P. Subscribe for The Post- Search Light. “The Big Paper” and get the county news. Scrap Iron and Junk There is money for you in junk » gh that you will otherwise throw away. ? n If you have a lot of old junk that is in your way let us know, bring it to us and we will pay you a good price for it. A good chance to get mon ey that you did not expect. Bring it to us and get a little extra change for your holiday needs. A few dol lars more than you figured on will help. Bainbrigde Metal Ga. S. J. MYERS, Manager. Yard, near the Laundry.