The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, September 26, 1918, Image 7

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THE BAINBRIDGE POST-SEARCH LIGHT Bainbridge Storage Battery “Official Willard Service Station. 99 Company SOLE AGENCY for the “WILLARD” Storage Battery QTANDARD Equipment of over 140 makes of Cars. Eighty-five Per Cent of ALL CARS are equipped with “Willards —-tne only complete rubber insulated Battery in existence. Call and let our Manager tell you how to care for your Battery. It’s FBEE and cheerfully given. EZ” | ^ JUT £ZT CZ Ur UD \ / I fZ" It does not matter whether your Battery is | * \ t 7- t *■— *—• f \ V I L— a Willard or not, we will test it and keep it filled with distilled water at all times FREE OF CHARGE. We Recharge, and Repair all makes of Batteries at a reasonable cost. The Williard Company makes a Battery to lit every known ear, this includes yours. When you need a new one let it be a Universal Willard. Our Mr. Castleberry will give you his honest candid advice at all times concerning your Battery. We have rented Batteries to keep your car going while charging yours. This is the Official “Willard Service Station and Sales Agency. LET US TELL YOU ABOUT THE “WILLARD!” Bainbridge Storage Battery Co. Manager. North Boad Street. Next Door to Cox’s Stable Life Was a Misery Mrs. F. M. Jones, of Palmer, Okla., writes: “Prom the time I en tered into womanhood • . .'I looked with dread irom one month to the next. 1 suffered with my back and bearing-down pain, until life to me was 8 misery. I would think I could not endure the pain any longer, and 1 gradually got worse. . . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, . «. . 1 decided to jCocctl and ^Personal: Mrs. Lula Fleming returned to her homo on Shotwell St., Monday after a pleasant visit to her brother, Mr. J. L. Dickenson, in Donalsonville. You are expected to buy more stamps. Buy until it hurts and keep on buying. When the ladies in the country rtill on you to subscribe for a bond do not refuse if you have any income. Eve rybody must do their best. Mr. J. L. Dickenson, a cordial mer chant of Donalsonville, was in the eity for a while Monday afternoon on bus iness and greeting his many friends. Mr. G. G. Gardner, of Brinson, was a pleasant caller at the Search Light office Monday. Mr. Gus Kornman, and family, left Saturday night for Nashville, Tcnn., where they will make their future home. Miss Myrtle Kornman gave up a splendid position as bookkeeper. Their many friends will miss them but wish for them success in their new home. Mrs. H. L. Cans returned from Col umbus Thursday after a severul days’ visit. She and her Hon, Eugene Zach- arias, spent a few days in Atlanta where Eugene entered the senior class at Tech. Mr. M. E. Tolsom spent several days out of the city lust week on business. Mrs. E. Grigg Elcan returned las 1 week from a visit to relatives in Ab beville, Alu. VINOLMS WEAK WOMEN STRONG Positive—Convincing Proof F01L0W r ™FLAG ^FRANCE FERSHING S CRUSADERS” TAKE ie Woman’s Tonic “ I look lour bottles," Mis. Jones goes on to 53 y, "and was not only peally relieved, but can Truthfully say that 1 have # ot a pain. . , “ It has now been two years since I tookCardui, and 1 am still in good health. . . I would ad vise any woman or girl to use Cardui who is a •offerer from any female trouble.” 11 you suiter pain caused hom womanly trouble, or •t you feel the need of a good strengthening tonic to build up yourrun-do wn System, take the advice oi Mrs. Jones. Try Car dui. it helped her. We believe it will help you. A ' i \ \ i y A\ v k ' \ \ \ j ■ M ■ w\ u A A rav ; f 1 \\ :u /w\\> \ U I \ \ V £/\\, 'j /ylYL L.U -.'ll V/e publish the formula of Vinof to prove convincingly that it haa the power to create strength. T> Cod Llvrr end Beef Peptone*, Iron “ nnd Manganese Peptonate*, Iron and Ammonium Citrutu, Lmio and Soda Glycerophosphates, Cascario. Any woman who buys a bottle of Vinol for a weak, run-down, nervous condition and finds after giving it a fair trial it did not help her, wQl have her money returned. You see, there is no guess work about Vinol. Its formula proves there is nothing like it for all weak, run-down, overworked, nervous men and women and for feeble old people and delicate children. Try it once and be convinced. WILLIS DRUG COMPANY And Druggists Everywhere F. E. STRICKLAND Farm and City Loans at 6%. OFFICE IN COURT HOL’BB < All Druggists *** pay yeur subscription NOW. \ QaUahan Theatre OIVE DaY ONLY! Thursday, Oct 3rd. Four shows 3-5* 7 and 9 p. m. admission 25c and 50c, Plus 5c to cover war tax. Mr. Wnlter J. Brackin spent sev eral days in Atlanta last week <m matters of interest to himself and the Bainbridge people. Everyone in the county should make an effort—and hard one—this week to buy all the W. 8. S. they possibly can. It helps Uncle Sam as well as saves your money. Buy till it hurts. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy This is not only one bf the best a* most efficient medicines for cough colds, croup aad whooping cough, bi is also pleasant to take, which important when a medicine must I given to young children. Chantbe Iain’s Cough Remedy has been in ai for many years and has met wil much favor wherever its good qoal ties have become known. Mar mothers have given it their uiMjual fied endorsement. Wn. Sc ruby, Cbi licothe, Mo„ writes, "I have raiM three children, have always un Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy an found it to be the best for cough colds and croup. It is pleasant 1 take. Both adults and children Hk it. My wife and I have always fe safe from croup with it in the houaa. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy oar tains no opium or other narcotic.