The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, October 17, 1918, Image 11

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ii% nmmvmm nvnmnmen jhtjht HoalisY/ Luzianne, Coftel” i poT of steaming, stimulating A Luzianne Coffee set before “a intleman and a judge of fine coffee." I finer hot beverage than good, old Luzianne never existed. Luzianne tastes all the way down ,ad you say ‘ <Sct ’ era U P again.” Buy a can of Luzianne Coffee. Jf you ean’t honestly say that it’s the best cup of coffee that ever passed your lips, tell your gvocor you're not satisfied and heU give you back your money on the spot please try Luzianne. Tsa"! Kim it, you will. In clean, air-tigLt tinu. Decatur County Boys* Address Desired Send This Paper the Name of Your Loved One and His Address and Your Friends Will Thank You Several have requested that we write an article asking the parents, and ralatives in the county, who have a loved one "somewhere in France,” j to write this paper giving the name | and full address of this young man j enabling this paper to get a complete list of every Decatur county boy now ^ in France. Requests similar to this have been made before but the re-j sponse has not been what it should be throughout the county. Will you not give us the name and address of your boy or relative in France. j Several patriots in the county are most desirous of learning the address 1 of every boy in France in order that they can write them. Will you not grant this urgent request? There are boys in the county who rarely ever get a letter from friends at home for the simple reason that these friends do not know their ad dress. Please attend to this matter at once. For Sale 1918 seven passenger Stude- Run less than 1008 miles, A B in for cash. See me at once. W. A. PITTMAN. SES AND PAIRS fflCKLY RELIEVED iu’11 find Sloan’s Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache Hit it on' freely. Don't rak ft IS. t let it fmttraU naturally. What • « of soothing relief soon follows! external aches, stiffness, soreness^ raped muscles, strained sinews, ck "cricks"—those ailments can't it off the relieving qualities of an'a Liniment. Clean, convenient, Doomical. Ask any druggist for it. Sloan’s Liniment Kills Pain Brinson Red Cross Auxiliary Responds The Brinson ladies always respond nobly to every patristic call made upon them. Last week when they were asked to contribute Red Cross articles to help the Rainbridge chap ter of the American Red Cross, in supplying the hospitals in France, The ladies belonging to the Brinson Auxiliary went right to work and cheerfully got up the articles which, were asked of thme to furnish. Eve ryone responded gladly. The follow ing articles were given. 18 sheets; 19 towels; 40 handker chiefs. GOOD TO THE LAST DROP MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE! ASK YOUR GROCE Demonstration Kitchen The demonstration kitchen at the Fair was directly under the super vision of Miss M. Stella Mathew*. She was ably assisted by many de monstration club members through out the county, who proved their efficient work through their demon strations. Each day new things were demonstrated including cottage cheese, peanut hatter, wheat substitutes, breads, drying demonstration and fireless cooker demonstrations and it was really gratifying to the Home Demonstrator, Miss Mathews, te see what a creditable showing her de monstration club members made. Ladies in Decatur Co. Have Raised $12,400.00 The Committees in Iron City, Brinson, Attapulgus and Bainbridge Have Raised This Amount Woman’s work in Decatur county, of whom Mrs. C. S. Hodges, of Cy- rene, is chairman, has eertainly amounted to something for the dif ferent committees, through continued efforts and work, have raised in Iron City, Brinson, Attapulgus and Bain bridge $12,400.00. It has not been the intention of any of these ladies, forming any committee, to slight a ■ingle home, and if for some reason, you have been slighted, see one of the ladies, and tell her that you want a bond. The ladies of Desatur county have helped wonderfully in this drive and they expect to do even more. The following towns have the fol lowing chairmen who are looking after woman’s work in Decatur county. Attapulgus—Mrs. C. R. Cook. Bainbridga—Mrs. L. Friedman and Mrs. A. D. Graves. Brinson—Miss Theo Murphy. Climax—Mrs. B. B. Jiffinson. Donalsonville—Mrs. A. R. Benton. Eldorendo—Mrs. W. .1. Pridgen. Fowlstown—Mrs. J. H. McLauchlin. Faceville—Mrs. J. H. Crawford. Iron City—Mrs. .7. T. Ljfcie. Belcher—Mrs. Will Harrell. Pine Hill—Mrs. T. E. Rich. Spring Creek—Miss Ruth Voorhies. Steam Mill—Mrs. Tom Gibson. “T^\R. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin has proved more satisfactory than any other laxative I have ever used. The other members of my family also use it and we re commend it highly.” ( From a Utter to Dr Caldwell written by' Mr. Charles Fenske, 5005 N.5th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ) HOLLY CAMP NO. 28. Woodmen «□» World Meets Second and Fourth Monday Nights. Visiting Sovereigns Always Welcome. w. j. (’ATi.KDOR'.Council Commander. J. H. HANCOCK, clerk. Charles Harrison Killed In France The many friends of Mr. Joe S. Harrison, the welt known shoe sales man that haa been traveling this section for many years will learn with deep rqgret that his son, Charles Harrison, was killed hi action in France, Sept. 12th. The Mow is hard one to Mr. Harrison and he has the sympathy of the people over his territory. For many years he has been deeply interested in the welfare of nearly everybody living in this part of the state ami in his sad hour he has many friendB that feel deeply for him. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative ■" 1 Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (mS) $1.00 A combination of simple laxative herbs witK pepsin that acts in an easy, natural way, and is as safe for children as it is positively effective on the strongest constitution. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington Street, Monticello, Illinois. FARM LOANS “GET WHAT YOU BORROW” - ^ “BORROW WHAT YOU WANT” Interest 8 Per Cent, no Commission. Loans Made in Grady, Miller and Decatur Counties. , W. V. CUSTER, Bainbridge, Ga. NOTICE! The THIRD DIVISION of Decatur county Sunday ScboolB will hold its Semi-annual Convention at Mariola Church, Bingen, Ga., Sunday, Octo ber 13th; hours 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. All are cordially invited to attend. PERUNA and MAN ALIN Cured Me Mrs. E. M. Harris, R. R. No. 3, Ashland, Wis., sands a message of cheer to the sick: "After following your artvloa and using Peruna and Manalln, I iru cured of catarrh of the ■•»»•* throat and stomach, from which I had suffered for acveral year*. When I commenced taking Pe- 1 bed low I Catarrh of the Note, Throat sad Stomach. do all my work and am In good health. 1 recommend thfta valu able remedy to all suffering from any dUeuee of the etomaclu” Peruua la Hold ICverywher Liquid or Tablet Form ‘Money Makes the Ships Go t 97 By CHARLES. M. SCHWAB ” Despite the fact that we have made real progress in upbuilding, it must be remembered by every patriotic American that the need for ships increases proportionately ;ith the increase in the size of our fighting forces overseas. Unsporting troops to Europe is only one-fourth of the task our shipping facilities must bear. The other three- ^rths is the carrying of supplies and munitions of war. Ships cannot be built without money. In war time jt kes a great deal of money. Undoubtedly after the war is over the ships that we are building now will pay for them selves many times over. But the immediate need is money and the whole-hearted support of the entire nation. If the American people could visualize what has been* done in our shipyards with the money that they invested in the first Liberty Loans, I am sure they would be as proild and as enthusiastic as I am. The ships that we have built and are building should persuade the most cautious investor to put his money into Liberty Bonds of the fourth issue. \Buy Liberty Bonds—They Are the Best Investment in the World! This Space Contributed to Winning the War By D T SUTHERLAND‘‘MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY