The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, October 17, 1918, Image 13

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fc-pn Association Very Interesting i5t tu^enAssociation con- «' f arm el church six miles “Vvewton on October 9th. > ** was small, but the ‘ wJs pood. and »" enjoyabla ’ session was held Col. N nleton. 5 of Colquitt, was elected ‘ P . and Rev. Christopher, of \ v . iS elected clerk. These ^have each served in this ca- for several sessions, which I 5 f the jr efficiency and the es- f! which they are held. The in- sermon was preached by Hell ; ministers were Rev. Edens, (a , and Rev. Taylor, of Mon- the former is enlistment PL of the State Board and add- jJlv to the interest of the As- , by his speeches. He also r, t )j P Misionary sermon. The 'p ok e in the interest of the ttian lndcN- . attending from Bainbdige "lj eV ii. H. Shell, Mr. and Mrs. ■’ Callahan. T. W. Salter, W. C. L p vooii. .1 0. Cliett and W. J. Ivan. They were pleasantly en- Ijned in the home of Senator J. Korn The good people of the com- L, did all they could to make Lsant for the people. The enter- Xent was superb. L ncx t session will be held with ■Baptist church at Iron City. Association is one of the old- t south Georgia, and has been a |ty factor for good in this sec- It is composed of the Baptist Ithes of Decatur county, and has Jehes in Baker, Miller, Early, and |v counties. It is doing a good ; in supplying needy and desti- places with the gospel. W. J. Sullivan. ION JUICE IS IECKLE REMOVER Make This Cheap Beauty Lo- l to Clear and Whiten Your Skin lueeze the juice of two lemons into little containing three ounces of lard white, shake well, and you j a quarter pint of the best freckle (tan lotion, and complexion beau s', at very, very small cost, lour grocer has the lemons and (drug store or toilet counter will ply three ounces of orchard white i few cents. Massage this sweet- (racrant lotion into the face, neck, and hands each day and see I freckles and blemishes disappear ] how clear, soft and white the I becomes. Yes! It is harmless. tfegro House Burns seems to hold true that when one occurs in Bainbridge, two invar- r follow in succession. The third occurred Saturday morning when gro house on Bruton St., was com- !y consumed by flames. The it seems, originated from the en flue, and all of the efforts of lire department were to no avail neighbors managed to save prac- y all of the household furnish- including a new piano. WE BUY LD FALSE TEETH '* pay from $2.00 to $5.00 per set le or not). We also pay actual e for Diamonds, old Gold, Silver Bridge-work. Send at once by d post and receive cash by return ZER’S TOOTH SPECIALTY I>ept. X, 2007 So. 5th St. PHILADELPHIA. PA. B*MVaUb*rt| v Bofflo for Oonot • Only One Genuine “Corn- Pteler"-Th%fe "Gete-It," banana? That's the Gets-n peels off corns. It'e i2i. y „. corn treatment that will. U a guarantee that you or have to gonge, pi 1 ihe V? ut vour corns. It j _ a corn Phasure of getting I R is o* sur ® to get -Qe I* ha j,../ wonderful formi T’vel iy/, ad , 6 . ’Gets-It*’ the c< .i, 1 11 la. used by mi ht On other corn tre; g r ffjih. A few drops on a c i, ca , * u *' that’s all. It ca can it .Painless, eases pa "i”ev. k J c . k S-our “corny" t n ln tight shoes, and y( L*>“ad »L cniclf Y you. You < rlisu f w-ork, dance, live, li though without cor rk .• guaranteed, mon ' tot',*h/f m ? ver . the only s bv £ fUt a trifle at any drug eti - — Lawrence A Oo« Chlosgo, Automobile Painting and Rebuilding Shop I have opened a place on Water street where I am fully prepared in every detail to make your car “Just Like New.” I refinish the top—all uphoUtemg—all plated parts, take out all dents where possible, give you any color you may select. I have enough stock for a year’s big busi ness. This stock is as good as mon ey can buy. This sort of work is a life time’s occupation with me and I guarantee my work, finish and ma terial to be equal to any, and prices a little less than they are in larger cities and can turn your car out in a reasonable time. A..C. EVANS. Cotton Ginned in County There were 2,535 bales of cotton counting round as half bales, ginned in Decatur county from the crop of 1918 prior to September 25, 1918, as compared with 3,233 bales ginned to September 25, 1917. J. L. Funderburk. Save Fruit Pits For Gas Masks Only the best gas masks will save our soldiers from painful death. Charcoal for these masks can be made only from cocoanut shells and the fruit pits and nut shells listed herewith: Peach stones, prune pits, plum pits, apricot pits, cherry pits, date seeds, Brazil nut shells, Hickory nut shells, Walnut shells, Butternut shells. The Government needs every stone and pit and must have them immed iately. It is the duty of every bakery to save and dry each one of the pits and shells named above. Do not put in any other pits or shells as these are the only ones of value. Arrange with the red cross in your district to collect the pits and stones frequently. Conorete. Concrete Is made of a mixture of pebbles, stones and sand or other suit able material, to which is mixed a small proportion of lime or cement. Owing to the gradual setting and hard ening of this lime or cement, the mass changes from a semifluid to a hard, compact substance, as hard as, or harder than the beBt building stone produced by nature. Conservation Of Tin, Steel, Etc. Wholesale grocers of the nation promised their heartiest cooperation today in saving tin, steel, and paper by changes in methods of packing foodstuffs, after a conference of Food Administration officials and a representative committee of the Na tion Wholesale Grocers Association. Manufacturers will adopt new con tainers not made of tin or any other metal as soon as present stocks are used up, which must not exceed a period of five months at most, accord ing to the resolutions. These con tainers will be a square or oblong, instead of round, to save packing space. Georgia-Florida Fair At Valdosta Postponed Owing to the danger of the influ enza and other troubles now incident on the country and section, the Geor gia-Florida Fair at Valdosta has been postponed indefinitely. This will be a piece of sad news to all, but the management of the fair feels that it was their duty to do so. Peanuts Wanted Sacks and labor are scarce and high. We buy peanuts in the bulk at the Grain Eleva tor and save time and money for you. We unload them at the elevator at our ex pense, and do the work quickly. We meet competition in price. Dry peanuts well before bringing to mar ket. See or phone Davis Elevator Co. M AYBE you’d better buy Liberty Bonds instead of clothes; you know better than we do what your re sources are. If you can’t afford to have both, buy the bonds. But there are not manylmen who can afford to be badly dressed; somebody once said there were only two classes of men who could afford that—million aires, and tramps; and you’re not in either class. Next to Liberty Bonds you cant make a better investment of money than in Jfarl Schaffner St Marx Clothes They pay you daily dividends of good looks, of satisfying service, of attractive style. You’ll find everything about them as good as clothes can be. There’s no letting-down in quality in these goods to take care of advancing costs; these clothes are as good as ever. They save money for you every day you wear them. GEO. H. FIELDS The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes MEN’S OUTFITTERS BAINBRIDGE, OA