The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, June 22, 1922, Image 1

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r THE K)ST - SEARCH LIGHT VOLl'ME »• NUMBER 9. BAIN BRIDGE, GA„ THURSDAY. JUNE 22nd, 1922. $1.50 PER ANNUM Weekly Luncheon Kiwanis Club Friday Noon Very Enthusiastic enthusiasm and interest, iri by the highly successful' --In meeting, were plainly lucres' ojeasiora chan*' weekly luncheon of the evident local 4ir Hotel meeting to "PEP' which H r * Following being South* RUNNING TWO TO THE GALLOWS Sheriff Martin of this county has had a unique experience in the last three or four months. One Clar ence Richardson escaped from the county gang and the sheriff after tracing him for a while found that he was under sentence to hang in Bibb County under the name of Jack Smiley. He also had a war rant for a negro named Adolphus Bull and after chasing him for some time found him in the Lown des county jail under the death sen tence also. The sheriff has run them to the gallows it seems trying to get them. K is about the only way to get away now is to get yourself hung if this bunch here gets after you, LOCAL BOY SCOUTS K ; VE nis Club, held at the Bon last Friday noon. The , characterized by rer.ew- an d a more general interest „ , hf proceedings, which means that l club := going steadily forward with its prop am of progress for Bain bridge. Tflf meeting was opened, as usual, , ;th ,hc singing of •‘America,” after, H. H. Shell gave thanks, the excellent luncheon, a number of interesting talks were made fcv members end visitors, among them Manager E. T. Satcher, of the Bell Telephone Co., Editor j p D Rich, of the Colquitt Sun, J. F. ( jlof-HS. a special tax agent, employ-1 t- by the County Commissioners, here; OB official business, H. J. Bruton, Rev.j , E Ward, and others. All made in-. t*resting talks, greatly enjoyed by the assemblage. During the meeting a telegram was. ...... -r* £. S. “n"’SS!i HAS RETURNED HOME fxnrts-ing his regret at being unable l b. here at the charter night meet- AFTER SPENDING A WEEK’S L Mr. Coleman was at that time OUTING ON NOCRAWAY CREEK in New York, where he went to see , NEAR NEWTON. bis son off to Europe. i p_. ide , t AI L. Mayes then address-' Bainbridge Boy Scouts have return-1 reader can easily see the difference be- J th , club on the subject of attend- *-d from a week’s outing, ten miles tw«*n the two years. There ap^ars 1' .etching In convincing lan-; West of Newton on the Nochaway to be a decrease m valuation of all ’ the absolute necessity of the Creek. They were refreshened and classes of property except city pro- attendance of all members at each happy with the adventure of the camp- meeting, if at all possible. He asked that members permit only tbe most ( They were in company of a hundred Kent reasons to keep them from the other scouts from Albany, Colquitt, eekly gatherings, and pointed out Moultrie, Newton and Tifton. Scout falling off in the attendance Master Haire, was assisted in looking sill inevitably result in a decrease after the boys by Juilius Grollman and interest in the club and its work. J, C. Wagoner. A lively discussion of the tar.ff bill, The boys report their best time came ow pending before Congress, then a f tev 9upper when all gathered around ueil, especially that part the camp fire and told stores and play- measure affecting Southern auricul- d games and rehearsing all scout tural products. The principal of pro- s t U rUg. They also state Wart that was itetion" had a number of vigorous j a9 . a “taste” and they hope to have hampions, most of whom based th' s ano ther camp soon. The boys were argument on the fact that Southern cavr j €d 0 ver in autos and when camp product' should be given adequate broke, autos from Bainbridge went protection if the products of other ovep ^ Albany f or them, to be so favored. TAX DIGEST COMPLETED SLUMP IN RETURNS THIS YEAR OVER LAST AMOUNTS TO $459,745.00. THE TOTAL POLL TAX RETURNS AMOUNT TO $5,830. WHITE POLLS RETURN ED BY DISTRICT GIVEN. Tax Receiver Drake and the county Board of Tax Equalizers have recent ly finished their work in receiving and assessing and equalizing the property of the tax payers of the county for the year 1921, and Mr. Drake and hia assistants have just completed and filed his digest of tax returns in trip licate. one sent to the Comtroller Gen eral, and the others with l’.t« tax col lectors and Ordinary of the county. Inspection and nnalysis of the di gest show surprises in several par ticulars, the first being tha fact that the slump in the returns this years over lai-t amounts to $45,746.00. For information of our readers wc copy the detailed summary of the di gest of the species of property re turned as valued in 1922, and a com parative table of the same species of property values for 1921, so that the perty, farm impliments, farm pro ducts and miscellaneous property, which shosv a slight increase, farm im plements and machinery showing the greatest increase of all. The total poll tax payers return* The Business and Professional Woman*s Club to Have Camp ed the amount to 5,830, and of these 3,194 are white and 2,066 are color ed, as against a total of 1,598 white polls and 1200 colored polls in 1921, making an increase of 3,032 polls in 1922. This increase is accounted for by the fact that this year the women are taxable on their polls as well as the man, now that they arc admitted to full citizenship, with some slight resLi : .;*.ions, voting not being among them. The column of cattle returned shu a decrease in valnes, but there ap pears to be an increase in number of cattle. The receiver has been taking cattle this year at a decreased valua tion, as well as most all other classes of property, on account of the recent slump in property values, both real and personal. It might be interesting to know the number of white polls returned by districts, as they can become quali fied voters of the county. The digest shows as follows: Attapulgus, 171; Belchers, 160; Bell*, 148; Brinson, 279; Climax, 332; Faceville, 117; Fowlstown, 117; Kendrick, 143; Par kers, 163; Pine Hill, 318; Recovery, 185 and Bainbridge, 1,025. Totaling 3161. sections are io ue so j The scoutB from Bainbridge going Others expressed opposition to the were . Allen and Maston O’Neal, Spen- bill in its entirety, and no definite ^ ser SuberSi william Cliett, Bryson action was taken, although it is prob- g tova u i Henry Rushing, Thomas able that the discussion will be re-; Fitzgerald, Edward Moore, Thomas newed at the meeting tomorrow, with j D enmarb) Gordon Searcy, Louis Sei- view of the Club’s going on recordj ge]j JoS€ph Grollman and Earl May. as being favor of protection for cer- VT&ZSrlST*’ Having Wonderful minute- diversion from serious mat- Time in Europe ters while the membership .'sang a -. number of Kiwanis songs, among them j A card from Ralph Kwilecki, post- the favorites “Pol]y-Wolty-Do<o<?Ie,” i marked Paris, states that he is now Old McDonald Had a Farm.'” j enjoying the delights of the gay With tnc songs out of their systems j French capital, and that he is finding lie Kiwtnjans returned to the program ' Paris all it is said to be, and a little with renewed zest. j btt more. Mr. Kwilecki, with his father, Mr. . j I. Kwilecki, and sister, Miss Grace Tnc next matter up for diwoerton; Kwilecki, are traveling in Europe this icome tax bill proposed for a]ready having visited Lon- cume Tax Measure. "as th Geor rgia. which is sponsored by Gov- k and ’ other points in England. From r Hardwick, and will hke.y ne in-1 parjs the party gQ t0 Ber)int and roduc egislaturV, This will probably be toe of the outstanding matters to come before the next legislature, and fc attrac Th tor muc.. ! Fleming pnd J. P. Bower * r the speakers. A -«6t> r* i*!9i drawi up emlsi r; * fa * led of adop. i xr. i f tin e present see.xo 1 :•» tie measure ir rrs ;>res- Some of the a©*in- u. they would, favor th*,"*™ ■■■ith some amendments. The tabled and will be dis- a later meeting. the coming sesaon of a tour through Germany. I They will be away about three j months, and their Bainbridge friends g general'state-wide 7irt<£ He glad to learn that they are proposed measure came in j Having a pleasant trip, di^eussion, Messrs E. H 1922 Farm Lands 4, $2,650,631.00 City Property 1,932,532.00 Bank shares 362,146.00 Money, notes, etc 374,647.00 Merchandise 407,815.00 Automobiles 212,112.00 Machinery, etc. 421,265.00 H. & K. Furniture 316,741.00 Jewelry 29,611.00 Horses & Mules 258,097.00 Cattle 88,265.00 Sheep & Goats 2,645.00 Hogs 48,248.00 Dogs 620.00 Farm Impliments 96,394.00 Farm Products 955.00 Timber Leases 146,000.00 Miscellaneous Property 36,887.00 1921 $2,678,203.00 1,910,268.00 371,610.00 At the regular business meeting of the Business and Professional Wo man’s Club Tuesday evening in the libi ary rooms, reports were read from various committees in charge of im portant work. The report that contained the great est interest, was that of the coumittee on camp-site investigations etc., Mrs. Albert Russell, chairman. The report road like a fairy story with a Mr. C. N. Nichols, price charming, for it is he that has made everything possible for the quick location and erection of a camp and building. Mr. Nichols when consulted about a location desired on his lands, the term and price of priv ileges, replied that he would IcaRe all privileges to the ladies for twenty years for 1 cent. Then he took, prac tically the matter in charge for the committee. Stating that his crop would soon be “laid by” and that he would take his hands and huve the building put up ut ns little cost as was possible. He had a mill at his door and if they would give him the speci fications he would have thq lumber cut there. And suggested their lighting the camp with current from the dam as they will he only a mile from same. About polls, the committee ashed, —— “the woods are full of them amt you MRS. ATKINS ADDRESSES AU- are welcome,” he said and, aa alarm DIENCE TUESDAY EVENING IN can be placed in the building so, should BAPTIST CHURCH. Mr. Nichols be needed, he eowld bo quickly called. Mvs. Atkins, famous W. C. T. U.| A store is very near by, milk, but- leader, speaker and organizer, address- ter and vegetables, for the asking, ed an audience in the First Baptist The IocaUon ia on the |and of M ,.. church Tuesday evening, in behalf of NicholBi thirteen miles from Bain- the W. C. T. U. cause. bridge, just one mile beyond the power Mrs. Atkins was introduced by Mrs. danl) witb a private entran( . e into th( , Otis Bell. Mrs. Andrew Callahan, camp site . xhc sito ia on th „ watev >. president, presiding and the Rev. Mr. edge wbere thc beat fisbing 8poum , Shell opening the meeting with prayer here enjoycd . Tbcn( tbare a p« r . and the Reverend Mr. Foster, of the fcct body of still water for thc bathers, Methodist church, closing the service and g , hullow plliC( , for thc waders WOMAN'S CLUB CARD OF THANKS Post-Search Light, Bainbridge, Georgia. Dear Sir:- The Bainbridge Woman’s Club wishes to thank you for your gen erous donation of advertising space, for their Bazaar and Exhibit for thc Georgia Made Product, held on May 25th-27th. We greatly appreciate your co operation and we sincerely hope that through our efforts you will be benefited in our community. Again thanking you for your as sistance in making our enterprises a success and with assurance of our best wishes, we remain, Most sincerely, Mrs. John Allen Johnson, Cor. See. Mrs. Erie M. Donalson, Chair man “Made-In-Georgia" products Committee. W.C.T.U. NATIONAL ORGANIZER SPEAKS with prayer. with a sand bar, wonderful shade Mrs. Atkins needs no introduction tre( , H and pl . ict | 0D n y no underbrush. 492.408.00, in Bambndge where she has talked. , r . . . , . ^ L« , i • The ladies of thc club, never dream- 469.893.00 to large audiences on several occasions 1 .. Um ed, they would get everything heart 279.976.00 436.420.00 349.395.00 33.607.00 317.295.00 107.194.00 2,908.00 50.954.00 725.00 20.523.00 400.00 189.440.00 34.617.00 Total $7,385,791.00 $7,845,536.00 Loss in 1922 $459,745.00. White Polls 3164 1598 Colored Polls 2666 1200 Total 5830 2798 Increase in 1922, 3032 polls. Land acreage 376,431 378,383 Loss in 1922, 1,952 acres. before. Magnetic and earnest, Mrs. Atkins quickly drew her listeners to her and held their rapt attention all thrugh out her talk. As a national speaker and orgnniz- er, Mrs. Atkins, is one of the best known women speakers on thc Amer ican stage and her service for the W. C. T. U. has and is, one of thc great est things for America. Mrs. Atkins is recently from Cuba, where she lect ured. While in the city, she was the house- guest of Mr. and Mrs. John W .Cal lahan. “LANARK SPECIAL” BEGINS JULY 2ND LEAVES HERE AT 7:00 A. M. AND ARRIVES IN THE EVENING AT 9:20. BELOVED WOMAN PASSED AWAY JUNE 1 could desire—just for thc asking. But as long as men, of the type of Mr. Nichols, are living women will continue to get that attention and courtesy, known as Southern, thc world over. As for the building, it is going to be roomy, delightful, with sanitary completeness, screens and over hang ing eaves, It will be perfect. Donations have already come in, though the club is not a begging one and will not be known as such. They arc going to raise their own funds. A finance committee is making plans, the result of which will give tile amount needed. Some, out of interest for this fine group of women have offered con tributions for which the club is grate ful. Miss Eloise Green, gradate of thc As an auxiliary to the* board of class of 1922 of the G. N. I. C., in' trade, they will show thsi body a nice the science course h continuing her | attention, juitt us soon as ine club is studies at the summer school working finished. The cluh as a whole is about toward her B. S. Degree. She is ulso the happiest organization in Bain- assisting in thc Agricultural Depart- J bridge today, they are wearing a smile Decatur County Girls Set Record at G. N. I. C. ■ishi. WMsuri; sitter r . Let Th at w teiov; Trip to Lanark. ance prize for th# meet- ment. The- faculty has honored her by ask ing her to come back as one of the ] Student Assistants for next year. DEATH CAME AFTER SEVERALg bew jil a s 8 i 9 ijnthcBiologyandAgri- WEEKS IN A HOSPITAL AT I cultural Departmeht. She will also QUINCY. : continue working for her degree. I Miss Alta Martin, who is also a The Decatur friends of Mrs. Lottie: student _ Kraduate of th( . class of bon - e of tbe bride . B Mr Shalor Millfcr wefe deeply gneved 1922 of tb(J f; N , C()llege> u doing 1 m> b *j M MirHnson on ShotweH an to learn of her death, which occur- Cnp u . r . rL Mi „ MartUl ; J.^M.rkinson, on Shotwell and be reestablished by tire G. F. & A.'the 1st, after an illnes* of several ' and g>: , K*,, A,t " ““ tbe Railway. Tbe t'li.n will be operated qoainie i thenuelve wth unjsra* each Sunday doriig the summer! Deceased was a resident of Atta- credit this sc..«ii year aid they, ohm - months, a* focreely, with very low pulgus, and the remains were brought w j tb their parents are t > be ongrat- " ' rates for rnatri trip in effect. there from Quincy, and later earrie i ulatH. M« ;y of the -K'-re "9 pound' eac’.t. Tile “!c Sp e c!” will make its to her former home in Alabama for done their own fi-.aacing through the ' RUinv Vote of Thanks. I first trip Sunday, July 2nd, leaving, funeral and interment. Mrs. Miller college. Prosident Maves was tendered a Bainbridge at 7:00 o’clock in the morn- was 30 years of ago at thc time of Th, i. Dr. C.R. Jenkins t ; 0 „ of bis untiring work in connection , that Bainbridge people may Bainbridge people will learn with pleasure that the “Lanark Special,” _ _. .. . , , „ an excursion train formerly operated Mr. Pat Dim,trios, who has - t|u , 3r G .j)f coast resort, is to red at a hospital in Quincy, Fla.. June j h „ d c\e>l fcy the Busy Bee ‘ sue xor me . . . „ — „ * • :n - ^_-,i }? p&ri/ yt&T or two, ha ? severed h c. and left for Opelika. Ala :o* where he will entcajre in bosinees. irresistible for their find in Mr. Nich- . Ola. Mirkinson-Lunsford Thursday afternoon at four o’clock, Miss Ruth Mirkinson and Mr. Lee Roy Lunsford, were quietly married in the home Rev. Mr. J. M. Foster. «f the MrtkocHst h-rch. Mr. and Mrs. Lunsford were rt* tained on u. .-mail p'erue party. Thc bride is a very pretty g.'ri, bru- itude .its here typ ,, atld b,,. mtamon a striking personaiity has en deared her to a large circle of friends. Mr. Lunsford, is well known and spend! who deplore her untimely passing. She b 'be charter night program. That practically the' entire‘day at Lanark, had been a resident of Attapulgus one merging was such a succssful; and the service is certain to prove ye»r moving there with her family by Kiwar.ian Compton 1 2I)d enjoyable one was largely due to! popular all along the line, prize, a round-trip ticket y, t efforts of Mr. Mayes, and his fel-; Traffic manager, C. L. Sentcr is - la., good for three days, j j ow -Kiwanians deeply appreciate his | completing arrangements for the in- by C ,L. Senter, traffic vror t ; . 1 auguration of the train, and is pre- the G. F. & A. Railway. | j"l before the close of the meet- par ing to handle a large number of: E. Shalor, and one brother, will have the pleasure of ing president Mayes warmly thanked, pa ssengers on thc first Sunday. I stricken family have the sincere sym ; delights of the popular tb ' e member ship fur the opportunity to j rt. . attend the International Kiwanis Con- rmelon Presented. I vention, now in session at Toronto, . irience of what Decatur' Canada. The Club unanimously ex- ; popular in the in-uranee business and Sunday NiUrhLi* laS H *’ 08 *' friends who have been J 1 extending congratulations. Mr. and She was a native of Rev. J. M. Foster, pastor of the JJ rs ; Lunsford have apartments fa the local Methodist church, announces that Mo, lge* building. Dr. C. R. Jenkins, presiding elder of; _ ” ' the Thomasville circuit, will preach Mr* HinCS AnnOUllCCS here next Sunday evening ut H:00 p’- j Pqj. Representative from Alabama Denver, Col. Mrs. Miller is survived by her hus band, C. B. Miller, her mother, Mrs. The* rief- Big Woodman Picnic .cc OX ----- ; h {or a pleasant The Woodmen will give a big picnic no in the way of pro- tended ite best wisne Mr . and at Open Pond July 4th, and every • rmelons the Kiwamans *>***'•** J * nU> Friday body is invited to come and bring a 42 1-2 pound water- Mis. Mayes f £ al days baskets with them. The invitation is enud to President Mayes ^ ^ ( Lnce prize for the next, open to all and not confined to the j pathy of their many friends in their i great sorrow. clock. Dr. Jenkins is well known in Bain-• l n this is-uo will be found the »n- bridge, having preached here on a nouncement of Mr. T. M. Hines for re number of occasions. He is one of the election as Representative of Decatur Mrs. Owen Field* entertained at two. best preachers of the South Georgia county. Mr. Hines has served part bridge Friday afternoon. J Conference, and his many friends here of one term and in that service has '*te<k tele- tables of Mrs. Leonard Willis for high score will be glad of the opportunity to hear shown an ability to vote canrfiiBy a5td was presented with a vanity. After him again. conservatively for the best interests the game Mrs. P’ields served refresh- j 1 of the people generally. ments. The guests were: MissDes-! Mrs. Ellen D. Hopkins, of New He make* a frank, simple MMunce- •f tki - iU-f ges. Mr. Hodges, itw B _ \ bv char iic Par- ‘ Woodmen alone. Be sure and attend i Verges and Me»dames Mills, Ehrlich,; York City, arrived to spend soma time ments and asks the support ^ just shipped a car of Co. ! the gathering. Gammage, Willis, Bell and Gray. I with her mother, Mrs. M. M. Cutter, voters on this .Uteotont 'i weight of wbicL KCff, 02 vpe r * rM:r