Newspaper Page Text
• ■rtMVjjrr"w?vrr:ruiru»^.'!'’- ■ -r * ■ -rmrrt •
The & Nugget,
Boot at ilia l)alilomu’a, (»a. I*. O
an Senoml Clans Matter.
Official Organ ol both City and
r l bo summer session of the legis
lature is now in full blast.
The members of the legirlnture
attended a liarbeeuo at Griffin last
W hile handling a pistol carelessly
this week Robert Rich of Swains-
boro, shot and killed his mother.
A negro was killed in Wiming-
ton, Dcleware last week dnring a
collision between the whites and
Auraria items.
Wc have had a fine season and
The strike fever is growing in
Omaha, One hundred school
children recently struck for shorter
The house has passed a bill to
amend the Constitution so as to
limit taxation for all purposes to
five mills.
it is now clear and the farmers are
A certain person from New
Bridge who is single but who is
not likely to be single long, came
by here Sunday afternoon in a
new buggy.
Rev. V. A. Higgins went up to
Hahlonega Saturday to test him
self on the teachers examination.
Messrs. John and Joe Smith
went to (duinosvilie last week on
business. The Smith Bros, seem
A bill has been introduced in tin
legislature to escheat lands with
out owners to the, state for the
benefit of the schools.
Booker T. Washington did send
his personal cheek for Sib to the
colored people of Gainesville, in
jured by the cyclone.
I.. W. (ircen of Habersham
county, was elected doorkcepor of
the senate last week to succeed
Major Wilson, deccasod.
The trial i f James Tillman for
the murder of Gov. dales, in Dexs
ton county, S. (;., begins first
Mondav in September.
Rev. L. G. Broughton, of At
lanta, is charged with plagiarism
in hi.* sermon on “ I hi> Women of
the Bible," luit he denies the
Hon. d. II. Hall, representative
in the legeslature from Bibb, an
nounces that he will he in the race
for governor.
A negro in Atlanta last week to b ® “ h,,9tl8r8 ”‘ in ,hc mercantile
was sentenced to eight years in the ! llhini
penitentiary for stealing $200. Col. Huff of Dahlonoga was hero
He was no hank clerk. transacting business on Wednes-
— — ■ day last.
Between live and six thousand | Mr. Andrew Cain, who has an
applicants,, in various parts of fhf | important position in Texas as
state, wcwi examined for teacher’s teacher, was here Sunday, June
certificate last Saturday. 2< s tli, visiting old friends and uc-
Mr. Goo’ Vanderbilt proposes j Winces. Mr. Cain left Mons
to build a perfect town about ,10 ] da X morning for his home and
miles from Ashville. entirely com- | vvl!l 1101 ,)( ’ with ,1S «».V mol '° ™on.
one* W° have a very large school)
here now, considering that wo bes
gan tiie middle of June, and we
At Springfield, III., tin* other I expect to hitvo a much larger one
night, John Hawker was stabbed j ] a t er „ a
to the heart as the preacher pro-j
nouneed the benediction am
lights were extinguished
The Supreme court has jus
' del ed a decision to effect that
I tmg on horse racing
cHt pi.*■ r
Georgia, rai:ii|iKi: <■
Will 1),> sold h,.'o,-<.
door (/ die fount v . ■
1st Tiiesdny in .1 ulv
leRiil hours of sale' j,
dor for cash the foil,
w i! :
Lots ol land, »nu,i, m
lnmdrod and sovrntv (■;, '
C'gbt hundred :m.i ' '
9 rob
ud Hr
"II M.
the 11th disiriot ,
Lumpkin o ■.unity, (
as the property* u! ffil
b.V virtue and to satisfy ,
from the Justice coup of t j, I
dist., G At., in fnv,„. ,,|
drixvs. said VVilUnin M sin.'
made and returned n,
Gemm, L. C.
M. L.Wls, .she.
■> over
' --lie,
w. li
TAI',.r ft y w
A S p
r\ i
Mrs. Mattie Milhurn Reid, wid
ow of Representative Reid of Ma
con, died suddenly Thursday night
soon after she returned from a
is illegal.
This will be a drawback to aii fairs
in Georgia hereafter, for horse
racing is the biggest thing on the
Rronelier Broughton’s recent at -
if rnpi’esantativn Granade’s bill, 1 "V oung Alcn And
of Wilkes, becomes a law those re- j Attention.
! ceiviug divorces will have to pay j
A bill lias been introduced in the
l'ho foil wing were visitors Imre i house by Mr. Carrington of Madi-
B |C j last woek: Mr. Robt. 1/. Disney, i son, to extend the state in ad to
| Dr. Bockius, and Judge Sharpe j Brunswick.
tren-j 1 ^ ( hieago. Di. Cravens, J. C. i Three negroes were lyjiched io
! Boi iglit nnd W . J. Kush of Kan- | l$ a i i( . r county Tuesday night for
j !Nl8 ^ l LV* i the murder of a white man. Their
Rev. and Mrs. Jos. H. Bell of bodies were riddled with bullet
Atlanta arc visiting relatives at
I have the lottow
| properties for sale in
j !5j;oai|>kija toev'e^t, $
| lfip acres, J miV. ^uih-tv„
i Dnnlonegn, and mljoinjn.r p,,.
; Patch. Fiye gold-b; ;u in.
•'* 1 i "d up, assaying from
Women, j P ei * bm. wiili ore enoi:
■ i ,t , tv. n loci -.oil-, 'm
I proposition lias a oh:.nei-c.]
| ditch running ,j“ :
| properly, with water power. no,d';,
i I ' ■ l 1 1 1 i i i ' i i i 11 ! ill* lit .I. .
. , ^OtllliliUlG lOi* ilii iiui
it Agt icultnral ■ Wed timbered. In
The North Geor
College, established by the state,
offers the greatest and most pay- j 500 an,
ing investment. Tuition free, 1 Wdiloneg;
hoard cheap, climate healthful, | |>et wblT
surroundings cheerful, discipline
exact, scholarship high. ft has
distinguished graduates, earnest
W SaitCom 1
m the
arilL'di v.;: i';
I test, Veins run
I 500 acres This
*> - c
l '" Vl ; c-iumiv. Tw
io iwi
iin'ii 1 ."!
un 111
till l
I he presidential parade in 8an
Francisco was led by colored
troops and au exchange thinks it
must have reminded Teddy of San
Juan lull.
Auraria. *
Miss Bessie Miller, has returned
from an extended visit to Roswell.
C.apt. and Mrs. II. D. Jaquish
tack on tin Technological school! have gone to Chicago, to spend a
in Atlanta has let him down in the few weeks.
estimation of the people. All i Mr. Peter Woody, who some
were riddled with
Col. Felder replies to Rov. Mr. j
Broughton of Atlanta in a very j
students, able teachers
sensational preachers w
a tiling of tho past.
soon ho time ago moved down to Gaines-
11 is all right’to give the negro
an education, hut after you have
given it to him what is-be going to
do with it t is the question asked
by an exchange.
The overflow of the
river last week above
rendered hundreds of families
homeless. People were forced to
(lee from the valleys to the foot
hills i f the mountains.
j-viMe, lias recently moved buck
his old home near Auraria.
B.) Grande j y T ,. s< Lu |. t Lon(1()1> |oft v r j,i My
I aso, has 1 f ol . Alabama, where she goes to
join her husband, who- in engaged
at work there.
Rev. N. A. White preached a
j splendid sermon
A clash between the whites and
negroes took place at Willington,
Di l., last Thursday. Hundreds of
shots were tired injuring a couple
of negroes.
to an attentive
. congregation, at the Methodist
111 1 church, last 3rd Sunday. Mr. J.
Wisconsin last Sabbath resolutions ; a. Hollifield was appointed dele-
wore ]mssed condemning lynchmgs. j gate to the District meeting, which
convenes at Monroe, Gat on July,
. Andrew Carnegie gave nothing
to the tornado and flood sufferers,
although he gave $(400,000 to
Booker Washington's school. lie
.‘i might” poor I»iucl of lib
ty.- Scnoia Gazette.
-V hjg gold find is reported at!
Selsbury, X. C. (')n the 24th the;
W!iiip««y Reduction company of j
Charlotte, taken out six tons of I
ore at the Barrcugor gold mine, in
Stanley county, which yielded
$20,000 to the ton.
This will have just about as much
effect as trying to drown a goose
by pouring wpter on its back.
, \V. R. lad wards has recent ry had
a tine horse and cow bitten by a
-make which makes its habitation
m ur uimiml his barn, ilo fa otter
ing 50 cents each for King snakes
which I10 proposes to turn loose in
bis haru tu d"-truy othel 1 snakes.
—Acwor f h Post.
A man and' his-wifo locked them
selves up in a room in Mexico ihis
week and fought a duel with pis
tols. Both were killed, the wife
tVy and the htishrtnd died
from a wound in a few hours.
Juuobngs sure enough bugs,
have come. The kind hoys 40 years
ago tied a string to their leg and
enjoyed themselves as well as those
of the same age today do that have
to have a fifty dollar bicycle to
ride, a standing collar and a
“bilod” shirt to wear.
The citiz: ns of Blue Ridge dis-
kriet, in White county, have an !
elephant on their hands, which is
1 he sfoeb litw,. and are trying to
gel rid of it. dome t$*y ■ ago they
were led to believe that it was the:
very tiung needed, but have since
learned better and are going to |
ask the legislature to puss a special
act for their relief. We have long
A mot) of fifty masked men
stretched a nogroo’s neck by the j
name of Jack Harris at Clarendon,
Ark., last Thursday, for seriously
injuring John Coburn, a white far
mer. This should learn the no- j uxplosion at Hanna, W y°
grocs a lesson, that they must be
have either north orsouth.
State Comptroller Love of Tex-
was murdered Tuesday in his
! office by W. G. Hill, a former em
ploye. The latter was seized by a
clerk and In the scuffle was killed
by his own pistol.
two hundred and thirty-four
lives were iost Tuesday in a mine
since said that the stock law 111 the
mountains would he detrimental
to the interest of the people.
Raising the buildings on the four
blocks 111 the heart of New York:
city bought by the Pennsylvania
Railroad for its depot has been be
gun. Tim four blocks to be clear
ed are Rounded by Seventh and
Ninth avenues and Thirtieth ami
Thirty-third streets, and not a brick
or a stone will i-e loll on them.
The wreckers will tear down -k0
buildings, including three church
es, a hospital uod a home for boys, i
The Station to he built on the site
will he the largest is the world.
1 he buildings being destroyed,
v ith then foi uicr occupants, would -
indm up a small city, says the
Savannah News.
'L’ho most expensive and useless
lhin-g we have in each county of
Georgia is the grand jury, which
should he done away with and let
lh.' Justices of the Peace look after
the business ot their respective
districts. Before the grand jury,
only one side of the ease is hoard,
ami a fellow who is mad can man
age to have a ease made against
you just for spite and if you have
no friends to go your security you
must go to prison and remain till
court at the expense of tin: county.
And when court comes very often
the ease is investigated and find
nothing in it and then you are dis
charged. When if tlio had
been investigated by a Justice the
evidence of Both sides would have
been weighed and all this confine
ment, trouble and expense would
not. occurred. Besides this, if a
grand juror is disposed to do so he
can reach away hack two years
an 1 pull one of his enemies into
trouble for some little frivolous
offense, and s-nut his eyes at some-
thing of oioro importance dime by
a friend. It i.- a jurors duty, as a
citizen, to make investigations and
prosecute all violators oc the law,
but it he fails to do so he does not,
me Alabama miners around
Birmingham intended going on a
strike yesterday.
“salty” manner through the city
papers this week, denouncing him
in most hitter terms.
At this early period some of the
friends of Col. (), J. Lilly have
been urging him to make the next
race for the legislature from
Lumpkin county. Should the
Colonel consent to allow his name
to be used we doubt very much of
his h aving nuv opponent, on ac
count of his competency and popu
It holds
the state championship for oratory
and has the finest cade! corps un
der a most distinguished West
Point graduate.
For patticuhirs, write to
Dk. E. S. Avio, President,
D.ditomga, Ga.
Water in abundance
mining m cratin’: -
and a farm ot U0 acn
Til les clear and perl
Address for partin
inn bin
\ lee.
! ) . ,!
iUNBsm5samBi*ifXE&vmow.vytwircratrgcK"jtwr*.r7n^t7WYVTwv *• v,»- -j-t
o’ Right
■* i.-'-.-in-Twa
£•<> (KsftT *i
l-&-CPV.’ 1>4X> "-i"
■ 3 i ><m«
Lot, No. -147, in liifcli district, first |
section. In the gold belt of bumpkin ,
county, corners in Ohestatee river. I
Address W. IO. Sharpe,
Meridian Miss.
- t-. «-u . 1 a uC ,
1 Jl v II ’t.1v.> ► J O
Xt i.A f-b l-J O D Mil. Vt
I >aJB loiie&'a.
aOiu’ stock consists of everything usually in a Tor
Brill make it to vour interest to trade with us
vrlVe li- .
md Wi’#
;.o *
Having made, satisfactory ar
rangements to continue business
at the
1 will continue selling
J >. < i J : XT ?. . t
. A
r-jzuitnrjotcT?«sKn>*«K?s«.waK-suBW23tanrroww- Jf
VnWfci:, 1
ssow y
» r /*. g* ,rv pi
t) fl I i|
B. U
Orator, Kutre Nous Club.
176 Warren Avenue,
Cuicaoo, 111., Oct. 22,1902.
For nearly four years L suffered
from ovarian troubles. The doc
tor insisted on an operation as the
Only way to get well. I, however,
strongly objected to an operation.
My husband felt disheartened as
well as 1. for home with, a sick
woman is a disconsolate place at
best. A friendly druggist advised
him to get a bottle of Wine of
( iirdni for me to try. and he did so.
i began to improve in a few days ami
in} recovery was very rapid. With
in eighteen weeks I was another
|£h^CaLcl yblo
violate his oath
until sworn
This is the holo for him to get out
of, in discharging his duties
against a friend.
-Mrs. Stowe s letter shows everv
woman how a home is saddened by
female weaknes and how completely
W ine ot Cardui cures that sick
ness and brings health and happi
ness again. Bo not go on suffer
ing. Go to your druggist today
and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine
ot Cardui.
1 still have a lot of
that I will sell at and below first i
cost. I have just opened up a !
beautiful line of Lawns, Dimities, ■
I _ ’ 1
1 Organdies and Appliques that !
i can’t bo boat for beauty and price.
My stock is complete, and prices ;
to please any one, all 1 ask is your
inspection' and f will guarantee
to please you in quality, beauty
and prices
Thanking you for past, favors, I
trust to inerrit your patronage in 1
the future.
4* &
p Y
<mt> 4
o rs o
■fl -o 're :■ f
p r
S id
■' j *51'.'Vl*
rt-' P* \t r
I n Si m ino i \ s !B 11' Id i r i a**
Yours for Business,
l ¥. MILLER.
vura ria
Ti ir p a tj f r\Mrr a UOTFIn
1 i in U A ULUINCUrt nv * - - <>
S.J nuiet’ W<pw | «
Is now ope 1 to the public,’villi a tabic supplied "‘th 1 ^
best the count rv a fi ord
fi’urnittire eiilircly »*e’.v. ^
i'er diiv, ■ I. )( ; per week, C. p ( ■’ m0 " 1 ^
Mutfi. JOHN HA'i FIELD; 1 1-0 P'