The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, March 03, 1904, Image 2

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ThfJ Nugget. DAHLONEGA, MARCH 3, 1U04. Enotr'Ml at the Oaliloncga, Ga. I’ na Seoonil Claws Manor. Official Organ of both City and County. The prico of Hour still increases. Wisconsin’s beautiful $800,000 cnpitol was destroyed by fire tbo 27th. Hon. H. H. Perry, who is now in the senate from the 33rd district, will make the raco for representa tive in Hall county. Representative Tate has intro duced a bill in congress for the ap propriation of $100,000 for a pub lic building at Gainesville. In the city court of Gainesville last week, Gower Kycrhoardt, a 13-year-old lad, was lined $25 and costs for running a blind tiger. His customers wore bis playmates. White county furnishes the tim ber for the 32nd Senatorial dis trict next time. It is said that Col. J. W. H. Underwood will be a candidate. If elected the Colo nel will make a good member. In Gainesville, where they re fused to eat cabbage last fall for fear of being poisoned by worms snid to bo in them, her citizens arc offering three cents a pound for them now—we mean the cab bage. Notice to Democrats. The democratic executive mittee of Lumpkin county hereby notified and requested to moot at the court house in Dah- lonoga on Saturday the 12th day of March at II o’clock. Each member is urged to be pres ent as there is important business to attend to. John II. Moobr, Chm’n, Temperance Program Sunday Night. P or Song—By congregation. Prayer—J). .1. Blackwell. Bible Reading—Miss Asbury. Song—Congregation. Concert Recitation. Declamation—Patton McGee. Solo “Sometime, Somewhere”— Mrs. Charters. Recitation—Maud Ricketts. Declamation—Tom Huff. Quartette. Recitation—Flossie Edmonson. Address—Bro. Taylor. Solo—Miss Crisson. Declamation—Mr. Swilling. Recitation—Miss Lula Gurley. Instrumental Solo—Miss Till- son. Recitation -Miss C. Byers. Song—By congregation. Benediction. Reports of the,war in the cast arc so fearful that it is difficult to credit them. For example, the Russian railroad through Man churia is only 6000 miles long, and yet the Japs have already blown up 11,000 miles of it, says an ex change. Wo understand that one or more, who have always been re publicans arc expecting to run for office in this county, subject to tho democratic primary. We sug gest that every democrat say in his annoucemcnt that he is a demo crat and will stick by the action of tho primary. This will knock out all political imposters. Wo learn that there are a number of republicans of this county, anticipating voting in the democratic primary if allowed. When they had their mass meeting in Dahlouega tho other day, not a single democrat went about it. Supposo democrats had attended and some of thorn suggested tho names of certain delegates to be elected, what would have been the result? Every republican in the house would have kickod against it. Now the democrats should do likewiso. Democrats have no right to participate in republican meetings. Neither have republi cans a right to vote in democratic primaries. We see from last week’s Signal that Bro. Shultz, who is a candi date for the legislature, suggests that all candidates pledge them selves not to use any liquor, in order to have a dry election. Dry elections would be much more preferable if they could be had, but if none but democrats are al lowed to vote in tho primary, not near as much liquor will be used as heretofore. If candidates sec fit to pledge themselves they can do so, but the executive com mittee has no right or power to force them to do it. Tho law fixes a punishment for any one using liquor at primaries or elections, which can easily be put in force, yet, liquor has always been used in this county at elections and wo have yet to hear of the first man being prosecuted or los ing his popularity for doing it. Thore is a matter of as much importance as the liquor question, and it is this: Wo understand that Bro Sholtz tells men that they can vote in the democratic primary Now is the tune to start the democratic ball and keep it mov ing. More new candidates have an nounced this week. Sco them un der proper heading. The first two delegates in the United States—Warren, Ohio, were instructed to vote for Hon. William R. lfoarst for president of the United States. The Hearst boom is getting a pretty strong hold in Georgia. His friends are doing all in their power to have delegates sent to tho National democratic conven tion to vote for him for president. A number of big tiros occurred in various cities on the 26th as fol lows: Rochester loses $5,000,000; Decatur, Ala, $100,000 loss; Scran ton, Pa., 19 buildings destroyed; Brainerd, Miss, j loses $100,000, and Des Morris, Iowa, $20,000. The Ilouser Hotel at Dawson- ville, is now in charge of Bro. J. B. Thomas of the Advertiser, who has made ample improvements in order to make it an up-to-date hos tel. 'Phe table will he supplied with the best the country affords. In addition to this, the guests will have the best papers of tho stato to read, such as tho Atlanta, Sayan- nuh, Augusta, New York dailies and The Dahlonega Nugget, weekly. Call at the “Thomas Ho tel” when visiting Dawsonville, if you wish to enjoy life. M-. Dock Nickson, city marshal j of Blue Ridge Gn,, killed a uogro com-j at that place the other day who is was said to he resisting arrest. Most of the fighting between the | Japs and Russians, so far, has been on water, resulting in the Japanese gaining the victory nearly every time. But when it comes to land lights the latter may do better on account of being stronger. During tho recent Baltimore fire, 66 printing offices were de stroyed in that city, including the Manufacturers’ Record. Its edi tor and manager went to Philadel phia and made arrangements for th is great 60 page journal to he printed, and was only behind ouo day. This shows what vim and energy will do. Mr. J. D. Ash, a republican of Walnut, (la., got mad at us and sent a letter directing his Nugget to bo stopped. We did so, and sent hi n three No. 10 pills, said to tie as good as Twits, with in structions how to take them and to bathe his feet iu good fresh wa ter. This is the best, remedy wo know of for cases of this kind. The democratic executive com mittee of Lumpkin county is com posed of the following persons: J. A. Hollifield, Martin Bryan, S. 1). Grindle, W, D. Seabolt, J. IT IS A MATTER QF HEALTH Hi Three negro gals and three stu dents have been fined two dollars and cost this week for disorderly conduct by Mayor Baker—$36 all told. Had they took warning by a little three Vn- four line notice in i last week’s Nugget three young men’s hearts would not almost bo aching today for fear they will he exposed. All names would he giv en in The Nugget today had we secured our information out side of tho council chamber. We take no advantage of any one because we are a councilman and give no news of this kind unless it is gained in %?§/<• 1;lIces the joy of life away aqd opens W/ the system to disease. Assist Nature '>'■ ft ilvoid strong dtugs, use a gentle Treatment.' f|j j iyf.r . • oXci ’F.LLETS will help the natural Di ce.: erfect health, feed the blood and bloom of health on the cheeks. ■' Treatment that Cures , y ’ without unpleasant effects. <\* v Complete Treatment **"** Co ?. 5C v , ■> FOR SALE Br >DR. C. H. JONES. Homo other manner. This ex- J. Boabolt, M. G. Head, J. F. Sar-j plains why all their names are not gent, J. B. Graham, J. B. Swan-! given. But we will tell you why cy, John Wacdster, S. J. Harbin, these female coons and hoys were M. C. Chester, J. B. Ricketts, J. B. Redmond, W. P. Gillispie and J. A. Marr, with John H. Moore Chairman. Iu reference to tho N. G. A. College, a minister is writing to us j vvere dressed in last week said: “On my rounds I find a lot of ignorance on the part of peoplo as to tho curriculum. For instance, a young man told me last Sunday that he didn’t know Cols. R. II. Baker and Marshal Grizzle returned from At burin last Sunday, where they went to be present at the argument of a new trial for John Chatten, now scrying out a sentence in the peni tentiary for breaking into Wier post-office in this county. The case was continued until Saturday. C. 1\ Gore is the nominee for congress f rom 2\ Fifth district against Congressnuu, Livingston. Tho voters of thitdi ’ triet will gore Mr. Gore so soverlv that it will take him many nimuh, after the campaign is over to .■« cover. The Nugget wi the news. 3'vo you n|| fined. Sunday night about ten o’clock Marshal Walker and night watchman Carter caught the six taking a moonlight stroll down the Wimpy mill road while the night was cloudy. Tho three women. their best with clothing fully saturated with Ger man cologne, rattling .like a dozen balloons. To say that it was three lovely couples barely expresses it. Oh what a nice (?) affair! But as before I told him that there was a j vou know every sweet has its bit- As stated last week, tho supply of pension money for indigent widows were exhausted before all residing in Lumpkin.and 42 other- getting the l)r. Howard counties were supplied. A deci sion has been made by tho attor ney-general that any surplus of other pension money in the treas ury can he used in making up this deficiency. So if there is any money left when all tho rest of the claims are paid, these penniless widows will get their pensions, Tho commissioner believes thore will he plenty of money to settle with the widows when all the rest are paid. The announcement of Judge Richard B. Russell, who is now serving his second term as Judge of the Superior court of the Wess tern circuit, as candidate for Chief Justice of the Supreme court has caused somewhat of a surprise iu Georgia political circles. This year, for tho li r st time, the people will vote directly for Chief Justice, and for that reason unusual inter est will attach to tho contest. Judge Russell is no new man in public affairs, and has been res for a man and if they fail to «ret ] successful in obtaining il a1m i • i p too oraces which he bus sought in their choice can leavo off tbo other thn naat ...~ u .... fellow’s name at tho general elec tion and not violate any obligation. Whore is any democracy about this? What’s the use to have pri maries if voters do not abide by them? the past, and during his long pub lic career has made many friends who will take pleasure in watch ing the result of the contest. Judge Simmons will likely offer for re election, though so far he lms not made any announcement to this effect. good business course in the N. G. A. College, and that if he had known it he would have gone there instead of to a costlier business college.” During the next sum mer the trustees should send out a live man to tell the people of the college’s many advantages. It’s true that catalogues and circiv- lars are mailed every year to all parts of Georgia. But it is not like having a speaker. Ho will see hundreds of people who never get a catalogue, and answer all questions that may bo asked con cerning this great institution of learning. We will have more to say about this matter in the future. Mrs. Samantha Christian died at Auraria this week. C. II. Jones Successful. After a great deal of effoit and correspondence Dr, OIL Jones, the popular druggists, lias succeeded in Co. to make a special half-price introduc tory offer on the regular fifty cent size of their celebrated specific for the cure of constipation and dispep- sia. This medicine is a recent discov ery for the cure of all diseases ot the stomach and bowels. It not on ly give quick relief, but it makes permanent cures. Dr Howard’s specific lias been so remarkably successful in curing constipation, dyspepsia nd all liv er troubles that Dr. Jones is willing to return the price p-dd in everycase where it does not give relief. The old-fashioned idea of dosing with mineral waters, cathartic pills or 1 arsh purgatives will soon be a thing of the past. The best phy sicians are prescribing Dr. How ard’s speceific because it really gives the desired results and on account of the small and pleasant dose that is needed. Headaches, coated tongue, diz ziness, gas on stomach , specks be fore the eyes, constipation, and all forms of liver and stomache trouble are soon cured by this scientific medicine. So great is the demand for this specific that Dr. Jones has been able to secure only a limited supply, and every one who is troubled with dyspepsia, constipation or liver trouble should call upon Dr. Jones at once, or send 25 cents, and get sixty doses of the best medicine ev er made, on this special half-price offer, with his personal guarantee to reiund tho money if it does not cure. ter. When the officers suddenly appeared the men halted. The wom en broke to run with Marshal Wal ker right after them. Overlogsand through brush till they ran off of high hank, bursting their corsets and losing their bran bustles. It was here they surrendered for a woman can no more guide hersolf without a bustle than a tailless dog cau walk a foot log. Then all made satisfactory arrangements to appear before Mayor Baker the next day and plead guilty. Now is the time your stock of all kinds and poultry needs condition powders. We have the best made. Guaranteed by us, give satisfaction and leave you to be the judge—fair, isn’t it? 8 day, nice clock $1.95 and $2.00. Mirrors 5c to 60c, liar- gains—all of them. 75c fur top gloves and 50c. Splendid largo hemmed men’s handkerchiefs, worth 10c, our price 5c. B. R. Meadeiis & Sons. The democratic primary for state house officers has been fixed for April 201 h. THE Dahlonega Gold Mining and Milling Co., The SStdar Faleli ” s A.uraria 9 Gra. 100 BIG MINES IN ONE. 100 YEARS Of tho mosi persistent mining can not exhaust the immense Ore Bodies in Sight. Visit the Placer where Two Gi ants are already washing out the Precious Metal. 50 wise HOMESTAKE STOCK AT CENTS PER SHARE. Twenty years ago this offer was actually made and a few ones bought. Tho masses thought the price too high and missed v OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME Dr. Herbert G. Torrey, of the United States Treasury Depart ment, Prof. S. W. Van Syckel, the Eminent New York Expert, Prof. Otto Scupin, of the Royal School of Mines of Freiburg, Germany, W. B. Fry, for seventeen years Chief Amalgamator of THE GREAT HOMESTAKE MINE, and other high authorities have agreed after personal examination that the JOSEPHINE is One of tlie Greatest Properties on the Globe. This is not a prospect, but a developed nunc with its own power and mill ready for operation; money enough in the treasury to com- mc-aeo work, but more needed to greatly enlarge the mill and install hydraulic machinery. NO DEBTS NO LIABILITY NO CHANCE FOR LOSS The property, complete in every detail and ready to begin earning dividends, is owned complete by the HU Gov. A. D. Candler of Georgia, Pres. C APITAl #1,000 000 of which $500,000 has been placed in the treasury. Treasury Stock is now offered at 1»JHR SHARE for a few weeks, after which the price advances, as the mill will son*; be in operation. Remittances may be madelo FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GAINESVILLE, G^. All inquiries should be addressed MINING AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OP NEW YORK. Selling; Agents, 4 \ -4 r> Wall S • Terms and Full Particulars on Request. Low Rates T7TA. J. T. MILLERS Dry Ms, Shoes arid ti The Most Direct Route to HAPPINESS, CONTENTMENT AND PROSPERITY. For further particulars call at and let us make you prices on tnil, ^ in and all other goods.