The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, March 19, 1904, Image 1

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3:od Advertising Medium, Devoted to Local, Mining and General Information. One Dollar Per Annum VOL, XIV—NO. 44. DAHLONEGA, GA., SATURDAY, MARCH 19. i 9 oq, T. .1 & HEO.. DEALERS IN O (-—I Clothing. Shoes, £ Dry Goods Hats Notions cn •-S b—i • t=3 CfQ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ IBARGAIN STORE. Anderson & Jones. CLOTHING, IShoes, Hats,: Furnishings, Dry Goods, Notions, o, 111U.VIU11VU, Groceries. Clothing a specialty.) They wilfsell you clothing for cash) fat Gainesville or Atlanta prices. At I nice line of samples and will your order for tailor made goods. take I DAHL ONE Gw Livery Stable Moore I3ro-, Propr’s. JFA1Z Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise. ‘Thor Pesky Canderdites.” Ther woods 1111’ town air loaded With ther pesky canderdites, Ershakin’ hands nn’ bowin’ Like er gander with tlier lits. Its: '‘Howdy Mister Smith an’ .Tones, I hope yer all air well; Yergwinter hev’ good craps this year, An’ lots o’ stulT ter sell.” An’: “Hello, little gals an’ boys ; Yer the finest. in the land, I know yer !*ap is proud o’ yer; Jest let m(> shake yer hand.” O’ course yer got ter ask ’em in, An’ trot out wliat yer got; Thot yer hev’ dug an’ sweated fer, Ter 1111 tlier dinner pot. They look so orful piterful, With borrowed poor-house faces, Ercroakin’ o’ therpoverty, An’ how “They need ther places.” Hut when yor’ve went an’ east yer vote, Ter help ’em up ther hill, It ain’t no “MisterSmith an’ Jones,” Hut jest plain “John or Hill.” Thar mout he good in polertiks, An’ honest canderdites, Hilt I ain’t never see’d tlier heat : Ther dog-gone liypercrites. —“Si. Harr.” DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS Adopted by the Executive Committee of Lumpkin County, March 12, 1904. It is hereby resolved by the I Democratic Executive Committee of Lumpkin county: j (I.) That in pursuance of in- j ! structions passed by the State Ex*. | ocutivo Committee held February 29th, 1904, a general primary clec-> tiou be held in said county of Lumpkin on the 20th day of April, 1904, for the purpose of gressional District of Georgia, shall order a primary election for the selection of a democratic can didate for congress on the said 20th day of April, 1901, that such election shall he consolidated with tho other elections herein before provided for. (7.) It is further ordered that tho secretary of this committee in conjuction with the chairman shall have n ballot prepared, containing a list of the names of all tho said state house officers and all candi dates for congress, should said Congressional primary booidered, and all candidates foi represent!!- j tivo and all candidatesf or county officers of tho said county of Lump kin and have at least 2500 copies 1 thereof printed and distributed to the managers of said election, said managers to furnish the same to i the voters, as they may desire them and distribute the same i among tho respective candidates. (8.) Each and every voter shall be required to use tho ballot thus j prepared and to strike from tho | ballot all the candidates except tho ! one for whom he decides to vote. No ticket shall be counted by the managers except tho one herein provided for. (9.) Said voters are required to vote in tho precinct in which they lives except those now accepted in W. B. TOWNSEND, Editor and Proprietor Dealer in General Merchandise. SHOES for ALL. Children’s a Specialty. Call and See my Sprinj Goods. (10.) It is further ordered that said primary election shall be held under tho provisions of tho goner*, al primary election law of this state. (11.) It is further ordered that all white qualified voters without selecting i regard to past party affiliation a candidate for governor, secret who desire to nli £ n themselves tary of elate, comptroller general, I w,th tbe democratic party, are cu- state treasurer, attorney general, j. filed to vote m said primary olcc- statc school commissioner of agri- tIon fo1 ' representative and county culture, prison commissioner, chief | offioers are cordially invited to justice of the Supreme court and I do so, but every such voter who PI lew Staple oq College SI. |llU3sr a DAILY HACK LITST E to and from G aiiiesyille. , $150 one associate justice of the Su preme court. (2.) It is further ordered that on the said 20th day of April, 1904, and at tbe same time and under the same rules and regulations, there shall be held in the said county of Lumpkin a general primary elec tion for tho purpose of selecting a candidate for the legislature, for ordinary, for clerk of the Superior court, for sheriff, for tax collector, tax receiver, treasurer, county surveyor, and coroner. (3.) It is ordered further that no one shall he allowed to vote the above named officers except qualified white democratic voters, who have registered in the year 1903, or before the 10th day of April, 1904. (4.) The Executive Committee of each district are hereby appointed managers of said election in their respective districts and authorized to appoint such assistants as they i deem necessary in ho filing s said j election, and upon tho failure of any said committeemen to act or to make the appointments, any C. W. SATTERFIELD, three qualified white democratic voters of said district may hold said election. The secretary of flic committee is hereby instructed to furnish the managers of each voting precinct with a list of the qualified voters of each district, said list, except in Dahlonega dis trict, shall be confined to the white qualified voters of said district and in said Dahlonega district to he a list of the while voters of (he en tire county. (5.) It is further ordered that tho secretary of this committee shall furnish the managers of such vots ing place with such necessary blanks as may bo necessary :n holding said election. (0.) It is further ordered that in the event the Democratic Execu tivfe Committee of tho Ninth Con- lias not heretofore aligned himself with the democratic party who may vote in said primary, thereby pledges his honor that he becomes a democrat and that ho will sup port the nominees of the demo cratic party. Tho right of every such voter to participate in said primary may be challenged, and unless when challenged he shall giye his personal pledge that he is a democrat and will support tho nominees of the democratic party his ballot shall not ho counted. It shall he the duty of the Executive f or j Committeeman, in his district, to carefully observe the balloting and to challenge the vote of any per son who did not, in the last gener** al election for representative and county officers, act with the demo cratic party. (12.) It is further ordered that tho managers of the various pre cincts shall mako their returns to the secretary of the Executive Committee at the court house in Dahlonega by 12 o’clock m. on the 2Jst day of April, 1904, and it is further ordered that said Execu tive Committee shall meet at 12 o’clock on tho said 21st day of April, 1904, to consolidate the re turns and declare the result of said election, and for the transac tion of such other business as may come before it. (13.) In order to defray the ex penses of said election, it is ordered that on or before the 10th day of April, 1904, that tho candidate to he voted for at said election, shall pay to the secretary of this com mittee the following sums respect fully : Each candidate for congress $10.00. Each candidate for rep- i resentative $5.00. Each candi- j date for ordinary $5.00. Each i candidate’for sheriff $5.00. Each ' candidate for clerk $5.00. Each candidate for tax collector $4.00. Each candidate for tax receiver $3.00. Each candidate for county 1 treasurer $3.00. Each candidate for county surveyor $2.00. | Each candidate for coroner $2.- j 00, anil it is provided that said I secretary and chairman shall not insert in said ballot the name of any candidate who fails or refuses to pay said assessment. (14.) It is hereby ordered that a general mass meeting of the demo crats of Lumpkin county lie called to meet at the court house in Dah lonega at l o’clock p. m. on the 21st day of April, 1904, for the purpose of selecting delegates to the State Democratic Convention, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. II ow Men and Women Love. When a woman’s love is strong it takes possession of her to the exclusion of pretty nearly every thing else. When a man’s love is strong it does the Bame, and, as the records of every-day crimes so to prove, with an even greater in- intensity; but a man has more self-control, more dissimulation, more cunning, which all go to screen his real seif from the eyes of his fellows. He may not, I CITY DIRECTORY SUPERIOR COURT. 3rd Mondays in April and Octo ber. J. J. Kimsey, Judge, Cleve land, Ga. W.A. Charters, Solici tor General, Dahlonega, Ga. COUNTY OFFICERS. John Hull; Ordinary. John II. Moore,Cletk. James M. Davis Sheriff. K. J. Walden, Tax Collector. James L. Ilealan. Tax Receiver. V. R. Hix, County Surveyor. Joseph B. Brown, Treasurer. D, O. Stow Coroner. CITY GOVERNMENT. R. II. Baker. Mayor. Aldermen: E. W Strickland, J. E. MeGcc. W. B. Townsend, E. B. Vickery, T. J. Smith. W. P. Price, Jr. Wm. J. Worley, Clerk. Geo. W. Walker, Marshal. RELIGIOUS SERVICES. Baptist Church — Rev. W. C. Taylor, Paster. Services Sunday at 11 and at night. Prayer meeting Thursday night. Sunday School at 9 o’clock. Methodist—Services every Sun day at 11 and at night. Rev. J. D. Turner, Pastor. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Sunday Schooi at 9 o’clock. , , , , . Presbyterian—Services only on grant you, be ready to give up his lsl atul 3r(l Sundays. I). J Blackwell, pastor, Sunday School 9 a.m. horses, his trade, his hooks, his sports, or—unless, indeed, he be very young and very lovesick— his dinner, but he, often enough, stakes his all upon one throw, and, if unlucky, is ready to give up far more than all these put together—viz., his lifo itself. Here and there a woman puts an end to her existence through hopelessness, grief, and despair; hero and there she droops and fades, withering away silently be cause she has lost her chief hold i on life; here and there she sinks into a heart-broken melancholy or gentle passivity; but how rarely do we find, even in the veriest abandonment of love and passion, that a woman will be driven there by to commit a crime? A man, driven to desperation by a wo man’s perfidy or fickleness, kills her, or his rival or himself. A woman in like case may suffer a thousand times as much, hut she will never harm the one she loves, or has loved, or her successor. She will make no tragedy—but her whole life is the tragedy. She will forgive—because she is a wo man ; but she will not forgot—be cause she is a woman.-Mirror- Farmer. &lw^3£si-. New stockings being made for wo non have pockets in them. It will not become fashionable, how ever, for the ladies to stand around with their hands in their pockets.—Dalton Citizen. My Breath. Shortness of Breath Is One of the Com monest Signs of Heart-Disease, Notwithstanding what many physic ians say, heart disease can he cured. Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure has per manently restored to health many thousands who had found no relief in the medicines (allopathic or homoeo pathic) of regular practicing physicians. It has proved Itself unique In the his tory of medicine, by being so uniformly successful in curing those diseases. Nearly always, one of the first signs of trouble is shortness of breath. Wheth er it comes as a result of walking or running up stairs, or of other exercises. If the heart Is unable to meet this extra demand upon Its pumping powers—tliero Is something wrong with it. The very best tiling you can do, is to take Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. It will go to the foundation of the trou ble, and make a permanent cure by strengthening and renewing the nerves. "1 know that Dr. Miles' Now Heart Cure is a great remedy. For a number i t years 1 suffered from shortness of breath, smothering spells, and pains in my left side. For months at a time I would be unable to He on my left side, and if 1 lay fiat on my back would nearly smother. A friend advised using Dr. Mil. s' New Heart Cure, which 1 did with good results. I began to improve at once, and after taking several bottles of tlie Heart Cure the pains in my side and other symptoms vanished. I am now entirely well. All those dreadful smothering spells are a thing of the past."—F. I*. DRAKE, Middletown, O. If the first bottle does, not help you. the druggist will refund your money. T’RTIFI ^ rite to us for Free Trial ~ AbXUXi package of Dr. Miles’ Anti- Pain Pills, tho Now Sclontifle Remedy for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our Specialist will diagnose your case, tell you what is wrong, and how to right it. Free. DU. MILES MEDICAL CO.. < LABOR AT ELKHART, IND. ms mm