The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, April 16, 1904, Image 1

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Qood Advertising Medium. VOL. XIV—NO. 48. Devoted to Local, Mining and general Information. m One Dollar Annum USMITH & BBO DAHLONEGA, GA., SATURDAY, APRIL if., 1904. IJcfor^ Jt is Too Late. | When Nature is Remiss. W. B. TOWNSEND, Editor and Proprietor DEALERS IN % Clothing. 0 Shoes. §■ ,S DryGoods, aq 3 Hats, | g Notions, - 5 GrocErieS.^ SXSSEKSffl D-AETBiOIN'EG-A. Livery Stable, Moore Bro, Propr’s. 01 lew stable oq College 81.. BUN DAILY HACKLINES to and. from G ainesville. PARE, SI.50* Leave—7:80 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. C. W. SATTERFIELD, Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES A.3STD General Merchandise. CITY DIRECTORY SUPERIOR COURT. 3rd Mondays in April and Octo- , ■ J> J- Kimsey, Judge, Oleve- A&nd, Ga. W.A. Cliarters, Solici- lor General, Dahlonega, Ga. COUNTY OFFICERS, John Huff, Ordinary. John H, Moore,Olei k. J^tnes M. Davis Sheriff, j J - Walden, Tax Collector. ' anaes L Healaij, Tax Receiver. ■ R. Ilix, County Surveyor, oseph B. Brown, Treasurer. 0. Stow Coroner. CITY GOVERNMENT. H- Baker. Mayor. ernaen: E. W Strickland, J |r ; " > °Oee, W. B. Townsend, E. B. pickery, T. J. Smith. W. P. Price, ) V,n ' J. Worley, Clerk. eo ' W. Walker, Marshal. For • t H yoy have a gmy-haired mother lu tlie old home far away, Sit, down and write the letter You put oil day by day. Don’t wait until her tired steps Beach heaven's pearly gate— * Hut show her that you think of her Before it is too Into. If you’ve a tender message, Or a loving \voi$ to say, Don’t wjiit till you forget it, But whisper it today, Who kmyys .wpat bitter memories May haynt you if your wait? So make yoyr loved ones happy Before it is too late. We live but in the present, The future is unknown— Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is all our own. The chance that, fortune lends to us May .vanish while we ^vait, ,$o spe^d your life’s rich t reasury B,0|f.9f.e it is too late. The tender words unspoken, The letter noyer sent, ■Che long-jforg^i ten ny^sagejj, The w ealth of love unspent.. For these some hearts are breaking, For these some loved ones wait— So show them that you care for them Before it is too late. —McCall’s Magazine. Aii Unbiased View. Wednesday, April 20th, ,th,e j voters of the 9th congressional district will nopiiuate a capdjdate [ foy congress. In the discharge of .tpis duty \ve should not seek to | gratify the personal ambition of j any candidate for the nomination, i Any one in the district has a right ,to offer himself as a candidate apd ask the support of the people of tlie district, but in casting our ballots wo should not be actuated by personal friendship or person al preference, but should vote for some one, who, in our judgment is capable of rendering tbo best ser- j yiee to bis .constituency. We are ' pot voting simply to confer an honor on the applicant or to gratify hie personal ambition, but to select some one to act as our servant. Indeed a congressman after all is only a servant of the people he represents. Taking in - to consideration therefore tho ca pacity of the applicants to render the best service to our people we believe the circumstances warrant bhe ye-elccRop of Mr. Tate. His experience cohering p period of jtwely.e yeare will bo of great ser vice jto him, if he is returned. If it is true that is helpful j to the physician, the lawyer, the merchant and the farmer, and ins deed every other calling in life, Nature nods undoubtedly at times, as in the case of tho chi^l horn without a brain, whose case has been made public this woo,}:. Not long ago pn infant wps oorp and lived for three weeks with a bole through its heart. Thousands ,of us tiro color blind, others have po musical sense. Aud there are pippy Laura Rridgiuans, many Helen Kellers. Tho i]uecn of Roumania has or had at her court in personal attendance upon her self the daughter of a blind noble- 1 ,paap. 8ho qould neither bear nor speak and had to be taught to com- lpppjeatc by holding the throat of a speaker and igiitating tho vi bration produced by .the effort, But what a grudge against nature puist such a one ns Lyon Playfair .discovered ever foci! Here was a girl who was blind, deaf, dumb and could pcjther tas,to nor smell. One migb,t be pardon ed for usking if such a life was worth liviug. Yet thore was a beautiful lesson in 3tich an exis tence, as the great warm heart of Playfair discovered. Ho sent her a pretly lingo,r riug, and the poor mite replied in this pitifully preU t.y letter: “Dear Sir Lyon Play fair; Sir Lyop Playfair sent Edith r* Dealer General Merchandise, SHOES for ALL. Children’s a Specialty. Call and JSep my Spring The Men Girls Admire. They admire tho man who is al ways loving and respectful towards his parents, and who shows his respect by unfailing courtesy and nnd solicitude. They admire a rpan who, ai ring in box. Edith thank Sir j tlu) "gh witty, is .taleptqd, la not Lyon Playfair for riug. Sir Lyon ! conceded, or if so, keeps .it bidden, Playfair comp to see Edith. Good- j by. Edith.” Ruriug his visit the i ehdd had closely examined lps hands, wrists, arms apd fpce, her touch being marvellously accurate. A year later he went again to see her. At first she did not recog nize him and no one betrayed his identity. At length sho turned back the cuff of his shiyt and touched his wrist. Her face lit up with intense joy. , “It is the Englishman who gave tpo tho ring, 1 ’ sho rapidly spelled out on her fingers. And in a second she bad flung her little arms around his neck and was weeping with de light at the recognition. — St. James’ Gazettee. Undecided. One day a certain professor of mathematics at Ohio University prepared to set out on a short journey on horseback, says Lip- pencotfs. He was an absent- minded person, and while sad- who is not egotistical and takes an interest in other people’s joy pud sorrows besides his own. They ad/niro the map who is a perfect gentleman—who knows how a lady should be treated, and never forgets to offer her his chair, j open the door for her and the hnn- . dred and one other little attentions I which a girl so appreciates. I They admire tho man who can I keep his temper under control, and 1 pot descend to bad language should anything happen to .dis please him. A girl is not slow to recognize various points in a man’s character, and few gain her admi- ration more than an even temper. They admire the man who can understand a hint, and has tact enough to see when bis presence is undesirable. Tact is essential in everybody’s nature, though few men possess it in any marked de gree. '{They admire the man who never bores turnip, who has always.po.tpe- tbing fresh t,o say, or, if not, a Wiping Out an Insult in Tex as. HiSLlGlOUS SERVICES. 'favff'o Church — R ev - w - C. U nn i llster - Services Sunday at Prayel ' jfcpy.Sol.ooi at a o’cloc k, day -it n lst "Services eve •y Sun- every \V„ aSt ? r Pl a y° r meeting I Vetlttesday night. Preslm S ? h ° o1 at !) o’clock. 1st ana j e , rian — Se1, vices only on 1 u Sundays. Km,, , ^ J Blackwell, pastor. School 9 a . in. Take a Dr. Miles' Anti=Pain Pill, and the Pain will dis* appear Like Magic. Not by paralyzing the nervea and glands, like opium, morphine, cocaine, and othep dangerous drugs, hut by In creasing the .natura. secretions. This action is obtained as a result of modern discoveries in medicine, making it possible ty relieve pain without ba<£ after-effects. You can safely depend upon Dr. Milos’ Anti-Pain Tills to relieve and cure such pains as Neuralgia, Headache, Stomach ache, Menstrual Tains. Rheumatism, Eackaclie, Toothache, etc, They will also, by their calming act ion on tlie nerves, almost Instantly rer Jieve such distressing feelings as Diz ziness, Car-Sickness, Indigestion, Irri tability, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, etc. Not merely do they relieve, but they also absolutely cure, because by perse vering in their use, you Up away witl^ the cause. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain pills are guar anteed that first package will benefit, or your money back. Never s °ld in bulk. "I am thankful for the good Dr. Miles’ Anti-Tain Pills have and *ira doing me. Ever since the war A haw had spells of severe throbbing head- aclio, caused by catarrh, until six year? ago, I began taking Anp.-Pain Pills, the only remedy tha£ .ever gavfe me relief. Since then I have had one hard attack, because I take a Pill and It overcomes tlie difficulty.'’—GEO. SAUNDERS. Grecnsburg, Ind. fOPT' Write to us for Free Trial X) xtHiJli package of Dr. Miles’ Anti- Pain Pills, tlie New Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our Specialist will diagnose your case, tell vou what is wrong, and how to right it, Fre». DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., LABORATORIES, ELKHART, IND. some intricate problem. Some -. r n .. ,i t ,, i students stood near and watched then it follows necessarily that the I, ", • • , ,, , , .. | him abstractedly p ace the sadd e same principle will apply to those , . , . ; 1 . . on hind-part-beforo. who servo us in congress. Besides, Mr. T'de’s record is I professor,’ exclaimed on,e rather remarkable. fie j ias the group, “you are putting the never made a single mistake dm- j wlon S en( J of your saddle forc ing his twelve years scrjjee in | mos ^’ congress. If ho lias if has tfot ! Young man, replied tho pro- j lessor with some tartness, ‘-‘you ; are entirely too smart. How do , you know it is wrong, when i have not yet told you in which direc tion I intend to go?’-’ dling the animal was thinking out ; flew " :1 F sa yi Q g ohl things. 1 Qnce a girl’s interest is thoroughly aroused, a mun should bnye no di$culty jn winning her love. been pointed out during this ram paigu. During a heated canvass, | such Asia now going on in this; district^ jf errors exut they are i brought to light and made public. | Tho record of the past and the j promise ,of the future indicates to us that the time has not yet eome to discard Mr. Tate.—Commorqe News, Jackson County. Consumptives are to he barred j from firstsclass Roll man cars on i the Santa Fe Railway, and hospi tal cars on through trains will be provided for them. These cars will be especially equipped, and none but sick persons will be al lowed to ride on them. This in novation will he put into effect between Chicago and Kansas City to Colorado, New Mexico and California points, over practically the entire system. Tho hospital cars .will probably be put ou at the openiug of the summer tourist business this season. A merry-go round man at Lu Crosse, Kansas, got his leg caught in the cable of his machine. The crowd could hear the log crack as it was broken in several places. The machine was clogged and stopped. Women fainted and men paled. The unfortunate man smiled wearily, wiggled around and unstrapped a wooden leg, and then announced cheerfully: “Get your tickets for the next ride.”— Exchange. There would bo a great crop in Georgia noxt year if all the de feated candidates could be per suaded to take to the plow as soon as the primary is over, and it would tend to make them forget their troubles besides. — Darien Gazette. They admiye, above all, tho man who is a true friend and faithful lover, whose every action speaks of a noble nature, to which the word “dishonor” is unknown. 4 Card from A. I}. Jackson. Ep/yoii Nugget: I understand that there is being false reports circulated on A, L. Jackson, (my son), such as are positively lias. If some can’t get office without misrepresenting' things they hud better come down, ; get them a job and go to work. Respectfully, A. D. Jackson, 4 severe wind storm in Whites- boro, I£y., recently picked up a hiv.e of bees aud dashed it through a farmhouse window. Tho hive was demolished, and ihc liberated bees soon made it. so uncomfor table for the human occupants of the house that they were compell ed to vacate it and rush out in the storm. Lightning struck a tree in the orchard under which were sev eral other hives; and all the bees were shocked, to death and the hon ey in one hive melted by the heat of tlie electric discharge. A well known member of tho American colony boarded a crowd ed car ouo day recently, amt in the jam happened to brush against two Mexican gentlemen, wol/ pressed apd o^ ^istjpguishqij ap pearance. -Gnc pf Akc.m. after p few words wRfi his friend, furneij to tho American gcntlerunp 0,nd commenced expostulating w^th blip. The American, not un- derstiipdjng Spanish wqll, thought nothing particular of Jncidepp until the two men got off t^o cup when he did and continued to ad dress him as before. Calling a friend who was passing he asked him to act as interpreter. Then he discovered that the two men thought bo had insulted them ,lpy p^qip up<^ phey asked for satisfaction. The Amer ican got mad. He told tho two gentleman that ho would meet them, one after the other, at any place, with any weapon, and would give them all tho satisfac tion that Ihey possibly want. With that tho Amencuo handed them his card. They glanced a,t the name on tho card, thep toq^ off their hats, bowed low and peg ged tho A in e,r jeep’s pardon, sayiqg that they wepe pustu^cm, ^pr tfye American y/as geptlompp and wou,ld pot inftult t&em upder any qircupistapccs.—Mexican ^crnlijl. The girls of Japan have a har.d pow to hoe, ns the saying is. In p, little book called The Japanese Bride, written by a .Japanese man, Naomi Tatnura, there are revela tions which would make an American girl consider herself fortunate. A Japanese woman must be subserviant to men ail her life, in youth .tp liep fajhep, ip marriage £q i^qr kpebapd, in ol^ age to feer el/L^t £Qp. The wed ding is aryangqd, and in mauy .cases she seea hey future husbapd oply once before maryiage. The psgoOption ,of young men and young women jn society, is un known, ey,ep duyipg courtship, and ladies ap.d gep.tlpmen there never dance ,togetlyey. It is not best eyeyy time to send young oratpy;-. j.p tlip legislature who like to spepk. They waist too much valuable time rauk : ng a big noise and accomplishing pothipg. ^ map cap’t watch after the ipteyest oj lps .copnty and be making a mvso all Upi tjipe. As an illustration, t.ako our present representative, Hon. Q. D. Brqco. He kept quiet, watched every movement and talked only wbep it was necossary, thereliy securing a larger appropriation for the col lege at Dahlonega thau has been received at any one time foryeays, ■- ■'-’ - , /'iff