The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, July 15, 1904, Image 1

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* Good Advertising Medium, VOL. XV—NO. 9 , Devoted -to Local, Mining and General Information. DAHLONEGA, GA., FRIDAY, JULY a 5 , i 9 o 4 . W. R. TOWNSEND, Editor and Proprietor C LO TH I N G. Largest, Best & Cheapest Stock Ever Brought Here. Abundance of Dry Goods and Groceries. T. J. SMITH & BRO. The Negro Plank. Forcing the suffrage upon the i negro thirty-odd years ago inject- •<Hl into the political system of jifohe l nited States a poison that | (threatens the life of American in stitutions. It has been more ef fective than any ten other influ- .ences in debauching the public .conscience in political action. it has been most potent in changing party from a matter of principle) to a tiling of and pelf. In | throwing upon the South the bur den of maintaining white civil- i/.(ition it Inis been responsible (for iniieh of the partial paralysis (that has befallen itihe statesmanship ithere to the disadvantage of the whole country, and has been the slimy source of much of the cor ruption rampant in the great cen ters ot population in other parts of the country. Neither of the great parties have escaped its malign influence, and in making it possibjs that national elections way be carried by the baldest .cultivation of the passions and prejudices oftfiie ignorant and ii> responsible it lias imperiled the continuance of a republican form of government. Negro suffrage has fallen far short of its aims, whatever may have been the motives in the ex- I Opportunities South Mqro people of the North have gono into the South the past year * linn over before for the purpose of locating and for nuking invest-, meats. More farms huge been purchased by farmers from the States north of the Potomac and Ohio rjy.orsj mure factories have henu erected i*i ivhiqh Northern capital has been ,invested, more Northern money .has gone into timber and minora! lipids in the South. All tins has come about from the increasing [knowledge of opportunities and advantages to be found in tho Southern States, and especially in those States reached by the lines of tho South ern Railway system, and the care ful investigation ,of those oppor tunities and a comparison of them i with those existing iu other soc- ' tions of the coup try. Nolwith- i standing the millions of money ! which hnye been invested iu ■ Southern lands and Southern fac tories and mines the past year and in recent years, there is abundant opportunity for vnstl}' greater investments. Land in many sec- lions have advanced in value and ! in price, but not nearly to such figures as have been reached by vastly less- productive lands iu other States. They still present 0n& Dollar Per Annum “Tlie Mos.t Complete Line of imivfcT?? (Peg,intent. \Vas it designed by I thc fil,efifc cliaucc * for investments, hatred to humiliate forever a sec-r- ' W,,J1 e * or kications for the home DAE LONEDa Livery Stable, Moore Bro-, Propr’s. tion that had bravely acted upon its convictions? The white hearts in the rest of the country soon drew the fangs of that viper. Was it planned by honest but ig norant theory, inspired by the doctrine of the Jacobins, to bene fit .the negro? Then may bbe ne gro feelingly exclaim. Save me .seeker they are absolutely -superior I in every way to lands of similar ! pi'ieo elsewhere.—Thc Southern Field. A Needed Reformation. Almost daily some one Jroui somewhere, prompted by pure r-a-j „ „„ | sympathy anti charity., passes from .the godless philanthropy] aroun ^ with a petition asking for \Was it willed to ensure eternal j Help for this cause or that. Wo possession of power by a minority I sympathetic people; we like ■of the whites of the country? j charitable people; we like a gcncr- History has demonstrated that ' OU9; wc ,lko a P eo P lc open hearted will-power is not always sufficient, ! aIlc ^ disposed to assist those And -A. 11 Other Kinds Mens, Ladies & Childrens Shoes EVER BROUGHT TO I3A.HL03SOCGA.. Otlifti- Goods Too Numerous to Mention. W. P. PRICE, Jr. Si Sew Stable oit College 81. RTJ3ST DAILY HACK FI1STF to anti from Gainesville. FARE. SI.50- Leave Dahlonega 8, a. m., and arrives 4:30 p. m. CITY DIRECTORY SUPERIOR COURT. •3rd Mondays in April and Octo ber. J. J. Kimaey, Judge, Cleve land, Ga. W.A. Charters, Solici tor General., Dahlonega, Ga. COUNTY OFFICERS. John Huff, Ordinary. John H. Moore,Clerk. James M. Davis Sheriff. E. J. Walden, Tax Collector. James L. Ilealan, Tax Receiver V - . R. Hix, County Surveyor. Joseph B. Brown, Treasurer. D. O. Stow Coroner. CITY GOVERNMENT. R- H. Baker, Mayor. Aldermen: K. W Strickland, J E. McGee, W. B. Townsend, E. B. Vickery, T. J. Smith. W. P. Price, Jr. Wm. J. Worley, Clerk. Geo. W. Walker, Marshal. religious services. Baptist Church — Rev. W. C. Taylor, Paster. Services Sunday at II and at night. Prayer meeting Thursday night. Sunday School at 9 o’clock. Methodist—Services every Sun day at 11 and at night. Rev. J. D Turner, Pastor. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Sunday School at- 9 o’clock. Presbyterian—Services only on 1st and 3rd Sundays. * D. J Blackwell, pastor. Sunday School 9 a. m. FEMALE WEAKNESS 642 1-2 Congress St. Portland, Maine, Oct. 17,1902. I consider Wine of Cardui superior to any doctor's medicine I erer used and X know whereof I speak. I suf fered for nine months with suppressed menstruation which completely pros trated me. Pains would shoot through my back and sides and I would have blinding headaches. My limbs wouid swell up and I would feel so weak 1 could not stand up. I naturally feJA discouraged for I seemed to bo beyood the help of physicians, but Wine of Cardui came as a God-send to me. I felt a change for the belter within a week. After nineteen days treatment I menstruated without Buttering the agonies I usually did and aeon became rogular and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful!«oad I wish that all suffering women kuew ot Its good qualities. fa *•■***. *£%** *,•*** Treasurer, Portland Economic League Periodical headaches tell of fe male weakness. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out at every twenty cases of irregular menses, bearing do«m pains or any female weakness. It you are discouraged ao4 doctors have failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Remember that headaches mean female weakness. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. WINE* The family medicine in tltonsands of homes for 52 years—Dr. Thacker’s Liver and Blood Sjfup. .•and has taught the lesson that sbduging the negro issue to the front is likely to defeat its very purpose. Against such facts, in the face of decisions of the Supreme Court of the land practically ijuUdfykig acts of the revolutionary period between 1801 and 1877, in the face of the formal and .deli borate throwing overboard of the negro, except for campaign purpose*, in the deal which placed Hayes du the Presidency and restored the government of the Southern States to the integrity and civilization of in distress and trouble. But Ibis thing of petitions has gone just a little too far. G)h, -no, it doesn’t trouble an editor.; ho nc.vcr has any money, and all know it. But wc have taken up the tight against petitions for the na’kc of right a ad our friends. Jfc man’s hwee dies, and some big hearted neighbor is in town before breakfast the next day ask- iug help to buy another:; some owe else splits the country districts wide open to see how much he can gut foe the same cause. No mat- I ter what the cause of a loss, C. W. SATTERFIELD Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES AMD General Merchandise. Furelmsers of G. J. & S. R. Wild if improve Property. that section ; in the face of the J whether a cow dies, a house burns, effort by the South to resort to . .. " “> ’ j or a hail storm coiaaes, tho same process is gono through with. Nor j does it stop hero; a school house •is to lie improved, a church is to 1 be improved, a church is to be painted, a bridge to bo repaired, j or some other outlay of $50 or ^ 100 is to be met, and the county 1 far and wide is traversed to "et up the necessary funds to do so. constitutional means for ridding itself and the country of the curse, the Crum packers and Crum backers have insanely embodied in the platform of the republican party a plank that must stir again the waters of sectional strife and infuse into the coming campaign the bitterness and animosities which Grover Cleveland did so The modern idea seems to be to much to assuage and which VYil- * ,ol ' e gimlet holes into public sym- j ham McKinley would have still | I m, hy h> £fet out the milk of hu- further modified lutd he lived. 1 kindness. Petitioners go first ; That plank, superficial and dig- Do county officers, to public iricu, j honest as it is, should bring upon 1 politicians, and to loading, able its authors, its sponsors and its I men. I hen they radiate endorsers the condemnation Q f i *° ^l 8 a, D sizes of folks. If every patriotic citizen of any par- j R )l) y«ome to you tirsc, you may ty. It is nothing but a base ap- j kuow that you are regarded as peal to the mudsills in American I prominent and able.—Cobb County politics. fVvnr.r,,. The Manufacturers’ Record, 'The condition of cotton, accord- affiliated with no party, and ; ing to ^'report ’ of "t he United standing on its twenty-year-old j States Department of Agriculture, platform, the welfare of the South I . means the welfare of the country, j 1<J ^°^ cr ian 1 1118 been in many appeals to the best elements of! y« ar8 - Juno 25,1902, tho average the whole country, in business for ten years was 84.8; 1902, 847; and in politics, in education and 1903; 1904, 88.0. Thc average in religion, in church and State, condition in Georgia is 85. to set the seal of condemnation upon this reckless act of partisan : The world doesn’t look for tho desperation.—Manufacturers’ Rec- creases in a man’s trousers when urd- his bank account increases. Savannah, Ga., July (*>.— George «I. Baldwin, who was one of the purchasers of a part of tho Gttinesviillc, Jefferson and South ern railway at Gainesville yester day, says the property is to bo greatly improved. lie says wc have in -view some very important changes in the road which will likely bo put into effect as soooj as possible. One plan is to build the road out north ward toward Dahlonega, Another suggested route is from the Jef ferson branch to Athens to tho south, while a third is from the main line to the Central of Geor gia railway on the Macon and Coyington branch. Much will depend on thc co-op eration of the people along the. route of the property of the pro posed extension. If these towns shall promise good patronage there is capital in Savannah with which outside capital ns may be affiliated in the plan, to build a splendid railway into new terris lory. 'The work is to he begun at once and the road is to be made standard. Different Kinds of Kisses. Fortunately for stupid people, the weather changes often enough to supply them with something to talk about. 1 u stead a kiss says a French writer., is natural; totbuy a kiss is stupidity; for two girls to kiss is a loss of time;; not to kiss at all is an insignificance; for two men to kiss is quite ridiculous; to kiss the baud or theof the tingors is dioll; to kiss oue’s sister is proper; to kiss one s wife is an obligation; kissing a child is often a regret for not being permitted to kiss the mother; to kiss an ugly ^por- son is gallantry; to kiss an .old faded widow shows great devot-- edness, but to ikiss a young, blush ing widow is a charm; to kiss one’s waiting maid is very dangerous; to kiss one’s affianced is a premed itation ynd a right; an old, rich aunt it is hypocrisy; a young cook in tho bloom of age is delicious, dainty; to kiss a neighbor’s wife is doubtless very good, but quite wrong; kissing three girls tho same day ie an extravagance; u gill whose father is watching hat^ if may make one jump over the fence; to kiss a mother-inslaw is a sacrifice; an old maid, it is polite ness, timilly, a kus to one’s moth er is the purest, tho sweetest of all kisses. Tho bool weevil and the Repub lican party now menace the South, Down with botb.~Darien Gazette, 4