The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, February 25, 1927, Image 3

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. Kocal fpew 6 B. F. Anderson wants you to come and see his new spring hats. We saw our first snow birds for the season on Thursday of last week. There ate lots of calls made on the people oi D.dilotlega lor ill on ey. If it is not for one thing it is ano' her, The wedding of Mr. Will IJlli- ott and Miss Kula Hulsey occurred ou the 15th iust. Rev. James M. Lawson officiating. Mr. Charlie Fitts has built a nice cottage on his forty acre lot out on the highway, four miles front Dahlonega, leading to At- Lpvt.‘. The City Fathers have had a pew pair of steps built at the rock wall on Main Street, and any one .can come down that way to the Nugget othce in perfect safety. Not long ago a lady was telling us about paying $1.00 for hens. Now she only receives twenty and twenty five cents per dozen for the eggs they lay and all taste alike. From every appearance it looks like religion is a hard tiling for some people to keep. Their sins are like a cancer, appear to be healed and tlun break out again. Keep your eyes on the Nugget. If there is anything happening we will make an effort to get it to you, and if iho paper does not suit ton we will return your mon ey. We notice that other old ladies in Dahlonega have bobbed both their hair and dresses, which cutis es them to look as neat as an old time dirt oven, it party said the other day. Mr. Tom Moore, of Anniston, Ala., spent a day and a couple of nights here last week. Mr. Moroe left Dahlonega when a lad to work for Mr. Milton A. Smith in the printing on mess and has been a citizen of that place ever since. While Mr. George ,1. Allen, of Kansas, was here a few days ago he took occasion to mention the Mountain Lodge, saying that it was a number one hotel with ev ery convenience to make its guests comfortable and pleasant, with ev erything that is good to eat. Mr. Gecrgn Duff showed us the beard of a wild gobbler Monday, eight and one fourth inches long, which he found on the mountain near his house, where a fox had caught the turkey, eating what it wanted and hid the rest. The Burns’ had caught the fox and turned it loose to have another race, when it got away. The people are planning for a big day Saturday the 5th of March when Gen, Bullard and other prominent persons will be here. The Atlanta dailies will have rep resentatives both to write and take pictures, so as to show and tell what happens. Now if the weath er man gives ns a pretty day we will all be delighted. Eggs will he cheap and plenti ful now until the old ladies go to setting them tor a crop of young chickens We believe the most of those who started to raise chick- enu by the whojesale have decided that it is not a very profitable bus iness and are selling off their stock of chickens, or the most of them have. Mr B. F. Corbin, of Chestatee District, called last week to renew his subscription to the Nugget, being the first time he* has been to Dahlonega in nearly two years. Mr. Corbin has been a patron of ours fot about twenty-five years, who says it is read in preference to any other paper. Matters not what time the Nugget comes he drops everything and reads it. The others lie looks over at night. Our patron sajs he does not get his Nugget regularly— some weeks he receives it on Friday and others on Satin day. U’e send the p ipers for Cleveland Route 4, off op the early mail leaving Dahlonega Thursday and 11 ought to reach oin patrons on 1 hi.*. 1 onto U c-next day. The students continue to publish their college paper. And it is in teresting. Mr. Floyd Davis has opened out u small mercantile business in the T. J. Smith old stand. Mr. Tom Smith went down to Atlanta last week on business. This time he had most delightful weather-. Mrs. Birdie Gyles, of Atlanta, has been up for some days visiting her mother, Mrs. Ben Anderson, who hys been sick. Officers Souther and Grizzle found a still and t!8 gallons of li quor up in Nimblewill District on Wednesday of last week. A notice for the first round of Tax Receiver Ray apptnrs in this issue, who wottld be glad to have your appearance for a while. Last week the merchants sold a lot of onion buttons and different seeds to persons getting ready to begin early gardening. We stated last week that work had suspended at the Findley chute, but it was only temporary. Work is now in progress again. Miss Croffie Stow, who left here many years ago when quite young with her parents, for Gainesville, was back for n few hours the other day. The editor of the Nugget can always tell when the air has chang ed and coming from the North if it is about breakfast time, as he can smell the bam mta? at Wat son's Restaurant. The government has had an ex pert here for several days instruct ing those in the Mining Depart ment, carrying them out to the mines and telling and showing them what to do in case of gas or other trouble. For years they have been ring ing the bell at the Graded School at noon and again at 3 o'clock in the* afternoon to let the parents of pupils know when the studies cease and what time they may be expected home. It would be a good plan to ring a bell when night services end so the old folks at home, when they do uot attend themselves, when all hoys and girls ought to be at home in bed. The place for them at a late hour. The weather was so fine most of last week that we saw the ice cream wagon in town, butterflies sailing around and the mocking birds singing, yet they seemed to realize that it was not time for spring, as they sang very low and their mu sic could not be heard very far. But the time is not long now until they will turn loose their full strength and lower country visitors will be up bathing in the pure wa ter while the birds sit up one lhe branches of ’.lie tiees and sing and watch. Mrs. Jim Lingerfelt has not had her right mind for some time. On Thursday of last week upon find ing her out on the highway some one brought her to town. Chair man Moore of the County Com missioners, being told uy the Su perintendent last week that the Asylum was so overcrowded that none but extreme cases would be taken, and not then unless if ar rangements could be made by their folks or che'county, carried Mrs. Lingerfelt up to Mr. Lewis Riders and hired him to take care of her, if he can. Dang, bang, rang out on Thurs day night of last week up on the public square between eleven and twelve o’clock. Next morning we learned that a car ran across or through the public square, at a high rate of speed up towards Crane’s Hill. In a short while it came back. City Marshal Rider undertook to ilug it down, but it didn’t stop. Then he fired at the tire. No effect Then he shot again On it went, and was soon out of sight. We do not know the occupants of the car, but can say that such fast, useless drives are likely to get some one into trouble if continued. Or out of trouble, if killed, Boys, men or whoever you arc, take our advice and stop it. Remember ottr splendid type writer, other paper and envelopes when you want any, for sale at this offico. The members of tho County Bonrd of Education also came in to hear Mr. Martin talk about ed ucational matters. Dahlonega needs more business and citizens worse than it does wuter works. It has enough gas or filling stations. Mr. Ace Carder, of Gaddislown, ca,uie across the mountain with Irish potatoes and applui, ;iin1 got a fair price forboth. Mr. II. M. .■Wtephens, of Atlan ta, dropped in to see us while heie Friday and had his name entered on our subscript,iou list again. If you are suffering with rheu matism do not forget that the edi tor of thisppaper can ease your pains with a harmless remedy for one dollar. Jf not your money is refunded. Mr. Martin, the State .School School Supervisor, put in good time while here Friday talking to the teachers, students and pupils. Mr. Martin is the right man in the right place, whose information and instructions are valuable to all. Last Friday Messrs. Henry By ers and Coffins Caveuder brought in the escaped prisoner from the Union county jail. He was chop ping wood for one of the Mr. Stringeis in the eastern part of the county. The officers of Union came after him,that night. Were pleased to 4ueet State School Supervisor Martin last Friday morning. He came up to talk to the teachers of Lumpkin county. Mr. Martin has been here several times, and he always lias something interesting to tell them that will be beneficial to each as instructors. Last Friday morning vve were awoken by the voices of a bund of guineas. The moon was shining pretty and blight. In a few hours it was cloudy and raining. When you hear guineas singing after night this way you may look for rain. They do not want any one to get wet. Tae colored Baptist people tveie thinking for a while that they would enlarge their chutch, but we suppose they have declined as tbeir membership numbers only fourteen and people have quit giving the holy laugh and shout ing like theyu skI to, and it does not take a very large space for those who meet to serve the Lord. No ministor or missionary work ers have been out to the jail to see those little girl prisoners. Yet some of you are eager to raise money to help strangers who you never saw. If it would be too much of a strain to offer up a brief prayer in their behalf a handker chief or some other little present bought from the funds sent away would be appreciated by these friendless prisoners. The county does not furnish anything but food and bedding, and the church is cut off from them. The other night Drof. John An derson called us up and said he and Lake Stiffens would play Turkey in the Straw and a Rough Time In Town Tonight, to hold the receiv er. We did and enjoyed it very much. It made us think of the annual fiddlers conventions we us ed to have in Dahlonega when hundreds of pooplo would assemble and spend a day in listening to the vocal and instrumental music, com ing front various counties. Every thing passing off nice and pleas ant, everybody enjoyed themselves both old and young. We remem ber at the first convention, when two old citize us—one of Auraria and the other a citizen of Dahlon ega, both having readied their three score years and ten, mount ing the stage and danced when an other old citizen started up Katy Hill on his violin. All three have long since passed away and many others who wore present that day. And our whiskers are growing gray. J. C. Fields, on Route 2, has a lot of fine fodder to sell. If n woman we would not care about bussing a strange preacher. You will see by ad that Mr. J. H. McKee has some land to rent out at Burtsboro. Mrs. J. M. Brook slier went to Atlanta with hor two sons when they returned last Sunday. Prof. John Anderson and Lake Snltens will put on a musical en tertainment at the Dahlonega Gra ded School at 7 :3i B iturday night. Rev. C. Johsoon, of Guyton, Ga., will be here first Sunday in March to preach at the Baptist church and contract to become its regular pastor. Claud Gurley and Fred Ash came near colliding out on the Dug Hill road Sunday, so near that one of their cars lost its fender. Doth fortunately'running slow over the slick road. We heard of a wife out in the country the other day who got al most as tight as Dick’s hat band, making it very unpleasant for her husband who tastes not or han dles not sugar tea. And not long ago two deacons fell out about a dog. What’s coming next? What a sudden change there has been 111 the weather. Up to Sat urday for some time, near 3 weeks, has been most warm and delight ful, with the exception of one or two days when it rained. But last Saturday it began turning cold and we had a light snow, and on Monday morning war,ut water had to be used to get some of the cars started. Very mild now. Last week Mr. Fred Fitts was appointed PoBt Master of Dahlone ga to take the place of F. M. Meaders. who has held the office for twelve years, and goes out without any charge—only politics, and his time was up in December any way. (While Mr. Fitts is young and active, fully competent, one of our best citizens and we feel that he will make a good Post Master. The new official will take charge soon as the papers are fix ed up. The office will remain where it is at, as the P. .(). De partment leased the office some time back sor five years. Later.— We understand that Mr. Meaders’ time does not expire until the 29th of September, and there is still a fight ou for the office. Mr. Martin, the State School Supervisor, while here last week, invited the editor of the Nugget down to Atlanta. He said they wanted to broadcast some of bis sayings over the radio. We beg ged to be excused because we have always been very timid, unable to say but little in publip. Not only bashful when a boy, but are to this day. So much so that when we sit down to the table to dine ev erything is placed in our reach so we can start and finish without ut tering a word. When a barefooted boy at school only was able to memorize but one verse of “Twin kle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are,’’ which was delivered for a speech every Fri day afternoon. When we reached the yearling size of our boyhood days we began working for Capt. J. W. Woodward, in the old Sig nal office, located ou the first floor of the Masonic building. And when seeing any ladies coming to wards the office we would run out at the back door to Capt. Woodward’s kitchen and hide un der the table. One day while mak ing a run we fell and skinned one knee. Aunt Myra Skelton, who cooked there then, ran to our re lief with a rug and a box of salve, and being so shamed face that we wouldn’t let her pull up our bjxncli*- es leg, the kind hearted wo man had to apply the salve and rag on the outside over our knee tied with a string to our breeches, be ing visible. Later on when be ginning to cut our mustache we went a courting and couldn’t think of nothing else to say after we told her that it had been it pretty day with closed lips looking like a fool. So you sec our radio information would not be very interesting. SMITH’S SEEYICE STATION GrllLF Or-A-S AUTO ACCESSORIES FREE AIR FREEWATER Service Station Dahlonega, Oct. CARS STORED AND WASHED VULCANa^INQ A SPECIAL! Y rmwivia iWi.*io*n*n«im/mki i m i ii i <»o*'-jar-r Crown Service Station Standard Products Polm ine and Mobile Oils and Cup Greases Wo will appreciate a share'of your patronage (Ncftr College) H. B- SMITH, Pro. * L ' 1 ■. j. mmmmgmmm North Georgia Real Etstate If Interested see J. M. BROOKSME-R Manager Brooksher Realty Company Office in Bank of Dahlonega Bn..ding Dahlonega, Ga. MULES. I have a lot of fine mules for to trade, A Number of Country Mules* Come and See them. JT. Moore. THE CLARACE HAT SHOP Mrs, c. t McDonald 21 W. Washington Street, Gainesville, Ga. SPECIAL sajlp: Li Li. ly Spring Millinery. Very Attractive. Hats at Low Price. Come in and Bee our Hata And Save Money. Mug. c. t. McDonald. NOTICE We carry a first class line of Toilet Articles, Drugs, Sundries, and Patent Medicines of all kinds. We are LICENSED DRUGGIST And can fill any kind of Prescriptions. See us for School Supplies. Lipscomb Drug Co.