The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, December 02, 1927, Image 1

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D Good Advertising Medium, 'Devoted to Local, Mining and General Information. Vol. 39—No. 44 DAHLONEGA, GA., FRIDAY DECEEMI3ER 2. 1927 $1.50. Per Annum W. B. TOWNSEND, Editor and Prp CONSTIPATION * And Attendant Ills Relieved By Takicg_Black-Draught. The Rev. Granvillo Ed wards, who lives at School- field, near Danville, Va., was troubled for a long time with •constipation and its attend ant ills, which kept him from feeling fit. Ho writes: "Luckily I then, which was about twenty years ago, heard about Black-Draught and be gan to take it. After tak ing Black-Draught for a little whllo I noticed that my trou ble began to disappear. The poisons, which had accumu lated in the body, as a result of constipation, wero elimi nated, and I felt a hundred per cent, better. The dizzy feeling, which I had felt al- nr most every morning beforo breakfast, was gone. jkd "Black-Draught is a house- hold article with us. Wo al ways keep it on hand.” Try Tiled ford’s Black- Draught for constipation. Sold everywhere. 25c. ThediorcPs g. h. McGuire DAHLONEGA. GA. Repairs watchclocks, pianos, or- ans, sowing machines, Jewelry, &c.,. Next to Kurils’ Harbor Shop. FOR SALE. BOO fcot 1 i-2 inch pipe and 1600 gallon lank. All galvanized. In good second hand condition, for sale cheap. 11. C. &. F. M. Mradkrs. Shop Work, I will he found at my shop six days in the week to do Blacksmith in & ',' Make and repair old Furniture] and do anything in wood or iron. Horseshoeing a speck' Ity. T. V. GREENWAY. T REUSING CLUB. We have enst.nlled a Dry Cleaning Machine and are able to give you first class work. For Dry Cleaning 85c. Scrubbed and Pressed (50c. Hats blocked and cleaned 65 eonls. Mail orders given special atten tion. F. M. A PEE. I* D;i!ilo»: k Atlanta Ens Line. Leave Dahlonega 7 :30 A. M. Leave Dahlonega 4 P. M. | HUTU 15 V, Leave Atlanta 7 :3O A. M. Leave Atlanta 8 P. M. Rest cars. Careful Drivers PRINCETON HOTEL Bus Station 17 . Nort h Forsyth St. See F R E D J 0 N.E S, Dahlonega. T.tx Collector’s Notice Last Round —1927 Pee. 5, Anraria, !) to 11 Mill Greek, 2 to I 0, Nimblowil 1. 9 to 11 MarkKondell’s residence 2 to •! 7, Hightower. ID to 11 Davis, 2 to 4 8, Pane Greek 10 to 11 .* Yahoola, 1 to 11 Porter Springs, 4 to 5 SVGhestatee, 10 to 11 f FrogtOwii, 2 to 4 10, Grumbys, 9 to 11 12, Shoal Greek, 10 to 12 Wahoo, 2 to 4 Peck’s Store at night 12, Martin’s Ford, 10 to 12 15. Dahlonega, 1-5 m 2uth inclu sive. Sunday excepted. O. O. POUTER, T. G. Meadow the Scene of First Sunday School Robert Buikos of Gloucester Is ofiefi r.ot down us the founder of tin; Sun day school, writes tin English corre spondent, hut untiling Is heard of Em manuel Twynnliig, lho shepherd of •Magpie Bottom, Shoopseotnbe, Glou cestershire, from whom Kaikes got Ids Idea. Magpie Bottom is a beautiful crinkle at Hie edge of Hie Slieepa- conibe, the lane departs down the valley, at last reaching Glouces tershire. The young man must have been up here to take a service. At any rate, ns lie went by Magpie Bot tom there was Shepherd Emmanuel .Twymdng In that tliyine-sci-ntccl little paradise, with a ring of children round him, explaining perhaps pas toral parables of Iho New Testament. Msslei* Bob Itaikos slopped, perhaps ,1oined In a hymn and talked to the shepherd, asking lam Imw lie ‘'wont on” when the weather was not so fa vorable. lie was told that on wet days some handy cottage sheltered the class, and that, come wet or tine, there was a class every Sunday. During the walk hack to Glouces ter the tho,light took root and, with out the thyme and ihe marjoram and the Inconsequent chirruping of grass hoppers, Robert took up Ids shepherd ing in the dark streets of the callio drill city. Ancient Grech Had Idea of Evolution Empedocles, the Greek philosopher, anticipated Darwin In Ids theory of evolution by more limn 2,800 years. About 480 B. G. be published Ids ex planation .of .life and its interpretation ,of the universe in which lie held that "being” or matter was Imperishable and hence eternal. lie maintained (lie existence of two fundamental and opposing forces wli'ch he typified as friendship and strife. The lirst he represented as internal and the sec ond ns external and these two as in perpetual conflict—the first struggling to maintain the status quo ami tho second to change it—thus producing, according to his theory, all the phe nomena of nature. He held that these changes had been occurring through all the past ages with the effect of development in nil phases of existence with man as the hignest product, thus far, ,of the process. Modern scientists declare that in thus indicating the principle •“strife” Empedocles grasped The germ of Darwin’s Idea—the sur vival of the fittest—far by Its exposi tion ho seems to hav' intended to con voy the Idea of competition for exist ence or supremacy.—Kansas C’il.v Star. Practical Bible Warning ‘‘There are extraordinary sarcasms Jn .conineidenees,” s*iys Alexander (Black, author of "The Seventh Angel” and ‘‘The Great Desire." “One night a thief made off with my overcoat from a restaurant. It was not the sort of resin rant in which one is admonished to be alert. Moreover, I bad never been robbed of anylhing in my life. I had had no admonitory experience. Naturally the incident made a rather profound impression. The weather 'deepened that impression. ‘That same night I happened to open my Bible to verify the location of the verse from which I took the title of 'The Seventh Angel.’ And In the .verse immediately preceding I read these startling words: ‘Blessed Is ho that watchelh nnd keepeth Ills garments.’ ” Scanted Teas In China scouted tens are popular The aroma Is from flowers. The flow ers commonly used are the white jas mine and the “yu lan," a species of magnolia. Such tens are prepared by heating the flower petals with the tea leaves. Sometimes the. flower petals are left In the tea, but usually they are taken out after the tea has Iho de sired scent. In the preparation of some varieties the process consists of sprinkling a layer of fresh blossoms •over a layer of tea, and repeating tho process until the container is filled. Then the container is placed aside un- fi! the perfume has thoroughly 'per meated tho ton leaves. 'The olll petals are then removed and fresh petals added. This is repeated until the de sired nromn Is ntt: nod. Tire tea is then packed for market. Seeking Black Canary A Burbank Of birds is trying to pro duce n black canary, according to a recent issue of the Pot Dealer. Ga mines, to date, have been produced white and blue beside the convention al yellow, but no one has yet succeed ed tn producing a jot black feathered songster and perhaps there will be “millions in iL” for Hie man wlm suc ceeds. Novel and harmonious color effects have been produced in recent years by the use of colored bird cages In interior decorations, but the novelty of a Jet black canary and a pure white bird cage will lie sufficient to satisfy the most exotic demands of the In terior decorators. PRINT} T-HIS AD TO Clarice ia! Shop Mrs. O. W. McDonald AND GET CREDIT FOR AL.O0 ON ANY HAT JN OUR STOCK AT $5.00 OR OVER GAINESVILLE., GA. nmvrrrsne rs: Sicily Car. Boast of Many Famous Cities Sicily, named by i 1 s admirers “L’ls- ola Incnntevole”—Island of enchant ment—js situated at the very toe of the boot made by Italy, as If about to be kicked out of the way, nnd is in cluded In the possessions of that coun try. It is a colorful Island in old his tory. Before the Trojan war—Are kindled by the light of a woman’s eyes—(lie Phoenicians sent colonies to IfleiTy. Syracuse, its principal city, is named by St. Paul in The Acts: ‘‘And landing nt Syracuse we tarried there three days." Thucydides wrote of the great sieges occurring four cen turies B. C. against Syracuse, placed, as one writer expresses It, for both war and commerce in the very center of the ancient world. Two centuries later the old mathematician Archi medes held at bay for three years the fleets and armies of Rome before finally capitulating and yielding Syra cuse to Its enemies. Messina, another city old in story, was founded by the Greeks more than seven centuries B. C. mid is tho chief commercial town of tho island. Catania, a city of beauty with Us palaces, villas and ,orange groves, Is seated at the foot of Aetna, a volcano with a record of many eruptions. Palermo, the cap ital, Is a most Interesting city, facing the deep blue sen. In its great cathe dral repose the Irenes of Emperor Frederick II, a ruler with an Intel lectual development some two' cen turies ahead ft his time and conse quently misunderstood. Friend'3 Mild Rebuke Failed in Its Purpose Smith and Jones were personal friends, so one day Smith took a per sonal friends liberty and said to Jones: "V011 mustn’t take offense if I speak lo you about something I have had on my mind for some time—just a little habit of yours. "Nobody has evdr had the nerve to tell you before,” Smith continued in n hesitating sort of voice, ‘‘and you are .such a splendid, noble fellow." ‘‘Yes, yes,” answered Jones.” Smith cleared hla throat-; Ihon, will great determination, launched out: "You’re one of those fellows who never really know what is being said to them; you’re always pursuing some train of thought. Anyone cnn tell half tho time you nro not listening by tho faraway look in your eyes. You’ve offended a Iqt of people. Of course, it’s terribly rude, only you don’t know it. You mustn’t any more, old chap”— putting his hands on .Tones’ shoulders. "Promise me you'll not.” Jones was then obliged to face his friend. “Just what were you saying?” lie inquired in a faraway voice. Marvelous How Birds Wing Bach to Home •Bird lovers have believed for cen turies flint migratory birds return to the same borne, year after year. Mod ern science has proved this belief to be right. Birds nre caught in traps that do not hurt them, marked with tiny log hands of aluminum, each hear ing u number, and released. Next year, the same birds .are caught again hi the same locality, -often when oc- (Oupying the same nest. Evidently, a bird’s memory for di rection nnd location must be quite ns marvelous as the older writers be lieved. The catbird winters ns far south as Panama, yet catbirds marked in northern Ohio came back to the same neighborhood, year after year. Sometimes they move a few rods or furlongs, but the frequency with which they return to the very spot is astounding. Cats find their way hack to tho old home across a Township, horses across a county or two, and dogs have been known to pass through several states in returning to a beloved master, but birds lind their way across a con tinent, nnd sometimes over u sea us well. •Organization Counts The Baldwin locomotive works got an order for a monster locomotive. It was shipped in 15 days. "How did you do It?” one ef the oflicials was asked. ’ .‘‘Organization," ho responded. “Oi- sniikzatlon is the art of getting men 10 respond like thoroughbreds. vTieh you cluck to a thoroughbred he gives you all the speed and strength of. heart and sinew‘he has in him. When you reluck to a jackass, he kicks." Here Is an illustration worth while, which -surely applies -to men as well a? lower animals. A wonderful thing is the ability to respond -with complete -efficiency -when ever called upon. Ami a more wonderful thing Is to he able to get other men to respond that way when you call upon them. 'That is what the great men of In dustry—ns well as of war—have been able to accomplish.—Gulf Coast Lum berman. Careless Letter Wrin u Post oilice employees in congress may ho pardoned if their estimate of the public’s intelligence Is somewhat low. Letters still come addressed to Mark llnnnu nnd Boise Penrose, for mer senators and now dead several years. Uncle Joe Cannon's mull Is quite heavy yet Senators nnd mem bers of tho house are mixed up indis criminately by letter writers. So many letters are received for mem bers of state legislatures who should have been addressed at their state capitals that a membership roll of all legislatures is kept on hand for as sistance In forwarding such mall to the proper address. Why are letter writers so careless?—Exchange. It Was a Good One It was our custom in English class at school to choose a certain person to read his theme aloud before the class, writes a correspondent. O11 this particular day the girl who sat across the table from me had '-let me see her paper before class started. It was a good one, so when the teacher asked whose theme we would like to hear,' I promptly' suggested that the girl across from mo read hers. She arose, but Instead of reading the one I had seen, she look another one from her Ik-ok, It \v,ts jj vyopderfjjl ode to jjia president of the senior class, praising him to the skies and throwing oratori cal bouquets at him. I was the pre?i- dent.—Chicago Tribune. 1 : — Idea for Searchlights In the night, when low clouds flont in a thin veil above the river, where searchlights on battleships throw their “beams upon them, a curious round patch of light can be seen on a cloud. Airmen flying above these clouds would also see the patcli of light and. in clear weather, the long beams cast upward into the sky. t The suggestion lias been offered that air-lighthouses should be provid ed with vertical searchlights of great power. Even in moderately foggy weather the light would penetrate the cloud of mist and be visible 'from above.—Popular Science Monthly. Selected Big Ore Albert, age six, was very fond of squeezing tooth paste from the tube. His mother warned him not to take too much. One morning lie said: “How much may I take, mother?" j "Oh, a little,” she replied, "about : ns big ns a bean.” Then Albert pinched the tube and ; out shot tlie paste. "Oh, oh!" exclaimed his mother. “Not so much. I said ns big as tv- bean.” “Y"es,” said Albert, "ibis is a string bean.”—Youth’s Companion. Tourmaline Peculiarity The crystal, tourmaline, is capable of attracting small bits of paper and straw in much the same way r.s am ber. This attraction is, of course, due to an electrostatic charge. When the crystal is exposed (0 sun light of a low temperature it loses Its electrical charge, but regains it upon being heated again. If it has a nega tive charge at first, It will have n posi tive charge when it Is reheated. Several other precious stones ex hibit phenomena along this line, hut tourmaline is the most interesting 11 cl spectacular of all. Wild Creatures Made Subservient to Man Man gained the dog by domesticat ing Hie jackal and different species of wolves, in different parts' of the world and then by crossing or, by a more or less unconscious selection bred different varieties, until we have at present a elmos of intermingled forms. Something similar but on a i mailer scale was true of the domestic cattle, according to "The New Stone Age in Northern Europe,” by John M. Tyler. One kind of domestic cattle appears fully domesticated hi the old est lake dwelling. It Is unlike any wild European farm. This Is Hie Bos brnoh.voeros. It was almost certainly imported. Mingled with Its forma we fluid those of the Bos primigenius, na tive of Europe and north Asia. Init np- pamitly not domesticated. This is the unis, which was common la Eu rope in Cne-mr’s day, nnd lasted in central Europe until 100:1 A. D.. and still lingers in l’oland. This was a very large nnd powerful form with long spreading horns whose domesll- ealion appears to have commenced toward the dose'of Iho Neolithic pe riod. It is not improbable that It was domesticated, or at least tamed, Inde pendently hi different countries nt quite! different limes. Raising of cat tle was at ils height during the Bronze age; afterward the results seem to de cline and the cattle lo degenerate. NERVOUS Louisiana Woman Tells Why She Relies On Cardui for Her Troubles. "When just a girl,” writes Mrs. G. W. Britt, of Hnughton, La., “1 suf fered qulto a bit at times .... I would ba so tired all tho timo that I didn’t really enjoy anything. “I took three bottlos of Cardui and very soon, I saw qulto a difference. "Later on ii life, aftef I got married, I was very weak and nervous, beforo my baby came. I remem bered what Cardui had douo for me when a girl and sent for it again. “I only had taken two bottles when I felt so much stronger and better. "I am a great believer In Cardui because 1 know It did me good.” Cardui should do you good, too. Try it. CARDUI A Vegetable Tonic C 41 Eastern Man Credited With Remarkqble Puri Though Judge Elrenezcr It. Hoar’s name is scarcely known outside of Massachusetts, he sat on the Supreme bench of that elate, was chosen by President Grant as his first attorney general, nnd after the refusal of (tire senate—because of two honest rebuffs of senatorial intrigues—(0 confirm his nomination ns justice of the United States Supreme court, he became tire acknowledged leader of the Massachu setts bar. Ills wit was perhaps a lit tle too caustic for political prefer ment. lie was one of the perpetra tors of what is doubtless the most remarkable pun on record—a triple pun. This feat was performed in n conversation between the judge and his cousin, Senator William M. Evarts. The incident Is related by Miss Ellen Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s (leughter: Judge Hoar told me that he and Mr. Evarts wore .talking together cine day about n lawyer, bright, hut of doubt ful practices, whp had lately ,come _£o some distinction. Mr. Evarts said: "Vet ho seems to have been getting on lately: 1 * The judge responded: "Yes. more than that, he’s been get ting honor"; nnd Mr. Evarts instantly added: “And perhaps now lie’ll begin to get honest."—From the Outlook. Efficient Spending Tire measure of real necessity Is surprisingly small. When one finds the medium ground between prodigality nnd stinginess Ire will realize that ho can live there, oven though hie income may he moderate. Greater moderation In many things would leave us a healthier and happier race, to say nothing of wlmt It would do for our bank accounts. Certainly, he to re Inly ing a thing one should honestly ask him elf whether lie needs it. lie should, likewise, give himself an hon est answer. The second principle of efficient spending Is (hat when one has honest ly decided Hint lie needs a tiling lie should buy lire best Ire can get. If one buys at all, it pays to search tire jxarket for an article of high quality. Moreover, lie is very apt not to find an article of high grade unless lie does search (lie market rather carefully. Fake Teeth for Bears Animal dentistry, says a dentist cor respondent. is as risky as It Is fasci nating. The filing of rough or un even teeth of n lion or tiger requires not only strength hut nerve, for you cannot put a wild animal under gas as you can a man or woman. 'To 1 ex tract an animal’s tooth is far from nil easy business, and in many cases It Is easier to pull a screw from a piece of oak by means of a pair of pliers. A well-known menagerie owner once had an old pet bear fitted out with a com plete set of false teeth. The plates had to Ire “glued” to lire mouth of the beast hi order to keep them In place. —Exchange. War on the Sheldrake Intresting and comely In appear ance though the sheldrake is, its flesh is not always appetizing, nor In some other respects is it always worth its board. It is like the grebe a wonderful diver, and lias n reputation of living In burrows, which It never digs. For years the natural history books declared that it was a vegetable and insect feeder, but it is now claimed that its strong red bill, with a knob at the base, is used for scooping up voung fish and especially young trout. QDQBBDBtiBDOnB FORMAYOH. I herey announce for Mayor of Dah- onega and solicit the vote and sup port of every citizen. Graham Dugas. ~ FOR SALE. (My farm consisting of 57 acres, about 20 acres of it good bottom land. Good house and tine orchard, in Gaue Creek District. Cash or tcrjna, M. S Smith, New Holland, Gp. Woody Barber Shop H. R. WOODY-H. E. WOOD GO TO BLUE & WHITE O .JK F E Good oats and prompt service. We also gurry a full 1 itie of school supplies, .candies, cigars, cigar ettes. Alj3o.a full lino of flash light supplies and Kodak films. Icecream and all kinds of soft drinks, bottle or fount. Make our place your home. It is the copj- cst and nicest place in town. G. IC. RIDER, Propr. WANTED! Ambititious, industrious person to introduce and supply the de- ninnd for Rawleigh Household Pro ducts in Lumpkin county. Make sales of #160 to $000 per month or more. Rawleigh (Methods get business every where. No selling experience nre quired. We supply Products, Siiloa and Advertising Literature and Ber- vioe Methods—everything you,aieed. Profits increase every month. Low est prices; best values; most complete service. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dcp.t. GA2822, Memphis. Tenn. ’notice'. "Whereas, II. B. Cochran and G. L. YValden, Executors of the estate of , Goo, \\. Cochran, desoased, represents to the Court in their pc' tion duly filed that they have fid ly administered the estate of the said deceased. Tin's is therefore, to cite all persons concerned kindred, and creditors, to show causo, if any they can, why said Executors should not lie dismissed from his adminis tration and receive letters of dis mission, on the first Monday in De cember, 1927.' 'j His November 8,1927. W. B. Townsend, Ordinary. CITY REGISTRATION Hook will be open from Novem ber the 2l8t, to December rOthy 11(27, at Burns’ Barber Shop, to allow all citizen? of Dahlonega who have paid all taxes legally imposed and demanded of the city authorities, except for the present year, who have .been bonafido res idents of the state 12 months, of the county six months and of the city ot Dahlonega six months, or will have been by the coming city election, 2I years of age, and have not haretofore registered. G. II. Mooke, Nayor. Nov. 15, 1927. i