The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, December 09, 1927, Image 1

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r ,« pill'll ‘VM ^4 \ r \ :Goci Advertising Medium, Devoted to Local, Mining and General Information. $1.50. Ter Annum Vul. 39—No. 45 DAI 1 LON EGA, GA., FRIDAY DECK EM HER 9. 1927. W. B. TOWNSEND, Editor ami Pro " Texan Was Helped by Use of ir H Black-Draught* R B Mr. Jamo3 W. Burnett, who .■ lives on Rural Routo No. 4, ?" Whitney, Texan la a greet bo- K, Hover in ThoclforrTti Block- ?- Draught for the relief of mieh fc common ilia as indigestion fc and constipation. Ho writes: £ “Slnco I first found out about 'Black-Draught, I have never boon without it in the house. For several years, I had been a sufferer with in digestion. Occasionally, my t” oystem won,Id become E thoroughly choked with poi son, and I would have a real sick spell. Now I ward them off by being forehanded, and ou vy neing loronancled, and £ taking Black-Draught before Jv they come, instead of after, h “Wo all uso Black-Draught iu our homo, for constipation £ and indigestion.” Get a package today, and jb try Thedford’s Black-Draught 53 tlio next time you aro consti pated. Sold everywhere. Oao cent a dose. , Thedford’s BLACK-DRAUGHT Purely Vepciille c LcjI Lc.zizn2 Records on Uriahs and Stones Clay inblels, bricks and tallies of stone formed the writing paper for (lin e wlm made tlie first written records. Despite such crude ■equip ment, the Assyrians itniKliiihyUminns possessed astonishing libraries. The j library of Snrgon at Agade contnined j thousands of volumes, including : works on astronomy and astrology j it ltd many books of fables. The clmr- I .‘tilers were impressed with a metal | stylus on soft clay tablets, which j were then baked In the sun or In h I kiln. The prophecies of the Sibyl | wore written on leaves. Several copies of the Bible wore written on palm leaves, mid some may still lie seen in museums. It is from this that the term “loaf" as applied to ;i sheet in n .volume, is derived. In the 'Book of Job ment'oii Is made of writing on. stone and on sheets of lend. The law of Moses was written on stone. Hesiod’s works were written on lead er. tablets and then rolled up like n cylinder. When the Greeks were merely shepherds, they put down BRING Ttt I-S A 1) TO g. h. McGuire I)AH RON KG A. GA. Repairs watch.-..-, clocks, pianos, or- ans, sewing machine,. Jewelry, Ace.,. Next to Burns’ Harbor Shop. Tax Collector's Notice Last Round— 1927 9, Chestatee, 10 to 11 Frogtown, 2 to 4 10, Gruiubys, 9 to 11 12. Shoal Greek, 10 to 12 Wahoo, 2 to I Peck’s Store at night 13, Martin’s Ford, 10 to 12 15. Dahlonega, 15 to 20th inclu sive. Sunday excepted. O. O. POUT MR, T. C. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN 0<’t. 27, one black and white lemon colored Bitch, Walker Fox Hound, about 2 years old named Roxy. One black and white spot ted Bitch, about sixteen months old, named Polly. Finder please notify Tv. J. Camp, Canton, Ga., and receive $10 reward [or any in formation leading to their where abouts. jf REUSING CLUB. We have enstnUod a Dry Moaning Machine and aro able to give you first class work. For Dry Cleaning 85c. Sjrubbed and Pressed (50c. Hats blocked and cleaned 65 cents. Mailorders given special atten tion. F. M. ABLE. IhMouegii’ & Atlanta Bus Line. Leave Dahlonega 7 :3d A. AT. Leave Dahlonega 4 1’. M. 11KTUUN. Leave Atlanta 7 :3d A. M. Leavo Atlanta 55 P. M. Best cars. Careful Drivers PRINCETON HOTEL Bus Station 17 North Forsyth St. See F R E I) J O X E S, Dahlonega. their siings with thorns nnd awls on leather. B ronze tablets were used for their 1 iws nnd more Important records.—T. P.'s Weekly. “Angling” With Volts Is New German Idea The “con pleat angler” that Iza-tk Walton once bad reference to is 1:0 longer adju dgetl complete unless lie Mrs. C. W. McDonald AND GET CREDIT FOR $LUOON ANY HAT IN OlPR STOCK AT $5.00 OR OVER GAINESVILLE, GA. carries the new third-run tackle in ills basket, according to a German inven tor wl:o proposes electrocution of mu tine vertebrates instead of netting or hooking them. Under tils plan a mild electric current would be passed through a brook, anil early ti.--1a wlm catne -looking for worms would tlnd volts: Instead. Shocked Into uncon sciousness till fish, large and small, that came in direct contact will) the current, would rise to the surface and there the fisherman coaid sort out the sizeable ottos tit his leisure, permit ting the little fellows to revive and swim away. Dish hatcheries and game wardens, however, do not view tlm new inven tion with a credulous or condoning eye, arguing that win the most Hardy of the Ijsh, which were permitted to escape, would have theft' dispositions ruined by frequent electrocution and the process would be fatal to (lie del icate nervous system of infant trout. Pathetic Reunion of Two Boyfiood Chums “Who’s there?” This snappy question shot forth from (lie lips of Goldstein Blgpurse, owner of one of the finest offices near llie Mansion house. “Only me,” came tlio answer, and I he burglar turned his lnntern upon himself nt once and on each side of it ini to show that he was .telling the truth. "You?” cried ttie multi-millionaire. “You? Why, so it is I You—Bill Bluffem, my school chum, my faith ful companion in nil schoolboy pranks. Great .Scott! And falTen to such depths!” “Well!” exclaimed Burglar Bill. “If it ain't Goldie, me old pall I know all about you. You're president of one of the largest financial sklndl- entes In tills country, nnd I nin't noth in' hut a common, ordinary burglar, B00-I100! If you let me go this wunst, I promise never to let you catch me again! Wilt yer?" “Uti, ha!” laughed the financier. “Let you go? Well, 1 should say not. No! Never! For I’m going t-o make you a partner In the sklndleate. For years 1 have been looking-for a man with (lie proper training." Bo saying, the two pals embraced each other fondly.—Houston l’ost-DIs*-' patch. -f BRICES LOW. If you are looking for bargains call and sec me. Have a good line of sweaters, lumber j ickots, mens, ladies and childrens, priced from 85 cents to $5 09 Mens, and ladies Imts from $1.00 to $5.00. Stocking caps B5 to (id dents. La dies apron dresses 5O0 to $i.00' Regular dresses $i.O0 to $10 00 Outing lft .to 2O rente per yard Sheeting 5 to 20 cents per yard Mens and children’s clothing. A big lot of, luindercliii's for Xmas 5 to 50 cents. Boxes from 15 ti> •{51 1 •> lor Christmas. Also many good; notimentionod . Ne.v goods coming in every two nr throe days until Christum Everything sold at lug bargains f r ca.'di. I have thy goods and-yottr i a-It talks here, fieo my good; and get pri ces B. IJ. Andbkson. Lucky Animals Animal mascots? become ever more and more i*opular. Dancers are wear ing little black pigs In elllgy. The fisherman's mascot is the petrel, the omen of good weather. The black cat is almost universally considered lucky, but Otis is specially so with actors nnd actresses. Many of "the profes sion" would not dream of playing a first night through without a sum 11 black cut charm of some sort. Thu ait'iimn’s mascot is the eagle, and a gardener will often keep tor luck a charm in the form of a toad. People with gray eyes should always choose a monkey mascot. Brown eyes will find the horse a lucky animal, and Mire eyes should wear a little bear charm. A quaint colored butterfly is the best luck-brlnger for green-eyed people. It is unlucky for fair-haired people to wear any mascot in the form of a snake, and a mouse charm will only bring bad luck to anyone who is rush chough to wear it. Whistler Stories A flippant reply to the secretary of a London club w-hero Whistler's ac count was past due produced this re tort : “Dear Mr. Whistlef: It Is not u Nocturne in Purple or a Symphony in Blue and Gray we are after, hut an Arrangement in Gold and Silver.” The money was paid. A certain gentleman whose portrait Whistler bad painted failed to appre ciate the work, nnd finally remarked: “After all, Mr. Whistler, you can’t call that a great work of art.” "Perhaps not," replied the painter, “but, then, you can't call yourself a great work of nature.”—Kansas City Times. Vanity Not Fault of North Carolina Man When John Cerraclit, an Italian sculptor, wrote to Hugh Williamson, one of North Carolina's notables, in lho early days of America, requesting 1dm to sit for his bust, “not on ac count of getting Mr. Williamson's in fluence In favor of the Nation ail mon ument ; (Ids is a subject too worthy I to lie recognized; but merely on ac- | count of his distinguished character, j that will produce honor to the artist,” J Williamson replied: | “Mr. Hugh Williamson is ranch | obliged to Mr. Cerrachl for the honor intended him, and could not possibly suppose that Mr. Cerrachl had offered | such n compliment by way of a bribe, ! for a man In bis public station who i could accept a bribe or betray a trust I ought never to have Ids likeness made j except from a block of wood. “Mr. Wiiliafason in tiie meantime, j cannot avail himself of Mr. Cerrachl’s \ services, as ho believes that posterity | will not lie solicitous to know what j were tlie features of ids face."—Kan sas City Star. Chinaman Carried Off Maiden of His Choice' “I.nh-lmli,” or (lie “twelfth moon eighth day” is always lucky for mar riages. l’ofir people of the Anhui province in China can be sure of an nus|ileIous day without going to tiie expense of consulting the fortune- tellers. This year in the town of Lluanchow there was a novel marriage proce clou. A young man of twenty-two wanted bis iu-idv, hut iter parents are stild to have thought him too poor for tiie girt, .and demanded n sum of money which dbey thought would end in (lie riiatch'bolng broken off. Friends suggested lie should abduct tiie girl so on the auspicious “eighth" lie and u few friends went to tiie girl's home, and -they were in such force ns to carry tiie day. To prevent anythin like lawlessness the bride nnd groom were bound together buck to back and tiie young man was marched oil*, like tiie snail,-with ids house cldu 11—wifi —ou tills back. The girl had protest ed she did not want to lie Ids wife and apparently sulked, hut next day filings were smoothed over by friends, “But wiry tie them back to hack? asked one. “Oh, to stop tlig^glrl from struggling," said a friend of the groom. In other words It was cave man stuff.—North China Herald. J ' Geographic Joke Panama perpetrates one of tiie | greatest of geographic jokes on t lio.->e who visit It. It convincingly makes cast west. From Panama City the snn rises out of tiie Pacific, which to most American minds is Hie proper place only for setting suns. And lie who sails through tiie canal from tiie Atlantic to the Pacific travels aiot from east to west, as lie nntiirai- iry ‘expects to do, but from west to east, <«r, mare .accurately, from north west to sotnlieast. One gels tiie ini ■press-ion, as one writer lias phrased if, Hint, “there is something crooked about tlds.” The crookedness is found to lie in the Isthmus, which mils pre dominantly east and west, instead of north and south, and in addition makes a double curve like tlie letter S, so that at one place the Atlantic waters are actually west of those of tiie Pacific.—National Geographic So ciety Bulletin. Planned City or Refuge In 1821 1111 idea occurred to the late Mn). Mordecai M. Noah, a distin guished Israelite of the city of New York, then editor of a prominent po litical journal called the National Advocate, that Grand island, iu the Niagara river, would make a suitable itsyiti: 1 for the Jews of all nations, whereon' il ay could establish a great city and become emancipated from the oppression bearing so heavily Up- ! on them in foreign countries. Tiie ; city of Ararat), which lie contoinplut- ! ed founding for this purpose, never j developed after a series of failures | and d: appointments on Ids part. i Lincoln. Myth Exploded The position of the hands of a Jew- | dor's clock sign !.? cue which has been selected for Hie reason that It fur nishes the greatest facility to meet Hie requirement for painting the long er name above tiie hands and tiie shorter word below. The minute hand has been varied In position from 7 to 25 minutes after 8. Sometimes (lie longer name requires to be written in a semicircle above the hands. There have been stories connected with tiie death of Lincoln Hint the positiou of the hands Is commemorative of the hour of (lie death, but this story can bo shown to lie false from Die simple fact Hint the hour of tiie death of ! Lincoln was not at 8:22 o'clock. Fur ther, the use of tlds posit Ion of tiie hands of the clock is believed to have preceded Lincoln's dentil. Wanted, Temperaturel Bast winter Mr. and Mrs. Brown were ill with the “llu” In separate rooms. One morning, henring a con versation going on between the -col ored maid and Mr. Brown, Mrs. Brown asked the mahl when slve entered her room if .Mr. Brown had any fever. The maid replied that she did not know. Mrs. Brown tlion said to the maid: "Go and ask Mr. Brown if lie lias any temperature this morning. Tell him I liaven'<t any. 1 ’ As Hie maid left the room, she left Hie door open, and Mrs. Brown over heard tiie following conversation: “Mr. Brown, Mrs. Brown sa.v Is yon got nay temperature this morning?" Mr. Brown replied: “I don’t know whether I have any or not, Lucy." And Hie maid said: “Well, If you is got any she wants some, cause she ain't got none tills morning."—Youth’s Companion. “Fossil Raindrops” In slabs of Trlassic rock little de pressions tire often seen that have j been called "fossil raindrops," the idea J being that they were formed by show ers on muddy sea beaches, and pro- 1 served by being covered with a layer ! of mud at tiie next high tide. But lately it 1ms been suggested, in view of observations on n flood plain in the Dorn valley, that the supposed impressions of rain drops may really be due to pittlngs formed by bubbles in n film of mud at tiie bottom of shal low water. There have been watched | the formation of many pittlngs, and j it has been found that after the mud j br.s dried they exactly resemble “l'os- j : d 1 raindrops.” Playing-Cards Differ American playing-card manufactur ers have ji profitable market awaiting (hem in Mexico and other Spanish- speaking American countries. Bur cards must be of patterns different from those to which Americans tire ac customed. People In those countries demand Hie Spanish pack, which eon sists of only 40 cards, nnd tens. Fur thermore, the face cards him different. The 11 pc (called “ s") Is much like oni'I I he rev’ (king) wears a crown, the qiie-.n Is represented by a young woman, and the jack (“caliall") Is a horse. Me. t of the playing cards used In Spnnish-Amerienn countries ure im ported from Spain, and are smaller limn- ours. Commonly they are thin nnd flimsy, so as to be hard to shut- file, and tearing easily. fJnderstand Now That Sun Radiates Health Two architects nt Paris have built n bouse of which any room may have sunshine at any moment of the day, provided the sun Is shining. It turns on a pivot like a railroad turntajile. A finger on the electric-button Is all lliat is needed. Tills may not Initiate a now style of architecture, or house-building. It would ho 11 little expon. ive for the average householder; lie will content himself with gloving ills sitting or dining room to It. But the house Il lustrates and emphasizes the new de- wot Ion to Hie sun. Our doctors and scientists have Just •found out new and exceedingly valu able therapeutic qualities iu the sun’s rays—rays that strike the skin with out any intervening medium. It is nature's.oldest and finest remedy, con stantly used and relied upon by the lower animals Imt long misunderstood and unappreciated by the high ani mal, man. Y\'e have always talked of the benefits of out-of-door life, hut we did not realize our dependence'on and debt to those healing nnd vltuliz ing rays direct from the source of till life on our planet. We are still discovering gold under our feet.—Pathfinder Magazine. ferinU I Mb' 4-.- il 5 Jj tfei1 tardui Helpful to South Carolina Lady Whose Health Gave Way. Mrs. Letha Cabaniss, of Chesnco, S. C., “did too much,” and her “health, gavo way.” She writes: “I took boarders and, at tlio same time, worked In tho mill. As a result, I lind to stay In bed from overwork for eighteen days. I had bad pains . . . I got clear down and was very much depressed. “I had read of whero Cardul lind helped other women suffering with trou bles like my own, so I TTtado up my mlncl to take Cardul, myself. “I sent and got a bottle, and It did mo so much, good I took It on until I got entirely well." Cardul should also prove helpful In your case. Try it Ask your druggist Nature Has Provided for Needs of Aphids Aphids are Hie tiny Insects that live on the tips of tender plants and Hie under side of leaves. -Tiie extraor dinary tiling about them Is that al though they can exist for generations without wings, Winn (be need arises they can grow Jlteni jp a night. The aphids ■arc sap-suckers. They settle down, drive their beaks into the bark until they reach tiie sap, then sit con tentedly drinking their fill. They arc so '.contented, in fact, that they often si their skins, casting off legs nnd eyes, and cling there blind etui help less. Clinging thus, Hie helpless moth ers give .'birth to their young, who having eyes and logs, run about quite actively until they find Hie sap streams. The processes tiro repeated until Hie plant harbors so many of these tiny creatures that they drink all Its san, and (he plant dies. Tho aphids, having to seek now sources of food, produce a generation of aphids with wings. These they unfurl and then fly to 11 live plant.—Bomlou Tit- Bits. FOR MAYOR. I heroy announce for Mayor of Dali- onegu and solicit the vote and sup port of every citizen. Ci it a ham Dugas. WANTED.—25O cords of 4 foot wood cut before Match ist and de livered to college Campus by or before October ist, j928. ,L C. Barnes. Agent. FOR SALE. My farm consisting of 57 acres,about 20 acres of it good bottom land. Good house nnd lino orchard, in Cane Creek District. Cush or terms. M. S Smith, New Holland, tin. Nation Without L GTzglXClgQ One of the strangest things to lie found among Hie notions of Hie world Is tiie fact that Switzerland has no language of Its own. Tho official lan guages of Switzerland are French, Ital ian and German, all throe being rec ognized as tiie “mother tongue" of the majority of the lulmiiltan'ts. A majority of the people speak Ger man, while tiie otliers use French nnd Dalian, varying as it rule, according to the '.proximity of the people to each country-whoso tongue they speak. Dublin (documents mid notices are printed in both .Hie French and Get- man languages. in (he Swiss national parliament the members make their speeches either In French or Herman, the members being as familiar with one language us tiie other. Statements from the Dreeident of Switzerland are furnished to the news papers iu both languages. Germs Losing Virulence Changing habits and diet of man provide germs with different types of ■ <>11. so Hint It is not difficult to believe that germs‘change their diameter In 1 lie course of centuries, notes llygcia Magazine, editorially. Leprosy, smallpox and scarlet fever have been almost stamped out or have largely lost the virulence Hint made them scourges of tiie past. Ap pendicitis lias become commoner, but it is pointed out in Hie editorial that Hie seeming Increase nitty lie due to greater facility iu recognizing llie dis ease. Outdoor sports, sensible diet nnd comfortable clothes have almost com pletely eliminated n condition known ns chlorosis, formerly called the green sickness” of young girls, a form of secondary anemia due to tiie sheltered life of the past. Woody Barber Shop firrf Class Expert Service H. R. WOODY-H. E. WOOD Shop Work. I will Wo found at my shop six days in the week to do B!acksmiihin fe ', Make and repair old Furniture.’ and do anything in wood or iron. Horseshoeing a specialty. T. V. GREEN WAY. GO TO BLUE & W HITE <0 ,v JT E Good cats nnd prompt service. We also carry a full line of school supplies, candies, cigars, cigar ettes. Also a full lino of flash light supplies and Kodak films. Ice cream nnd all kinds of soft drinks, bottle or fount. Make our place your home. It is the cool est and nicest .place in town. G. K. RIDER, Propr. WANTED! Ambititious, industrious person to introduce and supply tlie de mand for Rawleigh Household Pro ducts in Lumpkin county. Make sales of $150 to $000 per month or more, ltawleigh Methods get business every-, where. No selling experience re quired. We supply Products, Sales and Advertising Literature and Ser vice Methods—every thing you need. Profits increase every month. Low est prices; best values; most complete service. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept. GA2822, Memphis. Tenn. Can Yon Beat It? One of our friends dropped in the oilier morning. “I’m going to tell you," lie said, “about ike meanest man you ever heard of." "Some stunt," raid we. "Listen," said he. “I was driving over town In Wednesday's rain and saw a good-looking man plodding along sans umbrella. I bold up and asked him to ride, lie accepted. O11 Congress street he said, ‘I’ll get out here.’ t let him out. A little Inter 1 looked back In Hie tonneau for the umbrella I had there. That had gone too.”—Portland Evening Express. CITY REGISTRATION Book will be open Irom Novem ber llie 21st, to December iOth, 1927, at Burns’ Barber Shop, to allow all citizen? of Dahlonega who have paid all taxos legally imposed aiul demanded of the city authorities, except for the present year, wlto have been bonafide res idents of the state 12 months, of the county six months and of the city ot Dahlonega six months, or will have beon by the coming city election. 2I years i f ago, and have not heretofore registered. G. II. Moork, Nayor. Nov. 15, 1927.