The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, June 22, 1928, Image 2

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The £ Nugget PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. DAHLONEGA, GA., JUNE 22, ’28. Duel rod at the l>nlilonRga, Ua. 1*. O a« Second CIrhh Matter. Official Organ of both City and County. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $1.50 - - 12 MontliB 80c. - - 5 Months 50 c. -> - - 3 Months. Office Phone 8. Residence Phone 5-1 J. It makes no difference what kind of religion a person prefers if their heart is all right. The Third Party is thinking about having their national con vention in Chicago. Last republican meeting in Kan sas City was the stormiest one they have had in a long time. At times'the police had to appear up on the scene aud hold the dissatis fied or contrary ones down. On Thursday of last week the Atlanta ConstitiWibn was sixty years of age, being among the first papers published in that city, and the first dally that ever reached Dahlor.ega, Sitton & Bro. being the subscribers. P. S. Arkwright has beeu elect ed President of the National Elec tric Light Association. Mr. Ark wright was once a student of the N. G. A. College at Dahlonega, and we are proud of his promo tion. Editor Williams, of the Greens- boro-Herald says there’s no tell ing how long Methuselah might have lived if lie had had his ap pendix, teeth and tonsils out, us ed the right brand of toothpaste and coughless cigarettes. Girls may be kissed on either Cheek, but the proper procedure is to hesitate beteeu the two, is the hist ructions given by the editor of tlid Clermont (Florida) Press. So try this next time, and see if our Florida friend has thrown any light on the subject that will add dny more pleasure to it. We see where a south Geor gia sheriff was asked if he was going to vote the republican ticket in preference to A1 Smith, whose reply was: “ITell, no. I would not have voted tor Rim in the con vention if the devil had been run ning ag.iinst him, but if the party that has savSd mi and saved riiy people and my section cu tho coun try nortiinate him damned if I ain’t going to vote for him. I had rathfer go to beef with a wet Catholitid than with a negro.” Upon every teacher and leader of men there rests an immeasureable responsibility, be cause he moulds public opinion, because he literally holds in his power the key to their future thought and action. For this rea son the civilization we have today reflects the character of our for mer teachefs and leaders and our future eivization will reflect the character of the teachers and lead ers of today. It behooves then, to choose wise and good men to lead us on the onward march cf progress. Is the wise remarks made iiy Editor McGormick of the Suwannoe (Fla.) Democrat. A young woman was found in a parked car at Americas the other morning tired, sleepy and hungry. She told the police that she had met a young mnn in Albany sev eral days before and had accom panied him to that city in a car, where he deserted her and she had been without food for a couple of days. She begged to be sent back to her brother’s home in Birming ham, Ala. After sleeping in a cell for several hours she was tak en by a prominent citizen to his home, given a bath and new cloth ing, then the police and fne de partment bought the poor girl a ticket ar.d complcd with her re quest. This shows that gills should beware of strange ) cuing men, and many tliey realty know. Locals and Other News. Real summerset in this week. Housley Bros, are going out of business. Dahlonega will likely have a new store. The gates of Dahlonega are opert to visitors. The lightning buss are In. The rattlesnakes were ahead this time. At the republican convention last week Hoover of California, and Curtis, of Kansas, were nom inated for president and vice. The 1928 Revenue Act reduces tho special tax under the Harrison Narcotic Law l(rctail drug busi ness) from $6 to $3, effective July 1st. Tho lovecs breaking has caused four thousand people to be home less in Kansas and Missouri, and many thousand acres of land arc covered with water, destroying the crops. Notwithstanding the great number of homes swept away only a few persons lost their lives. Six bandits held up the Home Trust Company during the repub lican convention in Kansas City last week, in broad open daylight while the streets were crowded with delegates, and relioved it of fifty thousand dollars, shooting three persons and then escaped. The bigger the crowd the better it suits bandits. We met on the - streets nt one time here on Tuesday, Mr. Will Haralson, of Atlanta, Cols. Ben Gaillard and Price Charters, of Gainesville, and Col. John J. Hunt, of Crifiiu. Col. Iluut is a candidate for Pensioner Commis sioner, an old soldier, Si years of age but active. He made a good impression among every one lie met here. This news item comes fromGad- distown: “Wiley Brooksher’s dog treed a ’possum last winter. Worm Brooksher beat Wiley to the tree and got the ’possum, Wiley took Worley to the church. Worm proved that he had caught the ’possum last fall and markea it. So liegainad the ’possum because it was frr hfs mark. Worm pointed out the dog to the church that treed it and told the dog’s name. Don’t know what the Game War den will say about taking a fellow to the church for catching a ’pos sum.” From a letter received from Ca nute, Oklahoma, on Monday we learn that they had tho biggest rain and ha’l storm Thursday night of last week ever kfrown to fall; The rainfall watt said to be seven inches. A few houses were blown down but no one killed. This is the second destructive hail storm they have had there this season, destroying tho first crop planted. Now the second, being too late this time to plant any irtOre cotton this year. Since receiving this let ter we notice thai other parts of Oklahoma were visited by cyclones Saturday night and Sunday, de stroying towns and killing a num- of peoplo. The announcement of Thos. M Bell appears in this issue of the Nugget, giving notice that he is a candidate for reelection to Con gress, a position he has ably filled for many years. So far he has no opponent, aud don’t believe will because in former races he has de feated some of 1I10 very best men in the Ninth District—some of these poseessing all the money needed in such a campaign. But their money and popularity had no effect. Mr. Bell always receied a big majority, and in a few races carried his opponent's bounty. We were against him in his last race— no objections to any of his official acts, b.twns kinder like a boy with a good knife, wanted to swap, not with the expectation of get ting a better knife, but just to be swapping. Notwithstanding our opposition to him lie has treat ed us courteously and nice, aud this time are not going to do or sty what the juror did who differ? ed with the rest that “they were eleven of the d- e:-t sat of fools lie j over saw.” But will be with the majority of the citizens of this DU- 1 tfict aud vote for Tom Bull. A young man here, accused of selling liquor, lias left out. The Comity Policemen found a couple of stills down below Aur.i- ria last Monday. Dr. K. B. Vickery is hero who expects to spend two months or more with his parents. Mr. NewBon, the log man from Washington, Ga., lias moved into the Charlie Dotson house. See about musical entertainment at Dawsonville on first page. The law requires guardians to make an annual return to the Or dinary on the 1st day of July each year. If you wish to see the editor turu to the right at Joe Foresters and come down to his place of busiuesB ou Nugget Street. In a difficulty, out in the coun try this week, Sain McDonald, .Jr., cut a deep gash four inches long in oue of Charles Thompson’s arms. J. F. Sutton will start a Bus Line from Dahlonega to Gainesville to morrow, the 23rd. Leave Dahlon ega 8 A. M. Leave Gaiuesvillo 3 P. M., Princeton Hotel. Four of the lady teachers attend ing the Summer School, paid the Nugget office a visit Tuesday, all stating that they were delighted with Dahlonega and its school. Messrs. J, L. Clements aud Ike Reid, who were born and raised in Lumpkin, now residing nt Cuth- b.-rt, were in to see us Monday, arranging for the Nugget to keep coming down their way. The Brooksher Realty Co. have bought the land of J. S. EUis in Mill Creek District. And this Company and ,J. R. Brooksher have just purchased the new concrete building, next to Bank of Dahlonega, from Housley Bro. And also the house and lot whore Mr. \V. M. Housley lives. One of the teachers informed us Sunday that they were giving i 11 g them good service at the Suni- mer i School here. Besides the ex penses were less than at other pla ces and the weather more pleasant. Col. West, the President of the College, has lost no time in his ef forts getting teachers here to con vince them of these facts. One day last week we learned that a friend of ours out in the country had been drinking so much and so long till he imagined the robbers were after him, causing the poor fellow to run to the words the other day and throw his poek- etbook and money away, and it fookliis folks some time to find it. Our friend had better cut part or all this out before it takes the con tents of his pockctbuok to buy a coffin. MissCleo Bruce, one of the three orphan girls, died on Sunday night after a long illness aged 15, and was buried by the side of her fath er, Mr. Ed Bruce, at Auraria the following day, who passed just seven weeks previous. Funeral services were conducted by both the Pastors of the Methodist and Baptist churches at Dahlonega, Revs. J. S. Smith and A. C. John son. The survlng csisters have been given homes each by their two brothers. Last week we learned that the fellow in this county who takes nil fuiuual spree of two or three weeks was on it aud was occupying his usual quarters, being a blacksmith shop, where he goes and stays both day and night until he finishes up and then returns to work, being ail industrious man. It is at this shop that his wife goes and carries her husband milk and any thing else that will agree with his stomach, as he eats but very littje when 011 these protracted sprees. The neighbors call this shop a lio-pit- al. Now it may be that the soli tary confinement adopted by this countryman is best, Ik cause he no occasion to swear, fight or \ iu 1 - late any other laws of God or mail, and if he kicks in his sleep r.n one is disturbed or injured cfcu i .nt bis self in case lio was to take a very j severe spell of kicking and lose a j toenail or two by his feet Coming >iu can tact with the anvil block. If any person misses their Nug get they will please let us know it. Don't go in debt for anything if you can avoid it.. It’s a bad hab it. Officers Souther ami the County Policemen went into Dawson county last week and seized a still, saw», hammers, etc. Don’t think they got any funnel. The City Marshnl will bo in his office the lust three days of June for the purpose of collecting sani tary taxes for the second quuarter,- Settle promptly and save cost. Colonel Cochran, one of the Ru ral Mail Carriers, is also making a crop, and as soon as lie makes his round lights out of his auto and gets in between the plow handles, aud gives his sons who are with him a practical knowledge of farm ing. A salesman, who had been up in Towns county and on his way back to Atlanta last week told us that they hud no negroes or lawyers up there and raised 110 cotton. Ho they have no trouble about the absence of these people or an unfavorable crop of cotton or its low price. They are getting everything regulated down at the mining dredge, moving along nicely'. Un cle Bev. Johnson, one of the best workers and most reliable miners to be found any where, is present. The gold that gets away from him Will not make much of a yellow streak. Mr. R. Forester, of Blairsville, called in to see 11s a few' days ago. He is a Rural Letter Carrier, who with liis horse and buggy lias been driving over the hills and through the valleys delivering the peo ple’s mail to their, homes for a long time. It is in this way he saw the Nugget aud wished to meet its editor and have the paper come to his address weekly. Boys and young men, learn to save money. There is nothing more important to you, because old age will come slipping in ou yop .’by and by, and stay with you, when no doubt you will need some of the money you are wast ing today. We have known men right here in Dahlonega with plen ty of money and property duriffg their lives, lose it all by bad man agement and die penniless. Before the stock law went into ef fect most every family in our county and many in town had a cow or two anfl milk and butter was plen tiful and all the beef that could lie used at seven ami eight cents of pound. Aud after being milked you could hear tho bells and sec the cows leaving town, going to the woods in every direction at this seasou of the year, to graze until night, being no expense to the owners during the spring and summer. Now you never hear a cow bell in town, or see but very few cows, and they are either tied to a stake suffering for water, or in a so called pasture where a - small gang of geese could soon eat every green thing in sight. A lit tle butter brought iu from the country at 80 cents per pound, and occasionally you will find a small* amount of western beef priced at 35 cents far sixteen onnees. Very often right fbnny things happen in churches same as in the br.H room and at corn sluickings. Some time back we had a pastor in Dahlonega, a true Christian, who was deaf, and most everything the leader said was repeated by the members. One night after servi ces wore over several arose, one at a time, and told bow tliey felt and wliut good things the Lord had done for them. At the first oppor tunity a brother got up and said : “Brothers and sisters, I am sick,” and sat down. “Thank God,” s A ! the pastor, -which was repeat ed by the other members. lip jumped the ill brother again who spoke in a very earnest manner: “Fi Kinks, I am real siek—bad oil.’' And seated himself, being a Hi tic nervous. But when the pas ture veiled out “Glory to God,” and this was repeated, it got the poor fellow iu u terrible shape, likely sorry that he said anything 1 1 ut his court it ion. W. A. HOUSLEY Shoe and Harness Shop. Ering YourWork. Next to store of John IT. Moore & Son We mean to Please CLOTHING I am headquarters for CLOTHING in Dahlonega. If I have not the color, style and size you want in stock I can order a ready made suit and have it here in three or four days. If you want a 'Bailor Made Suit I can have it mado to order amkready for you in- about 10 days. 1 have aliqe of samples. COMIC jATSTD SEIC ME I will sell you clothing as cheap as you onn buy it any where for cash. Satisfaction guaranteed. I will appreciate your business. £• F ANDERSON Watson’s Cafs NEXT TO Smith’s Seryice Station COME and EAT TRY TOWNSENDS' Rheumatism Remedy IE NO RELIEF MONEY REFUNDED 1 PRICE 9BLOO W- B, TOWNSEND Dahlonega GAS 23 Cents pel* Gallon by FRED J OJSTES —The Standard— F amily Remedy for Children and \ Grown-Ups Constipation is a condition that has to be guarded against from infancy to old age. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, at Com bination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, acts easily and naturally and is as safe and pleasant for children aS it is ef fective on even the strongest constitution. All Druggists—50 ctsi and $1.00 A. trial bottle can be obtained, free of charge, by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 457 Washington St., Monticello, Ill.