The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, June 29, 1928, Image 2

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The i Nugget PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. DAHLONEGA, GA., JUNE 2$, '28, Bnctrcii at 1111» Imliluncga, Ga. 1*. V as Hocuml Glass Matter. Official Organ of both City and County. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: $1.50 - - 12 Mouths SOe. 4 Months 60 c. s - - 3 Months. ()tHce 1 hone 8. Rosidenco Phone 6-1 .!. Revival services receive a much smaller notice in the papers now days than bnll games. During a campaign much is said about relief for the farmers. But this is generally forgotten when the election i? over. Sections in several states were visited by destructive cyclones last week destyoying much property and a number of lives. Ladies aro now making success ful trips in airplanes to London. We like the company of ladies, but on trips like this they will have to do without our presence. A new Yoik woman after re ceiving a divorce a few days ago scalded herself in a bath tub of hot water, wo suppose to keep any person from again making love to her. A negro man in Atlanta killed his wife last week over a loan of ninety-five cents. She was car ried to the graveyard, while the preachers will sing and pray and make him believe that he ia ready for heaven by the time the courts get through with him. A one-legged man serving a sentence in a Florida gang recent ly escaped and walked roo miles back to Lowndes county, Georgia, to see a new baby, which shows how fond he is of children. llad it been like some who cry all the time we would have wanted to gone the other way. Down in Sumpter the black man called the “hugging negro,’, who was given 30 years for burgla ry, made his escape. And a strong effort; is being made to catch him. Yet bank thieves who take large Bums are reared back in their of fice chairs with much lighter sen tences not yet started. Only a few days ago we read of two children down in South Geor gia being killed by lightning while playing under a tree. And a lit tle later four men were killed in Indiana who were standing under a tree to keep out of a storm. Un der a tree is a very dangerous place to get during a storm in the summer time. Later.—Another killed in Georgia, a lady. Out iu Tennessee a husband be ing unable to get along with his mother-in-law and wife, left a dime and a note, telling the latter to buy a rose in his memory. Then ended his life by jumping into the river. We judge this was all the money he possessed bad lie pur sued a different course and an ali mony suit started. She got all he had and did not have to divide it with any lawyer. They are talking about the abo lition of the grand jury in felony cases in Illinois. We see no use of a grand jury in Georgia, be cause such jurors are uot bound to return anything that comes under their knowledge before they arc sworn in, but if one of them dis likes any one who has violated the law any time within two years back, felot y cases excepted, they can have tho party brought to jus tice. When if it is a friend and every member of tli. jury knows it and no effort is made to investi gate it no oatii is violated if the act was committed before the jurors were selected, chosen and sworn. Then again, many a defendant is acquitted after being prosecuted because the jury just bears from one side of the cm- •. The Mayor’s Contest. Decis ion of Supreme Coprt. MOOHH VS, DUtiAS, i:r AI., Hines, J. 1. By Section 6 of the charter of t lie City of Dablon- ega, the managers of an election for Mayor in that City arc requir- ek’to count the ballots, consolidate the returns of said election, and certify the same. They aro re quired to keep two lists of voters and two tally] sheet-, and to make certificate of the result on each tal ly sheet, and place of said lists of v,.iters and 0110 of raid tally sheets together with the ballots, in an onvelopeor box, and seal the same and deposit it with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Lumpkin county. They are required to file the other list of voters and tally sheet with the Clerk iff the City Council for delivery to and inspec tion of said City Council, who shall meet within five dajs after said election is held, and declare the result of the same. Acts 18119 p. 1 46, et. seq. 2. Whenever any contest arises over an election of a mayor of a municipality, tho same shall be fil ed with and heard and determined by the Ordinary of the county wherein such contest may arise, under the same rules and regula tions as to the mode of procedure as prescribed in contests where commission is issued by the Gov ernor. Civil Code Sec. 125. 3. 'i’he declaration by the City Council of the result “of an elec tion for Mayor of the City of Dab- lonega, under the above provision of the Charter, is not final and conclusive, and does not prevent the defeated candidate from con testing the olectionof a rival can didate under tho above provisions of Civil Code. Law vs. Towns, Sth Ga. 36o; McCants vs. Lay- field, 769 Ga. 231 ; Bennett vs. Public Service Commission, 160 Ga. 189. 4. No Ordinary can sit in any cause or proceeding in which ho is pecuniarily interested, or related to either party within tlie fourth degree of consanguinty or affinity, nor of which lie lias been of coun sel, nor in which he lias presided in any inferior judicature when his ruling or decision is the sun- ject of review, without the consent of all the parties in intarest. Civ il Code, Sec. 464‘L (a) The above statutory grounds of disqualification of an Ordinary nre exhaustive, and the fact that the Ordinary is a partisan of con- testee does not disqualify such of ficer presiding in contest of May or’s election. Elliott vs. IHpp, 13I Ga. 84i. (b) Prejudice or bins, does not disqualify tho Ordinary from pre siding in such a contest. Tibbs vs. Atlanta, 125 Ga. 18; Beavers vs. Armstead, 10G Ga. 833. 5. The writ of injunction cannot be made directly or indirectly the method of trying a title to a public office. Tupper vs. Dart, lot Ga. iTq. 6. Applying the above princi ples, the trial Judge did not err in refusing to grant an interlocutory inj. nction restraining the Ordinary and the contestant from proceed ing with the contest. Judgment affirmed, All the justice concur. We all enjoyed Wednesday’; sunshine. Candidates Assessed. The Demoor itic Executive Com mittee of Lumpkin county’ met last 1' riday and made the assess ment and closing entry as follows : Congress $50. Representative -Too. Entry for closing August 1st Tit nood, eastern time, for represen tative. J. F. PmjKTT, Chairman. A • II. Jcnks, Secretary. Gaines- bruising not seri- FOR THE LEGISLATURE. I-hereby announce myself a oaadi- diilate for the legislature from Lump, si;, comity subject. m the action of tie coming Democratic Primary, and wi ne grateful fur the support of evn voter, both male and female II elected 1 pledge a faithful, honest and energetic discharge of the du ties devolving tijum in- and devo tion to the host in terest of the people. i k:.t> Jonhs, They commenced court house this week. I Mrs. Pearl Davis, of Alabama, j is hero on a visit to her parents land friends. Cashier Christian of the Bank of Dahlouega has been pleasing its stockholders by sending them their dividen checks this week. Remember that at the Metho dist church the 2nd Sunday next mouth is the time and place the visitors will be here to sing. Mr. 10. C. Wellborn, of Young Harris, called iu to see us Tues day. lie related many things of interest, which we will mention later. The secret wedding wc perform ed, mentioned heretofore, was Mr Hubert Seabolt and Miss Mae Duckett, which occurred on the 2 J tli of May. Mr. Frank Fitts and Goley Tate had a wreck with a Florida car five miles this side of ville a few nights ago, botli up pretty badly but onsljr. Mr. Fred Jones announces for the legislature You all know him. He is a live wire and a good mix er, and if elected the interest of his county will not be forgotten or neglectod. The Brooksher Realty Company, over Bank of Dahlonega, have an up to date apartment of 3 or tl rooms, well equipped, with water and lights, with or without fur nishings, to rent. As tho i2th of next month is the editor of the Nugget’s birth day it may or may not bo the day he observed by the Post Office, Banks and stores closing then and everybody go fishing and rab bit hunting, and maybe have a ball game. Mrs. Tom Jenkins swore out a warrant for her husband and put it in the Sheriffs hands Wednes day, charging him with beating her and daughter. The iittle girl’s clothes were very bloody. The Sheriff weut after Tom but he was gone. 'I'lie fourth State Camp for wo men was held last week at Athens at the College Camp, “Camp Wil- kens,” on the College Campus, Alliens. There were 250 women who remained for the entire week and many others attended for the day. The recreational features gave these women a new visjon, a new outlook, a new ambition for their children. We hope that next year Lumpkin county will be well represented. Although the highway has been surveyed and graded up by Ander son’s store, the road from Dav.s’ store to Col. Pruitt’s corner, has been surveyed lime and again. Ev ery few days you will see three men surveying and driving up pegs, and nothing else done to it. We do not know who foots the bill, but know that this little piece of road has cost some body quite a lot of money if the surveyor’s are not just practicing. The Dahlonega Home Demon stration Club was very delightfully entertained by Miss Irene Moore last Tuesday afternoon in the Po- mest’c Science Department! Prof. FU" hoi son gave ft very interesting and very instructive lecture on Poultry. He gave many helpful suggestions and points which should be put iulo practice by those engaged in raising chickens. After the business and program were concluded Miss Moore served dainty sanwiches and fruit ptfn Sheriff Crawford, of JJaVdoL county, called on us Tuesday, lie sii l he was requested by some of the citizens of Djwsonville to ask us to tell bow Prof. John Ander son did about fits entertainment lucre Saturday iiigM. He adver- :>ed that John Carson Would be tu -re, hut didn’t come. A’ltd roost of the crowd had paid and gone i'lf before Anderson told that Carson was not there and not then until lie w .s asked by the Sheriff. Air, Ci awford said lie took in TI4.00 ami the people just consider it a hold up. repairing the j Rev. Allen Ray will preachat Enon cluttch next Sunday. Young Mr. Burns occupied the' pulpit at Ruon chutch lust .Sun day. Sue ,J. F. Sutton’s ad of bus line b.-lween Dahlonega and Gaines ville. Mr. S. M. McGee is spending his vacation at the Bark Caujp with his family. Several hundred totmalo plants for sale by Prof. Shultz at fifty cents per hundred. The negroes had a fish fry last Salutday night and not a drop of liquor to he used in caso any one got chokedon a bone. Mr. Joe Forester showed 11s an Irish potato of the Cobbler varity lust Monday morning, raised in his garden next to tho Nugget of fice, which weighed a pound. Teachers can get 4oo half sheets of yellow paper at the Nugget of fice for a quarter of a dollar, and various other kinds of type writer and ruled paper, at a low price. Rev. Nathan Hall, of Atlanta, is in camps up at Cane Creek Falls with about 60 boys and girls of the Hi-League, North Georgia Con ference, They will spend a week. Then 60 othei'6 will come. Do you expect to teach school this full? If so let us print you some nice letterheads and envel opes. It will keep your name and occupation before the people and be a good advertisement for you if you mean to follow the business. On tomorrow the new law takes effect, reducing the postage on parcel post, post cards, papers, ete. The rates on registering money by mail has been 2o cents on Tioo. After tomorrow you can send not over a thousand dollars and the registering fee will only be one dollar. Talking about a “dry” lime. We saw a fellow early Monday morning who had had two drinks of liquor before he could get a chew of tobacco. He must have thought in buying the liquor that it was the kind they used to make — tobacco being one of the in gredients to give it the proper bead and strong flavor. A few days ago we are told that one of the Mr. Sullens and another party whose name we did not learn took shelter under a tree during a rain. Upon seeing a tree near by with the body bent over that would give them better protection from the rain they ran to it. They had just arrived when lightning struck the one they had left, which shows how close they were to the door of death. Tax Receiver Ray finished one digest and sent it oil to the state assessor for him to pass upon be fore any further piogress is made, notwithstanding the county board has examined each and every re turn and pronounced them all “good.” Being composad of men who are on the ground and know the exact situation and condition of tilings a great deal better than one who knows nothing about a single tax payer in tho county or anything about the properly val- ’J‘?i The establishing of such an office is nil imposition upon the people, and ought to be abolished. There is an increase of ^21 ,ol7 in Lumpkin county over last year. Although we have had only a few warm days it takes sixteen or eighteen thousand pounds of ice a week brides what Mr. a:minor manufactures, and its sale will increase as tlie weather grows warm, because all those who have ‘ibatuluacd their wells for style and conJP.nience will have to reach much uciToer down iuto their pock ets for mone/ than they did before tin-: city water syjd” was chosen, to make it fit todrh,,?- For l hi s ‘ reason we think that small ice plant would pay, and lmve home manufactured ice cheapU r tl:<1n it cun be hauled a distance of 1 werffy-live miles from Gaines ville. Not that it effects its person ally, because we have never drank a drop of this water and do not ex pect to. Shoe and Harness Shop. Priiig YourWork. Next to store of John H. Moore & Son We mean to Please I am headquarters for CLOTHING in Dahlonega. If I hn,v,e not tho color, style and size you want in stock I can order a ready mado suit and have it hero in three or four days. If you want a Tailor Made Suit 1 can have it made to order and.ready for you in about J.Q days. I have aline of samples, COME and see me I will sell you clothing as cheap as you oan buy it any whore for cash. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 will appreciate your business. P. F- ANDERSON NEXT TO Smith's Sei’yice Station COME and EAT TRY TOWNSENDS’ IP NO II Id LI EP eg Frf f \ f 4** t?* fD § ^ PRICE ®l.QO W- B, TOWNSEND Dahlonega do 8 it Gallon by FEE D ff OJSTES —The Standard— " • u \y Family Remedy for Children and Grown-Ups Constipation is a condition thJt has to be guarded against from infancy old age, Di. Caldwell s Syrup Pepsin, a cod'- bination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, acts easily and naturally and is as sa>e and pleasant for children as it is ef fective on even the strongest constitution. A// DruggJsIs—'SO cT. i ^ U Ff/t ,. ! UB Obcuned, hec of charge, by writ in to Dr. /, L. Caldwell, 457 Washington Sc., Monticelib, 11