The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, July 20, 1928, Image 2

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The i Nugget PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. DAHLONEGA, G\ JULY 20, ’28. Burt rod at the Dahlonega, Ga. 1*. O an Second i lass Mailer. Official Organ of both City find County. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $1.50 80c. 60 c. 12 Months i Months 3 Months. Office Phono 8. Residence Phone 5-1 J. It iadangerous to be either in or under un airplane. Lindberg’s piano caught a fire in Utah the other day, but he es caped uninjured. Two men were killed by light ning last week in an airplane in Pennsylvania. It was too high for a ground wire. Georgia peaches are now being shipped to England, and those who eat them no doubt pay pret ty high for tho fruit. Both the presidential candidates arc getting busy and it is going to be a hot time all over the United States until the election ends. We are very sorry to hear of the death of Editor Shannon, of the Commerce News, which occurred on Thursday night of 1 a^t week. A woman up in New Yerk has applied for a divorce because her husband has been gone 30 years without being hoard from. She certainly has bad patience. A man was recently arrested in New Orleans, fined $120 and giv en n twenty days sentence in jail for having on women’s clothes. It wouldn’t do for any of our ladies to go up there with breeches on. A government man in New York got away with $3,000,000 worth Uncle Sam’s of liquor and left out before there was any sus picion even. And now tbey are hunting the man. The recent storm, which was pretty general, did quite a lot of damage in Gainesville. The worst one they have had there since the cyclone visited that city several years ago. But no one kill ed or injured. Some who claim to be democrats say they are not going to support A1 Smith for president, reason they claim that he is a liquor man because ho favors the government enforcing the law and save tho states the great expense of trying to do it. All democrats should support the nominee. Wise men were sent to the convention from every state in the Union to select a candidate resulting in Smith being nominated on the first ballot and every true democrat should be sat isfied. Locals and Other News, j Nice Pond envelopes can be pur- chased at the Nugget office. We see accouts of fine crops The number of depositors at the W. D. Manley, who wrecked so many Banks, was tried, convicted and given a prison sentence in No vember 1936 of from nine to ten years, whose case went to the su preme court, must serve his sen tence, says this high authority. His lawyers state the case will be appealed to the United States supreme court. Had it licet small steal he would have lmd his sentence served out some time ago without going through any of these big courts. Willie Upshaw, who served in congress for a while as a ‘demo crat from the 5th District, has gone back on the party, by writ ing a letter suggesting plans, try ing toinjure A1 Smith in his pres idential race, notwithstanding Willie is running as a democrat for congress. And they are going to leave his name off the ticket. The democrats would be better off jf his name was dropped from tho party roll entirely because he nev er fails to.. noTteo an ass ot himself every time an opportunity i" offer- e , but if any one is desired to do Ibis he is the man for the place. in oilier sections not far from us. Tho several days rain in Atlan ta lust week caused a big church to coilapse. Mr, J, 1*. Jarrard, father of l’rof. C. C. Jarrard, of this plate, died at Cleveland last Tuesday. Reading too many novels caused an Oklahoma girl to commit sui cide a few days ago. Novels ought not be allowed printed. Two hundred and live lives were lost throughout the country while celebrating the 4th. The drown ing* lead the list, being 106. We had no rain hero until Tues day night for three days. Roads drying out and the farmers spent two days in killing weeds. The Clermont (Florida) Press last week told of a potato raised down there this year, which meas ures 38 inches in circumference. ' Sued gotten in Michigan ena ble them to grow cucumbers down at Quincy, Fla., 48 inches long, says the Gadsden County Times. We saw a young lady using a broom the other day, which look ed real strango. It is a rare thing now to seo a girl with a broom or a hoy with an ax. Lost or strayed. — Male Russian Poodle dog—white, with pink nose. Liberal reward will paid if returned to Mrs. B. L. Dean, Porter Springs, Ga. Both candidates for president were placed in nomination at a prohibition assembly in New York last week. The democrat by a man and the republican by a lady. John ,I ones, at Selma, Ala., was the happiest negro in the world the other day for a few minutes, when he found $40,000 in a stable. But it was Confederate money and of no value. The sale of auto tags continue increasing every year. And there arc many owners in debt for their grocery hill. Having paid all their money for an auto. Such as this brings about hard times. Two hoys were recently put in Banks county jail for cutting a lit tle bull’s tail off. This is a good preventative for the brute ever having tBe hollow tail, but tin owner preferred looking after the hall’s tail himself. Chairman Maddox, of state detn- cratic executive committee says it is all right for one to vote the democratic ticket in September and the republican ticket in No vember. Do you believe it.. We don’t. This would make politics so rotten that they would stink. V man in New York was givei. a sentence recently of ninety clays in jail because lie said ho saw a strange man kiss a girl in a parlor. Doubtless when this man gets tit he will wear green specks to keep him from seeing off any distance, or keep his mouth shut when he secs such interesting th’ngs a9 this. A Florida editor, of the Cler mont Press, says: “It isn’t much econctny for a woman to pay $5.00 for a pair of silk hose and then roll down all but $1.98 worth.” Have to do this in order to show the natural leg as well as the pret ty stocking. Yet such as this makes a' light pocketbook. There may he many, hut we know of one school in the couuty that puts the ban on “plays.” The trustees don’t allow traveling “artists” to use their school house neither do they allow teachers to use the children during the school to make a few dollars lor this and that. Whenever you see a school putting “plays” on you may he assured that school is doing hut little good, truthfully says the edi tor of the Banks County Journal, it is a hardship on many of the parent- to pay for the high pi iced school Looks for children, without an additional expense it takes to t uy rigging for a “play.” Some can't do it an 1 rather than have tludr chiidnn eml arrassed take them out of school and let them play at home. Bank of Daldonega has increased to 431. Dr. Head is off to McPherson, for a couple of weeks. lie may run up home on Saturday nights. Our Clever friend and patron, Mr. W. B. Anderson, of Good Hope, called on us Monday after noon. County Policman Davis swore a warrant out for Jerry Lingerfelt the other day charging him with making liquor. The Mayor’s contest can’t he tried until the repairs on the inte rior of the court house are comple ted and the benches replaced. You can have your battery charged in Dahlonega for $1.00 by calling at Phillipson’s place of business. One day service. See ad. Mr. L. W. Law had a wreck with the road scrape down beyond Creek Tuesday as lie was on his way to Americus to attend a funeral. No one hurt. Mr. Joe Forester, office neigh bor, is building another porch and making his kitchen longer, which will enable us to tell every time he goes to pulling meat from chicken hones. Charlie Tolbert picked up a lit tle nugget of gold down the street after a rain that weighed thirteen grains. One weighing sixteen pennyweights was found near our office by Mr. Will Howell some years ago. We will state for the benefit of relatives who are located in differ ent parts of the country, both far and near, that the editors wife who had such an attact of flu, and then cancer, is now apparently well of both, and is lively and active once more. Mr. W. H. Shelton, a former citizen of Lumpkin county, who graduated at the college here in 1889, and has been away a long time, has been here for several days, accompanied by his wife. Now located at St. Petersburg, Fla. The 4th Club Camp for girls will he held at Mossy Creek Camp Ground July 24th, I92S. A repre sentative number from this coun ty is planning to attend, An inter esting program of work and play will he carried out and the girls will receive instruction which will ha valuable to them. The ladies are invited to come Thursday and bring picnic dinner Mrs. Edwards, the Dissrict Dem onstrator, has been here again this week, meeting with the Club, do ing some demonstration work which is very important for the young ladies to know. Among other things shown was how to make delicious juice from black berries. Grapo juice is no new thing. But we never heard of blackberry juice heforo. They kindly remembered ye editor with a glass jar of this juice and we found it fine, clear of any bitter taste. From Fort Benning. I. S. D., Fort Benning, Ga., July 14, I928. Editor Nugget: I notice you ask if Gov. Al Smith should withdraw from the presidential race on accouut of Sheriff Jackson being opposed to him. I am very apprehensive that Jim Davidson will also bolt the democratic party, which would he very disastrous to the party of the South, and he an impediment to detm cratic victory this fall. Shall we vote for tho man that our negro delegates to Kansas City selected tor us? The South has always advocat ed rights, and in fact si ceded for that principle. I believe Gov. Smith to lie the stronge.-t a Ivocate of state rights since Thomas Jef ferson. Jint "houl 1 vote for Al and have his wet dream come true. Fred Bi ack. Mr. Rone Stiffens, who is on ti e John Bryant farm, in the eastern part of our county, sent us his first cotton bloom last Saturday, being fourteen days later than last year. We see where a person was awarded several thousand dollars for being bitten on the nose by a pet monkey. Can’t some one here bring in one. We have a right good size nose and wouldn’t mimj letting a monkey trim it up if we could make a few thousand dollars this way. One of the best and most prompt Advertising Agents we do busi.- ness with is the Nelson Chesmaq Co., Chattanooga, Term. All they require is a copy of the paper ev ery weekend at the end of the quarter the money comes promptly without any bill. We have been doing business with this Compa ny for many years and have never had any trouble. Wo received a Liberty Loan ad a few days ago from an Advertis ing Agent with a whole lot of red tipe instructions, to he inserted on a page with a date to it. Not car ing to change the make up of our paper just to insert a four inch ad twice we let it go. In making out monthly statements for Advertis ing Agents we give tho dates in serted, and if they can’t believe it they need not advertise with ns - . Since writing another local about Master Sgt. Rice, he made another trip to Dahlonega and dropped in to see us last Saturday. He informed us that his thirty years service expired in June. He served 23 years straight time and was given seven years double time while in the Philippine Is lands. And after two more months extra service will leave the army for good. After his furlough ex pires Mr. Rice will moter hack through the country to his com mand in St. Louis. Mr. Guy F. Jenkins, of this county, who has been attending the Martha Berry School is at home spending his vacation, and comes this time very much delight ed because he won the second prize- for speaking, and the first prize for general excellency, where there is an attendance of eight hun dred hoys and girls. This is a won derful school, which gives either a boy or girl who is willing to work the opportunity of receiving an education and pay for it in la bor. Here the girls are taught to cook and do other house work. And the boys to farm or learn a trade. They have two thousand acres, giving labor to many desiring to do farm work. Among other pro ducts are many acres in strawber ries. When they first come in and the price is high the berries are put upon the market. When get too cheap to market are eateu, thus teaching economy, and learn ing the young people how to make farming profitable when they take hold of this occupation after they complete their education. They first try a boy by giving him a pretty hard job to see if lie is la zy. If so ho is not wanted. They build ninny log houses. They first put Guy to daubing the cracks with mud. He got very tired but stuck to it. Then lie was put with a mechanic. These houses 011 the inside are finished up as fine as workmen can do it. This student is learning cabinet work, and in three more years will leave the school with a good education and a fine trade, like thousands of oth ers have done since the institution has been established. Girls know ing how to do house work. Tiic rules of the school are strict and must he obeyed. Twenty-five stu dents were expelled at one time for not doing so. There is blit little time lost in hall playing and it has to he done on the grounds. The boys and git Is are not allowed to be together except on special oc- casi >ns—a pic nie, barbecue or some'hing similar. No courting is mix il up with their studies or work. There are two pools for | the students, one for each sex. T! 0 | boys ami gills are not allowed to bathe or swim together. W. h, H01JSLEV Shoe am! Harness Strap. Bring Your Work. Next to store of John IT. Moore & Son We mean to Please I am headquarters for CLOTHING in Dahlonega. If I have not the color, style and size you want in stock I can order tv ready made suit and lmv<e it here in three or four days. If you want a Taj]or Made Suit I can have it made to order andjoady for you in about 10 days. I have aline of samples. COME A.TSTD SEE ME I will sell you clothing as cheap as you onn buy it any whore for cash. Satisfaction guaranteed. I will appreciate your business. R F- ANDERSON r/sew JVT - Watson’s Cafe NEXT TO Smitli’s Seryice Sta lion COME and E AT THY TOWNSENDS’ 4 s 1QTY1 T? Pin pri aixssiadti iztj O era Q Ararat caa W W gscsssB IIP NO HKTIICIP V MONEY Mfumm PJRIOE *1.00 W- B, TOWNSEND Dahlonega —The Standard- Family Remedy for Children and Grown-Ups Constipation is a condition that has to ( he guarded against from infancy to old age. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, a com bination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, acts easily and naturally and is as safe and pleasant for children as it is ef fective on even the strongest constitution. All Druggists—50 c/s. and $1.00 A A trial hottlo can he obtained, free of charge, by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 457 Washington St., Monticello, Ill, c