The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, August 17, 1928, Image 1

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L C\ "KjX** V Gcod Advertising Medium, Devoted to Local, Mining and General Information. $1.50, Fer Annum Vol 40—No. z8 DALI LON KG A, GA., FRIDAY, AEG l oi' 17. .92' W. B. TOWNSEND, Editor and Pro HUNTS WHITE BIRD IN NEWFOUNDLAND I Explorers Seek Lost Plane cf Nungesser and Coli. 0 SiiLL-j [*»£/■ Mrs, John Shipp, 2314 Maple Street, Oklahoma City, Okla., says: "Two years ago, I was ih very bad health. I was so weak and run-down, I could 6carcoly keep going. “My mother thought I ought to try Cardui, and told mo to get some and take it. I could cat no til ing, as I had nc appetite. "1 found great relief af ter I began taking Cardui. I was able to eat and I could sleep. Before that, I had been so nervous that the least little thing upset mo. I was low-spirited and blue. I got thinner and thinner, and I was always tired.” For sale by all druggists. G ovo mor Hardmaan Re veals Source of Opposi tion and Gletfrly De fines His Position. So with your bills all in a row Straight to the Jew store you did go; And bought, all you could pay for, down; aid you got the best bargains (.here viia in town. And But .hen spring comes round ‘gin I set you coming with a grin. ' I would liko to buy Home stuff toda> if you can wait a while for the pay * <i.y l T se<? By Woxaea For Over 50 Yam here all 1 need, corn and cotton ‘1 would like to buy I have planted my seed. It won’t take much through, 1 have nearly enough corn meat to do. to carry rue For and Two years ago the people of Georgia overwhelmingly elected me Governor. I stood for a business administration, the elimination of waste, the | reorganisation of the High way Department, the reor ganizntion and reduction in number of the innumerable 1 jf A-C .. A bureaus and departments in Gti'orgia. 1 was umdterablv ’ "’F. u L LAUNDRA. Wood & Barnes, Mail Carriers, are agentB for Paywny Laundry Co., Gainesville. Ga. Your pat ronage solicited. G. H. McGUIRE DAHLONEGA, GA. “1 coul-il trade at town if 1 would try, But their time prices me so awful high. I’d rather trade heie, it’s nearer, toe, For in work time, I have so much to do, I And they want a mortgage on all I’ve Repairs watches, clocks, pianos, or- fins, sewing machines, Jewelry, Ac... Next to Burns’ Barber Shop. cows and all the crop. :• shown us more favors, I’d rather trade with PRESSING CLUB. ^ We have enstallod a Dry l Gleaning Machine and are able to give yon first class work. For Dry Cleaning Go. Scrubbed and Pressed 00c. § Hats blocked and cleaned [ 65 cents. I Mailorders given special alien • ii«T>. i ABEE & JOHNSON. got, IToga, mule While you have too, Is one reason you.” 1 hereby warn you all in time, Tis host to make a story rime. 'jHe hifin that knows me not in winter. On iny books next spring, he will not enter. opposed to machine polities and the domination of Georgia by machine politicians and selfish interests. Upon these issues I was elected. ’:1k? members of the general assembly were elected at the same time I was. On July 8th, just a few days after my inauguration, I was served with written notice by a majority of the members of tire Senate, of which E. D. Rivers was not only a signer but an active leader, that they Governor L. G. Hardrann wanted my defeated opponent named to succeed himself as Chairman of (be Highway continue in office. The ma jority of the members of the Senate who signed this ulti matum belonged to the oM machine, the head of which had been overwhelmingly de feated. Now the old machine has been reorganized. It has the same old member; and the same old ideas that the affairs Biilllmoro, Mil.—Dr. James A. Ny- ilogger, who bus had considerable ex perience In exploring In Newfound land, will lend a party afoot In an cx- p!oration trip to ilm tablelands of the island, In search of traces of the plane of Mungo; scr and Coll, wlifl , wore lost whife attempting flic first j westward (light of the Atlantic. Confident that Nungesser’s plane, | I he White Bird, spanned the Atlantic, only to meet disastrous bond winds and t>o forced olT Ik i course, as was the Bremen, Doctor Nydoggor says ipi will explore every mile of the interior of the island, lie said: "My impression is that they crushed against fall trees or a mountain while lost in fog. There were a dozen re ports that persons bad heard their motor along the coast. The Guggen heim foundation spent thousands of dollars searching from the air for traces of their plane, but if they wore lost In the tablelands the wreck could not tie seen from the air. “The White Bird would disappear from sight like a baseball In grass three feet high. With two or three trusted guides I will follow the Grand Codary river into the dense woods of the Island. “I will send the guides hack nn<J forth across the iMafid, crossing and recrossfng until every mile of unos- iJorcd territory \s covered. { am con fident 1 will llnd traces of them. “While 1 bold out rm hope that they arc alive, 1 believe we will find their wrecked plane. • It Is a Utile over a year since their brave attempt to tly from France to America failed, and 'AO Gone’" Fee! tag Left After Taking Black-Draught. Mrs. I. Brakcfisld, of Cal houn, 6. C., nays: "I would feel tired and havn Ii b.uf lasfo In \\\f mouth. 1 yvpuld bp dizzy, and every little while I felt like. I must ait down. ‘‘Someone recommended Black-Draught to me and said it mlghtMielp mo. I took a few doses and it did help me wonderfully. "I now use it when I have that tired ‘all gone' feel ing, and it is simply fine. "I can recommend Black- Draught, and do so all tho time." Get a package of Black- Draught, today, and try it. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. ( of Georgia shotiM oe admin— | n(rt t00 | a t e p 0 - make a tool istered in the way that will! search. benefit them most personally. But—they have a new leader. I have been in office only thirteen months. During that No Explanation of Telepathy in Jangle “Telepathy as practiced in West :iut attains reaches of sheer mr defy expinning. The vcl IlK LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Mrs. Josle Satterfield Cain Satterfield. In Superior Court, of Lumpkin eo’in- ty, October Term. 19JK. Lib;*! for di vorce. To Cain Satterfield, Defendant ; You are hereby commanded - it r personally or by attorney, to L. and appear at the iu' r reg Superior Court to b, la Lumpkin county ; !:, in October, 1 f Bvver the pbiintitV’- den • plaint for vivoi\ e in d of the Court w ' i ; - r, ■ 1 shall appertain, tVi< able L H. Suttoi This July 28 192 T. F. OirmsT rm of and straightforward and common telepathy in the jungles has been witnessed by nearly every white traveler who lias gone among, the 'hidden towns where Africa’s identity still survives: name ly, (he uncanny prewarning of n vis itor’s approach relayed invisibly from one witch doctor to another.” Tills is the story brought back from tho Dark continent b,v John W. Van- deivook, writer and explorer, who has made a careful study of negro life in Department. 1. ruler the law|time X have been hampered at of the state the function of the;every turn by this Senate bloc Senate is to confirm or reject formed at the very-organiza- not to dictate — appoint- (ion of tliq Senate. There can ntents. Keeping in mtnd m\ promise to the people who had elected mo. I declined to make (he ippointment. "Nungesser’s mother tins always malritaibed tbut somebody will find tlio White Bird. I Impe that 1 will be the fortunate man.” he no relief from trie control of the tate by machine politi cians and selfish interests un til noth u Cxi vis El LA L AS— Finding that I actually in-1SEMBLY and a GOVKli- tended to keep my campaign j NOR are elected that will put promises, ray appointments! the W ELK ARK of GEOll- jvere rejected, and. through IGIA AHEAD of the DE the efforts of this bloc, the old!SIRES and SCHEMES oi* chairman was permitted to| SELFISH INTERESTS. Africa, Haiti and . “Someiimes end .-fault . Vii- ;e points ( asions.spi ibljv liowei tely convt >utb America, truin : in Harper’s, at messengers ■, many native; by mental pr Where Cc Archeoio. i v tld-.k tin. Hint Sim.i and the .on. tv miles leug ids uc ill CITATION. Georgia, Lumpkin Oountv. Mrs. Winnie Lariy hav application in ail i of a person for whose lions are to be made, ‘sends’ and another v thirty fir a hundred arrival prop A w I ■ itch man flv; miles away nr ■rs duly i he up per port out of the estate of deceased, and apprni.- pointed to sot apart | “having filed their return sons eoncerm 1 hoi ed to show cause be 1 ore the bourt oi Ordinary of Lumpkin i-iunry on tbe . first Monday in Sep the application shot'd not begun, -d , This8th dak*t \ gust ; \V. B. Townsend Ordinary. ‘ro- sup- I ceives,’ perhaps to send farther on. Early | Explorers, and especially leaders of punitive expeditions have had in numerable proofs of this power. An African village is rarely surprised. Tho magicians admit tho gift, see nothing extraordinary in it and, what is most intriguing, say it can be taught to any intelligent pupil . . . but never, of course, to a white man.” £ stem have found ace where A. sea got 'be tablets on weigh were graven the narrow ca; into an open •; a aide < - tirely surn ’ \ : ••<>r . ; precipitous slopes of tho mountain top. Here they have found the rain- of a tiny hidden city built after Moses’ time and known rs Petra tom ■ of Its one-piece building , curved oat f solid sandstone still remain. One (ailed the "TivasiTry of Pharaoh,"built several centuries b fore Chri r, stands out tn deep relief, its pi liars and su per-structures Intact. Petra is be lieved to have begun ; l>- ;t 000 B. (J The Mnshrat r'i;iG-year-old Joe is still wondering '•hy his mother and father were both .■ A-'d with a coughing fit when ho them tl; t< rplt oe of his own id: about 3 Ilme3 ns 1 ouse vat ho lias ! brown <>n bis body but no hear on his , tale. His how ■ is round and made of lily-roots and cattales, in winter if ho is frozen in he cate the lily- I roots of Ids house. Ills Ilablts ore good if ho lives not near farms. If lie gets a carrot he go so to u elevnt ! place where he an Jump of at the first sine of danger. He i:= used for muslirat cotes. Moses was there Weekly. first. Capper's CITATION Georgia, Lumpkin l ••tintv Mrs. It, F. Wimpy having m ub plication for a year’, support, the estate of Its F. Wimpy, dec ed, and appraisers duly apt set apart, the same Imv return, all person '■ •nr by required to : .t,. .. •■ o - Oourt of Online y o; Luni on tho first Monday in why tlu* application granted. This tho 8tli day ..f, Liners Ail Equipped tor Church Services, d to safe- lite lamps it Lgaiusi t ,.f inti filed their rued an hc before-Hie ncounty be Model Prisoner A colored maid returned from ah afternoon off with her broad £a5b wreathed in smiles. "Well, Mis’ Ciihtah,” she announced, “All’s married I "Congratulations, Mundy,” said her mistress. “Did you get a good man?’ “Deed Ah did," was tho proud re- . ply. “Pat. nlggah was so good de warden cut fo’ morulis o’n bl> time.’ Aboard the great ocean liuers cliurcii altars are considered an indispensable detail of tho equipment. A generation ago rvUmous Sri vb. c-s ill sea w eclield irregularly, depending on the chance presence of a clergyman. Now trans atlantic liners hold ltofiian Catholic and Protestant services at sea on Sun day. Passengers from all cabins meet at the church services. Invitations to the service are commonly posted through out the ship every Sunday morning. The priest or clergyman officiating Is usually assisted by chip stewards act ing as r-ucrlstuns. one large liim that Electric Safezr:' A fuse Is a d o fi e do: ’ vn guard a wiring syn 'in and and appliances attached to an excessive amount of • irroot. essential feature is a link of which melts at a comparatively degree of lienc. When exo.ssi.• rent passes through a w • ii be hot. The fuse as well at the \v 1: a part, of the circuit and curries current. If more current than circuit is designed to transmit Its the i he at tempts to pass the Is heated and melt; circuit and stoppii rent. use. the metal link thus breaking the ; tiie (low cur “Fair Weather” The weather bureau often gets the criticism of making a mi; take iu Its predictions when the forecast is ex actly right. For instance, reading that the weather is likely to be 1 geimmlly Interpreted by the. reader as meaning “dear," hut a- a matter of fact it is an elu lie ter mean a cloudy sky or precipitation of min. bureau in its f< recast v n da.v a a ’’fair' when i 0.01 inch of preeipi to occur within lhe the forcer.-f. , for it may ven a slight l’he weather u'k considers t more than Lion la expected Tied covered by or; muni Stt uliantic service I nltur on board e. used on the aitip ters of Charity i in the tr iniari Cut! A tramp wan i married couple. “What do yc the young lea n-julde Purpose (lie door of a now demanded •Dim or opart “Both, pk ire Cloths used services a: I New Fork Ciim for by Eiigiuru ii'chee ii an port; y lelurnod \ •s. “K«t time 1V, “and you' fill Farming il h Mu; ilrtc of b! nhiimcd sav both."- But Rsmsr.ibereti £1 An absent-minded man called upon ills equally absent-minded physician, and they passed a pleasant evening together, playing checkers and ex changing anecdotes. Finally came the hour for parting and the visitor (xcluimed: "Doctor, I had oluo errand here. Oh, yes, now I recall it. Our maid lias fainted and we want you to see her right away." "That reminds in;,’ replied the doc tor. “Your wife wanted you on the telephone n while ago. The maid died. —American Legion Monthly. To IpKerii $1,000,000 for Changing His Name Omaha, Neb.—What’s In a name? Millions, perhaps, for Seth Rosewater, the seventeen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosewater of 2J>3 River side drive, New York. Young Rosewater legally took tho name Seth Warner Buclmrd last Feb ruary, ids mother said. The Hose- waters formerly lived here. The name is that of the young man's maternal ancle, Anson W. Buclmrd, formerly an official of the General Electric corn* pan.v, who dic'd, last year, Buchard left no heirs besides ids widow. Tho widow, Mrs. Allene Buclmrd, was understood to have proposed Giat Seth become her principal heir, pro vided he take the name of her hus band and thus perpetuate the Bucti- nrd name. The Buclmrl estate has been valued at more than a million dollars. “My son lms not been adopted,” Mrs. Rosewater said. “He is merely going to carry on the Buchard name. Our name will be carried on by our eldest son.” 1 hereby announce myself a oandi- diclate for the legislature from Lump kin county subject to the action of tbe coming Democratic Primary, and will be grateful for the support of every voter, both male and' female, if elected 1 pledge a faithful, honegt and energetic discharge, of the du ties devolving upon mo and devo tion to the best interest of the people. Frui> Jokes, To the Voters of Lumpkin County: f hereby announce myself a candi date.' for the legislature of Lumpkin county subject to "the action of the coming primacy. Thanking the peo ple for all past favors and promising if elected to discharge Hie duties of said office (o the best, of my skill and ability J I! Pjjok. 9 Dalifonega and Gainesville Bus Line. si Leave Dahlonegn 7:4.7 A. M. Leave Gainesville 8 :4j P. M. Princeton Hotel. - Phono 5J. Dahlonega. J. F. Sutton, PHONE 5-i-2 FOR 1 ■' I HENRY ELROD’S PRESSING CLUB When neediugany work done. Prompt attention given mail orders. jounti'y patronage appreciated. Delayed Rising Once upon a time n young married woman undertook to make a batch of bread and the dough failed to rise. A place where she thought hubby would not find it was chosen for its grave and a flat stone was placed thereon. One day as liubby was strolling along that -way he saw something that tickled‘him Immensely. Ho went to the house and said to his wife: “You had better go out and bury your corpse again; 1 see it’s raised.” The sun had shone ou the stone and the dough becoming warm had raised. Clever Dog "Well, you have the house all to yourself while Mrs. I’eckton is away.” "Not quite,” said Mr. I’eckton. “I share tho premises with Mrs. 1’eck- ton’s poodle, who was left In my care. I'm afraid the Intelligent animal has modeled Its behavior on that of Us mistress.” "How so?” “When I try to make myself com fortable with u cigar and a newspa per it eyes me with marked disfavor.” His Explanation Walter, who was liuwng trouble with subtraction, showed a problem which he had just finished to his father. “Is this right, daddy?" “So, son, it s not right," dad re plied. "1 can’t understand why you have so much trouble vith • 'Idme lon," lie continued. ‘'When I was in school 1 dal il without any trou ble." "1 guess subtraction nnista’ been easv lhose days," soil replied. ‘aljlciiiga & Atlanta Bus Line. Leave Dahlonegn . < :j0 A. JM. Leave Dahlonega. 4 P. M. KKTUKN. Leuvo Atlanta 7:3O A. M. 7 Leave Atlanta 8 P. M. ? Best cars. Careful Drivers PRINCETON HOTEL 4 Bus Station 17 North Forsyth St. See F R E D JON E S, Dahlonega. NOTICE. Georgia, Lumpkin County. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell tho re alty belonging to the estate of 1 C. M. Ferguson, deceased, for payment of debts and distribution heard pertinent to their ap plication on the first Monday in Sept. 1928, during the regular term of Court of Ordinary. This the 6th dayof August, 1928. r. C. E. Fkrguhon-, j Executor, j CITATATION. Georgia, Lumpkin County. Whereas, B. F. Anderson,'Adminis trator of of the estate of Margaret (Peggy) Mugness, deceased, represent- co tho Court in her petition duly filed thatshehas ful ly administered the estate of said de ceased. This is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindled and cred itors, to show 1 nuae. if any they can, why mid Administrator should not b« "dismissed from ids administration anu receive IctUds of dismission, on the first, Monday in September, 1028. This the (fin day of August, 1928. W. 0. Townsend, Ordinary. hi » r 1 ii r n 1 nr j v 1 rinaiiifri MfittimiiiliiiiMi ms rferifiittritti