The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, November 28, 1928, Image 2

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— The i Nugget PUBLISHED F.VFRY FRIDAY. UAHLONtGA, Cl, NOV. 23, '28. Bnctrotl at tlic Dahlonega, Ga. 1*. O rh Second Clam> Matter. Official Organ of both City nntl Cotinty. SUBSCRIPTION 1‘RICK: $1.50 - - 12 Months SOc. . - S Months 60 c. s - - 3 Months. ()ffi - i hone 8, Residence Phone 6-1 >1. There are many more deaths in the country by accidents thnti us ed to occur since the invention of autos and airplanes. The people of the world are growing wiser all the while. There was a time when no one knew ho\$ to make sugar iiquor. Yfoth the successful and defeat ed candidates for President ore out taking a rest. Of courso one can enjoy himself much better than the other. Twn women are held for shoot ing a man near Alma, Ga. Since women have got to* voting and wearing breeches some of thCm are getting pretty rough. We notioe the trustees of one Bcliool—uot in Georgia, prohibit the girls from usinng lipstick, face powders or wear short dresses. If such u rule as this was adopted for the schools of Georgia the girl pu pil# would all strike. We see from the ColumbusJEn- q.irer-Sun that a promiuent Paris lady will soon become a mother. This puts the Sun in lhe lead, be cause we never read au announce ment of this kind in any paper be fore, aiming’to be correct, as the notice given states that it would be a boy or a girl. Wo notice where a Mobile gang down in Alabama, doped a fellow recently and then took him out and away off from.the city and then threw him into a swamp and ev ery time lie showed himself from bis biding place they would shoot at him. Hero he had to stay two or three days without food and no water except from the swamp. Remember that this did not occur any where in Chin^ but down in Alabama .CuteS.—A 1 KA * ’“Pen tornadoes first struck the country learned men who pretend ed to know all about the weather, said they would only come in the spring, and then only in the low, level country. But ti'.nV lias shown that man knows nothing about these things, because they have visited all parts of the coun try, both high and low and at ev- season of the year, even on Christ mas day. Two tornadoes swept over portions of Iowa last week. We note where two citizens of Bibb county were held up recently by three fake officers and relieved of their money. These unmasked robbers drove up by the car occu pied by the two, stopped and told them that they were officers, when one with a shotgun held it until another went through their pock- ^ ets and took $.270 and drove off No one should carry any money on their person 1 liow jfiuce officer s are allowed te stop and search people’s cars for liquor, because it gives any. robbers ti mfrch better oppor tunity than thfey ever had before. We notice where a prohibition officer recently got a fellow to buy a bottle of liquor from a negio so he could prosecute him. When the trial came lip the negro plead guilty, tilling the court, that the man came to him, told him iie was sick and he took the Money and went and got it for him. This was at Macon. The judge said lie did not approve of such rctions. The attorney general lemarked that ho did not know these facts when he drew the bill and with drew the case. For an officer to encourage a person to violate the law just to build up business shows a mean principal and is the wrong man for tlie place. Court Expenses. tj The following shows the expen ses of the last term of Lumpkin Superior eoutt: Non resident witnesses !? 73.14 Bailiffs l)H 80 Slier iff 2o.oo Summons witnesses 31.0° Clerk of Court Stenographer Ilolt 90.00 Grand jury presentments 20.00 Jury summons 2 co Phones 40 Jurors 846.00 Tbta! $700,95 Dahlonega’s Missing Regis tration Book. I11 the year I924 a bill was in troduced by Dr. Craig R. Arnold for a permanent registration for the City of Daliloficga to keep her Citizens from having to regis ter every year to qualify them to vott) in a City election, which pass ed, was approved by the Governor July 15, i92q and became a law ;n will he seen from the Georgia Acts of 1924, page 634. The Act amends the several Acts incor porating the town of Dalilon- ega, which reads as follows : “Any person who has registered under the provisions of Section S of the Acts approved December 14, 1899, shall thereafter be per milted to vote without further reg istration, provided said person meets tlie requirements of said Section 8. ” This means if a person has been a 6itiz6'n of the state 12 months, county 6 months and town 6 mouths and paid all taxes both state and county and town in ac cordance with the law and other wise qualified can vote without registering any more. Strange 10 say that in 1926, when the campaign for Mayor bc- 6tbe registration lists or book were not to be found and a'£new registration was started, giving every citizen, and some not citi zens, a chance to register. Al though nil those who had register ed since December 14, 1891), oth er w i u e qualified, can vote without reregistering. When a person votes they should he sworn snd their names entered on the last list, to save any trouble. The State’s Picture Show. The Georgia State Board of Game and Fish gave a yery in structive program at the College Chapel Wednesday niglit of last week. The lecture was delivered by Mr. Henry Branham and the pictures were explained by Mr. II. G. J^cGfogan. The pur pose of the program was to leach young and old the great impor tance of conservation ; or the sav ing of such game and fish as are left and filling the woods and stocking the streams with new va- rities and additional supplies. The exhibit was free and the commu nity responded by packing the col lege chapel to its full capacity. The pictures filled several reels and consisted of the most interest ing and instructive scenes within the bounds of the state. Local in- teres't 1 <vrts not lacking. Neel’s Gap, Cane Creek F'alls, the deer at 1 he Mountain Lodge, and even ye editor glided over the screen. Generally a now department of any kind means more expenso and additional taxes fur the people to pay. But this is not the case with tlie Board of Game and Fish. It does not cost the people a cent, the entire expense being met from the proceeds of hunting licenses and fish rtf g permits. On tho other hand, this department will ulti mately mean a groat saying to the state. Every year the insect pc-ts Of Georgia destroy many thous amis of dollars worth of our crops. The Board of Game and Fish is endeavoring to preserve and in crease the number of birds that de stroy tht insects. Then when the woods are again full of game and the streams full ol fish, and wise laws protect our wild life, we may expect a glimpse of the good o’ddays when a buck chewed his cud on every ivey bluff and wild turkeys were as plentiful as jaybirds. Mr. Fted Anderson left for Wv-t Virginia a few days ago. Thermometer stood at ; 9 last Wednesday morning, the coldest here for the reason. See notice of valuable lai d that is rdvertised on fust ]inj e 11 be sold at auction—200 acres. We understand that eggs are selling at -io cents per dozen, and but few to be had at this price. Cadet Ponder got one of his ankles hurt in the wreck neat; Wfthoo church Saturday night. Mr. Dona Griudle, who died of pneumonia, was buried at Philip pi Monday, aged 23. Rev. A. K. Ray preached his funcial. There will be a box- supper at Etton church next Monday night. Proceeds to be used for the pur pose of buying presents fora Christmas tree. The ad by the governments pro ceedings condemning nil the land recently purchased in this moun tain section will appear in January and those seillng it will likely get their pay for it in February. Mr. Bob Houser told us Mon day afternoon that he had just boriglit and paid the money for the Wimpy Mill property from Prof. John Anderson. But there Seems to he a mistake about it in some way. It is a rare thing here to have a visit irotn a musquilo in the winter time, nevertheless 0:10 came in early Friday morning be fore day. But when the cold wave arrived Monday afternoon our unfrelcomed visitor kicked up its heels and left out. We are sending our good Ham- mermi.l Bond paper out by mail. Last week sent some seventy-five or oighfly miles away, to persons who have bought from us before. This proves that it is good and cheap If you have not already done so try some of it. When Mr. Loggias went into the shaft last week to strike the Calhoun vein he found tho timbers rotten and a lot of dirt cavpd in. He iVgettjng tlie dirt out viitl pitt ing in new timbers in thq incline by this time. This vein has pro duced thou sa n d 9 of pe 11 by we ig hi s of gold. • » ! ' . A i\ . 4 Mrs. Oma Sutton lost 50 or 60 bushels of J corti—all she had, last week, up in the country. The la dy was" fixing to have building done to move to a new place. The crib wasTnilt and her corn moved first thing. In cleaning up aud burning brush fCe got to it during any one’s presence and all her corn was lost. Mrs. Grindle’s hus band was accidentally killed at the Pyrites Mine four years ago. Let’s help her. Many changes \Vefe made in the location of the ministers at tlie re cent North Georgia Conference. Though there was none at Dahlon- ega, as Rev. J. B. Smith has been returned. But a new Presiding Elder takes charge of this, the Gainesville District. Ilev. H, C. Emory, not known to us. Till last last election preachers were forbid den from using tobacco or discuss ing politics, specially in the churckc*. But at the Conference just held the editor of the official organ was advised to go ahead with his politcal fight, mid all halters were pulled of! the minis ters so they could join in when ever it was thought to In necessa ry by the lc-adi rs, of course. Wl. Slier they will he permitted to smoke and chew tobacco we Have not read the proceedings to learn. The stand many of the preachers and members took in the last elec tion badly crippled the democratic putty. From which it will never recover, is our honest opinion. The question is, will this political move in the churches injure them? We believe it will. Politics have heretofore injured numbers of good strong organizations soou af ter they entered the door. And the Masonic Fraternities would have been numbered with things of the past had the Worshipful Masters gone to the lodges loaded down with politics to distribute to the members. Mr. Woody, the Barber, tee i t- ly paid his parents n visit down in Mouth Georgia for the first time i:i q i' *.a while. 1 e concrete! sidewalk bus been (limbed tip as far as Prof. Yck- erys, and is now being extended down l’ark Street. One fellow told 11s not long ago that he drank nine gallons of li quor at one spree. Can ativ one beat this? Hope no one will try it. In our announcement of the wedding we performed last week without refering to the license sta tion Miss Mary Thompson mar ried, when it should have been MissCarrie, tlie daughter cf Mrs. Mary Thompson. Prof. Wiley went down to the North Georgia Conference last week to look upon the great body of preachers mid delegates in At lanta. This is one assembly that every member belonging attends. The wises:, best and most experi enced ministers tell what they know about religious matters, which enlightens the younger ones. Moter up to the mountains be fore the disagreeable weather sets in for the winter, get up on some high point, look down and see what a beautiful country we hive. Can’t furnish them songs by any 0; the birds novfc because those oc cupying the stage during the fall closed out their musical entertain ments for tho year first of Novem ber'. We have been informed tint par ties residing wit bin the corporate limits ot Dahlonega are selling li quor all the time. This is run ning a big risk, and it would be best for the dealers to stop it be fore it is located by some of the of ficers. It causes us no trouble, but give this 09 a note of warning in order to keep any one else from bating it. It seems that J. C. ALrngum's troubles nre all coming together, both here ai d in Alabama, now consolidated. When lie was re leased froiti otvr county jail charg ed .with stealing, a car in Alabama* ban)a, Mr. Willi Butler had it at tached for wliat J. C. was due him for debts he had settled for him, and shirts he liad seized. S< 011 af terwards a gentleman frottf that state came up representing a. Com pany from whom this car had been purchased on time, being unlawful for a car to he mu out of the state until jmicl for. But the law was violated, and after J. C. had some trouble with Fred Anderson and El D.ivis, so we understand, and learning of the arrival of the man from Alabama, took his de parture from Dahlonega the near way. .A few nights ago Mrs. Mendel'S woke up Boh, her husband, at' about il o’clock, and told him’ she thought their son Robert, was down in the front yard at tached by a nightmare. Big Bob’ was soon up, slippers on, flashlight in hand and by the one who lay groaning. It was not little Bob. But a person who had been taking on a big supply of sugar liquor. Enough to cause his legs to fail to operate by direction of the head, aud instead of carrying the h*5tly direct (Rung the sidewalk, turned to the right and dropped the body, which fell through the shrubbery with Inal resting on a reck, caus ing pains and groans. Yet leaving the mind all right, who realized when he saw by the flashlight that it was Bob Menders, one of the Strongest prohibitionists in the State. lie bfcgan begging Bub when with tlifi assistance of little Bob pulled Him up', not to tell 011 him and have loin c£pbsed and punished. H ; was assured that his name would never be giv en away, ami told by Boh that they would cirry bun I101112 in a car. There’s many a good man who some times take on too much aud occasionally full by the way side, but do not often drop into the hands of of a person like Bob Meaders when they become help less and appeal tu him in reason. W. A. HCUSLEY Shos aid Harness Shop. Bring YourWprk. t ; , Next to store of John IT. Moore & Son We mean to Please I Jam Headquarters for CLOTHING in Dahlonega. If I hnfe not the color.'style and size you want in stock I can order n rendy made suit and have it here in three or four days. If you want a Tailor Made Suit I can have it made to order and ready for you in about 10 days, i have aline of snnlples. COME AND SEK ME I will sell you clothing as cheap ns you oau buy it any where for cash. Satisfaction guaranteed. I will appreciate your business. R F- ANDERSON Watson’s Cafe NEXT TO Smith's Seryice Station COME and E-A.T TBY TOWNSENDS’ " Rheumatism Remedy IF NO FFFIFF MONEY REFUNDED FRICK *1.00 W-B, TOWNSEND Dahlonega CALL A.T- THE NUGGET OFFICE FOR Paper, Envelopes~and Blanks Here’s to Your Interest. Read. 1 MPORTAfit Ihrti nes Charged,- BaUi ris for Rent, Bal let ics Repaired, Batteries for Sale. OUR DAY SERVICE I* IX I XL ID IPSO IV Dali l o 11e %’Ui G e orgia