The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, November 30, 1928, Image 2

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The & Nugget PUBLISHED EVFHY FRIDAY. DAHLONEGA, Gl, NOV. 30, ’28. Eno*r«il at tltc liHlilouriji, Cii. I’. O ax Second CI»h» Mailer. Official Organ of both City and County. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $1.50 - -12 Months SOo. - * * Months 50 c. s - • 3 Months. Office 1 hone S. Residence Phone 6-1 J. Last Thursday was Thanksgiv ing. We are always thankful. J. L. Fleming,Jan J, Emory’ stu dent, lost hisdifejn ‘a fire recently trying to save a trunk. 1/iquor and gas mixed jjon cars take theJives of prohibition offi cers same as any one else. R. M. Cobb, a Justice of the Peace down at Hawkinsville, Cn.. stands charged with killing a man, thus exercising too much au thority. A man started off the other day in search-of Santa Clause’s home nt the North pole. Now why dis turb Santa when he is preparing presents to'make the children hap py. Those belonging to the Georgia Automobile Association can buy gas at many Service Stations at 2 per cent discount on the gallon. Smith’s Service Station at Dalilon- ega is one of them. We suppose that while Mr. Hoo ver is out enjoyiA'g himself viewing the different countries will have to make out on grape juice. It’s a pretty cool drink too at this seft9on of the year. The Macon negro Conference met in Forsyth, Ga. t last week. Of course they were all well pleased over the way many white people voted w tli them recently in the selection of a President. .John Camron, who was convict ed of killing ft policeman and es caped fourteen years ago, was re cently captured. Ho is now a rich man ancV has nineteen years to serve. This was in North Caroli na. Locals aiui Othei News. The Tax Collectors is in this issue. No inan’*who diinks liquor Mr. Dugas is running the Find- should lie appointed to^fill a prohi- icy Mine both day and night, bition office. | Mrs . j dhu Ricku.-sj went down 1 lie first quart of strawberries t0 Florida ,i,j s week to see her son. down in Florida last week brought l ist rouJit! Ti e j ;i 1 is clear of all inmates me moie time except the crazy m n n ■ This week while tlie uieicury was playing around 2o Col. Pruett lost his overcoat. \Ve learn tlint Mr. Frank Chris- awa y t - no biggest tian lias bought the West farm down on Clay Creek. Tl ost school loys innnirg mile races with nothing on excej t their bathing suit- have found it light chilly. This is one year we never saw a single chestnut in Dahlonega for sale. The ground squirrels stored portion of the crop. $1.25. An editor didn’t get it. It was reported that Hoover carried Dawson ebufity. The Ad- verffserjsays that Smith got the majority. Receipts] show that the na- ‘" Those who wont frem Dahlonega tional democratic committee 1 lie eclipse of the moon statC.-d t0 (jj.j 0 came back last week, re- spent ^4,8q 5 - 7**” 7 during the late 1 uesday morning at 2 :15. lotal porting the weather pretty cold up eampaign for Smith. at 3’ 2 6> at, d 5'5 0, there, too much so for a fellow The Ninth District P. T. A. 1 Some of our farmers catried 1 from the Southland, meets nt New Holland tomorrow at 1>or k , 0 Gainesville where they ou tlie recreation building at 10 A. M. ]y got ten cents a pound tor it. An interesting program has been ^ ^ ^ Wafd hag moved l0 pn pared. [ Clermout. He is a good We wish to thank each and ev ery one for the kindness shown us All Georgia’s woods have been full of hunters since the quail sea son 0fienc ! the t9:h, and we have been listening for several persons to be shot or killed while out after a fewHittle birds. It happens ev ery season. we noticed when an Indiana man was cleared the other day he hugged each woman juror. Now the supposition is that all other defendants are wanting a trial at this term of the court. We would. If a fellow happened to be found- guilty lie might do a little hug ging any way. The election returns for Georgia were nil received at the state cap- itol last week and after the repub lican, anti-Smith, Social, Cum- nninionists were all consolidated, the democratic majority was 30,- 234 votes. The democratic vote in the stale uas i2c),0o’2, republi fan 6342s, anti Smith 115,370, Socialist 12! and Comnuinioni t 24. during tne sickness and death of our dear mother. Carrie and Nan- cv Head, Mrs. Sallie Early, Mrs. Annie Andersou. One of the escaped conviets from Habersham called at tli.c Banks county convict camp and called for food. lie Jsoon learned to his sorrow that lie had gone to the wrong pew. We noticed where a negro was iucited to break the law by a game warden down in Florida and ilien arrested. For which the warden was fined $2$ and co^t. I he may or did him right. Jehn I)."Walker,^former head of a chain] of lo7 South Georgia Buks and once a member of the state senate, was captured in New York last week. So the usual lu nacy trial may he expected. Four carloads of auto tags have been received by Secretary of State Carswell for 1929. It being nec essary for each cai 1 to have two. Many failed to buy one. Do not know what they will do about it neAt year. A negro undertook to make his escape down at Columbus one clay last week by leaping from a bridge forty-five feet and seven inches high. But he didn’t ruu on ac count of breaking a wrist and an ancle. A small pair ’of wings would do him. Some foolish fellow remained up on a little platform about i7o feet high in Atlanta from Monday un til Saturday noon, both day [and night, for five thousand dollars. A Chinaman would have had more sense than to exposed himself this way. An exchange says the loafer should he taxed instead of the la beling mail. They would then fail to pay and he put on the in solvent list, and lo trouble for nothing. Unless some candidate comes along and pivs it off so he can vote for him. • The white applicants for federal positions hereafter will not have to seek the endorsement of Ben Da vis, the negro socalled State Cen tral Republican Committeeman, having resigned because Senator Harris and some of the rest of them insulted him in their speech es during the campaign. Mrs. Thompson, whose sen tence of death was cr.mmuted last citizen, and we hate to give him up, Mr. Fred Jones returned a few days ago from South Georgia where he found times fairly good. You will see by ad 011 first page that Mrs. Lizzie West is selling out. She is going to move up to Clarkesville. We aie asked about the expen ses of holding the Justices election. Not the comity because it is not a ioufi'ty office. There will he a box supper at the Garnet school house Saturday night Dec. 8th, to raise money for a Christmas tree. Mt. Gillard Cemetery will he cleaned off on Saturday Dec. Sth Everbody invited to come and bring their dinneis. Several of our citizens contribu ted Mrs. Sutton money this week to buy her some more corn, hav ing lost hers tecently by fire. City Marshal Watson arrested Leslie Anderson, a dark complect ed colored woman Tuesday night charged with being tight, intoxi cated and drunk, Mrs. W. B. Townsend killed 2 tine hogs this week and put tip tiven- one pounds of pure pork sausage, besides a whole lot of backbone and sparerihs. And ye editor is still hoarding there, Mr. Jake Pruett had a corn shucking recently. Our friend forgot lo invite 11 s up to sing jolly around the corn pile, and place our feet under his table atul eat chick en dumplings for him. \\'e wcrelplea-ed to have a visit from Prof. Krucu Ray and lady from Clarkesville, last Tuesday. The Professor is a J graduate of the N. G. A. CffLge, and hns been a member of the Faculty of the Ninth Congressional School for thirteen years. At the Dah'cucga Cash Store— Housleys, you will find Blue and Red Tag Flour at $ Loo for 25 pound sack: Point Laco $1.46; Sever Best $1.40; Four Rose $1.20. Lard—Compound, i5 cents per pound, and Pure 20 cents. Bacon 20 cents. Freight huffed from Gainesville to Dahlonega at 25 cents per loo. A while after sundown last Sab bath the repoit- i 1 several pistol by Gov. Hardman fof life, I shots’was to give notice that there The death sentence of Eula El rod Thompson, who was convict ed of murdering Coleman Osborne, a merchant in Mun ay'county, and was to have been electroc. led last Friday, was commuted for life. Her husband and a negro have al ready had to give their lives for the same offense, lb was doubtless believed by the Governor that two lives for one was sufficient. We are now able to hear from all parts of the country except the one ubove. It may be that St. Peter will get a radio later so that tlieunknri’ from. B n world cm 1 ihni’t wu '. i.oi to ..ei 1-- hare on earth heard ; best ' 1 ir - : "• ■ .iglit :-i ■ in. •> ,.b j.i and iich a man::' r u hile to bo side 1 racked j boru and never see tlie place. soon became engaged to inirfy D. C Harrison, Atlanta newsagent, meeting for tLo first time only a fe.v weeks ago. Mrs. Thompson said Harr.son is the only man she over loved or ever will love. Adjutant General Homer G. PaiUcr, Atlanta, has completed individual li'cord cards for t'no Wo: 1 1 War soldiers the State of Georgia proposes to furnish each county with a list of its soldiers within a reasonable length of time gratis, if desired. Lumpkins has been ap plied for. John W. Wright, colored, has been made county treasurer of the county in which Topeka, Kansas, i it rated, Chicago sends a c lrr- ed ir-n to c< t’grev. and i’> m D; vis red ■ 1 5. ' 1 e ! 1 • r - * • •>, A I ni.t 1. 1 . I. Iig < -i 1 \\ I ill v line v cm II < n .—G Ilenud-Jouroa'. Didn . r. negro have his wife along? was a (ire in town, which proved to h_- the roof of Mr. Nix’s house, down in the lo.ver part of town which had caught from a spark falling 011 it from the chimney. The Fire Company responded hut so in el oily was up on the house and had thi) fne extinguished with buckets of water tiom the well lie- accredited to! fore the hose coiffd he connected by counties, up Rev. A. C. Johnson returned from the State Baptist Convention a few days ago. As Mr. Johnson does not talk jolilics we failed to a k him if the body passed any res olutions thank ing the Lord for the election of Mr. Hoover like the Methodists did. We have been watchTg to see u: Pear if any of W. A. HOUSLEY Shoe and Harness Shop. Bring YoulWork. Next to store of John IT. Moor© Sc Son We mean to Please t hese in fit *• • (. 1 M 1 > .. pLH.. w aj s. be turn thanks a prr.l V '■ a > 1 * 1 -' ! ' There are lots of ’possums being caught now and sold and take the place of chickens. But wu do not take any 'possum. Wili wait un til a new crop of chickens got ripe. Prof. Vickery took the flu soon after his wife recovered and was in a few days. But lie is hack ns us ual in the College room discharg ing hi? duties as he Las been do ing for many long years. If the fai-mersin Lumpkin equi ty would sow more of tlieii land in grain, like older ones used to and then turn the land after harvesting time, they would enrich the soil, save buying so much high priced guanoaud make just as much or more. Groceries are being sold and delivered to our merchants by a wholesale house in Gainesville now. If our old merchants, who did business here years ago, when it took a week or ten days to or der and get their goods from At lanta, coiffd wake up, wouldn’t they be surprised to find that such goods can he gotteu in less Ilian an hour now? C7ne day last week here when the thermometer registered 41, some of the boys went up on Neel’s Gap and found ice where a day’s sun bail not melted it. This shows Imw much cooler it is on tlie Blue llidge than it is down here, being a most delightful place in the summer. You might take a man who h ul been on a protracted spree, tired of drinking water and let li m go up there and take in some of that pure fresh air and lie would get the desired relief and return to the low lands perfectly happy. We used to print a college pa per for the students, which took nearly as much time and trouble to get it out as the Nugget, al though it was not near as large It was caused by having to refer to the dictionary often to see that every word in it was light and proper. \\ u had to have it arn't. And-in speaking of a person’s parents it had to he papa and ma ma. Now if we happen to set it up ain’t, or dad or mam fir the Nugget every bedy knows what is meant and the sun rises in the east and sets in the west just the same. On Friday Mr. George Moore phoned up that some one had tak en his Ford c\r from where it was standing in front of the Bank at j Gainesville and left out In a very sliott while Sheriff II ms- ley ami (J unity Policeman Davis heard of thu car and two or three occupants/ in a westerly direction of Dahlonega. They started and traced the parties as far as Kllijay, where it was learn ed that the parties were traveling too fast and so far ahead that they could hot he overtaken, when the officials turned their car towards Dahlonega .and were soon back at home. Upon hearing of the car the next day the officers went out again. Tiffs time they found the car in Daw son county and at rested Arthur Strickland one ot the par ties who had been seen in the un to. Arthur informed the officers that the parties went 12 miics the other side of Kllijay and in pass ing he ).vi asked to ride and not kr.o.1 i' lj4 . it it was stole n ncccj t- ,1 ,1... „• i t r * i T ' '■ • -v; : 1 si. it. 1. a 1 . *;•!. • •! f ar j.wimw y irramem I ana headquarters for CLO’111ING in Dahlonega. If I have not the color.'style ami size you want in stock I can order a ready made suit and have it here in three or four days. If you want a Tailor' Made Suit I can have it made to order and ready for you in about 10 days. 1 have a line of samples. COMIC A 1ST I) SEE M.33 I will sell you clothing as cheap as you oan buy it nny where for cash. Satisfaction guaiantecd. I will appreciate your busineiB. B- F- ANDERSON Watson’s Cafe NEXT TO SmrtlT s Seryiee Station COME and EAT . .. ... 1-. TEY TOWNSENDS’ Rheumatism Remedy IF 1 iSTO BELIEF MONEY REFUNDED TRICK SRI.OO W- B, TOWNSEND Dai-ilonega CALL .A.T THE NUGGET OFFICE FOR Paper, Envelopes'and Blanks . 1... nut \, 1, . . 11 ’.-no a 1... in ; l.u m , • ‘ rk jo ill , said, and had been driven 2- miles and burnt tip almost. Here’s to Your Interest* Read. IMPORTANT Batter:* s Charged, Balteris far Rent, Batteries Repaired, Batteries for Sale. OUR DAY SERVICE NiDLIF O TV Daliloiicir;u Guornia