The Dahlonega nugget. (Dahlonega, Ga.) 1890-current, December 21, 1928, Image 3

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fiocal Jicvii'6 ^ _ M r8. .Brook slier has reduced .the price of conts and sweaters. jDr. McDonald writes us that he could not get to Dahlonega last week on account of tlie flu taking and holding him down. ltev. Taylor Dowdy, afer being down sick a month with a severe case of flu, was able te lill his ap pointment at Yellow Creek last .Sunday. yhe editor of the Nugget will be jin his otlice next week doing job ^rork and attending to other bus iness, if the Lord is willing and tjhe weather permits. Mr. J. B. Moore, who attended College here a few jears ago, lost two or throe hundred dollars worth of stuff a few nights ago in Atlan ta by thieves entering his home. Some people are always- crying out hard times, and in goevtj health too. Losing time to loaf is the cause of a lot of hard times. Loaf ing or attending ball games do not bring in anything. We understand that the City Council will make an effort to break up the “sons of rest” next year. Why not? ,There is no excuse for loafing when there is work to be had. Able bodied per sons need not sit around waiting for easy jobs because they are about all filled. The white people here used to sing “Keep your lamps trimmed and a burning.’’ And the negroes be heard singing aloud “turning out” “God feeds his children on honey and wine, we’ll sail away to heaven by and by.” Nether is appropriate now, because the white folks ha-ye electric lights. And such strigent laws have been passed by both state and govern ment if a negro starts to heaven they will have to make the trip without any wine and but little or no honey. We have been busy this week placing the Prof. Ruga fund in the hands of the paupers of Lump kin county in order that they may buy something that suits them and enjoy Christines better. The Professer never forgets the poor and needy. This contribution is all he has for Lumpkin county for the present year. And we togeth er with all these people return thanks to Prof. Huge for his an nual assistance just before Christ mas, which helps to brighten their homes making them happy at a time when, the more fortunate peo ple are enjoying peace and plenty and no troubles whatever. We had the pleasure last week of meeting Mr. E. C. Ledogcr, of Cleveland, Ohio, in company with Mr. O. M. Dickison, of Atlanta. It was Mr. Ledoger’s first visit to Dahlonega. Both are connected with the Northern Georgia & Elec tric Power Co., and are engaged in lines to light up other towns besides Dahlonega in Geor gia and North Carolina, which is making fast progress considering the winter season and short days. The gentieman only spent a short time but went over on the Findley Ridge to see the mining operations that are now in active progress on this belt, and went away well pleased with what he saw on this ttrip. Don’t forget that dance at Por ter SpringsSChriftmas eve night. It would likely surprise you to see ye editor there with his up to date slippers. We used to attend danc es at Porter when Col. Farrow was in charge, and chickens were served at his hotel three times a day if guests wanted it, because fry size sold at ten and fifteen cents a piece and eggs at eight and ten cents a dozen. 1 hen when a male person, either dancer or spec- fator got thirsty for something stronger'than water he could s.cp off a little piece and find some clever moonshiner waiting to fill hii pint bottle with pure corn li quor for twenty-five cents. '1 lie music and dancing went on the same and nothing was said about it. The Graded School closed for the holidays last Wednesday. Mr. (ins Arrendale is going to leave Lumpkin and locale at the Chicapee Mills in or near Gaines ville. Mr. Horchel Rider came in Sat urday to renew his suheription to the Nugget and attend to some other matters. Mr. Frank Parks will move in to the jail next year and Mr. Gar rett will occupy the Head house next to Mr. Dockerys. The County Finance Cotiimitt ee of our comity will meet on the first day of January is what Prof. Wiley, one of the members, tells |U«. Mr. T W. Hutcheson, of EnsJj Point, dropped in to see ,us while ihe and his wife, were uplast Sun day. See his id on .first page — farm to rent. There was preaching nt ihe Nugget office Sunday and Sunday and Sunday night. Very Fine sermons, songs and prayers and no collections taken up—radio. City Marshal Watson found a “nest’’ with some fifteen bottles of Home Drew in it out about the Stone Building Saturday night, This is something similar to red pepper tea. A lot of holly n being carried off from this section now. It brings a big price in Atlanta. Prof. Nix- son, of the College here, Bays you can plant the seed and it won’t be long until you will have a bush. Last Friday morning twent-six student? at N. G. A. College were reported sick with flu, in different forms. Most of them were up latter part of last week. But the number swelled again this week. When any one carries an empty box and it is sold at a supper the money sholud be returned, be cause it is just as much violation of law as a lottery. And besides it is wrong and injures such sup pers in the future. Some of the printed stn.ionery at the Nugget office was sent as far away as Chicago for a Christ mas present. Does any one else wish to make a friend or relative a valuable present of this kind? If so we can do the printiag today on up to and including Tuesday In time if not to be seut too far. Gov. Hardman being sick the bonds for the comity officers were much later being received, except the Tax Receiver and Collector’s state bonds. They reached us the 5th. Then 011 Sunday the Ordi nary’s bond and other papers con nected with it reached us, and pa pers and no bonds or blanks for some of the other offioers. At the recent gathering at the court house—that is one of them, were the swimming match contest and Carlton Cain losing his under wear. The swimming match was two matches placed in a pan of water. And the loss Carlton pur chased a new pair of drawers, put them under him to sit on and got interested in the boxing match so that lie went off, forgetting his beautiful white garment, disap pearing before he returned. The court house has been used for various tilings this year—danc ing and fiddling At one time a negro danced on the table. Sin^e preaching and box suppei besides Other tilings we are too modest to tell. The door to the room stands open both day and night. Noth ing belonging to the county on this floor lias been locked for a long time except the toilet. The court house is rarely ever used to preach in except by some one who wants to raise money. Never heard of persons ; ‘.catching” religion in a court house. But it is a good place to contract some contageous disease. Therefore St. Peter is not expecting any 011c to come His way with a hit of religion gotten «t a court house. Here poor people who get into trouble are given an escort to tlie penitentiary or chain- While those more fortu- Mr. Fred Jones had to go with the flu, ,'ia. I..JW- ' 1 ' in The College closed yesterday fer the holidays. Miss Susan McDonald is suffer ing with a severe case.of flit. The thieve are.n,ot idle. They will take anything. We hear of the farmers losing fodder. We should have said last week that Mr. Rails Davis died and not Rans Perry. The pension money for the few widows and soldiers of Lumpkin Mr. B: Btodk'sfiet' lfad to vn- came last Saturday, cate his milk wagon, put some ot.e 1 Oranges arc now being brought else in his place and go in with the to town piled up in the trucks like flu this week. Drummers and others say there are fourteen blind fed cases of fin in Gainesville as feported by the physicians. It’s all over the coun try- . t The old store hotise -where Mr. Frank Ridley .• liwes viiv Yahoola farmers hauling in their corn. As there was no opposition to the old Aldermen the City election last Saturday was unusually quiet end but few votes polled—56. \ We are informed that Can Ogle and two girls were arrested down at Gainesville last week on suspi- District, was tomied at ifew lifglus cion of being connected with the ago but we didn’t learn how it liaj - pe.ned. One country woman and her small boy are hauling and sellnig wood in Dnrblonegtv nearly every day while monefy lure*, been solici- send to China to buy toys to put on a Christ mas’t fee*. Mr. Artlier Wo.Qcly .sent word to County 1’plicejiian Dp.vis a few days ago that he had found a stilj in an unoccupied school house across the Blue Ridge in .Union, Be ing off his beat he didn’t go. f,lr. .Tinker says a?, soon as he gets.the Seabolt .pp.wer^on, he will put another electrician, up at tl,e plant, at Cane Creek Falls—one to run the plant during the day' and the other at night in order to give still' befte’r' service. • !■: . '• •>-1 ... We regret to learn that Dr. M. N. Stow, who moved down the country some years ago from Dah lonega, died a few days ago. He took sick with flu while on a visit to his brother in Gainesville, went home and never recovered. Not having heard from our old friend, Mr. G. C. Wallace, who left Dahlonega many years ago in a long time, thought maybe I e had crossed over the 'river. Bnt last Monday we teefeived a card 1 from him and' liis' Wife. They 1 are at Bnrhertoii, Ohio. We have received a , copy , of “Atlanta ftoni the Ashes,” a’book of 144 papes just goften out by Mr. Ivan Al.lon, giving a most in teresting history, of the growtlvof that prosperous city from the Civ il War on lip to the present. Get one, read it and we sure you will enjoy it. .. . It was reported here Monday that Mr. Gordon Rice,' of Nelson, had been sick since his Inst visit to Dahlonega, could not raise hand or foot and was not' expected to live long. Enquiry was made by his sister here by phone who was in formed that Mr. Rice had gotten well enough to go to work a day or so befote. A few nights ago Mis. Bradford stepped from her store into the adjoining room, leaving Charlie Cox, a little negro. Upon returning the lady found $4 miss ing out of the money drawer. She put the City Marshal on to it. Char lie first denied it. But wheu the Marshal started to jail with him: the negro reached one hand down in his pocket and brought up the money. ; , Mr. Charlie McAfee, formerly ’Cl killing of young Ralston which oc curred in that city recently. We noticed Charlie Stringer, who resides in the eastern part pf the county, was in town Saturday just as the sun was peeping up in the east, long before soma of our citizens had quit snoring likely', with a hog killed and dressed so a lot of them could have pork for breakfast. He lives nine miles away, is not a farmer who sleeps late, and raises plenty to dp him and some to spare. 'J he following is the new list at officers for the Masonic Lodge of this place: M. C. Wiley, W. M., Guy Fitts, S. \V., Henry W. Moore, J. N., R. C. Meaders, Treas., W. H. Jones, Sec’y, J. W. West, S. D., II. B. Smith, ,J. D., Fred F»tts, B. S., W. L. Ash, J. S., J. H. Phillips, Tyler, B. P. Gaillard, Chaplain. Trustees: John H. Moore, II. B. Smith. Re lief Committee: H. Head, A. S. Cantrell and A. R. Ray. On Thursday night of last week ^ome one broke into Mr. Fred Tones’ Garage and carried away about $350.00 worth of auto sup plies. They went through a win dow. On the next night some oue stole Mr. Ben Anderson’s auto pump, and might have took his car from under the shed at the store had it not been locked. You know we told you we needed a night .watchman worse than a day watchman. Don’t this prove it? Every -merchant should keep a light in bis store where he does not live over or close to it. Yesterday was the Tax Collec tor’s last dpy. Of course all the taxes are got paid. A lot °f P ea ‘ pie would be behind if they had 20 years to pay' in. And num bers go on the insolvent list. Sev eral able bodied persons always fail to pay their polls, letting them go otfer for some candidate to pay etf just before an election, enjoying themselves same as those who pay promptly, including poor widow women who some times have to strive hard to raise the money to save their little homes. This way of candidates paying people’s tax es by an amendment being made to the registration law so as to in clude primaries—no paying or reg istering si* mouths previous to one. A garnishment can also be issued agaiust or for any one’s h- ix>r. This was done here once and for years eyery person paid their taxes promptly. Joe Davis went ever and seiz ed two tin stills in about half mile Sunday. proprietors hacl been turning out some syrup liquor. It is said a farmer not far away lost his syrup one night. It is thought that it was carried to one of these distilleries. The manufac ture of tin stills is a new industry in Lumpkin. Something that is nr> benefit to an officer when he cuts "one up because there is no sale for old tin. There is for cop per. We have learned since that he thirty gallons of syrup were at nSEBVICE STATION AUTO ACCESSORIES FREE AIR Winitli** free water Service Station Dtihloncga, Ga. CARSSTORED AND WASHED VULCANIZING A SPECIALTY fUF“Bnttories charged at 7jj( cents and $ 1.00,,£gj DAHLONEGA CASH S ORE ?*;>v • ' W- M- HO U.SJLTCYPos pr * NEXT TO TATE’S HOTEL G R OCERI EG MEATS FEE D ST XT JEiE NTour Trade Solicited- Come NOTICE We carry a first class lino of Tot let Articles, Drugs, Sundries, and Patent Medicines of nil kinds. Wo tiro LICENSED DRUGGIST And can fill any kind of Prescriptions. See us for School Supplies. Lipscomb Drug Co. WATCH IT| Grow [Steadily and Prospers THE ! - - of, Dahlonega, now of Wylam, , ^ p itw Mines last s Ala., informs us by letter that he^^ proprietors had been t recently got the second prize at a fiddler’s contest, wishing we had been there. We do too, so we could have danced. Charlie, we are improving wonderfully siuce installing a radio in our office, and if we continue are satisfied that we will be among the best dancers by the time we grow old. Monday morning opened up dark, raining and a heavy fog. Late in the afternoon a cool wind began blowing from the North- stolen on Saturday night from west, and Bob Meader* commenc ed transferring what eggs he eould find in the hen house to his hottie in his hat. Bob never lo$c3 any eggs during a freeze. He has a way of putting them in a skillet on the stove after a fire is built in the gang, w tine inose muic iuuu- | latter. It was much colder next Iiate with money can pay for their morning but none of Bob’s eggs freedom and go about happy. | froze. BANK of DAHTONEGA is tli© v STATE DEPOSITORY CITY DEPOSITORY and the People's Depository Can take care of your money, or loan you somo. OVEfR 4- <§> DEPOSITORS OFFICERS: J7F. PRUETT, President, J. M. BROOKSIIER, Vico-Prosidont, T. F. CHRISTIAN, Cashier. Bill Anderson, (Luke’s Bill). The syrup was in jugs,Jwhich were broken when emptied. No doubt the officer would not been inform ed about these distilleries had the pperators not visited this man’s home and cartied away that which did not belong to them. It is best 10 be honest in all kinds of busi ness. Keep your children in good health—The greatest menace to health in pld or young is constipation. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin I The Perfect Laxative is recommended as a positive remedy for constipation—mild and gentle in its action and free from opiates and narcotic drugs. In countless homes it is the standard family remedy. Druggists everywhere—fifty cents and one dollar. A TRIAL /IOTTLB CAN BB OBTAINED, FREE OF CHARGE. BY WRITING TO OR. W. If. CALDWELL, -tWASHINGTON ST., MONTSCEILO, IlL.