The Coffee County progress. (Douglas, Ga.) 1913-????, October 31, 1913, Image 4

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AN INTERESTING LETTER /• <*«*» w It is with gratitude that we an nounce ready to open our rural schools. All the teachers have been employed with two or three excep tions and the list will be complete by Nov. Ist. The teachers have all been requested to go to their respective; communities to organize and arrange j for the opening on November the third. We trust that at least a ma jority of the schools can open on this date as cotton seems to have matur ed earlier than usual and we have never had a better tall for harvest-; ing. However, in those communi ties where at least a majoriy of the pupils cannot be enrolled, the open ing will bo deferred till about Dec. the first and probably a few will not open till January the first. It is not probable and hardly pos sible, but, we would that every pu pil could be present the opening day of school, ready to enter upon the duties of the new term. We also sincerely trust that not.only the trustees, hut that as many of the j patrons as can, will be present for j the opening exercises in every school J It will be the desire of each teacher j to lay before the pupils, trustees I and patrons, their plans for the] term’s work. Then too, it will en able teacher and patrons to thorough ly understand each other, and in so doing, a great many difficulties will , be avoided that would probably arise j from tin* lack of a thorough under-; standing in the beginning. And whether they do it or is] the duty of every patron to lay down if possible, whatever they tire doing, and go to the school house with the children and offer any suggestions that they think for the best interest and success of the school. And then they should visit the school just as many times as practicable, during the entire term. One of the first things that will be expected of each teacher is to see that their school has three commis sioned trustees. And these trustees will he required by the Board of Ed i cation to visit the schools ut least Coffee County Fair and Poultry Show DOUGLAS, GEORGIA November 18th to 22nd District Corn Club Show, Poultry Show, Colt Show, Other Departments will have most Interesting Exhibits Luminious Midway of Clean and High Class Attractions Including VCild West and Motordrome. Motorcycle Racing Daily by Professional Riders. .... School Children’s Day Tuesday, Novembs 18th Boys Com Club Show Thursday November 20th Governor Slaton Speaks Thursday Nov. 2oth once in each month, and oftener if they deem it to he necessary, and to report mouthy to the Superintendent on a blank furnished them by the 1 Superintendent, concerning the man agement and success or failure of the school. And in addition, the teacher’s regular monthly report which they have here-tofore b< en making, they will he expected to report on another blank which will he furnished by the Superintendent giving such informa tion as may be asked for by the Sup erintendent, concerning t he building, yard, equipment, progress or failure] of the school and general conditions in the entire community. Bach teacher will be furnished with a supply of Pupil’s monthly Report cards, and at flu- end of each month during the term, the teacher will give every pupil an examination or test, the grades'to he put on the re port card, and the card sent to the parent, to inspect, sign and return to the teacher. These cards will be left on the teachers desk for inspection by the Superintendent when visiting the school. In addition to the regular annual institute which will be held about January, there will be held a month ly institute and every h aclier will lie required to attend and take part in the program or pay a fine for being absent, unless they have a reasonable excuse,its reasonableness to be deter mined by the Board of Education. Hon. N. (). Nelson, a wealthy man ufacturer of St. Louis, Mo., has a greed to contribute s2o per month to the salary of an industrial teacher as soon as one can be employed, who will work with the teachers toward the improvement of rural condi | tions. If we can raise sf>oo to be ] used to employ a Demonstration ! Agent who will devote his time to the Agricultural interest of the Coun ty, by assisting in the Boy’s Cory Club work and in any other way that i he may be of service to the farmer, j We are at this time almost sure of the money. In fact it is practically THE COFFEE COUNTY PROGRESS, DOUGLAS, GEORGIA already arranged. We respectfully ask the eo-opera tionof every citizen who is interest d inthe upbuilding of our County. School Children’s Day At The Fair We have a letter from Hon. M. L. Brittain,State School Superintendent stating that will be at the Fair on Children’s I)ay if he can possibly leave the office. He says, “My duties are unusually heavy at this time owing to my connection with the School Book Commission, but will come if I possibly can.’’ This day will be considered a holiday for all the rural schools in thecounty that are running at that time, and we trust that all the pupils in the | county, together with their teachers and parents can be present and enjoy the day. It will be quite a treat if we should happen to have with us Cov. Slaton and Mr. Brittain both on the same day, and should certain ly be an inspiration to every boy and girl to see and hear them speak. Then too, we will have the corn how of this district. There are sev eral things that will have an educa tional value for all those who come. Probably no week of term would be worth so much to the children as this one day at the fair. It seems that there is nothing more beautiful, and nothing more inspiring than to see the school children of our county in line marching. It instills into them tin* lesson of patriotism probably more forcibly than could he done in any other way. It will enable us to create and cultive a spirit of rivalry between the different schools of the county, and when this is done, when we get each school trying to excel the other, we can rest assured that something is being done and progress being made. Return day to the Novemb Termer of the City Court has just passed and Deputies W. M. Tanner and Jeff Kirkland are quite busy serving pro cess. SAPP’S PHARMACY THE PROGRESSIVE DRUGGIST PHONE US YOUR NEEDS, WE HAVE IT PHONE 144 AND SEE — * % ~ There is comfort in knowing where to get what you want when you want in Our Line of Drugs Medicines, 1 oilet Artues ? Rubber v_iooas, Station ery, Candies, etc., is ex! d will surely please you We make a specialty of prescription work. Drop in. Feel at home here. SAPP’S PHARMACY I 02-1 04 E. Ward St. Douglas, Georgia the city pressing club Phone 172 Rear Corn’s Barber Shop Let us know when you have any garment to clean, press or dye. VVe deliver promptly and satisfaction guaranteed THE CITY PRESSING CLUB