The Coffee County progress. (Douglas, Ga.) 1913-????, November 14, 1913, Image 6

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proclamation: ~ %% JM * 1 t * whereas : Goverripf John of Ifaiobgia, has issued a proclamation napping Tuesday, Novemhel* eighteenth as 'oW'j'Kia products Day, and urged that ailctho people of the state observe the dnJ-edii the fashion prescribed by the Chamber of of commerce, and wHWREAS: The said Georgia chamber of commerce, desiring to impress upon ail loyal Georgians the magnitude of the Empire state of the south in the variety of its product-, has called upon the citizens of the State to celebrate j Georgia products Day by public dinners ■ at fi p. m., at which only Georgia Pro ducts shall be served, and whereas: It is believed that such a l>lan will redound to the materia) wel fare of the state of Georgia and its in habitants, by encouraging the use of Georgia-made goods and Georgia-grown Novemto 18, ]9, 20 21, 22 The bounteous harvest is being finished. The fleecy Staple is being marketed at fancy prices. EVERYBODY IS HAPPY. We invite those who have wandered away from the Good Old County to come back for a week and join all the home folks in a Week of Jubilee at the County Fair You will see the BEST DISPLAY of Coffee’s Products EVER BROUGHT TOGETHER . Five hundred Exhibits in the department of the Southeast Geor gia District CORN SHOW, Covering Twenty-Eight Counties A Poultry show that grows each year. . ~ , . —-- .mu .mu . Ladies Department of Fancy Things will out class former efforts Thorough bred hogs, Cattle, and coifs that will make the champion of scrub stock “sit up and take notice.” Wild West Show and Indian Congress, Congress of Southern Beauties, Plantation Vaudeville, Electric ■j ’heatre, Carousal! Ferris Wheel, Motordrome, Etc "\ t otorcycle race fiends Wi ! ! vr> °rr*er daily on one of the fastest tracks in the South hr i P urses U P or winner. Tn ,w% Children’s Bay-Address by »• I*'* 1 ' p dain, .Stale School Commissioner non. M. L wthTfgb. ' {T t ■MWnners announced Day-Prizes will fce a o tte by Hon. J M . M„ Slaton, GOVERNOR OF SEOEg'a. Friday/S Colt Show In front of grand stand Saturday. Free acts, --Burning of the Prairie Schooner, Capture, Trial and Hanging of a horse thief. • mMsrafrr *“■ - - . \ -thikek* **»;* ■* I, - Mast 1 * Griffin, ipiynr, pf- tlye Citv hereby y.m-; mend to the people of this, one of the bent this ftjap fqr |. the GpjloiLtiWn of Georgia prp(t>yty 1 and urge upon all to nttihgly obsePveT Georgia product Day in the manner de- 1 sired by the GEORGIA CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. Attest; MOSES GRIFFIN, j. i). knowles, Mayor, clerk of council. Notice. Books for registration for the coming municipal election, will be open at this office for thirty days, beginning November 4th and closing December 4th, 1913. j. D. Knowles, . City Clerk, Douglas, G R . “c offee County Progress Print, “Originator fo Imitators^ THE COFFEE COUNTY PROGRESS, _ DOUGLAS, GEORGIA ■Com ifeltes Bftfffttfef-Ptent - '•£***«•". ’ Deep.; Carmi,. 111., Nov. 8. John Kirr- Vf'lh a farmer living Tsiiarvesting a lOff-acre fieldlxf , that was planted to withstahd the j drougth and did. Kimbrell planted the’ kemals un der ten inches of soil. Ordinarily corn is covered to a depth of four inches. Neighbors predicted theeorn ! would not germinate, but a fairly | good stand resulted. Kimbrell also planted twenty acres in the same field, covering it four inches. The deep, planted corn is yielding 65 bushels of fine corn to the acre, while the shallow planted j is making less than 30 bushels. 1 * *.*■**,*» v.» "I <*-.v*V* *vv»A«. **. 1. 1 J •<* if'**/ 71 '--* * ■ J. S. LOTT, Douglas, Georgia DEALER IN Mules, Horses, Wagons, Buggies Harness, Sash, Doors, Lime, Ce ment, Plaster, Brick, and all kinds of Builders’ Hardware. \ Wire fencing, All kinds of im proved Farming Implements, Galvanized and Rubber Roofing, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, and Builders’ General Supplies. Your Patronage will be greatly m APPRECIATED •i; J. S. LOTT, Telephone No. 77 Douglas, Georgia The Grocerymen Our Stock of Grocer ies is Fresh and com plete. • Phone us be fore beginning a meal We have it. A nice line of fruits always on hand. . . . 207 E. Ward-st, Phone 83 Douglas, Georgia