The Coffee County progress. (Douglas, Ga.) 1913-????, May 21, 1925, Image 2

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NEWS OF WEEK FROM WEST GREEN AND COMMUNITY Mr. W. A. Martin of Homerville, Was the sues; of his sister, Mis. N. S. Boyd Friday and Friday night. Rev. H. D. Minyprd, Miss Clearcey Minyard of Rochells, and Miss Ethel Mae Carter of Argyle, were the quests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Denton Monday afternoon, enroute home from Argyle. where Rev. Minyard fdled his regular preaching appoint ment Sunday. Miss Carter will he the guest of Miss Minyard for a wi ek. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Deese and children, \<f Arcadia, Fla., who are the house guests of the f rmers moth i. Mrs. Mo’lie Deese, spent the we-1-. end in Alma as the guests of Mrs. Lease's parents. The i: any friends of Mrs if. J. Small v ill regret to learn at ;ier illness ai her home. Mi lon Dickey of Fitzgerald, was a business visitor in town Sat u r dav a> d Monday afternoon. Tie fiiends of Miss Doris Burkett ’>ul! be glad to learn that she is rap j idly improving from the cut on her j leg which she sustained in an automo j bile accident about two months ago. i I Mr. and Mrs. Archie Deese of Ar- 1 cadia, are the guests of Mrs. Mollie| Deese, Miss Nellie Deese and Mr. O. V. Sapp were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Deese in Ambrose Thurs day night. The friends of Mr. Shafter Gour ley will regret to learn that he is suffering with a cut foot which he sus tained while at his work last week. Mrs. Charlie Green and little son, Polk, of Wray and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Green of Rochelle, were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. Jas. H. Green, Sat urday. Miss Ethel Boyd of Fitzgerald spent the week end here with her mother, Mrs. N. S. Boyd and sister, Mrs. J. S. Young before going to Douglas, where she is attend ng the A. &M. commencement. Miss Boyd graduated at the A. & M. in 1921. Mr Pulaski Teston who has been confined to his room for several weeks suffering with a cut foot is much improved and it at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Tes ton. Mrs. Monee Jones Barron, the at tractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jones left Tuesday afternoon for Pensacola, Fla., where she will lx* the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. P. Cur ran the rest of the summer. M iss Leila Mae Boyd and Miss Mina Belcher are in Douglas this week attending the A. and M. com mencement. Messrs. J. S. Young, Moses Denton, Frank Long, Willard Denton and Rev. Jas. H. Given left Monday af ternoon for the Okefenokee swamp, where they will fish and enjoy camp AH-VentHatinq Shades for more porch comfort A-d^ekoHeSu 'V VCNI ILATING Porch Shades For Sale bv THE M. F. HEAD COMPANY MEN’S BIBLE CLASS COURT HOUSE SUNDAY MORNING 10:15 Keginning its second year. HELP THE CLASS BY YOUR PRESENCE \ou are urged to attend the Revival Services being held daily at Methodist and Baptist churches. (fhe das* is out in time to attend these services) j life for a few days. The friends of Mrs. Jimmie Carver will regret to learn of her illness at 1 her home. M isses Lexie and Mina Belcher, | Clinton Courson, Moses Denton and ! Carlos Baker attended the prom party given by Misses Biney and Bea trice Goodwin at their home in Doug las Friday evening. Postmaster J. J. Ward is in Atlanta this week attending the Postmasters convention. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Deese and children returned to their home in Arcadia, Fla., Saturday after a pleas ant visit to their parents. They were accompanied home by their sister, Mrs. Jesse Courson and children who will be their guests the rest of the summer. Mr. H. T. Ellis of Zirkle was the week end guests of his daughters, Mrs. W. J. Carelock and Miss Lizzie Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. William Carelock of Douglas were spend the day guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Care lock. Mr. Dan Harkleroad and Misses Hazel and Mozell McCelroy, of Ro chelle, were the guests of the form ers parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Harkleroad, Sr., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eston Cromartie and lovely little daughter, Martha Pru ella, of Statesboro, were the week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cromartie and sister, Mrs. Len ton Kirkland. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Denton and Miss Lexie Belcher saw “Mighty Lak A Rose” at the Rivoli theatre Mon day night. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nance, Mrs. P. A. Jones, and Mrs. O. V. Sapp were in Douglas Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Mitchell Kirkland, Miss liean Kirkland and Miss Mina Belcher were visiting in Nicholls Friday afternoon. Mr. Jack Ward of Doneldsonville, was the guest of relatives Sunday. The friends of Mrs. Johnnie Hayes will regret to learn of her severe illness at Telfair Hospital in Savan nah. Mr. R. C. Kirkland of Sparks is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Willie Kirkland. Interesting Club Meeting. The West Green Club girls held their regular 3rd Tuesday meeting May 19th at the school house at 2 o’clock. The meeting was called to order by the president, Miss Okla Winters. After the opening prayer and scripture quotations from each j member present several club songs led by Miss Buchan were sung anil the minutes of the last meeting read and adopted. The club gills met May sth at the school house with Miss Buchan pre siding. The lessons were on hand bags, laundry bags, and towels. Club songs were sung while sewing and during the rest period. Miss Buchan gave a lesson in physical culture and in the training of the 4 H's. The officers elected for the year were: Miss Okla Winters president; Miss Kate Harkleroad, vice president; Miss Ola Winters, Sec. and Treas. No other business the club adjourn ed to meet again the 3rd Tuesday in May. 14 members have been enroll ed and 9 were present. After the roll call and the enroll ment of new members which were Mrs. R. L. Jones and Misses Essie and Bessie Minchew the following poem was given by Mrs. L. L. Denton: The Package of Seed. I paid a dime for a package of seed COFFEE COUNTY PROGRESS WOULDm STOP MK II EVEN SIS 1 BATHE Most Remarkable State ment Yet Received About Remarkable Med icine Comes From At lanta Woman. Many remarkable reports of re covery to health after taking Kar nak have been made since its in troduction here, but the following from Mrs. Dora Turk, 437 Crew St., Atlanta, is without a doubt the greatest tribune yet paid this won derful medicine. “Money couldn't buy the good Karnak has done me,” declares Mrs. Turk. “For 5 years I had the wor.-.t case of stomach trouble any one ever had. My husband spent $3,000 on treatments and trips to health resorts for me, but nothing would help me. For 10 months I lived on celery, peaches, crackers an.! milk, and even these things would nauseate me and make me miserable. I was always coughing up blood and water. “I never could get a good night’s sleep, and I had no more strength and the clerk tossed them out with a flip, “We’ve got ’em assorted for every man’s needs,” He said with a smile on hi 3 lips, “Parsnips and pepper, and cab bage and peas! Ten cents a package! and pick as you please.” Now seeds are just dimes to the man in the store \nd the dimes are the things that he needs; And I’ve been to buy them in season before, 3ut have thought of them merely as seeds. But it flashed through my mind as I took them this time, You have purchased a miracle here for a dime. “You’ve a dime’s worth of power which no man can create You’ve a dijne’s worth of life in your hand You’ve a dime’s worth of mystery,! destiny, fate Which the wisest cannot understand, j In this bright little package, now j isn’t it odd? You’ve a dime’s worth of something j known only to God. “These are seed, but the plants and blossoms are here With their petals of various hues, i In these little pellets, so dry and so j queer | There is power which no chemist can! fuse. Here is one of God’s miracles soon J to unfold, Thus for ten cents an ounce of Di- ' vinity is sold. At this point Miss Buchan took j charge of the meeting and for about j fifteen minutes the club girls sat j spell bound listening to the interest-j ing things concerning “Camp Wil- j kins”, at Athens, the home of the | l club girls and boys of Georgia, which Miss Buchan told in s most compet ing manner, emphasizing the import ance of attending these short courses each year when some of the most dis tinguished educators of the day will j be employed to instruct, teach and j lecture on every phase of club work, J besides having the privilege of visit- j ing and inspecting poultry end dairy] farms where the most accurate rec- ] ords are kept. There will be hikes | and visits to all historic places of in terest, as well as picture shows calist henics and a visit to the ice cream factory where you not only enjoy seeing how the cream is manufacrur- ■ td but sampling its duality. How our hearts swelled with pride ; as Miss Buchan told of the equip-I n m! of the home which was furnbih ed by the home demonstration > j agents throughout the State, from the proceeds obtained from cooking i schools. How grateful we are to Mrs. j A. S. Bussey for her untiring efforts in our county last year and the part Coffee county had in helping to fur nish the club girls and boys home is due largely to her efforts. Begin now to plan for June 29th, when club members from all over the county will meet in Douglas and leave in cars, chaperoned by Miss Buchan, for Camp Wilkins to mingle with about 300 other dub members from the Savannah district for the purpose of preparing them selves for more efficient club work. SIO.OO cash will defray all expenses for the entire week including board transpor tation charges, etc. Sneakers, sun hat, wash dresses and toilet articles are all that are needed for this weeks vacation in which club work will have full sway. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah f r camp Wilkins! The most beau tful and modern club members home in any si«:e in the Union. Let than a kitten. Life was just a i hopeless drag for me, and if I even tried to sweep the room I would soon be gasping for breach and feel like 1 was going to smother I lost weight continually and became so discouraged I had given up hope of ever seeing another well day. “About two -weeks ago my hus band bought me a bottle of Kar nak, and you can just imagine how besides myself with joy I was when, after taking a few doses, I began to feel better. Why, I ac tually ate a real meal for the first time in five years, and it didn’t hurt me a bit. “Now, since taking two bottles, I feel entirely well. I have gained 10 pounds already and feel at least 20 years younger. My neighbors are all marveling at my recovery, and I will never stop praising Kar nak to my dying day. My husband feels just like I do about Karnak, and he wouldn't let me stop taking it if it co3t sls a bottle.” Karnak is sold in Douglas ex clusively by Union Pharmacy; and by the leading druggists in every town. —Advertisement ! each club in the county pledge them j selves to help to keep Georgia in the I lead in club work, i In the Methodist Church, j Great progress is being made in the j Methodist chftrch under the leader i ship of the pastor, Rev. E. J. Small. | On Thursday evening last a group of : leaguers from Douglas, including Mr. i and Mrs. A. W. Haddock, Mrs. Taylor, Miss Ophelia Owens and Miss Rubye Haddock, organized a senior Ep worth league with the following of i hcers, Mrs. J. S. Young, president; Miss Leila Mae Boyd, vice president; department superintendents, Mes dames E. L. Nance, L. L. Denton, Miss Mina Belcher and Mr. L. L. Den ton, Mr. E. E. Bennette, sec.; Miss Lexie Belcher, treas.; Mrs. N. S. Boyd, cor. sec. and Mrs. J. J. Ward epworth era agent. An installation service will be held at an early date as announced by the pastor. The second quarterly conference of the West Green charge was held Thursday, May 14, at Midway with Rev. Bailey of Mt, Vernon presiding in the absence of Rev. H. T. Jones, the presiding Elder of the Mcßae district. E'a Bennette Celebr a tes ! Birthday. Little Miss Eva Bennette was a [ gracious hostess on Monday after noon when she entertained ten of her little friends with a birthday party, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bennette, in celebration of er tenth birthday anniversary. Games and contests were enjoyed until late in the afternoon when her little hostess assisted by her mother served dainty refreshments. Sunday School Council Held Frid a y May 16. The regular weekly meeting of the Sunday school teachels council was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Denton, Friday evening with thir teen members present and Mr. W. A. Martin of Homerville. a guest. Af ter an interesting study period of 45 minutes the hostess served ice cream ) in cones. Mr. G. T. Oliver returned to his work at Holly Hill, Fla., Sunday af ter spending a few days here with his family. Program for Home Coming Day V, . Pleasant, Denton. Program for Home Coming Day to be held with Mt. Pleasant- Baptist hurch Smyrna association at Penton, Ga., sth Sunday in May. 10:00 A. M.—Devotional services led by Rev. B. Burkett. 10:10 A. M.—Welcome address by Rev. A. S. Minchew. 10:20 A. M.—Response by Rev. J. F. Smith. 10:30 A. M. —History of the church by Dr. B. H. Minchew. 10:50 A. M.—“ Home Coming ad dress by Col. L. C. Underwood, fol lowed by 10 minutes talks by Rev. H. M. Meeks and S. G. Taylor, two 'ormer pastors. 11:30 A. M.—Message, Rev. G. T. West. 12:30—Lunch. 2 P. M. —Devotional by Mrs. L. L. Denton. 2:15 P. M.—Value and importance if the auxiliaries of the church by 'Vof. Simon Peterson. 2:45 P. M.—Local church cooper ition, Mr. J. C. E. Connell, Broxton. 3:15 P. M.—How Baptists work ‘ogether, Mrs. B. H. Tanner. 3:45 P. M. —Local Evangelism, Dr. Continued on Page eight.) New Garage (At old Chevrolet Sales Place) FOR AUTO STORAGE AND REPAIRS We are now open for business. WE CATER ESPECIALLY TO THE GENERAL OVER HAULING OF LARGE CARS. CLEAN STORAGE ROOM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR MOTTO IS “SERVICE”—GIVE US A CALL Parkers Garage T. L- PARKER, Manager. DOUGLAS, SPECIAL NOTICE GEORGIA AND FLORIDA RAILWAY ANNOUNCES CHANGES IN SCHEDULES Effective 12:01 A. M., APRIL 28TH i rain No. 4. for Vidal '.a, Swainsboro and Augusta will lea\e Douglas at 2:00 P. M., instead of 2:55 P. M., and will arrive in Augusta at 8:05 P. M. instead of 8:35 P. M. This tram carries pullman parlor cor between Augusta and Val dosta equipped with electric fans and screens. Train No. 10 (Bon Air Special) carrying through Pull man between Jacksonville and Augusta will leave Douglas 3:15 A- M., instead ot 1:55 A. M. and will arrive in Augusta 8:50 instead of 7:45 A. M. No change in Trains Nos. 5 and 9. Train No. 30 will leave Douglas at 10:40 A. M. instead of 11:15 A. M. Train No. 32 will leave Douglas 10:40 A. M. instead of 11:15 A. M- Train No. 31 will arrive at Douglas 12:05 P. M. instead of 12:50 P. M. Trains Nos. 30 and 31 run Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Nos. 32 and 33 run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. THE BON AIR SPECIAL WILL BE OPERATED AS AN ALL YEAR TRAIN PROVIDING THROUG PULLMAN SERVICE BETWEEN JACKSONVILLE AND AUGUSTA. Philadelphia Ford size BATTERIES JARDINE AUTO COMPANY Phone 110 Douglas, Ga. VULCANIZING .. IS ECONOMIZING /J*Y d/M No two ways about it—you can /|/g ill i \ save a lot of money on your tires ' avtw-H ;11 \ you l et us vulcanize those shoes I tubes you imagine are worn WjsmJLJJ I ou t and only fit for the junk pile. \ I llaWfTf / You'd be surprised at the money mu J we can save you, and the long life / °f y° ur tires after we fix them up B jj \' THOMPSON TIRE CO. Douglas, Ga. —; '=»=■ r ' —- ' ’ * —* aP m mn-m Before Warm Days Come PHONE FOR ICE ALW.WS at your service—huge cakes of cooling Douglas Ice—your guarantee of maintaining a healthy household during the summer season. Leave your order today at Douglas Ice Company, so that you will have your Ice when you want it. Douglas Ice Company 'PHONE 1-5-0 Thursday, May 21, 1925.