The Coffee County progress. (Douglas, Ga.) 1913-????, June 04, 1925, Image 2

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THE KlI KLUX KLAN Edited by EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE THE KLANSMJSN’S VIEWPOINT This is a world, fortunately or un fortunately, where people look down on each other. The point from which each looks is determined by various sorts of prejudice. Race discrimin ation is as old as the difference in races, but it often shows itself with in race limits. Certain classes of Chinese look down on other classes; some Jews on other Jews; some ne groes on other negroes; and a good many Americans on other Americans who are equally as good as those who stand on vantage points of wealth and culture. The Klansman looks down on no man, but believes that each man is divinely appointed to fill a certain place in universal life—that each race has its purpose, place, and destiny. That it is wrong to give to any man or any race a job for which be or it is not fitted. K—K—K According to Leonard Astrom, Fin nish Minister of Finance, the legs of Nurmi, the Finn, joyously beating the cinder track, have been worth $10,000,000 to Finland. The Ameri can sporting world has been inter ested in Nurmi and heralded his prowess to the farthest limits of the republic. Men with money have lis tened to the sagas—and finally in terested themselves in Finland’s credit. Nurmi thus appears to be a Finnish patriot doing all his body’s best to help his country—giving all he has to give. What a lesson in Finnish Klankraft for American Klansmen! K—K—K Our faith is that there are always myriads ready and steady on land PH I MIB E LPH lAi Ford size batteries $14.85 JARDINE AUTO COMPANY ’Phone 110 Douglas, Ga. WANTED! » * i? £)OUGLAS Business or Professional Men and their wives to make an inspec tion tour of the Halifax Country at Daytona, Florida. A parlor car motor bus with ac comodations for 20 people will be placed at your disposal. Bring your bathing suits and enjoy a dip in the Atlantic at the world’s most wonderful beach. And we will win your approval of Rio Vista the classic Floridan city now in the building. Arrange for FREE transportation at once through Our Representative R. V. SICKLES, at New Douglas Hotel 1 WALTER C. HARDESTY Owner and Developer of Rio Vista---on the Halifax and sea to defend the the sacred flag (that floats above American soil. Without this belief in our power we would become a timorous race, fit slaves for despots to rule —serfs like hordes of old world people unillumin ated by the grandeurs of free gov ernment. K—K—K Don't be the sort of citizen who will not throw a stone at civic sin until he sees how many of his busi ness friends are hiding behind it. K—K—K Protestant fraternalism is not what you make it, blit what it makes you. K—K—K God made Klankraft long ago— see that you preserve the sacred tra dition. K—K—K So far as we can see and under stand there is but little difference in teaching Evolution to the young sus ceptable minds of the nation and teaching disregard and dishono • of our Flag and what it represents the fundamentals are the same so far as we know. K—K—K Bryan says “its no joke” we think it is now up to Christian America to defend the fundamentals of our Gov ernment. K—K—K Now that the test of the Oregan 'aw compelling the chidren of the na tion to attend the public schools has been nulified the way automatically ■ pens for a constitutional amendment curing the entire situation—it will be passed. COFFEE COUNTY PROGRESS The Klan helps the true American to hold fast to his liberties by keep ing clear brains and watchful eyes, believing with Edmund Burke that the people “never give up their lib rties but under some delusion.” K—K—K -* In the restoration of essential na tional values there is no force in Am rica so great as the Klari. It is he aim of the organization to strengthen in the American heart all if those virtues of devotion and dis ipline from which, as a protential opular movement, the Klan derives its earliest impulse. K—K—K The Klan has never wavered in its original aim to purify American life, to strengthen American principles nd to serve American purpose to some noble and commanding destiny. K- K—K The British Naval base at Singa pore continues to dream of white race solidarity in the face of the “rising ide of color.” An American base at Guam would help to make the dream :ome true. K—K—K Americanism is a big gun that some citizens can never learn to fire. K—K—K Keep the static out of your lodge life and you’ll hear better American tunes. K—K—K Let your love for your country be a blazing reality, a consuming fire in which all dross is burned away leav ing the transmuted gold of faithful public service. K—K—K Good example has always guided public conscience. Good Americans make the conscience of the common. vealth what they would have it by he force of right action. K—K—K A real American may be rhetor ically temperaments 1, but there should be no fault in his political ‘moods and tenses.” K—K—K The cause of the least American s the cause of all Americans—that : s, the Klan ideal, even as it was the founders’ idea. And that is one reason why the American flag is a ■•rotection to every American no mat er how far away from home he may wander. K— K— K If you are not ashamed of Ameri- FLIER DIED AS HIS PLANE LANDED SAFE Washington, May 30.—The pluck of Lieutenant Ten Fyck De Veeder, a naval aviStor, in bringing his plane and passenger safely to the earth yesterday after he had been seized with a heart attack, which rendered him unconscious as his machine came to rest is degraded as heroic by his flying companions here. Lieutenant Veeder collapsed in his seat as the plane carrying Rich ard Bathlemes, an actor, halted at the end of a flight from Norfolk to Anacostia, near here, and he died soon after while the quickly summon ed naval hospital physicians tried to | revive him. BACK BAD TODAY? Then Find the Cause and Correct It As Other Douglas Folks Have. There’s little rest or peace for th* backache sufferer. Days are tired and weary— Night brings no respite. Urinary troubles, headaches, dizzi ness and nervousness, all tend to pre vent rest or sleep. Why continue to be so miserable? Why not use a stimulant diuretic t< the kidneys? Use Doan’s Pills. Youi neighbors recommend Doan's. Read this Douglas case: Mrs. H. L. Garbutt, 619 Madisos Ave., says: “I had severe pains is my back and I could hardly get uj or down I felt tired and languia and not much like doing my work. 1 was dizzy and my kidneys acted irreg ularly. Doan’s Pills, from Sapp’i Pharmacy, rid me of the ailments.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don*! simply ask for a kjdney remedy—gel Doan’s Pills the same that Mrs Garbutt had. Foster-Milburn Co, Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. WE LEND MONEY ON FARM LANDS (Under Government Supervision) No loan under $2,000 solicited. Rate of interest 6 per cent. Loan Period 33 years. 1 per cent of principal of loan payable annually, retires loan in 33 years. No stock subscrip tion required, and no joint lia bility. Every loan a separate trans action. Liberal prepayment option. No commissions requir ed, the only cost being inspec tion and abstract fees. Best loan proposition authorized un der Federal Farm Loan Act. Prompt service. See or write, GRANTHAM & ROBERTS Douglas, Georgia canism you have no cause to be ashamed of Klankraft. K—K—K Klansman Joe says: “An Ameri can can get rich quicker by going to a Protestant Bible than by going to a Catholic gold mine.’” K—K—K The Oregon school law has so much patriotism locked up in that some citizens are afraid of it. K—K—K The world, the flesh, and the devil oppose Americanism at every step— out that doesn’t worry anybody ex 3pt the devil. K—K—K An American who i safraid to talk about Klan principles outside of his own home is as bad as a preacher who never talks about religion outside of is pulpit. K—K—K ' Don’t leave your Americanism at home when you travel in Europe. K—K—K A hard heart is brittle; it should he tempered in Americanism before t is used much. K—K—K It was Ralph Waldo Emerson who «aid, “The ’glittering generalities’ of (he Declaration of Independence are blazing varieties.” K—K—K We have all seen anti-Klan Ameri cans who were as proud of their hu mility as Uriah Heep. They are bound to receive their reward some where —Heep did. K—K—K The Golden Rule is the Klan’s yard stick. BAPTISTS DENOUNCE EVOLUTION; REPORT PROGRESS IN THEIR WS Southern Convention at Memphis Adopts Statement of Baptista Faith and Message for Information of World—Co-operative Program for Support of Enterprises Endorsed. Many large achievements were re ported to the Southe.-n Baptist Con vention at its recent session at Mem phis by Its various missionary, educa tional and benevolent enterprises, al though none of them had at its com mand during the past year as large funds as were needed. The Hospital Commission reported 24 Baptist hospitals in operation in the South, with three others under construction. These institutions treat ed over 100,000 patients during the year and did over $1,000,000 in char ity work for deserving poor. More than 1,000 aged preachers and their dependent ones were aided by the Relief and Annuity Board. MANY BAPTISMS REPORTED The Sunday School Board reported a gain of 969 Sunday Schools for the year, with 166,236 new pupils, bring ing the present number of Southern Baptist Sunday schools to 21,670, with an enrollment of 2,563,963. Other items in the board's statistical report show that there are now 17,617 Bap tist churches affiliated with the Con vention which last year reported 209,- <76 baptisms and which now have $.763,662 members During the past 26 years Southern Baptists have increased the number of their school*, college* and theolog leal seminaries from 66 to 117 and tha DR. J. C. DILLARD Chairman Program Commission af Southern Baptists total assets of these schools from $7,600,000 to $48,000,000. it was re ported by the Education Board. In these institutions there are 38,000 Baptist students. The Home Mission Board employed 1,077 workers during the year who reported 30,027 baptisms and 60,364 additions to the churches, the erec tion or repair of 366 church houses and the organization of 608 Sunday schools. On 17 foreign fields the Foreign Mission Board has employed 618 American misaionaries and 2,443 na tive workers. A total of 12,134 bap tiams were reported by these work ers for the year, bringing the present membership of the foreign churches to 117,961. ENDORSES CO-OPERATIVE PROGRAM ! The Convention heartily endorsed the co-operative plan for the support of all its missionary, educational and benevolent work and named a Com mission on the Co-operative Program which will seek to enlist all the Bap tist churches of the South in the reg ular, systematic support of home, state and foreign missions, ministe rial relief and Baptist schools, hos pitals and orphanages. Churches not already supporting all these enter prises through weekly contributions are invited to assume such sypport at once. The Convention endorsed the plan of the Commission discour aging independent appeals to churches and individuals on the part of special denominational interests, urging all of them to look to the Co-operative Program for their support and asking all the churches to support the Pro gram. STAND BY THE OLD BIBLE That the world may know where Southern Baptists stand upon the great fundamental Christian doc trines, many of which are being as sailed today, the convention adopted a statement of the Baptist faith and message, in which attacks upon the inspiration and authority of the Bible and the divinity of Christ were vig orously refuted. Here are some of the leading declarations in the statement as it was adopted: THE SCRIPTURES “We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely in spired and is a perfect treasure of heavenly instruction; that it has God 'or its author, salvation for its end, and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter; that it reveals the principles by which God will judge us. and therefore is, and will remain to the end of the world, the '«« center of Christian anion, and Thursday, June 4, 1925 . the supreme standard by which *H human conduct, creeds and religious opinions should be tried.” THE FALL OF MAN ‘‘Man was created by the special act of God as recorded in Genesis. ‘So God oreated man in his own im age, in the image of God creuteil he him; male and female created he them.’ (Gen. 1:27). And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul,’ (Gen. 2:7). He was cre ated in a state of holiness under the law of his maker but through the temptation of Satan he transgressed the command of God and fell from hie original holiness and righteous ness; whereby his posterity inherit a nature corrupt and in bondage to] sin, are under condemnation, and as soon as they are capable of moral action, become actual transgressors.’’ THE WAY OF SALVATION g "Salvation of sinners is wholly on grace, through the mediatorial office of the Son of God, who by the Holy Spirit was born of the Virgin Mary and took upon him our nature, yat without sin; honored the divine law by his personal obedience, and made atonement for our sins by his death Being risen from the dead he is now enthroned in heaven and uniting in his person the tenderest sympathies with divine perfections, he is in every way qualified to be a compassionate and all-sufficient Savior.” CO-OPERATION “Christ’s people should, as occasion requires, organize such associations and conventions as may best secure co-operation for the great objects of the Kingdom of God. Such organiza tions have no authority over each z other or over the churches. They voluntary and advisory bodies design ed to elicit, combine and direct the enegriee of our people in the most ef fective manner. Individual members of New Testament churches should co-operate with each other, and the churches themselves should co-oper ate with each other in carrying for ward the missionary, educational and benevolent program for the extension of Christ’s Kingdom. Christian unity in the New Testament sense is spirit ual harmony and voluntary co-opera tion for common ends by various groups of Christ’s people. It is per missible and-desirable as between the various Christian denominations, when the end to be attained is itself justi fied, and when such co-operation in volves no violation of conscience or compromise of loyalty to Christ and His Word as revealed in the New Testament.” STEWARDSHIP “God is the source of all blessings, temporal and spiritual; all that we have and are we owe to Him, We have a spiritual debtorship to the whole world, a holy trusteeship in the Gospel, and a binding stewardship in our possessions. We are therefore under obligation to serve Him vfi® our time, talents and material posses sions; and should recognize all these as preaching the Gospel of Christ, and of God and helping others. Chris tians should cheerfully, regularly, sys tematically, proportionately and ; lib erally contribute of their meaps to advancing the Redeemer’s cause on earth.” EVOLUTION 16 DENOUNCED To the statement of faith proper the Convention added a declaration upon the relation of science and re -1 gion in which the theory of evolution was denounced. Referring to evolu tion the statement says: "Its best exponents admit that the causes of the origin of species have not been traced, nor has any proof been forthcoming that mkn is not the direct creation of God as recorded in Genesis. We protect against imposition of this theory of evolution upon the minds of ouK children in denominational or pubM schools as if iA were a definite anty established truth of science. We in sist that this and all other theories be dealt with in a truly scientific way, that is, in careful conformity to established facts. “W’e record again our unwavering adherence to the supernatural ele ments in the Christian religion. The Bible is God’s revelation of himself through men moved by the Holy Spirit, and is our sufficient, certain and authoritative guide in religion. Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, through the power of the Holy Spirit. He was the divine and eternal Son of God. He wrought miracles, healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead. He died as the vicarious, atoning Savior of the world and was buried. He arose again from the dead. The tomb was emp tied of its contents. In his risen body he appeared many times to his disciples. He ascended to the right hand of the Father. He will come again in person, the same Jesus wife ascended from the Mount of Olive?. “W’e believe that adherence to the above truths and facts is a necessary condition of service for teachers in our Baptist sebeele.”