Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, July 02, 1844, Image 2

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! ) 4. U O K U 1 A. T E h E €f It A 11* H . From the Hartford Times. 80XJ ! Each Whig before his God of Cloy, The Ju»i all prostrate lie* in, Aiu! hopes 10 hide hit sins away With pious Frelinghuysen ; Bui in the air we'll hang iliem up Like Hainan on his callows. And dash lo earth iheir cider cup. With our btare "Folk and Dallas. do let them bawl 'till they are hoarse, And awsgg round the nation, But all the pretty girls, of course, Will go for annexation ! And lie who'll not approve their choice. Must be both cold and callous ; So all ye bold and gailm.l boys. Enlist for "Bulk and Dallas.” Let “colporteurs.” like cat-paw tools. O'er all the country trudge on— They'll find the people are not fools. The Democrat no gudgeon ; Th»'' igneranr," with haughty pride, And “poor” and “weak” they call us, We il row them up Salt River's tide With c ur strong "Polk and Dallas.” As now in force we take the field. They'll find 'twill be no joking, When with the arms that FliEEJItN wield We in their ribs ate Polk ing— Ha rk ! from the vales and mountains whore Each truth-armed cohort rallies, The rousing cry rings on the air, •Hurrah ! for Polk and Dallsa !” 8 MIKE. From Hood's Comic Magazine. A DO.*»E. ‘•Eli*n you hare been out.” “Well 1 know 1 have.” “To the King's head.” “No J#hn, no. But no matter. You'll be troubled no more with my drinking.” "What dn you mean?” '•I mean what I say, John,” replied the wife, looking very serious, and speaking very solemn ly an J diliberately, with a strong emphasis on every word. “You—will—be—troubled—n.< more—with—my—drinking—1 have took it AT LAST.” ‘I knew it?’ exclaimed the wretched husband, desperar ly tossing his arms aloft, as when all is lost. “I know it!”—and leaving one coat (1 <p in the hands of his wife, who vai'-ly attempted to detain him, lie rushed from the room—sprang down the stairs, both flights, by two and three stairs nt a time—ran ulong the passage, and without his hat, or gloves, or stick, dashed out at tiie street door sweeping from the steps two ragged littlegirls, a quartern loaf, a basin of trea cle, and a baby. But he never stopped to ask if tlie children were hurt, or even to see wheth er the infant dripped with gore or molasses. On he ran, like a rabid dog, straight forwards down the Borough, heedless alike of a porter’s load, baker’s basket, md butcher’s trny. ”1 s iy.” muttered the errand boy, as he stag gered from the collision. ‘‘Do that again,” growled the placard man, ns he recovered the pole and board which had been knocked from Ids shoulder. ‘■Mind where you’re goin,” bawled a hawker as lie picked up his scattered wares; whilst a dandy, suddenly thrust in'o the kennel, launch ed after the runner one of iliose verbal missiles which are said to return, like the boomerang, to , thoM- who launch them. “But on, on, scampered the Teetotaller, heed- j less of all impediments—on lie scoured, like a he Cam 11a, to the shop, number 240, with the j red, blue, and green bottles in the window—the ■ chemist and druggist’s—into which he darted, and up to the little bold man at the desk, with barely breath enough left to gasp out ‘‘My Wif !—Poison! and Pump!” ‘•Ve :<• able or mineral/” inquired the Stir-! genu Apothecary, with great professional cool-, i.ess. “B all—all <o ts—laud mum arsenic—oxnlic aci I—corrosive sublimate”—and the Teetotal ler was. bout to add pine-apple rum amongst the poisons, when the Dr. stopped him. •‘Is she sick!” ‘‘No.’’ But remembering the symptoms over night, the Teetotaller, ventured to say, on the; strength of his dream, that she was turning all manner of colors, like a rainbow, and swelling i a i lug ns a house. “Then there is not a moment to lose,” said the Esculapius. and accordingly dappling on li - Imt, and arming himself with the riecci ssary apparatus—a sort of elephantine syringe with n v ry long trunk—he sat off at a trot, guided by the Teetotaller, to unpoison the ra»h and iilfuted bacchanalian, M f s. Burrage. ‘•A d did lie save her?” ; “My dear madam, be content lo let thnt|'ssue remain a I,tile, and accumulate interest, liken sum m the savings’ bank.” Now. wlie- l!ie Teetotaller, with the med cal man at his lice s, anived at Ills own bouse, M is. Bur rage was still in her bedroom, which was a great convene nee, fur 1 refute she could ac count (or the intrusion of a stranger,nay, even, without knowing how it was done, she found herself seated—more zealously than tenderly or Ceremoniously—iu the easy chair; arid when she attempted to expostulate, she felt herself choking with a tube of something, wh ch was certainly neither maccaroni, norstick-iiquorice, nor yet pipe-peppermint. To account for this precipitancy, the exag ger tied representations of her husband must bo torn-: n in ml; and if Ins w fa did nut exhibit all the dying colors that he had de-ci ibed—if >lie was not quite sc blue, green, as lie had painted her. the apothecary made sure she would soon be, and consequently went to work without delay, where delays were so daug'-rous. Mrs. Burrage, however, was not a woman to submit, quietly, to a disagreeable operation a- gainst her own consent, so with n vigorous kick and a push at the same time, she contrived to rid herself at once of the doctor and his in strument and indignantly demanded to know the meaning of the assault upon her. • It’s to save your life—your precious life Ellen,” said the Teetotaller, looking at her very soh niuly. “It’s to empty the stomach, ma’am,” said the doctor. ‘ Empty a fiddle,” retorted Mrs. Burrage, who wo dd have added ‘stick,’ but tbo doctor vvntelling tiisopporlun tv had dexterously popped the tube again into her open mouth—nut with out a fresh scuffle from the patient. “For tin- Lord’s sake, Ellen,” continued the Teetotaller, confining her hands, “do, do, pi a v do sit quiet.” ‘•Pub—wnh—wobble!” said Eflen, “ Hub bob—bub — bubble,” auempt'ng to speak with another pipe in her throat, besides the wi id- pipe. Have the grodneas, ma’am, to be compos ed,” implored the doctor. •‘I wou’c,” shouted Mrs. Burrage, having Tu the Editors of the Charleston Courier I ~ i.\rY » 1 . to mimnpil Gk.ntikmen—Your papers of tlie 12ih and 13ihinst. have J uCSporatt* Struggle# \* nBt am I *0 u“ ” I just rt‘uclR*«i me. It seen s. it: tiie opinion of \our corres pondent under the signature ot H , in the former, and in that of your slid more anoinmuus correspondent iu the latter, because 1 thought the Annexation ol Texas to the Union in 184-, inexpedient, I must think it so in 1844. In the cuanges «>t tnis world, a mea.-ure which may be wisdom at one time, may he sheer folly and madness at anothei. Very important significant events have trunspired within the past two years, giving an entite new aspect to inis whole question. They are before the public, and 1 will not fatigue your readers by a recapitulation. Even if iny opinions remained unchanged as to the true j policy of Texas, the iwsur-s which have been submitted with* J m the last two month:*, do not permit me. os a citiztn of the “Fly ^ QtCT Slid iQUrd Wiltcr, scud A116« United States, to hesitate as to m\ own course, or to halt in Bumge. anain released herselt from the instrument by u rate struggle. 4 *\N hat am 1 to be pumped I out fo T* ; “Oh Ellen, Ellen,” said the Teetotaler, i “you know what you have taken.” ! ’ “Corrosive salts and narcotics,” answered I the doctor. I ‘Assnic and corrosive sublimity,’ said the Tee- ! totaljer. “Oxallic acid and tincture of opium,” added the doctor. YlArBEX DAVSLATEK I’KOBt KIKOPK. A slaiulcr Kclulcd. HESTON. June 13. Some of ,lie W1,i 2 P resies have recend, repeated t e R , Mail Steame r Acadia, Captain Ryrie, attempt, made several years ago, to fix upon C. U CI8J. Of Brri¥ed Un , atlenlo<m M lboilt 1 o'clock. She left Liver- Alabama, the prolane language raid to have been used by t | )( , ^ lnsI t end brings us both London and Liverpool Eon. Henry Clay, at the bar of the House of Representn^ ‘ “Vitro!, prussic acid,oed aquafortis,” contin- ued the druggist. “I’ve look no such tiling,” said the refractory patient. ‘•Oh Ellen you know what you said.” “Well what!” “Why, that your drinking should never trou. ble me any more.” “And no more it shall!” screamed the wilful woman falling as she spoke, into paroxysms of the widest laughter. “No more it shall, for I’ve took—?” “What, ma’am pray whatl” “In the name of Heaven what?” “Why then—I’ve took the PLEDGE!” IVrglccictl Agricialttnnl I’roditem. The last Annual Report of the Hon. H. L. Ellsworth, Commissioner of Patents, recommends a variety of neglect uclncn BBQ rcc „„ crl ,., 1 ed agricultural products lo the attention of farmers. The h#ve , hou , hl lwicc before th ev „, aue t |.is onslaught on Mr tives.when Mr. Speaker Polk gave the catting vote in the Mississippi contested election, against Premiss and Word. It was said to have been uttered as though he (H. Clay) were impersonating the Speaker—end intended to convey the meaning, that the Speaker’s decision, against the Whig contesting party, was equivalent to addressing them in the j unceremonious anil indecorous language. “Go home, Ac.' I So far as we are advised Henry Clay has never denied the | . . . , chnrge. Whetlie* he used the language or not (and we the expression opinions, honestly entertained, however \ , , , , * i‘-*rinsicb!lv valueless * have no good reason to doubt that he did) tin3 statement ac* These issuer involve nothing more nor le«s than this I cords with his habitual profanity, which no one. who knows proposition : \\ ht-inor the South shall be inhibited.An co:i- * him and renatds truth, will deny. We believe the chief, if stqu-uce ofher slave institutions, from justly enlarging l.ei ^ .$ 0 ] e .reason for the nominalicn of Mr. Frelinciiuyeen for relative political power; whilst it is proposed to place no j ” limit on the extension of that of the non-slaveholding States? j the Vice-Presidency, was that his morality might be an ott- 1 did not submit this issue, nor was I in any degree in- set to Mr. Clay’s immortality. The following extracts con- struinenial in its being made. 1 found it, and 1 likewise I ta * m> we believe, a full explanation of this matter ah ovo tiii l Client Britain, Mexico and the Abolitionists, on one ; . , - aide if litis question, and Texas and the interests of my j "*?«« ad malum, and Gov. Clay's leUer ts a complete ref- own country on the other. Can I hesitate in deciding | utation of the calumny designed to be perpetrated against where mj position should be ? In peril and in defeat, or in him. strenuous exertion cml in victory, I abide my choice. 1 am not aware, as charged by your correspondents, that I have denounced any men for maintaining their opinions adverse to my own on this or any oilier question It is true that I have said that Mr. Clay and Mr. Van Bu- ren were concluded fiom uttering one syllable in opposition to the Annexation of Texas, because they negotiated with Mexico for the consummation of this measure, when Mexi co and Spain were in flagrante hello at a crisis, when, it their arguments are worth a bullrush now, they were tar more poriential then, as a drag chain to their “unwise ef forts” to despoil an old and venerable monarchy of one of its valuable dependencies. I have no doubt if these gen tlemen had recollected this ugly circumstance, they would lirst of these products mentioned is the sy in phylum oflici- Dale or prickly comfrey. “If all that has been written of this plant be true,” remarks Mr. £., “it would seein to de serve attention ns likely to prove a valuable acquisition :o our farmers.** Cattle of every kind are said to be fond of it; an acre .of it, with profound care, may be made to pro duce thirty > ns of green fodder in one year. The growth is so rapta as to afford two cuttings in one year. The root it is stated, should be harvested but once in two years, and will yield 2,400 bushels per acre. The is greedily de voured by car.le. Tbe Jerusalem Artichoke is also recommended as food for cattle. It is very much prized in*Kurope, where it sometimes vie ds more than two thousand bushels of root | per acre. The leaves and stalks rut up when green, with ; other fodder, are much relished by cattle, ana form very I nutritious food tor milch cows. Tyler and Mr. Calhoun, which the veriest zany in the world will see is the upshot and design of their contemporaneous affiliated “wise and masterly discretion.** Politicians, like liars, should have tall memories. Before this reaches you..your correspondents will have found ample compensation for the imputed inconsistency between ray opinions in 1342and 1844 In the united triumph of Mr Clay and Mr. Van Buren. in the Seuate of the Uni ted States, in the rejection of the treaty by a majority ao de cisive. A majority, whieb speaks volumes in behalf ot the stern independence of that body, of entire exemption from llrury Clay's Profanity. We a^k the attention of the moral anil religious to the fob lowim?, which is copied from the Washington Globe. We would lurtherusk if Mr. Clay can be a proper candidate for the first otfice in tlie gift cf the people of the party that claims all the morals, religion and decei cy of the country ? From the Globe. Feb. 7, 1833 A statement of a scene in the House of Representatives, b\ a gentleman who will voncli tor it, if necessary, and prove it by members whose names are given to him. The Staten:f t is as follows : “Being called **n, I deem it my duty to state that yester day, in tne House of Representatives immediately after the Speaker pave the casting vote on the Mississippi election question, the Hon. Henry Clay. looking in the direction of the Speaker, exclaimed, “Go home, God damn you ! where you belong!” These epithets were uttered just as the {Speaker gave his vote. Mr. Clav was standing near the western entrance to the Hall, and close to the bar of the House. I was standing within five feet of Mr Clay. Mr. Chaney of Ohio, sitting in his sent, was so near Mr. Clay that he heard h’s remark, and immediately con:mitted it to writing. Mr. Gallup, of New Yort-, was standing near, and heard the same remark very distinctly. From the Montgomery Advertiser. Ilou. C, €'. C'lny. the slightest party liiis, or the smallest servility to the man dates t.f the respective chiefs of its members. If in the his tory of our country we have had no “Bare Bones Parlia ment” to disgrace, v\e may at least lay claim to a Senate ot j q^j, e attention of some of our Democratic friends in this Sunon Put es to honor us. Gentlemen of rare moderation . q Uar t er has been drawn to an article in the Alabama Jour- ,, r, , , ... and virtue, who have cast away an empire from their coq»- 1 0 fthe 24th ult* as follows: The Corn ^qrrey.M reco.nmended MS amiable cover- rall draw unje.tlyfn question this abstract right j AnoIliel . toco FnUphooH Xa „ c<1 , ofan infan on* despoti.-m to spit and gioiiron their own ga>- Untrace. Who have thougl'it "discretion fie better part { The following stupid slander has been published time and of valor." bv an anticipated submission lo Mexico in the again: _ _ apprehended omnipotence of her ju-i resentments, and to | . ‘\‘Oo home. G—d d—n yov.jchere you belong ! _Tbu Great Britnin, lest she should bully, to strike. Yes T Grave and reverend South, loo. whose lore .fjustice is na...........-.,- , , - . ... _ - , paved into the hands of that amiable fraternity atlhe Non!. I spect be pa\a to the presiding oificer of the people's rep- and England, who contemplate only us a moderate expia- re.ematlve. Is such a man worthy ol the highest t on of our ah. of slavery, that our field, should he black | >" the gillI of a free people 7 —Lon faco papers with desolation, and oar ab.Kles wrapt in the midnight blaze : " J he above disgusting piece of piofantty. which .s an old • f.he incendiary. Do we live in such limes 7 and shall falsehood exploded neve, at year, ago .his lately been re- ihoae events, passing strange, glide over our Lends “like a ce.ved by me 1 roy Budget, and s gom- the rounds of the summer cloud" without exciting “our special wonder 1” Lofiotoco | apera Mr. Clay is charged with uttering the When that Jirewd and ent.glitened traveller, the sentence to Speaker P..Jk in the House of Representatives, Correa, was in the United Spites, he .aid, “this e'.ectwe when every person but the i-imrani asses who s.-mettmes monarchy of yours will make your public men more venal | caterlor Lpcqfocoappeutes. cnows that Mr. Clay was a Swiss, and prove the ruin of your country " ing for poor randy soils It is very easily celtivated, and produces an abundance of pasture. It grows in England, jn sandy fields, ciabt or ten inches high. A plant called the Boksra Clover receives an extended notice in the report. Mr. Taylor, who presented it to the Royal Agricultural Society of England, slated that though planted by him in the Spring, it grew luxuriantly u;> to the iatter part of September, when it was four feel high ; and stalks were manufactured into strong and durable hemp. It stands the winter well, flower* in June, and is covered about | the middle of July with a fragrant white blossom. It should be harvested in the latter part of September It is a valua ble green food for cattle, and if cut when fifteen or twenty inches high would furnish o food snperior to the common | herbage plants. I Lucerne, Santotn. Millet and Vetches have never been tested as they slinuld be in the United States. The Tussao grass, an indigenous product, large and seedy; the Guano | grass, a native of the prairies of the Choctaw countr/, and the A rundo grass, are declared to be of inestimable worth Special noiice is takeo of a gigantic species of cabhage from France called the Anjou Cabbage In Anjou they grow 7 and 8. and sometimes even 9 feet high. From June, when they begin to ripen, their leaves may from time to time be gathered, and then they shoot out again. C-ule are exceedingly fond of them, and they greatly increase the milk of cows. Madder, it is slated, will pay a nett profit of S200 to the acre, when properly managed A fanner in Ohio hat grown on an acre 2000 lbs. which is much greater than the average emps of Germany nnd Holland. To work an acre from 80 to 100 days are required ; and a crop is not reaped j until it is three years old. I The Palmetto root abounding in the South, is said to con tain a large qunntty of the tanin principle. By a new pro cess of steam the tanin principle is now extracted from bark I and reduced lo a small compass. It may, therefore, be ea- ) sily exported. i Olives are easily cultivated in the Southern States. A , gentleman in Mississippi has a tree in hit garden, which, at J live years o!d, produced truit, and was as large as trees in Europe usually are at eight. The tree in this country yields a fair crop at four years old for oil. and as much as it I usually does in Europe at twenty. The tree is of great longevity, living to be 10* 0 to 1200 years old, and it may he 1 jrfttwn um'iIi prrtfl. m I".. XT...L M U>« Cotuliiins. Tl»«* Orficon I.'x|>< <!ition. We learn from the Western Expositor, prime 1 at lade pemlencc. that the Oregon emigrants started from iheir ; place of general rendezvous at the “Lone Elm,** nnd al though they had been gone upwards of two weeks, they had, l,me s,ore * ! io consequence of the high waters, only travelled about one i hundred miles. The Expositor gives the following particu- | iars. which are of general inteicst: i Major Moses Harris, a native of Union county. South Gar- I olina. .s their Pilot, and Col. Nathaniel Ford, of Howard county. Mo., is captain of the company. There are several 5mall parties on their route, which have notyel reached Col. Ford’s company, embracing in all 27 families, numbering ! about 125 families. They also have 10 waggons, 130 cattle. I and some few horses. In Col. Ford’s company there are 54 waggons, 500 head of cattle. 60 hordes and 28 mu’es. The aggregate strength of Col. Ford’s company, with those whonavereached him by this lime, may therefore be set down cs follows: Fifiy.five married men. with their wives, 110 Tbcir children, (83 boys and 85 girls,) 168 Single men, so 358 When all are together, there will be about 64 wig”' r.s, 640 head of cattle, 65 horses and 30 mules—quite a number. Col. Ford’s company, it is thought, will reach Gen. Gil liam’s in about two weeks, the latter having crossed the riv er near Leavenworth, and is now encamped on the Nima- haw river, waiting for Col. Ford’s company. In Gen. Gilliam's company, there are 48 families, 108 men. 60 of whom are young men ; IG7 children, in oil 323 persons. There are also in his company 72 waggon, 713 cattle. 50 horses and 11 mules. The two companies when united, will number ns follows: 103 married men and their wives, 206 Their children, 336 Single men, 140 136 waggons, 140 horses, 41 mules, and 1,353 cattle.— There were a good many families who came on here for the purpose of g< ing to Oregon, hut changed iheir route an I have gone m Texas. This, it is said, was in consequence of the supposed Annexation of Texas to the Union. The Oregon emigrants are well supplied with provisions, and if no un'o >ked lor accident happens to them, will reach their place of destinati- n about the first of October—A’,»/•- folk Herald. Hr. C'laj’n Popularity. As Mr Clay has accented the nomination for President, because, ns he very modestly says, “a majority of the peo ple of the Union are in favor of it.” it is well, says the Pough keepsie Telegraph, to look back nnd see what his populari ty has been on past occasions. It) 1824 he ran ns a candi date for the Presidency. The electoral votes then stood, for Jackson !>0. Adams 84, Crawford 41. Clay 37. Majori tv agai'ist Clay 197 votes. lie being then excluded from going into the House, cast his strength for Adaina. who was elected, n twithsta iding lie had been bitterly opposed to him. Adams then made Clnv Secretary of State ; and the people have always thought there was a corrupt bargain in the case, but the Whig* generally consider it was only a “ fair buni.te-s transaction. Next Mr. Clay tried his hand in 1832. The votes then stood for Jacks..n 219, Clay 49. Flovd 11, Wirt 7. Majority against Clnv 188 votes—one more than in ’24. Since then Mr. Clay lias declared for a National Bank of S50.00u.000 capital, and has penned the challenge w hich led to the death of Gilley! If these have increased his popularity, with a moral, thinking and ntelligent people, then we are mista ken.—A T . Y. Plebeian. or just resentments, and to " ‘Go home. U-il d-n yon ,chore you belong !’ Tins ully when rite has no right is the language addressed to Mr. Speaker Polk, by Henry •verend Senator* from the Clay, in the House of Representatives. This is the piety is so (ignal that the v have j of the Whig candidate for the Presidency. This is the re- I* the member of the Senate when Polk was Speaker of the Priest a Prophet'? 1 propose this as a theme IS* your cor- House, and had no more to do with the business of tbe respondents as one f.r more preenant than my p» or opin- Bouse than Daniel O Connell. - * ...u—i .1 — iQj-i “Theoccurrence took Diace in i ions, whether tlmv were rieht' in 1842, or wrong in 1844. | “Tbeoccurrence took place in '3C or '38, on the decision If these gentlemen will not chew the cud on this, I ant sure of ai contested election; and the beautiful -ps . ch tens ut tered by n violent Ijtcoforo from Alabama, named C. C Clay. The charce that it was uttered by Henry Clay. \vn- completely exploded at the time. But a desperate cause nreds desperate lies to sustain it. Hrnre its revival by the Locofoco press ’’—Rochester Democrat. Thia is the revival of an old slander against Mr. Clay of this State; whirh was long since contradicted in tiie most again brought forward, of the people of the South will. I beg you to be assured of the respected esteem, with which, I am, your obedient servant. J. HAMILTON. Osivichee Bend.'June 17. 1844. Contradictory accounts are given in the papers of the in formation brought by the messenger recently returned from I positive lemis by him. It is n Mexico. The National Intelligencer says that the informs course, for the purpose of plsring upon him a charge of pro tion received is adver-.- to the consent of Mexico to the Ao- fanity. which was firstmade against Mr. Clay of Kentucky, nexaiion of Texas. On the other hand, we find that the in- whether ju*tlv or not we do not pretend to say. The letter, I'nrinniinn is of an opposite character, as tbe following arti- which we publish I clow, we hope will be sufficient to put a cles will .-bow: stop to the further propagation of this gross slander against | From the Pcunsylvanian. ,,ur ln .“: Senator—.hat is, unless the of the Un- :on withes to lay itself liable to the charge of a total dmre- c . y - 7 * r * ,co ““‘l 1 **"!** • mi * pard of truth and decency. We hope i hose papers that Since the article under the head ol -Mexico ” in soother J r...!.,.1 t.^ :n .u- u n n _ column, was given out, we have rereived from a friend at Washington, tie following letter on the subject of the an swer brought by President Tyler’s messenger to Mexico, relative to the contemplated Annexation of Texas: Washington. June 18, 1844. The intelligence brought yesterdav bv Mr. Thompson. «t»o •p«>4Mul ■»a.a«mpt wi)o wo deipalciiftl totixf rciurDfu from Mexicu. is important though not decisive." First. It is undoubteda'y pacific, Mexiro .has neither the intention nor the power to make war on the United Slates; never would have thought of it. but for suggeHiions from, ihis country, notwithstanding the official threat of it some lime since. Tomsk the most able and most hostile of the n.inisteri. is dismissed, probably Almonte may take his place a3 Secretary of War, w ho is certainly well disposed 10 the United States. The Mexican provinces are in a state near revolt. The nuances are utterly deficient. The due instalment on the debt to the United States is not. cannot and will not be pai 1 at least now. The quarrel with France is unsettled, an! a difficulty has occurred with England. There is not the slighter cause to apprehend war between Mexico and the United Sute3, from any thing we do as to Texas. This is to be relied upon, and is a great point re duced in certainty. Secondly. Santa Anna would have accepted our terras taken to him by Mr. Thompson, the special messenger—ve ry favorable terms—had not Almonte’s despatches assured the Mexican President, that he migi t rely cm *'ur Senate re- jectingthe Treaty, This assurance Almonte is believed to have received from several Whig Senators, and perhaps al-o Democratic Senators. With this assurance? of course, Mexico holds up for the best terms she can get. Third. Thus it depended entirely on the opp« sition to the recovery of Texas, whether, when and how it should tske ». If the Wh : g Senate had permitted, Texas would lel-'ti" to the United States, with the entire concur* rear* of Mexico. The truth is, there is no more to fear from Texas than from Mexico Gen Henderson, one of the Texan Minis ters here, has just gone there to keep them from taking any hasty *<« tion on the rejection of t! e Treaty. There is ol- great reason 10 apprehend the Texas Gove-mnent’s accession t » the English commercial alliance. For it is ily a commercial or diplomatic question oil n und. Eng- !)< 1 de.-igns no war, except on our cotton and slaves. Mex- ico de-iifus no war on either the United States or Texas. Tills Government designs no wai by the troops and ships stationed in the neighborhood of Texas. The whole will be a peaceable contest; though in that contest England nitns a vital blow at our commerce, manu factures, institutions, union.and tranquility. All will end well. I have no doubt It would be al! over now. but that Mr. Clav unfortunately, quiic as much for himself as for bis eoun'ry, issued his ukase that the settle ment shall not take place till after the Fourth of March next. If I were a wager rig man I would bet him that it will, nevertheless. Meantime he ami his party arc answer- able for nil the consequences. From /hr Richmond Enquirer. We understand that the despatches received on Monday las:, at Washington, immediately after the adjournment of Congress, by the messenger to Mexico, (Mr. Thompson.) were inn course of translation, when roost t»f the members left Washington. We learn, in general, that the first im pression up* n Santa Anna on the arrival of Mr Thompson was decidedly friendly—but hi* tune somewhat changed afterwards—vet that bis last despatches spoke of entrusting to Mr. Almonte, the settlement of boundaries—which may involve the whole question, and that there was nothing like a menace of war. ns has been staled in the New Orleans and other papers. We understand, indeed, from authority on which we then | place every reliance, that if the treaty had teen ratified by the Senate, not a word of objection would have been said by Mexico, but that the boundary would have been amicably adjusted, and a most satisfactory arrangement made in re gard to the Pacific boundary, &c. Tbe ‘’golden moment” may not have been absolutely lost, but it will require great firmness on tbe part of our people in public manifestations of their attachment 10 Texan, to defeat the designs of Great Britain. We dare not lift the curtain from the transactions of which we are assured—hut we are in m"re danger of losing Texas, by means of a treaty formed with Great Brit- the people understand. published the above will do the Hon. C. C. Clay the justice of publishing this letter also:— Huntsville. May 7th, 1844. Dead Sir—Yours of the 29tli ult, calling my attention to an article published in the Alabama Journal of the 24th ult. frt-m the Rochester Democrat, has been dulv received, and 1 appreciate the friendly motives which prompted your communication. This is a second attempt to transfer to me the profane ex pressions recited iu |he article allude : to. which were o r ig inally charged to Henry Clay t.f Kentucky, a* having been used by him, at the bar of the House of Representatives, when Mr Polk gave the casting voteon the Mississippi con tested election, between Messrs. PrentDs and Word, and Messrs. Claiborne and Gholson, during the session of 1S37 -*38. I think in the month of February. The charge was made againrt Henry Clay, in some of the newspapers of Washington City, immediately after that contested election was decided—but, so far as I know, neither then nor at any other time did any newspaper or individual of that city pre tend to charge me with the language referred to. Bui sev. eral months, afterwards, perhaps in April or May. 1838. niy attention was called to the article, which seemed to be editorial, in the New York Commercial Advertiser, and which assumed authority for exonerating Henry Clay and fixing this charge on me. pretty much after the* manner of the article to which you refer. I immediately addressed n letter 10 the editor of that paper, in substance pronouncing tbe charge on i.e false and slanderous, and demanding the name of his author or informant. He published my letter, withdrew the charge, and, I think, said be had made it on the authority of 0 newspaper published in one of the interior towns of New York, which 1 do not now distinctly recollect, out, perhaps, this same Rochester Democrat. My letter was published in ninny of the new spapers at the rime, nnd seemed to put the matter at rest. 1 was content, and gave , myself no further frnubte on the subject. The editor of the Rochester Democrat exempts Mr. C’av of Kentucky, on the ground that “he was a member of the Senate,*,’ and had nothing to do with the business of the House. Jfhehad been well infotmed. he might have ex culpated me 011 the same ground, for i too, was a member of the Senate, and not of the House, ns his article intimates. And I may mid,that I was n**t in the House of Represents tives nt tiie time or on the occasion when tiie profane lan guage was said to have been used, nor was I in Washing, to’i but in Philadelphia, having been called thither by the ill health of a member of my fatndy. I regret that 1 have not been able to lay my hands on any paper containing my letter to the Editor of the Commercial Advertiser*and his remarks thereupon, or 1 should have enclosed it.asn sufficient refutation of the calumny. I hope some Edi'or. friendly to truth, will repubbsh it. ^ ou ire at liberty to make Use ol this letter ns you may think proper. With respect. Your frieud, and ob’t serv't, C. C. CLAY. Gen. C. M. Jackson, Montgomery. Ala. papers to the morning of that day. The Cctton market remains somewhat on the low pres sure principle. Business generally is good. Switzerland has been the scene of a short, though some what sanguinary civil war. , . The subject of the Annexation of Texas continued to be apro.ific rheme of discussion in the English papers. *-0ine of them have wasted a good deal of indignation upon it. Accounts from Belgrade slate that CO persons had been publicly executed for participating in the late insurrection in J'ervia; among them the ex-Minister Rajewitsch. Nearly COO others had been doomed to banishment tor the same of fence . The Circassians are straining every nerve to resist the new Russian invasion, but it is feared that the independence of these noble mountaineers is nearly at an end. The Rebeccaites in Wales have made some further demonstrations against the toll gates, just enough to keep the Government uneasy and the people unquiet. The most absorbing event of the last fortnight, with the exception of O'Connell’s imprisonment. lias been the con test for South Lancashire. Mr. William Brown, of the great American House, Messrs. Brown. Shipley’ & Co., j stood on the tree trade, Mr. W m. Entwisle o 1 the agricul tural interest. It was a fierce struggle, which ended in the return of Mr Entwisle by nearly 600 votes. Beth parties fought desperately. The State Proaccuiioiia— Scntcuce upon the Traverser*. The Court at Dublin was crowded on Friday to hear the decision of the Judges 0:1 the new trial motion, and in an ticipation of sentence being passed on the repeal agitators. The traversers having been coiled on, Mr. Justice Perrin read his judgment, wlfch was that Mr. O’Connell and Father Tierney were entitled to a new trial, there being no evidence whatever •gainst the latter. Mr. Justice Crampton decided that Fatlmr Tierney alone was entitled to a new' trial, n* d that the verdict should stand as regarded alJ the other traversers. Mr. O’Connell and the other triveraert have not only been sentenced, but are in prison, vety much to the aston ishment, alarm, and indignation of that numerous body in England, ns well as in Ireland, who have pinned their po litical faith to the sleeve of the Liberator or who look upon his proceedings, in refetence to the repeal question, as cal culated to assist their own views of removing the civil, po litical and religious institutions of the mother country. Sentence ou Traversers. Daniel O’Connell. To be imprisoned for twelve calen dar months; to pay a fine of j£2,000, and to e iter into secu rities to keep the peace for seven years—himself in £5,000 and two securities of £2.500 each. J dim O’Connell. John Gray. T. Steele, R. Bartlett, C. G. Duffy, and T. M. Ray. To be imprisoned for nine calen dar months; to pay a fine of £50, and to enter into securities to keep the peace for seven years—themselves respectively in £1.000 and two securities of £5,00 each. Sentence having been passed, Mr. O’Contielf immediately rose, and said that he wished to remind the Court, that lie had made a solemn affidavit, declaring that be had never entered into a conspiracy with the other traversers, or committed the crime with which he was charged. He had now only to say it was his painful conviction that justice had not been done. A sudden and vociferous cheer from nearly all parts of the court followed this result; end although it was accom panied by the clopping of hands among** the junior bar, and was two or three tunes repeated, the Judge did not inter fere. although evidently displeased. T’.e Traversers immediately surrendered into the custo dy of the Sheriff. The Repeal Committee have issued an Address to the people of Ireland on the subject of the imprisonment of O' Connell. <kc., beseeching them to persevere in defence of their righto, but not to appeal to force. AddreaM of O’Uon ncII to iht* I'eojdc offreland— I»cnce nnd quirt. People of Ireland—Fellow-Counttymen—lieloved Fel low-Countrymen—The sentence is passe 1. But there is another appeal from that sentence. The tppeal lies to the House of Lords. I solemnly pledge mvseh to bring a:* cp uenl against that sentence, and I assure you there is every prospect that it will be received. Peace, then, and quiet Let there not be one particle of riot, tumult, or \iolence This is the crisis in which it will be shown whether the people of Ireland will .obey me or not. Any person who violates the law, or is guilty of any violence, insult, or injury to person or propert* , violates my command, atid shows himself an enemy to me, and a bitter enemy to Ireland. The people of Ireland—tbe sober, steady, honest, relig ious people of Ireland—have hitherto obey ed my commands and kepi quii t. Let every man stay at home. Let the women and children stay at home. Do not crowd the streets, and in particular let no man approach'the precincts of the Four Co urts. Now, people of Dublin, and peop'e of Ireland, generally. I shall know, and the world will know, whether you love nnd respect me or not. Show your love and regard for me, by your obediene^io the law—your peaceable conduct, and the total avoidance of any right or violence. Pence, Order, Quiet, Trauqiiility. Preserve the peace, and the Repeal cau^e will necessa rily be triumphant. Peace ami quiet I ask for in my name, and as you regard tne. Peace and quiet I ask for in the name of Ireland, arid as you love your native land. Peace — qu et—order, I call for under the solemn sanction of re ligion. I conjure you to observe quiet, and I ask it in the adorable name of the ever-living God. Gratify me and your friends by your being quiet and peaceable. The enemies of Ireland would be deli J md at your vio lating the peace, or being guilty of ai.\ disorder. Disappoint them—gratify and delight by peace, order and quiet. Your faithful friend, DANIEL O’CONNELL. Corn Exchange Rooms, 29th May, 1844. II A € O A : TricsoAY noitxnr., jn.v , SJ4 FOB PRESIDENT. ~T"~ Of Tennessee, ‘ FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, ®H©3i@28 E0, Of Ptnnttjlrania. 1 The approaching Anniversary of American dependence will be celebrated by the Mcc- nV tinkers nt Camp Oglethorpe at 5o’clock P y where an Address will be delivered by p r ; vale j S. Smith. A Pie Nic will be given at ti e s-a- time. The Ladies and Gentlemen of tlw> respectfully invited lo attend. . .i/orrnion of the 4ih Jul) by the Plt>y4 Dr. JAMES WOOD—Orator. Private OEO. W. .TONES—Header. Oriler of Celebration BIBB CAVALRY. FLOVD RIFLES. ORATOR AND READEH. REV. CLERGY. CIVIL AUTHORITIES. CITIZENS. Tire two Companies will nssemhle at ibeir ». spective Parade Grounds, at 8 o’clnrk, A. M. {■ 9 o'clock, they will be prepared to form p— r ,j ni at the Central Hotel ; from whence the jrroces->3 will march to the Catholic Church. The citizens generally are requested tot:- tend. Committee of Arrangements. Lt. W. A. Robebtso.n, S’gt. H. P. Wkstcott Geo. W. Jones. W. \V. Chapman David Reid, l'o;ii t!i of July Celebration by tbr Sabbath S< boqli him! Tern j»ci mice Society. At 6 o'clock tbe tinging of the bells will notify the Schools to assemble at their several Churcber. At 7 o’clock they proceed in order 10 (heAcade my square. At 7<J o'clock, the whole will be orerVl:: Titos. Hardeman, Esq., Marshal for tire S» bah Schools, and proceed to the Presbyterian Cl.urch, Order of ICxerciaro, 1. MUSIC—By Cbt ir and Children. 2. PRAYER—By Rev J. R. Kendrick. 3. MUSIC—By Choir and Children. 4. ADDRESS—By Col. Campbell. 5. MUSIC—By Choir and Children. C. BENEDICTION—By Rev. Mr. Hootu- 7. An Address wiil then be delis end bv A. S. WIXGFJELD, Esq., on the subject of Temper ance, and an appropriate ode will be sung. After which the Schools will retire in order, to their places of refreshment. The members of the Temperance Society "ill meet al the same time and place with the SaM stli Schools, and organize. Members or other Tem perance Societies arc invited to unite inihe[:;- r-ession. IVuntavillc Rail Itoml i-onrciition. \Ye derive ilie Itllowing information a gentleman wlio attended tliis Convention. The attendance of Delegates was large, principally from the several counties of Alabama interested in the proposed improvement. The several Companies of this £?tatc wee represented, also, the South Carolina Rail Road A lively interest wns manifested in the success of the project in question, and a great desire t« form a connexion as speedily as possible between our State Road and the Tennessee River. This object is proposed to be effected in the following The Memphis Branch Rail Road, which is now in pro gress of construe;ion, leaves the State Road ot a point sixty- iTlertr’a Jlagnelic Telegraph. Tiie chamber in the Rail-Road depot. Pratt street, in which is placed the eastern station of the E k-ctro-Magnetic Telegraph of Prof. Morse, continues to he filled throughout the day with wondering spectator); and the same scene is i ria, il a’so presented nt the south-western station in the Capitol at ,, I I \VashingtiMi. The Telegraph is completely successful in ! Salljr SI. CJIalr nutl Mc. «onnl Jn.pep, its operations, and constitutes one of the most remarkable I The f ile of this beautiful Creole girl was lamentable, and astonishing triumphs which the science and ingenuity of She loved Sergeant Jasper, who once in the bloody conflict# man Lave ever achieved. Communications are now made of the South saved her life. At the tune when she saw a between tbe oiiies of Baltimore and Washington, with the i separation from h : m was in prospect, her feelings v ere in rapidity of lightning, nnd with perfect clearness and accura cy. The whole arrangement is our of great simplicity, and when the spectator stands a 1 the telegraphic table and sees tbe operat #r transmit a message by a wire forty in les in length, nnd receive an answer bar k through the anme medi um—all in the space of a few seconds—he >t but he struck with wonder and admiration. Professor Morse has gained for himself an imperishable name ; and w-e doubt not that, in due time, he will be called on by the Government to pro ong Ins m-gical lines to the extent of hundreds of miles—Baltimore Patriot. T >f Mh r her king jetty ringlets, sa^s a writer of on. to drt*"> in inn'e attire, to enrol nerseif »rps to which he belonged and follow his fortunes in .; was a resolution no .soonerconceived than taken, iglu before the filial battle, she was .seen betiding over I) like a g°od and gentle spiri , as if listening to his Polk nnd Dnllns an Verinonl, A correspondent of the Boston Post, writing from Bur lington. June 14th. sa\A—’lean asnuie yon. and also our noble friends of the ‘Old Bay State.’ that the nomination made by the B dtimire Convention meets with a lieaitv, cordial and enthusiastic reap* nse by the Democrats of the Green Mountains. Never did I witness su h a got d feel ing, such a brotherly love, such unity of sentiment, such a deep enthusiasm as now exists in the bosom of every Dem- o<T«t. This g«M»d feeling and enthusiasm i« universal, per vading every ramification of the party. It is not noisy biag- ptdocia. but real, deep, sincere nnd ardent —such as will most assuredly give the gallant and worthy James K. Polk tbe election—no mistake.” the ta in the the w On tli ! bis cn __ _ dreams. A fierce conflict endued—the lovers fought side ’ by side in the thickest nf the fight ; but endeavoring to turn away a lance aimed at the heart of Jasper, the poor girl re- I reived it in her -nvn and fel. bleeding at his feet. Her sex w as discovered after the hatt’e. nnd there was no dry eve in i the corps when finally St. Clair was laid in her grave near j the l iver Santee, in a g-een shady nook that looked ns if it had been stolen out of Paradise. The love of *u<-h R maid en is ns sacred as the angel’s, the greatest prize that a man could ever win, nnd what in these days, we fear is seldom ever known.— Meridian. The Whig Cnnclirinlc for Vice-Prr»i«lenl. The New Haven Register soya of Mr. Frelinghtivsen j that he was **au opponent ot the purchase ot Louisiana—an ' opponent of the admission of Mis-ouri — an opponent of Geor- i gia in ihe ca>e of the femoral of the Indians—a li gh Tariff from its eastern terminus, and extends to the Coosa River, at Rome, a distance of 17 ini’es. The Coosa is navigable at all seasons to t! e mouth of Willis' Creek, a | distance by water of about ICO miles. It is now proposed In cot. struct a Bail Itoad from this lat ter point »o the Tennessee River at Gunter's Landing, a distance of from thirty five to forty miles. This lust is the only link now unprovided for to complete the line of trans portation between Charleston ami Savannah and the fertile valley of the Teoa^tce The beautilul town of Huntsville, than which the South ern States cannot boast a more charming or delightful spot now perfectly land-locked, wi!I then he of easy access, and an intercourse, ii nil respects desirable and beneficial to the whole South will, by the accomplishment of this compar atively trifling improvement, be opened. Already the peo ple of that region are turning t’seir attention in this direction, and many of them during the Inst season returned from the North tins way, and some shipped iheir goods also, instead of the Iransmontane route vi* Pittsburg. We will not at present dwell on the further advantages contemplated ,n the ultimate extension of this line of im provements, a considerable portion of which is now con structed, to Memphis on the Mississippi, The report of the <5 mndttee of the Convention which is to be published, and which we will take pleasure in laying before our leadeis. whenever we leceive it, will give a comprehensive view of ihe whole ^Ijcct Speeches were made by several gentlemen of the Con vention— among whom were Hon. John P- King, of the Georgia Road, and Col. Gadsden, of the South Carolina Road. Tbe Chair was ably filled by Ex-Governor C C. Clay, of Alabama. So soon as we receive the proceedings of the Convention, 1 want we will publish them.— Sartm> tth (»rorgian. Tisil of the Fuipri’or of Russia fo r'nglaiul. The Emperor of Russia and suite arrived at Woo wich late on Saturday evening, and immediately departed for London. On Sunday morning Prince Albeit visited the Emperor at the Russian Em! .ssy. and returned with .Sir Robert Pee! after divir.e service. The Emperor then ac companied them to Buckingham Palace, on a visit to tin* Queen. Afterwards he visited the Queen Dowager and the other branches of the Royal Family The appearance of the Emperor of Rus-io, in London, most unexpectedly, has startled the quidnunes and the sight gazers. He has travelled with amazing «pee*l leav- his own capital. Mopping only a few hours oo his route to visit the crowned beads of Prussia and Holland, anxious, no doubt, to bring the intelligence of his ow n ajrival in England The proposed Annexation of Texi< to the United Slates haacreated a great sensation at Paris, and revived the nu merous speculations which were afloat during the Canada affair, of the necessity cf making common cause with the United States, and of thus directing a powerful blow again.u the bests interests of Great Britain. C’olFrv Crop of hi l.’t. The great increase of tl e production in Coffee, and a dim inution of its consumption in many countries, have materially decreased tin* value of the article itself But few know the vast quantity now produced. The statistics for 1843, give the following result: Brazil (1.170,000 baes) Java «Jc Sumatra (1,450,000 do.) Cuba. St. Domingo. l’orto Rico. Lnguira, Ac. British West Indies, Cey lor, East Indies ami Mocha, French Colonies Dutch West Indies, Total Pounds. 170.000 00 140.000.000 j 45.000.000 | 38.000 000 36.000.000 10 000.000 7,000,000 6.000,000 4,000.000 3,000.000 lbs- 453,000.000 A Fortunate F*capr, A fine little girl, ubout three years of nee, daughter of Mr. Higgins, residing in White-Street, by some means pos sessed itself ol a paper of needles, and put it into its mouth; three of the needles g«‘t looce from the paper down its throat. The parents in the greatest agony of mind, called in I)r. A. C. Castle, the Dentist, who extracted two cf the needles with a pair of forceps. The third, which was far down in the throat out of reach, he extracted by a very in genious methods Securing a ..kein of floss silk to the end of a probang, he passed it carefully down the throat, and with the greatest skill entang’ed the needle in ihe silk at the first attempt. The little sufferer was instantly placed in its grateful parents’ arms, preserved from a frightful death, with no more injury than a lacerated throat ana mouth.—A’. Y. 'l'ruc Sun. The Democratic Meeting at Ca«t!e Garden yesterday af lernoon. («a>s the New York Sun.l w as one of those mens ter gatherings such as cannot lie collected in any other city on the continent. About twelve thousand men were pres ent. H *o. Benjamin F- Butler presided, assisted bv thirty- four Vice-Presidents and six Secretaries Among tlie ma ny distinguished citizens v ho addressed the assembled mul titude, Silas Wright, our Senator in Congress, was the principal. He was in- st flatteringly received, and made one of his very best argumentative speeches, w hich was lis- lened to with profound attention, interrupted nt intervals bv enthusiastic nnd prolonged cheering. A her adopting reso lutions in favor of their candidates for the Presidency — sus taining tiie Democratic Republican principles of their pat tv complimenting Mr Van Buren—m favor of our rights t«* the Oregon Territory, and of' die policy of annexing Texas to the Union—the meeting was adjourned with “three times ihiee.” A hard rub. A Whig editor living near the Eastern boundary line, who contends that high duties d*> not increase prices, and yet buys his own clothes in the British dominions, is thus re plied to by the editor of the Frontier Journal : “O no ! -duties do not raise the price of articles !’ of course not ! But why is it that the whole boodle of you. when you CO over to Sl. Stephen's and purchase it. 1 skulk round under the bridges, and in bushes, -with the adcloth under your arm.' for fear the custom house off . . nt of tiie Boston I wi '‘, - vnu f ' v n ' akF bar .‘-” ,i "' arH J man — an anti-”r*unday Mailman —a loose constructionist r> . . \i It- * 1 . ^ . «. . ,. j then walk up to the chalk Ji^e men, and pay tne duty 7 of lie OnnMitution, and a decided and uniform Federalist 'y 5 * 1 .If. I ulK IS U incill ber ot tne .Jei.rouist i ! th,t nio'r human nature! Rather snutV ^ciioodiac fop of the NewRnglaiid school.'' I Church. I till midnight!'' To the philanthropist and lover of constitutional er:v, no incident in tiie liistniy of our federated system, has presented such a lamentable spec. 5 ;is thru which has been evinced by that portion ot nnr political opponents in Georgia, usually known and distinguished by (lie noble nnpeilaiion of State Rights tr.t n—a name designed to indicate a detenu! nedopposition to all t ncroachments by ihe Genus! Government, end a strict adherence to the const:;a- tional compact. The history of no parly as tv a- Iced more seeming ardor and resolution, • ha n :ey [ did, to maintain their position—an usislteru’>!c de termination to resist all usurpations, tin party was evet so violent against a Protective Tarn—n '" ,c <0 uncompromising against chartering anv Nat" Bank. Their pennant bore me true ana signia- cant expression, that the unconslitutioDaiity of l,y : measure, " Ahrae should lira Wi’.hinlhe bunk and volume of their brain, Uiiinixc with laser matter.'* But a “(.bind has come o’er the spirit of nr. : dream," and they now are readx to do battle on l ~‘ side of Consolidation. Will ir be credited, inn:* age, that lire same actors tire now on the seeking to enforce the very identical measures up on ■ -7airy, against which they wereuncew exasperated, s to desire to break ihe Governerec. in twain, rather t 1 submit? Let die annals® 1 Stale legislation be consulted—let the musty <* ‘ documents of party manifestoes hr examined, ^ l; - the (iisgtisiir,.; spectacle will be but too made manifest, that they who now call then -ref- in Georgia, Whigs, bare, in seeking tog'* * n, ‘ 11 gradually it may be. but finally and effectua'ity, taken a total departure from all their princip al ikI have embraced all those lli- v oner dee || ' p,j heretical. Now. to our mind, nothing in Ei ' workings of our admirable federative system, ro much disheartened us, or weakened our f*' ' the cherished heliefof the republican maxim, the people are capable of self-government, | mini and sudden abandonment of of! elif--'- ■ principles, by a larae mass, led by the powers discipline of party tactics. The Constitution ^ country is no longer tlipir guide—party ii-r r -‘ , vvn id' meal, power and ntiice. are the slirints tliPV now offer np iheir orisons. Decs man seem restive, or unwilling to y**** 1 1 > . - «up science, his juclgincnt, or principles, o'-ey -i - - ■ mandate wiihasmuclilienrilessindiilerr.'.'ie®- . ■ \ |]If*f IC3’ rannical usurper is woni to do. Are great- questions presented, of momentous ltn P or the stability nod interests of our Government. zea |_wi.ha deter- t shall I 11 n!e$f hat ft#? jrt- his « n '- reject all. with a fatal partizan ze minatioii as strong as death, that p arI i umph over principle. These reflections have arisen now pursued bv the W bigs of Georgia time since, nothing could have been so tnsu. * Tar iff* man—not hi rtf. from the ct, ' jr ' A she' 1 'ihe A"' t he charge of being a offensive ns to !>e imagine*! an opponent ard nexaiion of Texas; but now , heir in. ugin0t loud and strong—the car <»( iheir P 0 ' IIIC J , y crush all who will not yield « r Ma is prepared to 1 and pliant assent 1 all their edicts. riiack* ■