Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, July 02, 1844, Image 4

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H M » l ii T*1E U1ACOIV GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. OF ALL KISDS, DOSE AT SHORT NOTICE, IN A NEAT STVLE ON THE M03T REASONABLE TERMS, AT TIIE OFFICE OF THE 3B3C0W <5cotfl(3 arcttflraufb —seen .is- pamphlets, circulars, law blahks, handbills, HORSSBILLS, LAB ELS, ]\EW RKCG STOKE. T HE subscriber begs leave to informs hi friends and t'-e public, lie is now receiving tin extensive ass ofOrucs. Medical preparations. Faints, Oils. Uvestu tent Medicines, and I’erfumery. The articles Itav laid in on the most advantageous terms; are of tl I quality, as he is determined to vend no other; and will oe AND sold, wholesale or retail, for cash or satisfactory town accep tances. on the lowest terms that can be afforded in this sec tion of the country. Physicians. Country Merchants, arid others, are invited to call and judge for uiejnselves^ assorttn stuffs, Tu be are of the best Sulphate Quinine [ do Morphine Acct. Morphine Court Plaster Castor Oil Citrated Kali Chloride Soda Senna Alex Caverms African Indigo Spanish .Float Caraway Seed tQi' use in this State, printed on fine paper, in legal form J Anodyne Hollaniont constantly kept on hand, aud for sale at very low prices, j Aqua Forits Macon, dune 1, 1813. 33 ll\lRE-HOUSE RECEIPTS, See. 6ic. Arc. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF JA~ME3 W. BAILEY. QU* His Store is two doors above Boardman’s Book and Stationary Establishment, Mulberry stteet, Macon,Ga. Musk, Blue Mass Horehound Otto Rose Isinglass Sponge, Mace Anna to, Coppetas Borax, Nutgalls' Rosin Oil Almonds " Annisede Burgamotl NEW GOOD HAS JUST RECEI\ r ED AND IS NOW OPENING A LARGE AND EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OI COUGH LOZENGES ■pvg. BOliL’S COUHil I.OZEXOES are now i w rapidly superceding all other prepartions for the re- Gum Ara lief of Cough. Cclds. Asthma, Whooping Cough, Catarrh. Gamboge Tiehtness of the Chest, Bronchitis, and similar Pulmonary Blue Stono affections. Salts of Tartar Hundred* of paraon* could now be pointed out. who have Extract Jalap been troubled with an old lingering Cough from five. to j do twenty years, and who have been entirely cured by usitig j two or three boxes of these Lozenges. In fact, the proprie tor* have never known an instance where they did not give perfect satisfaction. Sudden Uolda and Coughs are cured by them in a few | hours. Several thousand boxes have been sold within the last few month*, restoring to health persons in almost every stage of Pulmonary affections and those laboring under the most distressing Colds and Coughs. They do not check and dry up tho cough, bat render it easy, promote expectoration, re lieve congestion, allay the tickling or irritation, and remove the proximate or exciting cause. They are made from a 'combination of the most valuable expectorant, or Cough Medicines, and are undoubtedly superior to every thing m use complaints. Hundreds upon hundreds of cer tificates have been offered of their wonderful virtue*, from those who, it ia justly thought, have been saved from an un timely grave, and restored to perfect health, by using them. Death itself has already deprived of life its hundreds and its thousands, whom this valuable medicine might have sa ved, if it had only been taken in time. How important it is, then, that every individual should attend to the curing of a Cough, which has such a powerful tendency u undermine the constitution before the least danger is suspected. A de lay of a few days often proves fatal. No medicine will be found more efficacious than these Lozenges; they are as pleassnt to the taste es sugar Candy. [jy Price 25 cent* per box. with full directions. .f£$0-Dr. HULL’S WORM LOZENGES A RE tho surest and safest WuRM-DKSTitotrt.NO Medi xjL CINE ever discovered. It is estimated, that, in the U~ nited States, one hundred thousand children die an nually, TROM THE EFFECT OF WORMS ALONE. This vast mortality can be almost entirely prevented, by llie use of HULL’S CELEBRATED LOZENGES. Grown persons are very often afflicted with Worms, and •re doctored for various conplaints, without any benefit; when one or two doses of the Lozenges would speedily cure them. They are an infallible remedy, and so pleasant to the taste, that children will take them as readily as they would a common peppermint lozenge. Thousands and tens of thousands pine away and die of Worms, without suipecting the real disease. The follow ing are a few of the symptoms—Headache, pale lips, flush ed checks, disturbed dreams, feverishness, thirst, bad taste in the mouth, offensive breath, itching of the nostrils, pain in the stomach, nausea, unuatural appetite, swelled stomach or limbs, sense of some thing rising in the stomach, Ac. To parents we say, do not be without these Lozenges at any rime—attend to these suggestions, as you value the lives tof your children. By Price 25 cents per box. with fall directions. For sale in Macon, by J. H. tc W.8. ELLIS—In East Macon, by COWLES k NI COLL—by DUNN & MAR TIN, Forsyth—by WINSHIP Jc HUTCHINGS. Clinton —by the principal Druggists in Savannah and Augnsta— and, on enquiry, may be fonnd in nearly all the towns and villages in the Middle, Soothern, and western Slates. Feb 27. 1844. 22 6m* Sands’ Sarsaparilla, For the removal and permanent cure of all Diseases arising from an Impure Slate ofthe blood, or habit of the system, namely; W CKO FILL A. or King's evil. Rheumatism, Obstinate O Cutaneous Krnptions, Pimples,or Pustules on the face. Blotches, Biles. Chronic sore eyes, Ring worm. Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and pain of the bones anj joints. Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica, or Lum bago,and Diseases'arising from an Injudicious uso ofMer- cury. Ascites, of Dropsy, exposure or imprudence in life. Also, Chronic constitutional disorders, will be removed by this p-eparation. tVOMIEHl't'L EFFECTS OF HAN DS’SAB- N UMllILLA I V NORHTCU, CONNEC TICUT. Read the following from Mrs. Wm. Phillips, who has long resided at the Falls. The facts are well known to all the old residents of that part of the city. MessR*. A. B. Sards 4c Co.—Sirs: Most gratefully do t embrace this opportunity for staling to you the great relief I ootained from the useoryour Sarsaparilla. I shall also bo happy, through yoo, to publish to all who are afflicted, as I lately was, the account of my unexpected, and even for a long rime despaired of cure. Mine is a painful story, and ttyingand sickening as is the narrative of it, for the sake of many who may be so surely relieved, I will bristly yet ac curately state it. Nineteen years ago last April, a fit of sickness left ir.e with an Erysipelas eruption. Dropsical collections immediately look place over the entire suifaceofmy body, causing such •n enlargement that it was necessary to add a yard to my dresses around tho waist. Next followed upon my limbs, nicer*painful beyonddescription. For years, both in sum mer and winter, the only mitigation of my sufferings was ‘foundin pouring uponihose parts cold water. From my limbs the pain extended over my whole body—there was literally forme no rest, by day or by night. Upon lying down, these pains would snoot through my system and com pel meto arise, and for hours together, walk the house, so that I was almost entirely deprived of sleep. Daring this lime the Erysipelas continued active, and the ulcers enlar ged, and solleeply have these eaten, that for two and a half yearsthey have been subject to bleeding. During these al- Tcosl twenty years I have consulted many physicians. These have called my disease—as it was attended with an obstinate cough anil a :eady and active pain in my aide—a dropsical -eonsumpaion; and though they liavebeen skilful practition er*, they we e able to afford ir.y rase a partial and tem- p irnry relief. Iliad many other difficulties too complica ted to describe. I have also used many of the medicines that liavebeen recommended as infallible cures for this dis ease* yet these nil failed, and l was most emphatically growing worse. In this critical condition,given op by friends and expecting for myself relieFonly in death, I was by the kind interposition of Providence, furnished with your, to me, invaluable Sarsaparilla. A single bottle gave me an assurance of health, which for twenty years! lied not once Tell. Upon taking the second my enlargement diminished und in twelve days from the £in of October, when I com menced inking your Sarsaparilla, I was able to enjoy sleep and rest by night ns refresliing as any I ever enjoyed when in perfect IteaTth. Besides, 1 was in this shorttime, relie ved from all those excruciating and unalleviated pains that had afflicted my days, as well as robbed ine of my night's repose. The ulcers upon my limbs are healed, the Erysi pelas cured, Si my size reduced nearly to my former mens- ure. Thus much do I feel it a privilege to testify' to the efficacy of your health restoring Sarsaparilla. A thousand thanks, airs, from one whn.e comfort and whose hope of future health are due under God, to your instrumentality. And •r.iv the same Providence that directed inetoyour aid, make the happy ar.d honored instruments ofblessing Dlhers. as diseased nud despairing as vnormueh relieved and very grateful friend. ‘ ASENATH M. PHILLIPS. New London Co. ss. Norurich, Nov. 4,1849. Personally appear the above named Ate Hath M. Phillips, and made oath of the facia contain? <lan the foregoing state* .cm before me. RUFUS YV. MATHE W'SO.V. Justice of the Peace. Being personal.’yacquainted with Mrs.‘Phillips, I e e r tify that the above asserted facts are substantially true. WILLIAM H RICHARDS, Minister of the Gospel at Norxich, Conn, Yor sale at New York price, by J. H. * W. S, ELLIS. Agents. Cajiput I Juniper Berries "Cassia Bees Wax 14 Cloves Charcoal Falv. " Caraway I Corks Velvet " Onganum I Calomel Eng. 11 Audios Calomel Am. “ Juriper I Croton Tiglium " Lavender Gum Arabic “ Jessamine Fennel Savine fresh Goldwood 1 Wormseed do Lemon, for pies, sauces, “ double Tansey Ac., a new and very conve- " Peppermint nient article " Spearmint Extract Valerian " Tansey pure “ Accoutta " Cedrat “ Buchn compd *’ Croton Pink Root Fluid " Augustnra " Hardback " Lettuce MW AM “ Cort Peru compd " Bark Precipitated " Nux \ r omica ** Rhubarb " Gentian " Ratania " Dandelion “ Colocynth pure " " compound Balsam Copavia “ Hyoscamus “ Cicuta ** Stramonium " Belladonna " Boncset / Butternut * Glycopt " 44 refd Eng. 44 Sarsaparilla Herbs Horehound “ Cleavers " Catnip " Thoioughwort " Cicuta * Marsh Melon " C >1 foot " Pru ey " Sgesrmint •• S-trvey Grass " Hvoxeatnous •* Wormwood m Double Tansey “ Hyssop ** Horse Radish “ Bitter Sweet " Lemon " Sweet Mrajoram " Motherwort ** Penneroyal " Sage Cantharides Fly Stone Colocynth Acetic Acid Sweet Oil Veratrine Sbychonine Digitalis Creta prept Irish Moss Oxalic Acid Cetric do Prussic do Tartaric do Opium Pepperine, Uva Ursi Sage, Sy renges Honey, Squills Mezerian Hemlock Hops Saffron Evieuma Nutmegs YVafers Cloves Quicksilver Arrowroot Logwood Madder Allum Fig Blue Brimstone Starch Glue Antimony Aloes Soot Rhubarb Emetine PATENT MEDICINES. British Oil Blue Smalts Balsam Honey Deep Blue Smalts Spice Bitters Rea do Bateman’s Drops Green do Butler's Magnesia Brown <io Bailey’s Extract Sarsaparilla, Black do anew and superior at ti-Indian Specific cle, used in preference to New England Cough Syrup all other* Opodeldoc Moffat's " Pulegi " Sarsafras Orange " Cedar “ Black Peppe " Hemlock “ Spruce " Cantharides *• Tar " Copavai " Amber reel " “ com " Seneca •• Rhodium 44 Nerole " Camomile ** Valerian *' Cnbebs 4 Wormwood " Nutmegs " Anniseed Spatalas assorted Syringes „ Trusses " Brushes 11 Tooth Brushes Nail Brushes White Wash do No 1,2,3 Bot Brushes No 1,2, 3 Flesh do No 1.2,3 Cloth Brushes, fancy from No I to 12 Blacking Brushes assorted Bristol Brick SheepSkins, extraFrenchNo 1, 2 and 3 Almond Paste Antique Oil Balm of Colombia Bears Oil Cream of Amber Cold Cream Cologne Farina ** French " German * American Extract Milliflorcs Lip Salve Otto of Roses Macassar Oil Pomatum Pearl Powder Preston Salts Toilet Powder Vegetable Ronge Vinegar Aromatic Eye Water Godfrey’s Cordial Haves Linaroent Harlem Oil Itch Ooinunent Funnels Wedgwood from No l to 5 Galley Pots assorted Mortars from 1 inch to 12 Medical Spoons Pill Tiles graduated from 1 inch to 12 Polishing Clay Putty Knives Apoth’s. Scales and Weights Wicking for Lamps Extmot Roses Essence of Tyre Florida Water Freckle Wash Hair Oil Ward’, Hangary Water Hair Powder Indian Dye Kaphalia Orange Flower Water Coro Plaster Cephalic Snuff Chemical Pile Ointmen Essence of Peppermint Gordack's Cordial Soap Naple, " Castile " White bar " Variegated “ in pots No 1,2, 3 Haynes’ Pills Beckwith’s do Peters’ do Elmore’s do Meskin's do $23 REWARD. S TOLEN from inv Room, in Peiry, Houston county, on Friday night, (lie Hilt intt, between the hints of 7 and 11 o'clock, a Large Double <’a«ed, PATENT LEVER (4Ckf,D WAT I'd, worth 2150. The maker's name is Johnson, at Liverpool No. not recollected. The above Reward will be chrerfulU paid to any person who will give :ne information, w hich shall l-sri to it, recov ery. WM. H. MILLER. Perry. Juno 23,1344. 39 t’s Pills Pbccnix Bitters Jewett’s Pills Dean’s do Davenport’s do Mead's do Swaim’s Panacea Saratoga Water Tomato Pills Vermifuge Swain’s French Pills Dr Lagier’s Fever and viguc Pills Ghalegare’s Fever and Ague Pills SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Amputatinglnstrumenlsinca-Laiicents K van’s best ses " com shell handles Amputating and Trepaning " Gum Instruments in cases " Abscess GE Bougie’s Cupping I nstru- " Cases monts with Scarificator Nursing Tubeslvory and Five Cupping Glas- Needles Setous ses “ Curved Catheters male Nipple Shells * female Pocke L Case a containing 22 In- Coucbing Instruments in ca- strumems ses Pocket Cases containing 1G In- Camelar’s double silver Dis- struments sectingInstruments Inca- Pocket Cases containing 12 ses Instruments Dentist!* Instrnm’ts Tor plug- Probes ging and scaling Pessaries gum clastic Forcept's Midwifery Saws Amputating “ Dissecting Stethoscopes 11 Dressing Scissors straight ar.d curved 11 Bone Stomach Tubes E G " Tooth and patterns Tooth Keys ivory handle Glyster Baps with Ivory Pipes spring HairL ip Pins Tooth Keys pivot handle Knives Amputating spring •* Cailine Tooth Keys ivory handle hinge Whispering Tubes for deaf fulcrum persons, a most valuable Tournequet article Tooth Files ft LASS AVAIti:, Arc* Specia Bottles from Jpt to 2 Nipple Shells gallons Nursin" Bottles Tincture Bottles from Jpt to do Flasks 2 gallons Funnels assorted Salt mouth Bottles Cupping Glasses Breast Pipes Phials assorted Urinals Graduate Measures PAIiVTS. White Lead ground in Oil Drop Black DRT-OOODS, CONSISTING OF THE LATEST STYLES OF LADIES’ DRESSES, VIZ; BELZARINES, MUSLINS, BONNETS, &C. ALSO, AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, VIZ; Cloths, Cassimeres, & Linens, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR THE SEASON; together with every article usually kept in a Dry-Goods Store. ALSO, A LARGE AND EXTENSIY’E ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF Class, China, & Queen’s-Ware WILLOW & WOOD-WARE, WHICH HE OFFERS AT AS LOW TRICES AS THEY ARE SOLD IN THE CITY. E7* Those wishing to purchase, will please call, and he will take pleasure in shewing his Stock. Macon. April 9,1844. RATES OF FREIGHT AND PASSAGE DISTANCES IN 7HI.ES FltOJI MACON. | 5 | 13 | 19 | 24 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 40 | 52 | 60 l it 0.11 .11.1 CO.V TO Passengers 5 c. pr. mile, (ebiidren under lays. A servts. half pnee. Cotton per bale, (round or square) not exceeding400 lbs. weight,.. Cotton per bale, fround or square, over 400 lbs. per 100 lbs Boxes, bales, and all measurement goods, ....per cubic foot, Sugar, Coffee, Rice. Iron, Hardware, and all other articles that go by weight, per 100 lba. Hogshead* and Pipes of Liquor, each. Hogsheads of Molasses and Oil, each, Barrels of Liquor, Fish, Beef, Pork, Lime, Ac each, Barrets of Mutasses and Oil,... each, Bis. ol Floor, Potatoes, Fruit. Oninns, and all other light bis. each, J bit. Pork. Fish.Liqnor.&c. & all Kegs of 10 gal*. &. upwards each, — fc- <S. S *=’ l bis. Flour, Frail, Potatoes, Ac.... each, Salt in sacks not exceeding four bushels *..... each, Salt in sacks over lour bushels,. per bushel. Corn, Wheat, Meal, and all other grain in bags,.. per bushel, Cotton Bagging. per piece, Boxes of Soap, Candles, &c. of common size each, Brooms in bundles, per dozen. Buckets. Collars, Scythes,Shovels & Spades, Sifters, &c. per dozen, Chairs. per dozen. Boxes Fruit. Cigars, Ac.......... .............. ..each. All small packages not weighing 10 Jib*, nor measuring 2 feet, each. Blacksmith's BeiloA-s,... each. Potatoes, Apples, A: ....per bushel, Demijohns, Jogs. Jars. Ac. not over two gallons ......each. Demijohns, Jugs, Jars, Ac. over two gallons....... each. Ploughs, - each. Bales of Hay and Fodder, not over 400 lbs each, Four Wheel C trrisges. each, Two Wheel Carriages. each. Post and Stage Coaches and Road Wagons,................each, Lumber, sawed and hewed, per 1,000 feet........ .............. Wood,....,... per cord, LIVE STOCK. Hogs, per bead. Oxen and Beef Cattle, '. per head, Horse*,. per head, Sbeep.Goata, Calves,aud Doga per head. Turkeys and Geese in coops ........per head, Ducks and Ohickens in cooos. per head. Special contract* may be made wiibibeSuperintendantof Transportation, for Freight, on the following articles, when in large quantities, viz: Horse*. Hogs, Cattle.Lumber. Wood. Brick, or Stone, Ac. Ac. Planter! or Fanners are allowed to pass free of charge, for passage, when accompanying the produce of their own farms to market. Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, destined for the interior of this Piste, Tennessee or Alabsmn, consigned to the Agent of this Company, at Macon, will be received and forwarded from any point of thisRoad, by wagons, to thei ^ (matron, free of cbaige for Storage or Forwarding. Cotton. Merchandize, or Produce, of any description, will be received by the Company’s Agents, at Griffin. Barnesville or Forsyth.and forwarded direct to Savannah, free of any charge, other than the regular rates of Transportation. Ar rangemenls must be made in all instances, for the payment of Freight' and expenses, with the Company’* Agent at Ma con. or at the Depot where the goods ere received or delivered. The attention of Merchants and Planters, is »oliciied to the advantages offered them under the above arrangements, for shipping their Produce to Market, and obtaining their suppliea. through this channel of communication with the seaboard. The Central Rail-Road is now completed and in operation, from Savannah to within 2| miles of our Depot, and will be completed to Macon early this fall. This Road ia ini daily operation to Griffin. fiO miles above Macon; and, by the first of December, will be opened for Business toLeakville.21 miles above Griffin; and to the jonctinn with the Western and Atlantic Rail Hoad, early next sprjog. That portion of the Road originally laid with the lliin plate Rail, has been rebuilt this summer, and laid with heavy flange Rail, and the whole Road from Macon to Griffin, is now in good order for business. Merchants living in the upper part of the State, will find it decidedly to their interest, to ahip tlieir goods by way of Savannah.over the Central and this Kail-Road, consigned to our Agents, a* goods can be hauled from Barnesville or Griffin, to Columbus, for 45 a 50 rents per 100 pounds, or any other part of tbe country at proportionable rates. All goods will be sent forward immediately, nnless otherwise ordered. S. D. GRAY, August 82,1843. 47 * Agent and Superintendent of Trai sportation. | 65 95 11 25 I 5011 7512 00 2 3012 6013 00 25 4C 6C 75 Bi 10 15 20 4 C 8 10 »0 15 20 25 1 25 1 73 2 38 3 00 1 50 2 00 2 75 3 50 30 50 63 75 35 55 75 87 25 33 43 55 15 25 32 40 15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30 5 6 7 8 5 C 7 8 15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30 25 30 40 50 25 30 40 50 1 00 1 50 2 00 2 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 75 1 00 1 25 5 6 7 • 8 23 25 25 25 25 to 50 50 25 25 37 50 50 75 88 1 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 75 1 25 1 63 2 25 2 00 3 50 5 00 7 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 4 00 1 00 2 00 25 38 43 50 1 50 2 00 2 50 3 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 S 00 25 38 45 50 3 ? 4 4 JOIIIV L. JOr\ES & ( O. SOLICIT attention to a New and Extensive assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Manufactured the past summer, from recently Imported Goods, by Wm T. Jennings A Co., very favorably known os nmnnjr the most fashionable Drapers ana Tailors in the city of New York, CONSISTING OF Surtouts, JFi'oclt Coats, Pantaloons, Vitsis, Dress Coats, Coatees. an«l Office Coats, Travolllngr Coat M.allies' aud Gctstfriiil ts's Iu all llie New and various stales ; Together with a very choice selection of Silk and Satin Scarfs. Cravats, Mohair and Cashmere do Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Drawers, Under Vests, Gloves, Suspenders, Linen and Muslin Shirts, Collars, Stocks, «5cc. Including a general stock of lfouth’s & Children’s Clothing:, IVECJKO CLOTHING, UMBRELLAS, &c Believing that tbe system of’• Small Profits and Quick Returns.’’ is best naited to the times, they will offer their Goods at prices that cannot fail to be an inducement to pur chasers. Macon, October 19,1843. 2 NEW SPRING GOOdT fllHE undersigned have received a lar-e Jl supply of ° na generi Fancy A Maple Foreign & Auici FASHIONABLE HATS, AT THE NEW HAT AND CAP STOKE. TTYHE subscriber has received tlie SPRING JL K ASHION for Hat*, tbe finest and light est article ever oflered in this market. Also, Panama, Leghorn. Palin Leaf. Drab Beaver, , Otter, Russia, and Pearl Casaimer—broad brim and fashionable. All of which will be sold low for CASH. GEO. I. SHEPARD. .Macon, May 7, 1844. 32 ALBERT G. BUTTS, A T bis old stand, opposite tbe Washington Hall, has re ceived, within the last few weeks, a new and general assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, part of which consists of tlie following: 400 pieces English and American Prints, 50 do Cotton and Worsted lialzarines, 50 do Printed Lawns and Cambrics, 10 do Satin Stripe Adriaimples, 20 do do do Organdies, 50 do Erlsten Ginghams, 10 do Seydia Stripes, 50 do Jaconet anil Cambric Muslins, 25 do Lace Stripe Muslins, 20 do Cross Barred do 50 Ho Si.k Handkerchiefs, 100 do Furniture Prints, 10 bales brown Sheeting, YY’hite aud black Cotton Hose, Spool Thread, Needles, Pins, and every other article usually called for, which will be sold at tbe very lowest prices for Cash. Macon. June 18.1644. 38 •pauv which they ofl'er at the very to teat prices. Tl . consists in part of the following Goods: ' ' fn btoQ Superfine, medium, and low-priced Cloths, Super Black and Blue-black Wool deed Cns^. New style Plaid and Striped d **** GiodeTa Parmetf-and Summer Cloths, London, Cadet, and Fancy Drillings, Vestm*. 2,000 pieces New style Prints. ° 1IXC ' 200 do Gec.rjds Nankeens, 50 do Mexican Mixtures. 50 do Middlesex Stripes, 50 do Irish Linens, 100 dozen New style Willow BONNET’’ 50 do PALM'LEAF HATS, 100 pieces New style Printed Lawns, 50 do Ginghams. 500 dozen Spool Thread, 200 do Hosiery, Black and colored Silks and Satins, Baizariies. Foulard and Fancy Silks, Swiss. Jaconet. Mull and Nansook Muslins. Cambric* Dimity. Long and Bishop Lawns Umbrella*. Parasols, and Shades, Shirtibgs, Sheetings, and Tickings, Pongee. India, and Spittlelield Hdkfs. Silk, Filla.and Balzarine Hdkfs. and Shawls Beady-made Linens. Stocks, Cravats. Collars, Ice * YViili almost every other article usually kent ,1 At Goods line; all of wbicli will be sold at the low*.,' ■ r -‘ for cash. SAM'L. J. RAY & Co™'* Brick Building near Messrs. Grave,’ Macon. April 2.1844. 6 27 C ° rDer - GEORGIA, IIoiixIom County, A L L persons concerned, are desired to take notice, that tbe following Free Persona of Color, have applied to me to Register their names, in compliance with the Laws ia such cases made and provided: Nancy Mitchell, 41) years old, of yellow complexion, and common stature; has ten children. Laodicea or Dicey Mitchell dangbter of NaDcy. 20 year* old; Thomas Mitrll ell. son of Nancy. 18 vests old; Shad rack Mitchell, son of Nancy. 16 years old; Angelina Mitchell, daughter of Nan cy. 14 years old. All the above persons reside with their Guardian, Allen Wiggins, Esq. in this county. Nancy. 25 or 28 years old, of common stature, and has five children. Betty, daughter of Naucy, 15 years old.— Nancy and Betty were born in South Carolina, and came into Georgia in 1841, and reside with William B. Peters, their Guardian. Registered 10th May, 1844. May 21 34 U’M. H. MILLER. C.L C. INDIAN SPRING m. M. JYew Goods! NEW GOODS!! T HE Subscribers are now receiving a genenl,. memo f staple and fancy DRY-GOODb, of n ' style and patterns, which they ofl'er for sale atfair arice orick building one doorfrom Washington Hall ^ tr,1 ° Sept 25 52 GEO. W. PRICE & CO NEW BOOKiT A< Board man’s Book Slope B UST received, all the new publications, intone are the following: 5 ,Cm Prescott’s History of the Conquest of Mexico Harpers* No.l of the Piotoral Kible, ~ * “ Ifo 7 of Hancah Hoore’scomplete vfork% •’ Alison’s History of Europe, complete end bound, ** " Brande’s Encyclopedic full bound, •' Neaj's History of the Protestants, Southey’s Pilgrim’s Progress. Rural Life in Germany, by WilliamHowilt, Kohl’s Russia and the Russians, Elltntsnn's Surgical Operations, The Psalmist. Condie on Children, Cooper (Sir Astley) on Dislocations, Ash well on the Diseases of Females, Queens of England, sixth series, A new Patent Inkstand, Perforated Paper. Drawing Paper, Blank Books, &c. all cheap for CASH Jan 16 IMPROVED NEW HOTEL. RATES OF FREIGHT OF THE CENTRAL RARL-KOAB. 1 00 5 00 4 00; 4 00 3 00, £ Strayed. /”Y N the 20th inst. a BAY HORSE. 10 tears . °^’ wliiie hind fee ; a blemish in one of his ( 1 eyes, whivh does not affect his fight; and has a long inane and tail. He has probshly gone either t > Henry C'.unty. or to Culloden, Monroe county, where he \> a: formerly owned. 8. M. STRONG. June 25. 1*844. 39 2t {■'T We are sathai izerl to anaouoce SOI.. JOHNSON as* Candidate for Receiver of Tax iietur if Bibb County, at the Slection in January 1845. J.n« 15 do do dry Red Lead Black Lead anish Brown enetian Red Yellow 0<-hre Chrom Yellow Chrome Green Lilhcrage Prussian Blue Vermillion ■ Verdigris Ivory Black Terra de Senna Rotten Stone Hutch Pink Dose Pink Spanish YVhil# Paris White Turkey limb Macon. May 14, 1844. Gum Shellack Linseed Oil Lamp Oil Train Oil Near, Foot Oil Spirits Turpentina Varnish Copal Japan *’ Black E’ather Gold Leaf Silver Leaf Pomice Stone Patent Yellow Chalk Red do White Putty Carmine Drop Lnke Patent Brush and Sash’ Tools ofa 11 kind. 33 PnO.ll SAVANNAH TO STATIONS 1,0,3 Barrels <>f Alolasses and Oii......................... I)o. do. all other kinds, Wet..................................... Do. do. do. do. Dry........................................... Hall Barrels, Wet............ Do. do. Dry..... . Brooms, in bundles, perdozen.............................................. Buckets in nests........................ Corn. peas. oats, rye, bran, corn meal and rice flour, in bags, per bushel......... Chairs, per dozen.................................................. ....... Do. Rocking, latge, each..... .... Carboys of Vitriol, ir. Carriages and llnrnuclit's.four wheels..... ...... ........ ......... Do. Buggies, double ........J Do. do. single and Gigs.................. Do. Sulkeys.... .. .. ..... Common Jersey YY'agons. without rovers, and Horae Cans..x........3 00 Coaches, Post and Stage and Road Wagon*......„........................... Collars, per dozen.................... ............. ...................... Cotton, ner 100 lbs Demijohns. Jars and Jugs, not exceeding 2gallons..... ..... ....a... .... Do. do. do. over ' 44 ....... ...................... Docks and Fowls, in coops, per head....................................... Eggs, per dozen.. .... Geese and Turkeys.............................. .. ... ..... Grindstones.per 100 Bis................................................... Horses, Mules, Oxen, and Cows, per head 1. .................... Do. do. do. do. do. 2 each........................... Do. do. do. do. do. 3 do....... Do. do. do. da do. 4 do...... Hogs and Calves......................... ................................ Hilda, and Pipes Liquor not exceeding 120 gallons............... Do. Molasses and Oil. ordinary size . , Iron in pigs or burs.castings for mills, and other moeliinery Kegs Liquor, not exceeding 5 gallons Do do 10 do....................................... Measurement Goods, per cubic foot ......... Ploughs each - ........... Salt in sacks, not exceeding 4 bushels - .. . . . . . . r-herp. Lambs, Gnats. Kids. Deer nod Pigs, per bead ..... Sugar, Coffee. Rice, Bagging, Hardware, ami such oilier articles as go by weight, per 100 lbs - - - . - - Specie ........... .. No single package under Special contracts may be made with the superintendent of transports!! when in large quantities, without regnrd to tlie established rates, viz : Corn and cattle ; iron in bars or pips, machinery, mill nearing, ; sawed lumber ticlesof atone; salt, firewood, slaves, shingles, bay in bundles, barrels tnr, pitrl 4,4J.5,i (11.12.15.J6, 6.7 |8,9,10 13.14. 17,18, 1 00 I 20‘ 1 30| 1 40 6 00 8 00 10 00111 00 6 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 3 50 3 50| 4 00 8 00' 10 00',14 00 3$, 50 25 30 25 30 50 55 3| 3 1 1 lot 10 251 30 4 00 6 00 3 00 4 00 2 50 3 50 2 00 3 00 63 1 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 4 00 35 - Dp- 37 4 50 4 50 16 00 3 25 50 1 50 12 00 9 00 8 00 5 00 5 00 18 00 75 fllUS undersigned, proprietors of this HOTb.b. mtorm I their friends and the public, that they have interested Mr.and Mrs. GRINNELL in it, and secured their servi ce* in tbe management for the present season. Mr. Elder will also give his entire personal attention, as heretnf. re. Every effort will be made to render their visiter* com fortable. YV. V. BURNEY, W. A. ELDER. P. S.—Tbe Daily Line of Mail Stages, from Madison to Montgomery, Ala. posses by the Spring. nnd«atops at the above Hotel. Indian Spring, Buttsco , Ga. May 14,1844. 33 sm4t RETIMD! SICK HEAD-ACHE PILLS Warranted to Cure or Benefit a Patient, or Money Re turned. rrtHESE PILLS have been used extensively, and found I to be eminently successful in tlie treatment ami cure of that truly distressing malady, SICK HE AD ACHE. In order to core any disease, strike at its root and roote espe cial! Y those that disturb and derange the functions of tbe brain sympathetically, as occurs in this disease It comes out at intervals a few days or Weeks, from an impaired or enervated state of tbe digestive organs, and which alone is the seat of disease. Sick head-ache is a disease common to be fonnd in the country: few are more distressing in their effects, or an little understood geneiallv in its nature and cure. Nothing will care 8ick Hesit-arbe. but a tho rough and complete change *n tlie action of the stoindch and bowels, aud at the same time restore and invigorate them, a« well as to keep them well regulated. Such is ine nature and eff»ct of the combination of Dr. E L. SPOHN’S Sick Head-ache Pills. 'So certain is the proprietor that these Pills will cure Sick Ilead-arhe, that lie hereby guarantee.* to the public, that whoever tries them without cure or bene fit, shall have their money returned. Every thing like reference to colleges.certificates, afiida- -its. Ac. to portray the success of the Pills with, ia waived, on the grou..d of the guarantee; but sheer justice requires that the following case, amongst tbe many that have been re cently reported, should be known atlenst to the afflicted: The wife of Leary Stanley, of Houston county. Ga ha* been long afflicted with . ick Head-ache, of the most violent character—besides frequent attacks, it has often (during .Item) endangered her life—to cure wbi.-h, many remedie- have been preseril ed and used, but without aureess. Up- I der these circumstances, she commenced the daily needf Dr. Spolm’s Sick Head-ache Tills- Scarcely bad a box of them bien taken, before she felt and l< oked like a new per son ; not only free from any mure attacks of Rick Head-ache, but greatly improved in health and strength. Sl.e has taken two boxes of the Pi Is and ,s advised to continue th-ni oc casionally for some time, having so long labored under the disease, and it't finding before a remedy to relieve it. | n The cure ofStck Head-ache ia effected by the peculiar [, action of the Pills, in restoring ami invigorating the p .wer* 1 , of digestion, by which the proper sympathetic relation be tween the stomach and brain is alone established. There is not the least danger in using tlie Pills in any way, .but re quire o-dinarv care and attention while tnkiiie rhe'in. Each box contains 50 pills, with full directions for usin«. PRICE. One Dollar per Box. O’ To be had of H wilasd & Rts i.ey, Aueusin; Lit- Tle & Co.. Milledgeville; HARVEY 8HQTW ELI and Dr. T. E. GORMAN, Islacon; and R. A Billing,Colum bu*. They are also to be had at Albany, llawkinsville, Madison. Talholton, and Fort Gaines. March 5. 1844 23 Cm By 31, S. Thomson, M, B. IHacon, Ga. ff>EAD ar.d J 1 DGE. •• Prove all thhgoand hold ful it to that which is good.” As even in cur day, tores tin, the deaf may hear, tbe lame may walk, and the blind nJv receive their sighb” The andersigned fully aware of the many responsibilities resting upon him as a practitioner ol the healing art, would again tender his services to those who may need them with the assurance in advance, that if assiduouscaie, luiqeije- rience, and a thorough knowledge of iunoren yet pvaerkl- ly health’s restoring remedies, with theirjudicious sppliu. lion wiU restore lost health, he feels warranted in ss.tir*, that so lar as these go to the procurement of such dearer- alum, the affleted or tlieir friends will in no case be diMp- pointed. As heretofore persons afflicted with chronic diseases ltd residing at a distance may have tlieir cases treated by seed ing their symptom! in writing as correctly as possible, when medicines to suit them will be compounded aud sent Many who have pursued this course, though we have never seen them, are now in the enjoyment of uninterrupted health. Persons having diseased servants who may he to them both burthensome and expentire, may either Itsve their cases treated or dispose of them to the subscriber st I* fair prioe. Hernia or Rupture, will be treated on improved princi ple*. with an inairninent entirely new, whit It, so far as ha* been used, gives entire salisfat lion—it can be wont diver night with equal facility. Peraous thus afflicted, will bavi to apply in person, in order to be well fitted. Letters to ensure attention must invariably bepostpiid; terms liberal and punctuality expected. M. 8. THOMSON, iff. D. March 5 23 That community may have some idea of the extremes t* which disease may go without being beyond the reich d medicine, it is deemed proper to append the following s:a r- meats offsets, taken from a nnmbei of similar inipoit.ulicb may yet be submitted as room and circumstance u.ay Bibb CoUntt, Jan Stb. 184*. This may certify that my wile has been afflicted with Dyspepsia and Liver complaint fortwelve years, sod I** taken a variety of medicines without apparent benefit; even the justly celebrated Dr Durham of Clark county, failed to benefit her. Sl.e suflored much from i ervous irritability palpitation of the beat t aud extreme weakness was teM confined almost entirely to lire bed. In this siuuliou 1 »F plied to Dr. M. 8. Thomson, of Macon, undervhos! ditec- tioDS and applications, 1 am happy to say, she soon was its- loved to comfortable health, is now able to attend to all tbe usual business oflter house and lamily. My daughter was also afflicted wim ro’nvulsirefits.fno which Dr. Durham failed to relieve bet. I applied to llr. Tin msnn also iu her case, and I am persuaded he his fi - nally cured her; she has bad no symptom of them in fi* months But these though certainly cf their kind very eminent, cannot be cutnpate c for a moment with the cased onecl my sons, who has beet afliicied with palsy to such a dfgre* a* to have become perfectly helpless. He first lost the csetj his limbs, then ol his body, and finally his ItEABISO EYESIGHT,so that he might be in a manner dead, only tt breathed, aud even that at rne time, was so nesrly gone, that his clothes were prepared in anticipation of his finslei- it. \Ye had made use oftbe usual remedies in such £>• ses, and even hod applied to Dr. Stringfellcw, a rect etc- tor, but without benefit. In this situation, l)r. Thnr K ’ was called in, wlo 1 am happy to say, has restored timid only to the full and free use of all ills limits, bat alfote !-• use of bis eyes and ears, without which creatioa w* 1 blank and life itsell a burden. The rbm e is so nestlR® jsolute help/ ■tivity. SIGII' v any but tin . The chanpe is so great » c “ ness and eteofness to hf* *™ less, blindness and 4tcetfn%e° — — - , d HEARING, that it ran hardly be rest;" who bave seen it. This is a rme a e effected by the Doctor are, will hi:-J to auv. ISAAC WATTS. Federal Union. '33 50 35 CO 1 00 1 00 40! 45 50 ITI. S. RALL «fc CO’S. ■-"3- _ Css DAILY EXPRESS, GIWEKU FORWARDIM & COIMISSIOX ilOUSr. r|lHE Central Hail Koad and Banking Comil From (he To the Editors: GER T LK -M ENOcrup\ ; i rr the hiijortaPt i*"™* amen tinny that you do, hi id ri)D!mJJiii»»?nr]j a PWfJ* j trine for good es the public press I bav e icken the liber?) addressing you, being on old subscriber, upon a great importance nud it may’be of infinite Kf T * cia £ c . many of your numerous leaders. M\ impjitioniMo^^ you tliu*. is merc'.y to con muicatca fart lhat bs.* r -' ' der my own knowledge, in my own family and ' own eves, and which I deem it my duly, as a good W ^ to con muniente for the benefit of my fcfltrtfH*** ^ Some time during Inst year, my ron William j. t years old, was taken with a paraletic affection. l*v was entirely deprived of the u.^e of bis lower exir^ r { and body, so far ns to f e perfectly unable lochrng^I s ... tion either on bis pallet or in bed,—bis J n b? bf' ' rr< * irncted nnd sc toe contraction appeared it reached bis tbdomen. tbe lower part of.w ;} articles, ules f Ge »rgia havinggranted to the sub4M*ribera.the pfi- | vilege of running an EX/*It /£ S£ over their Hoad during I the present year, with tbe privilege of an apartment under ' their own Look, they offer superior advantages for the ! prompt and safe conveyance of .valuable Articles, Specie, &c. &c. and are in hones o* beinu able to make an arrange- ! nient with the Tost Office Department. 1 y which they will I . - - r Pi , — . . be ’ llowed to carry a Mai] Bag. Freight at the above roles,or by special conirncl, to be under ihe followivp stipulations, vir: | They are prepared to receive and forward Goods of all No cli im for damages nrttclc* transported by this Company unless the packages are examined and identified in descriptions, to and from Savannah and Af aeon, and interme ! the presence of an office: of ihe Couipnny before the s«nie are removed frem the Depot. Not accountable for the leakage diate places nnd between Savannah and Chaileston, with of I.ijunrs, oil or molasses, breakage of glass or crockery ware, chnfingof bnceii'P. carrinpej. chairs oHurniture. Not ac- j the greatest safety nnd despatch ; tod will alsopav particu laraltemi 'n to the purchase of Goods. coCaetionnud n \ appeared tobespasmrd c *l* Al ed to ascend graSualb ,n ... * : . 5 si en. the lower part of.whirO t jj f powerfully contracted, as to throw the upper f art lungs, which so comjiressed them as almost to p ri sfi location; the parts protruding from iu«t utder the • v i 11 hi i for the freight of the foliowii nnd nil kind: of grain ; brick, ho imfstones,.marble orothe mine. r turpi Exchange on Aew-Voi k, F OR sale by THOS. TAYLOR . October 3 1 iintnble for breakage of hollow ware. No internal injury, not elearfv perceptible outlie outside of the package, will be allowed for, unless established to have occurred on board the car. Not accountable for the decay of perishable articles. Not accountable for livestock; and no liability for goods evidently shipped in hod order,or forcoo perage of casks or pack- «g e »- Cotton received in good order at the depots and afterwards torn while in possession of the Company, will be mended at their expense. All other damage done to Cotton in tron$itu will be promptly settled st Savannah. It is understood that this Co-1 pany will not hold them«elves accountable for pillage, or damage by the weather, or otherwise, on any freight after being landed at the place ofdestinntion Tlie Company will not be accountable for Passengers* baggage, unless putin the baggage car in charge of the con ductor. The Company will have agent* at stations 8, !fl, 11. IS, 13,14,15, 16. nnd 17, and at Macon, to attend to the delivery and forwarding of goods. All merchandize not to be forwarded will be retained at the respective depots at the head of the road one week, free of expense, after which storage will be charged at the Savannah rates. Goods destined for points beyond Macon, will be forwarded by w agons by the Company's agent, free of commissions. Gunpowder prohibited, THOMAS PURSE, General Superintendent Transportation. Savannah, April 23, 1844. 30 ami transacting all kinds of arrangement to run their Picolata, in Florida, and ugh ments of Drafts. Notes and Bills, j business in the above places. | They have also extended their I Exi ress bv the Southern Boats to I intermediate places on ihut route. They intend to put on Tfams t to run regularly thr from Macon to Columbus, under tlieir own charge, to < , all kinds of Merchandize, with all reasonable despatch and | safety, on the first of October next. MACON— ()jjict nt the n r (ih l n pi on Ho ll. SAVANNAH—Office nt Ao. 153 Bay Street. DO. S. Philbrick. Agent.for rerririnp and for ic a rd i np G ood land Mere fin;«di*e. CHARLESTON. S. C.—Amos Head, Agent, office No. 96, East Bay. July 4 40 if M. S. BALL & CO. protruding iminjusi ur«u * rC *. Vo walk was imnos-ihle. ai.d ever ‘ 1 no influence over his limbs, in ^ unti.-n. I carried him to Mat-on and placed aim c ‘ ‘ r :^ care of Dr. Thomson, oflbatcity; in two Wjwj* for him home, gi eatlv relieved; the course w r i: ,r ( - : rr two months wore, and rny son, once the helf '2**' decrepit! and palsied invalid, is now the active. .ficss bouyant bo v of former days, running nb-'Ote^U^ \ :t morning till night, so foi.d of field gpwll.tbl*^ me that®?/ a perfect terror to rabbits, jiartndgcs.v'c other^ presume tolutk upon the plantation; and his new acquired liberty, that he 1; IivcI'est in bis circle of contemporc result was so liitle anticipated by me acquainted with the cn?e. lhai it hi cient import a nre to merii publicity Will confer n fnvor on Your?, respectfully, Jones countv, 10th Jan. 1844. __ .elfhasbeerr acqoatow^ , i a "■ s bwn -deemedf ,by*tnas , ‘ wbic ALEX- R i: f Prime Occsc Feall*® 1 ' 8 ' 1000 £ ’ BS ; j° st rece gbIa VE8, r wOOD * CO. | April 30, 1844. 31 — mujiribu'A s TegefaWe rnircrsal Mo-k. cc F OR sale bv Mu' 5