Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, August 27, 1844, Image 1

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c /- ^c//i/n^( : — — 1 m "" 1L 3-fii&A»aDE, ...HKD lftllT TUESDAY )l O R .VI S O, r BY M. BARTLETT, A < AT g 3 pkr annum, i> aovaivck. H , ’ ktukME.vts not exceeding 12 lines, will be inserted aiietii'<e forONE DOLLAR} and ntTT cs.tTsfor each ’"siferSr* 1 Ts^Cellectors’ and Coroners’ Sales, are char- ejasiss--* n will be made to those who ndverr- l,5e ^'Vetter* an hufincss hcnjneetcd wi»i the Office, must l„y,t srenre nitenlmti. j l/.-itv Aolicc. rVlHK undersigned hare associated themselves in the ' ' I nraciice of the Law, and will give prompt attention to ! ... knaineas as may be entrusted to their care. * U Thev will attend the following Courts: Bibb, Crawford, ’ .Jonroe. Tw T * IT^ OFFICE over E. B. Weed's Store, two doors be* .—-a- POWEns L. X. WHITTLE. 26 nin i sii aw sjawwaasioi'iaasatiTraram VOL,. XVIII. MACON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 184C NO. 48. NEW GOODS. . ^ <*• W. & E. WOODRUFF, . M<mro«.'T l ““‘S^ , ' Jones, Wilkinson, Ilouiton, Pulaski, Hen- j T-T AVE just received, and are now opening, a fine as _ j I ■*• wrlmem of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY-GOODS, Consisting of Calicoes, Lawns and Moslins, Ba’zarine Mns- hns; French and Scotch Ginghams; Liuen Lawns; Linen Macon. Match 26, 1844, JYT. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY AT Y,A\V, MACON, GA. ry OFFICE over old Darien Banlt. March 26. 1844. 26 JOSEPH B. CLAPP, Aliorney ns I.nw, Vie.vsa, Dooly county. May 10 32 Georgia. Jan 2.1 J. S. DENWAJR.D, ATTORNEY AT I.AXV, PERRY. GEO. DR. J. BEALE, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has settled in Macon, for the purpose of Prac- ticine his Profession. (Gf* OFFICE over the Drag Store or J. W. Bailey. Julia II. 1644. 37 3m* WASHINGTON HALL, » ■ MACO.Y,«EOKGIA. flT HE subscriber hns again taken this Estah X lishment, where he will always be hap pv to attend to the nalia of his old customers, ami the travelling public generally. Macon, June 20 38 8- LANIER MARIETTA HOTEl Cobb (County, GEORGIA. f|YIIE undersigned have taken this spacious Hotel, for- L nn-rly kept by IIksson Roberts. Esq., and are now ready for the reception of Travellers and Families visiting the up country. The subscribers pledge themselves to use every exertior for the comfort of their patrons. THOSIAS B. DANIEL. JE HE SI I All LEAK. Marietta. Jan. 1.1841. , 27 Cambric Hdkfs; Irish Linens; Jaconet, Book, and Moll Muslins; Check Muslins; Gloves and Hosiery, of every kiud nod quality | 3,000 yards Georgia Nankeens; Brown and Bleached Linen Drills for Pans; Brown and Bleached and Grass Linen; Brown and colored Cotton Good*. for summer wear; Jwe<33>;r«3b». 5 Palin Leaf and Leghorn Bats, of Men’i, Youths* ami Boys’ sizes. AL&O—A LARGK LOT OP Sun Shades and Parasols; All or which we will sell at a small advance from Cost, l’lease call and see, at our'Store, one door from Geo. W Price, on Second street. March 12 24 OF LOQK AT THIS! Selling Off at „Vcic York Cost. T HE undersigned, having determined to close their bu siness in Macon, will sell their ei tire stock of DRY- GOODS at New York Cost. FOH CASH—among which *][ e ' r *** Georgia Nankeen at Si 18; Earlston Ginghams at ■lo and 31 cts; Calicoes at all prices; printed Muslins at 20 to 45; rich Balzarinea at 45; French Balzarine Muslins, fast colors, ut 37J; Barage. Silk and Tarleton Mantles; ■Lace Cardinals ; rich colored and black Dress Silks.alargo assortment; bordered.and liem-stitched Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Linen Table Diaper and Damask; 10-4 and 12-4 Linen Sheeting at 80 and SI 25; Irish Linen, fine; Long Lawns, common, fine, anJ very fine ; Cotton aud Lin en Goods for men s wear; rich Marseilles and Safin Vest ings; superfine Drap de Tea; Brown Shirtings at 61 cents op; bleached do. at 5 to IScenis; a large assortment of Rib bons; a small assortment of Bonnets, Ac Ac. together with most articles usually kept iu Dry-Goods Stores. To a merchant wishing to engage in the business, the most liberal terms will be offered, for uudonbteil paper.— Merchants and others wishing Goods in their line, will do well to call, as their goods will he sold. Macon, June si gj> G. L. WARItEX&CO. -1SJLLIJVERY AYD FANCY RSCBOXRCSs niSESs A .ir.ijiLij\'&. INDIAN SPRING. f 81 HE subscriber most respectfully informs the public, X that lie has taken possession of the well known Hotel ni the InJiau Spring, lately occupied by Col. II. Dillon.— There are so many living witnesses, who enn bear teaiimo- ny to tbe wonderful benefits derived from llie use of unequalled waiera that it is useless to speak of them here, lie assures all wlm are disposed to visit h>m. that no efforts .b ill be wanting to provide all such luxuries as will tend to their comfort; mid to atfnrd them all such means of amuse meat ns will enable them to drive "* dull care away," and jisss their time in pleasure. O* GAMING is strictly forbidden. . BRYAN W. COLLIER. Indian sprint?. Unit* eo. March 26, 1844. 26 tO OEOViORICAIi DEPARTMENT, ? Mtl.UtDoKVILt.K. Nov. 2. 1839. $ Analysis of the Water of the Indian Spring, Butts t’ountv, Georgia. U lantity, one pint, (wine measure.) or 28,875 cubic inches. I’rctintinarirr fur a correal .4 natysis of this Spring. It ir.Vmetei 29.54 inches. Temperature iff the Atmosphere 63 deg. Farenheit. Temperature of the Water....'. — .. — 46 «!<» do Specific Gravity 1,’. M, that of distilled water being 1,000. GAMIR8. A fiic G is ................0,156 cubic inches. Carbonic Acid ( ..............-.-1.000 do Sulphuretted llvdrojen 3,5 do N VMM! CONTENT6. Cirlionueof Magnesia ... 1.982 grains. Sidpbaie of Magnesia... ••••••. . ...71.528 do Suhi iale »»f l.inie.... . .......... ...71->2 do Sulphate of Potash 3.415 do Total of Saline contents 91.077 JOHN RUOGLES COTTINO. State Geologist of Georgia. Tut (Collector’s Notice. fjjlllE Cilixrns of Bibb county are hereby notified, that X tin- snbsrr her will be ready to receive the Taxes for the Stale and County, on Tuesday, the IKtli instant. RICHARD BASSETT. Tax Collector of Bibb County. July 16. 42 GUN-SMITHING. rf VIE subscriber would inform the citizens of Macon and i. tbe public generally, that lie has taker tbe stand known as the old Post-Office, on Mulberry street, one door from B. S. Newcomb .V Co’s. Eating House ant! Bowling Alleys, where ho is prepaied lo do all kinds of work in die above business, in a superir style. Rifles made in order, and war ranted. Double Guns restocked, and all kinds of repairing done with despatch. He liar nl.o on hand, a few fine DOUBLE GUX8; Ri fle POWDER of a superior quality; GUN POWDER; SHOT.of all sizes,- Baldwin’s ElasticGUX WADDING; plain PERCUSSION CAPS; split and ribbed do; Walk er’. best English Caps; POWDER FLASKS; SHOT POUCHES; and all articles usually kept in the line, which will be sold low furensh. E- ROGERS. Macon. Jnn 30. 1844 25 C51EA F A AD DFS1RABLF DRY-GOODS, OPENING FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, AT CRANK & CLARK’S. rSNIIE subscribers of the People’s Store, are now making i extensive arrangements for offering to their customers a very extensive assortment of the best selection of Goods for the coming season, that can be fonnd in this market; and their facilities for making purchases are not behind those of BOOR STORE 031 COTTON AVENUE, Two doors aboveNlesare. Jt. II. .V W.S. ELLIS’ DRUG STORE. .T. BARNES, H AVING MOVED to the above Stand, offer* to tie public, a Urge Stock of IS O Oils. S T.l TIOJWIR r, BLANK BOOKS, &c. Ac. CHEAP FOR CASH. Family and Pocket Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, of every kiud and size, in various binding. Southern and Missouri Harmony, Kingsley’s Social Choir, Juvenile Singing Book. Mason’s Sacred Harp, Bate Primmer. Dictionary of Musical Terms, «f-c. $c. It limit Books of every description, Comt Re cord, nud Docket Boolts, various sizes. Ledgers, Journals and Day Books-, Invoice, Re cord, Letter, Bill and Receipt Books ; In dexes. for Ledgers, Pocket Memoran dums A Pocket Ledgers, Ac. Ac. J. B. would respectfully invite trackers and others viho may*want SCHOOL BOOKS, to call and examine his stock which will be sold at the lowest possible prices, For Cash- wholesale and cetail. He also receives as soon as published all the new works \| RS. w. II. BOBU a * 1YX would respectfully announco^^^^^^®^^® to the Ladies of Macon and country , rrPm tbe Harper's and other publishing houses ir. New Pgenerallv.-that she is now openiii". York, Boston and Philadelphia, embracing all the cheap, ’on Colton Avenue, opposite Messrs. I a ! K > fashionable literature of the day, which lie sellsatNew Scott A Carliart, and next door to { ' ’*’ lt price*. ....... , the Messrs. Orrs, an entire new ' Constantly on hand a stock of LAW BLANKS, printed Stock of the most' Fashionable and i 'he best foolscap paper. Latest Style of GOODS, adapted to j Macon, Oct. 4,1843. S the above Business; all of which has been selected by one SmUDJH'I’ ClOthlUg;. » n K K*V3 S ff K W r rlku 7 al ' ^ e ' n f nt3 1 'T»R subscribers have received their stolk of Summe. - he ¥ out to purchasers fo. CASH; m consideration X Clothing, comprising one of the most extensive and va- .1 J I Mil 1.1. . of which, slie solicits a share of public patronage. N B.—Orders from Town or Country,thankfully receiv- anv ofiheir cotemporaries. Ouick returns ami small prof- "4 promptly attended to. Her motto will ever be lts, will be then motto, and therefore they offer every aru- “Promptness without delay, and punctuality with despatch, cle in the Dry Goods line, at the lowest prices, or in other ! Macon, Nov 7,1843 words, though in many things they undersell, they are de- . • . - , v ,« . - , ---, —- —- The expressions, rich Mood and poor Mood, have a terimiied not to be undersold. Among the go ids they keep scientific basis. The ridicule tchich many have attempt- on hand and ore constantlv recen-me. , Iia y be found,besides I e d lo cast on these common-sense opinions, must recoil 1 upon themselves as surely as that Truth trill prevail. on hand and are constantly receiviu many others, the following: FOR T9JK LADIES, Ricli Dress Silke, superfine printed Stripes, Hulzarines, Par. is printed Satin and Lace, Muslins, rich French and English Prints, black and bloc black Bombazine, 4-4 and 6-4.plain and striped Muslins. 4 1 and 6 4 plain Muslins end Cam brics, 41 nud 6-4 Kisbop Lawns; silk and cotton Hose, silk and cotton Gloves and Mills; Ladies Cravau, Bonnet Rib bons, Fiencti Flowers,best Paris Kid Gloves; white and black Lace Cardinals, rich Silk Shawls, black net Shawls, Cotton and Linen Birdseye Diaper, 2,000 yards Russia do. ried they have ever had on hand, and which will be sold at extremely low prices. A call is invited. May 7 * 32 J. L. JONES A CO. BRAIVDBETH’* PILLS. rpHE effect of this celebrated medicine, it to purify the X blood; to convert the pom-, corrupt blood, into healthy, rich blood. And it is because they do this, that they have been so steadily sought after by all classes of our citizens who have required medicine. And it is because of the power Hrandreth's Pills are Now known to possess as liealtli restorers, dial renders them ao popular They cure all affections, simply because they mate the Mood pure—abstract out of it those qualities which produce H. & J. COWLES, H AVE now on hand, at the Store formerly occupied by Messrs. J. B. Ross A Co., a genetal assortment of Planters’ Supplies, consisting ol Groceries, Staple Dry-Goods, H*Rf»WAJtE, SEIOKS, &c. &c. Macon. Oct 25, 1843 « illtJSIC STORE. JthlCOlY. ac 25 ct* peryarJ; 25 do. at 31} and 37£ cents; 50doz. Lisle Caps at $1 a dozen; 1800 boxes silver plated Hooks and ICves ut <i£ cents. FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Single milled Cassiineirs. ribbed and printed Oambroons, Linen Drills. Linen Checks, Check Ginghams, Gentlemen’s Scarfs, Cravats. Silk Gloves, Ac. J.ailies’ Silk Umbrellas, Parasols and Sunshades of the most choice patterns, from 75 cents to 83. ■ 50 pieces Gimp witli every variety of shade and color. New Goods received every week; any article not found represented, may be returned, and the price will be re funded. Store on Mulberry street under Washington Hall'. CRANE A CLARK. April 2. 1844. 27 ply the waste our bodies are continually sustaining. So. iu the ordinary course of nature, we manufacture our entire bodies in about nine years, from the food taken into our stomachs. Suppose the blood made in this stomach of ours is unsound, occasioned by some cause orotber; it may refer to the preceding generation; no matter, we make impure hlooj. and if so, cannot be healthy. Or. supjxise the air we have lived in fur some time ha* been loaded with matters detrimental to health, or ourfood for a long period has been of an unwholesome kind, or that the mind has been much troubled—for grief, anxiety, or great attention to any partic ular point, is sure lo occasion bail eflecuon tbe blood. Any of these causes existing, good blood cancot be supplied to the body. Bullet Brandreth’s Pills be used dsily. under these cir cumstances, in doses of from two lo six Pills, or as the care shall determine. What is their effect? It is to carry off the impure matters from the blood, leaving only the good lo renew every part of the body. What was unsound now he-, comes sound, and the stomach soon gets into so healthy a condition, that even bad air or unwholesome food, for a time, are unable to injure the health ir.atet ially. Even when the’ climate or filed continue unhealthy, the occasional use of the , Brandreth Pills will separate the impure parts and cause ug» A Co., very favorably known , their expulsion, leaving what is good 'to supply life and n ' r ' i '— •*— strength to the body. JOHN L. JONES & <;o. SOLICIT attention to a New and Extensive assortment of Manufactured the past summer, from recently Imported GootU, by Win- T. Je«Hi _ as among the most fashionable Drapers and Tailors in the city of New York. CONSISTING OF StiMouis, Ffoclt Coats, Pantaloons, Yens, Dross Coats, f;o:»t4-c’s, and Office Coats, Travelling Coat f.rulin' n:id MrnllnurnU Ik all llie New and various style* ; Together with a very choice selection of Silk mid ^»tin -Vnrf*. Cravat*, Moh;iir ami Caftluncre do Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Drawer*, l iider Veala, Gloves, So spenders, Lia*;u and Mu»lin Shirts, Collar*, Slock*, «V<*. Including a general alock of Youth’s A- Uhiidi’cii’sClotliing:, NEGRO CLOTHING, W Ml S3 Ig IT. St i\ £), di © n Believing that the rystem of "Small Profits and Quick Heturns,” is best suited to die dines, they will offer their Goods ot prices that cannot fail to be au inducement to pur chasers. Macon, October 10,1843. 2 FASHIONABLE MATS, AT Tills raw HAT AND CAP STOUR rflliK auhacriber hna received the 6l*ItING JL FASHION for Halt, the finest and light est article ever offered in thi* market. Also, Panama, Leghorn* Palm Leaf, I)rah Beaver, Oiler, ltuaaia. anti Pearl Casaimer—broad brim and fashionable. All of which will be sold low for CASH. GKO. I. 611 KBAUD. Macon, May 7,1814. 32 • ALBS LEST BUTTS, A T his old stand, opposite the Washington Hall, has re ceived, within the last few weeks, a new auil general assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY-GOODS, part of which consists of the following; 400 pieces English and American Prints, . 50 do Cotton and Worsted llalzarines, 50 do Printed Lawns and Cambrics, JO do Satin Stripe Adrianoples, 20 do do do Organdies, Kristen Ginghams, Seydii Stripes, Jaconet anil Cambric Muslins, Lace Stripe Muslins, Cross Barred do Silk Handkerchiefs, Furuitute Prints, 10 biles Hrowm Sheeting. While and black Cotton Hose, Spool-Thread, Needles, Pins, and every other article usually called for, which will be sold a; the very lowest prices for Caslfi Macon. June 18,1844. 56 & - CO’S». SO do 10 do 50 20 100 do do do do do GUN-SMITII BUSINESS. ritHE subscriber continues to carry on iliia business at K hi. old stand opposite ShotwelPs Drug Store, where he keeps for sale Double; nml Single Hanoi Shot Gnus. Rifles, Pistols, and all other Uiuds of sporti’ur Apparatus. REPAIRING, of all kinds, and stocking Guns, done at slmrtnotice—also, Guns and Rifles altered to percussion locks. Fch. 20 21 1’- ROUX. Fire Ensiii’aiice. ' CAPITAh SUOO.OOO. 7*HIE .Veto York Contribnlionship Fire Insurance A Company, hav.ngestablished an Agency in Macon, will Insure Buildings. Merchandize, Household Furniture and every description of Property, against l.oss or Dam age by Fire. BOND A MURDOCK, Agents. Macon, April 30.1844. 31 ]y Fire lusjirunce. rglllK Undersigned, Agents for the Alias Insurance 1 Company of Hartford Conn., arc prepared to take , risks on Buildings, Merchandise in Store and Cqtlon ini Waie-bouses, in tbe CUv of Macon and its vicinity, agains Fire. ¥eb . REA * cott o? r ’ a g' w I gexeral forwarding^ commission nousr. - i — raiHE CESTUAt. Rail Road and Banking Company • NoliCe. j I. of Georgia having granted to the subscribers the jiri- E KASTU8 KIItTLAN I) is our authorized Agent,du- I vilege of running an ExCPHESS over their Bond during ring our absence from the State. j the present year, with tlienrivilege or an apartment under M»con, Mavsil Jo WHITING A MIX. j their own Lock, they offer superior advantages for tbe JUST RECeTvED AND FOH SALE BY j ^T^dVre II. SII OT WELL, j mem with the Post Office Department, ly which they will ALM of Columbia, for Restoring the Hair ; Unwand's ’ be allowed to carry a Mail Bag. . , - Tonic Mixture, a certain cure I'ur Ague and Fever ; i They are prepared to receive an i iaterine Bristol’s Sarsaparilla, for Scrolnla. CutaneGus Diseases, and i deaenpuons. to and fro m Savannah and Macon and taterme (or all impurities af the blood; Evans’Chamomile Pilla.for . d.ate place# and between ^"''"""iL^lhuonnvnirrica Nervous Debility, Sick Headscbc. and loss or appetite > | jbe greatest safety and ^ es P'"' h ; na?- toothing Syrnp. for Children Teething; Hews' Nerve and | Iar attention collection and pay Bone Lmanioat, a certain-remedy for Rheumatism; Ma When the bones are diseased, wl-en every ramification of the frame is out of order, llie Brandreth Pills, will,' iu nine teen cases out of twenty, cure. Remember that the body- can be entirely re-iuadefrom the fond, hones and all; and aided by this most beneficent, in a quarter of time it takes in the ordinary coarse of nature. In from two to four vears au entirely new, healthy body can he exchanged for the unsoond, the diseased, the miserable one. The slowness or quickness of the change altogether Depending upon tbe effect the Braodreili Pills are made to produce; which effect can be graduated just as the patient pleases.— No possible injury can result from this; nothing but good can follow. Enquire the effect of Brandreth’s Pills among your unprejudiced friends; vou will hear sufficient to satis fy you that there is No risk in making tbe trial, and that you will not be doing yourself justice without it. When vour blood is once PURE, nothing in llie shape of food will hardly come amiss; nothing will sour upon your stomach; you may eat pies, or any think in reaaou ; and the greater variety of food. the better blood is made. All who have weak stomachs, who are dyspeptic, or in any way af flicted in body, should, withoutdelay, resort to Brandreth’s Pills—which will. Indeed, strengthen the life principle, and by perseverance with them, entirely renew the whole body; the materials now in it good, will be kept so; those had, dis placed and removed. Good Moot! cannot make bad bone nr bad flesh. And bear in mim], the Brandreth’. Pills sute- ly purily the blood. The method of preparing the Brandrethian Vegetable Extracts, is secured by Letters Talent ufthe United States —Patent granted to Benjamin Brandreth.20th Jan 1843. The extracts of which Brandreth’s Pills are composed, are obtained by this new patent process, without boiling or any application. The active principle of the herbs is luos secured, the same as it is in the living vegetable. The public should he cautious of medicines recommend ed in advertisements stolen from me. A sure test of genuine BranHeth Pills: Examine the box of pili*; then look at the certificate of agency, whose en graved date must be within the year, which every author ised agent roust possess; if the three lnliels on the box agree with the three labels on the certificate, the pills are true—if not. they are false. The pills are sold at 25 cents per box, at No. 241 Broad way, 274 Bowery, and 241 Hudson street New York. Mrs. Booth. 5 Market street. Brooklyn; and by 20,000 agents in the United States and Canada, whose certificates awl pilla should be carefully examined before purchase is made. ■Forsale at the BOOK-STORE of J. Bit rues, Macon, Jf’.IS IIIO.V./UL £ I1AT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. & 3i33 , ^2!s> a GEO. I. SHEFARO, Is receiving weekly additions to his hitherto splendid slock of HATS AND CAPS, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. He is now prepared to offer rare Inducements to city and country purchasers. Possessing advantages excelled by no Hat Establishment in the State, he will afford his Goods st os foie, or PERU ATS lower prices. Every style of HATS AND CAPS may be found at bis Store. AMONG THEM— FASHIONABLE, MEDIUM, AND Broad brim Bcnror, IViifrin* Co**inter,, l£u«Miti 9 ITXolc*SLiu, An^olin, nml £*«lk H A T S . ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTING OF Otter, Shetland Sent, IVulrin, nud Jlmlirat. ALSO, Men’s and Youths' Cloth and Velvet CAPS, PRINTING, OF AU. Kisns, IjONK AT SHORT NO TICK, IN A NEAT PTTLK, AND ON Tin: MOST RKASON.WM.r. TKR'IS, AT THE OFFICE OF THE — seen .IS PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, LAV/ BLAUKS, HAHD8ILLS, HORSE-BIItLS, 1ABEX.S, sreA;H»9»»:- WJERE-RiOJfSE RECRIJPTSj (3cc. &c. izc. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF pm. ;sass^ Of use in this Siatfe, printed on fine paper, in legal form; constantly kept on hand, and for sale at very low prices. Macon, June 1. 1843. 38 Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealette do Do do Glazed do (sciitlcineij’s i¥avv Caps: A LARGE LOT OF Men’s and Boys’ JSiacfc and Drub SPORTLVtt HATS; Together t*ilh an extensive Stock of Men’s and Boys’ BI:tck anil Drab W O O L EI A T $ , ttc. 03* The attention of those in want of any articles in this line, is respectfully invited. Store on Second Street, a few doors above llie Wash ington Hall, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Wlii ting & Mix. ■wa. rso' ja-Ei s© _ Otter, Miiik,':intl ECaecoou Skins, for which the Cash will be paid. Macon. Jan 30. 1844 18 GEO. I. SHEPARD. ritesit ©RUGS AWD I?I£5>5€IA T ES. r ONTINtJED. supplies of tbe best quality ot the a- hove articles, suitable lor Pby- siciaus. Merchants, anJ Fami lies, received a fid for sale by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS. fune 4, 1844. 36 * Cotton A venue. Macon, Gs. URDU*, MBMCIAJ5S. xVc. Td I* Jiffs it in ttg cmJ I* I a tih rs : rrUlK subscriber is now receiving every week, fi e*h sup X plies of MEDICINES, which are very carefully «*■* lected for him in the Northerh markets; anti having adopt ed the CASH SY»STKM entirely., is enabled to sell ‘it very reduced prices. Physicians and others, having opportuni ties of 5£aditi2io hioi, may rely upon havidgiheir order* ex* ecuted upuu the must favorable terms. The quality ufthe articles will he the Very best, aud ;be price* as low as if they attended personally to the purchase of them. , * UAHVEY RHOTWKLL, May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. Galli^hait’K I*ill«. V FEW dozen Gnllighan’s Tills, a it infallible remedy for Chills and Fever, just received and for sale by HARVEY ^UOTWKLL, May 14 23 Corner opposite the Centra! Hotel. lVUOtESALE AND 1C JOT AIL. »rgi«. aeon, July 2, IS44. To Country Merchants* W. M. YOUNG, At Iiio U’UOLBHALE KOOJIS.ovcr bis Store, IN SAVANNAH, GEO. 3 IR I/ M © <& W K Si ® E m & H A v E com antly on liaml, and offer h r sale at prices a* low as c in be purchased in the southern country, a plead id assortment ot PlANO-FOltTES, from the Celebrated and longestablislied Manufactories of .Y tt it us if Clark and ,T. Chickcrins. The wail known reputation of these Manufactories pre eludes the neceasity of commenting upon the excellence ol their instruments, which have stood the test of every cl’ mate, for many vears. ALAR G‘E ASSORTMENT OF VIOLIAN. Ml’l'EICIOK (IIIITAR8, BPOI.E8, TBOIIBOHK6, TRUJI PUTS. UOBI48, CLABIONETS, FLAGROLKTS, FIVES, Ac. Ac. Ac. Violin, Guitar, and oihrr Strings; Clarionet Reeds Tuning Hauiiiiera and Forks; Violin Bows; Music Pa per, Ac. Ac. forming as complete anassnnraenl of musical merchandize, ns can be found in the southern country. A. they import direct from the Manufactures, they are enabled to sell their goods at the very lowest prices. li. A: V. have in addition to their catalogue, au assort ment of POISE KIEV MUSIC. Qj*Ulusic sold at reduced prices. Terms Cash. May 17. 184A 33 THO U AS TAYLOR, ON COTTON AVENUE AND SECOND STREET JDJB.3X.Milt LI’ ©©©©§» CHOICE UltOCEElES, Ac. Ac. &r. OFFERS FOR SALE, AT'VERY LOW PRICES •_>/ W k BAGS old Java. Rio, Cubs, and Laguira Coflee. •jUU 25 bbde St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars. 5 000 lbs. Standard Crushed nml Double Loaf Sugar. 20 bbils Cuba Molasses, 30boxes Castile, Fancy, ami Variegated Soaps, 40 do Sperm and Hull’s Patent Caudles. 30 do Colgate's and Hull's Steam Soap, No. 1, 800 Sacks Sait, large size, 20 boxes Tobacco, 25 dozen Long-handle Shovels and Spades, 100 kegs Cut Nails and Brads, 1,000 lbs. Bar Lead, 600 lbs. Smoothing Irons, 200,000 Cut Tacks, 50,000 lbs. Swedes Iron, assorted, 1 j to 10 in. wide, 2.000 lbs- German Blistered and Cast Steel, 100 bags Patent Shot. 10 doz. Wilson’s Coffee Mills, SO doz. Halter Chains, 100 doz. superior Blacking, 20 do Shoe Brushes, 10 do Curry-Combs, 15 do Patent Razor Strops, 10,003 lbs. Hollow Ware. (assorted sizes.) 50 reams super Blue & White Ruled Letter & Cap Paper. 60 do Wroppiii" Paper, 500 boxes Table Salt, GOOps. superior Gunny and heavy Dundee Bagging, 1,000 lbs three-ply Bagging Twine, 10 boxes Cotton and Wool Cards. 40 dozen Pails. Mats, Brooms, and Seives, 60 do X’en, Pocket, and Fancy Knives, 75 do Knives and Forks, 100 do (luilled Top, Side,and Dressing Combs, 12,000 SEGARS. 20 boxes Imperial, Hyson. Pourliong and Souchong Teas, Spices,of all kinds; London Mustard; Indigo; Madder; Copperas; Sal Aeralus; Saltpetre; Epsom Salts; Starch; Scotch and Macabov Snuff—together with an assortment of DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, GEi). ,1. IPS. 1ISSS-.RIj I\ R ESPECTFULLY informs hi*old customer* ami tbe public generally, that lie is now receiving from tbe celebrated Hat Manufactory of John Hunt & Co., a very- extensive assortment of HATS AND CAPS, embracing every style and quality. Among hi* assortment may be found 10 do*, fashionable Heaver Hats, 20 doz. do Causimere Hals, 2 0 doz. do Russia Hals, 20 doz. do Moleskin lists 1 doz. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO. ONE HUNDRED DOZEN 1SICOA1) It KIM Reaver, JYutria anti Russia HATS, warranted more-durable han any Hats ever sold In Macon. Also, 50 doz. Youth’s and Children’s Hats, 20 do*. do. do.' Caps. ALSO. 20 doz. black and drab Spotting Hats, Together with a general assortment of FUR CAPS, CONSISTING IN TAUT OF 3 doz. PREMIUM OTTER CAPS, 5 dt-z. Sea Otter Caps, 5 doz. Super Nutria Caps, 20 doz. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 doz. Men’s aud Boys’ Seal Caps, 50 doz. do. do. Sealette Caps. ALSO. Laiup Oil. A BEAUTIFUL article of Bleached Spenn Oil. f»r sola l.v HARVEY SHOTWELL. Mav 14 33 Carpenters’® kh«1 Sandb’ Sarsa“ pari Hr , 71 OR sale at the proprietors’ prices,' by » HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. TSSSRt’TTIIIs &£td Milters, 1710 R sale at the proorictnr’s prices, by JT ‘ HARVEY SHOTWELL. May 14 33 Corner opposite the Ceuiral Hotel. LiUNced Dll anil Train ttil, Oil sale low by HAHVKY SHOTWELL, j/ May 14 Corner opposite tbe Central Hoteir S:i! Siratus, iF supetior quality, just receivetl and for sole bv 7 May 14 HARVEY SHOTWELL; PaiBls and rAn KEGS Nos.l and 2 White Lead. V/ 300 gallons Linseed Oil, 200 do Lamp Oil. With a variety ofColors I'orl’ainiers'use, for ale by Julv 6 4it CHAS. CAMPBELL & CO ia. & j. UKS, e AVE just leceivc-j. Fresh Mackerel. H'Canal Flour. llegala «V Principe Segura, New Buckwheat, in half and quarter bunds. Together w ith Biiggiok'- §»ga:, 4,’effcc, &c. &c. Macon. Nor 28 2 NEW B002S AHD SHOES, Just Kcccivctl on Soeoml Sticct. S rglliE undersigned would inform their - JL friends ami the public generally, that ste they have received a large assortment of GENTS. FINK BOOTS and SHOE?’ ho- with a full supply of low priced SEWED and PEG BOOTS, and SHOES. Also, Ladies’ SHOES of all kinds and qualities, with a full supply of MISSES’ A CHILDREN’S SHOES, which they would invite all those that are in want of any of the above articles to come trod ex amine our assortment, confident that both quality and price will be made satisfactory. WHITING & MIX: Macon, April 0. 1844. 28 STEW BOOTS AMD SEC2S. ra-tllE subscribers have received, do r .8. ring llie last two weeks, and are „ 111 js--, cons! antly receiving, a large, new mid well selected stock of BOOTS and SHOES. of all descriptions—which the offer at wholesale and retail, at very moderate prices. They invite all those who wish to purchase, to give them a call, and they will endeavor to suit in price and quality. rs/c.c , ^ __ , __ . _, » , Alsu, kept constantly on hand. Soal Leather, Calf Skills, 200 <IOZ. 3Icn’S and Boys’ Black, and Linim-S Lasts, Thread. Shoe Pegs, and all other articles Drub I used Hi manufacturing Hoots and Suoes. WOOL MATS. At the old stand, sign of the Big Boot, Mulberry street. AH of which will be sold lor Cash, at prices which can- | Macon, May 7. 1844. 32 Si KONG A \\ OGD. not fail to give satisfaction. Purchasers are invited to call and examine at the old stand, sign of the “HIGHAT," Mulberry Strer t. Beaver, Otter, Mink, ft Coon Skins, 59for which the cash will be paid. Macon. Oct 17.1813. 3 HATS; CAPS, SADDLERY, Boots and Shoes. Macon, Nov 14.1843. Choice Canal Flour. A FRESH supply just received and for sale by „ „ „ . ... „ . ! "£L THOMAS TAYLOR. \TT0ULDinform Country Merchants, vismngSavsnnah. j Ju , „ 40 Q n Cotton Avenue and Second st. 11 fur their supplies, that, by the 1st ol September next, i 1— and tliroughout the season, he will have on hand, .Bust llCCCit C(l, THK liKST ASSORTED STOCK. OF i Second street, a fresh supply of French Calf Boots __ t c* V7 superior article. Also, Ladies’ Shoes, of various kinds DR1-GOODS, ^ - ,,,mnn,v B cassar Oil, celebrated f or beauufying aud preserving the llair; Tliompvm’, Eye-Water; Scudder'a Eye-Water; Scudder'a Acoustic Oil, lor Deafness; Erasive Powder, for removing aiaius, grease. Ac., from Dresses; Ccrral Tooth Powder, in Boxes-, Roussell’s Shaving Cream, a ve- ry superior article; Lee’s Villa; Bear's Oil; Corn Salve; Phelps' Tomatto Pills; Solidified Copaiva; Extract Bucb cr; Ewrns's Patent Spread Plasters: C menu of Drafts. Notesand Bills, and transaclingaU kinds of business in the above place*. . They have also extended their arrangement to run tlieir Express by die Southern Boats tc Picolaw, in Florida, and intermediate places on that route. Tliry intend to put on Teams, to run regularly through fi >m menu to Columbus, under their own charge, to carry all kinds of Merchandize, with all reasonable despatch aud pread Plasters ' Cooper’s Coro j safety .on the first of October next. Salve; Seidiitz Powders, pure; Soda Powders ; Yeast Pow ders. to make Light Cakes or Bread, instantaneous. June 4, 1844. 36 Notice. A LL persons having claims against B. 8. Newcomb, or II. S. Nmvcomb & Co. ate requested to present diem I lor settlement; and all indebted, will save themselves trou-1 ole and expenses, by paying without we having recourse I to the services of an May 20. 1844. R. NEWCOMB A CO. Mav 21 BAf O.V : IM( 0\!! ( WI’BBS. superior Georgia Cured BACON-* •HV/V Hams, Shoulders,.and Sides, for sale by BEDDING A WHJTEHEAJL). MACON— Office at the Washington Hath 8AVANNA11—Office at A’o. 153 iJzrji street. DO. 8. Philbrick, Agrut.for receiving and fortrardint* Goods and Afcrchnndise. CHARLESTON, S. C—Amos Head.Agent, No. 06,East Bay. ^ July 4 40 tf M.B.BALL A CO. Dissolution. T IIE Co partnership heretofore existing under filename of HAMILTON A WINN, expires ihis*day by its limitation. All persons indebted, nre requested to pay up the amount of their indebtedness to John D. Winn; and those having claim* against them, to hand them into him lor set tleiueni. \V M. HA.M1L1UW. Macon, July 9, 1844 41 JOHN D. WINN. TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. N, B.—His business being for Cash, enables him to offer GOODS less than the Market Prices. Those wishing cred it, by giving an approved acceptance or endorsement, can have such time as they wish, at my Cash Prices—Interest for the time being added. KF No. 2, Shad’s Buildings, Savannah. The lower floor of bia Store, as usual, will he occupied for. his RE TAXI. BUSINESS, where Planters laying in their supplies, will find it for their interest to call. His Slock of DRESS GOODS, of all kinds, House keeping Articles, and Plantation Goods, will be found ex tensive, and in great variety—much larger than in any Re tail Store in the City, qnd at such prices that cannot tail to please. August 20,1844. 47 5t Ladies’ Riding Caps, O F superior quality, and a variety of patterns—-to which the atteutiou of the Ladies is particularly invited. Together with several new styles of Gentlemen's Cloth Caps, Navy Caps, Ac. Just received and for sale by April 30 31 GEO. I. SHEPARD. Snuff* and Tobacco. R/l’ACABOY, Scotch, and American Gentleman Snuff, lfl of superior quality. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Just received aud lbtsaleby II. SHOT\k ELL.' June 4. 1844. 36 MORRISONS Vegetable Universal medicines, P OR sale bv GEO. W. PRICE A CO Mav 5 Exchange on IVew-York, F OR.ate by THOS. TAYLOR. October 3 1 Potash, T71IRST quality, for sale l»w by JH May 14 33 HARVEY SHOTWELL. 40 WHITING A MIX. Inverness, Dundee, and Gunny SMGGIi\G. T HE subscribers have on baud and offer for sale on ac commodating terms, a large and well selected stock of Colton Bagging, consisting of Inverness, Mackintosh brand, * 1| to IJ—44 In. do. do. 1 j to —42 “ Dundee, Sun Hemp, Double Thread, 2 to 1 J—44 to 46 “ do. Russia, Hemp, Sanderson, 2 toll—44 •• do. do. Baxters, 2 to 1 j—42 to 44 “ Gunny Bagging, - to 2$—44 to 46“ ‘ ANDREW LOW A CO. Savannah, June 28. 1844. 2m 40 Messenger copy 2m, H. B. Sc J. W. ELDER, H AVE removed their STOCK OF GOODS to the Store lately occupied by E. Blake, adjoining Ousley A Jewett’s Ware-House. Macon, June 2, 1844. 36 COOK'S ANTI-SILIOUS FILLS. F Oll the Cure of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Ac. For sale by J. H. A W. S. ELLI^- Oct 31 5 .Hacon Ivon S' Brass JFonndry AKD MACHINE SHOP. M ILL and Gin Gtering, Steam Engine Work, Iron and Brass Castings of every description, made to orJer.and WoitK inJGeneral, corner of Fourth and Walnut Streets. 03“ The highestprii-es will be paid for Old Coppcij Brats, Lead, and I'atl Jan 31 17 QROCERSES. 1 /V HHDS. St. Croix Sugar, i 1_/ 15 do Porto Rico do 5 bis. Crushed do 5 do Powdered do / 6 boxes Refined Loaf Sugar, 150 bags Rio Coffee, , 25 do prime Old Java; 75 kegs Powder, 20 boxe* Soap. 10 do Starch, 25 do Sperm Candles, 5 do Hyson Tea; All.of which will be sold at the lowest cash price*. June 4, 1844. J16 A. G. BUTTS. Wanted, 1 riAM LBS. Bee’s Wax. bv X .UUU JAMES W. BAILEY, Druggist, May 14 Two doors above Boardman’s Book Store. For Sale at Bailey’s Drug Store, I ( >oxes Window Glass.300 kegs While Lead, J. (J'J 300 gallons Linseed Oil,5 bbls. Spirit Turpentine, 2 bbls. Copal Varnish, 1 do. Japan do. ALSO. 300 gallons Lamp Oil, 200 gallons Train Oil, 100 gallons Neatsfoot Oil. May 14. 1844. 33 Trace Chains, Anvils, Bellows and Vices. yirkfkpr. Trace Chains, 30 Anvils, 4tV/Lr 60 Vices, 20 pr. Blacksmith’s Bellows. 150 Hand and Sledge Hammers, 40 double band Screw Plates,assorted, j tol inch. 40 Filth Chains, 2,000 lbs. Hook Hinges. 100 sets Wagon Boxes, 300 lbs. Bagging Twine, 100 Tea Kettles, 100 Sauce Pan*. 1,000 lbs. Bar Lead, 20 dozen Kntb Locks, 1 Iron Chest. ALSO, A complete assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, TABLE KNIVES &, FORKS, Just received and for sale by Macon. Nov 14.18«3. 7 E. B. WEED. Bagging and Rojpc. PIKCES-heary Gunny Bagging, yUU 100 “ Kentucky do 50 “ Rusta. do 200 “ Co*ls Monilla Rope, 500 lbs. Bagginp Twine. For sale on reasonable terms by CHAS. CAMPBELL ACo August 2 - 47 worked F 1 pifee. Collars. A* we bought them at 200 French INE Moslin and heavy work. Anttion in New York, we can sell them at 50 cents a Call soon for bargains, at CRANE A CLARK’S. April 9. 1844. 28 Bailey’s Sarsaparilla, A CURE for all disorders arising from a bad state of ■ the blood, for sale at July 16, 1344. JAMES W. BAILEY’S 42 ROBT. FINDLAY. CAI,I-*KI\S7~ J UST RECEIVED.a lot of Calf-Skins, a superior arti cle, finished after the French style. Also.Northern SOLE-LEATHER, SHOE-THREAD SPA1NTLKS, Ac. Jan 8, 1344 • 15 GEO, W. PRICE. For Sale, A LIKELY MULATTO WOMAN, a good Seam- itres* and Pastry Cook. Forparticulora.apnlv to GEORGE ROBINSON, June 18 38 Office late Ocinulgce Bank. Bird’s Kye, "JUST received, an assortment nf Bird’, Eye and plain «* Tuscan Bowtu; also, a few A -bland Chip, a beautiful al tj c le. GEO. W. PRICE. ■Inly 2.7, IS! I. « j Prir. ■ Keese Feathers. i 1)1)11 LBS. ; ust received un.l -r sale by 1 UUU GRAVES, WOOD A CO. April 30, 1SU, 31 «RAYES, WOOD & CO. K ESPECTFULLY invite llie aiieulion of Merchants aud Planters lo iheii Stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SHOES, &c. now in store, and to which constant additions of fresh go<-d* Will be added during the season, rendering their assortment at all times Very complete, and which will be sold low lor cash, or to good customers. Tbe following goods may bfc found in their assortment i 5 Bales Ticking, * 10 •• Osnalrorgs. 30 “ Sheetings and Shirtings, 4 Cases Bleaehtd do do 1000 Pieces English ami American flint*. 50 “ {scutch and Earlston Ginghams, 5 Bales Stripes and Checks, 5 “ , 3-4, 4-4. and 5-4 Power Loom Rhirtingi 130 Pieces Plaid Jaconets and Swiss Muslins. 50 “ Muslins ana Lawns, 50 “ Ky. Jeans and Sattiuetts. 300 * Nankeen, 25 “ Brown Linens, 25 “ Irish do. ISO Doz. Head Hdkfs. 200 Flagg do. 25 Pieces Silk dn: Fancy Hdkfs. slid Shslvll, 150 Doz. Hosiery (assorted) 50 “ Gloves do. 50 “ Suspenders, 600 ’• Spool Thread) 100 lbs. Black aud colored Linen Thread, 200 * Turkey Cotton, Col’d Cambric*. Vestings, Ribbons, Tapes, Cords Sewing Silks, Ac., Ac. Musquito Nettings—Carpetting iOO Cases Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes, 15 Bonnets (all kinds) 200 Doz. Palm Leaf Hats (all kinds) 200 Reams Letter, Foolscap, and Wrapping Paper, 2 Casks Sad Irons. 1 cask Corry Combs, 6 “ C. S. and Carolina Hoes, 2 do Traces, Wagon Boxes, Fry Pans, Sauce Pans, Tea Kettles. Knives and Forks, Pocket and Card Knives. Pad Locks, Plate Locks, Butt Hinges and Screws, 200 lbs. Pin*. . Buttons and Combs of every description. Percussion Caps. Spoons. Ac Ac., 25 Hhds. P. K., S. C. and N. O. Sugars, Bbls. Pulverized and Crushed Sugar, Boxes White Havanas do. Bbls. Loaf and Trinidad do. 400 Bags Rio aud Java Coffee, 10 Chests Fresh Teas. 30 Tons Iron, Flat, Hound, and Square (all sizes) Cast, German and Blister Steel, Anvils, Vicesand Bellows, 40,000 lbs Castings, 250 Kegs Nail* and Brad*, Bagging, Rope and Twine) 200 Bag* Shot, 2000 lbs. Bar Lead, Kegs Powder, Canister da: 50 Boxes Soap, 30 !* Sperm Candles, 30 “ Tallow do. 20 “ Starch. 10 “ King A Collins’ Axes, 20 “ Coffee Mills, 10 “ Shoe Tack*. , 50 " Cotton Cards, No. 8 and 10; 20 Bbls. Copperas. 20 ** Tanner’* Oil, 10 u Vinegar, 2 ' Ceroon-i Indigo, Sal Em'is, Epsom Salts, Madder. Ginger, Pepper,Spice, Nutmegs, Clove.-, Cassia, Camphor, Brimstone, Blue 8tona,8aItPetrc, Faints,Oils, Glas*. Putty, Varnish. Turpentine, Sperm Oil, Ac., Ac. 2000 Sack* Sait, 50,000 lb*. Bacon. 10 Tons Grindstone;. Micon, March 28, I84t.