Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, December 17, 1844, Image 1

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sag ^L‘iS2.2 J ®2a^‘®'3So rESLlSHF.9 K v E R r Tl'ESIlO MOUSING, BY PRINCE * PRINGLE, AT S3 PKR ANN* 7 **, ,:>l HJVAStCp. RovkutiskmksT* hoi sxe.eedirig 12lines, will beinaerled jnetime for ON9 DOLLAR; aud rirTV cents for each ' Sheri ll's, Tax Collectors’and Coroners' Sties, are cliar- f ed by ihtLrvJ. . A reason able tied action seby U>® year. • Letters on l«usines,i ,,/povt secure attention ,'ill be made to those wlioadver- connected wi*li the Office, must L:i w Notice. T nR undersigned have associated themselves in the practice of the Law. and will civ*- prompt attention in such business is mnv he entrusted to their care. Tliev will atten 1 the allowing Coons: Bibb. Crawford, Monroe. Twiggs. Jones. Wilkinson. Hou vton. Pula Ski, Hen* rv and Pike. ’ ‘ ffiJ*OPF ICR over R Tt Wk ten's Store, two doors be low W. B. Johnston, on Mulberry street. A. P. POWER?. L. N WHITTLE. Macon, March 26, 1844. 26 JOSEPH B. CLAPP. Attarnrr at Law, Vienna, Ilonlv county. May 10 32 Georgia. J. S. DT'aJBTARD* • ATTORNEY AT l-JV, j in 05 PERRY. GEO. Law Notice. T HE undersign e-i will give tlielr joint and undivided at- tention to ant professional business confided to them in the comuies of Bibb. Houst-n. Pulaski, Macon. Dooly Sumter. Lee. Baker, Thomas, Decatur, Early, Randolph. And in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of Georgia. . For ihc convrmcnre of their clients, they have opened of- fiee* in Macon, and in Albany. Ga. Letters to the firm, ad- dressed to either place will receive their prompt attention. • tjy Office in dac m, formerly occupied bv Dr. Randolph. Office in Albany, building east of the Courier Office. R. K & J. B. HINES. 1 3tn MM XEW SERIES—VOL. 1. \0,12. M:\C0X, i TUESDAY DECEMBER 17,1844. WHOLE AO. 947 ■ - 5*P f || as c«uw of regret, that any urmece^nry delays sboulti e permitted to intervene It is true, in a pecuniary point of view, the matters alluded to, arc altogether *na:gm- floant in amount when compaie»i with the ample reaouiV'M of that great nation ; bu they, nevertheless, more paiticula r • ly that limited class which arise under seizures orni deten tions of American ship* on the coast of Africa. upon the inis taken supposition indu'ged in at the lime the wrong was •omniilted. of their berr.g cn^n^cd in the d.ivc trade cicr-p- If affect the sensibilities ol ihi* Government and people. Great Britain having recognise 1 her responsibility to repair all such wrongs by her action in other case*, leave" nothing to be regretted upon the subject, a- 1 to oil cases prior to the Treaty of Washington, than the d«d.iy in making -suitable reparation in such ol shorn as lu.i plainly the p» in* .- j pie of others, which >he lit JB FU Sill O.V.1 BEK HAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. .■& iaiis2‘.<k2:x» GEO. I. SiiEPARD, I, receiving weekly additions to his hitherto splendid stock of HATS AND CAPS. DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. He i.i n >w prepared to offer rake INDUCEMENTS to city nnd country purchaser,. Possessing advantages excelled by no Hni Establishment Buckets in neats in the State, he will afford his Goods .it da loir, or perhaps Corn. peas, oats, rye, bran, loicer prices. Every style of HATS AND CAPS may be found at bis Store. AMONG THEM . FASHIONABLE, MEDIUM, AND BROA D BRIM Brnrcr, Nutria, Caasinicr, Russia, Hole-Skin, An irolin. aud Milk HATS. ALSO, A FhVR ASSORTMENT OF RATES OF FOUGHT OF THE CLWTRAL HAIL-ROAD. FROR SAVANNAH TO STATIONS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE. nfliore.i by delu\a in &.» •CIU * with severity upon the iruiividu.: | strong appeal to her marnar.itnit j speedy settlement. Other inat:< j structiot) of existing treaties nls | will continue to be urged upon In Barrels of Molasses end Oil. Do. do. all other kinds. Wet..... Do. do. do. do. Dry...... Hall Barrels, Wet.......................... Brooms, in bundles, per dozen.. WAS 111 \ GTON H V Id,, »f ICO.T, GEORGIA. t IN HE subscriber has again taken this Eslai I. lishment, where be will always be bop p.- io attend to the calls of his old customers, and the Unveiling public generally. Macon, June 20 38 8 LANIER_ MARIETTA HOTEL, Cobb County, GEORGIA. CONSISTING OF Otter, Shetland steal, .Nutria, and Muskrat. ALSO. Men’s and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CAPS, Do do Hair Seal do Do do Scalene do Do do Glazed do Gentlemen’s lYavy Caps; A LARGE LOT OF Men’s anti Hoys’ Black anti Drnl> SPORTING HATS; Together w.itli.nn extensive Stock of Men’s and Boys’ Black anti I)rnl> W O O L u A T S, A c. Cbairs, per dozen..........,.i. j:.'.........-.I..'...... . ...... Do. llo*’Vinp t-*ce, cacti........— - - ... Carboys of Vitriol.Ac...... .................. Carriages and Barouches, four wheels. '. Do. Buggies, double.... Do. do. single and Gigs...... .....*... — .. ........ ..._..... . Do. Sulkeva..". Common Jersey Wagons, without covers, and Horse Carts.....i............. Coaches, Postand Stage and Road Wagons.........................— ..... Collars, per dozen Cotton, per 100 lbs — Demijohns. Jars and Jugs, not exceeding 2gallons............. ............. Do. do. do. over ~ “ ..................... Ducks and Fowls, in coops, per head...... .... ........ ..... — ....... Eggs, per dozen.. Geese and Turkeys ......................... .. ..................... Grindstones, per 100 lbs Horses, Mules, Oxen, and Cows, per bead 1. .............................. Do. do. do. do. do. 2 each.............. Do. do. do. do. do. 3 do........ Do. do. do. do. do. 4 do.... Hogs and Calves Hhds. and Pipes Liquor not exceeding 120 gallons.................. Do. Molnssesand Oil.ordinary size. Iron in pigs or bars,castings for mills, and oilier machinery. Kegs Liquor, uot exceeding 5 gallons Do do 10 do. ............................. Measurement Goods, per cubic foot - ..... Ploughs, each - .......... Salt in sacks, not exceeding 4 bushels [CP The attention of those in want of any articles in ibis ^eep, Lanibs. Goats. Kids, Deer and Pigs, per head * * * '* line, is respectfully invited. r Sugar, Coffee. Rice, Bagging, Hardware, and such other artiales ns go by weight’ Store on Second Street, o few doors above the Wash- _ -per 100 lbs ligned have taken this spacious Hotel, for- ington Hall, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Whi * tby Benson Roberts. Esq., and are now ting A Mix. __. .. ern 11 i o.~:i:.. mm/' .m TW’’B' Special contracts tnav rriiiE undersi i merly kept . ready for the reception of Travellers and Families visiting the up-country. The subscribers pledge themselves to use every exerttor for the oonifert of their patrons. ' " — THOMAS B. DANIEL, AHT" “ JEREMi; Marietta. Jan. 1.1844. LEAK. 27 Fire Insurance* CAPITAL $303,000- rpUE New York Contrihntianakip Fire Intnranet J Company, havinj.e.stablislied sp-iAgencv in Macon, will Insure Buildings, Merchandize, He .sehold Furniture tad ev-ry desoriptbu of Properly, again*t 1m*» or Dam- age by Ftrt. BOND * MURDOCK, Agents. Macon. April 30.184^. , , 31 ly Fire Insurance. 1 1HE Undersigned, Agents Ibr the iElria Insurance Company ui Hartford Cnnh., are prepared to take risks on B'lU lings, Merchandize in Store and Cotton to Ware house*, iulhe Citv of Macon and ttsviqjnily, againa REA & COTTON, A^U Feb 7 . 23 ly ■ysxr /ML TT MES Otlor, tlink. a*«d Uaccoon Meins, for which the Cash will be paid. Macon. Jan 30. 1844 18 GEO. I. SHEPARD. WHOLESALE A«l‘ RETAIL. GEO. .1. KElIISEitE 1*, ESPECTFUbLY informs his old customers and the R celebrated public generally, that be ia now receiving from the rated llat Manufactory or John Hunt &. Co.,a very Cxttnsive assortment of IVoticc. ■« . ... V LL persons having claims against B. S B. S. NKtveoMn »V Co. ate i^quesied to present them far settlement j and all indeb ed. will «a*e themselves trou- Me tn.| expenses, by paving without we having recoursh o the services of an attorney, ‘' > May 20. 1844. 34 B. 8. NEWCOMB .V CO. pfirae Gccsc Feathers. Hitt) Lm . us received an i -»r sale by GRAVES WOOD A CO. Aon Ml '?•! • Lxeliaii^c osi ATew-Yorli, INOll .Je by T1103. TAYLOR. fi. 1 October 3 1 J , t:t t > j 1 BRICKS, of the best quality. For sale I by * J. A. RALSTON. Jlsom Sept 10, 1844. 50 .Gim-E’-owdcr. .) *T KEGS Sporting v-k do July 30 SLj o. 1*7 ■? I1AG3 Shot, asst ( I IJJ0 Ibt I.»*aiL f.> I Jtilv 30 - Choice POWDER. • or -slirh' tvOlfli A ML’UDOi ted *ixe< hli ed. BOND jt MURDOCK. iliU f li tuK s t'ltKSH,just received THOMA? itfort AdCBui •or sale bv fAYLOM r nil Second a<. y tN Second sir. >• *»uperi<irartitde ■ July t 40 I OrVC it' iieecirpd, '■ •i G'csb supply of French" Ca'.f Bouts Ladies’ S)me» ••Irnruntr hit at. WHI rING tc MIX. HATS AMD CAPS, embracing every style and quality. Among his asaortnieu may be found. 10 do*, (asbionable Beaver Hats, 20 doz. do- Caasirtiere Hats, 10 doz. do Russia Hals, 20 doz. do - Moleskin Ilats 1 doz. Angola Silk Hats. . . ALSO. ONE HU*DICCD DOZEN * BUO.tD BRI.1I Stcftver, JVvtrlfl and Slussia HATS, warranted more durable ban any Hats ever sold ; ib Macon. Alsu, 50 doxi Youth’s and Children’s Hats. , 20 doz. do. do. Caps. . : - ALSO. ■ 20 doz. black and drab Spotting Hats, Together with a general assortment of. ' ■ F IJ 56 C A CONSISTING IN PART OF 3 doz. PREMIUM OTTEH CAPS. ,. 5 d> z. Sea Otter Capa,. ' 5 do*. Super Nulrtn Cap*. 20 do*, do. Muskrat CapS. ‘ . 50. doz. Men’s and Boys’ Seal Caps;’ 50 doz. do. ' ~ rid. Sealttte Capa. ALSO. 20G iloz. nett’s nnd Boys’ Black and Drab WOOL HATS.. All of which will be sold »or Cash, at prices wticb can- twit fail to give satisfa -lion. ■ ■ ■ Purchasers are invited to call and examine at the old stand, sign of the “RIG HAT," Mulberry Streit. Braver. Oiler* Miak, A ( oon Skins, mijrTBA, for which the cash will be paid. Mseon. Oct 17.1813. • i,2,: 4.4J.5, e,7 . 8,9,10 11.12 13,14 . 15.16. . 17,18, Ma con. 5( 75 1 00 1 25 1 40 1 50 5C G5 85 1 00 1 13 1 25 . 38 60 70 7: 75 80 38 50 60 Gl 70 75 25 38 45 51 60 25 30 30 3: 38 40 25 1 3 6 50 56 58 CO e I 10 10 1: 13 13 1 30 2 00 2 50 2 75 3 00 3 25 25 ! 36* 40 43 48 50 r 20 8 00 1 3' .:s oo 6 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 .4 01 5 00 6 00 8 00. 8 50 0 00 4 00 5 00 G 00 7 00 7 50 8 00 |3 00 3 SO, 4 00. 4 5( 1 4 75 l 5 00 * 3 00 3 50 4 00 4 50 1 4 ? 5 I 5 00 8 00 10 ool 4 OO* 15 00 •17 00 18 00 38 50 C8 70 I "3 75 25 30| 35! 40 42 25 30 32 34 36 38 50 55 60 65 70, ! 75 3 3 i 3- 3 3 3 1 1 i 1 2 1 10 10 10 l 10 10 10 25 30' 33 35 38 40 4 00 6 00 8 00 9 00 9 50 10 00 3 00 4 00 6 00 7 00 7 50 8 00 2 50 3 50 5 50 G 50 7 00 7 50 2 00 3 00 j 5 00 6 00 6 50 7 00 63 1 00 1 50 2 00 0 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 4 .50 4 75 5 00 3 00 4 00 T 5 00 5 r.o 5 75 G 00 25 30' 33 35 38, 40 23 251 25j 31 35, 33 35 40 50 55 CO, 03 5 8 10 12 13 15 30 50 60 65 70' 75 31 38 50 56 08 00 25 37 j 50j 75 1 00 i 1 00 25 Jlpc 35' L ' i 40 45 50 55 25 25 25 25 251 25 the freight of the following articles. marble or other ar- Sperial contracts may be made ' when in large quantities, without regard to tile established rates, viz: Corn, and all Kinds m grain ; 5 and cattle ; iron in.bars or pigs, machinery, mill gearing, Ac.; sawed lumber mill stones, grindstones, tides of stonii; salt, fire wood, staves, shingles, bay iu bundles, barrels tar, pitch or turpentine. Freight at the above rates, or by special contract, to be under the following stipulations, viz: No cti im for damages on articles transported by tins Company unless the packages are examined and identified in the presence of an officer of the Company before the same are removed from the Depot. Not accountable for the leakage of liquors, oil or molasses, breakage of glass or crockery ware, chafing of bagging, carriages, chairs or furniture. Not ac- eonmablefor breakage of bollowware. No interim! injury, not clearly perceptible on the outside of the paikaee. will be allowed for, unless established to have occurred on board the car. Not accountable for the decay of perishable articles. Not accountable for livestock; and ho liability for goods evidently Shipped in bad order, or for cooperage of casks ur pack ages. . '■ Cotton received in good ordera* the depots, atid afterwards torn while in possession of the Company, will be mended at their expense. All other damage done to Cotton iu tremtitn will be promptly settled at Savannah. It is understood that this Con pahy will not bold themselves accountable for pillogt!, or damage by the weather, or otherwise, on any freight after being landed at the place ofde*ti*iMion - r The Company will not be accduntablo for Passengers’baggage, unless pin in the baggage ear incharge of the con- ducu\r. * . - • .-• " 7-: • The Companv will liaveagents at stations 8, IO, 1 'll, 12. 13,14". 15. 16,dnd 17. and at Macon,to attend totliedelivery and forwarding of good. All merchandize not to be forwarded Will be retained at the respective depots at the head of the road one week, free of expense, alter which storage will be charged at the Savatiiinh rales. Goods destined for points beyoad Macon, will be forwarded by wagons by the Company's agent, free of commissions. Gunpowder prohibited. / , ■ .• j/ THOMAS PURSE, Genera! Superintendent Transportation. Ssvannah. April 23, 1844. RATES OF FREIGHT AND PASSAGE ON THE MONROE RAILROAD. DIS1AHCR8 IN !MlIiIS<4 PROJI illAC ON. 5 | 13 | 19 | 24 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 46 | 52 | 60 6’t jpno.vt .T/.ICO.!’ TO X l “ .1 25 j 65 25 A i« Cfio:iI*8 ! Cloal. ■! I V l» ll »AABLi: IIATS. AT THE IVI5’»V HAT AIVD CAP STORE. 'BUIE subscriber hns received tlie SPUING I. ASHION for rial*, the -d**i ahd light- esi article ever offered in ibis market. Also, Panama, Leghorn. Palm Leaf. Drab Beaver, i Oiler, Russia, and Pearl Cassimer—broad A, AUlEs’ and Gentlemen'* Cloth Cloaks, of the Mlest ; brim and fashionable. Allnf which will be sold low for L »Kle..ju*t received by . 4 CASH. . GEO. I- SHEPARD. a k saulsbury. 32 ■ On. 29, |A LARGE lantMWW of Over Coats, of various quali- |k tie* Just received by \ I Oct 59. 3 J. & E. SaULSBURY. J. * E. SAULSBURY. whirls Nett ami Spun ’Silk Shirts J. A E. SAULSBURY. •NGLISII Water Proof Faceri. Ware, Beaver and • Fancy Cusjmere. Just received bv ■ " '• *’ * Oct 29, 3 , - " * " Under Raker. Litmn* wool. T«»t received by Oct J9, 5 Faitn<-rs; AM prepired i.i.ell great La.-guim in Nrgro Mhoca, (’loik anil ItlanltelK. Give me a call before sup- "S jaorselves. ant i quality. ' er 1, 1844. 1 Biack-Smith Tools, TOR *a|e of good quality, by ... 1 J. N. SEYMOUR. 1, 1841. 1 10 1 25 1 50 30 35 •< s Macon, Slay 7.1844. ~ FASHIONABLE Over ’’rfufs. *<(ra\v nillinery, and Dress I Jinking Fstablisliincnt, (Opposite the Floyd Home, late Central Hotel.) M RS. MASON respectfully informsthfe Ladies of Ma- corland vicinity, that site has just received a new set of the latest fashioned HAT BLOCK8. likewise an im proved PRESSING MACHINE, w hich will enable herto bleach and press all kind, of plain nnd fancy I.EGIIORK nail NTR.4 4V HATS, with greater facility, and with out the risk of scorching the straw, at the follow ing reduced price*, viz: Ladies* size, t" - - - - 73 cents. Misses' do. .......... 50 ” Gentlemen's Panama and Leghorn Hats. 75 “ All altering, .25 extra. Mrs. M. will guarantee to give satisfaction to rlmse who vAV.'.'rT, IVo'.-Ww !?„ p .r ,ce may favor her with their pairoiinge, or return the money. JO4.I.I II N. 8EYMOUH. ’^he bus also received-some plates of fashions, which will j enable her to make Dresses in the most fashionable style, " nnd nt very reduced price*, io suit ilie times. Macon, September 10, 1844. -- 3m , »*>0 .liaron iron d* itrass Mointdry , -v A AD BAClW SHOP. To Beni, II ILL and Gin Greetng. Steam Engine Work, Iron III and liras. Castings^ of every' description, made to order.and Maciiisk Work in General, corner o r Fourth and Walnut it/eets. I,CP The highest prices willbe paid for Olil Coppet, Ilrn.rt, Irtatlj «ui tfurt Inti. ' ,, Junll 17 ROBT. FJNDLAY. I 15 15 15 5 5 15 15 25 25 1 00 25 50 5 25 25 95 2 00 2 50 1 00 • 25 11 25 40 10 6 15 1 75 2 00 50 * 55 35 25 20 20 Gl 6 20 20 30 •30 1 50 1 5011 7512 00 2 3012 60)3 Q0 75 C 25 50 25 75 2 00 1 25 3 50 3 00 2 00 38 2 00 3 00 38 3 00 IS 8 20 2 38 2 75 63 .75 45 32 25 25 7 7 25 25| 40 40' 2 00; 251 25| 1 00 71 25 50 37 88 3 00 1 63, 5 00 3 so; *45f 2 50: 4 Ooj 43! 75 90 10 - 25 3 00 3 50 75 87 05 40 30 30 8 8 30 30 50 50 2 00 25 25 1 25 8 25 50 50 1 00 4 00 2 25 7 00 4 00 50 3 00 5 00 50 To the Senate, and House of Representatives of lhe United Stales: We have continued cause for expressing our gratitude to he Supreme Ruler of the Universe for the benefits and I blessings which our country, under hia kind Providence. | lias enjoyed during the past year. Notwithstanding the j' exciting scenes through which we have passed, nothing lias occurred to disturb the general p**ace. or to derange the harmony of our political system. The great moral specta cle has been exhibited of a nation, approximating iu num ber to 20,000.000 of people, having performed the high anil- important f ncfioh'ol electing their Chief Magistrate for the term ofintir year*, without the commission of tiny net of violence, or tVe manifestation of a spirit of insubordination to the laws. The great ami inestimable right qf. suffrage, has been exe-ciseil by all who were invested with it! under the laws of the different States in a spirit d'etated alone by a desire, in tnesfe’feCtinn of the agent, to advance the inter eBta of the country, and to place beyond jeopardy the icsti tutions tinder which it is our happiness to live* That the deepest interest has been manifested bv our countrymen in the result of the election, is not less ti ue than highly credita ble to them. Vast multitudes nave assembled, from time to time, at various places, for the pm pose of canvassing the merits and pretensions of those who were presented for their suffrages; but no acme-: soldiery has been necessary to restrain, within proper limits, the popular zeal, or to pre vent violent outbreaks. A principle much more controlling was found in Uie love of order and obedience to the laws, which with mere individual exceptions, every where pos sesses the American mind. an*4 controls with at. influence far.owe powerful than host* of armed men. We cannot dwell upon this picture without recognising in it that deep and devoted attachment on the part of the People, to the in stitutions under which we live, which proclaims their pei- petuity. The great objection which has always prevailed a gainst the election, by the people, o» their Chief Executive officer, has been the apprehension oftuinults and disorder which might involve in ruin the entire Government. ‘ A se curity against this, is found not only in the fact before alluded to. but in the additional fact that, we live under a confeder acy embracing already twenty-six States ; no one of which has power to control the election. The popular vote in each State is taken ntthetime appointed by the laws, and such vote is announced by the Electoral Coffee?, without reference to the decision of the other States. The right of j o stipulation t< suffrage, and the mode of conducting the election is regula ted by the laws of each Siate; and the election is distinctly federative in'all its prominent features. Thas it is that, un a variety ofi article* ntwtf like what niighr be the results under a consolidated system 1 bII duty under the act of C riotous proceedings, should they prevail, could only uffect t» e election iu single Sta tes, without disturbing, to any dan gerous extent, the tranquility of others. The great experi ment of a politicaW*anfeder.icy—each member of which is supreme—as to all matters appertaining to its local interests and its internal peace nnd happiness-—while by a voluntary compact with others, it confides to the united power ofall, the protection ofits citizens, In^matters not domestic—has been so far crowned with* suet ess. The world has witness ed its rapid growth in wealth and population; nnd under the guide and direction of a super intending Providence, the de^e'opements of the past may be regarded but as shadow ing forth the mighty future. In the bright prospects of that fut-jie. we shall find, as patriots and philanthropists the highest inducements to cultivate and cherish a love of union, ami to frown down every measure or effort which may be made to alienate ilio States, or the people of the States, in sentiment and feeling, from each other. A rigid and close adherence to the terms of our political compact. and above all, a sacred observance of the guaranties of the Constitution, will preserve union un a foundation which can not lie shaken ; while pe r sonal liberty is placed beyond bat nrd orjeopardy. The guarantee of religious freedom, of the freedom of the press, of the liberty of speech, of the trlai j flatter myself that she w by j or r, of the habeas corpus, and of tne domestic iusiiutios ,l ’ e ' pm . rptntmr t of each of the States—leaving the private citizen in the full exercise of the high and ennobling attributes of his nature j opera and to each State the priviledge, which can only be judi x " ciously exerted by itself, of consulting the means best ealeu lalcd to advance its own happiness—these are the great and \ Einpi important guarantees of the Constitution, which the lovers of liberty must cherish and the advocates of union must ever cultivate. Preserving these, and avoiding all iutetpolations by for ced construction, under the guise of un imagined expedien cy; upon the Constitution, the inlluenoe of our politico! sys tem is destii ed to be as actively and ns beneficially felt on the distant shores of the Pacific, as it is now on those of the Atlantic ocean. The only formidable impediments in the way of its •successful expansion (time and rrpace) are so far in the progress of modification by the improvements of the age. as to render no longer speculative the ability of Rep resentatives from that remote region to come up to the Capitol, so that their constituents shall participate in all the benefit*of the Federal legislation. Thus it js. that in the progress of time, the ineslimat le prirfcip’es of civil liberty will be enjoyed by millions yet unborn, and the greaibene- fit* of our system of Government be extended to no dis tant and uninhabited regions. In view of the vast wilder ness yet to be reclaimed, we may well invite the lover of freedom..of"every lake up his abode among us. and atliA fisin the great work of advancing the standard ufclvi- Iizatinn, and giving a wider spread to- the arts and rctine- KMfih of cultivated life. Our prayers should evermore be offered up to the Father of the Universe, for Ids wisdi rn to j permanent direct us in the path of our duty, so as to enable us to pon- ar.ts, and makes a nsc of justice for a ing out of the cor.- iii ut.udju.stedi and np line t»f tin ! l»y tne two lied by the ich delayed ure of Coa ly appropriation of Stan party,*nod by estabii! iie Ui :reased in.!..:- lost t’iin of the most fr rope a n Power, lipence and 1 'mlly' The labors cd thi Government* run t Treaty of Washington in the commencement press, at the l ist sessic funds to meet the exp< other causes. The Uiutc-d C expresses his expectation that,by ’• energy, the party will bo able to ma' VVe kondnue to receivi assuranci feeling* on the part of all the other Euro pea each and all of whom it is so obviously ocr interest ;c culti vate the most amicable relations. Nor can 1 anticipate the occurrence of any event which would be likely in any do- Sree to disturb those relations. Russia, the gn at northern power, under thejudielmss sway of her Emperor, is c«in stantly advancing iti the rend of science \ud improvement: while France, guided by the councils of her wise sovereign, pursues a.course calculated to coiiFoIidato tne general peace. Spain has obtained n breathing spell of some dura tion from the internal convulsions which have through so many years, marred her ptospority; while Austria, the Netherlands, Prussia, Belg’um and the other powers of Europe, reap a rich harvest of blessings from the prevailing peace. I informed the two Houses of Cotigrc^', in my inessnpc of December lost, that in struct imp*, bad been given to Mr. Wheaton, our Minister at Berlin, to negotiate a treat the Germanic States composing the Zoll y be done—stipulating, as far as it w*as i»ract: plishittforn reduction of ih® vied on our tobacco and other leading articles of og production ; anil yielding ir. return, on our p of duties on such articles, the p»roduction of their indiislryi as should not come Into competition, or but n bunted one. with articles the product of our manufacturing indu.-try-— The executive, in r v*. g such instructions cam.'acred useii as acting in strict conformity with the wi-hes ot Congres*. as made known through several inen^urce wn’cn it i-ad adopted; all directe 1 to t e accomplishment of thi - ,n Pf 11 !' taut result. The treaty was the ref., renegotiated ; by which essential reductions were secure. 1 in the-du'ics ;ev.ed nj the Zoll Verein.on tobacco, rice, and lard, accompanied by iJinission of rnwcoi.ou. free.of duty. In exchange tor which highly important concessions, a redui - tinn of duties, imposed by the laws dft’ne l nued atites, on ^ which were admitted l>*e of press commonly known as tne I com pram ite Uw. and hut few of which weru produci-.l in , the United. S«te», «u Wpulated for on our i'art. 1 ! treaty was communicated to the Se-n:e at an early day o : i its last session, but not acted upon until near its close; wnen, I for the want, n* 1 <m bound to presumc.of lull lime to con- ’ d the cable ind cner vlth it could ■ ac com mies 1c- cuitural re«luctioti ■ctof virtually reje.tin g it, lu consequenre «•* .» i contained in the treaty, l!m its ratification should be ox- njed on or before a day which has alreadv pns-ed — sutmnate these high purposes. One of the strongest objections which has been urged a- gainst confederacies, by writers on Government, is.the 15a- btlitv of the tneinliersto be tampered with by. foreign Gov. ermiients. or the People of foreign Ptates. eitFier iu their so cial affairs, or in Such ns affected the peace of others, or en dangered the safety of the yd.ule Confederacy. Wo Cannot hope lob- entirely exempt from such alter and safety. The United States are beeoin ?n population and i other nations. attract tIic ipus on our peace mg too important TIlHE middle part of the Store now occu- JL pied by the subscriber, suitable for a Milli.iary or Tailoring establishment, as alstf a pan of the tenement above. J*o&se8sfod giv en by the first of October next. Apply to M. S. THOMSON. •fUt S7 t 1844. 48 TO XL N’T. POSSESSION given immediately. The whole of the »pperp»rt of building on the corner of Mulberry [• f.pp.i.ite tile Floyd llnu-e It is Well ■t»d •oiled for o Boarding House, and wHJ be rent- r-that porpose if applied for soon, if not, it will be h*'i»nd rented aacurdipsly. Apply IO M. S. THOMSON; | I-**. Oct. 8, 1844. 2 'ctl Shirt* and Drawers. Lambs PASSENGERS 5 c. pr. mile, (chihlren under lily,. & serru. half pries. Cotton per bale, (round or square) not exceeding400 lbs. weight,.. Cotton per bale, (round or square, over 400 lbs. per lOOiba......... Boxes, bales, ami all measurement goods,........;.per cubic foot, Sagar; Coffee. Utcb. Iron, Hardware, and all other articles that go by weight,.:.;............. ,...f..........per 100 lbs. Hogsheadt ami Pipes of Liquor, .........................each. Hogsheads of Molas-es and Oil................ - - each. Barrels of Liquor, Fish, lleef. Pork, Lime, Ac............. .each, Bhrrfcls of HaUMs8ml Oil........ . ...each, BI*. ol Flour, Potatoes. Fruit. Onions, and all other light bis. each, 1 bis. Pork, Fish. Linuor *c AallKegsof 10 gal*. A upwards each, I bis. Flour, Fruit, Potatoes, Ac... ... — .each, Salt in tacks not exceediug four boshelr,.... each, SaU in sacks-over tour bushels —............ per bushel. Corn, Wheat. Meal, and all other grain iu bags, per bushel. Cotton Bagging,—". 1'..j..........per piece. Boxes of Soap, Candles, &c. of common size......... each, Broomsin bundles... .................per dozen. Buckets. Collare,Scythes,Shovels5t Spades,Sifters,&c.per dozen. Chairs....:..,. ...per dozen. Boxes Fruit, Cigars. Ac.......'. each. All small packages not weighing 10 Jibs, nor measuring 2 feet, each, Blacksmith's Bellos's, ........each. Potatoes, Apples, Az. .....per bushel, Demijohns, lugs. Jars. Ac. not over two gallons,.... ........each, Demijohns, Jugs, Jars, Ac. over two gallons...,.each. Ploughs....... ....yfw,.... each. llalesofHay and Fodder, not over 400 lbs... ..............each." Four Wheel Ctrtiagcs,. .............each,. Two Wheel Carriages................. .................each.! PostanJ StageCddnLes amt Road Wagons,................each, Lumber,sawed and hewed, per 1,000feet, Wood,.... • — .......................percord,! LIVE STOCK. J Hogs,.... —................-per head, Oxen am) Beef Cattle, head, Hone-,... •••?•. per head. Sheep. Goats,Calves,and Dogs,........."...per head, Turkrysand Geese in coops........... ....per head, Ducks and Chickens in cuoou......p|ihead. Special contracts tnay be made wit hthe6uperii:tem!»ntof Transportation, for Freight, on the following articles, when in larue quantities, viz: Horses, Hogs, Cattle. Lumber. Wood. Brick, of Sbme, Ac. Ac. Planter* or Farmers are ai'owed to pass free of charge, for passage, when accompanying" the produce of their own farms to market ' -- . 1 '< " "■ <•- . ' • _ . ... , ^saxr-’i Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, destined for the interior of this Slate, Tennessee or Alabama, consigned to the Agent important quarter ol tire globe ever been, apparently, t of this Company, at Macon, will be received and forwarded from any point of tliisRnad, by wagons, to their place of des firmlj established. The conviction that peace is the true filiation, free of chatge for Storage or Forwarding. ” policy of nations, wou'u seem to be growing and becoming Cotton, Merchandize, nr Produce, of any description, will he received by the Company’s Acents. at Griffin, Barnesville deeptr amongst the enlightened every where; and there is or Forsyth, and forwarded direct to Savannah, free of any charge, other titan the regulnr rates of Transportation. Ar- no people who have a stronger interest in cherishing the ser.- rangemenls must be tnade in all instances, for the payment of Freight and expenses, with the Company's Agent at Ma ; titnents and adopting the means of preserving and git ing n con. or at the Depot where the good* tie received nr delivered. , ■ - , . • 1 ‘ permanence.’tbkn thereof" t^e.Duited States. Among lliBie The attention of Merchants and Planters, is solicited to ilie advantages offered them under the above arrangements, for the first and most efleetive aro no doubt, the tjrrtct nbser- | shipping their Produce to Market, and obtaining their supplies, through this chautie’ofcommunic-tion with the seahnnrd. vauce of justice, and die honest and punctual tumlnit nt of j The Ceutrnl Rail-Road is now completed and in opr rition, from Savannah to within 2} miles of our Depot, and will be all engagements But it is not to be forgotten that, in the I completed to Macon early this fa)). This Road Is in daily operation to Griffin. 60 miles abort? Maconand, by the first present state of the world, it is no less necessary to be ready of December, will be Opened for Business to Leakville, "1 miles above Gtiflin; nnd to the junction the Western and to enforce the.r observance and fulfilment, in reference to i Atlantic. Rail Road, early next spring. That portion of the Road originally laid with the thin plate Rail, has been ourselves, than to observe and fulfil them, on our part, in 1 rebuilt this sutntnur. and laitl with heavy flange Rail.and the whole Road from Maconlo Griffin, is now in good order for regard to others ... business. Since the close of your la-t session, a negotiation has Merchasls livin ; in the upper part of the State, will find itdecidedly to their interest, to ship their goods by way of been formally entered upon between the Secretary of State Savanna It. over t tic Centra! nnd this Hail-Hoad consigned toour Agotits, as goods can be hauled from Barnesville or Oriflin to Columbus, fot 45 a 50 cents per 100 pouuds. or any other.part of the country at proportionable rates. All goods will be sent forward immediately, unless otherwise ordered. J. D. GRAY, - 17 Agent and Superintendent of Trat sporlali.-.n 1 tnt hound to presume.of full time t siderit. it was laid upon the table. This procedure h effect of virtually reje-tn g it, in consequence of a stipula lion i 1 chart,. _ ■ , The Executive, acting upno tile fair iotgrenre that ute don ate did not intend its absolute reject,,.it. ga • e i.istrnouo-.s to our Minister at Berlin to rcr pc-i the ot gotiattort. 'ar J-* to obtain an extension of time for the exc. a age rd rattticalu : s. 1 regret, however, l»t say that hi. efforts in this respe* t, •■ave been unsuceessful.' I am. nevertheless, tmt witboK hope, tit it the great advantages which were intended to be secured bv ihe'trcaiv. may yet he realized. I am lia jtpy to inf’rm you that Be’giatn ha*, by an "ansae rnvale.” issueo in July last, assimilated the hag *'1 the Cat-, ted States to lier own. so far :u the direct trade between tlie two countries is concerned. This measure \t:d prove of great service to our -shipping tntfcreM;^ t^atle having, heretofore, been carried oij.ehicilv iu foreign bottoms. 1 rill speedily resort to a tnndificatii n he tobaoct* trade, v decidedly benefit the apriculture of the United States', and le to the mutual advantage of both conn res. ^ No definitive intelligence has yet been received Irom o-ia Minister, of the conclusion of u treaty with the Chinese ; hot enough is known to induce thestror.gesl hopes that the mission will be cro\..<d with With our redut'ons continue footing. The commercial interenursfc between that grow ii Empire anti the Uniteil States, is becoming daily of great importance to both ; and it is in. interest of both, tl firmest relations ,-f amity and coed be cultivated between them. The Republic of Ne w Greneda still w.'lihnljs. notwrilhr standing the most perserering t Ports have been r in:'.o_vcd bv our Charge d’Affaires, Mr. lilrckfttrd. to prodm e a d.f- ferent result—indemnity in the case of the br.g "Mt rrts. And the Congress of V'etterueln. although an arrangement has been effected between our Minister ana the Minister I f foreign affairs of that government, i-r the payment of b 1 r.- 000 in discharge ol its linbililics in the same ra.-e— allo- gether neglected to make provision f’r its payment, lt ts to be Imped that a sense of justice will scon induce a seiue- mentof these claims. Our bate Minister to Chili. Mr. Pendleton, has returned to the United States without having effected an adjustment, in the second clai": ofthc Maced niion. u-ftcit is delayed on grounds altrgether frivolous sttd untenable. Jlr. 1 cndle-. ton’s successor has been directed to urge the claim in the. strongest leruts; nnd in the event of a failure by obtain a st fri-ndlv rflj. should continue to □ of It. therefore, may. in the progress of lime, oes-ur that o -inimis entirely abstract in the States in which they may prevail, .and in no degree affecting their domestic institutions, tnay be artfully, but not secretly encouraged, with a view to undermine l >e Union. Such opinions may become the foundation of political patties, until, at lust, the conflict producing ait alienation of friendly feel- ing among the People of the different Slates, may involve, in one general destruction, the happy institutions under w hich we live. It should ever be borne in mind, that what is true in recard to individuals is equally so in regard to States. An interference of one in the affairs of another, is tlie fruitful suurce t>f family dissensions and neighborhood disputes; and the same cause affrets the peace, happiness, anti prosperity of States. It may be boost devoutly hoped that the good sense of the American People will over he ready tn repel all such attempts, sliogjd they ever be made. There has been no material change m our foreign rela tions since niv last annual Message to Congress. With alj the Powers of Europe we continue on the most friendly terms. Indeed. *t ofiords me muilt satisfaction to slate, thet at no fo-tner period has the peace ot that enlightened and ljustmettt. to report the fact to the Executive at as early a day as possible, so that the whole mailer may be communicated to Congress. . At vnur last se-sion I submitted to the MtraUpo of Cn n . gressctfce Convention with the Kcpcblic of pern of the 17.h March, 1341; providing for the pdljste ant of the claims of, citizens of the United Suites, againa that Republic; bn no definitive action was taken upon the subject. I aga it invite to if your aucution *nd prompt action. . tifet* "fr* -j Fn my lust annual mcssrgp. 1 filt ii to fie ">1 duly to make known to Congress, in term* both )-.iitt and emphatic, my opinion in regard io the war which h.ts so long existed between Mexico and Texas; which since the battle of San Jacinto, has consisted altogeth er of predatory incursions attended l>y circumstances revolting to humanity. 1 repeat now. what I then saiJ. that, after eight years of le. Me nnd inti!,dual eflorls to recover Texas", it whs time that ’die ’.car should cease. The United States had a ,.ireu into:-rt in ifio que-tion. The contiguity qf the too nations to our territory was but too well calculated b> involvo »ur peace Unjust snsniciona wi re engendered in the mind of one or the other of the bcir.getenu against us. and, as a necessary consequence, American inter ests were tnade ‘O suffer, anti our peace became dai.y endangered. In audition to which, it mu-t hate been obvious to all, that the exhau-tion produced l>v ihc war, subjected both Mexico anti It-xas to the inter ference of other powers; which, without the interpo sition of this Government, might eventuate in the moat sennas injury to the United Mates. 1 bis Gov ernment. from time to lime, exerted it- fitendly etnees to bring about n termination of hostilities upon terms honorable alike to both the belligerent*, its eftuils in this behalf proved unava ling. Mexico scented, almost without en object, to pnscvcie in the war, r.nd no other alternative was b ft the Executive but to Ihkc advantage of the tvell-know n d;spe.-ii bin of I t and to intite Iter to enter in.’o a treaty for annex , g ficr territory to that of the United Stales. Since vour last session. Mexico has threatened to renew the war. and hrs either mo le. or proposes to m4ke, formidable preparations for invading i exas. She his issued decrees and pfacbmations, prcparatuiy to the commencement ol hostilities, full ot titrea. ent of Merino in I Drawers. GEORGE W. PRICE r l H ‘ " iv ed. « g ! as. I '-••I. and Cotton Nett rib V Oct 80. | I " (io()DS. NEW CiOODS Sabtcribers are now ,ae nt or*t»ple and fanev NEW BOOKS At J. Il.-ii’liew 1 , on Cotton Avenue. Prescott** Mexico, .*■ Dr.Olin-nTrnvcD in the East, Life id Wilburn FUk, KendsH’sSiirtrn Fe Expedition, Mapendee s Fhyiiolopy New Edition of PaMlisooU MecUpal Dicti »narj. No. 1 6i 2 H«rpcr4’ Tirtorial Bible. VVoiks of Mis* Brewer, in chesp form, Liebic’s Agricultural Chemistry, Mysteries of Tans. Macon, March QG. August 22, 1843. JOHN T tin L fot t receiving a general i»»sori- DRY-GOODS, of me latest tfler for sale at fair prices, in t'roui Washington Hall. GEO. IV. PRICE A CO. 'bag one dot t .1 ^ 52 Just If) ID P'Jte Blue Vitriol, fttr soaking see.l When. ,n.'J’f ,rn,ef t it from blast or smut, winch it will ef- . ° in all ca.ies where the pure article is o«id. Harvey shotwkj.l. Opposite Central Hotel. 1844. C. Campbell & Lo. rold stand, opptwite the Washington Hall, effer le at the lowest current prices for cash, 75 Bales heavy Gunny Bagging. 250 Piece, do Kentucky do. 100 do do Ru.ia do. . 50 do do Dundee do. 1500 pounds good Bagging Twine, 300 .-oils Manilla Rope. 100 du Kentucky dc. 1500 Sack. Salt, 20 Tuna Swrde. Iron. 25 Hilda. St. Croix sml Mpscovado Sugar, 250 Bags Rio. Latjttlra. nnd Java Coffee. With a general assortment ot Blankets, Shoes, .'taple Dry Goods, Ac. Sept 17. 1844. 0l IfiPT TOT SH, voiorjntlv on hand by I* *. 1144. J. N, SEYMOUR II o lib I’s Life Pills and Phoenix Billers, F ,io.\ns & t o. ; SOLICIT attention to a New and Extensive assortment of REABY-MADE CLOTHING- Manufactured the past summer, from recently Imported ! Goods, by Wtn T. Jennings A Co., very favorably known | as among the most fashionable Drapers and Tailors in the j city of New York, CONS 1ST ING OF Surlouts, Frock Coats, l’a ilia toons, Vcsis, 1 Brest* Coats, Coulees, and j Office Coats, Travelling Coat Ladies’ asul /M/Irmra’i In all the New nnd virion* styles ;' Toeether with a very choice selection of ; Silk and Sntin 5<*arfs. Cravats, | Mohair nnd Cashmere da Hosiery, j Handkerchiefs, Drawers, I nder Vests, Gloves, j Susnenders, Linen and Muslin Shirts, Collars, Stocks, A<\ ^ Including a generalstock of Youth’s A: Children’* nothing, Vl.ialto in fi. si t a a a. a fi. Believiug that the bv»te:n of “ Small Profits and Quick Returns." j* heist nuiteil to I lie limes, they will ofl'er their Goods at prices that cannot fail to be an inducement to pur- bssera. Macon. October 10. 1843. 2 NEW BOOKS At Boardninn’s Rook Store, I UST received, all Ae new publications, among winch Prescott’s History of the Cnnquert of Mexico, Harpers’ No.l of the Pictoral Bible, '** No 7 of Henr all Hoore’s ri mplet** works, *• Alison’s History of Europe, complete and full bound, ** Braude’s Encyclopedia full bound, *' Neal’s History of the Protestants, Southey's Pilgrim’s Progress. Rural Life in Germany, by William Howitt, Kohl’s Russia and the Ruffftiann, Blliotswj’a Surgical Operations, The Psalmist. Condieon Children, Cooper 'Sir Astley) on DiNlo<*ations, Aahwell on the Diseases of Females, Queens of Kt.glan.1, sixth aeries. A new Putent inkstand. Perforated Paper. Drawing Paper, Blank Books, iScc. ail cheap for CASH. Jan IG ° 1€ to me coinincuceiiiciiL k-i t*” 3 ! rolling to humanity, ond which, if carried into ‘ ffect, I j would arousp the attention of ail Christendom. I h\s »- ! new demonsfation of feeling, there is too mucA rca- ,OR general aebtlity, for sale A by E3 w BAILEY. 7«|y l«i ** May 91 34 II4CIIV! inro\:! 1 / wtn LBS. superior Gfot-ia Cured BACpN—| r^Osl/UU Hams. ShouMers. sou Sidrs.^ur ssje REDDING A WHJTEHEA Bargain’s! Bargains ! ! IN BOOTS AND SHOES. gr fair, good Negro Brogans, e> M a nu fact avers Osvlxlxl rnst sttd ejpenres. 4J)00 Fsirt good Kip Brogans, do do do Also, a general assortment of BOOTS It 81)083, which wil) be off-red low—Call aud sec. STRONO A WOOD. Ncrv. 13, 7 1 Her Brilatitite Majesty’s Minieter Keaipotcntiary an.i Rov-.v Extraordinary residing in Washington, relative to the ri'i’his ofitlieir respective nations in and over tlie Oregon territory. That negotiation is still pending. Should u, du ring your fession, be brought to a definite conclusion, the result will be promptly communicated to Congress wo n 1 r! however again call vnur ntiention to the r e Co til ft. V ■. , .. — . , dntinni contained in previous messages, designed to protect I g0n hi believe, has been produced in consequence of and facilitate emigrat on to that Territory. The establish- j (he nr g 0l i al i on of the late treaty of annexation mill mem of military posts at suitable points upon the extended T _ The Executive, therefore, CtJuld not be tndii- line of land travel would enable our citizens to migrate in ■ „ i: ne s • and he felt it to fie due, as comparative safety to the fertile regions below the tails of ferent to am h , . (fc a the ColumHia, and tna^e me provision of the existing con well to htms> Ifi ns to im •>" " J’ . vention for the joint occupation of the territory by subjects of I ...rocscotution si.ould be mude to the Mexican Great Britain, and the citizens of the United States, more available than heretofore to the latter. These posts would constitute places of rest for the weary emigrant, where he would be sheltered securely against the (laager o' front the ludiaxs, ami be enabled to recover from tlie i i- houstion of a long line of travel Legislative e acttnenls should also be made which should spread over him the te rn, of our laws, so as to afford protection to bis persou nntl property w hen he shall have reached his distant home, this latter respect the British Government has been : more careful of the interests . f such of her peep! be found in that country than the United states made rwreo^arv provision for il»eir security against the unis of the her emigrants repose ••• »**—j - . . law. Witatever may be the result ot the pending negot, It will afliird me ; ted i jnopm t in uch re to She has nd protection „ ..piously'disposed ami lawl- as ; an.) p,>se it. safety under the panoply of her r may be the resid* thst ^tion, such measures are necessary , . — happy and favorable ternnua* greatest pleasure to wit lten toibe existing t.e^oti the public hono will continue t« Ii would I.h upon terms compatible with 3 nS the best effbrtB of iluj Qovernni«ui 1 t- directed to this end, r -jjven me ii*c* highest gratification, in this mv last annual « ••mnuniCati'-n t-> Congress, to have been able to announce r ‘* you the c. n.ptetc nnd entire settlement ond adjustment of other matters in ditVerence between tb0 United States nnd the Government of Iler B« iuaic Majesty, which were sd verted to in a previous message. It is to ob- vjpuslv the interrM of both count. .* m rasp* ct to the largo and valuable eommerco which ex tw between them that nil ! Causes of complaint, boxtrer inconsidernMe. should be with the frtates*. promp.itsde. remerved—-tbsT rnut: he * C Government upon the subject. This was accordingly done; as will he eecn by the copy of the accompany- f'attack : im* iK-spslch Irom the Secretary of State to the Utii- tivoy at Mexico. Mexico bas'tio right to tithe peace of the world by urging any longc , less and fruitless contest. Such a condition ot things would not be toleifited on the Eutorcin conti nent. Why should it be on this 1 A war of dt-so- lation, such as is now threatened bv Mexico, cannot be waged without involving our peace strd tranquility. It ie idle ffi believe that such a war could be locked upon with indifference by our on.7 citizens, inhabiting adjoining States ; and our neutrality would be viol ted in despile of all efforts on the part of the Government to prevent it. The counity ia ccttled by emigrant, from the United States, under invitations held out to them by Spain ami Mexico. Those - migrants ..uv. left behind them friends and n Utiv.v who woun, in i fall to sympathise with them in their d.ttirul-.n vvbo would be ted hy tho-c symj their •struggles, however rneiget'.c Government to prevent ir. Nor VV' and formidable bands of Imba" s. l! ! be found in at.v land. «htrh -f'"r tons contifit ’>4 to tit?-tales ot and tbics 11 partieips'fc in the at lion of the uld tin-num-rtttti O.O.-! WS. lik- ' the lAtriu-nsS re* v k. -ft Vis