Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, December 31, 1844, Image 2

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From tlx Petersburg Virginia Republican. Illustration is a prevailing principle of the ^ correspondent of the N. — 1 r j. Mirror, thus humorously hits ott the English scheme of excluding all Americans ftom the London Clubs. Letter to John G. Lockhart, Esq., London. Patriotism in a sad Plight. a prevailing princi[ We have illustrated books, il- Miiid Yonr Eye. As soon ns the “ Great Western” was warp, cd into dock I left Mr. Slick, and returned to the hotel. His unwillingness to meet bis fa. thcr I know aro<e front the difference of station in which they were advenLiously placed ; his pride was evidently wounded, and 1 was re luctant to icreate his mortification by witnes. ttessing iltoir first interview. I did not see them until the following day, when we were about to depart for London. It was evident, from the appearance of the Colonel, that his ^ ...... .•«. son had caused bis whole atiire to be changed, 1 q U or the night before like “a thousand 0 f j of Jenny Meadows ; for it was perfectly new. and not unlike that of , brick.” ; dpmand for 1 unch, a , ,„„ s , of l,r. in England. lie ,va, I .. %hn » lMn so!d *. Rcc01 . aer . *»» 'toS an uncultivated man, of rough manners and i T • juteps or snerry-cuuiere. °. *• eccentric habits, and very weak and vain. He i , In ,n J days,’ said an ind.vidu- can nation is alive to the rebuke, inflicted on had not k< pt pace with the age in which he standin S “P «" the dock, who from h.s ap- this scape goat gentleman. It has begun to lived, and was a perfect specimen of a colo- : P e "» nce had been engaged in a knock-down have its effect **- **•—"» - - 1 and drag-oat fight with Fortriri . _ ‘ | ' the worst in the rencounter— 1,1 in my more j identical box and balls; wherewithal the Ante- palmy days, I say, your honor, when friends, ! rienn was voted out: who I,-1,1 followed tliA Ivftimn p n „ | *'ke bees, with a full blown! butter-cup in June, | Meanwhile, some odd liiings have happened | buzzed around me; when that fickle jade, For- 1 j n &ew York, tif Which you, as ari editor, tune, scattered flowers o’er my path ; and should not be igiiorarit. There is a club of ifin " when the still more false and far more fickle g| e gentlemen in a house in Orange street, cal- Elizabeth Jenkins loved—or said and vowed led the Long Nine Chib. Several British gen- she loved me—that was a name which I never tlemen, dogfanciers and emigrants from Tat- denipd—never disowned ; and I shall not do it now, when even the possession of a good name seems of doubtful tenure. My name, sir, is John Mason.” present times lustrated newspapers, illustrated sciences and illustrated systems. Ours may be considered illustrated police reports : for instead of giving . tr 1 , (,* , , j i . 5 Mu Dear Lock'.art: You cannot imagine every name to be found on flic docket, of per- 1 , JXL lf «- . r „ i . i c i /.■ t • j, , how eager these Yankees are, to get further sons who were arrested for being high and p , .. 8 . __ . .. - news about the gentlemen Who have been ex- tound low. we select one as an illusiration of , , - . . ,i i . .r. i i i r i u ir eluded from one of our clubs for being an Ame- thc lot. To-day we make choice of John Ma- . UBU yi ... ” .. i a , J , , ~ry t> i riedn. If vou will do these fellows, in the next son, who was veslerday on Recorder Bal- “ , - . , ... __ t u„, i • > n i ' , , .j ,, • , . ■ t Quarterly, vour name will stund as high as that dwm s roll, and who was evidently into his li- . r , , , itT, Non . - r : of Jenny Meadows; for; let me tell you, the demand for Punch, o I mr»r. ic lriiiHor arul r*i said the Recorder. j juirpa im auwiij idiviuu- can nation is al i his ap-) this srann <mat ^ H|| The Mississippi Legislature, •list of the rural districts of Connecticut sixty i and dra S" oul %Ht w ‘th" Fortune, and had got | now in session, have resolved to purchase the years ago. I had seen many such persons among the loyalists, or refugees as they were called, who had followed the troops at peace of Nova Scotia. Although quite an ori gina! therefore in England, there was but little of novelty either in his manner, appearance, or train of thought, to me. Men who have a quick perception of the ludicrous in others, are always painfully and sensitively alive to ridi cule themselves. Mr, Slick, therefore, watch ed his father with great uneasiness during our passage in the train to town, and to prevent his exposing his ignorance of the world, engrossed the whole conversation. “ There is a change in the fashion here, Squire,” sa d he, “ black stocks ain't the go no longer for full dress, and white ones ain’t quite up to the notch nother; to my mind they are a lectle snrvanty. A man of fashion must mind his ‘eve’ always. I guess I’ll send and get some white muslins, but then the difficulty is to tie them neat. Perhaps nothin’ in natur’ is so difficult as to {Jen white Cravat so as trot to rumfune’e it of silo it. It requires (Julie a slight of band, that’s a fact. 1 used to get our beautiful little chamber-help to doit when I first come, for women’s fingers ain’t all thumbs like men’s ; but the angehferous dear was too short to reach up easy, so 1 had to stand her on the foot-stool, and that was so tolllish 1 had to put one hand on one side of her waist, and one on t’other, to steady her tike, and that used to set her little heart a heatin’ like a drum, and kinder 15 DAYS LATER PBOJI EUROPE. BOSTON, Dec. 21, 2, P. M. The Steamship Acadia arrived this morn ing at a little past 8 o’clock. She brings us London and Liverpool papers td thh 4ih inst. The Acadia met with adverse winds that materially delayed Her passage. The reports thut have for some time pre vailed relative to a contemplated change ot the ministry have been contradicted froth authori ty. . Mr. Wasington Irving, Charge d’Aftairesof the United States at the Court of Spain, arriv- persons had bet h burnt to (b ath. It appears there were no ladders at band, and neither the police nor the au*hmi!ies could render any as sistance. Prom the Wihncr s. AVtr.t Letter. GENERAL SUMMARY. Never, perhaps, in the history ol tliiscoun- try, can we point to a period when the gene ral trade of the kingdom was ishino condition. TEL, EGllJiP Hi MCOl’ TUESDAY MORNING, DEC 31. 1844. our spinners and 'manufacturers full of orders for months to come, and at a season when trade has, heretofore, been exceedingly flat.— Mad'ricT'” V ”** ’ ~ J | The employment for the working classes aris- 1 The Great Western arrived out on the 28th i !?g this Happy state ol things dispels all ult. in 13 1-2 day's from New York, and the Recorder—" Mr. Mason, you were found ly ing drunk last night. What are you 1” Mason.—[Drawing himself up to his full height; and with his right hand brushing his clotted and uncombed hair off his forehead.] “ I am a man, your honor, more sinned against, it may be—than sinning. Slightly inebriated, I may have been, ’tis true ; true it is, also, that the watchman may have been influenced by a proper sense of duty h, arresting me ; but I protest egainsl-all such gratuitous solicitude for rrly welfare. Your honor will recollect that Pope says— • Sot always at linns slinw ilie man ; we find Who does a kindness is not theiefore kind.’" Recorder—“ My object is not to criticise the ‘Beauties of Pope,’ but to ascertain who Ma son is, and why begot drunk.” Mason.—'“ Then I shall vouchsafe to your honor such information on these subjects as I ^ am myself possessed of. I, sir, am a victim— agitated her, and it made me feel sort of all | victim of patriotism. You see that hat, sir 1 ovL-r sh, too, so we had to ginn it up, for it took j ^ ere j )C j, e |j up> f or examination of the Mo’ *X J- .i ‘ —' J —’ *- - *- “ —ta half fe eve’ he must nev J ^^H Lord, its in bttle things a man of fashion is seen in ! Now how many ways there bo of catin* an orange. First, there’s mv wary when I’m alone ; take a bite out, suck the juice, tear off a piece of the hide and eat if for digestion, and role up the rest into a ba'I arid give it a shy into the street, or, if other folks is by, jist take a knife and cut it into pieces; or, if the gals is present, Strip him down to his waist, lea vin’ his outer garment hangin’ graceful over his tersalls, had obtained entrance ; and I own I was desirous to be of the number. One has the reading of Bell’s Life in London, John j ’Sw i®* Bull, the Satirist, and now and then the Times, ; J r ' n uen e ^ ^ _ . U TS :u of the money market. with a pot of right porter, to boot. But, as ill luck would have it, the Yankees were too many even for Yorkshiremen. J was Hack balled. And, for what ? Because I was a Briton— This is my comfort, and may yet afford mo a snug post at Adelaide, or the Bay of Islands.—— But to return A committee waited on me,, ^ u ^ Canadian flour have hardly sup- composed of three cigar smoking, double-fisted . ^ previous rales. Democrats, who addressed me in substance, as qq ie french Minister of the interiorhas just follows : " r “ "" '' Hibernia on the 2Sth; in 12 1-2 days from this port. The splendid new steamship Cambria is advertised for Boston on the 4th of Jan. 1845. Mr. O’Connell entered Tralee, on Monday, where he was met by an enormous concourse of people, and from the window of a house, ad dressed 60,000 people. The speech, however, possesses very little interest. The fc'ottori market is in a very, depressed . „ state, and the prices are Iitterally 'fixed by the ■ ; ,n 1 01 2 $ P er , e ««- P er annum ’ , purchaser. This is owing to the anxious de- j J aa ? s t0 H e on 1 '9 1 anua, y l!CX * sire manifested to effect sales. T 1 ” 3 from its numerous precursors in nothing but the rate of interest, which is now the same as that of the Bank rate of discount, whereas it usually was from J to 1 per cent- hisher. The intelligence of the probable elec- Tlie Cottori Crop. We collect the following interesting Statis- more flour- : '' cs fi' om an article in the last number of Hunt’s In the cotton brancli most of Merchant's Magazine, from the pen ofProfes- or McCuy, of the University’of Georgia. We regret being unable to lay the entire article before our readers in this number of our paper' ‘•These estimates,” says the writer are ba- sed on the statistics of the Cotton trade, and not on the mere opinions of the writer, one inter ested in the subject may judge for himself what they are worth.' Here arc. the crops of 1842 & 3, at the close years, and an oj. fears of suffering for the approaching winter The quantity of available capital in the mar ket continues much the same, and so do the rates of discount, being 2 3-4 to 6 and 8 on bills. The Bank Directcirl have issued the usual notice given at the period of Closing the book ! of the season in the ensiiin for the Dividends, stating their willingness to j make loans upon the deposit of approved secu rities, in sums of not less ilian 2.0001. each, at such timate of that of last year, at the end of th c business season of the present. The colonial and general produce markets 1S13. 1S<4. X. Orleira, bales, 1.0G0.000 £32000 Mobile, “ -132,000 -103,000 Florida, “ lOt.OOO 116.000 Georgia, “ 290,0O0 255,000 S t'amlin*, . “ 352,000 305,0<j0 N. Carolina Virg. 25,000 21.000 1815. 900,000 lo I .tOtfjOS? 520,000 •• C00 COO 190,000 •• 220,000 290,000 230.m 310,000 •• 3E0.000 20,000 “ 30,000 Total, Avera Trade at Manchester continues brisk, and | ^ £ Mr. Polk, to the Presidency eff the Urn there are no stocks either of goods or yarns, notwithstanding this is what is termed the dull season. The American Provision trade continues to form an important branch of commerce, though -“ Mr. Stokes, it is our painful office 2,379,000 2,030.000 2,260,00“ 2,630,000 • Hates 2,!6o!ooo Thb :rg£rogdte supply Hum all sources, he ted States, and its supp osed consequences, in states thus i— United Stales crop; 2,460,000 bales, English inport from India, 150,000 « “ “ 41 other places, 140,000 o long; wc never could tie the knot nridcr . Hccorder, n shacking bad hat.] That hat, sir, ili an Imur. But then, practice makes per- j iat i Q nce a brim and an unbroken crown ; ct, and that’s a fact, ll a feller * minds his w ; a s once a Whole hat—but that was before I will soon catch the knack, for tiie oye I became a patriot. This coat, sir—now o s ,’cr be let go tos'eep,- except in bed. thread^bnre grain and at elbows bioken—tin hips, and bis upper man standin’ in his beauti ful shirt; or etoe quartern him ; with hands off, neat, scientific, and workmanlike; or, if its forbidden fruit’s to bo carved, why tearin’ him with silver forks into good sizeable pieces for belptti.’ All this is learnt by mindin' your cyr Ami new, 'Squire, let me tell you, for nothin’ ’scapes me a’most, tho’ I say that it shouldn’t say it, but still it tain’t no vanity in mo to say nothin* never e;capes me. J mind my eye.— And now let me tell you there ain’t no maxim in natur’ hardly equal to that one. Folks may go crackin’ and braggin’ of their knowledge of Phis'onomy, or their skill in Phrenology, but it’s all moonshine. A feller can put on any phiz he likes and deceive the devil him. self; and as for a knowledge of humps, why natur’ never intended them for signs, or she woultin’i have covered ’em all over with hair, and put them out of sight. Who the plague will let you be puttin’ your fingers under their hair, and be a foozlin’ of their beads ? If it’s a man. why lie’ll knock you down, and if it’s a gal, she " ill look to her brother, as much as to sny, if this sa-sy f llmv goes a fee'in’ of my humps, I wish you would let your foot feel a bump of i.i ’n, that will teach him better man ners, that’s all. No; it’s * all in my eye.’— You must look there for it. Well, then, some fullers, and especially painters, go a ravin’ and a pratin’ about thc mouth, the expression of tho mouth, the seat of all the emotions, the speak- are determined to read a lesson to Great Brit- | ch • he governmeil t of India, vvhic am, and to fix on her the brand of disapproba- • e * ] ti]sh th | politica j power of the East non. For the enormities of which you have ( i; rPC m rS been guilty, we rut the United Kingdom dead!* j d T J Fre|)ch ’ Chambers were to me , !t on the ‘‘ What enormities? I made bold to ask, ' ^ a[]d ^ Bfitijh Par ] !ame „ t on the buttoning up my Tweed coat very stiffly.— . . f p p u r n»rv “ These following ” replied Mr; Increase Cof-1 Th account y s ' from Spain inform us that fin ; “ Your cruelty and extortion in British 1 duced many speculutrirs to sell stock in antici pation of a fall; and the market declined about 2-8 per cent, on Monday. It has since recover- i ed itself, the price of consels for money closing . on Saturday 100 % and firm. Nov. 29.—A fair extent of business tins been done during the pfa'st week, but the market lias appointed a special commission to report on been uniformly flat and the quotations are geno- — ” Jja ' " ' wer than the prices of Friday of thc week amount to 29,166 1000 American and 200 Surat rican and 300 Surat for export. The Commit tee’s quotations to-day for fair Cotton are as ft>l- lows, viz : Bowed, and Orleans 4A per lb. Dec. 3.—Since Friday last there has been no change in the tone of our market, and prices remain without any material alteration. On India—your oppression in Ire and-=-your rob- e(J himself Hl ([)u head ofan insurrectionary on Monday to 3,500 bales, including 400 Per- S IVCS tlie St ° cks bing of the poor^your shameless exposure of ^ ove|nent in c . sl j {oi j nambucos, 5d tu.6Jd ; 150 Egyptian, 5g i 300' Years. Livcrf human life and female modesty in the cohe- ( Th4 ejection of Mr. Polk, as President of! Surat, 24d to 3d; and yesterday the busines-l 1837. nes-your white slavery—yonr press; gangs- ^ oiauJS> uuus and your game laws. Hereupon I joined is- E and dsewherc . sue upon the collenes, arid admitting the chrirgi, Qakl and nevertheless protested agamst held re- ^ , he Ull5ted Sta sponsible for the acts of certain capitalists.— Dar ti. s Jn Am But I was given to understand, that every Eng- Pj. ^ j]jj no i s done amounted to 4000 bales,- of which American were taken for speculation, 100 Ba the United States, caused much surprise in Levett have arrived bias at 5J; Egyptian, 5J to 6^d ; and 100 Su ites, as reptwei.tntives of ■ rat, 2-gd. to 2^d’ lishman is held responsible for every crime in md destructive flood oc- tliree per cents. 101 ^ Quarter per cents. 102 Neuv, Tliree-and a Bank Stock 207,1 aiana^ c0rred al Florence; iri the early pttrt of the India 2S8, after being 200, Exchequer-bills Wml^y slnllTng^ib'fl'e j^ririd'ls^mb^rcsprii^- msh ^duties, but it is considered not at all'from 100 J to'101 last at 10L Reduced a! e ed fQ /oSt» 55^; 11 dear Lockhart, may perhaps demand exptuna-' esent moQth Tft . ^ An)0 ^ s0 h - h tmn. is not (tfs nught suppose,) a F s g d ^ he h rains whi ° h subrirbof New York like PentrinviUe or Is- on t ,4’ t and t h e preC edihg two or three hngton, bnt a vast wild, province, some where inml da.e two-thirds of the whole near the Gulf of Mexico ; arid they inform me J yu ^ thaf its inhabitants absolritely refuse to bt rH j ; J * • T . • P . , bound by ant laws of these Northern States.- - “{•«”? ° f P ota, ° f es n i W T hold of ih?3 ...SWt. to CXcefed the produce of any year on recofd; w.iSj in times gone by, by a coat of fashionable cut, which would not have shamed the wearer » tin’s, too, was before I became a patriot. These pants-—but 1 will not proceed. Suffice it to say, sir, bad I minded my busirioss better, and felt in the fate of my country le® interest I would not be standing before you to-day. But noj I neglected my business—because 1 was a jiatriot! I made speeches which made me t ncmies-because I was a patriot! 1 went to public political meclirtgs when I should have been at private prayer meetings—because I was * patriot! I sung political songs, and got politically and personally drunk—because I was a patriot! I now, however, your honor, begin to discover my error ; I begin to think that Cartius was but a Sam Patch, who leaped into the gulf, to attaint notoriety for himself, not to save his country, and I begin to find out that— •.He ilial latex Deep in !iis soft credulity the stamp Desien’d by loud declaiiners on the part Of liberty, themselves the slaves of luaf,' Incurs derision for his easy faith And lack of knowledge.' I begin-—*” The Recorder here popped him short, and seeing that »*.'• Mason had seen the error of I you* and spit upoft you.” his ways, and was about to do more for him- This, 1 of course, took as rather coiriplimeii- parti< s in America interested in the Completion | canal. London Money Market.—Public securities have b en much the same this morning as they An agitation is in progress f.r the repeal of U fere yesterday. Consols have been done of ti 1 supply, 2,750,000 baks. Of tne demands, he savs i— War its of thc U.' States, . 370,Ql)0 bales. (( of France from the U. S 420.000 « <1 of Continent 'rom ** 180,00U ‘i 4t of England,' 1,480,000 xcess of suppl 2450,000 kies. E y, 300,000 bales.- “As the Stocks have been iccumulating for years, and nrc now urge beyt nd all precedent the additional burde of 300,000 bales, cannot but fif fell severel v. The following table gives" t io stocks for the end of each year.” Years. Liverpool.' England. In all the ports. 1 $37. 259,006 386 000 bales. 1838. 321.000 450.000 » 1839. 26o,00f> 412,000 “ IS 40. 464,000 672.000 « 1841. 430.000 550,000 761,600 •* 1842. 457.000 665,000 807,000 *• 1843. 654,000 .780 000 1,052,000 “ self and less for his country in future, let him off without even exacting jau. rfes ff° m 1 could never get fairly hold of this subject, A ^ ^ of • was 'coYnmit<ed in the which is as puzzling as Hoyle. I very midst rif the' Shipping in the port of Gib- At the end of^ this interview, Mr, Coffin ra ]^ er ^ on i} le night of the 5ih ult threw away liis cigar, and actually spat in my Letters from Alexandria of the 20th, state fate, lo throw off two coats and a neck cloth, j ba ^ jj ie p ac ha is likely to prove refractory in' and to square myself, was the work of an in- re g ard t Q the proposed rail-road across the De- Stant i but Mr. Coffin disarmed me by saying: sert> “ Mr.- Stokes, you are a gentleman, w e accredit ; The drirringe ot'cdsitfned by the Tate inunda- you as such. The Club sees no blemish in t| 0 nat Havie is much greater than was at fi'rst your morals or manners ; but you are an Eng- supposed. Several of the best quays were p'af- lisliman, and we select a perfectly fair charac- t j a iiy underm ned. ter that efur rebuke may be national and not The Journal des Debats states that Abdel personal.- As an Englishman^ we black-ball j£ a der bus taken refuge near Miliana, in that art of the cnnrttry where the authority of the ulfa'n is not very firmly established. The “ Presse” declares that the account of The Poor School Fond. By an act of the last Legislature, the stock owned by the State in the Bank of the State of Georgia, and in the Augusta Bank, to* geilter with all the available assets of the Cen- tial Bank, after the payment of'its debts, is set apart as a permanent Education Fund, the an- nual income of which, is lo be distributed to the several counties of this State in proportion to the number of poor therein, as set fourth in mouth, the large prim of the mouth, and j Sil ; d act . The distribution is to be made by such stuff; and others are for everlastingly a j the executive, and to enable him to do so, the tary than othe'rVfrise. I accordingly wiped the copious excrefiori frrim my face upon a new the capture ofan English shipf by Greek pirates, Manchester handkerchief, which I herewith’ in thc Bay of Palermo, is altogether a fiction. send to you, to be deposited iff the library of the United Service Club. I am ever faithfully yours. JOHN STOKES. New Yo.'k, Cross st., Nov. 29th, 1844. From the Augusta ContMutmnalist, VHhtnit. The Iron trade of SotHhbridgn is now very flourishing, and all who are inclined to work have full employment- Great Robbery at a Banking House.— ;£40,000 ildlcri.—A robbery to an awful extent was cofnfri'iltri'd recently m the banking bouse of Messrs: Rogers, Twogood & Co.-, bankers of Uleffiertt’s l/sine, London. Bank notes to Tho rescinding of the 2m'bR-'e, w H|ch will ^ amount of frofrl ^ 3 r,,000 to ^40,000 or novy allow Mr. Adams to have-ad his ,.™ ii ^ 4]|000 * ere s<olert o6t 0 f the iron safe, petitions read and perhaps debated, tas which is deposited in the hall of the inner office, duced some excitement in the South* amt given secur if, PSto a ver y targe amount were ta- , . , , . . . - Cil , ------- ' <an opportunity to some southern Whigs to! ., r .. lectunn about the nose, thc cxprcss.on of the j Justices of the Inferior Court of each county taUDt * respociwg our norther. Democratic j ken tnieves. nose, the character of the nose, and so on,; are required to report to him, on or before the ! flicnds in Co ngress. Before we express an ! . J? v f the ^ Pnon1 v s as though the nose was any thing else but a | fi r8t Monday in November of each year, the j opinion on lhe course pursued by the northern | Tb f usaal ' uMT lhe KnSon Hall speakm trumpet that a sneeze blows thro, and numberof poor in their respective counties, be- i Democratic members of thc popular branch of was held - ’ the snuffles give the rattles to, or that cant uses twen the ages eight and sixteen years, whose i Congress, we shall wait for further I Dublin. I he chair was y as a flute ; l wouldn’t give a piece of tobacky | parents are unable to educate them, for the nose, except to tell me when my food j ; a to be hoped that the duty imposed upon was good ; nor a cent for the moull't except as j the Justices of of the Inferior Courts of every a kennel for the tongue. But the eye is the j county in the State has been discharged, as wc boy for me ; there's no mistake there ; study j learn, that, in compliance wifh the law, a dis- that well, and you will read any man’s heart, as | tr jbution will bu made, of the dividends from plain as a book. • Mind your eye’is the max im you may depend, either with man or wo man. Now I will explain this to you, and give you a rule with examples, as Minister us'-d to say' lo night school, that’s worth knowing, I can tell you. ‘ Mind your eye’ is the rule ; now for the examples. First, let’s take men, and then women. Now, Squire, the furst rail road that was ever made, was made by natur’ It runs from the heart to the eye, and it goes so al mighty fast, it can’t he compared to nothin’ but iled lightening. The moment the heart opens its doors, out jumps an emotion, whips into a car, and is off like wink io the eye.— That’s the station and terminus for the passengers, and every passenger carries a lan tern in his hand as bright as an Argand lamp ; you can see him ever so far off. Look, there fore, to the eye ; if there ain’t no lamp there, no soul leaves the heart that hitch ; there ain’t no train rnnnin’, and the station-house is emp ty. It tain’t every one that knows this, but ns I have said before, nothin’ never ’scapes me ; and I have proved it over and over agin.— Smiles can be put off and on like a wig; sweet expressions come and go like shades and lights in natur* ; the hands will squeeze like a fox- trap ; tho hotly bends most graceful ; tho ear will be most attentive ; the manner will flatter, so you’re enchanted ; and the tongue will lie like, the d—I,—but the e.yc, never. And yet there aie all sorts of eye.*. There's an on- meanin’ eye, and ti cold eye ; n true eye, and a false eye ; a sly eye, a kickin’ eye, a pas sionate, a revengeful eye, a rnanocuvering eye, a jealous eye, und a sad eye ; a sq.tintin’ eye. and tlie evil eye ; and, above all, the dear lit tle lovin’ eye, and so forth. They must he stu died to l>e larnt, but the two important ones to he known, arc the true eye and the false eye. 'branch of ^ ci , ;, . lion « was be,d ' 21 information . in regard lo the motives which led them to vote t nc ° o”Aedav was very .miscellane- as thev did. In the mean time we must ob- e usmess ot tneaa. * , u serve that the southern Whigs should keep as , ous ’ « nd . O’Connell made sevenU^ech- quict as they possibly can. If they condemn i es 5 Having first donned a new crown-shapCd the northern Democratic members for their I ca P ? p f , vel ^[ and S°l d ’ . . f votes, vvliat can they say of the members of!. ‘ The Liberator is again upon the stage; 55 §. Spanish three per cent. Bonds were last done at 36 the five per cent. 24 Bra zil, new 85 J. Columbian ex. Venz-elinn 14 J.j showed, by the results of o Mexican 36 #, Deferred 16 5, and Portuguese ^ , r . , .. o 1 ° we rifny expect, after only a three per cents. o4 jf. J Havke, Nov. 30.— Colton.—The news brb’t by the steamer Acadia on the 17th inst. had the effect of depressing American Cotton 2 to 3f; the decline was, however,- attended by an in creased deriiarid; and on the receipt of further advices by the Great Western, the market as sumed a more favorable aspect; and prices at-ain rallied 1 to 2f. Prices are now firm. The sales of the past fortnight amount to 18,422 bales* of which 9228 have been sold this week. Extract of a Letter from Washington - , Dec. 21. “ 1 chink the signs ire much more f tvonfble u'pon the Texas question. Lhe course of the Globe,’the movements in thc House of Repre sentatives, together with the rccept‘i6n of Col. Benton’s bill by the great majority of our friends, all manifest a change in favor of An nexation. It is safid/ that a leading member from a slave, and one front a free state, are pre paring a bill for the re-annexation of Te.'fns, which, it is hoped, will be considerately pre pared end duly guard, d. Every proposition ! may be brought into requisition calculated to] adjust the subject and 5 place it upor. such a ba sis as may he most satisfactory to all parties of tlie country.''—Richmond Enquirer, 24th inst, ration of the accumulation of stock, prices have fallens! little in Liverpool, and still more in this coun- 1 try. They must decline, yet still more a- broad, but the full in this country must be trifling. As far, therefore as the future is fnro- our investigations,’ iWay expect, after only a slight decline iD| this cm/ritiy, steady hut low prices. Thanksgiving Gov. Aikeu of South Carolina, lias issueii bis proclamation setting apart the 9th pp>xi- r mo, as a day oT Thanksgiving, Humiliation, i and Prayer. We are requested to state, that Stori ng Li-1 nier, Esq. James Dean, Esq. and b e. Robed it Collins, fire not candidates tor Aldermen al * the ensuing election. I! We arc requested by Col. A. P. Powers,-n state that lie is not a candidate for Mayor, al the ensiling election. To Hon. A- IL Chappell, -Ino. H- Lumpkin,’’ arid Howell Cofib, we are indebted for copies of Public Documents No. 20S. thc Bank Stock, before tne first day of January j their ' own crec d ? On the motion to rescind becomesforward, tousehis own words.if not next. After that time, the distributive share of ; thal 2 5th rule, the yeas were 108. And what : a giant refreshed with new wine, like an | and is already niore than half an abolitionist, each county will be pajd to any person presen. I was t h e com pi ex i on 0 f ihi 3 vote, ‘ ting a certified copy of an order of the Inferior Court authorizing such payment. The amount to be distributed will be small, but small as it is, wc hope that it will do some good. No fund lias yet accrued, in accordance with the provisions of the same act, to pay off ac counts of Teachers for services in 1842 and 1S43. But the Justices may, at their discretion, applyithe funds received as above, to this pur. pose, to be reimbursed out of their future distributions from sales of reverted lands. [Georgia Journal. Export of Specie, Wc cop}’from the New York Commercial List tlie following statement, shewing the a- mount of specie cleared at the port of New York, for export, from 1st October to 17th December: For the motion there were, Northern Democrats, Northern Whigs, Southern Whigs, 55 48 6 alligator invigorated by the sea-breeze, and [ the cry of the merry beagle on his native ; mountain.” He recently made a triumphant journey to Limerick, where a great Repeal Gold. Silver. r Europe, S844.32S $2,117,137 East Indies, 13,213 118,332 VVest Indies, 7,379 4,941 South America, 7,553 14,516 $872,473 82,254,936 872,473 108 Mark reader, there were 55 northern De mocrats, 4S northern Whigs, and 5 southern Whigs. Not one Southern democrat voted for the motion. The 5 southern Whigs who voted , e , for rescinding the rule, were Messrs. Kennedy, ! ma r ^,° ^ Preston, and Wetbered, of Maryland; Cling- man, of North Carolina ; and White of Ken tucky. The vote against the motion amounted to 80 as follows : Northern Democrats, 1C Northern Whigs, none. Southern Whigs, 16 Southern Democrats, 48 Not a solitary northern whig voted against j the motion, while 16 northern Democrats voted 1 against it! ! We accordingly fee! it to be our solemn duty to remonstrate with our friends and the South ern public generally, against warming these vi- ipers into greater animation, and thus enable Banquet was held, which he addressed with a I them more successfully to diffuse their subtle thrilling speech. i and hellish venom into the very fountains of our At the Dublin Mimic pal EleC'ion, Repeal- i existence as a people.-—Macon Rejntbllic. ers were returned in nil the contested wards, Tatal Gold and Silver, ^ Adjournment of the Legislatfire. Tiie Legislature adjourned sine die at mid night on Wednesday lust, after Acts—alist of which wc publish. The House — ! also adopted the Resolutions from the Senate, $3,127,399 ’ offered by Col, Pickens in the early part of the session, after the reading of the Governor’s and all the uncontested wards except two.. Mr. O’Connell was re-elected alderman of the Four Courts ward, and Professor Butt alder-* The Tralee Chronicle relates how fourteen men with blackened faces, broke into the hr use of one M’Giflicuddy, u respoctable farmer, at Trippimagh ;* dragged his daughter, 16 years of age, out of bed ; beat the mother, who resist ed them ; and without allowing the girl to dress herself, bore her off. SPAIN. Maine, New Hampshire, . , - Massachusetts, The only flews from Spam, is the rumored Connecticut, capture, on the 30th, of the eldest son of Zur- : Xf n, ,'° n 1 I \ buna and his brother-in-law, by the troops sent New-York!" 1 ’ in pursuit of them. They were said to have j IJew-Jersey, been made prisoners as they were about to o?.'i^" a 1 , v e amti ' ford the Ebro, and to have been conveyed to Logromo, there to await the commands of Ge- Export from Jan. to Nov. 30, IS44, $5,632,102 Message, in relation to the Tariff, Texas, &e., Import, same time, 1,072,654 and laid on thc table all thc other Resolutions — ) or* those ssbjects, and in relation to tlie recis- Export more than import, $1,559,448 j sion of thc 25th Rule. Aug. Constitutionalist. I [South.Carolinian, 21 si inst. Mafgfand, i Virginia, neral Pavia, Captain General of Navarre. I Sbmh-CWi"a>’ passing 26 Zurbano himself is believed to he in conceal- Georgia. inent at Rioga. i Alabama. A Mississippi, rumor was current that Ruiz, the leading Louisiana, man in the last revolution at Carthagena, and I Arkansas, Ugarte, the political chief of Arrngon, bad cn- ' jiUoU,"’ tered the province of Huesca, for the purpose Indiana, of exciting a revolt against the government. j 2 1 ""’ Vv PORTUGAL. Tennessee:, A most lamentable fire recently broke out at i Michigan, Lisbon, in the Rtia Mngdclenu, bv which 13 : , Trans-Atlantic Ciayisui.' M o ask particular .’ittcii'iwii to the communi cation in our columns from an esteemed corres pondent, showing tlie reception which the fieiw of Mr. Polk’s election met with in Englani—I Next week we will furnish our readers with set- j eral extracts from European papers to thc Caution—N. Y. News—the Tribune. 1 same effect. It will be remembered by all tin' We notice that both the above mentioned [ one of the last tricks of expiring whig-'orq M papers are making extiaordinarv efforts to in- r nt „ t i .• , °.° ", • J 1 ‘ ... . ° , .. tore the November election, wasthe circulation ciease their circulation, particularly in -lie! ... . -. Southern Slates, rfnd lo render themselves par ° L lll,e handbds, purporting m be true copiesOi excellence, the organs of their respective par- a secret circular from somc ot the tory m*fr ties. The News we unders'and lias three a- nates of England to tlie Democratic party of' gents in ihe Southern Sta-es soliciting subscrip-i t i,l s country. The object vias too palpable tions. \. e believe it to be our dutv, to notify ‘ • ,i .. * • , n r . A11 .p n^ 11F . . .. - ’ J : and tl^e dissuise loo liimsv for general success* our iellow-citizens of these ltisrdious attempts | . J ° . to subvert Southern institutions. The Tribune \ . iere 1S 10 ( * ou ^ )t some Wcre deceived a? an avowed abolilin organ, and recent indica- i them—indeed, it is not long since we heart lions have convinced us that the editor of the j an intelligent meriiber of the whig party declnrt News is rapidly tending in the same' direction, ; t as his |, om . st belief that “ money bad bet- sent to the United States by tlie torv party of England, to aid the election of Mr. Polk, ; that the tarifi’iaws miglit be modified to the ait vantage of English commerce!” We womb what the same gentleman-, or other members , his party will say when they read and leaf ■ the real state of fueling in that and the othf monarchical governments of Europe on hnarir! of the success of the Democratic party? Slit iy, if the base slanders on the Democracy c America, circulated so freely by the wh'gs b J fore the eleefion, had had the least foumiatbr we would have set-n some indications of the jej] experienced in London when it was kno #: ' there that Mr. Polk would be the next Presill- : of the United States! But notone word of ;,l: kind is to bo found in their journals. On'-l* • contrary, we find them teeming with waiW lamentation, and vain regrets, with abu- 1|, ' ! flings and contemptuous sneers at republic I is n—and what is of more impqrtarite'tlian a-i us, they bemoan thc result beirig benefit to slaveuv and Texas ! Added to this is tf- most fulsome arid mawkish adulation of Ck | arid Webster, woo, according to their not^' ! are alone worthy of the name of AnieT*^ i Statesmen ! | Now, take all this in connection With l “ | celebrated toast of Mr. Clay’s, at Mr. Van ! ren’s table, while the latter was Presidentof 1 ’ | United States, & it will not be difficult to de’- 1 ! mine the motives ri'hich' prompt tlie-c sSf“ From the Soulh-Carolinian. Rccission of thc 2§th Rule. Wo give below the yeas and nays (hereto fore crowded out) on Mr. Adams’s resolution to rescind the 25th (formerly 21st) Rule, ex cluding Abolition Petitions, <fcc., for which we are indebted to our able and patriotic cotempo rary, the Washington ” Constitution Ykis. Hats. Dem. Whig. Dcm. Whig,