Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 07, 1845, Image 1

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THE- GEORGIA TELEGSkIaPH. by OLIVER H. PRINCE. —PUBLISHED WEEKLY— EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. i>EW SERIES—VOL. I. WO. 15. MACON, 0 4., TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1845. WHOLE NUMBER 951. THE GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. itlTHKO TUESHAr K O R N I K C, ' by OLIVER li. PRINCE, »t Ttaiee Dollars Per Annum. 0VAR1ABL Y JJYAD VANCE . vrRTUK***' 1 '® no* exceeding 12lines, will beinaertcd Unief** ONE DOLLAR; and rirnr cents for each *’f u'enl insertion. BlierilPs, I'®* Oellectnr*’ and CoroVtera’ Sales, are char- ^nZsoMble'Seduorfon will be made to those who adner- lJe, *'Vcur"r> on business connected wi'h the Office, 'must r * n *st secure Mien,ion. im.HUidL’s vtlClITABl E; FEVER AND AGUE: AND ANTI FEVEK PILLS .. prove all thivpr. and hold fart to that vhtch is good •toVE need under with that distressing complaint i\ (’HILLS AND FEVERS, or FEVER AND A- ».nrl n#»rnmnenilv cured bv Dr. zl Jndce Forrest, a irentirnwm of the first resectability, irotn wuug . « i,Jeffers*county, **<£*£" oto>Alm .p eb . 4 . 1843 . T certify, that in the summer of 1842, I bud a severe at tirktff Fever and A cue, and was f-t some time under the Jr.tffie’r.'t of a physician, but received no benefit from Ins ' ...^rinflOMS-inT disease cominued to lntTease in the fre- P m d seventy of its nliacks, I at Insi linrf resource to JnSivFever and Ague and Anti-Fever Pills, and in oiiisf half s box, was entirely cured, and have lemamcd ‘Tafferwardr.'hftf in my f*<nily several eases of Fever ,ad Ague, and have in every instance use of Hull s Pi 1, which have always immediately effected n cure. nV HuT's Pills require no puffing tyhere they Art known where they a e not. a .’ingle trial U sufficient t'rt Insure '£Price 51 prr box. with full direa. lions. A fresh su/p^og*elUs! * j!w. HATLEY. ’( GEORGE PAYNE. \ Druggists. H. SHOtWKtL. S |f.u Maronhv—COWLK3. NIOOLL &, Co. Tn Perrv bv -J. B. THOMPSON. kSAv-bond k MUnDOCK. , ,.,i k v , n appointed Agent in every eiiy and village thn.. *"V * n sppu.n.i. b HULL A SPENCER. 43 sad by an sppou oat ibe State. J|esaa|Auf, 49.184 . IMPROVED BOTANICO-MEDICAL PRACTICE. By iff. S. Thomson, JI, D. Macon, Gu. and hold feat day, in reality r "the deaf may hear, the lame mny walk, and the blind may COUGH LOZENGES Also—Ur. Hull’s CIS. ISII LOaiiBOBS, Par die relief rf Coughs. Colds, Consumption, Asthma. Whooping Coughs. Catarrh, Tightness of the Lungs or Ckwt. Aronchilis, and all pulmonary affections. Several, dmuund boxes have brrn sold within the last six months, prinj iimnediate relief to those who have been afflicted with the most distressing Coughs ar.d Colds, and restoring tolirahn jiersans iftHlinosl every Mage of pulmonary nt- ^The whtile world should know 'that Dr Hull’s Cough £ metises lire a certnin cure for all diseases leading to cob- Vamptions and death. They are recommended bv thdli ..nil. who bare used them, and that they give relief when ,11 other means fail. Price 25 cents per box with full dt- rminn*, and inn v be found on inquiry in nil the cities and •9. W. HAILEY. s Dru^ists GEORGE PAYNE, > Un, g*WU. H. BHOTWEtL, S fcsithlieNtt. ’COWLES, NICOLL.& Co. krry" . J. lE THOMPSON. Aujast 19. 1844. WELL’S WORM LOZENGES are'the greatest dis- ■rovery ever made fJr dispelling the various kinds of worms ’that so lrei|uently hild distressingly annoy both children •ml adults. From this Sparta Gazette—"From our know, lnlge we take great pleasure in recommending to the pub* lie IlulTs Worm Lozenges ns the teat woffa medicine ex- luU. Chihlreit will etfttheni ns they Would candy, tad 'cry fur them." To pafents we say, do not be without 'these Lozenges at any time, as you value the lives of your child re ti. For sale in Macon by J. H. * W. 8. ELLIS.) J. AV. BAILEY S Dru _„- !ns GEORGE PAYNE, I Uru ?° 5,ts ’ 11 SHOTWELL. ] COWLES. N1COLL. & Co. HONI) Ic MURDOCK. J. B. THOMPSON, and by an a P/ {.luted agent in every city and village througeoulthe Slate- Aug. 19.1844. 48 Ks.t Varnn, In Knoxville, by Perry. DR. SPENCER’S VEGETABLE PILLS "Tue skilful physician shun lilt up his head, in the sight «f the great men of the earth, he shall be in admiration ; f>r he hath prepared his medicines nut nf the herbs of the field; and he that is wise will not abhor them.” Physicians, medical Men. ahd philosophers, have all t;reed that nature has preprrtnla remedy for every dis- eue. A little reflection must convince every one of the truth contained in this remark. Dr. Spencer’s Piljs are a vegetable remedy, and all-powerful in removing disease. may be taken with impunity at all titnea without re- gird to diet or exposure, and without the debilitjtin- ef- f::s consequent <M» uking other medeeines. They nave the united tehllmohy of the whole medical profession in heir favor, 'and fridn their decision there is no appeal.— tPeranrui wishing tUpurchnse cannot be tod particular to get Spencer’s Pills, as there are scores of uuacMtifie prepara tion pot on ante almost every day. of doubtful efficacy.— Price 25 cents per box. with full directions. A fresh sup- ply just received arid fur sale in Macon by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS,\ J. W. HAILEY. I n , GEORGE PAYNE, r^ruggists. II. SHOTWELL. J E»,t Macon, by COWLES 4c NICOLI. st Co. In Knoxville,by ROND A MURDOCK. Perry. J. B. THOMPSON, and by an ap. Pointed Agent in every city and village throughout the 6uie. Macon, Ga. August ltflh. 1844. its IThe following is from Mr. Isaac U, Thomas, Merchant, at Talladaga Spring*, Alabama.} Talladega. Springs. Talladega Co. Ala. August 17th, 184 This is to certify, that I have been afflicted with Sick Heidache, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and Costive- neu for tha hst eight or nine years, during which time I hid taken, ss well as I recollect, about sixty boxes of heckwith’s Pills, twelve boxes of Peters’ Pills, and a number of boxes of Cltampion’s and BrandretVs Pills, all bf which afforded tne but little or no relief. At last. 1 was recommended to try Doctor Spencer’s Vegetable Pills MD welt. 1 DID; fori never bad but one attack of the Tick Headache after I commenced taking the Pills, (now rbtmt six months.) and I candidly confess, that I have de. tired more real benefit from the use of 8pencer's Pills, iia from all the other Medicines and Pills that I have ever taken, and I would earnestly recommend them TO ALL, as being in my opinion the best medicine rn use for >11 lingering complaints. The Pills have done me so much Pad. that l would not feel willing to be wiihuut them for fire dollar* a bex; and I cannot but feel very grateful to Hr. Spencer for having prepared such a valuable medi. eiae, and the distribution of it is conferring a very great fivor on the public, as it is a thing of the utmost import- Pee that every family should have a supply of Doctbr fipeacer’s truly valuable Pills constantly on hand. __ * ISAAC M. THOMAS. TOOTHACHE! W HO would be troubled with this tormenting pain when it can be cured without extracting it 1 Dr. Lacount's tooth ache drops area cerlatn remedy.— Thousands have declared that they would not be without preparation it it cost $10 per vial. It does not injure *“* teeth, but possesses the property of enlivening the Earns when in an unhealthy state'.—Full directions accom- ppying etch vial, price 50 cents. A fresh supply just re- ;ei ’ei and foraale in Macon by J. H. A. W. S. ELLIS, l J. W. BAILEY. GEORGE PAYNE * H. 8HOTWELL. i J‘>tM»coa, COWLES. NICOLL.&Ce. r ' r ’y, J. THOMPSON, and by an ap- P°*nt»<I agent in avery city and villagu throughout the State. Augue; ;<>, 1844. 48 R EAD at.d J 1 - I)GE. •• Prove all thing to that which it good." As even in oui receive their sight. T:.c undersigned fuily aware of the hiany responsibilities resting upon him as a practitioner of the healing art, would again lender hi* services to those who Inay need them with the assurance in advance, that if aasiduoUs care, lougexpe- rience, and a thorough knowledge ofinhbeent yet powerful ly health's restoring remedies, with theirjndictaus applica tion wi*l restore lost health, he feels warranted in saying, that so far os these go to the procurement of such decider* alum, the afllcl’c'd or their friends will in no case be Uis'ap pointed. As heretofoVe persons afflicted with chronic diseases ahe residing at a distance may have theirense* treated by send ing their symptoms JIJ writing as correctly as possible when medicines to suit them will be compounded and sent Many who h ve pursued this course, though we have never seen them, ate now in tlife enjoyment of uninterrupted health. Persons having diseased servants who may be to them both burlhensnmr and expensive, may either have their caaes treated nr dispose of them to the subscriber at a fair price. Hernia Cr Rupture, will be treated on improved princi. pies, with an instrument enlii'elv new, which, so faros has been used, gives entire satisfaction—it can be worn day or night with equal facility. Person* thus afflicted, will have to apply in person, in ordcl to be well fitted. Letters to ensure attention must invariably be post paid; terms liberal and punctuality expected. M. S. THOMSON, M. D. March 5 t!3 That community may have some idea of ihe extremes to which disease may go without being beyond the reach of medicine, it is deemed proper to append the following state ments of facts, token from a number of similar iinpoit. w hich may yet be submitted as room and circumstance may admit: Bmu CoUSTT, Jan. Oth. 1844. This may certify that my wife has been afflicted with Dyspepsia and Liver complaint for twfclve years, nnd has taken a variety of medicine* without apparent benefit; even the justly celebrated Dr. Durham of Utark county, failed to benefit her. She suffered much froth nervous irritability palpitation of the heart and extreme weakness so as to be confined nlrnost entirely to her bed. In this situation 1 ap plied to Dr. M. S. Thomson, of Macon, under whose direc tions and applicatinns, 1 am happy to say, she soon was let tered to comfortable health, and is now able in attend to all the usual business of her house and family. My daughter was also afilintcd witn convulsive fits, from which Dr. Durham fuiled to relieve bet. I applied to Dr. Thomson also in her case, nnd I am persuaded he has fi nally cured her; she ha had nosymptom of them in six months Hut these though certainly ef their kind very eminent, cunn'ot be eompaied tor a moment with the case ol one of my sons, whohusbcenaff.ictcd with palsy to such a degree as to have become perfectly helpless. He first lost the 11-e ot his limbs, then of his body, and finally his HEARING and thut lie might be in a manner dead, only he breathed, nnd bven that at cue lime, was so nearly gone, that his clotheS Ve re prepared in anticipation of his final ex it. We hid fflude use of the usual remedies in such ca ses, and ev’en had applied to Dr. Striliglellow, a root doc tor, but without benefit. In this silbution, Dr. Tholhson was called In, who I am happy to say, lias restored him not only to th’j lull and free use of till liij limbs, but nlso to the use of lii's eyes and eafs, tviihout tvliiclicreation werfe k blank and life itself a burden. The change is so great frein absolute helplessness, blindness nnd /leafmss to life nnd activity. SIGHT and HEARING, that it ran hardly be realised by any but those who have sebn it. This it a cure which, numerous as those effected by the Doctor are. will hardly give precedence to any. ' ISAAC WATTS. From the Federal Union. To tttfe Editors: GENTLEMEN:—Occupying the iinpnrtant station In colntnunity that you do. and conirollihgsuch a powerful en gine for good ns the public press 1 have taken the liberty of addressing you, being au old subscriber, upon a subject of great importance and it inoy be 'of infinite nrivnntoge to many of your numerous leaders. My intention in addressing you thut. is merely to commuicate a fact that has come un der my own knowledge, in my own family and before my own eyes, and which I deem it my duty, as a good citizen, to commuhicnie for the benefit of my fellow-men.— Some time during last year, tnV son William, about 10 years old, wns taken with a parnle.ic affection, by whirli he was entirely deprived of the one of hi* lower extremities and bedv, so far ns to be perfectly unable to change his posi tion either on his pallet or in bed,'—his limbs became con tracted and Sometimes appeared tobe spasmodically nfi'ected toe contraction appeared to ascend gradually to his body, till it reached his abdomen, the lower part of which was so jowerfuliy contracted, as to throw the upper part upon the ungs. which so compressed them as almost to produce suf focation; ttie parti protruding from just under the ribs to an unnatural size. To walk wns impossible, and even the pow er of the will had no influence over his limbs. In this sit- uatiuti. I carried hiht (o Macon and placed him under the care ol Dr. Thomson, of that city ; in two months I carried hint home.greatly relieved; the confse was atill pursued for two months more, ahd my son, once the helpless, moping, decrepid and palsied invalid, is now the active, cheerful and bouyantboy of former daya, runhing about everywhere, from morning till night, so fond or field sports, thathe has become perfect terror to rabbits, partridges A other game that may resume to lurk upon the plantation; and so pleased with is new acquired liberty, that he himself has becomlf. the liveliest in his circle of contemporary acquaintance. The result ml so little anticipated by me, and by all who were acquainted with the case, that it has been denned nfshffi cient importance to merit publicity, by giving it which, you hill confer a favor on Yours, respectfully, ALEX. HUNT. Jones county, 19th Jnn. 1844. NEW DRUG STORE. T HE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and t' e public, that he is now receiving an extensive assortment of Drugs, Medical preparations. Faints, Oils, Dyestuffs, Fa- tent Medicines, and Perfumery. The articles liuve been laid in on the most advantageous terms; are ol the best quality, as he is determined to vend no other; and will be sold, wholesale or mat:, tor cash or satisfactory town accep tances. on the lowest terms mat i:an he aflbrded in this sec tion of the country. Phyatciahs. Country Merchants, and others, are invited to call and iudge for themselves. JAMES W. HAILEY. (C7* His Store is two doors above Hoardman’s Hook and Stationary Establishment, Mulberry *tieet, Macoh.Ga. Sulphate Quinine Musk, Blue Mass do Morphine Horehound Acet.Morphine Otto Rose Court Plaiter Isinglass Castor Oil Sponge, Mace Citrated Kali Annato, Chloride Soda Copperas Senna Alex Borax, Nutgalls Cavenne African Rosin Indigo Spanish Float Oil Almond: Caraway Seed “ Attuisede Anodyne Hoflamoht Burgamoil AquaForlis *• Cajiput Juniper Berries “Cassia Bees Wax “ Cloves Charcoal Fulv. V Caraway Corks Velvet u Ong*nuih_ Calomel Eng. “ Anthos . Calomel Am. “ Juniper Croton Tigliuin “ Lavender Glim Ardbic ” Jessamine Gamboge “ Fennel Blue Stone “ Savine freth Salts of Tartar “ Goldwood Extract Jalap •• Wormsee'd do Lfehiomforpies.skUces; “ double Tattiby Ac..a hew and very conve- “ Peppermint lii'ent article “ Spearmint Extract Valerian “ Tanseypurfc " Accomta “ Cedrat " Buchu compd *’ Crbttm " Pink Root Fluid 11 iare " Auguslura “ Pillegi • r Hardback . “ Safsitfras " Lettuce MW AM Orange “ Cort Peru compd “ Cedar “ Hark Precipitated “ Black Peppe ** Nux Vomica “ Hemlock " Rhubarb •* Gentian " Ratania “ Dandelion " Colocynth pure ■■ “ compound " Balsam Cdpavia “ Hyoscamus “ Ctcuta " Stramonium ** Belladonna “ Hbncset ' Butternut " Glycopt “ •• refd Eng: . “ Sarsaparilla Hbrbs Horehound Cleavers DRUGS. A GENERAL stock of Drugs nnd ITIcdlcinrs re ceiving-. of the best selection. All persons wishing to purchase, will be supplied with superior articles, on fair terms, ALSO- Patent •Medicines, vis: RQWAND'S TONIC. BALSAM OF LIVERWORT, BERNARD’S CHOLERA REMEDY, EXTRACTS OF SARSAPARILLA, REMEDY FOR ASTHMA, CHLORINE LOTION, TOMATO PILLS. PETERS’ Do. HULL’S Do. Ac. Ac. ALSO, Americsn Gentlemen’s Shaving Soap, Russell's superior Shaving Cream, Superior old French Soap, Do do Ametican do Pearlash, Potash, Sal Erato*. VINEGAR. Starch, Ac. Ac. Ma£on, Aug 13 46 “ Catnip * Thoiougliwort “ Cicuta ‘ Marsh Melon " C .1 foot " Parley " Soesrtnint “ S-trvey Grass “ rivazeamous “ Wormwood " Double Tansey ** Hyssop “ Horse Radish “ Bitter Sweet “ Lemon “ Sweet Mrajoram “ Motherwort “ Fenneroyal ** Sage Cantharides Fly Stone Colocynth Acetic Acid 8weet Oil Veratrine Shychonine Digitalis Greta prept Irish Moss ffxalic Acid Cetric do Prussic do Tartaricdo Opium Pepperine.Uva Ursi Sage. Syrenges Honey, Squill* Mezerian Hemlock Hops Saffron Ericuma Nutmegs W afers . Cloves Qaicksilver Arrowroot Lbgwood Madder Allum Fig Bine Brimstone Starch Glue Antimony Aloes Sod: Rhubarb Emetine . ... Macon, May 14,1844. For sale by J. H. A W. S. ELLIS, Cotton Avenue. VACUHAft A DA VIM’ CONCENTRATE!! COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTS OF SARSAPA KILLA, F OR the cure of Scrofula. Chronic Rheumatism, Gener al Debility, Cutaneous Diseases, scaly eruptions of the Skin, Tetter, pimples or pustules on the Face, Liver Affec tions. Mercurial and Syphiloid Diseases. Biles from an im, pure habit of body, Ulcerations of the Throat and Leg- Piiff.i and Swelling of the Bones—for sale by T . H. A W. S. ELLI8. Aug 13 45 Cotton Avenue. FBKMIf DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Druggists Brought to Jail) 4 Houston county, Ga. a Negro Fellow, aged ■bout 35' years, who says his name is JESSE, and that be belongs to William Tail, of the State — . of Alabama, 15 miles from Greenville. Said Ne. s ° '! •* f®** 10 or 11 inches high, and light built. He NMnit master's plantation is on the Alabama river. The "®at is requested to came forward, prove property, pay •yt**. and take him away. JtniiUm i8 WM. *ERH.1NGT©N, SMf C ONTINUED suppli J the. best quality of the hove articles, suitable for Phy sicians. Merchants, and Fami lies, received and for sale by J. H. A W. S. ELLIS. June 4.1844. 36 Cotton Avenue, Macon,Ga. lies of COOKS Anti Bilious Pills. F OR the Cure of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,Ac. For sale by J. H. A W. 8. ELLIS- Oct 31 5 • MDDICAIEEMOVAI. T HE subscriber has temoved his office from the corne opposite the Floyd House, (late Centtal Hotel.) to that, two doors back in the same building, and fronting on third street, where he will be in daily attendance, from 10 in the morning, till 2 in the afternoon, for the purpose more especially of attending to the treatment of Chronic cases brought from a distance; persons from die country, there fore, calling between those times, will r.ot, except in ex treme cases, be disappointed. The balance of his time in the mornings, evenings, and nights, will be devolCd as usu al, to the treatment of acute canes in town, or a short dis tance in the country, when the Calls of such as deem it/Aeir interest to procure his terriers will be attended to. He would, however, respectfully request that none but those who are satisfied of tue superiority of Botanic remedies, or those in possession of sufficient independence and nerve te test that fact, would trouble him with their applications, as none others, if known would in any case, be attended to. Such nf the poor as come Within the above rule, will be attended gratuitously.but hi would take this opportunity of begging (hat they will pot think themselves slighted, if it should not be convenient lor him to be always with them. He is now receiving and will always keep a freah and 1 foil supply of eehuine Botanic Medicine*', which will tell at reasonable prices to practitioners aud families, at whole eale er retail. M. B. THOMSON, M. D. Macon, Ga. Oct. 8,1144. •• Dpruce “ Caiitliarides « Tar “ Copavai “ Amber rect “ “ com “ Seneca “ Rhodium “ Nerole “ Camomile “ Valerian • Cubebs • Wormwood “ Nutmegs " Annisfeed Spatala* assorted Syringes „ Trusses “ Brushes “ Tooth Brushes Nail Brushes White Wash do No 1,2,3 Bot Brushes No 1, 2, 3 Flesh do No 1,2,3 Cloth Brushes,fancy froni No 1 to 12 Blacking Brushes assorted Bristol Brick Sheep Skins, extra French No 1, 2 and 3 Almond Paste Antique Oil Balm of Columbia Bears Oil Cream of Amber Cold Cream Cologne Farina •• French “ Germnn “ American Extract Millifiores Lip Salve Otto of lloses Macassar Oil Phinalum Pbarl Powder Preston Salt* Tciilet Powder Vegetable Rouge Vinegar Aromatic Eye Water Godfrey’s Cardial Hayes Linament Harlem Oil Itch Oointment Funnels Wedttwood from No 1 to 5 Galley Pots assorted Mortars from 1 inch to 12 Medical Spoons Pill Tiles graduated froip 1 inch to 12 Polishing Clay- Putty Knives Apoth’s. Scales and Weight* Wicking for Lsihps Extraot Roses Essence of Tyre Florida Water Freckle Wash Hair Oil Ward’# Hungary Water Hair Powder Indian Dye Kaphafia Orange Flower \/iater 33 BAILEY’S Military Shaving- Cream. T HE upff-rtgned take pleasnrfc in certifying that they hare used the Military Shaving Soap, prepared by Mr. William Bailey, Druggist, Brooklyn, New York, and for sale by Mr James W. Bailey, Druggist of this place. It is certainly the finest and most pleasant compound that we have ever uaed ; leaving the akin after the operation of shaving, smooth and soft, and rendering the act truly a pleasure rather than a task. All whu shave themselves arid derife comfort in the act, we recommend to them Bailey’a Military Shaving Soap. SAMUEL R. BLAKE; JOHN DARBY. N. C. MUNROE. JOHN LAMAR. Dr. JAMES WOOD. N. ELLS. WILLIAM 8COTT. Macon, July 9,1844, 41 Received this Day, CASKS Potash; for sale by July 16. 1844. JAMES W. BAILEY; Sand’s Sarsaparilla, F OR purifying the blood, for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. July 16, 1844. 42 Oldridge’s Balm, O F Columbia, for restoring the hair, for sale by JAMES W. BAI July 16, 1844. JAMES W. BAILEY; 42 JAMES W. BAILEY, Druggiat. • 42 DKIKaS. MEDICINES. &c. FAyitr/flu* nnd JPiantrrt i fllilh. subscriber is now receiving every week, fresh sup plic* °f M EDIC1NES. which are very carefully se lected for him in the Northern markets; and Slaving adopt ed the CAfc^Il 8Y-STBM entirely, is enabled to sell at very reduced prices. Physicians and others, having opportuni ties of sending to him, may rely upon having their orders ex ecuted upon the most favorable terms. The quality of the articles will he the very best, and ;he prices as low as if they attended personally to the purchase of therH _ f " HARVEY SHOTWKLL, Moy 14 33 Corner dppositb the Central Hotel. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SaLe BY H. SHOT WE LE, B ALM of Columbia, for Restoring the Hair; Rowand’s Tonic Mixture, a certain cure for Ague ahd Fever ; Bristol s Sarsaparilla, for Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, and for all impurities of the blood; Evans’ Chamomile Pills, for Nervous Debility, Sick Headache and loss of appetite ; BoothingSyrup, for Children Teething; Hews* Nerve and Bone Linament, a certain remedy for Rheumatism ; Ma cassar Oil, celebrated for beautifying and preserving the Hair; Thompson’s Eye-Water; '.Scodder’s Eyb-Waier; Scudder’s Acoustic Oil, for Headless; Erasive towder’, for removing stain*, grease. Ac., from Dresses; Corral Tooth Powder, in Boxes: Roussell's Shaving Cream, a ve ry superior article: Lee’s Pills; Bear’s Oil; Corn Salve; Phelps’Tomatto Pills; Solidified Copaiva; Extract Buch er; Ewens’s Patent Spread Plasters; Cooper’s Corn Salve ; Seidlitz Powders, pure; Soda Powders ; Yeast Pow ders to make Light Cakes or Bread, instantaneous. June 4. 1844. 3fi Snuff* and Tobacco. ‘ M ACABOY, Scotch, and American Gentleman Snuff, of superior quality. Smoking aid Chewing Tobacco. Just received and for sale by H. 8HOTWELL. jBJutie 4, 1844. 36 ; , ’Gallishan’s Pills. A FE W dozen Gallighari’s Tills, an infallible remedy for Chills and Fever, just received and for-sale by HARVEY SHOTWELL, May it , 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. Lamp Oil. A BEAUTIFUL article of Bleached Sperm Oil. foraale by HARVEY SHOTWELL. Mav 14 33 Carpenters’s nnd Sands’ Sarsa parilla, F OR sale at the proprietors’ prices, by HARVEY SHOTWELL, __MayJ4 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. Maffhtt’s Pills and Bitters, F OR sale at the proprietor’s prices'.bv HARVEY SHOTWELL. May 14. 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. Linsee4l Oil anil Train Mil, " OR gale low by HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 Corner opposite tlite Central Hotel. F Sal E rat us, ,F superior quality, just received and fur sale by 1 May 14 HAltVEY SHOTWELL. o Potash, 1RST cjiiality. fpr sale low by May U 33 HARVEY SHOTWELL. F Hay’s Liniment, A CERTAIN cure for the Pilea.for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. July 16, 1844. 42 Bailey’s Sarsaparilla, A CURE for all disorders arising from a bad state dr the blood, for sale at JJlMEff W. BAILEY’S; Jffly 16, 1844. 42 For Sale at Bailey’s Drug Store, "I AA boxes Window Glass. 300 kegs White Lead, XUfxJ 300 gallons Linseed Gil,5 bbls. Spirit Turpentidn, 2 bbii. Copal Varnish, Ido. Japan do; ALSO, 300 gallons Lamp Oil, 200 gallons Train Oil, 100 gallons Neatsfoot Oil. May 14, 1844. 33 Wanted, 1 AAA LBS. Bee’s Wax. by •UUU JAMES W. BAILEY, Druggist, May 14 Two doors above Boardtnan’a Book Store Congress and Saratoga Water, J U6T received; tnd for *ale by July it; isfi. Sweedish Leeches, , "BUST received from New York, and fdijssle by •f JAMES’ W. BAILEY, Dnlggist. July 16. 1844. 42 Received this Day, A LARGE lot of fancy Soapi, Cologne Water, and* general aasortment of fancy articles, and for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. July 16,1644, 42 WARE-HOUSE AND Commission Business. GRAVES, WOOD, & CO. T AKE this method of informing planters and others, {ha in addition to their wholesale and teiail DRY-GOODS AND GROCERY BUSINESS, llieY will cominub to transact a general WARE-HOUSE asd COMMISSION BUSINESS, at ihk old stand, (long knnwn as Graved' Corner,) on the corner cif second street and Cnmtnerre Row, and would respectfully renew the tender of their services to their planting friends, and otheis. with the assurance, that those who may patronize us in this line of business, shall have our best endeavors to do them ustice and promote their interest. Our Ware-House is conveniently situated ; and Colton stored with us, shall be well taken care of, and protected from the weather. We will also assist with pleasure, our friends in selling their Cotton, and without charge; and we are at all times pre pared to tnake-advancesoii the same in Cash or Merchan- dize. r We respectfully solicit a portion of the patronage of the public. GRAVES, WOOD, 4c CO. Edwin Graves,^ Thomas Wood, > J. M. Kiubke. ) Macon, September 24. 1844. 52 ALBERT Cl. BUTTS, Ware-house AND Commission Merchant, BIACON, Gcwrgin. AS constantly on hand a large supplv of BAGGING ROPE. BLANKETS. SHOES,* GROCERIES DRY GOODS, 4cc. and will continue to supply his cus loraers at the lowest prices. Macon, Sept. 24,1844. 52 Factorage and Commission. T HE subscriber having resumed the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS at Savannah, offers his services to the public, and solicits the patronage of his former friends, trusting that his experience and demoted attention to the interests entrusted to his management, wil give satisfaction. B. E. STILES. Sd4annah; Out. 29- 5 2(n Attention l Attention! 1 Just Rcecived, At the Macon Sdddte, and Harness DEPOSITORY. A LARGE lotof LADIES’ SADDLES, ofevery de scription; Plain, FanOy, Velvet, Plush, Hog Skm, Eved Stitched, &c.,fur sale eheap. Also, .splendid lot of BRIlzLES, wholesale and retail, at Northern Manufacturing prices —$500 worth of Whip*, direct from Sopus. Harness Leather, Bridle Leather Waggon Hames. Trace Chains. , Kj 1 Highest CASH prices paid for Leopard Skins. Dec. 3. 1844. :0 GEO. I. SHEPARD, H AS Just received an extensive assortment of HATS and CAPS, of the latest Fashion, to which the atten tion ofhis friends and the public generally, is invited. Be ing perfectly confident that hisfscilities for obtaining fresh supplies, weekly, will enable him to sell as low as any oth er establishment in the State, Whole idle or retail. Oct. 8,1844. 2 Just Received, at G. W. & E. WOODRUFF’S, A LARGE assortment of new and fashionable STA PLE AND FANCY DRV GOODS.consisting ofa great variety ofthelatest patterns for ladies dresses'.— Also all kinds' of goods usually kept in our line. AU 6f which will be offered at a small advance' from cost. Macon. Sept. 24,1844V Emporium of Fashion. T HE undersigned, respectfully announce that $iey have resumed the TAILORING BUSINESS, under the management of Mr. Menard, late of the City dr New York, who has for a number of years', had charge of one of the most fashionable Houses in Broadway; and whose rep utation is such as to authorize the belief that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to’those who may favor them with their patronage. J. A E. SAULSBURY. Sept 17,1844.51 B. at J. COWLE& H AVE removed to the Brick Store, on Cotton Avenue, one door below the Telegraph Office, where they are now opening a general assortment of Groceries, Shoes, Hardware Ac. together with a stock of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, all of which will be sold low for CASH.' Our usual supply of CHEESE kept constantly on hand, Macon, Oct 22, 1844. 4 graves, wood a CO. R ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Merchants and Planters to their stock of FRESH SHOES, to which weekly additions will be made during the season. Our assortment etnbracealthe following descriptions : 1500 pair heavy black Brogans, 1200 “ “ rustet do. 1500 “ " lined and bound Kip Brogans. 1000 *• high and low quarter Brogans, 1200 •* Women’s and Mis.-es’ Morocco. Kid, Seal and Gambroon Buskins, 81ippers and Ties. 600 pair Men's Calf and Seal Brogans, 200 ■' .do. do. do. Pumps, 300 “ Youths' and Boya’ Calf and Kip Brogan* j 2Q0 “ Children’s Leather Shoes, 10 caaes Calf, Seal and heavy Boots. Macon. August 20, 1844. 47 ^ A E. SAULSBURY, have received; and are now J . opening a variety of articles, such as Clem, Scarf*, Cravata, Tie*, St*cks, HaadkarchiaA, Bang—Ser*, *». diet Comprising the moat desirable apartment ef such article* •veroffered in this market. Oct 29. i Vv11 Sliii’l* ami Drawers. rt-'ST Rrreive.l. a ^><*‘1 of Merino Lambs \\ iml. ativi Colton Neit Drawer* (iKOiUiE W. PRICE. Macon. Oct S2 4 new Goods, new goods. ri^HE Subscribers arc now receiving r general i*sort. A inent ol staple nmi fancy DRY-CTOO 1)5*. of .ne latest itv lc .-»nd pattern:*, which they offer for sale atfair prices, in brick building one door from Washington Hall. Sent 23 52 GEO. W. PRICE Sc CO. H AS removed his ollice and residence to the | House above the Methodist Church. Oct 1. 1844. 1 . 3m | DR; ROO\ 1 H AS resumed the exercise of bis profession, and will | hrreafrer devote all his attention to the cases entrus- j ted to hi* care. Mahon. Oct. 0?*. 1644. 5 J A ME S RT. RING. AiToHxEY at Law, Macon, Ga; Office oveR Commercial Bank. Law Notice. undemigned have associated themselves in the A practice of the Law, and will give prompt attention to such business as may be entrusted to their care. They will attend the following Courts: Bibh. Crawford, Monroe. Twiggs, Jones, Wilkttlson. Houston, Pulaski, Hen ry and Pike." [O 3 * OFFICE over E.J>. Weed's Store, two doors be low W. B. Johnston, on Mulberry street. A. P. POWER?. L. N. WHITTLE. Macon, March 26, 1844. 26 JOSEFH R. CLAPP, Attorney at Law, Vienna, Dooly county. Mny 10 32 tjeorgia. Laiv Notice; T &E undersigned will c;ive their joinl and undivided at tention to any,.professional business confided to thein in the counties of Bibb. Houston. Pulaski, Macon, Dooly Sumter, Lee, Baker, Thomas, liecatur, Early, Randolph. Stewart. ▲rid in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of Georgia. ^ For the convenience of their clients, they have opened of fices in Macon, and in Albany, Ga. Letters to tl)e firm, ad dressed to either place will receive their prompt attention, (CP Office iri Macon, formerly occupied by Dr. Randolph. Office in AlbanjL building east of the Courier Office. R. K. & J. B. HINES. Oct 1. 1 3in WASHINGTON HALL, HlACOX; GEORGIA. . - 1 IHE subscriber has again taken this Estai ISlIlH. JL lishment, where lie will always be hap LifliV pv to attend to the call* of hi* old customers, and the travelling public generally. Macon, June 20 38 S- LANIER. MARIETTA hotel, €oM> County, GEORGIA. fTIHE undersigned Irave taken this spacious Hotel, for- A merlykeptby Benson Robkbts. Esq., and art now ready for the reception of Traveller* and Families visiting the up-country. The subscribers pledge themselves' to use every eieriior for the cetnfort of their patron*. . THOMAS B. DANIEL; JEREMIAH LEAK.. Marietta, Jan. 1,1844. 27 500 factually do in all Jus! Received. LBS. pure Blue Vitriol, fur noakinc seed Wheat, protect it from Ma«;t or smut, which it will ef- Fire InSurarice. CAPITAL 3300,000- T HE Sew York Contrihvtionship Fire Insurance Company, bavin?established an Agency in MaCoti, will Insure Buildings. Merchandize, Household Furniture and every description of Property, offoirift loss or Dam- ag'e,by Fire. BOND 4 MURffOCK, Agent*. Macon, April 3u. 1844. 31 ly Fire Insurance. HE Undersigned, Agent* fo’f the jEtna Insurance Company of Hartford Coon., are prepared to take risks on Buildin'gs, Merchandize in Store and Cottnn in Ware-houses, inthe Cuv of Macon and its vicinity, again* Fire. REA A COTTdN. Ag’ta Feb 7 23 iv T Notice. A LL persons having claims against ft. 8. Newcomb, or B. 8. Newcomb Jc Co. are requested to % pre*ent them for settlement; an‘d all indelv.ed. will save themselves trou ble ind expenses, by paving without we having recourse o the services of an att*rnev. Mny 20. 1844. 34 *B. 8. NEWCO'MB & CO. Priitie Geese Feathers. | I'krifk LBS. ius> received an t 'or sale bv 1 * *1JU GRAVES. WOOD & t(f. A orit 30 1841 3. Exchange on New-York, OR sale by “ THOS. f AYLGft. October 3 l BRICKS, of the best quality. For sale J. A. RALSTON. P 100,000 by Macon. &ept 10, 1844. Gun-Poivder. QJT KEGS Sporting /Wtl 15 do Shot gun 10 do July 30 75 POWDER, For *a!e bv BOND A MURDOCK. Sii»t anil Led. Blasting M BAGS Shot, assorted sizes 300 lbs. Lead, foraale by Julv 30 44 BOND A MURD’OCK. Choice Canal Flour. A FRESH supplyjust received and for sale bv ±A. THOMAS TAYLOll. July 2 40 On Cotton Avenue and Second st. Just Received, O N Second street, a fresh supply of Fren cli Calf Boots superior article. Also, Ladies’ Shoes, ofvarious kinds July 2 40 WHITING A MIX. Cloaks ! Cloaks!! >’ and Gentlemen styles, just received by | ^ADIES’ and Gentlemen’s Cloth Cloaks, of the latesl Get. 29. J. A E. SAULSBURY. Over £oats. A L ARGE av-ortmem of Over Coats, or various quali ties. Just received by Oct 29. 5 J. A E. SAULSBURY. Biisnriess Coats. ■ 7*NGLI8H WatcrProof Faced. Ware, Beaver and JLi Fancy Caaaimere. Just received by , Oct 29, 5 J. ▲ E. SAULSBURY. Under Shirts- S HAKER, Lamos Wool, Nett and Spun Silk Shirts Just received by Oct 29, 5 J. A E. SAULSBURY. To Farmers; I AM prepared to sell great bargains in Negro Shoes, Cloth and Blanket.. Give me a call before sup plying yourselves, and I will be rure to suit you in price and quality. J08EPH N. SEYMOUR. Octaber 1, 1844. 1 Black-Smith Tools, F OR tale or rood quality, by J. N. 8EYM6'UR. Oci 1, 1844. 1 To Kent. T HE middle ptrt of the Store now occu pied by th(j subscriber, suitable for a lIlll^L Millinary or Tailoring establishment, a* also a part of the tenement above. Possession giv- «BSBSm en by the first'of October next. Apply M. S. THOMSI August 27, 1844- 49 TO RENT. P OSSESSION riven immediataly. The whole of the upper part of tflst building on the corner of Mulberry and Third streets, oppo.ite the Floyd House. It it well situated and suited for a Boarding House, and will be rent ed for that purpose if applied for soon, if not, it will be divided'ana rented accordingly. Apply to , ^ M'. S'. th6ms6n. Macon, Oct: 8, 1841. 2 TOTASH, K EPT constantly on hand by J. N. 8ETMOUK Oct. 1, 1844 1 Ort 1. 1 844. ete the pure arti.-le i* u*ed. HAlfVKY SHOTWELL. Opposite Central Hotel. Bools and Slinks. O Ull. stock is now enmplet orisiiiL- rverv style at very extensive, rom- r ■■•--- - A fine assortment o LADIES’ SHOES and SLIPPERS. Give ua a call if you wish b»rtnin«, IV „ ' W1NSHIP A POPE. macon.October 29. 1844. 5 BACON! BACOiY!! rUlH LBS.superior Geotgia Cqreri BACO^— ■wll.UUU Hams. Shoulder*, and Side*, for sale by REDDING A WHITEHEAD. Mav 21 MORRISON S “ Vegetable Universal ifledieines, GEO. W.PRICE A CO .12 *74 OR sale bv I 1 Ma da v .*> Mr «. ts. miifjm (AT PRIVATE SALE.) 5 000 pr! " ie iIami and ^ l * oulJ ert. now in Macon. Oct 1. 1844. 1 COWLES* T 7 iTCWk BOX Kb Solomon Cowles' Superior Cream Cheese, receiving and for aa!e bv „ COWLES; NlbOLB A CO. hast Macon, Oct S. 1844. a Paints and Oil^: rilA KEOS Noe.l and 2 White Lead. 300 gSllona Linseed Oil, 200 do LainpOil. With* variety ofColorslnrPaiHters’use, for ale bv J »b'6 40 GHAS. CAMBBKLL A CO Bargains ! Bnr^niiH !! IN' BOOTS AnB SHOES. 5 000 Pairi ?0, , ,d Ke S ro Ijf8 snns, at Manufacturers coit ami exj>en$es. 4.000 Pairs good Kip B. ogati*, do do do Also, a general assortment of BOOTS A SHOES, which will be offered low—Cull and at*e. STRONG A WOOD. Nov. 12. 7 NEW BOOKS ~ At J. Barnes’, on Cotton AvtNUE. Prescott’s Mexico, Dr. Olin’a Travel* in the East, Life of Wilburn Flsl^, Kendall's Santa Fe Expedition, Magendce’a Physiology, New Edition of Duriglison’s Medical Dicti .nary No. ! A 2 Harpers’ Pictorial Bible. Works of Miss Brewer, in cheap forrh, Liebig’s Agricultural Chemistry. Mysteries of taris. Macon, March 2C. 26 15E iff OVAL; T flE undersigned have removed to the Store n n second street, a Tew doora south of the Washington Hull and adjoining the Messenger Office * where the* „re receives a lage and general smek of * Staple and Fancy Dry-Goods, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING SHOES, BOOTS, Ac. ’ All or which will be sold at unusnally low price*, bv the piece or otherwise. Purchaser* are 'invited to cal] and ex amine for themselves. . ft. J. HAY A C8 Msc.on. bet. 8.164-4. 2. •Macon Iron J* IS r ass Joint dry AND MACHINE SHOP. M l i*5r a i d G'^rieering. Sttrim Engine Work, Iron 1.1A. and ftou <?aslruirsof every detvription. made tc order and Machine Work in General, cofner o^ Fourth tml Walnut Street*. (CP The higheatpricea will be paid for Oi«l Covnti Rrnita, I,end, and Caatli'bn. 1 Jan31 17 ROBT. FINDLAY. Fashionable imts AT THE NEW HAT AND CAP STOR] flYHE subscriber has received the SI’Pl -I ^BSHltfN for Hats, the finest and li est article ever offered in tins market. A Panama. Leghorn. Pakn Leaf, Drab Be* - Otter, Russia, and Pearl Cassiiner—bi brim and fashionable. All of width will be sold lov ° v SH ' \r - , OA , L SHEPAR] Macon, May 7, 1844. 33 FASHIONABLE Strrfw Millinery, attd Dress Making listablisliinent, (Over J. W. Bai/iy'x l>rng Store.) M RS. MAbON respectfully inform* the Ladles of con and vicinity, that she has just received a new of the latest fashioned HAT BLOCKS, likewise so proved PRULING MA'CHINB. which wiUenaMeh, bleach and pres? all kinds of plain ifnd fancy EEOHOl audSTKift MA’M, with gre,ter facility, and w out the risk o! scorciung the straw, at! the following redu prices, viz: 6 Ladies' size, . Misses’ do. , - w Gentlemen’s FananVaand Leghorn Hals. All altering, ’ Mr*. M. will guarantee to give satisfaction to tho« e may favor her with their patronage, or return the m , bne bus also received some plates of fashions, wind enable her to make Dresses in the moat fashionable i and at very reduced prices, to suit the tithes. Macon, bepieuiber 10. 1844. 3m 50 75 cem 50 - 75 « 25 exti C. Campbell A Co. A X their old stand, opposite the Washington Hall fot sale at the lowest current prices for cash, 75 Bales heavy Gunny Bagginc. 250 Pieces do Kentucky ^do? 100 do do llmda do. 50 do do Dundee do. 1500 pounds good Bagging Twine, 300 coila Manilla Rope, 100 do Kentucky do. 1500 Sacks Salt. 20 Tons Swedes Iron, 25 Hilda, bt. Croix and Muscovado Sugar ~**° B »S S Rio. Laguira, and Java Coffea. With a general assortment of Blankets, Shoes. Sttpl* Goods, fco. * Sept IT, 1144. 51 Bargains! Bargains! Bargains At the Macon SntfdTe, Bridle dad Uaraeaa DEPOSITORY. S. GRUMMAN & CO. 0 F m *j* l their ’P ,er >did assortmen Saddles, Bridle., Mari, arntsU., and all articles usually fo m their line at reduced price*, kav • large stock cm hand, and eonatanUv ceiving freah supplies of tha litest si from t-ieir Manufactory at the No they are enabled to sell as chesp if cheaper than any firm' in the State Georgia As Cotton is | ow and mo scarce, they will put, thair Goods at V* *««»»• We respectfully invite com Merchants and planters to call and examine ou r « pledging ourselves to aell a* low, and a* go.d an •nidi, canbe found in Charleston. Angusu. or Savannah mar Jfj 4 Uberi11 discount mado to those who nuraha.. •ell apaui. * •nd^despatch.*' r ' n ^ ^ 0D * ** ebor,e * t "otiee with tt**u borne all ye Dooly boy*, and give a trade. We have Saddles and Bridles most beautifully made. We warrant them strong, as good, and «a sound. Aa any m market ever was found, Ifyon do'nt believe it juat give na a call, We put our Goods at price* that will suit one and »;] A* Cotton is low and money not plenty, ’ We will aell Saddles from $3 up to $20 Do'nt forget the place. C D^3*f'inr* ,r * VVATTS k ^^^G^nry S