Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, April 29, 1845, Image 4

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Sheriffs’ Sales. W Shrritf’N M.atra. LL R IS SOI. D hof'ra the C»urt Hou** door, in i;• .it* Vifnsta. U *o!y «*ouuly. on th«? fir>t Tups \[ YY HP*.. w ill.n the .eg-il hour* of sale the tol i the iqI B is Fr tell. \\ 7 0 * \ 1 .-atees. twenty five bend of stock hog, ; .l ie .i soirel. afh*u! ten y«Mfs old. the other j'lt \e.irs old ; levied on h> the property of • satisfy one fi r’a Ir »m Dooly Superior court, Ce.ileal Hank of Georgia vs John Anders of land. Nos (37) thirty-seven nnd (39) thirty eight in the loth district of Dooly county ; levied on j a-i the j»r *pe *:y of Henry Go »dmin to satisfy four ft fas, f«wn I> »»!y Superior 0* urt, *»ne in favor of John Ha n, ls rj. said G »» hum, one in favor of Robert G Ford vs. «*ii«l Good- | •.tj m, o ie in favorof Thom is A. Johnson vs. said Goodman. j an l one in f iv-»r of R. R. Hines vs. John J.ti. Miles and j due-bid Henry Goodman. A ao Loti of Uni Nos. (133) one hundred and thirty- three. (I 14) one hundred and thirty four, and lol number not known; butalj uung the before uam**d numbers, and known as Samueldtnry'a [dace; all said 1* ts in ihe (14th) fourteenth district of tiooly county, levied on a* the prop erty of Samuel &tory, ioaati«fv two n. fas. from D.mlv Su peri l r Conn, one in favor of* E• ij'ili Catt va. said Story, the other in favor of James H Ford vs said Story Also L«Hef land, number 1169) one hundred and sixty- nine, in the ninth (9) district of Dooly county, and oic ne gro uov named Joe. about fourteen years old; levied on as (be propejty of David Graham, to satisfy eight fi ft*, from D i ».v Sa|>erio Court, one in favor of Michael Handley vs. Daviil Grab im Jt Sarn'l. Dawson, one in favor of t e Cen- tral B k of Georgia vs. David Graham, one in favor of the Central Ba*k of Georgia, vs. Britton Wilks, David Graham Jc Wiley in favor *»f Michael Handley, vs. David Graham, one in f »vor of John S. Barlow, vs. David Gra ham and Young P. Outlaw, ndininis»rntrr &c. one in favor of Ambrose P. Barlow and Samuel H. Dunn vs. David Graham <mfin favor of Wright Jones vs. Richard Bowen, David Graham, Beniamin Bowen security on appeal, and one in favor of I be Centr'd Bank of Georgia vs. Dav.d Gr «liam. and one li fa. from Dooly Inferior Court in favor of Willian Hr»»v/n vs David Graham. Also. Lot* if land No*, fifty-eight (58) fifty-nine (59) and one hundred A wenty-rtve \h?5) in the (I5tli) fifteenth disc, of Doolv cuuntv and lot number seventy-five (75) in the (16th) sixteenth *iiatric(of D«*oly county; levied on as the property nf William . 1 Ford, to*satisfy one fi fa. from Lee 6*ipjnor Court in favor E. J. Gilbert, executor Ac vs. William J. Ford. Robert G Ford and Guarry G. Ford, principals, and .Natnuel Su : »v«m endorser Also. Lot nf laud number {•$!) one hundred and t wenty one in (he (-Trait third district of'Dooly county; levied as the property of Thomas Mobley’ to satisfy one f.. fn. from ly Superior Court in favor of Oliver H. Rowell va. d ... .mmmtmmm m h Tlmmai Mobley, William B. Cone and James Gtaham Also. One negro woman named Ann. about (17) seven teen years old, and her infant rWI«l; levied on as the pro- petty of J.uneii Hiffbtower. to satisfy one fi fa. frrro Dooly Superior Court in favor of Allen R. Petiee vs said High tower, .i . . . Alan. One Bay Horse, about three years old ; levied on Si tha property of William Blanchard, to satisfy ouefi. fa. fr»m Dooly Superior Court in favor of Matthew Smith vs. Wil is hi Biaocliard. Also One Negn» boy named John, about twenty years old (20); levied on as the property of William Stephens to satisfy one fifa. from 0-wlv Superior Oourt, in favor of \\ il- liam H W<-ple. vs. Stephen W. Pearce and W,Ilian* w te* pheunand Richard Bowen, secariiy on appeal. Also, One bit of land, number not kn«»wn, but known as tuo place wbgre«*i Simeon L. Holiday no-.v lives; levied o it.**ati«fv on« fi.fa. from Dooly Superior Court in favor of Joseph Gleatnn vs. John Sherrod, principal, and Simeon L. Holiday.endorser. ^ Also, Lotofland number (30) thirty, in the ill) district of D’rvoly county; levied on as the property of Harman Hall to satisfy three Justices' Court fi. fas- from t ie 732d dis trict. G. M in favor of Thomas C»bbv 8 . said Hall—levy aside and returned to me by a conshbli. Also. Lots of land Nos. (130) one hundred and thirty (150) one hundred and fifty-two, (153) one Hundred and fif ty-three. (I6d) one hundred and sixt\ eight, and (169) one fauntred and sixty-cine, in the third district of D*»ol\ coun ty ; levied on as the property of Jordan Dees t • satisfy one fi. fa from Dooly Superior Court, in favor of (he Centra! Bank of Georgia v». said Dees. Also. Lois of land N»»s. (130) one hundred and thirty fl.VI) one hundred and fifty-two. (153) one hundred ai-d fif ty-three. (16'} one hundred and sixty eight, and (169) one faun irei inddxtv * e; levied on as the property of Ja cob Watson, to satisfy t'*e following fi fas. one from Doo ly Suoe ior Court in favor of Eli Warren vs said Watson, one fr»:n D-mly Superior Court in fav«»r of W. S. bit- field *k Co. vs. Jacob Watson, adra’r. on the estate of Jor dan Dees, deceased, oue from Dooly Supetior C*Hirt. in favor o the Central Bank of Georgia vs. said Watson, one from D »dy c^upe nor Court in favor of John Rawls vs. sai<! Watson, and one fr-uu Pulaski Superior Court in favor of John Rnvvls. transferee, vs. said Wauon. Lot of land. No. 59. in the 3d dUt of Dooly county, and hs'f lot number n t known, bit a*ij # dninff lot No. 53. in the 3 I list, and known as David William s p*ace; two negroes, Cuffee about 53 or 60 years old. and Alexanaer.ahnar t«sn- tv y-arsold : levied on as the property of David Williams, to satisfy the following h fas. from Dooly Superior Court, to vit: one in favor nl Davii J B-afawell v*. David VV illi- ain« and Robert Herrington, security on aopeal; one in fa* vor.if Ca'vin Taft v*. David Williams; one in favor of Benjamin Sioier vs. David Williams »nd R«*bertM. IJcr- ringnin, aerur tv on appeal. Also. Town low Nos. -JO. 21. and 22. in the town of Vi enna with the improvements thereon; levied on as the pro>erty of Elizabeth Miller, to satisfy three Justice*’ ciurt fi fa«. in fsvov tif Ech«ds Hightower, transferee of James Thompson, transferee of John J. Collier transferee of Thomas H. Dawson, va. Elizabeth Miller; one in favor of E. A D. J B *thwell vs. E izabeth MUle* Also. Lot of land, ournoer not known, in the 6th district •f D »o.y cdui.iy, kr.nwu as John M. Bottom* property, al so on© store h-use and lot in the town of Vienna number not known, »ut known as ihe property of John M. Bottoms; Je\*.ed on as the property of John M. Bottom* to satisfy the following fi Id* t*»wi»: one from Dooly ?upe r ior Court, in favor of Willimn Wise vs, said Bottoms ; one from Dooly Superior Court in f*var of Allen B. Chastain v*. said B*»l to us; one fr.»m Dooly Superior Court in favor of John Riwis v« said B Mimns; on** from Dooly Superior Court in favor of Luther Roll vs.said Bottoms- Also. Lots of laud Nos. 153, 151. a*:d fractional lota Nna. 187 and 168. allinthe 15th district of Dooly county; levi- ed on as the property of Samuel C. Lippcn. to a^titsfv one fi fa.fmir Dooly Superior Court in favor <»f Abel C. Vail vs ssid Lippett. and one fi fa. from Lee Superior Court in favor of William Barney vs. said Lippett. Also. Four neg-oes: Matilda, a wmtnn about forty years old, Moses, a bo.v about six years old. Lewis, a boy about foar years old, Harriett, a girl, six months old ; le vied on as the property of Th mas W Ellis to satisfy three fi f.ia. from D ml * Superior Court, one in favor of Willi am C. CoalsoQ vs. Thomas W. Ellis; one in favor of Add- phui 0. Kendrick vs said Ellis: ar.d one in favor of James H dines v«. said EUis. Also. North half of lot of land No 166 in the 1st disc, of D »o v county; levied cn as the property of William M S. Houghton, to <atisfv two fi fai. from Dooly Superior Court In favor of Robert Mania acainstsaid Houghton* A'«o, Lou of land Nos. 198. and 199. in the 2d district of D > dy c-lunty Icvieion as the property of John Buder. t » satisfy- a fi fa fr*»m Dooly Superior Court, in favor of Z ic!m iah Cowart v^. John J. S. Moatreville Ray, Daniel .Nl i ah boro. Jolm Butler and Mailfaew Floyd. Also. Lot of land No. 222. in the 16 h district of Dooly fourty; levied *»n as the property of George W. firandlev, to sat'sfv a ri fa. fr »m a Justices’ court “f 5fa**on cojnty. in (avor *>f Nuhon M-»tt against said Stanley—levied on and rtturne ! to me by a constable. April ui, ISI5. YOUNG P OUTLAW. Sheriff —AL»0. at THE SAME TtMK ASH PUCK tVILL BE SOLD — Hardy D McCullarVK interest in and to lot nf land num ber (Ml) one hundred and forty-one in the second dis rrict «f D »oly county ; levied on to satisfy one fi fa. from J) »oly •superior C 'tirr. in favo-of the Central Bank of Georgia Hardy D McCullars, Wiley Cobb, ar.d Johi An le?s. Al*o. Lot of laud number not known, hut knowm as the pla-*e whe fin Berjamio F. Adam* n»w lives, in the third district of Doolv county, and one Cotton Gin ; levied on as th* pr »pertV of Benjamin F. Adami. *o satisfy one fi. fa from Dooly Superior Court ’.n favor of James M Kelly, v«. Renjitnin *F. Adams. J *cob V\ aison A Matthew b loyd Also. O »e Neem Bov named Ned about twelve \eara ell. levied on as the prof er:y of Garry G Ford io*.r.t:sfy one fi. fa from D * *1? Superior Court m favor of George VV. Town* v< said Ford April i 1845. WtLLiAM FARNELL. D. Sh’F. Houston SheEitPs fUnle*. W ILL be sold before tnt Court House door, town of Perry, in said county, on ihe first Tuesday in MAY next, within the legal hours of sale, the foliowiug property, to wit: ()*»e negro girl by the name of Hannah ; levied on as the pro|*erty of William Johnson, to atisfy three Ju«*ices’ court fi fas in favor of John McKinzee va. Reuben Weath- erslie and William Johnson—levied on and returned tome by a constable. Also, One lot of Pine Land, No. 47. in the 14th district of Houston county ; levied on as the property of Thomas J. Tindl**, to satisfy two ti las. from a Justices court, in favorof James Gordon vs. Thomas J. Tindle. Also, One hall of a bay Stal.ion Cumberland, onv eor- rcJyear old colt, one bras* fire fender ami andirons, one mahogany crib, one ladling hatchet, one pair c e arners, one box of book*. t*o jari. one Mitchell's Map of the U. States, one double barrelled shot gun. one hrai.s kettle, .view pot, one note on J J. Armstrong for 818 50, one William Paul for S3 50. two n fas against Jas. | Findley, amounting to about fifty dollars, nn* note on John Tomlinson for 8 * 3 00, one note on Henry Brook*; all le vied on as the property of Augustus B. Higgs, to satisfy a fi fa from Houston Superior Court, in favor of James Harrison vs. Augustus B H'ggs and Alexander Smith, se curity. WM. HERRINGTON, Slfff. April 1 1845. AT THE SAME TIME AXD PLACE WILL EE SOLD : One negro bov nan ed Levi, about twelve years old ; le vied on as the property of the estate nf .lame* Holt, late of said county deceased, to satisfy one fi fa from Houston Su perior Court, in favor nl Simon Wooten against Elijah j Williams, administrator of said James Holt, deceased. One improved !ta f acre lot in the village of Hayneville, | in said county: lcvforf on os the property of Turner G. Pierce t»* satisfy a fi fa from a Justice's Court if said coun ty, in f«v*»r of John Barton again.*! Turner G. Pierce and George Williams, and Joseph Tooke security on appeal. LEARY C. MANNING. Dep. Sheriff. Anri! 1st. 1S45 AT THE ^a.ME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD I One mulatto negro girl slave, named Harriet, about sevea years old ; levied on a* the property of William Young, to satisfy a fi fa from Decatur Superior Court, in favor of Elias B!i*s A. Co., against said John Young. Property poi ited out bv Nathan Land, assignee of plaintiff. April 1st. 1845. DAVID GILES, Dep. Sheriff. BIBB TAX COLLECTOR S SALK. O N iliefirsi Tuesday in !ViAY ntxi, will be sold before the Court House door in the city of A/a con, within tlie usual hours of .ale, the follow ing property, to-wit: Lit Noj I, in square 25, in the city of Macon ’ levied on as tlie property of Emily Carter* free tie— gr i, to satisfy a tifa'lor taxes fi r 1844; property returned hy".»ames M. Danellv, agent; amount of tax, S5 15c bni—Levy made and returned to me bv a constable. ’ Pari of lot No. 5, in square 43, in the city of Mi eon, levied on as ihe pro|ierty of Janies Tlmm|>- son, to satisfy*' fill' l»r tales for IS 14; relumed bv A bert S. Rose, aoeut; amount ol'ty.\,$l0 95o Cm—levy made and returned in me by a c instable Lot No. li, in square 36, ill the city of Macon, levied on as the property of William McLeroy, to satisfy a fi fa for taxes lor 1844; amount of tax. $3 -22c 2ui—Levy made and returned to me by a constable. One house and lot in the city of M-icon, l*eing that in which Joseph Bennett hoiv lives, levied oo as the property of Joseph Bennelt, to satisfy a fi fa lor taxes for 1844; amount id tax; $16 43i* 2m— Lew made and returned to me by a constable. Macon. November 18, 1844. merchants* Bank, ) t- f FOR SALE* The following Lalidi, viz s 2d Di«t. Ba-er oo., containing 250 acres .< .. • 250 *• in the city of -Macon, f Louisa Rose, to satisfy Dooly tlorigagr Sal* W ILL BE 80LD belore me Court Houte rinor in tne to*.-n ot'Vienna, no :lw Hrn Tue-d«y in M.v next, between the legal h.'Ufa of .ale. the following property, to wit: T^n town I 4* in the towncf Bri«tol. in «a id county. Nna- 19 and 22. 011* containing two acre, and thirty-on,- p<d.a. tb— other one acre, as tne pr-'(>*riy ot \V iriiam M.8. liou-h- t in, to s tusf- a mortBag* ti f* in (avor ot Hnlierr Martin r» William M I . Rouchton. property pointed in the ti fa. o ,tf to»r. lot in the town of Bfiatnl. nf aaid county. No 99. as ill* property nf William R. 8tokes. to eatiafy a m >rt- W ti fa in I'.ynr of Rnhert Marlin v* William Stokes— prouerty pointed ir. said ti (a. r YOL'-VG P Ot’TLAW.Shff. AUo fit the same time find pluer. One negro . tn AndlMiv. a* die property of .lofcn M. Wjrren. to aaii-fv a u'.'»rtc*pe 6 fa in faxor ot James M. Decs, m'rtgaiee and L. M. Dees, transfer*e »a John M. W (rren—pr ijMiriy p- ined out in the fi fa i'co. II. WILLIAM FAllSALL. D- Bh’fC. Bibb Sheri ’s Sule«. On thfjir*l 'I'utsdny in MAY next, W ILL be sold before the Court liouae door in the city of Ma*-nn.the following property, to wit: Neill McKay's interest in an acre lot No. V. adjoining the Central Kail Hoad Depot: levied on a« the property of said McKay to satisfy n fi. fa. issued from Sumpter 6upe; rinr Court, R. V. Hardeman vs aaid McKay, and transfer red to Joseph Willett. Property pointed unt bv aaid Wit let. J. SPRINGER. L>. Sheriff. April 2. ISi5. — AT THK same time asd peace, will be sold :— Part of City Lola Nos. 3 and -4, in equate 66. now in the pos-etsinn of the widow ..f John Oliver, to satisfy a mort gage ti fa. in favor nt Leonard 3, Jones, fur the me of John ii Ladd vs. John Oliver. Two hundred nnd seventy acre* of land, more nr lesa. being lot No. 206. containing 202} acres, together with 67} acre*, more nr less, nf lot No. not known,lying in the 3d district of originally Houston, now Bibb county; the plare whereon widow Wadsworth now live*: levied on as the property of Daniel Wadsworth, administrate- of Wm. Wadsworth dee'd, to satiety three fi. fas. trnm Bibb Supe rior Court, one in favor of Tlx m is C Doremas. one in fa vor of Aniand t Jarkaon. one tr> favor of Wm. W. Cl.ap- mao. all va. said Daniel Wadsworth, adm'r Ac. Two mules, one wagon, a lot of hogs, running at large, contiating of twelve, more or !«.*: levied on as the prop, erty of Solomon Gmre to satisfy a ti. fa. from Jones Inferi or Court in favorof Win. Beall vs. paid Groce 101} arres of pine land, being part nflot No. 20$. adjoin- :ng Moore and others, in the 1th di*t. formerly Houston, now Bilb couoty : levied 00 as the properly of Isaiah An*. ley. to Satisfy four fi. fas. irnm a Juitire'a Court, in favor of E. Sc. R. R Gtav s vs. Richard A. Cain Latah An>ley and Jac»b Skipper, securities. April 2. 1815. JAMES GATE?. Sheriff. Sevrn acres of land, with the improvements, whereon Alexander Harmon now live*, in Vinevilie, adjoining the pub ic tireet on one side. Thomas Hardeman, « hiiimi C Hill, and Leroy Napier on the oilier sides : levied on as the property of the Monroe Rail Hoad and Banking Com. Danv, to satisfy an execution in avor of Alexander Ratter- rr v* said Monroe Rail Rond A Banking Company, issued Irom the Superior Court of DeKalb county ana assigned to John Dailey. On- hundred acres nf land, more or Ies*. known as lot No. 79, on the Macon deserve, east aide of th Oernulcee river; alv> the undivided hail of one nundred acre lot. No. 73, in the same place: levied on as the property of John P. Evans to satisfy a fi fn frum Bibb Superior Court. The Central Bank vssaid Evans—fi fa transferred to Benjamin C H. Evans. Six acre* of land, more or less, adjoining land* of M. Bartlett and other.*, it b-ing the place whe.eon Jutr.c* Green now lives; said property levied on a* Willi* H. Hughes' and pointed out by him. A so. levied on three acre* of land, more or les*. lying on Windsor Hill, with improvement*, it being the place when Richard Bassett no* lives: levied o a* his property—all |» satisfy a fi fa from Bibh Sup-rior Court. E. G Cabaniss. Guardian, Ac. vs Willi* H Hughes and Richard Bassett, April 2. 1815. J. SPRINGER. D. Sheriff. The following lot* of land in the eity of Macon, 35 feet on al'ey and 32} feet, moro or lej*. in the i-ear of Rose'* printing office. 10 feet parallel with the alley by 31 feet more or ]e*»i tlie rear of Munroe’s brick build ng-27 feet parallel with alley by 56 feet more nr lesa in the rear of where the Columbus Insurance Bank *tnnd: levied on »* the property of William Melrose, to satisfy s fl fa from Bibb Superior Court, David Kidd v- said Melrose. Twenty six and one half acre* of land, more or lesa. ad joining land* of Levin Causey, Washington Poe and oth er*. on the West Common of the city of Ma-nn. known as the Ellis Mill place: levied on as the prnpetty of Charles Collin*, to satisfy- an execution from HibWinferinr Court— the Ocmulgee Bank of the State of Georgia vs said C>-l/in* A lot of hoots and shoes, eon'istit p 1 f eighteen boxes : levied on a* the property nf William Brown, to satisfy two fi fas from Pike Superior Court, in favor of the Central Bank of Georgia r.« William Brown. One negro man named Grsti'illr. about !8 years old : levied on a* the prnper'v nf William T. W>I*on. to satisfy a fi fit from Houston Inferior Court, in favorof Georg-W. Bivin* v* Wi ! Jiam T. Wilson. One neerv girl, nnmed .Tn'ia 15 years old: levied en as the property of Ann K William-on to satisfy two fi fa* one in favor oi James M. .lore* the other in favor of John G Coleman and William M. Pope.Ex’rs, Ac.both va. aaid Ann K. Williamson City lot No 2. in rqnare 25: levied on as :he property of Sarnli A. Chiming to satisfy a h fa frem Bibb Superior I I'curt in favorof Ambrose Steven* v* said Sarah A Cha ffing B. TRAPP, D- Sheriff. April 2,1845. f-IOUR monthsafter date appliration will be made to the r Hon. the Inferior Court of Dooly enuntv. while sitting for ordinary purpose*, for leave to sell the Land* ar.d Ne- groes bel nging to the estate of David Jone*. deceased, late of sa-.l county—for the purposes of distribution and final settlement of said estate. ELIAB JONES. Adm'r. Marrh 11.24 F OUR months a fit: date application willbe made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Bibo conmv. when titling for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the interest of A’.esander H. and Wm M. three negroes, viz: Peggv and her two children Jacob and Andrew. ALEX. R. RALSTON, 8r.. Guardian. Feb. 1—19—1m. Lot No. 4, in rqutire 58, levied on as the property a fi la for taxes lor 1844 ; property returned by A. L. Rose :i<;eni—amount oi’ (ax, $l2 97c2tn— Lew made and returned to ine bv a constable. One house and lot in the city nf jtf-uSon, occupied bv James ft. Butts, and levied on as his properly, to satisfy a fi til for his lax fiir 1844; amount of tax, $20 63c—Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Lot No. 6, in square 39, in the city of Jifacon, levied on as the property of Smith Wi Bennett, to satisfyn fi fa litr lax fiir 1844; property returned by John./. Bennett, agent; an omit oi’tax, $12 SJc, —Levy made and returned to me by a constable Lot No. 2, in square 25, in the city nf Jt/acnu, evied on as tlie properly t>f Sarah A. Chewning, to satisfy a fi la fitr taxes fi*r 1844; property re turned hv James M. Danellv, aireiu; amount of tax, $5 15c6m—Levy made and relumed to me by a constable. • > Lot of land No. 92, in the 9th district and third section of formerly Cherokee now JVfurrav county, containing 160 acres; Lot of land No. 300. in the 9tl. district and third section of formerly Cherokee now .Murray, ivutaininir 160 acres; Lot No. 40. in the 14thdistrict and third section of formerly Che rokee now-Hurray, containing 160 acres; Lot No. 129, in the third district of Lee county, containing 2021-2 acres; Lm No. 5, in the seventh district, of Troup county, containing 202 1-2 acres; Lot Nit. 35, in the 10th district of Troup comity, con taining 202 1-2 acres; Lot No. 6, in the 24tii dis trict of formerly -Vuscogee now Talbot county, contaiiiino 202 i-2 acres; Lot No.205, in the ninth district of Jtfusrogee county, containing 202 1-2 acres; and Lot No. 48, in the second district of Henry county, containing 202 1-2 acres, more or less, all levied on as the property ot JVTartin Riley, ami given in by his agent Spencer Riley, to sat/Vly his taxes for 1844. hot of land No. 76, ill the first district of Rabun, containing 490 acres; N". 844, in the 17th district of formerly Karlv now Thomas county, containing 250 acres; Vo. 39, in the 28ih district of Early county, containing 250 acres; No. 96, in thelSih district of Dooly county, containing 202 1-2 acres; N-'. 37. in the 14th district o| Dooly county, con taining 202 1-2 acres; N > 256, in the 15th district ■if formerly Jl/tnroe now Upson county, containing 202 1-2 acres; No. 261, in the 7th district anti second section, Containing 160 acres; No. 205, in the 5th district ami second section, anil No. 205 in the 5th district and second section, and No. 226 in the 5th district and second section of formerly Cherokee now Gilmer county, containing 160 acres each; No. 133, in the 18th district and third section of formerly Cherokee now Paulding county, con taining 40 acres; No. 326, in the 18th district and third section of formerly Cherokee now Paulding co tntv. containing 40 acres; and No. 234, in the 4th district and fourth section of formerly Cherokee now Fiovd county, containing 160 acres, more or less, all levied on as he property of Spencer Riley, to satisfy the taxes. R. BASSETT, Tax Collector. February 26. 1845. 20 L OT No. “ 313. itt 2d •• •• 314, ib 2d " “ 315, in 2d « ■■ 211. in 2d “ •- 215, in 2d <• “ 276. in 2d •• -• 237, in 2d “ ■■ 316. in 5th “ “ 537, in 5th “ *• 297, in Sell “ “ 211 in Jd •< •' 103, m 12lh - •• 23. in 12th •• ;• '■ “ Fraction 20. in 12ih •* " “ •• 22, in 12th “ *' “ “ ALSO, Lot No. *9. in 7tlt diat. Crawford bhcfc Houston, - •' 30. in 7th •• •* Early co., D*.dy Houston 7th 116. in 2d ■ 1 158, i i 26lb 2,in 12th Macon (once Muscogee,) Lee county, ALSO, 250 250 250 250 250 250 202 152 50 2 62 2U2 202 202 117, in 5lb “ 4th •• 160 406. in 2d 3d “ “ 40 987, ill 4th “ 3d •• 40 1135 iti 3d “ 4th •* “ 40 1130 in 14th “ 1st •• “ 40 687. in i 9th “ 2d " *• 40 626. in 13th « 2d *• *• 40 312. in 16 th “ 4th •* “ 40 Also, 500 acres (more nr less) pine Land, adjoining the city of Macon, and known as the Ster~. Mill place. rtlso, lots Nos. 8 and 25, in the town of Hawkiusvillc, with the HoltI Building thereon. Also, the Bunking House and Jjot in said town, latel occupied by the Bank of Hawkinsville together with al the property in Hawkinsville belonging to this Rank. ‘ ” JAMES DEAN. President Merchants Bank. Nnv.26, 1814. 9 INSURANCE. THE CROTON (Tlutual) Insurance Company* Of the City of New York. T HIS Company, according to the provision* of its char ter, is ready to insure all kinds of Murine, Inland. Navigation. 'l'ran*pnrlation ami Fite Risks, against loss or damage, at rates and terms moderate and liberal, and solicit the patronage nf its friends and the pjblic at the A- gency of the Company. "TRUSTEES. James Harper, Abraham Van Nest. John B. Lasala, William B. Cozzena, J- lin J Boyd. Charles L. Vose. Edward Richardson, Joseph B. Nones, James Plialen, John F. Butierwnrth, John J Herrick, Snmuel Sherwood, George C. De Kay, Zadock Pratt, Samuel A, Lawrence, Herman D Gonld, Theodore A. Meyer, William P Furnin. John T. Gilchrist, Lnring Andrews, Cyrus Chenerv, George Whitaker, James H Suydam, George Palen, William Bnrguoyne, Joseph 8. Smith. Elias T. Aldrich, Lawrence HIU, Thomas Monahan, William H. Townsend, Amos Noyes, John Breasted, Leonard Appleby, Silas M. Crandall. SAMUEL A. LAWRENCE. President. JOSEPH B NONES Vice-President. LEWIS BENTON. Ferretary. Capt, SAMUEL CANDLER. Marine Inspector. WILLIAM WELLS, Fire Surveyor The undersigned is the authorised Agent nf the abov<, Company, to take either Marine or Fire risks In any part of the State of Georgia, upon such liberal term* as may be agreed upon between th- assured and ihe Agent, who lk vested with ample and discretionary power*. JERRY COWLES. Agent. Oct 22. 1844. 4 JitlCU.E HOTELs FORSYTH. GEORGIA. . » THE subscribers take pleasure iBHgEBSk in announcing to their friends nnd 11 fill I) the public generallv, that tliev have iif tin! ken tlie above establishment, and lllllll! that no paint will be spared to ren- JtdJuder satisfaction to all those who may give them a call. J. J. LAND. B. F. WILDER. Forsyth, April 18, 1845. ‘J7 St N. B.—Ti.ere will be also attached to the Sta bles, an excellent Smith, under the manairou te t)t of B. F. WILDER. fieargia, Jsars County. Inferior Court, sitting fur Ordinary purposes, March Term. 1845. Preient their honors James H. Morrow, William 8- Light. foot mod David E Blount. Justice.. X^X/HEREAS Gabriel H Chappel. one of the idminis Vf traicra of Wyllie Chappel deceased, she* etlt th t he has settled the estate ot the deceased confided tn his charge, aud pray* the court to be dismissed therefrom — Ordered. ih*l citation issue requiring all persons to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in September next why said adminirtrator mould not b- dis. charged, and that aaid citation be published in one of the public gtzette* nf said State for the space nfaix months. True copy from the minutes CHARLES MACARTHY. c. c. o. March 11—24—6tn Georgia, Dooly County. 11 -OLLElt before me. Cbadwell Culpeper.* Justice of I the Peace, in and for said county,b David 6 Culpep er. one bay mare about seven year* old with left hind f- nt white with a snip on her nose. Appraised by Benjamin P. Livingston and Win. M. Livingston to tltirtv dollars CHADWr.LL CULPEPER. J. P. A true exit act f rom the e.trav bonk, thi* 4th April. 1845. THO'S H KEY, C.I.C, April 15—29—3t. Ilaiiatou Mortgage -ole for .tSof, W LL be s »ld, before iha Court House floor, in the town of Perrv. H union county, on th» firm Tues day i i MAY next, wiihin the legal hour* of »ale. the fob lo-dng properly to wji: O ie negro man. * avc. named Jacob. »Kout thirty years eld ; levied on a* th« property of trimim Dupree, to aatisfv a mi trcgage exeeudoii from H<*u»*on Interior Court, in fa* vor of Tohr. D ipree. v*. Simon Dupree, and transfer red to !> m:»l Ma»»'; property pointed out in said mortgage. Feb. 26 WM. HEKIKGTON. bh'ff. GEORGI 4 Bibb Count}'. CJIX months afier date, appliration wi 1 .! be made to the ^ H njorah'e the Inferior Court of said county, while sit- ting f >r ordinary purpose* hv George A. Minchew. ad- r;in:sir»t- r of the esiaie of Philip Min.-hew. deceased foe letters of Di*mi»*iO't from said estate. He having fully administered on the **m* to law ; of which ail persons conyernedwti! take due no ice. MARK D. CLARKE, c eo. April 1, ;645- 27—6m. Geargin, Dooly County. < UL LED before me a bay mare mu'e with legs mostly while, no brand* perceivable, and about fifteen year* old Appraised by Bryant Bnwin und Alexander Herring ton totwenty dollars, this 15th January. 1845. C t'ULPEPER. J. r. A truo extract from the estrav hook, this 6th April. 1845. THO'S H. KEY. G. I. C. April 15—29—31. Cuardinn’e *>a!r. A GREEABLE mail order of the Honorable the Infe rior Court of Jackson coonty. when sitting for or, ry purpose*, will be sold, on tlie 1st Tuesday in JUNJ next, at the Court House do r in 6tark*ril.e. Lee county withitrtbe legal hours of sale, one undivided third partol Lot number die hundred and (!2tj in the sec' on.l dirlnet of Lee county, being the pr-perty of Middle ton Nall, a minor, sold for the benefit of said minor.— Terma made known on the day of sale. At>A VARNUM. February 25—20—tda* I K.0HGIA. Dooly County --Whereas William Rob t.€ erts, adir.inisiratr.r, and Elizabeth Uurgeaa, administra trix on the esiate of 5A i liam Burges*, deceased, apply tt me lor letters of dismission from said adtni- i.‘.ration ; Tbe-s are. tnertfore tocite and admonish all and aingu lar. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescriced by law, n shew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters chould no' be granted. Given under my hand, thia 5th nf March. 1845 FLEA6ANT H. KEY.c. c. o March 18—25—fim. f "y EORGIA Dooly County.—V hereas Nichnla* R, d Tt dick and Jonathan Platt, ailtnimstrat. r* on the rant- • f Anthony Lew i-. deceased, app'y to me for letters ofdis mission from aaid administration : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singulai. the kindred and creditor* <d asid deceased, to be ana ap pear at m> office, within thelime prescribed bylaw, to sties <-ause. it any they have, why said letters should not be gram ed. Given under pv hand. lhi6 5th Marrh. 1845. ' PLEASANT H. KEY. c.c.o. March 18—-25—Srn. town lots for sale. '^TTILL he ani l on Tuesday, the I3tb o! May next, a) vv (he >emaining town lou in Vienna Those who wi* good bargain* would do well to attend said tale. Term mace known on the day. Bv order of the Inferior Court, tuia 30th March. 1945. THO'S H. KEY. C. I. C. April 15—29— 4v G EORGIA, Crawford county—Wb*r#it Mary Slilaa Admr'x on the estate of Milton P. Glover, late of aaid county deceased, applies to this Court for Ittiers of Dis mission fr-m said administration. These are, therefore, tocite and admoniah all and aingu lar, the kindred and creditors of aaid deteased, to be and appear at tnv office, within the lime prescribed by law. to shew cause, (if any thev have.) wltv aaid letters should not be granted- Given under tnv hand, thi* 9th January. .'*45. JAMES J. RAY. c.c. o. January 14—6m. Bill for Discovery, Belief anil Injunction, In Houston Superior Court returned, to October Term 1844. ELIJAH BUTTS, Adm'r of John Tomlinson, doc'd vs. Jeremiah H. Dupree, Joseph Tooke. William Haddock, James Smith. Simon Dupree. Matthew Whitfield, William Herrington. Sheris' of Huuttou coonty. James Holdeni es«* Clerk Superiot Court Houiinn co. Zvplianiah T. Conner. Carlton Wellborn. James E. Duncan. Samuel B. Hunter, Adm'r of liam ilmn Atctiit n. dec'd. James A. Roque more, Matthew H, Means, Morris Pollock. Alexander tr,tilth. M.v- ion Bartlett, Willson Smith. Meradtth Joiner, Ishatn Ed- watos, Samuel Felder. William H. Teltnn. Simeon L-Ste phens. Aquilla T. Calhoun. Charles Edwards. Joel W. Mann. John B Ross, Norman B. Thompson, Meshack How- ell. Charles H. Rice, and Adolphus li. Kendrick A Co. I T appearing tt- ihe court that te ereinfthe above named defendants, to wit: James Smith. Matthew Whitfield, Zephantah T Cooner. Samuel B. Hunter, adm'r of Hamil ton Atchison, dec'd. Myron Bartlett bini-on L. Sttphens, John B Ross. Meahack Howell and Charles H. R ; ce reside out of the said county of Housion. and hat service of said hill ha* not been perfected upon them, and also several of the other defendant* residing within said county of Houston have not been served ; and the aaid bill having been amen ded since the last term of the court by the insertion tnrreow ■ if John Law, «r.. Charles H. Rice. Adolphus l>. Kendrick, and Judson A.- Kendr ck. uitag the firm ol A. D- Kendrick 5c Company, and John Barton as parties defendants, the complainants having ascertained them ,to he creditors nf or having claims agarnsl the e>tate of said John Tomlineon; Whereupon it is ordered by the court that service ot said'bill be perfected rn siiddefendan s who reside out of the aaid county ol Houston by publication of thi* rule a for four months in some public gazette of thi* state, c.r bv -econd original and copy at the option of the c< iriplainant; j and that Copies of said hill be served on the de'emiams re- I si ling in *aid county of Houston at least thirty day* previ- ■u* tn the next term of said court, and that the coinoiainant mve leave to I'urthr r amend said bril so as to include all the creditor* of the said -mkn Tomli* son. dec’d, as defendants ( whom he may at any time hereafter discover. Aud it is ( further ordered that the clerk enter ihi* older upon th* mi- ■tutesqf Houston Superior Court. Granted at Chamber*. edw. p. i racy. Judge Superior Court. February 5th. 1P45. tie-rgio, Ilenelen C :untf. I James Holdemeas. Cleik of the Superior Court of said •■minty, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing order a truly copied Irom the minutes of said Court. Given under my ha d and private seal, there being no eal of Office, this 18th March. 1645. ERAIV DRETK PILLS. Truth Akin tn Nature. H AVE you paint ! Be thankful. It is a vigorous ef fort of Nature to throw oft' morbific muter. From what may the morbific matter arise 7 From a bruise, or unwholsome air which has become mixed with the blond, not incorporated in it. but which is liable to taint the whole mass if not speedily removed. Ur tlie pain may arise from bile which has bee me bad. rancid, putrid, in consequence of the want ol power in the proper organt to discharge it.— This pxi.v which so tmghtess people isonl rhesymp- toms nf the eftorts of Nature, (or the vital principle of the blood.) to EXrEL the FECAST or ISIPCRE matter, which would otherwise destroy the human fabric: All diseases are of the solids orfioids, or both. When wa have pain in our head, or in our foot in our throat Or in our backus bowels, let us bnt be satisfied that it is pri duct-d by the sf- forts of our blood to throw out morbific matter, and if thia be so, if we can but believe and un erstand this, our cure will be easy and generally sure. Forourcourse wilDhen be to help Nature to throw oft" the morbid matter, not to taxe a-vav ih* blood For the blood. EVERY DROP WE HAVE IS REQUIRED TO INSURE ULTI- MATE HEALTH to the body, wi must NOT L03K A DROP; neither tnust we use any ntediciuea internally which are unt perfectly harmless, if applied externally to the body. Bo we tnu*t not use any of Ibe prepara iens ol mercury, net/Aer must ire use any vegetable medicine of CORROSIVE TOWER. In order to discriminate bitween Truth, which is eternal, end conjecture, which is like a transient vision, we must be guided by the light of EYPEHIENCE. To what doe* experience direct! TmheFHEE U8E OFDR. BRA'ft- DRKTH'S PILLS in all cases of bocjly suffer ng. As i this advice is followed. 80 WILL THE HEALTH OF I THE BODY BE. The writer lias long used them, and ha* never found them fail of imparting relief. In all acute I diseassa let Brandrrth Pills and tnild diet he used, and the patient -vill soon he res'nred to good health. In chronic complai-1* let the Pill* be used a* often as convenient, by which means the vitality of ihe Mood will be improved, and a criaia will be generally brought about : the d'sease being chanced to acute, a few large doses of Pills and a few days confinement to the house, will change the chronically dis eased individual to n sound man. Thi* is no figure of the tmavinatioH; it can be proved by a thousand matter-of-fact men who have experienced it. REMEMBER, in alien aes of disease, no matter whether it be a cold or a couch , whether it be ultima or consumption : whet er it he rheu matism or pleurisy: whether it be tvpus of fever-and-ague. orbiliou* lever: cramp or hooping cough or measels : wheth er it be scarlet fever or small pox ; that the Pills known as Brandreth's Pills, wil 1 surely do more than all the medi cines nf the Drug 3tore* fur your reitoraiion to health, and what ia more will surely do you no harm. TRUST TO BRANDRSTH 8 PILLS, take th*m so at to produce a briak effect, and your sickness will be the affair of a day or two. while those who are too wise to fol low this common sense advice w 11 be sick for months — Let the sick enquire of the agents for Brandreth's Fills whether these things be so or not. Let them enquire among their friend* and ask the same question. Verily if EVI- DEKCE it wanted it shall be procured. To the Sick, let me say. use ihe HRANDRETII PILLS It the heat advice mnri il man can give you. 8nld at Dr. Br :ndreth'« principal office. 241 Broadway: (674 Bowerv. end 241 Hudson at. Dr. Brandre-h's retail office*.) at 25 cent* per box. with foil direction* in the Eng lish. Bpanish. Portuguese and French language*. J. BARNEt*. Agent. B-ok-Stnre. opposite Washington Hall Colton Avenue. Macon. Ga, December 24 5m—13 Journal des Taitleurs de Pari* '■'HE aubacribera have just received •• L’Elegiiftt” i I Journal of the newest Fashions for Drapers ana Tailors, reported and published monthly in Paris, in which are many improvements in the present Btyies, and which they believe will meetwith general favor. Orders for Clothing will be executed at the shortest notice. J. 4c E 3AULSBUKY. J. Jc E 8. have just received a fine selection of Eogiah and French Cloths, and Casiiocres. Dee 10. 1844. 11 TOOTH ACHE! W HO would be troubled with this tormenting pain when it can be cured without extracting it 7 Dr. Laconnt't mo'b ache drops are a certain remedy.— Thousands have declared that they would not be without this preparation it it cost $10 per vial it does not injure the teeth, but possesses the property of entivening th* gums when in an unhealthy state.—Full direction* accom panying each vial, price 50 cents. A fresh supply just re ceived tod for sale in Macon hv J. II. 4. W. 8. ELLIS, J J. VV. BAILEY < „ GEORGE PAYNE, a Druggtate H- 8HOTWELL. ( East Macon, COWLES. NICOLL.4 Cn. Perry. THOMPSON, and by an ap pointed agent in every city and village throughout the State. August 19, 1844. tf) Bargains! Bargains! Bargains!! At Use JHec»tt Saddle, Hridlfc unit Uaraeae DEPOSITORY* GHtJMlIAN tfc tO. FFE H iheir splendid assortment of * Miiiitllpa, Bridlei; lliiritaftfl* TrtmkM, and all nrtiides usually found in their line, at reduced prices. Haring a large Stork on hand, and constantly re ceiving fre$l\ supplies of the latent style front t eir Manufactory at the North, they are enaMed to sell an cheap il not cheaper than any firm in the State of Georgia. As Colton is low and money scarce, they will put their Goods at pri ces to suit the times. We respectfully invite country Merchants and planters to call and examine our stock pledging ourselves to sell as hiw. and as good an article as an be found in Charleston, Angusta, or Sn vannali market. QU - * A liberal discount made to llmse who purchase to sell again. N. ft. Repairing done at the shortest notice with neatness and despatch. Come ail ye Dooly bovs. nnd give us a trade. We have Sadiiles antf Bridles most beautifully made, We warrant them strong, as good, aud as sound, As any in market ever was found. If you do’nt believe it just give us a call. We put our Goods at prices that will suit one and all, As Cottikti is low ami money not plenty, w e w.U sell Saddles front $3 up to 920. Do’ nf forget the place. 3. GRUMMAN 4 CO. Cherry st., opposite \V atts 4 Moulton’s Croce ry Store Dec- 3. 1844. 10 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, Os Mulberry Street, Near the MethodjstChurch J 9c K. 8AULSBURY. have received, , DC : « opening e variety of articles, itch a* ’ * rt tt, GUrea, Dear fa, Creveu, Tie*; Hntdttrekief,, ttaapendei», At. g *’ J Comprising the most desirable apartment of . t" ever offered tn this market. •rti-il Oct 29. 5 removal; '-v. TITHE undersigned have removed to the Stor. 1 street, a few doors south of the Washington IS adjoining the Messenger Office > where they a lege and general stock of J ' lec ei»i 0 1 Staple and Fancy Dry-ft^ KEAllV-VIADK CI.OTHUv StlOES, HOOTS, * c . All or which will be sold at unusually ) 0 s. pr - piece or otherwise. Purchasers are invited to et!-*‘‘t amine lor themselves. ft t. r »i, 1 ‘"d ti I Macon, Oct. 8.1.844. “ AY *C 0 . | iflucun iron A' MSr*tss loi,usiZ I A»« MAt snnp.*» order.and Machine Work in General, corner J J' "I and \V alnut Mreets. er 0 F (Cf The highestpree* willbe paid r c - Au. I Brass, I,end, and t u <l I sou. - ROBT.FINm... lANlIK INABnUTIVTir^ At THE NEW HA* AND CAP a* ’ I rpHE subscribe, has r*. e ££ ,?*•**. I 1 E ASH JON for Hat. Cf net , SP i llJi G| est article fiver offered in this* I 4 Panama, Leghorn. P A Is* brim and fashionable. CASH. Macon, May 7, 1844. All of i ’akm Leat.p. i ■ Pear! .. ■ hich will be KTf . ro,<! I geo. i. safeM filHF SUBSCRIBER,is rcccivinglarge additionstb hia A stock of tttAtHEfc; CIIARIOTEID, BAltOl’CHfeS, BUGGIES, WAGOIVH; At from tome of the best Northern Manufactories, which were made expressly for thi* market, of thfi best materials, and are warranted equal if notsuperior to those of any other ea* tablishment. Those in wantof any dtsrription ofCarriages; ill find it for their interesltn examine the quality andpri- cfes of his assortment. REPitiRiso, in nllthe diflerenl branches executed in the bestrnauher.liy experienced workmen atlessthau former prices, . Carriage makers, will find a good aasbHmeniofE'.liptic Springs.Axeltrees.turnedand boxed Dashes.Lamp*,Bands. Knobs, Patent and Top Leather, Laces, Silk and worsted Fringe, Tassels, and almost every article required in their business, at Augusta prices. March 1st . 1842. 22 tf J.W.BABCOCK. styles FKFKH GARDEN AND FLOWER ^rMVi PAPER5fresh ' vJwtyLr Garden and Flower 8eeclt, Hyacinths, double and single. Tulips assorted, Crocus, Amaryllis, Gladiolus, Tuberose. Clover, Lucerne, and Herds Grass Se»d. Just received by GEORGE PAYNE. Druggist under Central Hotel Macon. Feb. II. 1845. M W S T O II E. WliNSHIP & POPK, A RE now openings general »nd complete *tocic of Goods in Macon, (Cotton Avenue.) Consisting of STA BLE AND DO.UEST1C DHY C^OODM and HIES. Hats and Capa. Hard-Ware and Cutlery, Drugs and Medi cines. Paints and Oil*. Glass and Putty, Crockery and Glass-Ware, Mill and Crosscut Saws. Blacksmith's Tools, Bagging and Hone. Salt. Iron and Steel, Blankets, Kerseys, Satinets. 4c. A splendid lot of Saddles, and a general as sortment of ladies and gentleman’s Shoes and Boots. latest style. Bridle. Harness. Upper and Sole patent Leather. Best apple Vinegar. ALSO. A supply of Negro Dboce made at Forsyth by I. Win- SHIP, all of which is oftered to the public very cheap for CA8H. They will also Manufacture all kinds of Saddles. Bridles, and Harness.Trunks, Collars, Carpet Bags, Whips 4c. [fj" Repairing done at the shortest notice. j~fi N. B. The highest market price will be paid for HIDES, TALLOW and BEEdWAX. ISAAC WINSHIP, WILLIAM II. POPE. Sept. 24. 1844. 52 52 Moffat’* Life Pills and I'hanT •Billers, '*1 T^lOH general debility, for sale by y , JAMES W. BAIT.ltv I July 16. 1844. a ] J«Hi% L. JOttFS^Tori SOLICIT attention to a New and Extensive a*aorttn e « 1 READY-MALE CLOTHING, Manufactured the oast summer, from recently fmoonaj Goous, by \\ m T. Jennings 4 Co., very favorably Cl! as amon» the; mnji fashionable Drapers and Tailors ; n ,il city of New York. CONSISTING OF L 1 Mirtonts, Frorfe Coots. Fanfaiooits Vcms Coots, Co»t«M‘s, and Oflice Coiifs, Tinrulliiig’ Coat Ladies’ and Gentlemen's In all the New and various Together with a very choice selection of Silk and Satin f-carf*. Cravats Mohair and Cashmere do Hosiery, Handkerchief*, Draw/-, I nder Vests, Gloves, ’ ColfirtsfStocks, 4c. MttdhtS^ Including a general stock of Yotlth’s & CliildrenS Ciothind IVEIsrRO CLOTHING, *1 ^ TIC ZB Hi M 2Ti S ^, (gj g Believing that the system of •■Small Profits and’ Returns, is best.nut ted to the times, they will offer 4,;. Goods at prices 'hat cannot fail to be an inducement lot! I rnaiers. w p* r, | MacOn, Getober 19. 1843. ., CI tiTlilM, STORED (Cotton Amine, ojtposiie VtusDas.^ioii Mi PHILIPS, MERKilT, CO. II A VE L , rec f n, ?- v receivl - d a »d wBl continue to rteti, ■ ■ weekly.durtng the business season, iiom the \on>' ! a lull assortment of Keadv-made * Cr r '' clothuvg, manufactured expreasly lor them, together wilh a large it atrrlffienfbf { Shirts, UDder-Sbfrfa^crtef., Iloaiery, l» k „|,| Also on hand and receiving, a fine auor'inetu of CLOTHS; CAiSSiJJERIiS ASD VESTIACS, Gf French, English and American Manufacture embn.1 cing me latest and mr>»t CHOICE PATTERNS wbi'.k I they are prepared to make to order according to iaffi»s,fl the particular taste nf their patrons. ° f Particular attention ? ,ven to the making and tritmchfrf! garments entrusted to their care, by gcnflemea purch.Lf tireir own materials at price.* to auit the times ! M con. Nov. 19, 1644 ' fl NOTICE ■ 8 hereby given to John Brown, formerly of Wilkinson I. county, that the undersigned has in hit .hands all the money arising from the sale of the property of Mary Brown, lute of Hounior. county deceased, and that unless the laid John Br »wn applies tor said money (to which he is entitled if in life) within six months the same will be paid over tb the next of kin. Perrv, Ga. Januarv Ktth. 1845 ‘ THOMAS POLLOCK.Adm'r. Jan. 21—17—6m. "FUKSH OARl>C:V StifsikS. V GENERAL assortment of W ARK ANT ED Fresh Garden Seeds, with directions for planting accompany ing each putter. Merchants and others supplied in suita ble ouatmties. For sale bv J. H. At W. 8. ELLIS. Oct, 29 1844. 5 Cotlon Avenue, Macon I F Exchange on iYew-Yoi'k, OR uale by October 3 THOS. TAYLOR. 1 G. is. Warren* H AVING this day made an assignment for the benefit of his Creditors, all persons having clairr a will pre sent them. and those indebted, will come forward and pay, without delay, or suit will be instituted against delin quents. " CHAS. CAMPBELL. Nov. 7.1344. 7 Assignee. Paints and Oils, KEGS Nos.I and 2 White Lead, ' 30U gallons Linseed Oil, 200 do Lamp Oil. With a variety ofColorsfor Painiers’nse. for a)e bt July 6 40 CHAS. CAMPBELL ic C< Ilar^ai »s ! Ilnr^ains !! IN BOOTS AND SHOES. 5; flftn Pa!rs good Ne F ro Brogans, at Manufacturers L/#*_r4’v” cost ami expem-es. 4.000 Pairs coud Kip Brogans, do d<! do Also, a general assortment nf BOOT'S 4SHOE8, which will be offered lew—Call and *i-e. STRONG 4 WOOD. Nov 12. 7 FOT 1SH, K EPT conitehtly on (tend by J. N. SEYMOUR Oct. I. 1844 1 Choice Canai Flour. 4 FRESH supply just received and for Sale by THOMAS TAYLOR. AliMRT G. BUTTS. A T buold stand, opposite the Washington Hatt.Wr cetved. within the last tew weeks, a new and gcne-i assortment oi STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GDODi part of which consists ol the following: 400 pieces English and American Prints. oO do Cotton and VV orsted Balzarines, 50 do Printed Lawns and Cambrics, 10 do $glin Stripe AdrianopJr*, 20 do do do Organdies, 50 do Erlsien Ginghams, 10 do rfevdio Stripe*, 50 do Jaronet and Cambrie Muslins, 25 do Lace Stripe 5io*lms, 20 do Cross Barred do 50 do 8ilk Harfdkerehiefs, 100 do Fornituie Print#, 10 bales Hrbwn sheeting. White and black Count, Hose, Spool Thread, Ntfdltt Pin* and every other article usually called for, which vJ be sold at thfe very lowest prices for Cash. Macon June It*. IS44. 3g Keaay tiiade CJothin&r. —AT— NE TF YORK ( 057' / ! / rpHE subscriber* will ch-se .dfthe remaining port: ii l * lelr “ toc * c ,°* CLiTTHING, consiating in pari of Beaver Flushing aim Blanket Overcoats bupertor Cloth Cloass, Tweeds CoatS; Biatk tIres.s and Frock hoars. Satin, VV ool, Velvetand fancy Yean, Pants. Stock*, S.-arts, Cravats'Hosiery, Gloves, at New York Cost 1! 1 Call and , ft „ v . , 8AM’L. J. RAY, 4 Co. Maecn, Nov. 12. !844. liostf July 2 On Cotton Avenue and fiecood at. Boots nnd &h»eK. O UR stock ia now complete and very extensive, com. priaiog every style and pattern. A fine assortment of LADIE8’ fiHGES and fiLIPPEHS. Give us a callil'yoa wish bargains. „ ’ "WINSHIP 4 POPE. Macon October 29, 1844. 5 WORM LOZENGES JAMES HOLDERNESS, Clerk Match 26—SS«- tar Bl HULL o VV Uii.s LUZo.Vur.o are the giestestdia eov,ry ever made for dispelling the various kinds of worm* that so trequently and dtstrrasinglv annoy both children and adults. From the Sparta Gazette—“ From our know, ledge we take great plea.ure iti rernmmendiikg to ihe pub. •ic Hull’s Worm Lozenge* as the beat worm medicine ex- tant. Children will eat them aa they would candy, and cry for them.’ To parent* we say, do not be without the*e Lozenges at any time, aa you value the lives of your children. For sale in Macon bv J. H. 4 W 8. ELLIS. ) j.w. bailey. GEORGE PAYNE. > Druggists. H. 8HOTWELL. { EattMaeon. COWLES. NICOLL. 4 Co. In Knoxville, by BOND 4 MURDOCK p “ rr y. J 1 - B- THOMPSON, and by an ap. pointed agent in every eity and village throuceout the State- Aug. 19, 1844. 43 BiCMI BACOIY.’! LBS. superior Georgia Cured BACON— Hams. 81io»il lers, 8ifle». for sale bv REUDliVO A \VHITEHKa6. Fire ln«u atieti ~ CADITAll 8too,o«o. T HE New York Contrihntionship Fire Insurance Company, havingestablished an Agency in Macon will Insure Building*. Merchandize, Household Furniture’ and every description of Property, against boss or Dam age by Fire. BOND 4 MURDOCK, Agent*. Macon. April 30. 1844. 31 ly Pri 'lie Grese Pea flier*. 10(H) C. Campbell de ( o. A T their old stand, opposite the Waahington Hall.sffl lowest current prices Cor cash, 75 Hales heavy Gunnv Bagging. 250 Pieces do Kentucky do. 100 do do Rusia di. 50 do do Dundee do. 1500 pounds good Bagging Twine. 300 coils Manilla Hope, 100 do Kentucky do 1500 Sacks Salt, 20 Ton* Swedes Iron, 25 Hhds. St. Croix and Sluatovado Pogar, *50 Bags Rio. tsguira, and Java Coffee. Willi a general assortment of Blanket*, .'‘hoe*, Suple D0 Goods, Ac. ’ r 6ept 17, 1844. 5i LBS. lust received amt or sale bv GRAVES VVOOD 4 CO. Aoril 30 1844 I 25 KEG£ Spnntnp 115 do 10 do Jolt 30 Gun-Powder. •op) run k POWDER, ii'g ) Trelflii’difd it iikfoyitiis jft dt m ss • Will eme the Most inrrtrraie Tooth-Afhe in TWO MJIM'I ES. f I HK\ will ali»n preserve the decayed teeth for tbt I tut re, and remove the Scurvy, and Tartar, vritfcod the use ol an inatramenf. Foraole’by A J ELDER, Agent. ^ At H. C. tree man'* tftert- Macon. Ort^l2. 1944. 3 t f B T O F t II I Is I I] S . ESTOTARD DUPUIS A Co’s real light 4 0C' N*«l, vintage of 1822 Old O'PORTO, of vfij superior qualiiv. and Extra Fine CLAJiET- Allis’ ported ylRECT. and warranted unparalellrd is an) r ,:t of the country, constantly kept, ar.d for aale bv the b y A. L. AUD0D1N • At the Washington Hali Bar Rcco- Macon. Dec.3. 1844. ' 10 BACON - STLARD, 5000, Lbs. Bacon and a Let of fine Leaf Lirik . , WINSHIP A POPE' JUST FECEIVED Shot gu B!a6ling For f«dl*» hv BOND MDRDOTE. Mhoi and a.ead. CT BAGS Shr»f, assorted ai^es, iOr ~ ^ 300 lb*. Lead, for sale bv 4i BOND <fc MURDOCK. Under !^h i r's. S HAKER. Lamos Wool, Nett and Spun Silk Shirts Just received by Oct 29. 5 J. 4 E. 8AULSBURY. A LARGE assortment of Summer A- Wpi-ing* 5 **? 1 which will be s"ld at a I iw price for CAbll ONI' at Messrs. Hay 4 McNtel’s former stand, on Co»i®‘ rf * Street next to Graves. Wood * A. M. BETTMAN 4 BKO's Macon, Mar^h 11—24^—if. irATsXKracAI'S. T HE aub.-Cr,her has on hand a large and well se'rr^ stock of HATS and 4’APS. ol the latest Fafrirc' which he i* offering at vety reduced prices for CAfifi-t" The attention of those wishing tn pnrchaae i* respectb ' invited, being confident he can suit both as tb prirt *'•’ quality GEC I. SHEPAR®- Macon. Dec. 9. 1844. 11 n P B. K. (AT PRIVATE SALE.) 1 5,000 LBS. prime Ffams and Shoulders, no* ' Macon, Oct l, 1844. 1