Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, May 13, 1845, Image 4

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ft ? «e dm hundred i v hereon I fmcovgin. Jonem fountr. 1:1 I Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary pur pose*, March , . jntv. o . !!.(■ Vu-vi.iy in June j • Term. 1845. l *’ c lo.iOWmg property, j |> re , t »nt thrir honors James H. .Morrow, William S- Light* , ; foot and David E Blount, Justices nil a naif acres oFPine Land, well * _ ^ ,, , . . .« ^ f . i. ■ ▼. . ii, . i IfHEREAS Gabriel II Channel, one of the admims in i J is:: ic t ol IIouNton c-*’.;n- 1 % V' ... . «i , * , . , 5 , ▼ ▼ trntors of Wylhe Chappel. deceased, shewetb that he has settled the estate of the deceased confided to his charge, and prays the court to he dismissed therefrom — Ordered, that citation issue requiring all persons to show cause, if any they have, on or before the tint Monday in September next, why said administrator snould not b*» dis charged, am} that said citation be published in one of the public gaieties of said Slate for the space of six months. True copy from the minutes Clark now ]i -i\ a li : n from es M. Ware. vs. •ing the p! • »a Inferior Court, in favor of J II. Clark and Aquilh T-Calhoun WM. HERRINGTON, SVfF. At the same li ne and plaa. A negro girl named Jane, about nine years of age, levied on as the ;>r-* r :y of Jeremiah W. Williams, deceased, to satisfy n u fa fr > n a Justice's Court, in favot of Martin Hall, against aid Jeremiah W. Williams, deceased, levied an 1 ret u med to me by a constable—property pointed out by the a itn.iiV.ratorof aaid Jeremiah w. Williams,deceased, Anril26. lH4a L. C. MANNING. D.Sh’ff. T CHARLES MACARTHY, c. c. o. March 11—24—6in V aluaole \2iiy Property for Sale _ THE House an i Lou,carner of-2 I ami Pine streets > v occupied by the tubicriber. The Houae it near* ly new. and contain, .even upright room,, with ,ix (ire place. On the premite, are all necessary outbuilding,, alible, carriage house Ac ; it, convenience to the uniat busi ness part of the city, render, it a desirable residence for ts business man. Also, tbe large Uriels Store House on Cotton Avenue, lately occupied by Winn. Shannon A Co. Also the Hon,- n and Lots, now occupied by Mr. Seymour, and Mr Woo- ten at the corner nf 2d and Poplar atreets. Tbia property ia hind mmly located in a central and healthy part <>f the city, nnd near to basinet,; and also, three unimproved buildin* lot,, corner of Oak and 2d street,; these lot, are in a good neighborhood and afford handsome sites lor private resi dences.,lion will l>e given on the first of October next. For tet m, which will be favorable, apply loC. J. Shannon, Camden, South Carolina, G. A. Winn. Mnnrce county, or ir. Macon to JOHN D. WINN. Macjn, April 16,1S4S. 31 4t Z.41VTB3 TOR SALS. fiS FOK Sale, the Plantation known aa the "Stocky Place, ’ situated in Crawford County, on the west ride of Flint River, near the Agency, containing about 260 acres, 130 acre, of which arc rich swamp land*—on one acre of the swamp it ia laid 100 bushels of corn has been grown; the cleared land in the swamp ia rented tbe present season at 3 and 34 p*r acre. Also, a farm in Campbell County, now occupied by Peter J. Abbott; tbia farm lie* within 6 or 8 mile* of 8and Town, well calculated for the production of Corn and Wheat; healthy, and in a good neighborhood; the Monroe Rail Ilnad runs within 93 or 30 miles of it. Also the plantation in the 14h district of Houston now occupied by Win. T. Brown, containing (with the lot lately owned by Joel Brown.) about 2J0 acres, tltia place is well known ns one of the most desirable little farms on Big In dian. . *, " Alsi s wood lot about 4 or 5 mile, from Macon contain ing 26 J < 'res of land with aevrral other lots of lands in the vicinity ol Mi con. Tbe owners being desirous to sell to close up their bus.ness, good bargain* may be expected.— For ier::i- apply to G. A. Winn, Monroe county, or the subscriber in M.icon. JOHN X). WINN. Macon, Aptil 16, 1843. 31 4t a EOUGIA. Crawford county—Whereas Mary Stilt* Admr’x on.the estate of Milton P. Glover, late ofsaid county deceased, applies to this Court for letters of Dis mission fr-m said administration. These arc, therefore, incite nnd admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at ray office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any they have.) wbv said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 9th January, if 45, JAMES J- RAY, C. C. o. January 14—6m. PN OUR months after date appl ... JIT Hon. the Inferior Court of Dooly county, while sitting for ordinary porpuscs, for leave to sell the Lands and Ne groes belonging to the estate of David Jones, deceased. Fate of said county—for the purpose* of distribution and final settlement ol said estate. ELIAB JONE8. Adm’r. Man h 11. 34 I TIOUR months afte- date application will be made to the ' Honorable the Inferior Court of Bibb connty. when sitting for ordinary purpose., for leave to sell ilie interest of Alexander R. and Wm If. Ralston, in three negroes, vis; Peggy and her two children. Jaeob and Andrew. ALEX. R. RALSTON, Sr„ Guardian. Feb, 1—19—4m. Gunrdlnn’a .*>nlr. * GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable the Infe- A r ior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordina ry purposes, will be sold, on the 1st Tuesday in JUNE next, at the Court House do->r in Starksvilie. Lee county, within the legal hours of sale, one undivided third part of Lot number one hundred and twenty-one, (121) in the sec ond district of Lee county, being the property of Middle- ton Nall, a minor, aold for the benefit of said minor.— Terms made known on the day of sale. ASA VARNUM. February 25—22—tds* SELLING GFF AT COST FOK CASH. T| AVING a very large Stcck of Good* on hand, and 0 1 being desirous of reducing it very low by the Spring, I am induced to offer my present ST < K IT COST FOR CASH. The Goods are new and bought in New York for f ash. The (lock consists of Dry Goods. Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Boot*, Saddlery, Hardware, Crockery. Bolting Cloths, Mill Saws, Paints. Oil. Window Glass, Putty. A'-. Ac., embracing every article usually kept in this Market. Country - Merchants, Peddler* and other perann* wish- ing to buy. won>d do well to look at my Good* before Pur chasing, as great bargains may be had.* WM. A. ROSS. December 11, 1844. 31 tf FOIl SALE. a i REING desirous of removing. I offer the House I and Lot n»-ar the city, formerly occupied by Mr*. S. -P. Hall. The House is located ina healthy place and has lour good sixed room* in it. The lot contains four acre* having a kitchen and other necessary out buildings, with a good Well of water upon it. The subscriber offers it upon accommodating terms, both with respect to* price and timo of payment. For farther particulars apply to J. W. HOWARD. Macon, April 9, 1843. 31 tf JOSTRECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY S3. SIIOTAVELJL, ~5'>ALM of Columbia, for Restoring the Hair; Rowand’a J5 J Tonic Mixture, a certain cure tor Ague and Fever ; Bristol’s Sarsaparilla, fur Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases,and for all impurities of the blood ; Evans’Chamomile Pill*, for Nervous Debility, Sick Headache and loss of oppetite ; Soothing Syrup, for Children Teething; Hew,’ Nerve and Bone Linaiuem, a certain remedy for Rheumatism; Ma cassar Oil. celebrated for beautifying and preserving the Hair; Thompson's Eye-Water; Scudder's Eye-Water; Scudder'a Acoustic Oil, for Deafness; Erasive Powder, for removing seal is, grease, Ac., from Dresses; Corral Tooth Powder, in Boxes; Roussel!’* Shaving Cream, a ve ry superior artirle; Lee’s Pills; Bear's Oil; Corn Salve; Phelps' Toinatto Pills; Solidified Copaiva; Extract Buch er ; Ewem’s Patent Spread Plaster*; Cooper's Corn Salve; Seidlitz Powders, pure; Seda Powder* ; Yeast Pow der*. to make Light Cake* or Bread, insuntaneous. June 4. 1644. 36 DRdftS. MEDICINES. Ac. To I’lnjsiriaiis and Plantrrs , f 811IE subscriber is now receiving every week, fresh sup JL plies of MEDICINES, which are very carefully se lected far him in the Northern markets; and having adopt ed the CASH SYSTEM entirely, is enabled to sell at very reduced prices. Physicians and others, having opportuni ties of sending to him. may rely upon having their orders ex ecuted upon the most favorable terms. The quality of the articles will be the very best, and :he price* as low as if they attended personally to the purchase of them. HARVEY SHOTWELL. May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. Mmiff'anri Tobacco. M ACABOY, Scotch, and American Gentleman Snuff, of superior quality. 8c Just received and for sale by of superior quality. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. 1 for sale by II. SHOTWELL. Jane 4, 1644. 4*:t Fills. A FEW dozen Galiighan’s Pills, an infallible remedy uJi for Chills and Fever.just received and for sale by May 14 33 r.jui HARVEY SHOTWELL. Corner opposite Central Hotel. Lamp Oil. A BEAUTIFUL article nf Bleached Sperm Oil. for sale by HARVEY SHOTWELL. 33 Carpentcrs’s a:i<i Sauds’ Siarsa- parilla. I T4OR sale at the proprietors’ price*, by ' HARVEY SHOTWELL, Mny 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. ~~11 a tUTlT’s I s ITT TlORsal and BiUei'Si 1 proprietor'* prices, by HARVEY SHOTWELL. Cometr opposite the Central Hotel. P May 14 33 Jn*t‘ciT *5Ji8 and Train Oil,, pTOR sale low by IIahvi., r IIOTWELL, 5' M iv 14 Come r opposite the Central Hotel. Sal Eratus, O F PPpeiior quality.just receive.i and May 14 HARVKY * Potash, for sale bv : HOT WELL. 50(J factual) LBS tonri lity, for sale low by 33 HARVEY SHOTWELL. . .. hCeceived. pure Blue Vitriol, for caking seed Wheat, •! it from blast or smut, v i u-h it will ef- . . ■ ■' r.-< l.i- T ■ li-1-j. HARVEY SHOTWELL. Oppos.te Central Hotel. . | KORGIA. Dooly County — Whereas Willis in Rob lr erts, administrator, and Elisabeth Burgess, administra trix on the estate of W illiatn Burges*, deceased, apply to me for letters of dismission from said administration: These are, therefore to cite and admonish all and singu- 1st. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the lime prescrined by law, to shew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my naud, this 3th of March. 1845. PLEASANT H. KEY.c. c.o. March 18—25—6m. EORGIA Dooly County.—Whereas Nicholas Red T dick and Jonathan Platt, administrators on the estate of Anthony Lewis, deceased, apply to me for letters of dis mission from said administration: These are therefore to cite and admoniahalland singular, the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to be ana ap pear at my office, within thetimeprescribed by law. to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grant ed. Given under my band, this 5th March. 1845. PLEASANT H. KEY, c. c. o. March 18—25—6m. ■GEORGIA. JBIbb Coanfjr. S IX months afterdate, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of taid county, while lil ting for ordinary purposes, by George A. Minchew, ad ministrator nf the estate of Philip Minchew. deceased, for letters of Dismission ftom said estate. He having fully administered on the same according to law ; of which all persons concerned will take due no .ice. MARK D. CLARKE, April 1. 1845. 27—6m. NOTICE H 3 hereby given to John Brown, formerly of Wilkinson J. county, that the undersigned has in his hands all the money arising from the sale of the property of Mary Brown, late of Houston county deceased, and that unless the said John Brown applies for said money (to which he is entitled Tf in life) within six months the same will be paid over to tbe next of kin. Perry, Ga. January 13th, 1845. THCMAS POLLOCK,Adm’r. Jan. 01—17—6m. NOTICE. A LL person* concerned are hereby notified that I, Re becca Locket, widow of James Locket, late of Craw, ford county, deceased, intend to make application at the next term of the Superior Court to be held in and for said coon- tv, for dower in and to the lands of which the said James Locket, deceased, seized and possessed. REBECCA LOCKET. February 20.1845. 31 4m * A I» Ul.MXTB.lfOIt’S It.tU:- A GREEABLE to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Houston County, will be sold on the first Tuesdsy in June next, before the Court House doorin Perry, Houston County, all the real estate of William H. Rudd, deceased. Sale to perfect titles. MORTIN N. BURCH, admo’r. de bonis non. March 26.1843. 31 ids A A/" H ERE AS Green J. Blake has this day applied for T T and obtained temporary letters of administration on the estate of Leonard Adams, late of Bibb county deed : These are therefore to cite and admonish all aud singular the heir* and creditor* of said deceased to file their objec tions (if any they hate) in my office in the forms prescribed by |aw, why said letters of administration should not be granted to the said Green J, Blake Given under ray hand and seal at office, this 18th day of April. 1845. MARK D. CLARK, c. c April 22—30—30d NEW DRUG STORE. 3HE subscriber begs leave toinfortn liiet'riends and t e public, that lie is uo a- receiving an extensive assortment of Drugs. Medical preparations. Paints, Oils. DyeslutU I’u- teat Medicines, and Perfumery. , The articles have been laid in on the most advantageous terms; ure of the best quality, as be is determined in vend no other; ami will be sold, wholesale or reian t.ircashor satisfactory town accep- tances on the lowest terms mat can be atlorded in this sec- lion of the country Physicians. Country Merchants, and others, are invited to ca'I and :udge lor themselves. JAMES W. BAILEY. [O* His Store is two doors above Boardmau's Book and Stationary Establishment, Mulberry street, Macon,Ga Sulphate Quinine 1AOUR MONTHS after date application will be made .L* to the Hmorable Inferior Court ol Bibb County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to fell the real es tate of John Davis, senior late of Bibb county deceased. DAVID J. DAVIS, Adm or. on the real esute of John Davis, deceased. Februory ID, 1845.31 4tn j .lOUR MONTHS after date.application will be made . to tbe Honorable Inferior Court of Bibb County, when anting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell the real es tate of Rebecca Davis, late of Bibb County dt-ceased. DAVID J. DAVIS, on tbe estate of Rebecca Davis, deceased. Febroary 19.1845. 31 4m T74OUR MONTHS after date application will be made jP to the honorable the Infer! r Court of Crawford coun ty when sitting for ordinary purpose* for leave to sell, all tue real estate belonging to the estate of William Matthews late of said county deceased. PATRICK M. CALHOUN. Adm’or. January 22, 1845. 31 4m I740UK months after date appl F Honorable the Inferior Court of Butts county, when •iuing for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real es tate of Jno. Saunders, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of tbe heir*. NANCY SAUNDERS. Admr’x. April 22—30—4m. Fire Insurance. CAPITA!. $300,000. rpHE .Veto York Contrib.tion.Aip Fire Insurance T J Company, having established an Agency i will Insure Buildings. Merchandize, Household 1 and every description of Property, against Ijoss or Dam age by lire. BOND A: MURDOCK, Agents. Macon. April 30.1644. 31 ly in Macon, Furniture On 1. 1811 I.000 LBS May 14 Tv Foiiji'rcn* ;a»»S Saraiojfa Water, 1 1'ST rtvriveJ, an ! l'-r M.te by JAMES W. BAILEY. Di »'s Wax. by JAMES W. BAILEY, Drugc " ■ fUirdinin’s l!.»-k S I -4 I. rnggrst. Si tie at 52:aiIe> Writs:Store, ixr- Win b * ffif.i. 300 kegi White Lead, ‘ • i ’ !,- Lin.eed Oil.-' 1 bb.s. spirit Turpentine, ■yul Varnish, 1 do. Japau dp. ALSO. I.-.n i Oil. 200 gal.nns Train Oil, N" .!>f ot Oil. .-14 33 NEW ivtll sell 1 II fuel urn I i CONFECTIONARY, A Q W n nufiirlory nf CnuiU«>a. / « A N I) 1L > 1 N A LI. \ A R I K T1ES—Fresh an*i dried m i Fi • t**. .fii ('niJeatiioiiRry «>f everv kind. Tlie suh- , 1 • **r i..\ ii» .* t it- L.t lie^ and Getitlemen n r Macon, ami bi?‘ frie111.. tV .1 .i il.f con: try to give him a call, and look at (Joo/) THINGS. \ candies, made of the beat maietiaU and i tlie very »«*>i mle, on the moat reaaonnble min lie will in exclianp- for lii^ market price, for Fiour, , C( tt. ■••iniitry lr s stock, til • any oilier com le is prefinred to mnnofnctu . equal to any made in an> ircmeiit r»f C«mlectionary ol . t'lemselves. oniclea which e Candle part of in all thei: •tne* ihe country. His every description is com- >n\« obtain in quantities* to are certain on trial to give Wiiicliousc *V Ccinmissiou Business GRAVES, WOOD, & CO. Tf SAKE this method of informing planters and others, tha ■ in additinn to their wholesale and retail DBY-flOODH A.M» ClltOCBBY IttMMiMa, they will rnntinue to transact a general WARE-HOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, at the old stand. (long known as Graves' Corner.l on the corner of second street ond Commerce Row, and would respectfully renew the tender of their services to their planting friends, and olbets. with the assurance, that those who may patronize us in this line of business, shall have our best endeavors to do them usiiee and promote their interest. Our Ware-House is conveniently situated ; and Cotton stored with us, shall be well taken care of, and protected from the weather. We will also assist with pleasure, our friends in selling their Cotton, and without charge; and we arc at all timea pre pmed to make advanceson the same in Cash or Merchan dize. r We respectfully solicit a pnrti.m of the patronage of the public. GRAVES, WOOD, it CO. Edwin Graves, 3 Thomas Wood, a .T. M. Kikbee. ) Macon, September 24, 1844. At H NEW GOODS very Reduced Prices for Cash. His establishment is on Tl building, two d< urs from \Vj d Street, in Raiftton’t brick & Moulton’s corner. J. SHULTZ. Uttcn, Ftb. 18. 1818—31—Cm WOT. A. KOSS, AS jn5t rrre ved. nnd offers for sale a large nnd well n>M»rted stork ofI>iiV GOODS,consisting in part of the following articles: Brown and Blenched Sbeetinps and 8birtings, Calicoes nf every description. Flannels, S.iuinets, Kentucky Jeans, Negro Blankets. Kerseys. Linseys, Apron ^liecks, Mouslio de Lnines. Velvets, Cloths, Cassimeres, Gloves. Hosiery, Mnwls, ^iJk Luces, Handkerchiefs, tcc. -ALSO— Ready Made Clothing. Bolting Cloth?, Hats, Shoes and Boots. Bonnets, Hard Ware and Cutlery, Blacksmith J Ovjls. ( rockery nnd Glri-s Ware. Paints. Od, AVindow Gl.i>s. Putty, Ac. Ac.; all of which will be s Id verv low for 0a *h. , Qct. 25, 1844 —31 tf rtn a sols miff Suit Shades. I I received atUie Penplc's <m r c. a In,., .v=snrtmfnt f I arasiii,. C-'in Shades and Ladies* TmSrcllas, nninng wbidi are romr beautiful Taras,,Is nnd <un .-hades nf en tirely tiew style tu be found at tbe store nf GEO. CLARK. AprJ 8. 28-if .1 do Morphine Aeet. Morphine Court Plaster Castor Oil Citrated Kali Chloride Soda Senna Alex Cavenne African Indigo Spanish Float Caraway Seed Anodyne Ilofiamnnt Aqua Fortin Juniper Berries Bees Wax Charcoal Pilv Corks Velvet Calomel Eng. Calomel Am. Croton Tiglium Gum Arabic Gamboge Blue Stone Salts of Tartar Extract Jalap do Lemon, for pies, sauces, Ac., a new and very conve nient article Extract Valerian Accomt* Buchu compd Pink Root Fluid Angostura Hardback Lettuce 31 W & M Cort Pern compd Bark Precipitated Nux Vomica Rhubarb Gentian Ratania Dandelion Colocynth pure " compound Balsam Copavia Hyoscamus Cicuta Stramonium Belladonna Boneset Butternut Glycopt “ refd Eng. Sarsaparilla Herbs Hnrehound Cleavers Catnip Thmoughwort Cicuta Marsh Melon “ C >j foot “ P ,-s.ey “ S irtrinint “ .^-urvey Grass ” rivezeamous “ Wormwood “ Doable Tansey “ Hyssop ’’ Horse Radish “ Bitter Sweet “ Lemon *' Sweet Mrajoram “ Motherwort “ Penneroyal " Sage Cantharides Fly Stone Colocynth Acetic Acid Sweet Oil Veratrine Sliycbonine Digitalis Creta prept Irish Moss Oxalic Acid Cetric do Prussic do Tartaricdo Opium Pepjlerine. Uva Ursi Sage. Syrenges Honey, Squills Mezerian Hemlock Hops Saffron Eviruma Nutmegs. Wafers Cloves Quicksilver Arrowroot Logwood Madder Allum Fig Blue Brimstone Starch Glue Antimony '. Aloes Soo. Rhubarb Emetine Macon. May 14.1844. Received Uiis Dajs C CASKS Potash, for sale by O JAMES W. BAILEY. July 16. 1844. 42 Sand’s Sarsaparilla^ F OR purifying the blood, for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. July 16. 1844. 40 Musk.Blue Mass Horehoond Otto Rose Isinglass Sponge, Mace Annnlo, Coppct as Borax, Nutgalls Rosin Oil Aitnonds “ Annisede 11 Burgamott “ Cajiput “ Cassia ** Cloves “ Caraway " Onganum_ •* Anthos • Juniper “ Lavender *• Jessamine ** Fennel “ Savine fresb “ Goldwood “ Wormseed “ double Tansey “ Peppermint “ Spearmint “ Tanaeypure *• Cedrat •’ oroton “ Sage " Pulegt •• Saraafras •* Orange “ Cedar M Black PepDe “ Hemlock " “ Spruce “ Cautharide* “ Tar “ Copavai 11 Atnbarrect " “ com “ Seneca " Rhodium “ Nerole 41 Camomile 11 Valetian 4 Cubebs Wormwood • “ Nutmegs 44 Anniseed Spatalas assorted Syringes „ Trusses •< Brushes “ Tooth Brushes Nail Brushes WhiteWash do No 1,2,3 Bot Brushes No 1,2,3 Flesh do No 1,2,3 Cloth Brushes, fancy from No 1 to 12 Blackimr Brushes assorted Bristol Ilrick Sheep Skins, extra French No 1, 2 and 3 Almond Paste Antique Oil Balm of Columbia Bears Oil Cream of Amber Cold Cream Cologne Farina 44 French •• German “ American Extract Milliflores Lip Salve Otto of Roses Macassar Oil Pomatum Pearl Powder Preston Salts Toilet Powder Vegetable Rouge Vinegar Aromatic Eye Water Godfrey’s Cordial Hayes’Liniment Harlem Oil Itch Oointmnnt Funnels Wedgwood from No 1 to 5 Galley Pots assorted Monars from 1 inch to 12 Medical Spoons Pill Tiles graduated from 1 inch to 12 Polishing Clay Putty Knives Apoth’s. Series and Weights Winking for Lamps Extract Roses Essence of Tyre Florida Water Freckle Wash Hair Oil Ward’s Hungary Water Hair Powder Indian Dye Kapbalia Orange Flower w'uter .33 INSURANCE. TIIF CKOTOIV (Mutual) Insurance Company, Of llm City of New York. rriHIS Company, according to the provisions of its char I ter, is ready to insure all kinds of Murine, Inland Navigation, Transportation and FiteRisks, against loss or damage, at rates ai d terms moderate and liberal, and solicit the patronage of its friends and the pjblic at the A- gency of the Company. • TRUSTEES. James Harper, Abraham Van Nest, John B. Lasala, William B. Cozzens, John J. Boyd. Charles L. Vose, Edward Richardson, Joseph B. Nones, James Plialen, John J. Herrick, George C. De Ksy. r*amuel A. Lawrence, Theodore A. Meyer, William P. Furniss, John T. Gilchrist, Loring Andrews, Cyrus Chenery, George Whitaker, James H Suydam, George Palen, William Burguoyne, SAMUEL A. John F. Butterworth, Samuel Sherwood, Zadork Pratt, Herman D. Gould, Joseph S. Smith. Elias T. Aldrich. Lawrence Hill, Thomas Monahan, William H. Townsend, Amos Noyes, John Brensted, Leonard Appleby, Silas M. Crandall. LAWRENCE, President. aidridjfe’s Itnlm, O F Columbia, for restoring the hair, fur sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. July 16, 184 4. 42 Hay’s Liniment, A CERTAIN cure for the Piles, for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. July 16, 1844. 42 Btnilcy** *ar«;ipariIJa, A CURE for all disorders arising from a bad state of the blood, for sale at _ . JAME8 W. BAILEY’S. July 16, 1844. 42 Stvcedish Leeches", I UST received from New York, and for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. Druggist. July 16. 1844. 42 Received this liny, A LARGE lot of fancy Soaps, Cologne Water, and a general assortment of fanev articles, and for sale by . JAMES W. BAILEY. July 16. 1844 42 DRUGS. A GENERAL stock of Drugs and ITIcdiclncM re ceiving, of the best selection. All persons wishing to purchase, will be supplied with superior articles, on fair terms- ALSO. Patent JIMediciiies. vis: ROWAND S tonic. BALSAM OF LIVERWORT. BERNARD'S CHOLERA REMEDY, EXTRACTS OF SARSAPARILLA, REMEDY FOR ASTHMA, CHLORINE LOTION, TOMATO PILLS. PETERS’ Do. HULL’S Do. Sec. Ac. ALSO, American Gentlemen’s Shaving Soap, Russell's superior Shaving Creant, Superior old French Soap, Do do American do Pearlash. Potash. Sal Eratus, VINEGAR, Starch, See. Jcc. For sale bv J. H At W- S. ELLIS. Macon, Aug 13 46 Cotton Avenoe. _ military Shaving' Cream. T HE urdertgned take pleasure in certifying that they used the Military Shaving Soap, prepared by Mr- vVilliain Bailey, Druggist, Brooklyn. New York, and for sale by Mr Janies W. Bailey, Druggist of this place. It is certainly the finest and most pleasant compound that wc have ever used ; leaving the skin nfter the operation of shaving, smooth nnd soft, and rendering the act truly a pleasure rather than a task. All whushave themselves and sire comfort in the act, we recommend to them Bniley’i ; I: a, a atm-,-, ,, or . i - r- ‘ JOSEPH B NONEs. Vice-President. LEWIS BENTON. Secretary. Cept, SAMUEL CANDLER, Marine Inspector. WILLIAM WEJ.LS, Fire Surveyor The undersigned is the authorised Agent of the above Company, to take either Marine or Fire risks .n any part of tbe State of Georgia, upon such liberal terms as may be agreed upon between the assured and the Agent, who is vested with ample and discretionary powers. JERRY COWLES. Agent. Oct 22. 164 4. 4 XiB, A DUE Til PILLS. Truth Akin tu .Nature, H AVE you pains? Be thankful. It is a vigorous ef fort of Nature to throw ofl' mnibific matter. From what tmy the morbific matter arise 7 P’roin a bruise, or unwholsome air which has become mixed with the blood, not incorporated in it, but which is liable to taint the whole mass if not speedily removed. Or the pain may arise from bile which has become had, rancid, putrid, in consequence of tbe want of power in the proper organs to discharge it.— This pain which so frightens people isonb the symp toms of the efforts of Nature, (or the vital principle of the blood.) to expel the pecant or impure matter, which would otherwise destroy the human fabric. All diseases are of the solids or fluids, or both. When we have pain in our head, or inourfooL in our throat or in our back oa bowels, let us bnt be satisfied that it is produced by the ef forts of our blood to throw out morbific matter, and if this be so. if we can but believe and un< erstand this, our cure will be easy and generally sure. For our course will then be to help Nature to throw off the morbid matter, not to taxe away the blood. For the blond. EVJiRY DROP WE HAVE IS REQUIRED TO INSURE ULTI MATE HEALTH to the body, we must NOT LOSE A DROP; neither must we use any medicines internally which are uot perfectly harmless, if applied externally to tbe body. So we must not use any of Ihe prepara ions of mercury, neither must we use any vegetable medicine nf CORROSIVE POWER. In order to discriminate bttween Truth, which is eternal, nnd conjecture, which is like a transient vision, we must be guided by the iight of EXPERIENCE. To what does exuerience direct 7 To the FREE USE OFDR. BRAN- DRETH’S PILLS iu all cases of booily suffering. As this advice is followed. SO WILL THE HEALTH OF THE BODY BE. The writer has long used them, and has never found them fail of imparting relief. In ail acute diseases let Hrandretb Pills and tnild diet be used, and the patient will soon be restored to good health. In chronic complaints let the Pills be used as often as convenient, by which means the vitality of the blood will be improved, and a crisis will be generally brought about: the disease being changed to acute, a few large doses of Pills and a few days the house, will change the chronically dts eased individual to a sound man. This is no figure of the imagination; it can be proved by a thousand matter-of-fact men who have experienced it. REMEMBER, in all ca ses of disease, no matter whether it be a cold or a cough ; whether it be asthma or consumption : wliet-er it be rheu matism or pleurisy: whether it be tvpus of fever-and-ague, or bilious lever: cramp or hooping rough or mensels ; wheth er it be scarlet fever or small pox ; that the Pills known as Brandreth’s Pills, will surely do more than all the medi cines of the Drug Stores for your restoration to health, and what is more will surelv do vou no harm. TRUST TO BRANDRETH8 PILLS, taketh-mso as to produce a brisk effect, and your sickness will be the affair of a day or two. while those who are too wise to fol low thisrommon sense advice w 11 be sick for months — Let the sick enquire of the agents for Bramlreth's Pills whether these tilings be so or not. Let them enquire among their friends and ask the same question. Verily if EVI DENCE is wanted it shall be procured. To the Sick, let me say, use the BRANDRETH PILL8 Is the best advice mortal man can give you. Sold at Dr. Brmdreth’s principal office, 041 Broadway: (674 Bowery, and 241 Hudson st.. Dr. Brandreth’s retail offices.) at 25 cents per box. witlWull directions in the Eng lish. Spanish. Portuguese and French languages. J. BARNES. Agent. Reok-Store. opposite Washington Hall Cotton Avenue, Macon. Ga. Decetnber24 5m—13 Journal des TafHears de Paris 'I'HE subscribers have just received 44 L’Elegiint" a I Journal of the newest Fashions for Drapers and Tailors, reported and published monthly in Paris, in which are many improvements in the present Styles, and which they believe will meet with g-neral favor. Orders for Clothing will be executed at the shortest notice. J. & E. SAULSBURY. J, Sc E. S. have just received a fine selection of Eogisb and French Cloths, and Casimeres. Dec 10, 1844. 11 Whiling* A Hit, Bargains! Bargains! Bargains!! At the Macon Saddle, Bridle and Harness Depository. GRUMMAN & CO. FFEK their splendid assortment of f Mitdillri), Itridlea, HuriiCMM, 'I'ruiiliM, and all articles usually found in their line, at reduced prices. Having n large stock on hand, and constantly reiving fresh supplies of the latest style from t. eir Manufactory at the North, they are enabled to sell as cheap if not cheaper than any Firm in the State of Georgia. As Cotton is low and money scarce, they will put their Goods at pri ces to suit the tin es. We respectfully invite country Merchants and planters to call and examine our stock pledging ourselves to sell as low, and as good an article as an be found in Charleston, Augusta, or Savannah market. O’ A liberal discount made to those who purchase to sell again. N. B. Repairing done at the shortest notice with neatness and despatch. Come all ye Dooly boys, and give us a trade. We have Saddles and Bridles most beautifully made, We warrant them strong, as good, and as sound, As any in market ever was found. If you do’nt believe it just give us a call. Wc put our Goods at prices that will suit one and all, As Cotton is low ami money not plenty. We w,11 sell Saddles From $3 up to $20. Do’nt forget the place. S. GRUMMAN k CO. Cherry st., opposite Watts «5c Moulton’s Grocery ^tore Dec* 3. 1844. 10 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, On MuLnERRy Street, Near thk MethodistChurch JB* 'jr, THB Subscriber is receiving large ad- ' dition* to his stcck of Coaches.Cbariotees, , Barouches. Buggiea. Wagons. See., from some of tbe be?t Northern Manufactories, which were made expressly for this market, of the beat materials, and are warranted equal if notsuperior to those ofany other es tablishment. Those in wantof any description of’Carriages, will find it for their interest to examine the quality andpri- ces of his assortment. Repairing, in allthe different branches executed in the bestmanner.hyexperienced workmen atlesstlian former prices. Carriage makers, will find a good assortment of EHiptic Springs,Axeltrees.turnedand boxed Dashes,Lamps,Bands. Knobs, Patent and Top Leather, Laces, Silk and worsted Fringe, Tassels, ami almostevery article required in their business, at Augusta prices. March 1st , 1842. 22 tf J-W.BABCOCK. JN i : W S T O R K . , W1NSHIP & POPti, V RE now opening a genera! <ml complete stoca of Goods io Macon. (Cotton Avenue.) Omsistinc of SS'I'A- 1*1.1: AND DOMESTIC It It V MM)U« and GKOEi.KIES. Hats and Caps, Hard-Ware and Cutlery, Drugs and Medi cines. Paints and Oils, Glass and Putty, Crockery and Glass-Ware. Mill and Crosscut Saws. Blacksmith’s Tools, Bagging and Rone, Salt, Iron and Steel, Blankets, Kerseys, Satinets, Ac. A splendid lot of Saddles, and a general as sortment nfladies and gentleman’s Shoes and Boots, latest style. Bridle, Harness, Upper and Sole pateut Leather. Best apple Vinegar. ALSO, A supply of nfegr* Nhori mnilent Forsyth by I. Win- SHIP, all of which is otfered to the public verv'ebeap for CASH. They will also Manufacture all kinds of Saddles. Bridles, and Harness. Trunks, Collars, Carpet Hags, Whips See. 03” Repairing done at the shortest notice. ,m N. B. The hichest market price will be paid for HIDES, TALLOW and BEESWAX. ISAAC WIN8HIP, WILLIAM M. POPE. Sept. 24. 1844. 50 52 FRESH GARRE A NEEDS. A GENERAL assortment of WARRANTED Fresh Garden Seeds, with directions for planting accompany ing each paper. Merchants and others supplied in suita ble quantities. Fur sale by Oct. 29 1844. J & E. SAULSBURY. have received, , D(i • opening a variety of articles, such as ’ 1 Olovca, Mcarfa, Cravats, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Saapcudero, ^ *> Comprising the most desirable apartment of ?" ever offered in this market. Uc * 1 Oct 29. 5 REMOVAL. rrtHE undersigned have removed to the S lnrf 1 street, a few doors south of the Washing adjoining the Messenger Office where they are n " s ' a Inge and general stock of 1 Staple and Fancy Dry.^ READY-MADE CLOTHIAyI SHOES, BOOTS, ft c . All of which will be »old at unusually 1o*j» prie?i j piece or otherwise. Purchaser# are invited to ^ J amine For themselves. P. J* Hav 8 '.* Macon. Oct. 8. 1844. 4 ( Ataeva iron A ISrhas AA R TIAtlKAi; MU>p ■ Tfi I ILL aud Gin (Jeering, Steam Engine 1;,.’ 1*1 tod liras* Castings nf every de- order, aud Macnixi Work in General, corner nf 3" and Walnut Streets. '% (CP The Uipliastprices willbe paid for Old f Brass, I,rad, and Caul Iron, *!l Jan 31 17 ROBT. PjV nr , FA 111ONABUE 11.Vi s ' AT Till-: MW HAT AND CAP S T „' II3HE subscriber lias received the -o'. .1. A$H10N for Hats, the fines! ,, r c est article ever offered in this iir,rl<- 1 /l Panama, Leghorn. Palin Leaf. Ural t '7 4 Otter, Russia, and Pearl Cassin e-' ”' brim and fashionable. All of which will Le CASH. GEO. I. SHEPai Macon, May 7, 1844. 33 **■ llloHUl’s Lite I*ill* au4 1 Hitters, 0 j 3^011 general debility, for sale bv JAM July 16. 1S44. JAMES W. BAU|»f JOIIA L. JOAE9 4c LOT SOLICIT attention to a New and Extensive assort REAlY-fc AiiE CL01 HIM Manufactured the past summer, from recent,\ Goods, by Wm T. Jennings A Co., very favoraV, Cf as among the most fashionable Drapers and Tailor, □ city of New York, CONSISTING OP' nin-touts, Frock Coats. Pantaloons, Yosts, Ores 1 * Coats, Coatees, ami Office Coats, Travelling coai| Ladies’ and firNt/rann’, In all the New and various atylei Together with a very choice selection of Silk and Satin Scarfs. Cravats Mohair and Cashmere do Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Drawer's. I nder Vests, Gloves, Suspenders, Linen and MtiilitS - Collars, Mocks, &c. Including a generalstock of You til’s Ac fliihli'cn’* Clolhir, t'LOTHllVG, w m Believing that the system of “Small Profits sxl (J] Returns,’ - is best r.uited to the times, they will c f t ; . Goods at prices ’hat cannot fail to be an induces:.mail! chasers. J. H. Sc W. S. ELLIS. 5 Cotton Avenue. Maron Prime Uccftc Feathers. 1000 LBS. tust received ami mr sale by April 30 1844 ' GRAVES WOOD A CO. .1. nrr kegs s tWLr 15 do Shotgun) JO do — 1 July 30 ftiiij-PoRder. Blasting 44 POWDER, For salebv BOND A AIUItDOCK. shot nitfl Lead. C BAGS Shot, assorted sizes, . tr 30o lbs. Lead, for sale by July 30 44 R ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of their friends and the publir generally, to their stock if BOOTS and fSIlOK. 4 *. to which weekly additiens willbe made du ring the season. Our assortment embraces the following descriptions: 2000 pairs Men’s best black Brogans ; 1000 44 Men’s second rate black Brogans; 1500 44 Men’s best Russet Brogans; 700 44 Men’s second rate Russet Brogans; 1000 44 Men’s best double sole black Brogans; 1200 •' Boy’s best black and Russet Brogans ; 300 •* Youths’ 44 44 44 4 * 1000 44 Men’s best double Sole Calf and Kip Brogans; 500 4 * Boy’s best K : p Brogans; 800 44 Youth's best Kip Brogans; 1500 44 Ladies Leather and Seal Brogans ; 300 44 Ladies* Leather and Seal Shoes; 300 44 Ladies’Calf Brogans; 20 cascs^Ien’s thick and Kip Boots; 8 K ^Boy’s thick and Kip Boots ; 5 ‘'"^Ypnth’s thick and Kip Boots; 100 pairs Gent’s fine French calf Boots; 75 44 Gent's middling fine French Boots; 100 44 Gent's double sole Calf Boots; 100 4 Gent’s stout sole Calf Boots; 3 Cases Gents and Ladies' India Rubber Over Shoes. ALSO—A general assortment of Ladies’, Misses'and Children's L-cather, Kid and Morocco Walking Shoes of all kinds and qualities; Ladies'. Misses and Children's Gaitersfand naif Gaiters, thick and thin soles of all descrip tions—all of which will be sold at the lowest possible orices- Also— Calf Skins, Sole Leather, Thread, Pegs of all sizes. Boots made and repaired in the best possible manner. Macon. October 19. 1844. ' 31 tf .Yonpoll!;iis Ilouiiet*. A BEAUTIFUL article, selling at one half the original cost, at CLARK’S. Macon. April 8. 1845. 28—if Jtai'piiDi! Karenins 11 IN BOOTS AND SHOES. JT t'W'WY Pairs good Negro Brogans, at Manufacturers tOaV/vr* * cost and expenses. 4.000 Pairs good Kip Brogans, do do do Also, a general assortment of BOOTS A SHOES, which will be offered low—Call and see. STRONG he WOOD. Nov. 12. 7 Choice i'nnnl Flour. A FRESH supply just received and for salebv THOMAS TAYLOR. July 2 40 On Cotton Avenne and Second st. Military Shaving Soap Macon, July 9, 1844. SAMUEL H. BLAKE. JOHN DARBY. N. C. M UNROE. JOHN LAMAR. Dr. JAMES WOOD. N. ELLS. WILLIAM SCOTT. 41 FREMI DRUGS AND MEDICINES. C T ONTINUED si l the best quality* ipplirs of . of the articles, suitable for Phy sicians. Merchants, and Fami lies, received and for sale by J. H. A W. 8. ELLIS. Jut:* 4,1944. 36 #*tso> Aveauo, Ma*oa, Ga. Tt Boots and Shoes. O UR stock is now complete and very extensive, com prising every style and pattern. Aline assortment of LADIES’SHOES and SLIPPERS. Give us a call if you wish bargains. / WIN8HIP A POPE. Macon.October 29. 1944. 5 Fxchaiisc on Yew-York, F OIl sale by TH03. TAYLOR. October 3 1 Gr. L. Warren, H AVING this day made an assignment for the benefit of his Creditors, all persons basing claims will pre sent them, and those indebted, will come forward and pav, without delay, or suit will be instituted against delin quents. CHAS. CAMPBELL. Nov. 7,1344- 7 Assignee. Paints and OilsT £'/'k4"k KEGS Nos.l ami 2 White Lead, OxJ* * 300 gallons Linseed Oil, 200 do Lamp Oil. With a variety ofColorsfor Painters'use, for ale by CHAS. CAMPBELL A CO Julv 6 40 ▼AUCHAN A DATIN' CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTS OP SARSAPARILLA, F OR the cure of Scrofula. Chronic Rheumatism. Gener al Debility. Cutaneous Diseases, scaly eruptions nf tbe Skin, 3 etler. pimples nr pustules on the Face. Liver Atten tions. Mercurial and Syphiloid Diseases. Biles from an im, pure habit of body. Ulcerations of the Throat anti Leg- Pains and Swelling of the Bones—for sale by T . H. A W. S. ELLIS, ■k* M 66 Vottoa Avaaa*. BOND A MURDOCK. Under Slrr's. C7HAKER, Lamtis Wool, Nett and Spun Silk Shirts ►J Just received by Oct 29. 5 J. Sc E. SAULSBURY. Gtunsinilhing'. T HE Subscriber continues to carry on the above busi- ness at the old Pos; Office, where he is prepared to do all kinds of ltIFLE, GUN and PISTOL repairing in the best possible manner, i'OOIl and FRENCH Locks re paired. and Keys fitted on shortnotice. RIFLES made to order with all tire improvements, and warranted. OY FOK SALE DOUBLE nnd single Barrelled GUNS, RIFLES. PISTOLS, Walker's English Cap*; French ribbed and split Caps; Gun Locks of all sizes; Powder Flasks; Wad Cutters; Shot Pouches; Baldwin's Elastic Gun Wadding; Cleaning Rods for Double Guns, and all articles usually keptintheliue. _ Powder it? Kegs, Quarter Kegs, and Canisters, of supe rior Brands, mannfartured'by Hazard. Denslow and Web ster. Shot of all sizes by tlimBag or single pound, very low for CASH. e. 3. ROGERS. Macon, Dee. 4, 1844. 31 tf Books at Cost. T HE Subscriber, about to close his present business, will dj.pose of his entire stock of ItOOKS, STA TIONERY. BLANK BOOKS. PAPER. Ac. AT COST, I-Oll CASH. The stock is general, consisting of SCHOOL BOOKS, in every depariment of EDUCA TION. Also, Miscellaneous, Medical r Zaw, and v lieological Hooks. Also, Blank Books, Manufactured from the best Materials, in different styles of Bind ing. Foolscap, Lrtttr, and Envel ope Paper, and every article in the line. TEACHERS and OTHERS in want of Books will find it tp their advantage to call and supply themselves, as the stock will Positively be sold at Original . ^ ' J. BARNES. December24—’.3—tf. Cotton Avenue. Macon, October 10,1843. Hw"SI*KUVO OOOM W€>Cl>ntriT H A8 taken the STOHE former-y occupied ly 61 A E \\ oodrufi and has made extensive slime and improvements in it, and invites all who are ia w, of Dry Goods to favor him with a call. Helm mo almost an entire stock of new and fashionable Bn 6 direct tr- in New \ork, and will receive additioet month during the summer. Among the Gwdia (ound Calicoes, a variety of new patterns; Primed, striped, plaid lace, striped, Tvoli.e, ik) Jaf Muslins : Jaconet Swiss, Mull MuU. white and colored Tr Muslins; Black and Lead Balzorine Mus’ins* Figured and striped Balzoriues; * Plaid Polka gause*,; French cambric, (printed;) Pink, creen. blue. buff*, and purple cambrics; Irish linen, and drills; 6-4 ami 12 4 Cotton and linen shirtings; Marsillea counterpanes; Cotton an*, silk parasols; Sun shades, Paris style; liem-stitclied, rcviere-stit«*hed and plain line:/; Cambric handkerch.efs; White, black, slate, mixd. colored, silk, and era Children’s cotton hose; One Victoria coronation dress; Victoria corded. Victoriit Robes, half corded; Corded all over and Marseilles shirts; Crass cloth by the yard and piece; iltown and bleached homespuns; Cotton drills and Airipes for summer wear; Green ba r age. button?, comb?, needles, thread.™ thimbles. <Vc. kc.. and many other articles *30 Bn-I here to particularize. „ EDWIN W00DRH- ] Macon March 25,1845—31—if T o f \ n a B E ” OTARD. DUPUIS A. Ij I f; s. Co’a real light COG NAC, vintage of 4822. Old O’PORTO, of very superior quality, and Extra Fine CLARET- All im ported DIRECT, and warranted nnparalnlled ia nnv part of the country, constantly kept, ar.d for sale bv the gallon I'J A. L. AUDOU1N, „ At the Washington Hall Bar Room. Macon. Dec.3. 1844. ' ;o PLANTERS Look to your Interests! T HE undersigned proposes to supply every planter in the t-tnte of Georgia wiih a Medicine io the convenient form of Pills, suitable to the wants of any family or planta tion on such terms as cannot fail to be an inducement to those who have charge of the lives and welfare of their fel low beings and on terms such as preclude the possibility on his part, of in the slightest degree humbugging the commu nity in this delectable age ofhumbug. viz : “If not sniisfied (lie money refunded!!” THE&E PILLS, in their original cost will be cheaper than almost any other cathartic in common use, anil as above are warranted to give satisfaction. They are a safe medicine, containing (under oath,) neither calomel, opium, lobelia, croton oil, mercury in any form, arsenic, antimony er any other mineral substance whatever, and can lie taken with impunity under any circumstances without particular danger Irom exposure to cold or drinking water. Tltev can be used with the utmost safety and certainty by anv rscer o r goon sense who is calculated to have the care of negroes, ami from an experience of eight vears in their ose the subscriber leels confident that lie risks nothing in stating witn cate they will cure 99 cases in every 100 nfbil- lious IVver in lc>s than ten days. Their action in the remo ld n f oHc is so very efficient that those who have used them uniformly, testify that in this respect the'- are ftl'- IMCKIOlt TO (lALOJIKIi. With such a" Medicine then I am prepared to supply you, and for this purpose ill, during the spring months, have agencies established in the various sections nf the State, when my agents will have full instructions to nbide by these terms io the verv letter s the subicriber wants nothing but for value received. » M. S THOMSON, M. D. Macon, 8th Feb. 1845. P S. The treatment of chronic and all manner oflint-cr ing disease is still continued at the n'd stnn 1 corner of M ul berry and Third streets, where persons living at a distance i 50 10 50 25 20 50 100 ALB lift! 4*. Bfm A T bia old stand, opposite the Washington Ilallhl Jr\. ceived. within the last few week?, a newitxJpJS assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DKYO’ part of which consists of the following: 400 pieces English and American Prints, 50 do Cotton and Worsted llalzarinrs, 50 do Printed Lawns and Cambrics, 10 do Satin Stripe Adrianoples, 20 do do do Organdies, Eri?ien Ginghams, 6ejrdia Stripes, Jaconet and Cambric Muslinf, Lace Stripe Muslins, Cross Jlarred do Silk Handkerchiefs, Farnitme Prints, 10 bales Brown Sheetinc. bite and black Cotton Hose, Spool Thrrad Pins, and every other article usually called for, be sold at the very lowest prices for Cash. Macon. June 18.1844. 3S „ JCcaut Hade 4 To filing — AT— NE IF YOUK COST ! !! r|THE subscribers will close off the remataisf 1 i' ’’tr -I ' 'k i ft'1.0 1 H I Nlr. cot. fifth g Beaver Flushing and Blanket Overcoats, Superior Cloth Cloaxs, Tweeds Coats, Black Dress and Frock Coats. Satin, \\ ool, Velvet and fancy Vests. Pants. Stocks, Snarls. Crr-vats, Ilcrierv, Glovft ' at New York Cost!! 1 Cal! nnd tec SAM’L. J. RAY, Macon. Nov. 10.1844. €. Fiiinphcll it Co. ^ T their old stand, opposite the Waridrct 0 * for sale at the lowest current price 75 Bales heavy Gunny Bagging, 250 Pieces do Kentucky do. 100 ’ * “ • fur c«A ilroad I titter month may, bv sending their symptoms in writing, have medicines put up to suit their various cases nnc sent, either by stage, r private conveyance- Such cases where person- • n is not required are treated at five dollars per hiding medicines, which when seat from over 40 miles of Macon, must be enclosed . Servants treated at the infirma y as usual, and spare moment devoted to the treatment of acute a the city or a few miles in die country. M. S. T. N. B Letters on business must be post paid. 12—20—ly. every Mn .Fejp Cook’s Anti Bilious Pills. do do Iiubia do. 50 do do Dundee do. 1500 pounds good Ragging Twine, 300 coils Manilla Hope. 100 do Kentucky do. 1500 Sacks Salt, 20 Tour Swedes Iron, 25 Hhds. St. Croix and Muscovado So£tt, i 250 Bags Rio, Laguira. and Java Coffee. J With a general assortment of Blankets, Goods, &c. Sept 17, 1844 51 \ B.iomi nnd Yard. .j 5000 Lb*. Baron and a Lot of fioe Lt ! ‘ 4 J li WIN SHIP * *1 4J IS A V !•:*, WOOD X <jl R ESPECTFULLY invite the attention " and Plautets to their stock ol Fl{4 ’*|* *1 to which weekly additions will be made dnr.r;B Our assortment embraces the following deser p- I 1500 pair heavy black Brogan?, 1200 “ 41 rustet do. |j 1500 41 44 lined nnd bound Kip |j 1000 *• high nnd low quarter Brocans. ^bJ 1200 * 4 Women’s and Misses’ Moroq* ,v ^‘ Q ami Gambrnon Buskins. Slipper* and TV 600 pair Men’s Calf and Seal Brogan?, 200 •* do. do. do. Poino- s - # 300 44 Youths’ and Boys 4 Calf and KtP 200 44 Children’s Leather Shoes, 10 rases Calf. Seal and heavy Boots. Macon, August 20, 1844. 47 II. & J. OOWLBJ H AVE removed to the Brick Store, on C 1 ’ 1 -' one door below tlie Telegraph Ollioft" 11 ■ now opening a general assortment of 4*rooerie*t, whor*. Ilardw^, together with a stork nf STAPLE srd PA- , GOODS, all of which will be sold low for Ch\ f , Our usual supply of CHEESE kept const,"-. Macon, Oct 22. 1844. * fieo. i. !snEr iB® AS Just received an extensive assortm"" 1 and CAPS, of the latest Fa-hion. to ofltis friends an-1 the public generoljv, V? F OR the CureofLiver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Aj For sals hy J. H.fcW.S. E EIL18- H w hif iliy, ing perfectly confident tha: hisfacilitir* <or supplies, weekly, will enable him to sell ** er establishment in the State, Wholesale *r Om. §, 1644.