Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, May 20, 1845, Image 4

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Ildiultin JTuiio f*ale». •WWTTLL IJE SOL!) before the Court House door id V T Perrv. Hi Slid counts', un the first Tuesday in June nest, w fn.i the |< gal bourn of sale, tl*e following property, ' T*v > hundred two nn 1 a half acres of Pine Land, well improved, sitte r ’n tin- tenth District of Houston conn* ty. neing .e pfnee whereon Senus H. Clark now lives, *”i.t levie I on ns his property to satisfy a fi fit from Houston Inferior Court in t ivnrof Jamea M. NV are, va. Senus II. Clark and Aqni In T. Calhoun ‘ WM. HERRINGTON, Sh*ff. A' the name time and place. A negro girl mmrd Jane, about nine years of age, levied on tin- p-aperty of Jeremiah W. Williams, deceased, to aatisfv a & f.« I'ro n a Justice’s Court, in favot of Martin Hall/againsl said Jereniiah W. Williams, deceased. levied and reiurned to me by a constable—property pointed out by the administrator of said Jeremiah W. Williams.deceased. April -6. Id C. L. C. MANNING. U- 3h if. Itilih Sheri ’s Stiles. On the first Tuesday in JUNE next, \\7 ILL be sol'd before the Court house door in the city f * of Ma--on.the following property, to wit: A t rgto pir! about IVyears old named Louisa, levied on ns the property of Lemuel B. Skorgn, to noisily a fi. (h from linker Superior Court, John Mntluek vs. IV tn. G. Pierce and Lemuel B. Sklegs. The entire and well a sorted stork of manufactured Tin Ware, also a set of Tools for Manufacturing Tin \Y rre. and one Pedler’a Wacom all levied cn as the property of Leonard Adams dereased, to satisfy two fi. fas. one from Bibb Interior Court. Joseph Saulsbmy, vs. Slid Adams, and one from Bibb Inferior Court. Benjamin Trapp, vs. Leonard Adairs and Charles Crawford _ _ _ J. SPRINGER, D. 6. Lot No No. 1. in squsT 76 in the City of Maron. with im provements lltereon. ond L‘ t No. J in squarr SS. on the cor ner of Third and Pine Streets, with all the improvements, at present occupied by John Rose, levied on as the property of A.bert Rose, to satisfy the following fi. las—James D. Crrhnrt vs Albert Rose*. Scott A Carhart va.thesame,— property pointed out by Scott A Carhart. * 1 J r B. TRAPP, D. 8. May 1,1645. MORTGAGE SALE WILL BE SOLD OS TDK FlItiT TUESDAY IS* JULY. One negro nion named Granville, about 18 years old, lev ied an as the propertv of William T. Wilson, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Houston Inferior Court, in favor of George W. Bivins vs. William. T. Wilson. B. TRAFP. D. S. May 13, 1845. 33 td « Valuable C itv Property for Sale. .. THE House and Lots, corner of 2d and Pine streets fleorgin, Jours County* Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purport, March Term, 1845. Present their honors Jamea H. Morrow, William S. Light- fool and David E Blount, Justices. W HEREAS Gabriel H Chappel. one of the adminis trators of Wyllie Chappel. deceased, alieweth he has settled the estate ol* the deceased confided to hit charge, and prays the court to be dismissed therefrom— Ordered, that citation issue requiring sli persons to show esuse, if sny they have, on or belore the lirat Monday to 9epiembrr next why said administrator snould not b“ dis charged, and that sai.l citation be published in one of the public gazettes of said State for the apace of six months. True copy from the minutes. ' „ CHARLES MACARTIIY. c. c. o. March 11—24—Cm G EORGIA, Crawford county—Wh-reas Mary Stiles Admr'.x on the estate of Milton P. Glover, late ofsniil county deceased, applies to this Court for letters ol Du* mission fr-tn said administration. . These are, therefore, incite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at tnv office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, 'if any they hrfve.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 9lh January,- -4.». be granted January 14—Cm, JAMES J. RAY, c. c. o. EH now occupied by the subscriber. The House is near- <•««'*. (*»• "• dow » *2 J i.. ..... ,11,rifflii rooms, wiihsix late of Crawfonl comity deceased J7XOUR MONTHS after cate application will be made Jt* jo the honorable Inferior Court of Macon county, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell a ne gro man named Jer*y. about 25 years of ope. the property of John S. Brooks, Jt., late of said county, deceased. EDWARD BROOKS, aJm’or May 6. 1845. 32 __ OUR MONTHS after due application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Crawford county, when -tiling for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate, (the widow’s dower excepted,) of James Lockett, i ly new. and contains seven upright rooms, with six fire places On the premises are all necessary om-buildings, stable, carriage house Ac; its convenience to tne must busi ness part of the «iiy. reudera it a desirable residence for a business man. Also, the large Brick Store nouse ou Cotton Avenue, lately occupied by Winn. Shznnnu A Co. Also the Hous es and Lota, now occupied by Mr. Seymour.and Mr Woo ten at the corner nfOd and Poplar streets. This property is handiomly located in a central and healthy pan of the city, and near 'to business; and alio, three unimproved building lots, corner of Oak and 2d streets; these lots ore in a good neighborhood and afford handsome sites lor private resi dences. Possession will be given on the first of October next. For teims which will be favorable, apply to C. J. Shannon, Camden, South Carolina, G. A. Winn. Monrce county- or in Macon to JOHN D. WINN. Mr April 16,1845. 31 4t FOR SALE. ij£L FOR Sale, the Plantation kiinwn as the ••Stucky *t* ft.” ' situated in Crawford County, on the west side of Flint River, near the Agency, containing about 260 acres, 130 acres of which are rich swamp lands—on one acre of the swamp it is said 100 bushels ol corn has been grown; the clenred land in the swamp is rented the present season at 3 and 84 p-r acre. Also, a farm in Campbell County, now occupied by Peter J. Abbott; this farm lies within 6 or 8 miles of Sand Town, well calculated for the production of Corn and Wheat; healthy, and in a good neiciioorhood; the Monroe Rail Road ruas within 25 nr 30 miles of it. Also the plantation in the 14 h district of Houston now occupied by Win. 1. Brown, containing (with the lot lately owneJ by Joel Brown.) about 210 acres, this place is well known as one of the most desirable little farms on Big In- dim. Also a wood lot about 4 or 5 miles from Maron contain ing 26 J jc-'ca of land with several other lots of lands in the vicinity of Macon. The ownrra being desirous to sell to close up their bus ness, good bargains may be expected.— For terms applv to O. \. Winn, M mi roe rnnnty, or the subscriber in Mnron. JOHN D. WINN. Macon, Aptil 16. 1815. 31 4t ssuzng orr at cost FOIS CASH. TTftAVIXGa very lar.e Sleek of Goods on hand, and I 1 being desirous of reducing it very low by the Spring, 1 am itidt.ced tn offer mv present vrm It AT C' f O"T FOR CASK. The Good* are new and bought in New York for ( ash. The stock consists of Dry Goods, Heady Made Clothing, Hale Shoes and limits. Saddlery, Hardware, Crockery. Bolting Cloths, Mill Saws, Paints. Oil. Window Glass, Putty. Ac. Ac., embracing every article usually kept iu this Market Country Merchants. Peddlers and other persons wish ing tn ) uv, won d do well to <nok st my Goods before Pur chasing, ns great bargains »nav be had. WM. A. ROSS. December II. 1844. 31 tf ron SALS. _„m, BEING desirous of removing. I offer the House CS** and Lot near the city, formerly orcupied by Mrs. S. JH A P. Hall. The House is located ins healthy place and has four good sized rooms in it. The lot contains four acres having a kitchen awl other necessary nut buildings, with a good Well of water upon it. The subscriber offers it upon accommodating term- both with respect to price aud time of pat aisnt. For further particulars apply to J. W. HOWARD. Marott, April 0, 1815. 31 tf May 13.1545. REBECCA LOCKETT, adm’x. 33 4m F OUR MONTHS after date application will be made tn tbe honorable Inferior Court of Houston county, for leave to sell the real estate of Arthur Barden, late of said county deceased. BRANSON BARDEN.) ... W. G. WALDEN. Jadmars. May 13, 1845. 33 <m F OUR months after date application will be made tn the Honorable tbe Inferior Court of Batts county, when sitting for ordinary purpose*, for leave to sell the real es tate of Jno. Saunders, late oTsaid county, deceased. Sold for thebenefitof the heirs. NANCY SAUNDERS. Admr’x. April 22—30—4m. Administrator’* fSnlr. A GREEABLE to ail order of the Inferior Court of Crawl">rd County, while sitting r or ordinary purposes, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Knoxville on the first Tuesday iu August next within the legal hours of sale, all the teal estate belonging tn William Matthews, deceased, sold for tbe benefit of the heirs and creditor, of said estate. Terms on the day of sale. PATRICK M. CALHOUN, adm’or. May 13, 1845. 33 tdt Gunitlimi’s knlr. V GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable the Infe rior Court of Jackson county, when silting lor ordina- ry purposes, will be sold, on tlie 1st Tuesday in JUNE next, at the Court House door ill Sturksvilie. Lee county, within the legal hours of sale, one undivided third part of Lot number one hundred and twentyonr, (121) in the sec ond district ol Lee county, being tbe ton Nall, a minor, told for the ben Terms made known on tbe day of sale. ASA VARNUM. February 95—22—ids* 1 property of Middle- enetil of said minor.— / lEORGIA, Cratrford County.—Whereas, Nathan vJ H. Mobley, executor on the estate of Lewis Mobley, deceased, late of said county, applies to me for letters of diamisainn. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and lingular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at ir.y office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, ifany they have why said letters should not be grant ed. Given under my band, this May 7llt. 1*45. JAMES J. RAY, c. c. o. May 13,1845. 33 6m JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY II. SHOTIVELL, B ALM of Columbia, for Restoring the Hair; Rowand's Tonic Mixture, a certain cure for Ague and Fever ; Bristol'* Sarsaparilla, for Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases,and for all i upiiriliea of the blood ; Evans’ Chamomile Pilla, for Nervous Debility. Sick Headache and loss of appetite ; So oiling Syrup, for Children Teething; Hews' Nerve and Bone Linaiucnt, n certain remedy for Rheumatism ; Ma- caa-nr Oil, celebrated for beautify ing and preserv ng the Hair; Thompson's Eye-Water; Scudder'a Eye-Water; Et-ufider's Acoustic Oil, for Deafness; Eraaive Powder, for removing stai a, grease, hr., from Dresses; Corral Tooth Powder,in Boxes; Roussell'a Shaving Cream, a ve ry superior article; Lee's Pills; Bear's Oil; Corn Salve; Phelps'Toin.nio Fills; Solidified Copaiva; Extract Buch er; Kwen.'s l’.iient Spread Plasters; Cooper's Corn Salve; Seidlitz Powders, pure; Soda Powders ; Yeast Pow tiers to ma!.e Light Cakes or Bread, instantaneous. June 4, 1844-" 36 0 • > SjT erts, administrator, and Elizabeth Burgess,administra trix on the estate of VV iiliam Burgess, deceased, apply to me for letters of dismission from said administration: These are, therefore to cite and admonish all andsingn- lat. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescrined by law, to shew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 5th of March. 1845. PLEASANT H. KEY.c.c.o. March 18—25—6m. G EORGIA Dooly County.—Whereas Nicholas Red dick and Jonathan Platt, administrators on the estate of Anthony Lev is, deceased, apply to me for letters of dis mission from said administration : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to be ana ap pears! my office, within thetime prescribed bylaw, toaliew cause, if any they have, why said letters should mil be grant ed. Given under my hand, this 5th March. 1845. PLEASANT H. KEY.c.c.o. March 18—25—Cm. flEf>ICIi\ES, Arc. To T/ii/iiriana ant! Planters: rilHEsuli criber is now receiving every week, fresh sup Jl plies o'' M EDIC1N ES. which are very carefully te l lected for hint in the Northern markets; and'having adopt ed the CASH SYSTEM entirely, is enabled to sell U very reduced pri es. Physicians and others, having opportuni ties of sending to him. may rely upon having their onU .sex- ecutcd upon the mo.t favorable terms. The quality of the articles will be the very beat, and the price? as low as"" they attended personally to ike purchase of them. HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel -Hiiuframl Tobacco. M ACABOY, Scotch, and American Gentleman Snuff. • ■f superior q iality. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Just receive 1 and fir sale by II. SHOT )V ELL. June 4. 1814. Cvallisrhan’s Pills. A FEW dozen Galltfhin'i Pills, an infallible remedy for CbiLs'and Fever, just received and for sale by HARVEY SHOT WELL, May 14 33 Corner opposite Central Hotel. IiiUii|i Oil. \ BEAUTIFUL article of Bleached Sperm Oil. fortalo bv HARVEY SUOTWELL. Mav 14 33 Carpcnlcrw’s nSamis’ Sarsa parilla* I TiOIt sale at the proprietors’ prices, by 1 HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 11 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. “Iflattfcfc’b Pills and BlttcrsT” I 73OH iale at the proprietor's prices, bv HARVEY SHOTWKLL. May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. |jiilM'4‘4l Oil and Train oil, jpiOlt sale I rv by _ HARVEY SHOTWELL, May H Corner op|>ositc tlie Central Sal i: rat ns, O F superior quality, just received and for sale by May » HARVEY SHOTWELL. j 73IIlST quality, for > il 1 May 14 33 Potash, low by hauvey shotwell. 500 m factually do Oct 1. ISM. ,9n<«t IScccivcii. Blue Vitriol, for unaking seed Wheat, tret it from blast or smut, which it will ef- ill cases where the pure article i* u*cd. JJAKVKY SHOT \V K h L. Opposite Central Hotel. ] I 311 E ,\V l-'ire Inxnrance. CAPITA!. S.tOO.UOO. Fire Insurance ri/n esiafal i-H M idize. He Act April 3 1 . 1 y in Macon, iscliold Furniture if Property, acaiust. t.axx or /Jitni- BOND h MURDOCK, Agents. >■ ■ . 31 !j GEORGIA. Bibb County.* S IX months after -late, application will be made to the Honorable tbe Inferior Court of said county, wbile sit ting for ordinary purposes, by George A. Mlnchew, ad ministrator of tbe estate of Philip Minchew, deceased, for letters of Dismission fiom said estate. He having-fully administered on the same according to law ; of which ail persons concerned will take due no .ice. MARK D. CLARKE, c.eo. April 1. 1845. 27—6m. W HEREAS Green J. Blake has tliiv day applied for and obtained temporary letters of administration on tbe estate of Leonard Adams, bite of Bibb county deed: These are therefore to cite and admonish all arid singular tbe heirs and creditors of said deceased to file their otyec- liur.s (if any they have) in my office in the forms prescribed by |aw, why said letters of administration ahould not be granted tn the said Green J. Blake. Given under my hand and seal at office, this 18th day of April. 1845. MABK D. CLABK.c. c.o. April 22—30—30d. NOTICE I S hereby given to John Brown, formerly of Wilkinson county, that the undersigned has in his hands all the money arising from the sale of the property of Mary Brown, late of Houston county deceased, and that unless the said John Brown applies for said money (to which he is entitled it in life) within six months the same will be paid ever to the next of kin. Perry, Gn. January I3tb. 1845- . THCMAS POLLOCK, Adm’r. Jan. 01—17—6tn. AD.III31ITRITOR>8 SALE- A OR.EE ABLE to an order of tlie Court of Ordinary of Houston County, will be sold on tbe firat Tuesday in June next, before the Court Hou8ed4>orin Perry. Houston County, all the real estate of Willio in II. Kudd. deceased. Sale to perfect titles. MORTIN N. BURCH, .. . adtno’r. de bonis non. Murcb 06, 1843. 31 t ds Jl rj£^/OJIV2 BLJS HAT AND CAP lj30UR monthsnftcr date application will be made to the I* Hon. tlie Inferior Court of Dooly county, while silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Lands and Ne groes belonging to the estate of David Jones, deceased. Inte of said comity—for the purposes of distribution and final settlement ol said estate. ELIAB JONES. Adm'r. March! I. =4 F OUR months afte date application will be made to lb HonoraMe tlie Inferior Court of Bibb connty. when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the interest of Alexander R. and Wm M. Ralston, in three negroes, viz: Peggy and her two children. Jacob and Andrew. ALEX. B. RALSTON, Sr., Gnardian. Feb. 1—19—4m. ESTABLISHMENT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GEO. I. sTiEPARD, Is receiving weekly additions to bis hitherto splendid stock of HATS AND CAPS. DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. He is now prepared to offer RARE INDUCEMENTS to city and country purchasers. Possessing advantage* excelled by no Hat Establisnment in the State, he will afford his Goods at//s/orr, or pkBIIAps loiccr pricr*. Every style of HATS AND CAPS may be found at hxs Store. AMONG THEM— fashionable, Medium, and Broad Brim Bearer, Nutria, Cn**iiuer, Ilii««in, .Hole-Shin - Ansolin. ntul With lint** ALSO. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF ZBF'MLTJDBL CONSISTING OF Otter, Shetland Seal, .Xuliiit, nntl Jlu.krnl ALSO. Men's ond Youths* Cloib and Velvet CAPS, INSURANCE. THE CKOTOHF (.Tlutual) Insurance Company. Of the City of Sr re York. rf3HIS Company, according to the provisions of its char Jl ler, is ready to insure all kinds ol Marine, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fite Risks, against lots or damage, at rates and terms moderate and tibera/. and solicit the patronage ol its friends and the pjMic al the A- cency of the Company. b J TRUSTEES. James Harper, Abraham Van Nest. Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealette do Do do Glazed do G'-ntlemen’s Navv Caps; A LARGE LOT OF jflcu’s untl lloys’ Black and Drab 8porti»g lints; Together with an extensive Stack of Illcii’s anil Boys’ Black and Drab W OOL II a r S , &c. (I The attention of those in want of any articles in this line, is respectfully invited. Store on Second Street, a ew doors above tlie Wash ington Hall, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Wbi h Mix. Otter, Mink. a»ul Raccoon .Mains, for which tbe Cash will be paid. Macon. Jan 30. 1844 18 GEO. I. SHEPARD. WHOLESALE Anu DETAIL. GEORGE A. KI.MBEkLY, R ESPECTFULLY informs bis old customers and the public generally, that lie is now receiving from the celebrated Hat Manufactory of JoH.N Hunt Jt Co..a very extensive assortment of HATS AND CAPS, embracing every style and quality. Among bis ossortmeu may be found 10 doz. fanbionable Beaver Hats, 20 doz. du Cassimere Hats, 10 doz. do Russia Hats, 20 doz. Ho Moleskin Hats 1 doz. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO. One hundred Rrond Brim Beaver, JYutrSa anti ISttssta mm. Tm. warranted moreilurable ban any Hats ever sold in Macon- Also, 50 doz. Youth’s and Children's Hats, 20 doz. do do. Caps. ALSO. 20 doz. black and drab Spotting Hals, Together with a general assortment of „ F Ult C H S, CO.XSISTI.XG IS PAHT OF 3 doz. PBEM1U.M OTTER CAPS, 5 d- z. Sea Otter Caps, 5 doz. Super Nutria Caps. 20 doz. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 doz. Men's and Boys’ Seal Caps, 50 doz. do. do. Sealette Caps. ALSO. 200 <Ioz. .Hen’s and Boys’ Black ami Drab WOOL HATS. Ail of which will be sold lor Cash, at prices which can not fail to give satisfa -tion. Purchasers are invited tn call and examine at the old stand, sign of the ‘‘BIG HAT,” Mulberry Stre<t. Beaver. Otter, Jliuk, A ( oon Skins, IIM.ITfiJB, for which the cash will be paid. Macon. Oct 17.1813. 3 Fall stock of Boots and Shoes 111HE subscribers have just received JL and ore now receiving a large and well selected stork of Boots and Shoes, consisting in part of the following dc- acripltons, viz: 5000 Pair men’s best Black and Russett Brogans. 3000 •* •• second quality, dodo 1000 ” “ double sole, do do 700 •* “ Iron tacked, do do 1500 “ Boy’s beat black and Russett brogans, 500 •• Youth’s do do 1200 •* Men’s Kip brogans, 500 ** do do double sole bri gans, 700 " Boys do brogans 500 ’* Youth’s do do 1200 ” Men’s Kip brogans, 500 ** do* do double sole brogans. 700 •• Boys do brogans,. 500 " Youth’s do do 600 “ Men’s calf, sewed and pegged brogans, 300 " do do do do double sole, 500 •• Boy’s do do do brogans, 300 “ Youth’s do do do 1000 •• Women’s Calf and Kip pegged Bootees, 600 ’* do do do du Shoes, 35 Cases men’s thick and Kip Boots, >5 ** Boy’s do do do 20 “ Men’s Calf Nell and half Nell Boots,, 7 “ Boy’s do do do do do do. 10 Men’s d’ble. sole Ca’f. Peg’d. water prmfBoou 10 “ do do do do sewed do do do 10 ** do Stont Calf sewed Boots, 12 ” Gents, fine light Calf, sewed Boots. 5 Trunks, do do do do do Pliilodelp’a Boots. 4 do Gents, and ladies patent India Hubberover Sbes. AL* rt. 7V general assortment of Ladie’s, Misses’ and Children's leather, kid. and morocco walking shoes and slips of all desrripiionsaml qualities.—Ladies'* Misses', and children s black and colored and foxed cloth buskins; all of which will be offered on the most reosonnble terms. We Invite all that w sb to purchase, to give us a call, and we will endea vortosuit boll, in price and qnality. Also.— Kept cnn.Mnntlv on band. SOLE LEATHER. CALF LINING AND BINDING SKINS ^ASTS. THREAD. SHOE PEGS, and all other articles used iu manufacturing Boots and Shoes. STRONG h WOOD. At the old stand, sign of the B t" Bool,rry Macon. Sept. 24. " NEW CONFECTIONARY, And .Tlnuurnclory of Candies. ( 3 ANDIES IN ALL VARIETIES—Fresh and dried ’ Fruits, amt Confevtionary of every kind. The sub scriber invites tbe Lndirs ami' Gentlemen o’" Macon, and Ins friends from the country to give him a call, and look at Iris extensive ussortmrnt of GOOD THINGS. He will sell Ins candies, made of the best mntetials ond manufartureii in the very Sest style, on the most reasonable terms* To his country friends he will g»ve m exchange for 'any article of his stock, the highest market price, for Flour, Eges, Cotton, or any other country product*. He is prepared to manufacture Candies in all their varie ties. equal t*< any made in any part of the country. His William B.C( Charles L. Vose, Joseph B. Nones, John F. Butterworth, Samuel Sherwood, Zadof*k Pratt. Herman D. Gould. Joseph $. Smith. “Elias T. Aldrich. Lawrence Hill, Thomas Monahan, William H. Townsend, Amos Noyes, John Breasted, Leonard Appleby, Silas M. Crandall. SAMUEL LAWRENCE, President. JOSEPH B NONES Vice-President. LEWIS BENTON. Secretary. Capt, SAMUEL CANDLER, Marttie. Inspector, WILLIAM WELLS, Fire Surveyor The undersigned is the authorised Agent of the above take either Marine or Fire risks .n any part of the fcHate of Georgia, upon such liberal terms as may be agreed upon between the assured and the Agent, who is vested with ample and discretionary powers. JERRY COWLES. Agent. Oct 22. 1P44. 4 John B. Lasnla, John J. Boyd. Edward Richardson, James Phnlen, John J. Herrick, George C. De Kay, Samuel A. Lawrence, Theodore A. Meyer, William P -Furniss. John T. Gilchrist. Loring Andrews, Cyrus Chenery, George Whitaker, James II Suydam, George Palen, William Burguoyoe, H i-RA’ DRE1HPIIIS. Truth Akin tn Nature. AVE you pains? Be thankful. It is a rigorous ef fort of Nature to throw off’ morbific matter. From what may the morbific matter arise ? From a bruise, or uiiwliolsome air which lias become mixed with tbe blood, not incorporated in it. but which is liable to taint the whole mass if not speedily removed. Or tbe pain may arise from bile which has bee me bar), rancid, putrid, in consequence of the want ol power in the proper organs to discharge it.— Tins PAIN WHICH SO FU1GHTKNS people isonl the symp toms of the efforts of Nature, (or the vital principle of the blood.) to KZPKL the FECAST nr D1PU11E matter, which would otherwise destroy the human fabric. All diseases are of tlie solids or fluids, or both. When we have pain in our head, or in our foot, in our throat or in our back oj bowels, let us L>nt be satisfied that il 13 pr- duced by lire ;f forts of our blood to throw out morbific matter, ami if this be so, if we can but believe and un- erstand this, our cure will be easy and generally sure. For our course will ilien be to help Nature to throw ofl' the morbid matter, not to taxe n*vav rhe blood For tlie blood. EVERY I)l’OP WE HAVE IS REQUIRED TO INSURE ULTI MATE HEALTH to the body, we must NOT LOSE A DROP; neither must we use any medicines internally which are not perfectly harmless, tf applied externally to the body. So we must not use any of Ihe prepare ioiisot mercury, neither must 1cc use any vegetable medicine of CORROSIVE POWER. In order to disciiininnte bitwcen Truth, which is eternal, and conjecture, which is like a transient vision, we must be guided by the light of EXPERIENCE. To what does experience direct ? To the FREE USE OFDR. BRAN- DRETH’S PILLS in all cases of booily suffering. As this advice is followed. SO WILL THE HEALTH OF THE BODY BE. The writer has long user! them, and ha, never found them fail of imparting relief. In all acute diseases let Brandretli Pills and mild diet be used, and the patient -vill soon be restored to good licaltli. In chronic cuniplah ts let tlie Pills be used as often as convenient, by which means tlie vitality of tlie Mood will be improved, and a crisis will be generally brought about: the disease being changed to acme, 0 few large doses of Pills and a few days confinement to the house, will change the chronically dit eased individual to a sound inau. This is no figure of the ima-dnatinn; it can be proved by a thousand matter-of-fact men who have experienced it. REMEMBER, in all ca ses of disease, no matter whether it be a cold or a cough ; whether it be asthma or consumption : whet er it be rheu matism or pleurisy : whether it be ivpusof I'ever and ogue, or bilious lever: cramp or hooping cough or mensels : wheth er it be scarlet fever or small pox ; mat the Pills known as Brandretli'. Pills, will surely do more than all the medi cines of the Drug Stores for your restoration to Health, and what is more will surely do von no harm. TRUST TO BRANDUETHS PILLS, take th*m ao as tn produce a brisk effect, and your sickness will be the affair of a day or two. while those who are too wise 10 fol low this common sense advice w II be sick for months — Let the sick enquire of the agents for Hrandretli’s Pills whether these things be so or not. Let them enquire amonc- their friends and ask the same question. Verily if EVI DENCE is wanted it shall be procured. To the Sick, let me say, use the BRANDRETH PILLS la the best advice mnrtsl man can give you. Sold al Dr. Br*ndreth’s principal office. 241 Broadway: (674 Bowery, and 241 Hudson st . Dr. Rrandredi's retail offices.) at 25 cents per box. with full directions iu the Eng lisb. Spanish. Portuguese and French languages. J. BARNES. Agent. B'-ok-Store. opposite Washington Hall Cotton Aveune. Macon. Ga. December 24 5m—13 Journal ties Tailienrs de Paris ’■ ’llK subscribers have just received *• L’Elegnnt” a" I Journal of the neiresl Fashions for Drapers and 'Tailors, reported ami published monthly in Paris in which are many improvements in the present Styles, and which they believe w ill meet with g-neral favor. Ordersfor Clothing tcill be executed al the shortest notice. J. & E SAULSBURY. J, & E. S. have just received a fine selection of Engish and French Cloths,and Casimeres. Dec 10, 1844. 11 Bargains! Bargains! Bargains!! At the Macon Saddle, Bridle and Harness Depository. GRUMMAN & CO. m kFFEK ttieir splendid assortment of * f 'Huddle*, BiidltN, Ifuriic**, TrunliM, an*l all articles usuellv found in their line, at reduced prices. Having a large stoi’k on hand, and constantly re ceiving fresh supplies of the latent style from t eir Manufactory at the North, they are enabled to sell as cheap if not cheaper than any firm in the State of Georgia. As Colton is low and money scarce, they will put their Goods at pri ces to suit the times. We respectfully invite country Merrhaiits and planters to call and examine our stock pledging nolselves to sell as low, and as good an article as an be found in Charleston, Angusta, or Savannah market. QCF* A liberal discount made to llmse who purchase to sell again. N. B. Repairing done at the shortest notice with neatness and despatrh. Come all ye Dooly boys, and give us a trade. We have Saddles and Bridles most beautifully made, We wa»rant them strong, as good, and as sound, As any in market ever was found. If you do’nt believe it just give us a call. We put our Goods at prices that will suit one and all, As Cotton is low anu money not plenty, We Will sell Saddles from $3 up to S20. Do'nt forget the place. S ; GRUMMAN & CO. Cherry st., opposite Watts Sc Moulton’s Grocery Store Dec* 3. 1844. 10 j. h E. SAULSBURY, have received, and are opening a variety of articles, such as Gloves, Scarfs, Crnvats, lira, Ntsclu, II nutllirrcbier*, Siiapcudrr-, ie. CoinDfisingthe most desirable apartment of so c b ever oflered in this market. Oct 29. 5 »rti; I KETIOVAL. ' 5UE undersiene I have removed to the Store on?j cr ie Washington H.U.J Here they are leceiv), street, a few doors adjoining the Messenger Otlice * a lage and general stock of ' Staple and Fancy llrv-Lood* UK A1) V- M ADE C LOTHIJVg ’ SHOES, BOO'I S, Ac. ’ All of which will b** sold at unusually fo prices, bv jj. piece or otherwise. Purchasers are invited to call aid t* amine for then.selves t*’. J* RAY Jt CO Mahon, (Vt. 8. 1844. 2. tjfiurt.ii iron A Miron* lohitih-]. Alt) jiAdii.Ai: Shot. ; 111 ILL and (,'in Circling, Steam Frigid I Horl;, l 1c IT I and Brass Carliugx of every dei-criptinn, tRaJ. k order.and Machine Wobk in General, corner o‘ p^.. and Walnut Streets. (Cr > The highest prices will be pa llru.M, I,ea<l, and 4’nsl lion. lor Old * ROUT. FINDLAY. JAMES W.. BAILEY. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, On Mulukriiy Street. Near the Methodist Church TUB Subscriber is receiving large ad- dition^ to his stock of Conches. Chariotees, ____________ Barouches. Buggies, Wagons. See., ' trom iiinie ofthe best Northern Manufactories, which were made expressly for this market, of the best materials, and are warranted equal if nolstiperior to those of any other es tablishment. Those in waul of any description o! Carriages; will find it for their interest to examine the quality and pri ces of his assortment. Repairing, in nil the different brandies executed in the best manner, by experienced workmen at less than former prices. Carriage makers, wilHind n good assortment of Elliptic Spring«,AxeItrees,turnedand boxed Dashes,Lamps,Bands. Knobs, Patent aud Top Leather, Lnces, Silk and worsted Manufactured the past summer, trom recently Jtu Fringe, Tassels, anil almost every article required in their Good«, by W m T. Jennings &^Go., very iiavoi nl ly business, at Augusta prices. March 1st . 1842. 22 tf J. W .BABCOCK. JVen’ More. WUNSHIP & POPK, A RE now opening a general »nd complete siock of Goods in Macon. (Cotton Avenue.) Consisting of S’JPA* PLI£ A.M> DOJIEMT1C DRY ROODM and GROCi-RlFS. Hats and Caps, Hard-Ware and Cutlery. Drugs and Medi cines. Paints and Oil*. Glass and Putty, Crockery and Glass-Ware. Mill ami Crosscut Saws. Blacksmith's Tools, Bagging and llooe. Salt. Iron and Steel, Blankets, Kerseys, Satinets, Ac. A splendid lot of Saddles, and a general as sortment of ladies and gentleman*. Shoes and Boots, latest style. Bridle, Harness, Upper and Sole patent Leather. Best apple Vinegar. ALSO. A supply of IVcjjro Shoes made at Forsyth by I. WI It - SHIP, all of which is offered to the public very cheap Tor CASH They will also Manufacture all kinds of Saddles. Bridles, and Harness. Trunks, Collars, Carpet Bags. Whips Jcc. O’ Repaiuino done at the shortest notice. _j-V) N. II. The highest market price will be paid for HIDES, TALLOW and BEESWAX. ISAAC WINSHIP. WILLIAM M. POPE. Sept. 24. 1844. 52 52 Prime Geese Feather**. I 4 \i W | LBS. iusi received and -»r sale bv IUUU GRAVES WOOD & CO. April 30 184 4 3. G un-Powder. KEGS Sporting j FA MI IONA B 1.1: II ATS, AT TUB KEW HAT AND CAP STO’m npHE subsrrihet* lias received the SPKlVi 1 ’ASHJON for Hat., the him a ’„d 1^, est article ever offered in this market, ai. Panama, Leghorn, l’nlin Leaf, Drab !ic.-,, rr Otter, Russia, trnd Pearl Cnssitcer—tn, brim and fashionable. All ol \riiir!i \rill i.- sold l«.« i; CASH. GEO. I. SIIKP-Allb Macon, May 7, 18-14. 32 .VlollatS I ife l ilt* :u <1 I IicritTi Ritter*, JJ^OR general debility, for tale bv July 16. 1844. .1018 A L. JO.’t !•:A SOLICIT attention to a New nn*J Extend* REAlY-4 ALE CIO': i O. nfttr.eiitc- ill 9C K /WtA 15 do Hmt-gu 10 do - July 30 Blasting 44 "5 POWDER, For sale b% BOND Ac MURDOCK. *Iiot and L,€ad. *1 JT BAGS Shot, assorted sizes, l 300 lbs. Lead, for sale by July 30 44 BOND Jt MURDOCK. Under Sh»i’‘s. IIAKER. Lamus Wool. Nett and Spun Silk Shirts Just received by Oct 29, J. k E. SAULSBURY. Whiting’ & JTIi\, 1A ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of their friends jTi and the public generally, to their stock if BOOTS and MIIOEsi. to winch weekly additiens will be made du ring tlie season. Our assortment embraces the following descri- tion*: 2000 pairs Men’s best black Brogans ; 1000 — • 1500 700 1000 1200 300 1000 500 800 1500 300 300 Men's second rate black Brogans; Men’s best Russet Brogans; Men’s second rate Russet Brogans; Men's best double sole black Brogans; Boy's best black and Russet Brogans ; Youths Men’s best double Sole Calf and Kip Brogans; Boy’s best K p Brogans; Youth’s best Kip Brogans; Ladies Leather ami Seal Brogans; Ladies' Leather and Seal Shoes; Ladies' Calf Brogans; 20 cases Men's thick and Kip Boots ; 8 *’ Boy’s thick and Kip Boots ; 5 ** Youth’s thick and Kip Boots; 100 pairs Gent’s fine French call Boots; 75 ** Gent's middling fine French Boots; 100 “ Gent's double sole Calf Boots; 100 * Gent’s stout sole Calf Boots; 3 Cases Gents and Ladies' India Rubber Over Shoes. ALSO—A general assortment of Ladies’. Misses'and Children's ..enther. Kid and Morocco Walking Shoes of all kinds and qualifies; Ladies'. Misses and Children's Gaiters'and hall" Gaiters, thick and thin soles of nil descrip lions—all of which wil. lie sold at the lowest p-usihle Drices- AIso—Calf Skins, Sole Leather, Thread, Pegs of all sizes. Bunts made and repaired in the best possible manner Macon. October 19. 18 44. (xiitiiiiiiiUiing;. T HE Subscriber continues tn carry on the above busi ness at the old Post Office, where he is prepared to do all kinds of RIFLE, GUN and PISTOL repairing in the best possible manner; I'OOR and FRENCH Lucks re paired and Keys fitted on short notice. RlFLESmade to order with all the improvement*, and warranted. Oft IIAftl> FOR SALE DOUBLE and single Barrelled GUNS. RIFLES. PISTOLS. Walker's English Cap*; French ribbed and split Caps; Gun Locks of all sizes; Powder Flasks; Wad Cutters; Sin t Pouches; Baldwin's Elastic Gun Wadding; -llraning Rods for Double Guns, and all articles usually kept in the line. Powder in Kegs. Quarter Kegs, and Canisters, of supe rior Brands, maiiufartured by Hazard. Denslow and W eb- ster. Shut of all sizes by the Bag or single pound, very low for CASH. E. S. ROGERS. Macon. Dee. 4, 1844. 31 tf Books sit Cost. t■ *HE Subscriber, about to close bis present business, I will dispose of bis enure stock of BOOKS, STA TIONERY’, BLANK BOOKS. PAPER, he. AT COST, FOR C/YSH. The stock is general, consisting of SCHOOL BOOKS, in every department of EDUCA TION. Also, miscellaneous, Medical, law, and 'theological Books. Atsa. Blank Books, Manulactured from the best Materials, in different styles of Bind ing. Foolscap, Letter, and Envil. ope Paper, and every article in the line. TEACHERS and OTHERS in want of Books will find it to their advantage to call ami sopplv themselves, the stock will Positively be sold at Original Cost. _ J. BARNES. December24—;3—if. Colton Avenue. TO F \ R I L I K S. OEST OTARD. DUPUIS A. Co's real light TOG. IV W, vintage of 1822. OlJ O'PORTO, of very superior quality, and Extra Fine CLARET. All im ported DIRECT.and warranted imparalellrd ia any p of the country, constantly kept, ar.d for sale bv the gallon bj' A. L. AUDOUIN. At the Washington Hall Bar Room Macon. Dec.3. 184-1. ' io W.siclionse »V Cnniiiissioii Btisini’s CRAVES, WOOD, dc CO. , npAKE this method of informing planters and others, th, »«"r»nent of Confectionary ol every descnpuoo acorn- I in ndditinnto their wholesale and remit ! P**4e._ and hts * ' ' DRY-GOODS AND GROCERY Itl HI.M'SX, 1 they will continue to transact a general WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, at the old stand, (long known as Graves’ Corner.) on the corner of second street I and Cninmerre Row, amt would respectfully renew the tender of their services to their planting friends and othets. with the assurance, those wiio may patronize us in this j line of business, shall have uur best endeavors to do them I ustice and promote their interest Our Ware-House is - conveniently situated ; and Cotton stored with us, shall be 1 well taken care of. and protected from the weather. We will also assist with pleasure, our friends iu selling their Cotton, and without charge; and we are at all times pre pared to make advancesou the same ill Cash or Merchan dize. We respectfully solicit a pnrti.Mi of the patronage of the customers can always obtain in quantities to suu themselves, articles which are certain on trial to give satisfaction. His establishment is on Third Street, in Ralstnn’s brick building, two doors from Watts Jc Moulton’s corner. J. SHULTZ. Macon. Feh. 10. 1845—81—3m ublie. Edwin Gravfs. ] Thomas J. Macon, September 24. dwin Graves,Y homas Wood, > M. Kiubee. ) GRAVES, WOOD, Jc CO. KEW GOODS At very Reduced Prices for Cash. n .WM. A. BOSS. ASjmt rereived, and offers for sale a large and well niv.rted stork of DlCY GOODS*,consisting iupart rthe following articles: Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, Calicoes I every description. Flannels. Saninets. Kentuekv Jeans, icgrn Blankets. Kerseys. Linseys. Apron becks. Mouslin Lames Velvets. Cloths, Cassiineres, Gloves. Hosiery, Is, Silk Lares, Haudkerrniets, Ac. —ALSO— Heady Made Clothing. Bolting Cloths. Hats. Shoes and Hits. Bonnets, Hard Ware and Cutlery. Black.rnitli To ds. Cmrkrty nnd Glass Ware. Paints.'Oil, Window Glass. Putty, Ac. he.; sli of which will be s Id verv low f„ r i Co,h - Ort.a5, 1844.—31 tf Sltav 1%'ew Stock ol‘ l>ry Goods. Spring Trade of 1845. A splei.diil assortment. /vl BOEQB CLARK is now opening n full ond com* plete assortment of Foreign anil Domestic* Staple and * anev DItY 4-OOI>*. which have been selected ex- i presslyr for the retail trade of this City and State, and will be sold at such prices, as will defy competition. Among the AVtr Goods, trill he found. Richest styles Paris printed Baragetaud lialzanties. Dress ^ilks rich and beautiful styles, Strip ?d. Plaid aud Changeable t*ilks. Mourning dress goods, supeiioi quality, Black Barngt, Bl’k. Ralzarine, Lupines, best Alapaca and Bombazines, Ccbaltfnes. Moalius, Lawns, 0rgandie6, Jaconets he Cam brics. Skirts, real hair cloth,*grass cloth, corded and Marseilles Skirts. Linen cambric Hd'kfs. Revere, Hem St» # ch. Plain Tape Edge, with a full assortment of common Linen Hand kerchiefs. front I2J rents upwards. The ladies will find at tips store, every thing to their taste, from fashionable Ribbons to splendid Dresses and House-keeping goods. To those cccuitomed to * rode with us. it would be superfluous to say that we sell cheap, nnd if there are other* who ai e disposed to purchase of us. we tespertfully solicit the patronage of every one ; tliev will soon learn by examining prices and goods.’that there is no better | lace in Macon, to procure those supplies, than at the store of GEORGE CLARK 31 tf Neapolitan Bonnet*. A BEAUTIFUL article,selling at one halfthe original cant, nt CLARK'S. Macon. April 8, 1845, 28—tf Bar;?ai «g ! Bargains !! IN BOOTS AND SHOES. JT /Writ Pair* good Negro Brogans, nt Manufacturers t/*x_M"\/ cost mid expenses. 4.000 Fairs good Kip Brogans, do do do Also, a general assortment of BOOTS A SHOES, which will he offered low—Call and sve. STRONG WOOD. Nov. IS. 7 Choice Fanal Flour. A FRESH supply just received and for sale by THOMAS TAYLOR. July 2 40 On Cotton Avenue and Second st. Boots and Shoes. O TJR stock is now complete and very extensive, com prising every style and pattern. Aline assortment of LADIES' SHOES and SLIPPERS. Give us a callifyou wi»b ba*nins. WINSHIP Jfc POPE. ■Macon.October 29. 1844. 5 Exchange on IVew-York, F Oll sale by THOS. TAYLOR. October 3 1 G. li. Warren, H AVING this day made an assignment for the benefit of his Creditors, all persons having clain s will pre sent them, and those indebted, will come forward and pay. without delay, or 6uit will be instituted against delin quents. CHAS. CAMPBELL. Novi 7.1344. 7 Assignee. Paints and OilsT j KEGS Nos.l and 2 White Lead, • 300 gallons Linseed Oil, PLANTERS Mjoolc to your interests! rilHE undersigned proposes to supply every planter in J the State of Georgia with a Medicine i > the convenient form of Pills, suitable to the wants of any family or planta tion on such terms as cannot fail tube an inducement to those who have charge of the lives and welfare of their fel low beings and on terms such us preclude the possibility on his part, of in the slightest degree humbugging the commu nity in this delectable age ofliuinbug. viz : “If not sa isfied tlie money refunded!!” THESE PILLS, in their original cost will be chropcr titan almost any other cathartic in common use. and as above are warranted to give satisfaction. They are n safe medicine, containing (under Oi'h,) neither calomel, opium, lobelia, croton oil, mercury in any form, arsenic, antimony IT liny other mineral substance whatever, and can be taken with impunity under any circumstances without particular danger Irotti exposure to cold or drinking water. Thev cat. be used with the utmost safety aud certainty by any overseer o 1 ' good sense who is calculated to have the care of regroes. and from un experience of eight years in their lite subscriber feels confident that he risks nothing in stating with cate they will cure 99 cases in every 100 ofbil- less than ten days Their action in the remo- ng who c lions Paver in vol of oil very efficient that the them uniformly, testify that in this >e who have used pect they are Sl'- 300 do Lamp Oil. With a variety ofColors for I’ainters’use. for ale by July 6 *40 CHAS. CAMPBELL A CO Store on Mulberry slteet, next under Washington Hall. April 8, 1645. 28—tf VAUGHAN Jfc MAVIS’ CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTS OF SAK NAPA KILL A; I 1,5 OR tlie cure of Scrofula. Chronic Rheumatism, Gener- l 1 ol Debility, Cutaneous Diseases. Bcoly eruption* of the Skin, Tetter, pimples or pustules on ilie Face. Liver Affec tion*. Mercurial and Syphiloid Diseases. Biles from an im, pure habit of body. Ulcerations of the Throat and Leg- Puins and Swelling of the Bones—for sale by T . H. A W. S'. ELLIS, Aug 13 46 Cotton Avenue, PISRIUH TO (’ALOJIKL With such a Medicine then I am prepared to supply you, and for this purpose ill, during the spring months, have agencies es'abliriied in the various sections of the State, when tnv agents will have full instructions tn abide by these terms io tlie very letter as the subscriber wants nothing but for value received M. S. THOMSON, m. d. Macon, eth Feb. 1845. P S. The treatment of chronic and nil manner of linger ing disease is still continued at the old sinti i corner of Mul berry nnd Third streets, where persons living at a distance may, by sending their symptoms in writing, have medicines put up to suit their various eases nnd sent, either bv stage, lilroad or private conveyance Such cases where person al attention is not required are treated nt five dollars per month including medicines, which w hen seat from over 40 miles of Macon, must be enclosed. Servants treated at the infirma v as usual, and every ipare moment devoted to the treatment of acute eases in the city or a few miles in tlie country. M. 3, j N. B Letters on business must be post paid Macon. Feb. 10—20— ly. Pu» usols uiitf Sun x/TufteS. J UST received ntthe People's Store, a large assortment ol Parasols. Sun Shades and Ladies' Umbrellas, nitrone which ore come beautiful Parasols and Sun Shades of en“ tirelv new style to be found at the store of . ., GEO. CLARK. AprH 8. 28-if us among the most fashionable Drapers and Tailors city of New Y’ork. CONSISTING OF ,• Sin toiiis, Flock Coats. I’aiiftiiouus, Yesis, Dress Coals, Coulees. a»t»l Office Coats, T<ovoll.n^ C oat !.titties' ami ratIrimn's H*eSfc i. Jit all the New and various Myles , Together with a very choice selection of Silk and Satin Scarfs. Cravats Mohair and Cashmere do Hosiery. Handkerchiefs, Drawers, I nder Vests, Gloves, Suspenders, Linen and Muslit. ^,,1, Collars, Stocks, he. Including a general stock of Youth’s A. Children’.* Clothing, A EG BO CJLO'IBIAG, W M m ill M 2. IL A £> . (ft V (J, Believing that the system of "Small Profits anti Cuirl Returns,’' is best suited to the times, they will ufrr tUir Goods at prices *'ial cannot fail to be an itlduceicriu t „ •Lasers. Macon. October 19. 1843. ’ 2 Albeit ©rUuils, A T hi3 old stand, opposite the Y\ asbington llsllluiie ceived. within the last few weeks, a new and w-nH»; assortment nt STAPLE AND FANCY DilYU' Olir. 1 part of which consist* of the following: 40(J pieces English and Niuericxn Prints. 50 do Cotton and Worsted llaizarines, 50 do Printed Lawns and Cambrics, 10 do Satin Stripe Adrianoples, 20 do do do Organdies, 50 do Kristen Ginghams, 10 do Seydia Slri|>es, i 50 do Jaconet anti Cambric Muslins, 25 do Lace Stripe Muslins, 20 do Cross Barred do 50 do Silk Handkerchiefs, 100 do Furniture Prints, 10 bales Brown Sheeting. White and black Coittm Hose, Spool Thread. Nm: c L Pins, nnd every other article usually called lor. whir! «n f be sold at the very low est prices for Cash. Maenti. June 18. 1644. 3e Bendy iVinde Clothing. — AT— ■■ NE TF YUliK ( ON V ! ! ! rpHE subscribers will close *'11' the ten niim g | ,.ni,• «> I A theirstock ol CLOTHING, consisting in pan ci | Beaver Flushing aud Blanket Overcoats. Superior Cloth Cloaks, - Tweeds Coats, Black Dress and Frock Coats. Satin, Wool. Velvet and fancy Vests. Pants, Stocks, Scans. Cravats, Hosiery. Gloves. At it. I at New Y’ork Cost !!! Cal. and see SA.M'L, .1. II AY. A (>. I Macon. Nov. 12.1844. 5 ncTTiHupbcTlir(’oT - 4 T tlityir old stand, opposite the Washington Ball W JtjL for sale at the lowest current prices for rat’ll, . 75 Bales heavy Gunny Bagging. 250 Pieces do Kentucky dot 100 do do Kusia do. 50 do do Dundee do. 1500 pounds good Bagging Twine, 300 coils Manilla Rope, 100 do Kentucky do. 1500 Sack* Salt, 20 Tons Swedes Iron, 25 Hilda. 8t. Croix and Muscovado Sugar, 250 Bags Rio, Lagtrira. ami Java Coffee. With a general assortment ofBlankets.Shoes. f*taplt Tn i I Good*, &.c. Sept 17, 1844 51 B.uoii and L:ird. 5000 Lbs.^ Baron and a Lot of fine Leaf LundfcH WJWSHIP A POPE. GRAVES* WOOD A ft). K ESPEC T FULLY invite the attention of Werrl)»w and Planters to their stock ol Fltrsil du ring the ng descriptions: H to which weekly addition* will be Our assortment embraces tlie folio 1500 pair heavy black Brogar 1200 •• “ * rustet do. - 1500 11 “ lined and bound Kip Brogans. 1000 *• high nnd low quarter Brogans. 1200 - Women’s nnd Mis Morocco.* ! and Gambmnn Buskins. Slippers ond Ties. 600 pair Men s Coll and Seal Brogans, 200 •* do. do do. Pantos. 300 “ Youths* and Bovs* Calf and Kip Bro^a"' 200 * 4 Children's Leather Shoes, 10 cases Calf. Seal and heavy Boots. Macon. August 20, 1844. * 47 il. \ J. ( IVU> AVE removed to the Brick Store, on Ci ttoi» A*r : ■* one door below the Telegraph Otlice, u here they M now opening a general assortment of i- roceries, Sliooi. ISso together with a stock of STAPLE am! FANCY CE'I GOODS, nil of w hich will be .mid low for CASH Our usual supply of CHEESE kept constantly on I* I Macon. Qct 22. 1844. 4 * GEO. I.^illEFAlID, H AS Just received an extensive assortment of ID 1 'H and CAPS, ofthe latest Fashion, to which li e * r ; 9 lion ofhis friends and the public generally, is invited, t* I ing perfectly eenfident that hisfacililies for obtaining supplies, weekly, will enable him to ^ell as low a* a ’ er establishment in tbe Stale, VVhoietatt or ritail. Oct. 8, 1344. - drugs; A GENER AL stock of Draigw nnd Jflcdicinr* • f \ ceiTitog. of the best selection. All persons purchase, will be supplied witli superior articles.^* *1 terms- ALSO. Patent Jtiedicines. vis* ROYVAND S tonic. BALSAM OF LIVERWORT. BERNARDS CHOLERA REMEDY. EXTRACTS OF SAKSAI’AlULLJ. REMEDY’ FOR ASTHMA, CHLORINE LOTION, TOMATO PILLS. PETERS’ Dn. HULL;S Do. Ae. he. ALSO, American Gentlemen’s Shaving Soap, Rus Sup* ell’s ■'uperi prior old Fr< Do do Am Pearlash. Potash, Sal Kratus, VINEGAR.. Starch, 4tc. Jcc. Macon, Aug 13 4G For sale by „ fT 7> J. II A W 9. LLLK' Coin”' A Tf ‘‘ DRUGS AND MEDICINES Cook’s Anti Bilious Pills. F OR the Cure of Liver Complaint. D\spepsi Far sale by J. H.& W.6. J Ac. ELLIS. t f CONTINUED supplies • the best quality of the June L 1844. hove articles, suitable for Phy sicians. Merchants. and Fami lies, received and for sale by J. H 3Y le D ^-r C T I Ir- _ VV. S. Cotten Avenue,