Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, July 09, 1845, Image 4

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Dooly Slicri'?'! W ILT, be » >ia before the Co lown of Vienna Dooly on bear. of sale on the first Tuesday lowing property to-wit: aoo Acres of pine land, it bein’ No. 41, in the lid ilisirKi ol Dooly H. fixs. issue I Iron: a justice a OOUf lot N« veon the os si next, llic . 45, and half lot levied on ns the chard Jo f I) I lly county in fn- • of the estnto of Need- ,1 Stephen Hawkins—levy made and returned to me by a constable. iJ head of stock hoys, levied on as the property of K , Shiver to nti.fy one ft. fa. from Dooly Superior Court lefieorof William \V. Muund, administrator Ac. vs. the said Elijah Shiver. WILLIAM FAUX ELL, Dsp. Sheriff. June 53, 1815. 39 tds Houston Short AT Snlca. ■^TTILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in August next, 11 before the Court House, door in the town I'erry, in the usual hours of sale, the following projserty. to wit: I. t of Lnnd No. 149. in the 5th Dislrtetof said county, levied on as the property of John Davidson, to satisfy a li fa from IlapMon Superior Court in favor of John Halsted vs John BEvidson. tot of Land No. 53, in the I lib District of said county, containing 202J seres, and 160 acres more or less of Lot N<>. 19. in said district and county, including oil of mid Lot, which lies on the North sida of the branch that runs down from Heaver creek Meeting House, being one of the branch es of Fond creek, containing in all Three Hundred and six. ty two and a half acres more or less, and levied on as the property of Meshaek Howell, t* satisfy n mortgage ft fa in fsvfir of Hugh L.Dcnnard vs Meshaek Howell. Lot of Land whereon Charles M. McCoy now resides, the number not known, in the .'lib District of Houston coun ty, aojoining William Smith and others, and one black horse, and a slock of cattle consisting of about twenty or twenty-live head a pait of which are running at large.— Five Thousand pounds Seed Cotton more or less.— All levied O'l as the property of Charles M. McCoy, to sat isfy afi fa from llnu.ion Superior Court in favor of Wil liam Smith, aenr. vs the said Charles M. McCoy. WILLIAM HERRINGTON, Sh'IT. Julv 5d, 1843. Dooly Sheriff** Snlo’ W ILL bo sold on li:e lirsl Tuesday in AVGUST next, before the Court House door in the town of Vienna, the following pri petty,to-wit: Lots ot land No. 5b and 57, the fifty acresconTeyed to the county out of 57 excepted) and alao the lot and improve ments in town of Vienna, number not known, but known as the Vienna Hotel, anil all the lots and stables attached there to, and all in possession of Alexander Meriwether; and also a lot and improvements attached thereto in possession of II. li. Davis; alio a negro girl by ihe name of Folly, and a negro woman by the name of; and four eowa and calves, and a cream colored mare about nine yeara old. and one aorrel filly—all the said properly levied on at the property of Alexander Merriwclhor. to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Inferior Counin favorof James G. Oliver ra. Alexander Meriweth er and Wiley Cobb; and one fi. fa. from the Superior Court of Dooly county in favorof the Central Bank of Georgia v*. Alexander Merriwether. David Urahatn, James G. Oliver and Elbert Hedpa; and one fi. fa. in favorof Solomon 1). lietton vs. Alexander Merriwether and David Graham. Also lot of lend So. 50. iu the 10th district of Dooly coun ty, levied on to satisfy a ft fa in favorof Pttillo and Smith against Andrew Howard, levied on as the property of said defendant, and returned to me by a constable. Also lot of land No.218, in the 7th district of said coun ty, levied on as the property of Alexander Rowell, to satis fy a fi fa from a Justices court, in favor of Archibald Mc Donald vs. said Rowell and Thdmas Dowling; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also lot of land No. 324, in the 12th district of said coun ty of Dooly, levied on ns the property of Samuel Storey, to satisfy a ft fa in favor of James H. Ford, administrator, va. Samuel Storey. Also lot of land, number not known, known as the place whereon llrittou Wilkea now lives, in the 15th district of Dooly county, levied on as the property of said Wilkes, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the Central Bank of Georgia vs. llriuon Wilkes, David Graham, and Wiley Cobb. Also, lot of land, No. 187, in the second district ol Dooly county, levied on as die property of Jonathan Vick, to sat isfy Justices court fi fax, in favor of William N. Singleton vs. Jonathan Vick and Eiias Ballard; levied on and return ed to tne by a constable. YOUNG P. OUTLAW. Sheriff. June S3, 1845. 40 FUBJLIC SALE Of the Monroe Rail Uoad & Unliking Company. fiJTO/i’ff/J, | Decree of the Special Jury in relation Dibit County. J to the Monroe It. RoadSyBk'g Company. W E the Jury, find aud decree, that the Monroe Rail Road from Macon to iu terminus at Marthasville, in the county of DeKalb, both the part thereof which has been completed and in operation, and the part thereof which is in an unfinished condition,and all the property, equipments, and effects therewith connected, is subject to the payment of the debts of the Monroe Rail Road and Banking Compa ny—that the said Company is insolvent and wholly unable to pay its debts aforesaid ; and from its embarrassments is amble to complete said Road, and keep the same in opera tion, so as to auswer the great public objects contemplated by the Legislature. We tiud that there are creditors of va rious Jescriptiors of said company, viz: holders of the tank notes issued by said Company, holders of bonds isaoed for wark and materials for said Road, judgment creditors, creditors holding certificates of deposite.demands for work, labor and materials for said Rail Road, and creditors claim ing to be mo’rtgage creditor* of said Company, and all other creditors not Here enumerated; and that there are among them creditors claiming a priority of right in respect to their demands ; ami wc further decree that the said Rail Road, and all the property, equipments and effects therewith con nected,and all the property belonging to said Compnuy,and all tlifc rights, privileges and franchises in any manner be longing or appertaining to aaiil Monroe Rail IWd and Ran king Company bo sold at publie sale at the court house in the county ot Bibb,by David C. Campbell, Abner P. Pow ers,.lame* A. Nisbet, Samuol B. jlunter, and Thomas Har deman, commissioners, or a majority of them, on the first Tuesday in August next, after giving two months public no tice in the gazettes of Macon, Griffin and Savannah, and that the proceeds of said sale he paid to the Clerk of this Conrt. who i. required to deposite the same for safe-keeping on special deposite in the Agency of the Mechanics' Bank in the city sf Macon, and that public notice be given to the •e rad itors of said Company to life their respective claims, or a schedule thereof in tho Clerk’s office of this Court, by the first Monday in October next; and that the said creditors, if any controversy should arise tcspecling said claims, then litigate among themselves, in respect to all objections which would or might have been available against them by said Com'''any if said sale had not been made in relatisn to mat- tar* of sd.'-off, and whether they be subject to ohjectirn on account of the *atute of limitation, non performance of con tract., or other ea'us?- embracing the quantum of considera tion. pain for (he claims or any of them, and alao thrft the lies* claimed Lv tie respective creditors be then and there also investi'-atirt and adjudicated: and we further decree tfett the purchasers of sain Hail Hoad succeed to all the ob ligations of said Company in rcs p* c t 10 lh # c completing, and keening the .said Roax It* operation, as intend ed and designed by tbe act of incorporatto”. but not to ex tend to a liability ol debts contracted prior to said and that after said said sale, upon demand or notice, the stock holders in said Company transfer to the purchaser the stock held by hir*. her or them in the said Company, or that the title ba transferred by said Commissioners in the same man ner as is provided by law for the transfer of bank stock when sale thereof is made by the Sheriff: and we further decree, that for the keeping of -aid Road in operation for the time intervening between the day of the passing of this decree and if • day ofeale. the re. • : i- ■ ■■ the .... I li-a.i I . spplied, and Mat if said receipts should not be sufficient for said purpose, that the balance he paid lrt*m the proceeds of the sa.c aforesaid! and ws farther decree tint William B. Parker as trustee in charge of said Road and appurtenances until the sale ol'tliu aforesaid property it completed, make monthly returns of tbe amount ol receipts thereon, and file the tame with the Clerk of this Court, and also of accounts for keeping the same in repuirand operation,exhibiting a specific statement in each of tho number and descripticnof officers, agents and hands employed thereon, the value of each per month, and the quantity, quality and value of ma terials purchased, subject to the examination and approval of the Court, snd the co.-ts and other expenses be paid from the proceeds ofsale. JAdliS I >1 i A N. reman. A iruo extract the minutes ol'<ltibb Superior Court, May term, lf>45. HENRY G. ROSS, Clerk. Bv virtue of the above decree, the undersigned will sell brfoi e the court house door in tbe city of Macon, on the first Tuesday in August next, at 12 o'clock, M. tho whole line of the Monroe Had Rond from Mac,to i,> .M.iitlinsviJie, in ihe •aunty of DeKalb, and all the oroprrty, cquipmonta and rf- feeti therewith connected, and all the property belonging to • aid Company.and all the rights, privileges aril franchise# in any manner belonging or appertaining to said Monroe Kail Road and Ranking Company, embracing not only the road, but the vaiiout depot- work-shops, ware houses, en gines, cnrs.ireni, tools,equipments, and all and every thing liroi'Kia, Join Inferior Court, . cm ih, t'OUHl)'. tting h>r Ordinar Term. 1843. r honors .lames H. Morrow foot and David E. 151,unit. Justices. W HEREAS Gabriel H. Cbappel, trains of Wyllio Cbappel, decc lie ha* settled the oslalc of the decc; charge, mid prays the court to be dia Ordered, that citation i cause, if any they have, September next, why su charged,and that said < A^rclt . Light- e of the admims- ed, shewelh that d confided to his ,sed therefrom — te requiring all persons to show i or before the first Monday in administrator should not be dis- be published in on# of the NOTICE e» to John Brown, formerly of Wilkinson public gazettes of said Stale for the space of six months. True copy from the minutes. CHARLES MACARTHY.c. c.o. Mulch 11— 51— f, n. George II. llollaiul, j Wi.-ite of gin. complainant, j . , . _ vs. | Dill for Discovery, Relief and In- John Ingram, j junction in CranfordI Superior Josiah Knighton ,V j Court, August term, 1813. AlexrN.Stuckley J . lit CHAMBERS, June 7th,18*3. XT appearing from the oath of complainant's solicitors, I that the respondents, each and ail, reside out Ol said State of Gsorcia. It is therefore ordered that service ol said bill bo perfected by publication of this order once a month for six month in some public gazette in the city of Macon, Slate aforesaid, and ky service of this rule upon the Attorney at Law of the Plaintiff in tbe original action at least thirty days before the expiration of the said six months. EDWARD D. TRACY, June 11—37—Cm. Judge Sup. Court, F- C. 1 7IOUR months after date application will be made to * the Inmumble Inferior Coutt of Dooly county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to seB the lauds and negroes belonging to tho Estate of ZadwriaL Sutton, late of said county, deceased, for tho purpose of distribution and final aelltemeut cf said estate. ELBERT HODGES,? , . kTJOII.N O. SUTTON, J Bdmors ' July 2, 1815. *° . 1 jlOUll months after dale application will be made to the I * Hon. the Inferior Court of Dooly county, while sitting for ordinary pur|>oses, for leave to sell the Lands and Ne- f 'roea belonging to the estate of David Jones, deceased, ate of said county—for the purposes of distribution and final settlement o! said estate. ELIAB JONES; Adw’r. March 11. -* T7UJU11 MONTHS alto? date application will be inado I; to the honorable the Inferior Court of Butts county, when settii g for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the lands anti negroes belonging to the estate of Cornelius Sla ton, late of Butts county, deceased. JAMES R. McCORD.? . , JOHN W. McCORD, j ' June It. 1815. 37 4m T780UR MONTHS after cate application will be made JL' to the honorable Inferior Court of Macon county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for s^ll a ne gro man named Jerry, about 25 tears of age, the properly of John S. Brooks, Jt.,lateof said county,deceased. EDWARD BROOKS, aJmor. May 6. 1845. 32 TT4QUR MONTHS after date application will be made JL’ to the honorable Inferior Court of Crawford county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate, (the widow's dower excepted,) of James Lockett, late of Crawford county deceased. WILLIAM LOCKETT, odm'or. REBECCA LOCKETT, adm'x. May 13J845. 33 4m X7IOUR MONTHS after date application will be made JL 1 to the honorablo Inferior Court of Dooly county, fur leave to sell the real estate of Arthur Barden, late of said county deceased. BRANSON BARDEN,? .. W. G. WALDEN. ^ adm ors. May 13,1845. 33 4m I TIOUR months after date application will be made to the . Honorable the Inferior Court of Bulls county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the'real es tate of Jno. Saunders, lato of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs. NANCY SAUNDERS,Adrnr’x. April 22—30—4m. JjlOUR -MONTHS after date application will be made J? to the honorable Inferior Court of Dooly county when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leavo to sell the land and negre Cf belonging to the estate ol Edward Brown, late of said county,deceased. JOHN C. ROYALS,sdm'or. May 12,1845. 34 4m l. „ui,n, the undersigned has m l..s hands all ta mo,,tv arising fro,,, the sale ol the property of Mary Brown, late of Houston county deceased.un.i that unless the said J„t, n B^wn applies for said money (to which he is entitled if in life) within six mouths the same will be naldOver to tin- next of kin. Perry, Ga. January 13th. 1841, THOMAS POLLOCK, Ad.n’r. Jan. 21—17—6tn. "ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. A GREE ABLY to an order of the honorable Inferior f\. Court of Doo'.v county, when sitting for*ordinary purpo ses, will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Vienna. Dooly county, within the legal hours ofsalc.on tho first Tuesday in September, the lot of land in the seventh district of said county, whereon Samuel VV illmma, dec d- latclv resided, and at present in the occupancy ol Darnel J. Davis Sold for the benefit ol the heirs and creditors or said Williams. Terms on the day of sa.e DANIEL J. DAVIS, j JESSE GILBERT. ? AJ „ TTIOUR months afte-date application will be made to the A’ Honorable the Inferior Court of Macon connty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land be longing to the estate of Armiccr Lilly, deceesed, late of aaidjeounty. JOHN E. LILLY, adm’or. June 11, 1845. 37 4m EORGIa, Built County.—Whereas William A. Elder applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Thomas R. Barker, late of laid county deceased. These are therefore to cite -ml admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be grant- ed. Given undor roy band at office, this 25ih day of May 1845. JOHN McCORD, C. c. o. June 4, 1845. 36 Ct EORGIA, Crawford County.—Whereas, Nathan V8 H. Mobley, executor on the estate of Lewis Mobley, deceased, late of said county, applies to me for letters of dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at^'my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have why said letters should not be grant- ed. Given under my liana, this May 7th, 1845. JAMES J. RAY, c. c. o. May 13, 1845. 33 Cm QKOCISKIUS. _*~~ J -• QP Hilda. St. Croix, P. R. and N. O. Sugar. XN EORGIA. Dooly County.—Whereat Griffin Uuines lu B-ucs. White and Brown Havanna Sugar, Juno 25—39—tds. i{IiLL iMSI Georcia, TCoumoii Coirntr. 'J’o the Honorable the Superior Court of said County. rfi U1E Petition ofSamoel T. Hailey, respectfully slie-jfeth. J. mat on tho 30tl, day of December, 1843. Henry H. Lumpkin, executed his certain mortgage, to Nathan H. Beall, wherein, he among other things, conveyed to said Beall, certain lots of laud to-wit: fony-unc, forty-two. fifty, seven, each containing two hundred two and one halt acres, more or less, and the west half el lot twenty.four, con taining one hundred one and a fourth acres in the ninth dis trict of said county; the belter to secure the payment of a note of hand, given by said Luinpktn to said Beall, or bear er for the payment of six thousand seven hundred and sev enty- three* dollars due one day after date, thereof, and which note was dated the tenth January 1842. Your petitioner further shews, that afterwards to-wit: ou the day and year aforesaid, said note and mortgage were transferred for a valuable consideration, to your petitioner, by the said Beall, and that the same have never been paid, nor any part thereof, to your petitioner, nor any one else le gally authorized to receive payment. Wherefore, your petitioner prays a perpetual foreclosure of said mortgage unless said Lm^pkin shall on or before the next term at this Couit, pay the amount of principal, inte rest and cool due on said note and mortgage. S. T. BAILEY, Plaintiff's Petitioner. Genrgia, Ilensfon Comity. April Term of the Superior Court of said County. 1845. Incompliance with tbe foregoing petition, it is ordered, that the said Henry H. Lumpkin do, on or before the first day of the next term of this Court, pay into said Coutt the principal and interest, due upon the mortgage mentioned in said petition, or his equity of redemption touching said property .will then be forever barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that service hereof be perfected according to law. A true extract from tbe minutes of Houston Superior Court, this 10th day of May. 1815. JAMES HOLDERNESS, Clerk. June 18. 1845. 38 m4m ~ lilfLE fklSI. GEORCIA, Houston County. To the Honorable the Superior Court of tatd County. T | HIE petit vin of Martha Patlishall, executrix of the last A will and testament of Joshna Pattishali, deceased, whose letters testamentary are now here to the Court shewn, whereby, &c., that on tlia 25th day of April, ic the year eighteen hundred and thirty nine, John G. Clark made and delivered to said Joshua Pattishali, then in life, twelve cer tain promissory notes, bearing date, the day and year afore said, by each nf eleven nf which notes, the said Johu G. promised by the twenty-fifth day of December, then, next, to pay the said Joshua Pattishali. or bearer. Thirty Dollars, and if not punctually paid, interest from the dale aforesaid, value received, and by the last of which notes, he, the said John G. Clark, promised by the twenty-fifth day of Decern- her, then next, he the said John G. Clatk promised to pay said Jushua Pattishali or bearer, Twenty-Fou r Dollars and Fifty Four Cents, and if not punctnally paid, interest from the tiste thereof, value received, all of which notes together make the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Four Dollars and Fifty Four Cents, besides interest. And afterwards, to-wit: Outlie day and year first aforesaid, the said Johu G. Clark the better to secure the payment of said twelve promissory notes, made and then and there sealed and de livered to said Joshua Pattishali. bis certain mortgage deed, thereby, mortgaging to said Joshua Pattishali, all the east half of the lot ot land situate, lying and being in tbe fifth distriit of Houston county aforesaid, and known and distin guished in said fifth district, by the number fifteen, and containing one hundred and one and a fourth acres nf land nmre or less. Yet the said John G. Clark did not, in the life time of said Joshua, pay him said sums of money, due by said promissory notes, or either of them, or any part thereof, nor has he paid the same, or any part thereof, to your petitioner, since the death nf the said Joshna Patishali. but the same to pay has hitherto neglected and refused, and still does neglect and refuse; wherefore your petitioner prays the foreclosure of said mortgage, in letms of the sta tute, in such cases, made and provided, and as in duty, she will ever pi ay, Ac. KELLY Sc KILLEN, Petitioner's Attorneys. . APRIL TERM, 1843. * The Court having considered the foregoing petition, it ia ordered, that the said John G. Clark, the mortgager, do pay into Court, on or before the first day of the next term, tbe principal and interest due upon said notes and mortgage, or show cause to the contrary. And it is further ordered, that service nf this rule be perfected, by publication of tbeso proceedings in some public gazette of this State, once a month for four mouths, or by personal service upou the said mortgager, three months, before said next term. A true extract from the minutes of Houston Superior Coutt, April Term, 1845. JAMES HOLDERNESS. Clerk. June 18,1845. 38 m4m u guardian ol Elizabeth Raines, applies to me for letters of dismission from said guardianship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to shotv cause il any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and sea 1, this 5th May. 1845. PLEASANT H. KEY, c. c. o. May 19, 1845. . 31 6m pi EORGIA Dooly County.—Whereas Young P. Out- xJT law and M. N. B. Outlaw applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Edward Outlaw, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and ap pear at my office wilbin the tmie prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he grant- ed. Given under rnv band at office, this 28th May, 1845. * PLEASANT II. KEY, c. c. o. Jnne 4, 1645. ~ 36 6t 15 Bbls. and Boxes, Loaf, Lump, Pulverized and Crush ed. do. 20 lllids. Molasses. 200 Bags Rio, Laguara, and Java Coffee 20 •• Pepper. Spice, and Ginger, Nut Megs, Cloves, Cassia, Mustard. Salaratis. Indigo Madder, Copperas, Sp., Brown. Sal. Nitre, Salts, Alum Sperm and Tallow Candles, Soap, Starch, Pqwder, Shet Lead. Imperial, Hyson and Black Tea. 50 Boxes Tobacco, some very choice. 50,000 Segars, Cut Tobacco, Maceoboy and Scotch Snuff'. 10 Crates Crockery assorted. 150 Kegs Nails, Hoop and Band Iron, 10 Ton* Swedes Iron Crst. German ard Br,i;tM Steel, With a great variety < f article* in store, and for sale by lx erts, administrator, and Elizabeth Burgess,administra trix on the estate of William Burgess, deceased, apply to me for lette -i of dismission from said administration : These ate, therefore to cite and admonish all ond singu lar. 'lie kin Jrcd and creditors of said deceased, to be a'nd appear at uiv office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause,"(if any they have,) why said letters should not be cranted. Given under my band, this 5tltof March, 1845. PLEASANT il. KEY.c. c. o. March 18—25—6m. Macon May 2R 184.1 RU8SELL St KIMBERLY. 35 tf and belong! appertninini- Also the entire a. Road and Hanking C stock unpaid, inclwdi Georgia t'.,i $200,000, • very kind and desr Monro,- Bail lload a.; of which mav he s.-.-r the office of aaid Com; Tho length of th- li ■ ■ "railed to in junctio Road. The supersti whole road, t tiae to Jonral 1 to -aid 11 dooming ail. snd all debts, ription, due t i Banking C ‘ 1 1 a/'phcctn l ! j • l • • I id Monroe Rail subscription* for of the State of ids, and claims of j or belonging to said tnpany. n full •rhedulc i) to M. Le Gras bill, at XN EORGIA Dooly County.—Whereas Nicholas Red- \JT dick and Jonathan Platt, ndminiitrator* pn ihe estate of Anthony Lewis, deceased, apply to me for letter* of dia- mission from aaid administration : These aretherefore to cite and admonishallandsingular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and up- pear at tny office, within thetime prescribed bylaw, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letierssliould notbe grant ed. Given under my hand, this 5th March, 1845. PLEASANT II. KEY, c.c.o. March 18—25—6m. Hibb < omuy S IX moti’bs after date, application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of said county, while sit ting for ordinary purpose*, by George A. Minchew, ad ministrator nf the estate of Philip Mineliew, deceased, for Jeliers of Dismission from said estate, lie having fully administered on the same according to law ; of which ail ■ersnnsconccrncd will tnke due no.ire. MARK D. CLARKE, April t. 1815. 27—tm. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY II. SlIOTWfLLi, TYALMof Columbia, for Restoring the Hair; Rowand’* JI> Tonic Mixture, a certain cure for Ague and Fever; Bristol's c-arsaparilla. for Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases,snd for all impurities of the blood ; Evans’Chamomile Pills, for Nervous*Dcbility, Sick Headache, and loss of appetite ; Southing Syrup, for Children Teething; Hews' Nerve and Bone Linamrnt, a certain remedy for Rheumatism ; Ma cassar Oil, celebrated for beautifying and preserving the Hair; Thompson’* Eye-Water; Scudder’s Eye-Watcr; Scudder’s Acoustic Oil, for Deafness; Erosive Powder, for removing stains, grease. Stc., from Dresses; Corral Tooth Powder, in Boxes; Roussell’s Shaving Cream, a ve ry superior article: Lee's Pills; Bear's Oil; Corn Salve; I’he!'>»' Tomatto Pills; Solidified Copaiva ; Extract Buch er; 'jjsrsna’s Patent Spread Plasters; Cooper’s Corn Salve; Seidlitz Powders, pure; Soda Powders ; Yeast Pow- dors, to make Light Cakes or Bread, instantaneous. June 4. 1844. 36 A 1.1. per late of of Bibb connty, deceased, are requested to come forward and nay the same into the bauds of E. C. Grannies and having demands ngninst the >ame arc requested to render them in as above in terms of the law. G. J. BLAKE, adm’or. June 11. 1845. 37 6l •opt lot ough, i tad is 101 miles, the whole of which with tin- Westers snd Atlantic Bail teture ha. b.-.-n completed on the r and a half Hides. The Road is in Iglity miles, and ia eqnipped with live rce passenger cars, eighteen freight (nr eight oilier freight »or«, ami one •e terms of sale cash, to he paid tm- ..doner?: mil on failure of the pur- luch of the properly as may bo hid purchaser*, will be forthwith resold -nrgian ami Re; II j l*a«o copy ih and render the . and r urcounis tr •motive engine*, t wtieelf r.mi axle •tationary engine, mediately tn the (laui to comply, «* > oil by nucli ilelbiillin; at their risk. ICTTIio S«vntirml Georgia JeUersonian lv unt 1 the day of « Comnnstfiopet ^ DAVID C. C A.M PH ELL, AHKKK P. roWKKS, JAMK*4 A. MS1IKT. HA Ml*EL H. HI'NTKH, TUOMA8 HARDEMAN. Macon, Gu. May Id43—36id. Cook’s A nf i Hi I ions Pills. I NOll Ihr Cure of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia ,&e. For sale by J. 11. St \V. S. ELLIS. f Gtfnimit>sioncrf* I >ji lr. A GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court of . Crewfinl County, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will bo sold before the Court House door in the town of Knoxville on tbe first Tuesday in August next, within the le^a! hours of sale, nil the real estate belonging to William Matthews, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms on the day ofsalc. PATRICK M. CALHOUN, odn» or. May 13, 1815. 33 tds YV die C hour* ofthi, Ufa Administrator’* Sale. ’ILL be sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of llibli county, on the lir«t Tuesday iu August, before mri House door iu said county, between the usual all the perishable property of Leonard Adams, late county, deceased, consisdn" nf tin wire, tools of this together with a wagon and mules, Ac. GUKEN J. BLAKE, adtn'or. r 07. 1645. 35 tds VAUGIIA1V Jk DAVIS’ COSCENTItATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTS OF SARSAPARILLA, OR the mre of Scrofula, Chronic Rheumatism, Gencr- * al Debility, Cutaneous Diseases, scaly eruptions of the Skin, Tetter, pimples or pustules on the Face, Liver Affec tions. Mercurial and riypbiloid Diseases, Biles from an itn, pure habit of body. Ulcerations of the Throat anti Leg- Pains and Swelling of the Bones—for sale by ». H. & W. 8. ELLIS, Aug 13 46 Cotton Avenue. • Linseed Oil and Train Oil, [TIOll sale low by HARVEY SHOTWELL. .May 14 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. ilralus. INSURANCE. THE CKOTOIV (.TKiitual) Insurance Company, Of the City of New York. T 1I1IS Company, acoordingto the provisions, of its char ter, is raedv to insure all kinds ol Marine, Inland Navigation, Transportation ami I ire Risks, against less or damage, at rates aud terms moderate and liberal, and solicit tbe patronage of its friends and the public at the A- oency of the Company. TRUSTEES. James Harper, Abraham Van Nest, John B. Lasala, William B. Cozzens, John J. Boyd, Charles L. Y°se, Edward Richardson.. Joseph B. Nones, James Phalen, John J. Herrick, George C. De Kay, Samuel A. Lawrence, Herman D, Gould, Theodore A. Meyer, Joseph S, Smith, John F. Butterworth, Samuel Sherwood, Zadock Pratt, William P. Furniss, Eiias T. Aldrich, John T. Gilchrist, Lawrence Bill, Loring Andrews, m Thomas Monahan, Cyrus Clienery, William H. Townsend, George Whitaker, Amos Noyes, James II. Suydam, John Breasted, George Palcn, Leonard Appleby, v William Burguoyne, Silas M. Crandall. SAMUEL A. LAWRENCE, President. JOSEPH B. NONES, Vice-President. LEWIS BENTON, Secretary. Capt, SAMUEL CANDLER, Marine Inspector. WILLIAM WELLS, Fire Surveyor. The undersigned is the authorised Agent of the nbeve Company, to take either Marine or Fire risks .n any part of the Stale of Georgia, upon such liberal terms as may be agreed upon between the assured and the Agent, who is vested with ample and discretionary powers. JERRY COWLES, Agent. Oct 22, 1844. 4 Journal ties Tailleurs de Paris riVIIE subscribers have just received “ L’Elegant” a I. Journal of the newest Fashions for Drapers and Tailors, reported add published monthly in Paris, in which arc many improvements in the present Styles, and which they believe will meet with general favor. Orders for Clothing trill be executed at the shortest notice. J. St E. 8AUL8BURY. J, St E. S. have just received a fino selection of Engish and French Cloths, aud Casitneres. Dec 10, 1844. II EAD-ACIIJE—SICK OR NERVOUS. rriHOSE who have suffered and are weary of suffering . J. with this distressing complaint will find Pelers’ Ve getable Pills a remedy at once certain and immediate in its els One single dose of the pills taken soon as the head ache it felt coming en, will cure it in one hour entirely. As a remedy in summer for bowel complaints they dis- play their wonderful powers, to admiration, and are far su- perior to any thing in use for those complaints. In Dyspepsia *nd Liver complaints they stand unrivalled. Ma ny have been cured in a few weeks after having suf fered under the dreadful complaint for years. In habitual costiveness they are decidedly superior to any vegetable pill ever brought before the public, and one 50 cent box will establish their surprising virtues and place them beyond the reach of doubt in the estimation of every individual. They are invaluable in nervous and hypocliondrical affec tions, loss of appetite and all complaints to which females, alune are subject. They are mild in their action and convey almost immedi ate conviction of their utility from the first dose. They may be taken by persons of any age, and the feeble, the in firm, tbe nervous and delicate ate strengthened by their op- eration,because they clear the system of bad hutnoft, quiet netvous irritability, and invariably produce sound health. Upwards of three lmndrev and seventy thousand boxes of these estimable pills have been sold within the last twelve months in three states alone, and more than three times the same quantity in other states. As an anti-bilious medicine no family should be without them. A single trial of them is more satisfactory than a thousand certificates. In a southern climate, these Pills are administered with uttifurm success. For more than ten years the verdict of their efficiency has been pronounced; and could a juty of all they have relieved be summoned from the North, thffSouth. the East, and the West, millions of voices would be heard i.t acclamation of their matchless properties. The child and the adult—the youth and decrepid old man—both sexes and all ages—may alike take these Pills wi It safety amr the certainty of relief. Price fifty cents per box. Be careful to observe that on the cover of each box [in the tin) is stamped ‘Peter’s Vegetable Pills." Peters' Pills, on enquiry, will be found in every town, and at most of the country stores in tills state. For sale iu Macon, Ga., at New York prices by May 27. 1645. 35 6m F F O v Sal superior quality, just received and for sale by May 14 ' HARVEY BIIOTWELL. Potash, T7IIRST qualitv.for sale low by ' T May 14 *33 HARVEY SHQTW ELL. 500LBS. A! it)l ini GltEEABLYloa county, while sitti before the court-bon e first Tuesday in Augus acres more or Ic-^, romt the lands of Hoot, Clcr* ol 1 hotn*)A Low, 1 me eif fit of the Ih nd cieditors itlrdloi'n >alr# r It r -ii dm lole • r Court ' nt s as a court of ordinary, will bo sold oor in the town of Clinton, on the ext, a truer of lnnd containing 170 nly called tbe Forter place,joimIse and Wilcoxoo. sold ns the land id countv, det-'rased, for the bene. 09. 1815. Terms Cnsli. ELISHA DAVJS, adm’or. * 31 ds ild«iiniq(i Htoi ’* Mnlc. / M'k l )( * • v, bi “ti the 06th of July next, all the peridui- „ belonging to the estate of Thor-isf Sar- ders Inie of Dooly county, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. HENRY 11USS. adm’or. June 18, 1815. 33 Just ItcccivecL pure Blue Vitriol, for soaking seed YVheat. to protect it from blast or smut, which it will ef fectually do in all cases where the pure article is used. HARVEY SHOTWELL. Opposite Central Hotel. Oct 1. 1844. 1 <RaIIigkiaii’& Pills* V FEWdozen Gallfgfaan’s Tills, an infallible remedy for Chills and Fever, just received and for sale by HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 11 33 Corner opposite Central Hotel. ■vamp Oil. \ BEAUTIFUL article ot'Blenched Sperm Oil. for sale by Mav 14 DR. TYiER’S VEGETABLE VBVEK AND AGEE PILLS rpHB success of these Pills in curing in a fetv hours, JL where all other remedies have failed, and that too. in cases of twelve and eighteen months standing—warrants she assertion, that, if taken according to the directions, they are a certain cure- A long list of certificates in proof of their infallibility, might be added, but those opon tbe directions aro deemed suinciert. Try them and be convinced that they are most effectual and not certain, and tbe very best remedy ever offered to the public, to insure u permanent and lasting cure. Having for several years past suffered under repeated at tacks of chills and fever, especially daring the fall and spring months. I was induced to try various remedies, but nothing seemed to be effectual until I tried Dr. Tyler s Ague and Fever Pill* which stopped the chills before I had taken half of the box. This was over a year since, I have remained perfectly free from any symptoms of a re turn of this most loathsome disease. GEORGE M. WAIT. Baltimore. Dec. 12ili, 1843. For sale in Macon, Ga, at New York prices by HARVEY SHOTWELL, GEORGE PAYNE. And will be found in all the Towns aud country stores ia the Southern States. May 27. 1845. 35 6m Choice Canal Flour. A FRESH supply just received and for sale by ijL THOMAS TAYLOIl. July 2 40 On Cotton Avenue and Second st. Paints anil Oils. KEGS Nos.l and 2 White Lead, OUx/ 300 gallons Linseed Oil, 200 do Lamp Oil, With a variety ofColorsforPainters’usc, for ale by July 6 4 0 CHAS. CAMPBELL A: CO HARVEY SHOTWELL. \v Carpenters’s amt Sands’ Sarsa parilla, 1 7^OR sale at the proprietors’ prices, bv 1 HAIiVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 33 Corneroppositc the Central Hotel. JIo|Ta(t’*PiI|* aud Hitter*, J NOlt sale at the proprietor's 1 ‘ HARVEY SHOTWELL. May 14 33 Corner opposite tbe Central Hotel. ttnuirand Tobacco. A TACABOY, Scotch, and Amenran Gent’eman Snuff, XI.l of superior quality. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Ju'-t received and ibr sale bv I/. SHOTU ELL. June 4, 1841. *36 Hew Stock of Dry Goods. Spring Trade of1845, A splendid assortment. EOllGE CLARK is now opening a full and coin- V5T plete assortment of Foreign and Domestic Staple and Fancy DRV GOOD*, which have been selected ex pressly for the retail trade of this City and State, and will be sold at such prices, as will defy competition. Among the New Goods, icilt be found. Richest styles Paris printed Dnrages and Balzarines, Dress Silks rich ami beautiful styles, Striped, Plaid and Changeable Silks, Mourning dress goods, supetiot quality. Black liar age, Bl'k. Balzarine, Lupines, best Alapaca and Bombazines, Cobahincs, Muslins, Lawns, Organdies, Jaconets Jc Cam brics, Skirts, real haircloth, grass cloth, corded and Marseilles' Skirts, Linen cambric Ild'kfs. Revere, Hem Sti'clt. Plain Tape Edge, with a full assortment of common Linen Hand kerchiefs, irom 12$ cents upwards. The ladies will find at this store, every thing to their taste, from fashionable Ribbons to splendid Dresses and House keeping goods. To those accustomed to trade with us, it would be superfluous to say that we sell cheap, and if there are others who are disposed to purchase of us, we respectfully solicit the patronago of every one ; they will soon learn by examining prices and goods, that there is no better place in Macon, to procure those supplies, than at the store of GEORGE CLARK. Store on Mulberry street, next under Washington Hall Aprils, 1845. 28—if .*• I I*i;KIOIC ( OTTO.\ UIYS. TITHE Subscriber's Improved Gins have been fairly test-_ J. ed this season by a trial of mote than five hundred dif* ferent ones, all made and sold by liitn within the last ten months, and have proven to be decidedly the best perform ing Gins ever used. He will farther improve those ottered fjr next crop, which will mDfcp t|jf in not only better per forming but moro durable and convenient llirn any other.— They are constructed upon a plan of his own. only bUown workmen have ever made one like them, and by having a bettershop and machinery, more and better workmen of h"» own, with a steatn lumber mill, and steam power to his fac tory, can afford gins on better terms than otiiets.and ifthnse wanting to purcliase for next crop will wait until called up- onby one ofliis agents, or apply to him by letter before they engage elsewhere, he will agree tofuftiish them nta lower price according to quality, than nny other man or firm. Ilia agents will visit planters throughout the State, during tho •ellin" season. Address letters 4o Clinton. Jones county, Georgia. Gins will bo delivered at the purchaser's resi dence, warranted to uerform aarect mmemlcd. SAMUEL GRISWOLD. Jan. 29—19—Itw mt. Botanic Notice. -MTTILL he sold before the Court-House door in the city ▼ ▼ of Macon* on the 10th day of September next, at 1L o’clock, A. M., (to pny the expense of binding, if not claimed ■nd paid for by the owner before that date,) 655 cc[ i«s of Worthey’s Botanic Practice. C. A. ELLS, Claimant. Macon. June 11, 1845. 37 eow3m MI GsT/lTTl>|(JT\K*7*c. ~ Te W*htfsiri(ms and Planters s 11 IHE subscriber is now receiving every week, fresh sup 1 plies of MEDICINES, which arc very carefully se lected fur him iti the Northern markets; and having adopt ed the CASH SYSTEM entirely, is enabled to selfatvery reduced prices. Physicians and others, having opportuni ties of sendirigto hint, may rely upon havingtheirorders ex ecuted upon the most favorable terms. Tho quality of the articles will he the very best, and the prices as low as if they attended personally to the purchase ofthem. HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 1J 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. ALBERT G. ISITTS, WAES-HOUSE AND Commission S&erchant, MACON, Gcorgin. H AS constantly on hand a large supply cf BAGGING ROPE, BLANKETS, SHOES, GROCERIES DRY GOODS, Ac. and will continue to supply his cua toiners at the lowest prices. Macon, Sept. 24, 1844. 50 Bool o and Slioes. cry extensive, com prising every style and pattern. Aline assortment of LADIES’ SHOES and 8L1PPERS. Give usacal^fvou wish bparaiiis. WINSIIIP & POPE. Macon.October 29, 1844* 5 MEW GOODS At very Reduced Prices for Cash. WJI. A. KOSS, H AS just received, and offers for sals a large and well assorted stock of JDltV consisting in part of the following articles: Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, Calicoes of every description, Flannels, Sutiinets, Kentucky Jeans, Negro Blankets, Kerseys, Limeys, Apron checks. Mouslin de Laines, Velvets, Cloths, Cassimeres, Gloves, Hosiery, Shawls, Silk Laces, Haudkerciiiefs, Ac. —ALSO— Ready Made Clothing, Bolting Cloths, Ifats. Shoes and Boots, Bonnets, Hard Ware and Cutlery, Blacksmith Tools, Crockery and Gla.'s Ware, Paints,' Oil, Window Glass. Putty, «5cc. Ac.; all of which will be s dd verv low for Cash. Oct. 25,1844 —31 tf < \i:ir6age: gs'.■»««aTa>kY7 Os Hulbkkky Strkkt.Nbarthk MethodistChurch THE Subscriber is receiving large ad ditions te bis stock of Coaches,Chariotees, 1 liiri lu-in-.-., liu_-i.-:.-.~, Ac-., Irom Burnt; ot tne best Northern Manufactories, which were made expressly for this market, of tlie best materials, and are warranted equal if notsuperior to those of any other es tablishment. Tltosein want of any description ol Carriages, will find itfor their interestto examine the quality andpri- ces of his assortment. Repairing, in allthe differenibranches executed in the bestmanner, by experienced workmen, at less than former prices. Carriage makers, willfind a good assortmentofElliptic Springs, A xeltrees,turned and boxed Dashes, Lamps,Bauds, Knobs, Patent and Top Leather, Laces, Silk and worsted Fringe, Tassels, and altnostevery article required inthuir business, at Augusta prices. March 1st. 1842. 22 tf J. W.BABCOCK. Aew siore. WINSIIIP & POPE, RE now opening a general ind complete stoct^of Goods . in Macon, (Cotton Avenue.) Consisting of .V4'A- PtE AND DOMESTIC DRt GOOD* and GROCERIES, Hats and Caps, Hard-Ware and Cutlery, Drugs and Medi cines, Paints and Oils, (^tss and Putty, Crockery ond Glass-Ware, Mill and Cross cut Saws, Blacksmith’s Tools, Bagging and Rope, Salt, Iron and Steel, Blankets, Kerseys, Satinets, See. A spiendid lot of Saddles, and a general as sortment of ladies and gentleman’s Shoes and Boots, latest style. Bridle, Harness, Upper and Sole patent Leather. Best apple Vinegar. ALSO, A supply of Neff ro Slice* madeat Forsyth by I. Wjn- SBir.aU of which is offered to the public, very cheap for CASH. They will also Manufacture all kind? of Saddles. Bridles, and Harness,Truuks, Collars, Carpet Bags, Whips Sec. KJ* Repairing done at the shoutest notice, ^j) N. B. The highest market price will be paid for HIDES, TALLOW and BEESWAX. ISAAC WINSHIP. WILLIAM M. POPE. Sept. 24. 1844. 52 52 A 1 Prime Geese Feafilsers. J fA/AjA LBS. iust received amt lor sale by IUUU GRAVES. WOOD & CO. April 30 1844 31 _ 25 Gun-Powder. KEGS Sporting) 15 do Shot-gun > POWDER, 10 do Blasting J Yfr ssle by- July 30 __44_ BOND & MURDOCK. .Shot and Lead. RAGS Shot, assorted sizes, I 8 J 300 lbs. Lead, for sale by Julv 30 44 BOND & MURDOCK. tJssdeii* Sh«r‘s- S HAKER, Lamos Wool, Nett and Spun Silk Shirts Just received by- Oct 29. 5 J. Sc E. SAUL8BURY. Giinsmilhisig. T HE Subscriber continues to carry on the above busi ness at the old Post Office, where he is prepared to do all kinds of RIFLE, GUN and PISTOL repairing in tbe best possible manner; DOOR aud FRENCH Locks re paired, aad Keys fitted on short notice. RIFLES made to order with all the improvements, tuid warranted. ©IV IIAiVI> FOR SALE. DOUBLE and single Barrelled GUNS, RIFLES. PISTOLS, Walker's English Caps French ribbed and split Caps; "Gun Locks of all sizes; Powder Flasks; Wad Cutters; Shot Pouches; Baldwin’s Elastic Gun Wadding; Cleaning Rods for Double Guns, aud all articles usually keptin the line. Powder in Kegs, Quarter Kegs, ami Canisters, of supe rior Brands, manufactured by Hazard, Ilenslow and Web ster. Shot ofall sizes by the Bag or single pound, very low for CASH. E. S. ROGERS. Macon, Dee. 4, 1844. 31 tf R M tn it sols and Sim Shades. T UST received at the People’s Store, a large assortment •9 of Parasols. Sun Shades and Ladies’ Umbrellas, among which are tome beautiful Parasols and SunShadeaof en tirely new style to be found at the store of GEO. CLARK. April 8. • 28—tf Moat’s Mon'ison l?iii*7 T he genuine hygkian vegetable uni versal MEDICINE.—Accurately prepared by Dr. IlrS. Moat, of New York, from the original recipe used or many years by his late father, Mr. Thomas Moat, Vise President of the British College of Health. Twenty years’ successful administration of these cele brated medicines in Europe, and more than twelve year* in the United States, have established their high reputation. Thousands of both sexes, who have been restored la health —the numerous sufferers rescued from premature death— and volumes of certified cases of ctye, embracing every disease in the long catalogue of human misery; must con vince the most incredulous, of their superiority and lha truth of the Hygeian theory, resulting Irom scientific re search and experience, namely, that “man is subject to'only one real disease—impurity of the blood.” Tbe medicines being composed entirely of herbs or ve getable matter, purify the blood, and carry off'the corrupt humors of the body, in a manner bo simple as to give every day case aud pleasure. The Hygeiatt- medicines, first introduced into this coua- try by H. 8. Most, in 1830, have fur tlie last four years been prepared by him; and die increasing sale attests their intrinsic merit; they comprise two sorts of Pills. No. 1 and 2, in single boxes of each at 25 or 50 cents; and Packets cob- tabling both sorts, at 81. $2. or S3, The Vegetable Clean sing Powders, in large boxes, at 37 1-2 cents, with printed directions. Each packet has a fac simile of die signature of H. Shephcard Moat. None are genuine unless they have this signature, and are obtained ir Jtn agents who can produce their written ap pointments. For sale at J. B.IR.TES’ Iloiik Store, on Cuttcn Avenue, opposite the Washington Hall. June 18, 1845. 38 tf DK. II. liIIA.M»IIi:TErS VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. fin IHS medicine i* acknowledged to be one of the most JL valuable ever discovered as a purifier of the bl«od and fluids. It is .superior to Sarsaparilla, whether ns a «u- dorific or alterative, and stands infinitely before all the pre parations and combinations of Mercury. Its purgative properties are alone of incalculable value, for these pills may be ta ken daily for any period, and. instead of weaken ing by the cathartic effect, they add strength by taking away the cause of weakness. They have none of the miserable effect* or that deadly specific. Mercury: The teeth are net injured—the bones end limbs are not paralyzed—no; but in stead of these distressing symptoms, new life and conse quent animation is evident in every movement of the body. These Pills, for colds, coughs, tightness ot* tho chest, rheumatism in the herd or limbs, will be found superior to any thing imagined of the powers of medicine; and in bil ious affections, diapepsia, and in all diseases peculiar to women, they should be resorted to at once. For Sa T e at •£• CIooU Stove, opposite the Washington Hall, Cotton Avenue, June 18, 1845, 38 tf I1AT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GEO. I. SHEPARD, Is receiving weekly additions to his hitherto splendid sto,) HATS AND CAPS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY* “»f£t „ . . ’OHY. lie is now prepared to oiler BARE INDUCEMENT® t 0 and country purchasers. Possessing advantages excelled by no Hat Establish in the State, he will afford his Goods at<7s/07r,or py* ’ lower prices. Every style of HATS AND CAPS * be found at his Store. AMONG THEM— Fashionable, Medium, and Broad Brim IScnycr; IVutrin, Caisinicr, Ris«mIu, Ulole-Sj^ Angolin, and Milli lint*. ALSO. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTING OF Oiler, .Shetland Seal, IVutrin, anti Ifln^Lrnt ALSO, *• Men’s and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CAPS, Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealette do Do do Glazed do Gentlemen's Navv Caps; A LARGE LOT OF men’s and Boys’ Black and Drab Sporting Haiti; Together with an extensive Stock of Men's and Boys 5 Illack and Drah W O O Jj II A TS, Ac. OCT* The attention of those in want of any articles i|ik line, is respectfully invited. Store on Second Street, a few doors above the WjjV ington Hall, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. ting A Mix. Otter, Mink, stud Raccoon SKin$ for which the Cash will be paid. Macon. Jan 30. 1844 18 GEO. I. SHEPARD, 'fin E. SAULS BURY, have received, and « opening a variety of articles, such as tilom, Scarf*, Crnvn’M, Tie*, Stock*, Hnndkci'chicf*, .**iiftf»rtider*, die. 4t«\ Comprising the most desirable apartment of such ever*offered in tin’s market. Oct 29. 5 allacon Iron & Itrass 1'onndrn AND MACHINE SHOP, J ■^1 ILL and Gin Geering, Steam Engine Work, J ri% JLtA and Brass Castings of every description, inaJt order, and Machjsi 'Work irf General, corner of l*ot-) and Walnut Streets. O’ The highestprices willbe paid for Old Cepp,, Rhihs, Lead, aul CaHtlloii, Jan 31 17 ROBT. FINDLAY FASHIONABLE HATS, AT THE NEW HAT AND CAP STORE. HE subscriber has received the 5PR|yg I A FASHION for Ilata. the finest and liri- ! est article ever offered in this markft. A, Panama. Leghorn. Palm Leaf. Drab Bcarr Otter, Russia, and Pearl Cassiaer—br«4 | brim aud fashionable. All of which will be told low v CASH. GEO. I. SHEPARD, Macon, May 7, 1844. 32 Albert G. Butts, A T liis old stand, opposite the Washington Hall,bur,. j ceivcd, within the last few weeks, a new and rrnenl I assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODf, I part of which consists of the following: 400 pieces English and American Prints. 50 do Cotton and Worsted Balzarines, Printed Lawns and Cambrics, Satin Stripe Adriauoples, do do Organdies, Kristen Ginghams, Seydia Stripes, Jaconet and Cambric Muslins, 10 20 50 10 SO 25 20 50 100 do do do do do de do do do do Lace Stripe Muslins, Cross Barred do Silk Handkerchiefs, Furnitute Prints, 10 bales Brown Sheeting, White ami blaek Cotton Hose, Sposl Thread, ICeedli* I Pins, and every other article usually called for, wbiekril be sold at the very lowest prices for Cash. Macon. June 18.1844. 38 Ready Mario Clothing — AT— NE W YORK COST ! ! ! rTHIE subsetibers will close off"the remaining JL Iheirstock ofCLOTHING, consistingin psrtol Beaver Flushing and Blanket Overcoats, Superior Cloth Cloaks, Tweeds Coats, Black Dress and Frock Coats. Satin, Wool, Velvet and fancy Vests, Pants, Stocks, Scarfs, Cravats, Hosiery, Gloves, f al New York Cost I! ! Call and see SAM L. J. RAY, 4: (X Macon, Nov. 12.1844. 7 1 ii4<€iiolas;os'ne. j N presenting the public with a remedy for the treatment and cure of Fkvbr and Ague, snd other bilious dis eases. no apology is needed. Vast numbers in the United States, who suffer from these affections in their varied forms, are compelled to seek relief from other sources than the immediate prescriptiens of the regular physician. It becomes therefore an object of humanity, as well as of pub lic interest, to bring before them a remedy prepared Irom much experience, and which may always k relied upon as tafe. rtfcetual, and fn the constitution. That such is the turn . harsetorof the INDIA CHOtAGOGUE, is amp 1 v attested bv the universal succetw ith which it has been employed. For Sale at .1. R.IIIMJS’ JJoolt .More, on Cotton Avenue, opposite the \\ ashington Hall. Jnne 18, 1845. 33 tf BO . Co's real light COG- l O’POltTO, of verv CLAHET- All im- T O V \ I Hj 1 B est otaud, dupuisa cvs r NAC, vintage of 182 superior quality, and K.vfra Fine ported DIRECT, and warranted u of the country, constantly kcft, ut,<l tor sale bv the trallor by A. L. AUDOU1N, At tlie Washington Hull Barltoocn Macon, Dec.3, IS 11. 10 trd C. Campbell Sc Co. \ T tbeiredd eland, opposite the Washington Half,tft { for sale at the lowest current prices for cash, 75 Bales heavy Gunny Bagging, 250 Pieces do Kentucky do. 100 do do Itusia do. 50 do do Dundee do. 1500 pounds good Bagging Twine, 300 coils Manilla Rope, 300 do Kentucky do. 1.500 Sacks Salt, 20 Tons Swedes Iron, 25 Hhds. St. Croix and Muscovado Snpir, 250 Bags Ilio, Laguira, and Java Coffee. With*» general assortment of Blankets, Shoes, StipliDfy | Goods, Ac. Sept 17, 1844 51 SSacon and Lard. 5000 Lbs. Bacon and a Lot of fine Leaf Lard fa | WINSHIP Sl FOIE. Feb. 25 ' C K AVL*, WOOD X < «>. R ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Merck*!* and Planters to iheirstock of FKKMIi SUOEif to which weekly additions will be made during iheiewo. Our assortment embraces the foilowiBg deacriptitns: 1500 pair heavy black Brogans, 1200 ** ** rustet do. 1500 '* “ lined and bound Kip Brogans, 1000 *• high and low quarter Brogans, # , 1200 '* Women's and Misres’ Morocco, and Gambroon Buskins, Slippers and Ties. COO pair Men’s Calf and Seal Brogans, 200 •* do, do. do. Pumps. 300 u Youths’ and Boys’ Calf aud Kip Bro£ a1 ** 200 ** Children’s Leather Shoes, 10 cases Calf, Seal and heavy Boots. Macon, August 20,1844. * 47 til. .V .1. COAYLi:* WE removed to the llriek Store, on Cotton A’>-' j one door below the Telegraph Office,whered*) 1 '! now opening a general assortment of f . <>Jr©cei\ic*, Slior*. Hardware together with a stock ,.f STABLE «ml PAHOY GOODS, all of which will be sold low for CAtH- Our usual supply of CHEESE kept constantly on 111 Macon, Oct 22, 1844. 4 6EO.I. SJUBPARlTL. H AS dust received an extensive assortment o! I and CAPS, of the lr.teet Fashion, to which ir.e lion of his friends and the public generally, is invited- *1 ng perfectly confident thus msfacilitiea for obtaining : upplics, weekly, will enable him to sell as low as**/* cr establishment in the State, Wholesale or retail. Oct. 8,1844. * drugs! “ V GENERAL stock of Drug* nml ceiviDg, of the best selection. All peraoos v * s 1 *J purchase, will be supplied with •superior artifl ei ' 0 terms. ALSO. JPatcut Jfledicincs, vi* : ROWAND'3 tonic. BALSAM OF LIVERWORT. BERNARD'S CHOLERA ltKMF.DH EXTRACTS OF SARSAPAB1LW. REMEDY FOR ASTHMA. CHLORINE LOTION, TOMATO RILLS, PETERS’ Do. HULL’S Do. See. Sr. ALSO, American Gentlemen's Shaving Snsf. Russell's superior Shaving'i Superior old French Soap, Do do American do Pearlaslt, Potash; Sal Eratus, VINEGAR. Starch, Ac. Ac. For sale bv^ ^ II J. H. A W. Macon, Aug 13 46 Cotton .W’ I DRUGS ANDMEDICI^ 1 June 4, 4- C CONTINUED supplies ol J the best quality ot the n ' hove articles, suitable for 1 sicians. Merchants, and F alnl * lies, received an-.l for sale by J- H. A \\ • ? 'jL ce ,u' Cotten Avcnuii