Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, August 05, 1845, Image 4

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I* DmIt W ILL b« sold before the Court House door in the town of Vienna Dooly county. between the usual hours tif sale on the tirai Tuesday in August next, the lol- low!,..* property to-»vii : 300 Acres of pine land. it being lot No 4 2, nnd half lot No. 41, in the 3.1 district of Dooly county, levied on as the properly of Stephen Hawkins to satisfy five justices* court ti. fas. issued fmn» a justice's court of Dioly county in fa- frl / .p t^>.b if. jffliaoPi administrator of the estate of Need ham 2.ui«h « e 'ai 'ai s*»h! Stephen Hawkins—1-5vy made and reri.oe J m by a,. •• <tibie. Also, 20 iiejff f»f iiock. hoga, levied on as the property of Elijah Sh’ver to satisfy one fi. fa. from Dooly Superior Court in favor of William W. Mau:id, administrator &c. vs. the said Elijah Shiver. WILLIAM PARNELL, Dep. Sheriff. June 25,1845. 39 ids Houston Sheriff flairs. W ILL BE SOLD on thi first Tuesday in Aasroat next, before the Court House door in the town Perry, in the usual hours of sale, the foMowini property, to wit: Lot of Land No. 149, in the 5th Di.«iriM of said county, levied on as the property of John Davidsdn, to satisfy a ft fa from Houston Superior Court in favor of John Halsted vs John Davidson. Lot of Land No. 23, in the 11th District of said county, containing 20*21 acres, and 100 acres more or less of Lol No. 10, in said district and county, including nil of said Lot, which lies on the North side of the btaucli that runs down from Beavercreek Meeting House, beingone ol the branch es of Pond creek, containing in all Three Hundred and six ty.two and a half acres more or less, and levied on as the property of Meshack Howell, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of Hugh L. Dennard vs Meshack Howell. Lot of Land whereon Charles M. McCoy now resides, the number not known, in the 5th District of*Houston coun ty, adjoining William Smith and others, and one black horse, and a stock of cattle consisting of about twemy or twen:y-five head a part of which are running at large.— Five Thousand pounds Seed Colton more or less.— All levied on as the property of Charles M. McCoy, to sat- fa from Houston Superior Court in favor of \Vil- liam Smith) senr. vs the said Charles M- McCoy. WILLIAM HERRINGTON, Sh’fT. July cj, 1645. Detly iheriff^M Male* W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, before the Court House door in tut town of Vienna, the following pr< peny ,to wit: Lots of I a nd No. .56 and 57, the fifty acres conveyed to the county out of 57 excepted) and also the lot and improve ments in town of Vienna, number not known, but known as the Vienna Hotel, and all the lots and stables attached there to, and all in possession of Alexander Meriwether; and also a lot and improvements attached thereto in possession of R. B. Davis; also a negro girl by the name of Polly, and a negro woman by the name of Minty; and four cows and calves, and a cream colored mare about nine years old. and one sorrel filly—all the said property levied on as the property of Alexander Merriwether, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Inferior Court in favor of James G. Oliver vsi Alexander Meriweth- er and Wiley Cobb; and one fi. fi. from the Superior Couit of Dooly county in favor of the Central Bank of Georgia vs. Alexander Merriwether, David Graham, James G. Oliver and Elbert Hodges; and one fi. fa. in favor of Solomon D. Bettou vs. Alexander Merriwether and David Graham. Also lot of land No. 50. in the 1 Oth district of Dooly coun ty, levied on to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Patillo and Smith against Andrew' Howard, levied on as the property of said defendant, ami returned to me by a constable. Also lot of land No. 218. in the 7ib district of said coun ty, levied on as the property of Alexander Rowell, to satis fy fi fi fa from a Justices court, in favor of Archibald Mc Donald vs. said Rowel) and Thomas Dowling; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also lot of land No. 324, in the I2tli district of 3aid coun ty of Dooly, levied on ns the property of Samuel Storey, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of James H. Ford, administrator, vs. Samuel Storey. Also lot of land, number not known, known ns the place whereon Britton Wilkes wow lives, in the 15th district of Dooly county, levied on as the property of said Wilkes, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the Central Bank of Georgia vs, Britton Wilkes, David Gralia n. nnd Wiley Cobb. Also lor of land. No. 187, in the second district of Dooly county, levied on as the property of Jonathan Vick, to sat isfy Justices court fi fas, in fuvor of William N. Singleton vs. Jonathan Vick and Elias Ballard; levied on and return ed to me by a constable. YOUNG P. OUTLAW. SherilT. June 25, 1845. 40 Haastoa PMipanrd SkeiiiH Sales. W ILL be sold before me Court House door, in the town ofPerry, in said county, on the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: * One negro man slave, by the name of Charles, about 21 \ears old. levied on as the property of James T. Rives, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Inferior Court of Bibb count}' in favor of William Holmes (transferred to Jehu Campbell vs. James T. Rives. WM. HERRINGTON, Sheriff. July 9. 1845. 41 tda Houston ShrrilPn Mule. W ILL be sold in the first Tuesday in September next, before the Court House door, tn the town of Perry, Houston county, the following property, to-wit: One lot Ilf Oak and Hickory land. No. 230iiuhe 14th dis trict of Houston county. levied on ns the property of Georjje W. Craft, tr satisf • n fi. t'n. from Bibb Superior Court, in ta- vor of Obndiuh Adams, and translerred to Levi Calhoun vs. Geo. \V. Craft. WM. II. TALTON. Dep. SherifT. July 29. 1645.« PUBLIC SALE Of the Monroe Bail fioml & Banking Company. GEOtiGlAt ? Decree of the Special Jury in relation Bibb County. J to the Monroe It. Roatl\Bk'g Company. W E the Jury, find and decree, that the Monroe Rail Road from Macon to its terminus at Marthasville,in the county of DeKalb, both the nart thereof which has been completed and in operation, and the part thereof which 25 in an unfinished cond.l2*#u,and all the property, equipments, kuu enects therewith connected, is subject to the payment of the debts of the Monroe Rail Road an! Banking Compa ny—that the said Company is insolvent and wholly unable to pay its debts aforesaid ; and from its embarrassments Is unable to complete said Road, and keep the same in opera tion, so as to answer the great public objects contemplated by the Legislature. We find that there are creditors of va rious descriptor s of said company, viz: holders of the tank notes issued by said Company, holders of bonds issued for work and materials for said Road, judgment creditors, creditors holding certificates ofdeposite.demands forwork, labor and materials for said Rail Road, and creditors claim ing to be mortgage creditors of said Company, and all other creditors not here enumerated; and that there are among them creditars claiming a priority of right in respect to their demands ; and we further decree that the said Rail Road, and all the property, equipments and effects therewith con nected, and all the property belonging to said Company, and til the rights, privileges and franchises in any manner be longing or appertaining to said Monroe Rail Road and Ban king Company be sold at public sale at the court house in the county of Bibb, by David C. Campbell, Abner P. Pow- ere,James A. Nisbet, Samuel B. Hunter, and Thomas Har deman, commissioners, or a majority of them, on the first Tuesday in August next, after giving two months public no- tics in the gazettes of Macon, Griffin and Savannah, and that the proceeds, of said sale he paid to the Clerk ol this Court, who is required to deposite the same for safe-keeping on special deposite in the Agency of the Mechanics* Bank in the city of Macon, and that pub'ic notice be given to the creditors of said Company to file their respective claims, or a schedule thereof in the Clerk’s office of thi3 Court, by the firstMonday in October next; and that the sa.d creditors, if •o/ controversy should arise respecting said claims, then litigate amorg themselves, in respect to all objection* which would or might have been available against them by said Ccrspany if said sale had not been made in relation to mat ters of set-off, and whether they be subject to objectirn on account of the statute oflirnitation, non-performance of con tracts, or other cause, embracing the- quantum of conridera- tion, paid for the claims or any of them, and also that the liens claimed by the respective creditors be then and there udso-investigated and adjudicated: and we further decree that the purchasers of said Rail Road succeed to all the ob ligations of said Company in respect to the completing, eovipmg and keening the said Road in operation, as intend ed and designed by the act of incorporation, but not to ex tend to a liability of debts contracted prior to said sale; and that after said said sale, upon demand or notice, the stock in . 8a ‘ d Co,n P aT W transfer tuihe purchaser the stock held by him, her or them in the said Company, or that the title be transferred by said Commissioners in the same man ner as is provided by law for the transfer of bank stock when sale thereof is made by the Sheriff: and we further decree, that for the keeping of said Road in operation for the time intervening between the day of the passing of rids- decree and the day of sale, the receipts on the sai I Road be applied, and that if said receipts should not be sufficient for taid purpose. tha-:the balance be pai r J from the proceeds of aforesaid; and we further decree that william B. ^* r .| r as ‘rusiee in charge of said Road nnd appurtenances until the sale ol the aforesaid property is completed, make monthly returns of the amount of receipts thereon, and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, and also of accounts for keeping the same in repr ir and operation, exhibiting a specific statement iu each of the number and description of officer*, agents and hands employed thereon, the value of each per month, and the quantity, quality and value of ma terials purchased, subject to the examination and approval of the Court, and the costs and other expenses be pa.d from the proceeds of sale. JAMES DEAN, Foreman. A true extract fesm the minutes of Bibb Superior Court, May term, X845, HENRY G. ROSS, Clerk. By virtue of the above decree, the undersigned will sell before the courthouse door in-the city of Macon, on the first Tuesday in August next* at 72 o'clock. M. the whole line of the Monroe HoU Ro a $ from Macon to Marthasville, in the Countv of DeKalb. and all .lie oroperty,-equipments and ef fect* therewith connected, ann all the property belonging to said Company, and all the righlfe, privileges a* d franchises in any invinei belonging or appertaining to said Monroe Rail Road and 1 Banking Compnnv, embracing not only the road, but the various depots, work-shops, ware house*, en gines, cars. ir«t*». tools, equipments, and all nnd every thing appertaining and belonging to said Road. Also the entire assets belonging to said Monroe Rail Road nnd Banking Company, embracing subncripil»*n* for stock unpaid, including the subscription of the jJta*e of Georgiii for 6200/900. and all debt3, demands, **ncl , cl> imaof every kind and* description, duo to nr belcnnmg' lb icid' Monroe Bail Road and Banking Company, n lull sclici’ule of which may be seen on application to M. L Urnybill, at llie office of said Company. The length of the Road is 101 miles, the whole of which it grjided re-tu junction with the Western and Atlantic Rail Road. The superstructure hnr been completed on the whole road, except four and a half miles. The Rond is in use to Jonesborougli. eighty miles, and is eijuippcd wish five locomotive engine*, three passenger cars.-eighteen freight" cars, wheels and axles for eight oilier lrfight cars, nnd one •tati mary engine. I he tern s of sale cash* to be*paid im* medialrly to the Commissioners ; and on failure of the pur chase rs to comply, so much of th# property ns mav be fcihl •ff by such defaulting purchasers, will be forthwith resold at their risk. B3*Thc Savannah Georgian and Republican, and the Ofrorsia Jeffersonian, will pl»as* copy the foregoing week ly uni 1 the day of sale, and ren«ier tlieir accounts to the Cciwirussionera. Doolv Mhci ifT* Male. W ILL he sold before the Court House door, in the town of Vienna, on the first Tuesday in September next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: . The East half of lot of Land No 31, in the third District of Dooly county, levied on as the property of Abram Y. Peavv. to satisfy one fi fa issued Iroin a Justice’s Court of Dooly county, iu favor of William Robuck vs said Abram Y. Penvy; levy tank* amt reiurned to me by a constable. And also onejokeol oxen and one ox carl, and two cows and calves, levied on as the property of Elijah Shivers, to satisfy o*ie fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Dooly county, iu favor of the Central Bank of Georgia vs Elijah Shivers. WILLIAM FARNKLL, D- Sh’ff. July 22, 1845. 43 Dooly Sheriff’* flute* W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Vienna, Dooly county, on the first Tuesday in September-next, the following property, to wit: Three negro men. Lewis about 23 years old; Lott about 20, nnd Virgil about 18 year* old, all levied on as the property of George Knowles, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Dooly Superior Court. Bober Peacock ys. Geo. Knowles. Lot of land. No. 148, in the first district of Dooly county, levied on as the property of William M- Hart, to satisfy four Justices Court fi fas in favor of Amos D. Iligdon vs. William M. Hart—levy made and returned to tne by a constable. Lot of land. No. 88, in the Till district of Dooly county, levied on as the property of Arthur Barden, to satisfy one fi fa issued from Dooly Superi-.r Court, Sparkman vs. Bar* den &. Brown. Lois of land, numbers not known, but known ns the lots whereon William .P Causseaux now lives, all levied on as the property of Willi-un P. Causseaux, to satisfy two ti fas. issued from* Dooly Superior Court, one in favor of Gilford Kent vs Win. P. Causseau nnd James Gamble, and one in favor of George Brnard vs. Wm. P- Cooseaux. Y. P. OUTLAW, Sheriff. July 29, 1845. 44 (ie*rgin, Jonra Counijr. Inferior Court, tilling for Ordinary purpose*, March Term, 1845. Present their honors James H. Morrow, William S- Light- fool and David E.Hlnunt. Justices, W HEREAS Gabriel H Chap pel. one of the adminis trators of Wyllie Chappel. deceased, sbewetb that he has settled the estate of the deceased confided to his charge, and prays the court to be dismissed therefrom — Ordered, that citation issue requiring all persons to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in September next, why said administrator should not b- dis charged, and that said citation be publish-d in one of the public gazettes of said State for the space of six months. True copy from the minutes. CHARLES MACARTIlY.c.c.0- March IX—24—Cm F OUR momlis after date application will be made to the honorable Inferior Couit of Dooly county, when silling for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell the lands and negroes belonging to the Estate of Zachariah Salton, late of said county, deceased, for the purpose of distribution and final setttemeut cf said estate. ELHERT HODGES,; . . JOHN C. SUTTON, $ ors ’ July 2, 1845. 40 F OUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Hutts county, when settiig for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the lands and negroes belonging to the estate of Cornelius Sla ton, late of Uults countv. deceased. JAMES R. McCORD.) , , JOHN W. McCORD. J » dtnor »- June 11. 1845^ 37 4m I jlOUR MONTHS after cate v.ill be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Macon county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a ne gro man named Jerry, about 25 years of ace, tbe properly of John S. Urooks, Jr., Isle of said county, deceased. EDWARD UROOKS, aJtnor May C. 1345. Adulinistratsr’s Hale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court of Crawfird County, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Knoxville on the first Tuesday in August next within the legal hours of sale, all *be real estate belonging to VVillixm Motthews. deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms on the day of sole. PATRICK M. CALHOUN, idm'or. May 13, 1845. 33 ld » ' |A«|nsiisi.trsil*r’a Hale. . B Y an order of the honorable Inferl.r Court of Bibb coun y. when sitting for ordinary purposes will be sold before the Court House door in the tity of Macon, on the first Tuesday in October next, four negroes, two woman and two children, one lot of tools, one saddle, one shot gun, nnd all of the house-hold and kitchen furniture. &c.. sold as~ the property of Henry Flanders, deceased. Terms oil the da v of dale. DAVID FLANDERS, Artinor. July 29, 1845. 44 ids Aduaiaiatratoi’a Snle. V GRE E ABLY to an order of the Interior Court of Jones county, while silling as a court of ordinary, will be sold before the court-house door in the town of Clinton, on the first Tuesday in August next, a tract of land ccntainmg 170 acres more <*r less, commonly called the Porter place.jotsiit^ the lands of Hunt. Clowers. and Wilcoxon. sold as the land of Thomas Low. late of said county, deceased, for the bene I fit of the heira and creditors. Terms cash. ELISHA DAVIS, adm’or. May 27.1845. 35 d » Ad in i n i.l rn tor’* Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the honorable Inferior Courtof Dooly county, when sitting forordinary purp- «es. will be sold before the Court-house-door in the town of Vienna. Dooly county, within the legal hours ofsale.on the first Tuesday in September, the lot of land in the seventh district of said county, whereon Samuel Williams, dec’d lately resided, and at present in the rrcupancy of Dariel J Davis. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Williams. Terms on the day of sole. JESSE GILBERT. J Adtn’n DANIEL J. DAV1S.S ' June 25—39—tds. Csnuaissiaarr's Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Perry, Houston county.on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wnt One bed. bedstead and furniture; one double barrelled shot gun. two or tnree setts of old carriage harness, one man’s and one side saddle, several skins of leather.'consist- in- of fine ling skins, sheep skins, morocco, and otlier skins, a set of saddler’s tools, six or eight yards of fine ingrain car- peting. entirely new; a remnant of buckles and other wares used by saddlers and harness mak-rs. several cooking men- sils, and some other articles too tedious to enumerate; sold by Older of the honorable Inferior Court of said county, as the property .f James Washington, a pauper lunatic sent from said county to the Lunatic Asylum oi this Slate in March last. WM. HERRINGTON,') JOHN G. WHITE, > Commissioners. WM. H. TALTON, ) July 22.1845. 43 “I* F OUR MONTHS after due application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Crawford county, when sitting forordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate, (the widow’s dower excepted,) of James Lockett, fate of Crawford countv deceased. WILLIAM LOCKETT, adm’or REBECCA LOCKETT, adm’x. May 13.1845. 3£ 4m F OURTMONTHiS alter date application will be made to tbe honorable Inferior Court of Dooly countv, f.r leave to sell the real estate of Arthur Barden, late of said comity deceased. BRANSON BARDEN, > . , W. G. WALDEN, $adn> or »- _May 13,1815. 33 4m F OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Butts county, when silling, for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real es tate of Jno. Saunders, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs. NANCY SAUNDERS. Admr’x. April 22—30—4m. F OUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Dooly countv when sitting forordinary purposes, lor leave to sell the land and negroes belongingto the estate of Edward Brown, fate ofsaid county, deceased. JOHN C. ROYALS.adm’or. May 19,1843. 34 4m Fall Stock of Boots and Shoe*. riXHE subscribers have just received A and are now receiving a large an"d well selected stock of Boots and. Shoes, consisting in part of the following de- _ ecriplions, viz: 5000 Pair men’s best Black and Russet Brogans. 3000 “ “ second quality, dodo 1000 “ “doublesnle. do do 700 ** “ Iron tacked, do do 1500 “ Boy’s best black and Russett brogar.3, 500 “ Youth's do do 1200 “ Men's Kip brogans, 500 “ do do double sole bregans, 700 “ Boys do brogans 500 “ Youth’s do do 1200 “ Men’s Kip brogans, 500 M do do double sole brogans, 700 “ Boys do brogans, 500 “ Youth’s do do 600 “ Men’s calf, sewed and pegged brogans, 300 ** do do do do double sole, 500 “ Boy’s do do do brogans, 300 “ Youth's do do . do 1000 “ Women's Calf and Kip pegged Bootees, 600 “ do do do do Shoes, 35 Cases men's thick and Kip Bouts, 15 “ Boy’s do do do 20 “ Men's Calf Nell and half Nell Boots, 7 “ Boy’s do do do do do do, 10 “ Men’s d'ble. sole Calf, Peg’d. water proof Boot} 10 “ do do do do sewed do do do 10 “ do Stout Calf sewed Bools, 12 “ Gems, fine light Calf, sawed Boots, 5 Trunks, do do do do do Pbiladelp'a Boots, 4 do Gents, and ladies patent India Rubber over Sbes. AL4°. A general assortment or Ladle’s, Misses* and Children's leather, kid, and morocco walking shoes and slips ol all descriptions and qualities.—Lsdies’* Misses', and children's black and colored and Taxed clotti buskins; allot which win be offered on the most reasonable terms. We invite all that wsb to purchase, to give usn call, and we will endea vorlosuit both in price and qnalitv. Also,—Kept constantly on hand. SOLE LEATHER, CALF LINING AND BINDING SKINS. LASTS. THREAD. SHOE PEGS, and all other articles used in manufacturing Boots and Shots. . STRONG 5c WOOD. At the old stand, sign of the Bi- Boot,.Mulberry Street. Macon, Sept. 24. fiend. Oil, and Glass. Oftft KEGS No. 1. extia and pure white lead, A\J(J 6 ohls. linseed oil, 1000 do Putty, 150 Boxes 8X10, and lo X 12 Glass, For sale low RUSSELL & KIMBERLY. June 2.1845. 3 J 1 F OUR months ofte' date application will be made to ilia Honorable the Inferior Court of Macon connty, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land be longing to the estate of Armiger Liljy. derensed. late of JOHN E. LILLY, aJm’or. 37 4m said county. June 11. 1845 1^0 UR months after dale application will be made lo the _ honorable Inferior Court of Crawford county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate of Peter Casllel errv. late of said county, deceased. JASON CASTLEBERRY. Adm’r. July 9. 1845. 42 TjVOUR Months after date application will be made to X- the honorable Inferior Courtof Houston eounty. when sitting forordinary pursoses for leave to sell two negro men and a part of the real estate of Bryan Bateman, deceased. WILLIAM M.BATBMAN.) . . SEABORN M. BATEMAN, S ex or *' July 15,1845. 42 A LL persons indebted to the estate of Bryan Batemnn, late of Houston county deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the same will present them in terms of the law. WILLIAM M. BATEMAN J 3MAN.$ Ex ors ’ 43 6t SEABORN M. BATE MAN. July 22, 1345. BORGIA. Bibb eounty. Whereas, Willis H. Hughes applies to n e for let ters of administration on die estate of'1 homasj. Salisbury, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by law,- to - show cause, if any they have, wliy said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand, ill's 9tli day of Mav. 1845 MARK D. CLARKE, c.c.o. July lb, 1845. 42—6t EORGIA, Bibb county. Whereas. C>nthia V. Mi Call, applies to me for letters of administration or> the estate of Roger McCall, late of said county. Ce.-cased. These are theieforo to rite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time ptescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand, this Dth day of Mav. 1845. MARK D. CLARKE, c.c.o. July 15. 1843. 42—fit G EORGIA. Crarford County.—Whereas Benjamin Btrnesapp iesto mt for letters of administration on the estate of Littleton Barnes, late ofsaid county deceased. These are therefore to cite-ml admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appeal at my office within the .imc prescribed by law. to show cause if any they have, w :iy said letiers should not be grant ed! Given under my hand at office, this 2Gih day of July, J'845. JAMES J. RAY, c.c.o. July 25, 1845. 44 6t Adiuiuialralwr’a Hale. W ILL b» sold by order of the Courtof Ordinary of Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in August, before ihe Couri House door in said countv. between the usual hours, all the perishable property of Leonard Adams, late of lli-s county, deceased, conrimine of tin wire, tools of this trade, t- getlier vritlt a wagon nnd mules. &c. „ GREEN J. BLAKE, adm’or. May 27 i*45. .15 tds Flour. Bbls. Canal Flour. 10 do Baltimore do just received &\J and for sale by CIIA’S CAMPBELL & hO. June 25,1845. 33 ~» Choice Canal Flour. A FRE3H supply just received and for sale by A. THOMAS TAYLOR. July 2 40 On Colton Avenue and Second st. Paints and Oils. pe/'vrk I£EGS Nos.l and 2 White Lead, »)UU 300 gallons Linseed Oil, 200 do Lamp Oil. With a variety ofColorsforPainlers’use.fot ale by JulvG 4 0 CHAS. CAMPBELL & CO : GROCERIES. OCT Hhds. St. Croiz, P. R. and N. O. Sugar. tSnj 10 Boxes. White and Brown Havanna Sugar, 15 Bbls. and Boxes, Loaf, Lump, Pulverized and Crash ed, do. 20 Hhds. Molasses. 200 Bags Rto, Laguara, and Java Coffee, 20 *• Pepper. Spice, and Gtngrr, Nut Megs, Cloves, Cassia, Mustard, Salaratts, Indigo Madder, Copperas. 8p Brown, Sal. Nitre, Salts. Alum Sperm and Tallow Candles. Soap. Starch, Powder, Shut Lead, Imperial, Hyson and Black Tea. 50 Boxes Tobacco, some very choice. 50,000 Segars. Cut Tobacco, Maccobny and Scotch Snuff, 10 Crates Crockery assorted. 150 Kegs Nails, Hoop and Band Iruo. 10 Tons Swedes Iron Cast. German and Br.istol Steel, With a great variety of articles in store, and for sale by RUSSELL Sc KIMBERLY. Macon May 27t 1845. 35 if VAUUHA1V Jk DAVIS’ ‘ CON* CENT RATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTS OF SAiiS&PA KILL A, FjfOR the cure of Scrofula. Chronic Rheumatism, Gener- P al Debility, Cutaneous Diseases, scnly eruptions of the Skin, Tetter, pimples or pustules on the Fare, Liver Affec- tions. Mercurial and Syphiloid Diseases. Biles from an im, pure habit of body. Ulcerations of the Throat and Leg- Feins and Swelling of llie Bones—for sale by T . H. Sc W. S. ELLIS, Aug 13 46 Cotton Avenue. fjfnseed Oil and Train Oil. F OR sale low by HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 Corner opposite the Central Hotel- Sal E rat ns, O F supetlorquality, just received and for sale by May 14 HARVEY SHOTWELL. Potash, F IRST quality,for sale low by May 14 33 HaRVEY SHOTWELL. Just Received. LBS. pure Blue Vitriol, for soaking seed Wheat, to protect it from blast or stnut, which it will ef fectually do in all cases where the pure article is used. HARVEY SHOTWELL. Opposite Central Hotel. Male. TH pursuance of an order of tU honorable the Inferior DAVID C. CAMPBELL’, ABNER P. POWERS, JAMES A. NISBET. SAMUEL B. HUNTER; thomas Hardeman. Ms cor., G«. May 20,1845—36td. f the county of,' will be sold before the . GouttHo J»e ,.oor in Vienna™ rlie first Tuesday in Off her le, lying ami being in said county, and the . •••«■ beionfnnr* tn th* «<•.• ~ — -- - deco ■ Commissions ra* Cook’s- Anti Bilious-Pills; F OR the Cor. of LiverCompUint. ID -oeosia, Ac. For tale by J. H. A W.S. ELLIfc t. ill personal^ proper,v belonging lo.he es..te'of bavid 'jcues iN**n. 1 erins er. the day of sale. July 20, 1845 ELIAB JONES, adm’or; 1 44 tdii NOTICE. A LL persons conecrnerl Will please lake notice that I I-— ’ — — Gailiiflian’s PIN*. A FEWtlozen Gallighan’s Tills, an infallible remedy for Chills and Fever, just received nnd for sale by HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 33 Corner opposite Central Hotel. Lamp Oik ~ A BEAUTIFUL article of Bleached Spertn Oil, forsale by HARVEY SHOTWELL. to receive the State and County Tax for the eady ; year fur this county, and all tax paying citizens will oleaae i govern themselves acuordinjdy j July 22; 1£45. BASSETT, T. C. B. C. 43 tf Carpenters’* and Sands’ Sarsa parilla, F OR sale al the proprietors’ prices, by HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. IVIolEitt’s Pills and Bitters, F OR sale atthe proprietor's HARVEY SHOTWELL. May 14 33 Corner opposite the'Central Hotel. ~ SmilTand Tobacco. M ACABOY, Scotch, and American Gentlemnn Snuff, of superior quality. 8tnoking and Chewing Tobacco! Jim received and fut sale bv H. SHOTWELL Jum 4, 1844. ~ 36 INSURANCE. THE CKOTOI¥ (Iflntual) Insurance Company, Of the City of Sew York. T HIS Company, according to the provisions of its char ter, is ready to insure all kinds of Marine, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire agaioat leas or damage, at rales and terms moderate end liberal, and solicit the patronage of its friends and the public at the A- oeitcy of thb Company. 8 TRUSTEES. James Harper, Abraham Von Nest, John B. Lasala, William B. Cozzens, John J. Boyd. Charles L. Voae, Edward Richardson, Joseph B. Nones, James Plialen, John F. Butterwortlt, John J. Herrick, Samuel Sherwood, George C. Ue Kay, Zadock Pratt. Samuel A. Lawrence, Herman D. Gould, Theodore A. Meyer, Joseph S. Smith, William P. Furmss, Elias Ti Aldrich, John T. Gilchrist. Lawrenc? HilL Lorlng Andrews, Thomas Monahan, Cyrus Chenery, William H. Townsend, George Whitaker, Amos Noyes, James H. Suydam, John Breasted, George Palec, Leonard Appleby, William Burguoyne, Silas M. Crandall. SAMUEL A. LAWRENCE, President. JOSEPH B NONES. Vice-President. LEWIS BENTON. Secretary. Capt, SAMUEL CANDLER, Marine Inspector. WILLIAM »VELL8, Fire Surveyor. The undersigned is the authorised Agent of the above. Company, to take eillter Marine or Fire risks .n any part of the State of Georgia, upon such liberal terms as may be a-reed upon between the assured and the Agent, who is vested with auple and discretionary powers. tested witit aup JEUtt Y COWLES. Agent. Oct 22. 1814. 4 Journal des Tailleurs de Faris F|1HE subscribers have just received “ L’Elegnnt” a I Journal of the newest' Fashions for Drapers and Tailors, reported and published monthly in Paris, in which are many improvements in the present Styles, and which they believe will meet with general favor. Orders for Clothing will be executed at the shortest notice. J. & E. SAULSBURY. J, & E. S. have just received a fine selection of Engish and French Cloths,and Casimeres. Dec 10, 1844. 1} nEAD-ACIIfi-SICK OK NERVOUS. riAHOSE who have suffered and are weary of suffering J. with this distressing complaint will find Peters’ Ve getable Pills a remedy al once certain and immediate in its nets One single dose of the pills taken soon as the ltead- ac e it felt coming on, will cure it in one hour entirely. As a remedy in summer for boicel complaints they dis play their wonderful powers to admiration, and are far su perior to any thing in use for those complaints. In Dysp epsia 'nd Liver complaints they stnnd unrivalled. Ma ny have been cured in a few week* after having suf fered under the dreadful complaint for years. In habitual costiveness they are decidedly superior to ary vegetable pill ever brought before the public, and one 50 cent box will establish their surprising virtues and place hern beyond the reach of doubt in the estimation of every individual. They are invaluable in nervous and hypochondrical affec tions. loss of appetite and all complaints lo which females, alone are subject. They are mild in their action and convey almost immedi ate conviction of their utility from the first do^. They may be taken by persons of any age, and the feeble, the in firm. the nervous and delicate ate strengthened by their op eration, because they clear the system of bad humors, quiet netvous irritability, and invariably produce sound health. Upwards of three hundrev and seventy thousand boxes of these estimable pills have been sold within the ’ast twelve montlts in three stales alone, anil more than three times the same quantity in other states. As an anti-hilioos medirine no family should be without them. A single trial of them is more satisfactory than a thousand certificates. In a southern climate, these Pills are administered with uniform success. For more than ten years the verdict of their efficiency hns been pronounced; and could a juiy ofall they have relieved be summoned from the Nortfi. the South, the East, and the West millions of voices would be heard i-t acclamation of their matchless properties. The child and the adult—the youiu tmi dccrepid eld ;.mn—both sexes and all ages—may alike take these Pills wi h safely and the certainty of relief. Price fiftv cents per box. Be careful tn observe that on the cover of each box (in the tin) is stamped ’Peter’s Vegetable Pills.” Peters' Pills, on enquiry, will be found in every town, and at most of the country stores in this state. Fot sale in Macon, Ga., at New York prices bv Mav 27, 1845. 35 6m Z>ZL TYLER’S VEG6TABI.I! s’It trvz» ague vtt.t.H. fIMIE success of these Pills in curing in a few hours. A where all other remedies have failed, and thnt ton. in cates of twelve and eighteen months standing—warrants the assertion, that, iftaken according tn the directions, ihey are a certain cure- A long list of certificates in proof of their intalhhilhy. ;..! 6 !.. b; but those upon the directions arc deemed sufficiert. Try them am! be Cun,!..“d the: they are most effectual and not certain, and the very best remedy ever offered to the public, to insure a permanent and lasting cure Having for several years past suffered under repeated at tacks of chills and fever, especially during the fall and spring months. I was induced to try various remedies, but nothing seemed tr. be effectual until I tried Dr. Tylers Ague and Fever Pills, which stopped the chills before 1 had taken ltnlf of the box. This was over a year since. I have remained perfectly free from any symptoms of a re turn of this most loathsome disease. GEORGE M. WAIT. Baltimore. Dec. 12th, 1843. For sale in Macon, Ga, at New York prires by HARVEY SHOTWELL, GEORGE PAYNE. And will be found in all the Towns and country stores iu the Southern States. May 27, 1845. 35 6m The benefits of Cheap Postage W ILL be much felt and appreriate-l by the afflicted, when they become aware that they can, notwithstan ding they may live in the remotest corner of the Union, pro cure the advice and medical assistance of any of the most eminent and experienced physicians in the country, with the tgreatest certainty, and at a very trifling cost; and doubtless he favorable oppoitunity will not be thrown away by ma ny whose cases have for years baffled the utmost skill of most of the physicians in their respective neighborhoods, but will avail themselves of means thus placed within their rcach. whirh scientific research may have elucidated, and on which successful application has already stamped appro val Without subjecting himself to the charge of egotism, the undersigned may be permitted wilbdnedeteience to the abil ities ot others, to say thdt when a proper opportunity has existed of testing the efficiency of his impkovkd ststkm ok Botanic Medicine, the beneficial results have "enerally exceeded his most sanguine expectations; and although in the nature of things cases must occur, that are beyond the reach of medicine, yet he doubts not that Botanic temedies properly selected and applied will certainly cure all cura ble cases. Bui least peradventure some of our medical savans in a paioxysm of disinterested- kindness and pure regard for the welfare of the people (1) should take advantage of this state ment and denounce it as a '’barefaced humbug” or “ar rant quackery," as they have been pleased »o classically to style whatever is advanced relative to medicine that is not a relic of the dark ages, bearing the stamp of the boast, ed experience of three thousand years; it lias been thought proper to give such, a chance to show the superiority of their faith by their works; and for thnt purpose the subscriber not only renews his former proposition for an equal comparison of praciical results, but will now allow a difi.eretiee of ten to one in their favor, thus: He proposes to luld himself truly and firmly bound in the sum of five hundred dol- LAFS to any physician using vegetable or mineral poisons as remedial agents, who will upon a fair showing exhibit one real cure of any long lingering case of bodily disea.-e by these agents for every ten that can be thus exhibited anp established by him through the agency nf innocent vegeta ble remedies—the whole to be effected in an equal space of lime—and the said physician binding himself in like man ner to a like forfeit in case of failure—the amount tn be ap propriated for the purpose of procuring medical assistance for the poor of the county of Bibb,nr given to some chari table institution, at the option of the gainer. Persons laboring under chronic dieases of any kind and wishing to have their cases treated on this new plan, can have it done by sending their symptoms in writing ns cor rectly as possible, enclosing at the same time five dollars (*5 00) »>ur regular monthly fee, medicines included, when remedies suited to their various cases will be compounded and sent by mail to any poMt-cfiice within the United States at a very trifling expense. The subscriber will employ bis mornings, evenings or nights in attending to acute cases in town or a short distance in the country, but will not go any great distance except perhaps in cas*T3 that are very urgent. Persons afflicted with fever Ague, can have enough medicines sent to cure almost any case in a nhorr time for three dollars ($3 09.) And those wishing to procure his Anti-bilious pill*, which nre*wa»*rnnteiT to plcatc. or the money refunded, and are highly useful in ihe cure of acute cases of every descrip tion. can have a box sent any where by enclosing fifty cents to the address of M. 8. THOMSON. M. P. f Macon, Georgilt N. B. All letters must be post-paid, Macon, 1st July. 1845. Ac. “ To PkJiWaa. asset Planters : gNTHE subscriber isnnw receiving every week, fresh sup J. plies of MEDICINES, which ate very carefully se lected for him ID the Northern markets; nnd having adopt ed the CASH SYSTEM entirely, is enabled to sell at very reduced prices; Physicians and others, having opportuni- ties of sending to him, may rely upon having tltetr orders ex ecuted upon the most favorable terms. The quality ofthe articles will be the very best, and the prires as low as if they attended personally to the purchase of them. HARVEY SHOTWELL, M«jrl4 33 Corner opposite theCentrs! Hotel. HAMS. -• . ; 1000 LBS'.- Ceargfzr^ Cm red HAITI* for Sale 'by June 25, 1845. CHARLES CAMPBELL ft Co. ALBERT G- BUTTS, Ware-house AND Commission Hfterchant, . ill A CON, Grorgin. AS constantly on hand a large supply of BAGG-NG ROPE, BLANKETS, SHOES, GROCERIES RY GOODS, &c. and will continue to supply his cus toiners at the lowest prices. Macon, Sept. 24, 1844. 52 Boots and Shoes. O UR stock is now complete and very extensive, com prising every style nnd pattern. A fine assetttment of LADIES’ SHOES and SLIPPERS. Give usacallifyou wish bargains. 'WINSHIP ft POPE. Macon.October 29, 184-1. 5 NEW GOOES At very Reduced Prices for Cash. Win. a. KOSS. H AS just received, and oftVr3 for sale a large and well assorted stock of Dtf¥ UOODS, consisting in part of the following articles: Brown and aleached Sheetings nnd Shirtings, Calicoes of every description, Flannels, 8utiinets, Kentucky Jeans, Negro Blankets. Kerseys. Linseys, Apron checks, Mcuslin de Laines. Velvets, Cloths, Cassimeres, Gloves. Hosiery, Shawls, Silk Laces, Ilaudkerchiets, fee. —ALSO— Ready Made Clothing. Bolting Cloths, Hats. Shoes and Boots, Bonnets, Hard Ware and Cutlery, Blacksmith Tools, Crockery and Glass Ware, Paints, Oil, Window Glass. Putty, dec. dec.; all of which will be s *ld very low for Cash. Oct. 25, 1344 —31 tf GAltKIAGH RUF081T0RY, On Mulberry Street.Nearthf. MetiiodistChurch THB Subscriber is receiving large ad ditions ta bis stock of Coaches,Chariotees, __Barouches, Buggies, Wagons. &c.. truiiiaume oMlie best Northern Manufactories, which were made expressly for this market, of the best materials, and are warranted equal ifnotsuperior to those oi any other es tablishment. Those in wnnlof any description ol Carriages, will find itfor tlieir inlereslto examine the quality andpri- ces of his assortment. Repairing, in nlltbe differentbranches executed in the bestmanner,by experienced workmen ntlessthan prices. . Carriage makers, will find a good assortment of Elliptic Springs,Axeltrees.turnedand boxed Dashes,Lamps,Bands, Knobs, Patent and Top Leather, Laces, Silk and worsted Fringe, Tassels, and alinostevery article required in tlieir business, at Augustn prices. March 1st. 1842. 22 tf J.W.BABCOCK. J¥ew SI ore. WINSHIP & POPE, A RE now opening a general md complete stoct; of Goods in Macon, (Cotton Avenue.) Consisting of STA PLE AND DO-IKE STIC DKY GOODS and GICOCfeKIFS. Hats and Caps,Hard-Ware and Cutlery, Drugs and Medi cines. Paints and Oils, Glass and Putty, Crockery and Glass-Ware. Mill and Crosscut Saws, Blacksmith's Tools, Bagging and Bone, Salt, Iron and Steel, Blankets, Kerseys, Satinets, &c. A splendid lot of Saddles, and a general as sortment ofladies and gentleman's Shoes and Bools, latest style. Bridle. Harness, Upper and Sole patent Leather. Best apple Vinegar. ALSO. A supply of Negro Shoes made at Forsyth by I. Win- ship. all of which is offered to the public very cheap for CASH. They will also Manufacture all kinds of Saddles. Bridles,and Harness,Trunks, Collars,Carpet Bags, Whips ftc. (U Repaiuisg dose at the SHORTEST NOTICE. £q, N. B. The highest market price will be paid for HIDES. TALLOW and BEESWAX. ISAAC WINSHIP. WILLIAM M. POPE. Sept. 24. 1844. 52 52 Sale or ITIonroe Bail Road I HE undersigned. Commissioners to effect the ..T the Monroe Rail Road, give notice to counteract ports that have been in circulation, hat me *>itc’ , ,c * T 1 Prime Geese Feathers# f /Ari/V LBS. just received an t :«r sale bv lUiJU GRAVES. WOOD & CO. April 30 1841 3i Gun-Poirder. KEGS Sporting ) 15 do Shot-gun > POWDER, lOdo Blasting) • Fsrsaiebv July 30 44 BOND ft MURDOCK. 25 Miot an<l Lead. SCRAGS Shot, asso-ted sizes, 4 O 300 lbs. Lead, forsale by Julv 30 44 BOND ft MURDOCK. Under *li ; rS. S HAKER. Lamus Wool, Nett and Spun Silk Shirts Just received by Oct 29. 5 J. ft E. SAULSBURY. Ra^in^ Rope .and Twine. Of | BAU6-Osnny Hsgfiog, OU 75 pieces Dundee “ 500 “ Kentucky “ 150 Coils Manilla Rope, 75 “ Kentucky " 1500 Lbs. 3 ply Bagging T vine. For sale on reasonable terms, by CHARLES CAMPBELL ft CO. July 20.1845. 44 tf Staple «fc Fancy fllry Goods. I ^XXTRArich Paris printed Balzarinesand Barnges, ’i Beautiful Stripes nnd Plaid Gingham Lawns, Syrian Lawns and Muslins, new slvles, Cobaltines. Polka nne Bnlzarine Musfns, 5 pieces Silk and Wool Barnges, (very cheap) Black and blue black Dress Silks. Cords and Tassels, Cottnn and Silk Mitts and Gloves, Silk and Cotton Hose ofall colors and qualities, Corded Skirts, Bishop Lawns, Nansook and Jackonet Muslins, Swiss, do. Striped Cheeked and Lace do. While and Black Lace, Edgings, ftc. Also 10 cases Prints, 3-4. 4-4 and 5-4 Brown Homespuns. Bleached do. Irish Linen. Linen Sheeting. Russia and Seotch Diapers, Birds eye do.. Napkins, Table Clnths. Also a good assortment of Summer Stuff for men and boy’s wear all of which have just been received, and are of fered at very low priee3,bv RUSSELL ft KIMBERLY. Macon May 27, 1845. 35 if ney will be received in bills of . a a -hi BattS of S* **' nah. Augusta and Charleston, ot -nce.liac. of deoo.?.-**i either ofthose Banks. TheBi” received will be sealed* ° f and deposited as directed by t..e -.eeree ordering th» . D. C. CAMPBELL *' A. P. POWERS. ' JAMES A. NISBET SAMUEL B. HUNTEB „ _ THOS. HARDEMAN Macon, June 15,1845. . ftr The papers that have published the original advrr tisement will publish this notice. ° tr * If.ISIU OJY.lBt.JC ~~ M HAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GEO. I. SHEPARD, Is receiving weekly additions to his hitherto splendid stock „r HATS AND CAPS. DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. He is now prepared to offer rare inducements to cite and country purchasers. _ Possessing advantages excelled by no Hat Establishm^,. in the State, he will afford his Goods at a slow, or Tihtisra lower prices. Every style of HAT8 AND CAPS issy be found at bis Store. 1 AMONG THEM— Fashionable, Medium, and Broad Brim Denver, N'utrin, flassiuirr, UttsiA, iftnle-Skia Angolin. xisid Milk Unis. ' ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTING OF Otter, Shetland Seal, Naii-in, and Dnskrnt. ,, ALSO, Men s and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CAPS, do Hair Seal do do Sealette do DO do Glazed do Gentlemen’s Navv Caps; A LARGE LOT OF Men's and Keys' Black and Drab »*poriii g Unlit • Together with an extensive Stock of Men’s and Boys' Buck and Drnb ® G L HATS, Jk c • KIP The attention of those in want of any articles in thi* line, is respectfully invited. _ -storeon oecond Street, a ^ew doors abovethe Wash, tngton Hall.and adjoining the Shoe Store ot'Messrs. Whi. ting ft Mix. Otter, Mink, and Kaccoou Skins, for which the Cash will be paid. . Macon. Jan 30.1844 13 GEO. I. SHEPARD. Saratoga and Ilav Water, “ Ofh DOZ. CONGRESS WATER, Uv 20 duz. Bay Water, for sale bv THOMAS TAYLOR. July 9, 1845. ,i ,f WHOLESALE AltlJ> RETAIL | |~V BBLS. RYE WHISKE Y, JL ™ * UF 100 do Northern Gin, 50 llhls. Northern Rem. Cog. Brandy, Holland Gin, Monongahela Whiskey, Ma deira. Port, and Malaga \V T ine. In Stole and for sale by RUSSELL ft KIMBERLY. Macon, May 27—35—if Moat's Morrison Fill... T HE GENUINE HYGEIAN VEGETABLE UNI- VERSAL MEDICINE.—Accurately prepared by Dr. H. S. Moat, of New York, from the original recipe used or many years by bis late fuher. Mr. Thomas Moat, Vise President of the British College of Health. Twenty years’ successful administration of these cele brated medicines in Europe, nnd more than twelve years in the United States, have established their high reputation. Thousands of both sexes, who have been restored t.< health —the numerous sufferers rescued from premature death— and volumes of certified cases ol cure, embracing every disease in the long catalogue of human misery; must con vince the most incredulous, of their superiority and the truth of the Hygeian theory, resulting from scientific re search and experience, namely, that "man is subject to only one real Matin—impurity of the blond.” The medicines being composed entirely of herbs or ve getable matter, purify the blood, and carry of!'the corrupt iiamors nf the body, in a manner so simple as to give every day case and pleasure. The Hygeian medicines, first introduced into this coun try by H. S. Moat, in 1830. have for the last four years been prepared by him; and the increasing sale attests their intrinsic merit; they comprise two sorts ol Pills, No, 1 and 2, In single boxes of each at 25 or 30 i cuts; nnd Packets con taining both sorts, at 81. S2. or S3. The Vecetable Clean sing Powders, in large boxes, at 37 1-2 cents, with primed directions. Each packet has a fac-simile of the signature ol H.Shepheard Moat. None are genuine unless they have this signature, and are obtained ir jm agents who can produce tlieir written ap pointments. For sale at J. KARNES’ Book Stove, on Cotton Avenue, opposite the Washington Hall. June 18, 1843. 38 tf DR. B. BRAlVDllETII’S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. T HIS medicine i.< acknowledged to be one ofthe most valuable ever discovered as a purifier of the blwod and fluids. It is superior to Sarsaparilla, whether as a su dorific or alterative, nnd stand* infinitely before all the pre parations and combinations of Mercury. Its purgative properties are alone of incalculable value, for these pills may be taken daily for any period, and, instead of weaken ing by the cathartic effect, they add strength by takim- away the cause of weakness. They have none of ‘the miserable effects o» that deadly specific. Mercury. The teeth nre not injured—the bones and limbs are nor. paralyzed—no; but in stead of these distressing symptoms, new life nnd con;e- quent animation is evident in every movement of thebouy. These Pills, for colds, couclw, tightness of the ch'.-st, rheumatism in the heed or limbs, will be found superior to any tiling imagined of tbe powers of medicine; and in bil ious affections', dispepsia, and in ol! diseases peculiar to women, they should be resorted to at once. For 8a!$ nt J, IIA HIVE.H- Book Wiorcj opposite the Washington Hall, Cotton Avenue. June 18, 1845. 53 tf India Uliolngogiie. T N presenting the public with a remedy for the treatment ant! curtrof Fever AND AotJK, and other bilious dis enses. no apology is needed. Vast numbers in tbe United States.' who suffer from these affections in their varied forms, are compelled to seek relief from other sources than the immediate prescriptions nf the regular physician. It becomes therefore an object ofhuimDljv, as well as ofpub- Hc interest, to bring before them a remedy prepared from much experience, and which may always be relied upon as safe, effectual, and harmless to the constitution. That such is >he true ehararter of the INDIA CHOLAGOGUE. is amf ly attested by the universal success with which it has been employed. ForSale at J. BARNES’ Bonk Store, on Cotton Avenues opposite the Washington Hall. 38 tf GEORGE A. KIMBEkLY, R ESPECTFULLY informs his old customers and the public generally, that he is now receiving from tie celebrated Hat Manufactory of John Hunt ft Co., a very extensive assortment of HATS AND CAPS, embracing every style and quality. Among his assortment tnay be found 10 oCZ. fashionable Beaver Hatty _ 20 doz. do Cassimere Hat's, 10 doz. do Russia Hats, 20 doz. do Moleskin Hats 1 doz. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO- One Imixli-ed dozen Hi-end Britu Reaver, JYtttria and Russia bs .cak rar> a**s,, warranted tnnredurable ban arty Hals ever sold in Macon. Also, 50 doz. Youth's and Children’s HatS, 20 doz. do. do. Caps. ALSO. 20 doz. black and drab Spotting Hats, Together with r. g^ilCra! assortment nf F U U C A F S , CONSISTING IN PART OF 3 doz. PREMIUM OTTER CAPS, Z 4.-x. Sea Otter Caps, 5 doz. Super A ulria Caps, 20 doz. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 doz. Men's and Boys' Seal Caps, 50 doz. do. do. Sealette Cap*. ALSO. * 200 doz. men’s and Boys’ Black nnd Drab wool, II ATS. All of which will be sold lor Cash, atprices whichcan- not fail to give satisfaction. Purchasers are invited to call and examine at the old stand, sign ofthe “MG HAT,” Mulberry Sire* t Beaver, ©tier. Mink, A coon Skins, IIVfvTTFD, for which the cash wi!! be paid. Macon. Oct 17.1813. ;j aMacon Iron A' iSross l'oundrd MACHINE SHOT. Tl/l ILL and Gin Geering, Ste..m Engine II ork. Iron ill and Brass Castings of every description, made to order.and. Machine Work in General, corner o f Fourth and Walnut Streets. (CT The.higliestprires willbe paid for Old Coppn, Brass, Lrail, and 4'astlmu. J° n 3 1 17 RQBT. FINDLAY FASHIONABLE HATS, AT THE 1VKW HAT AND CAP flTOWE. I FI IIB subscriber has received tbefcPHlNG A 1* ASI110N for Hats, the finest and light est article ever offered in this market. Also, Panama, Leghorn. Palm Leaf, Drab Reaver, ^ Oner, Russia, and Pearl Cassiiner—brood bnm and fashionable. All of which will be sold low fot GEO. I. SHEPARD:- Macon, May 7, 1844. 32 A Albert O. Bulls T ui3 old stand, opposite the Washington Hall, hastc-, ceivcd, within the last few weeks, a new and generiV assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS,- part of which consists ofthe folk wing: 400 pieces English and American Prints, 50 do Cotton and Worsted RalznrinesV 50 do Printed Lawns and Cambrics, 10 do Satin Stripe Adrianoples, 20 do do do Organdies,* 50 do Erlsten Ginghams* 10 do 8eydia Stripes, 50 do Jaconet and Cambric Muslins, 25 do Lace Stripe Muslins, 20 do Cross Hai red do 50 do Silk Handkerchiefs, 100 do Furnituie Prints, 10 bales lirown Sheeting, White and black Colton Hose, Spool Thread, NeedlfV Pins, and every other article usually called lor, which wi 1 be sold at the very lowest prices for Cash. Macon. June 18.1844. 38 Kc.-uly Made Clotliingv —AT— NE TF YORK COS T ! ! t rpHE subscribers will close off the remaining portion of. A theirstock of CLOTHING: consistingin part of Beaver Flushing miff Blanket Overcoats; Superior Cloth Cloaks, Tweeffs Coats, Black Dress and Frock Coats. t>atin. Wool, Velvetand fancy Vests, “ants. Stocks, Searls, Cravats, Hosiery, Gloves, kc.kft at New York Cost 11 1 Call and see SAM’L. J. RAY, ft Co. Macon, Nov. 12.18 f4. 7 __ Bacou and Lard. Lbs. Dacon and a Lot of fine Leiif Lard iJ sale by WINSHIP •£ ,5000 Feb. 25 _ «I«A V ESi, WOOD A. CO. R ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Merchants and Plonteis to tlieir stock of VKHflU to which weekly additions will be made during the season* Our assortment embraces the following descriptions 1500 pair heavy black Brogans, 1200 “ 11 rustet do. 1500 “ “ lined and bound Kip Brogan?. 1000 '• high' and low quarter Brogans, . 1200 •* Women’s ar.d Mi sees’ Morocco, Kid»S^ J * and Gatnbroon Buskins, Slippers and Ties, 600 pair Men's Calf and Seal Brogans, 200 ** do. do. do. Pumps. 300 “ Youths' ami Boys’ Calf and Kip Brogans. 200 41 Children’s Leather Shoes* 10 cases Calf, 8eal and heavy Boota. Macon, August 20, 1844. 47 — H. Sc J. COWLES, H AVE removed to the Brick Store, on Cotton Aven u one door below ihe Telegraph Office, where they * r now opening a general assortment of . (oroceries, Shoes, Hardware together with a stock of STAPLK and FANCY D GOODS, all of which will be sold low for CASH. . Our usual supply of CHEESE kept constantly OO Macon, Oct 22, 1844. 4