Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, August 12, 1845, Image 1

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€31A TELEG' llViili H. PH INGE —PUBLISHED WEEKLY— K d i t o r <fc Proprietor. v . ;v \ SERIF S-VOL. 1- AO- 4(>- MACON. TUESDAY MO-RNIiXG, AUGUST 12, 1845. WHOLE NUMBER 1/85. ■M»*»>! *“ ,, sH BD EVERY TUESDAY MORNING, 13 f by o. H PRINCE, T rriRKS DOLLARS. PER ANNUM, s y A iiiABLYJ_N AD VA N CE. - a TI^E.UEYTS are inserted at 9i OO per 10..;.. rirsi insertion, and 3x» ccut* pet square for j.« [.if l'' C " . *^able deduction will be made to those who adver- ti^L^V'sdesof LANDS, by Administrators. Execu- '' J* 11 r i; in s. are required by law. to be held on the l ,r*. , » r * t i, e month, between the hours often in the frit lbree j„ the ntternoon, at the Court house, in ' | |rh t |, e lan la situated Notice of these **"22* he «•»'" a l ,ublic eazelte dIXTY DAYS P re " it )rs >a , of sale. ' *' qEiJROES must be made at a public auction 3 ’ ; - t Tuesday of the month, between the usual hiurs ,4th* nr * piar.e of public sales in the county where the ,/.*!*• *! ^'ntarv. of Administration or Guardianship, ‘""“'e been framed, first siting SIXTY DAYS notice aij . one of the public xrazeltes of this State, and at the iher* c , ur i.hou»e. wheresuch sales are to be held. ,n f of Personal Property must be given in S ure i* r V,^ tt «py days previous to thedoy of sale, lik* **"” , h e Debtors and Creditors of an estate must be , u*lied F011J Y ‘j a y s ;1 , to lhe Court of Or- : must be published for fOUR MONTHS. wu>fjROES must be published r f00ft MONTHS, before any order absolute shall be ,h T 'Io«I,"rorleuers !.f"Administration, must be publish- C,r \ l i.i—for dismission Torn administration, month- fl , dismission from Guardianship, forty •*i‘- f , r the foreclosure of Mortgage must be published A ' : liLr fo*> mint hi ~ r,,r establishing lost papers./or t ii nice of 'hree month’—for compelling titles from ' '.1. v i-n nlstrators. where a Bond has been given ^' "t’.' .srV "*e f M n f lhr " ** * * %n* .vill *«lw^ys l»e con«inued according to these, 11 ,l ' i'''' n oots. unless otherwise ordered. "* I||pr\<CS' < BY M\IL.— A postmaster may en- 11 ‘ , loner to the publisher of a newspaper, to Z,e" dhsrriotion ofs third person and frank the letter if ,y h. n.eir-ATtos Kendall. P. M. G. m d^s r..hioi«hlc »■•*«« *■ taking siablishmcnt. Plumb Uteri, nett to the Seminary. o t.-.forDRKdSES RIDING H All ITS. &. Ac exe- U rmr I ii'he l >ie ' 1 most fashionable style, and at t.te ibiirtMt 0'ilicc. _______ — FLOYD house, 3/ B. S. Jtf sWC Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19. 1844—31—if —^TbTT& Wl I T TO IN E VS A TLA W. 0 5 «. „1 Muberrv Street ov.r Kimberly’s Hat Store, aicnn. Geor,*is. Oct. 19. 1844—31—tf p.»pe & do ton, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. TUSKEGEE. ALABAMA. V lhL Hereafter alien 1 tue Courts of Macon, Pike. Iirumr. ilutsell.O lainners, fallapooia. Mniugom- s 11 L • vii les couulies. Tuny will also attend the Su- C.mrt of tlie late. .;. ii n ,'nr ui ms addresaeJ to them at Tuskegee, will re- rfi.** pro up* iite-iiion. Jan .11 —In— tf. j.aai.-s \ Kiu^r. ArrattNEY \t Law. Macon Get. VI' 34 if iViD’ 4SY L Ml >UKLi:i T , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Vi I practice in the following Counties: ITP'ON. HOUSTON. FlK.i HI rill. Mi).1iUB, BtLOftIN, il.JT I’*. JONES CilA*VKi»R!l. T.VhsGS. I ie* e liras’e 1 to his care volt meet with prompt .) lie • m l>- Taoins.m'a ouilJiug.opposite Floyd Ho«. 41 *on, tie ogia- May 5,1345. _ Vh rill- A Mix. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN li,).)i'S A \L> iSHi*i’:5» Xeif the -Vasil’, agio a Hall Second Street. Miron. Georgia. Oct. 13. 1814-31-if J. L. JO ES & CO. C L O f >1 M (> S f d it E. IT ,title Millnrew Street, next I ttcbelow the Big Hat. .flACO.X. Fiti.i l a K. >41 iLftCLFOBDi FA t: 10 *4, |J Central Wha (, Chaklkston, C July 51. 1845. * J “3m M al)lCVL sYOriCE. l.T. A. P A itS J NS has returned to the city, and has „ retuaird tiie duties of his professiun. Oilice at Ilia 'l«ei>inj, onck house, iivo door# above tbe .Meliiodisi Caarcli dan. »4. 1^43. (IeTov % I*. D C. II Hi r baa removed loth* residence recently ot’jpied by it -4. Mobltki*. wnere ie maybe f'i'l it min; and in the day, at hi* oifioe over Mess's Wimtny Jc P ipe s store. Macim, April 16. i) J2 tf J. M Bi> V RDMAiY, DEALER IN Ljt, UcdiiMi, Miscellaneous, nail $ciid»i ttiioks; Bin* Books and Stationery of all kinds; Printing Pa per. Ac. Ac. Sift of the Large Bible, two doors above Shot well's corner, well iidcof Mtlberry Street. _M«un, G-torgia. Oct. 13. 1844—41—tf Mt il. W.iiG r, sisvaa PLATED BRSTTANIA WARE. JUST received hi the subscriber a line lot ol 8K.VEK PLATKD WAIti:. aucli as Fine Castors. Cake Baskets. Can die Sticks, (with and w'lhout branches.) Snufl'ers ai,d Trays. Tea Pots; Ac. Ac. Ac., which together with his nrw Stock of Watches, Jewelry, nnd Fancy Goods, he oilers at prices corresponding with the present low prices ol cotton. Pur chasers will find it to their advantage m give him a call be fore porehasing elsewhere. OS’ Watches Be paired and IVarrauted at prices ichtch shall give satisfaction. V. K. 1VFKTHOB1H. Watch Maker and Jnrrllrr. Adjoining the store of Mr. G. A. Kimberly, Mulberry Street. Macon Georgia. Jauuary 15. 1845, 31 tf New Fall and Winter Goods. GEORGE M. LOGAN, TS NOW OPENING a large nnd extensive assortment Jl. of FALL and WINTER GOODS, consisting in part oi [.mint CloitiN,Cnxhuicrcs,Caxliincrc D’licossr, Cnshiucro Dc 1,sines, .Ttousliu lie I.lines, fancy and Jtlnck Millis, with a variety of other new style of Goods for LADIES’ DRESSES. ICicli Velvets, Cloths mill Cnssiiucrcs. for Gcu- tlcilieil. Jlartucare, Crockery and Glass, a large As- ment. All of which he offers as low as an / house in the South.— He will be happy to see those wishing to purchase, call and examine his slock. October 29, 1844—5—;f TUOtlAS TAiLOiL OS COTTON AVENUE & SECOND STREET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN * STAPLE D Lt Y (iOUl)«, Choice Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cups, Saddlery, Jjpc. V^KTOULD particularly invite MERCHANTS and T V PLANTERS to call and examine his extensive and well selected Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he IVEW DRY GOttDS. T7I WOODRUFF rupecifully invitesthe attention of D J • bis friends and the public generalist to his stork of SUMMER DRY GOODS this day received, among which may be found Muslins, a great variety of patterns and colors. Mourning Muslins. Polka do. Balzarines, new styles, Bernges for dresses. Calicoes, a large assortment, from C to 37 cents, Earlstnn Ginghams. Black and Lead do. Musquito Netting. Damask Linen Table Covers, Vorsted Table Coveis, Parasols atm Paraselletts, Sun Shades. Pans style. Ladies’ Black Silk Uutnlirelias, Leghorn Bonnets. Leghorn Bonnets, Gipsey style. Lace Neapolitan tittd Straw mixed do. Bonnet Ribbons, Printed French Cambrics, Jaconet, Swiss. Book and Nansook Muslins, Furniture Dimity, Zephyr Worsted. Patterns, Worsted Needles, Black and Colored Girdles, Sleeve Cord and Tassels, Bleached and Brown Homespuns. White and Brown Linen Drillings for summer Pants, From all those who are in pursuit of Dry Goods, lie res- >i , ffnlltf enliiMix iIip fnvnr r»f n cull E. WOODRUFF. 33 tf peetfully solicits the favor of a call. Macon, May 7,1845. NEW SITO GOODST" Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington llall, PUIIslPrt. MKRKITT A CO. H AVE recently received and will continue to receive weekly from the North a full assortment of SI RING AND SUMMER KEADY-MADE CLOiTIUG, manufactured exptessly lor them, together with a large as sortment ol Shirts. Under-shirts. Scarfs, Hosiery, Umbrel las, Ac Also on band and receiving a fine assortment of Cloths, t assimeres, ami Vestings, of French, English, and American manufacture etubra- is determined to make the prices correspond fully with the j c i„g the latest and most choice patterns, which they are prepared to make to ortier, according to fashion or the pe- cuiiar taste of their patrons. P trticular attention given to the making and trimming of garments entrusted- in their cure by gentlemen furnishing the r own materials, at prices to suit the limes. Macon, April 16, 1845. 31 tf sr» -3^2 IT VS t-men rooms over the store ol John L. Jones, where • l sc will perforin all operations on the teeth, sets teeth i>l«e orpiv .is. prepares preparations for the Gums, and ciesnsinsf the Teem. He also prepares and furnishes his pa- t'tif" *1 h tooth piste and powders of a superior quality. ■U win ,, e i; ma j at |, j, office at all times uuless when '• lei off. Line 6. 1845. * 37 tf Siiiu fV4TBR P H* yvelul .Irink is now served u”» at GEORGE PvYSE S Lrusr Siore with Gomd Syrups, and "»h«rer:vi b? IimI at all time# Congress Water. Juue 18. H45. 38 3m ity II.tJiT: : <i'i>Iia, «coi*^in. BY UOBT. S. LANIER. '■''Hi CONDUCTED BY IAMPBON LANIER, late ol the Washington Hall, Mncou Ga. Griffin. Jauuaty 1 1815. 29 tf WASHINGTON H\LL, 71 ACOT, GEORGIA. r H E subscriber has again takenthis Eslab li,it,neat, where he will always be hap mM p to attend to the culls ofhis old customers, ami me travellingpublicgenerally. Hicuj,juoe 20 38 8 1.ANIER. MARIETTA HOTEL, Cobb County, GEORGIA. r tRa-donined have taken this spacious Hotel, for- oter.v k e .,i nv He*to* Rop.kbts. Esq., ami are now "*Wth« 5«ption ,f Travellers and Families visiting '■‘•n.uairv. t fa* su ,scribers iledgethemselves to useevery exertior * ,a *'"iif,i r i of their patrons THOMAS B. DANIEL, JEREMIAH LEAK. J^tu.Jsn. 1. mi, 2^ . \ fc h3ntion ! Attention l l Just Received at the aeon Saddle and llar- de- Skin, ness Drpnsifnri/ A large Wni ladies - saddles, orevery p v ; r |iKion ; PI tin. Fancy, Velvet, Plush, Hog & Pitched. Ac..for sal* eheap. .. tt v ’» a P"”> lid hit of BRIt^LES wholesale and retail, «fireJt"r C '° Ma t ificiuriug prices —$500 worth of Whips. Harness f^egllier, Btidle Lcatlicr ti Tl " ,re Chains, D e . CASH prices uaia for Leopard 8* tnt ’ times The following comprise a part of bis stock : AFFGHAN SATl-sS, anew article tor dresses. CASHMERE. Crape, and Super Mouseline de Lsines, new patterns. ALPACCA3, Silk and Gimp Fringes. GlNGH AMS, Super Clieue and genuine Scotch. CAMBRICS Plato, Striped ami Checked. MUSLINS. Jaconet, Book, Ac. LACES. Cluiliiiig. Lisle, Edging, AXace Neck Ties. HOSIERY, Shirts and Diawers. CRAVATS Black Silk. Primed, and Fancy plaid. HANDKERCHIEFS, a great variety. SHAWLS, 600 Plaid de Laine. Chene. Prussian, Print ed. Nett, and Woolen Shawls, and Cotnfortes. FLANNELS, White. Red, and Yellow. Brown Linen TABLE COVERS. Irish Linen. GLOVES, MITTS, SUSPENDERS, Garters aud Night Caps. Sewing Silk, SPOOL COTTON, and Linen Thread: Corded ''kirts.Corset Laces. Presses,Pins. Needles, Tapes, Thimbles. Tuck, (Juill. and Dress Cimb*. KENTUCKY J EANS, and super Twilled Keisey3. NEGRO KERSEYS and Lindseys. PACKAGES. Brown nn.l Bleached Shirtings and Sheet ings. Ticks. Checks and Stripes, sea, a large supply. 200 pi. Condon Duffil BLANKETS. 600 Negro Blankets, twilled and heavy, 4000 pr. Negro Brogans, a superior article, 100 Ladies'. Men's, and Boy's Saddles, Bridle*. Martingales. Wuips, and Collars, 1300 Bleached Sacks Salt, laig* size, 100 B iles 46 mch Gunny Bagging, veiy heavy, 300 Pieces 44 inch. Dundee and Russia, do 50 do. 44 inch Gilroy's superior 2 lb. Brand. 300 Coils j so 1 j inch Manilla Bale Rope, 2300 lbs. superior B lggint Twine. 50 doz. Plough Lines and Bed Curds, 20 Ulida. Cuba il ’lasses, 75 do St Croix, and P“rto Rico Sugars, 20 Bills. Crushed am. P .wdeied Sinmr. 20 Boxes Standard Loaf amt tlavuuua Suear. 3.>0 B ills old Java. Rio. L.iguira. and t uba Coffee, 90 Boxes Sperui Candles, sixes 4 s, 5 s, and 6's, 20 ’• Hull’s Patent Caudles assorted, 25 •• Hull's and Colgate's Soap. No Z. 30 “ Castile Fancy aud Variegated Soaps, 20 ” Coluate’s Super I‘. ar Starch. 600 ” Table Sait, a prime article, 20 “ Tobacco, some very choice for chewing, 40.000 lbs. Swedes Iron, assorted, Ha' aud square bar, German. Blistered and Cast Steel, 150 Kegs Nails and Brails, 500 lb*. Waggon Boxes, 15.000 '• Hollow Ware, 200 pr. Trace Chains, 12 doz. Coffee Mill/, 12 •• Iron Wire Sifters, 30 “ Pad Locks. 20 •• Curry Combs, 1200 lbs Bar Lead. 50 doz. Blacking, 15 Boxes Cotton Cards, 500 lbs. Sad Irons. 50 doz. Tubs. Pails nnd Mats. 25 •’ Halter Chains, 20 " Shovels and Spades, SO •• Carolina Hoes, 10 •* Collin’s Axes, 20 " Tea Kettles. No 1, 2 and 3, 150 Bags Patent Shot. 20 doz. Shoe and Horse Broshes, Pen, Pocket, and Fancy Kn-ves, Table Knives and Forks, Tea and Table Spoons, Scissors. Razors, aud Straps, Shoe Knives and Rasps, Percussion Caps. Cut Tacks, and segnr Cases. . * 150 Reams Wrapping. Cap. and Letter Paper. 50 lbs. London, Sealing Wax and Wafers, Blue and Black Ink. 200 Kegs White Lead, 75 Boxes Window Glass, 10 Casks London Porter, 30 doz. Saratoga W ater, 10 •• Bay Water. 10 Bbls. Cider Vinegar. Copal Varnish, Spirit* Turpentine, Spanish Brown, Mad der Blue Stone. Copperas, Brimstone. Indigo, Fig-Blue, Scotch, and Macaboy Snuff. Epsom Salts. Salt Petre, Sal jEratu*. Mustard, Camphor. Oppodeldoc. Castor Oil. Sweet Oil, Magnesia, Cologne. Macaroni. Preston Salts, Lees Pills. Bateman’s Drops, British Oil. Tooth Powder and Brushes. Spice* of all kinds. Imperial, Hyson, and Pouchin Teas, very choire. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. Buckwheat, and Soda Biscuit, of superior quality, will be received WEEKLY throughout the season. 6 ALSO. 30.000 SEGARS. Manilla Cheroots. Plantation Normas. Principes Regalias, Vueltabagera, and India Cnsadora Panelelas, all selected with much ca-e, and those fond of a choice article, will please call and examine for themselves. Macon. Oct. 8.1844. 2 TiT»RU«fiISTS. T HE subscriber being desirous of selling off rlir entire stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES.'together with the e egant fixtures and furniture belonging and appertain ing to tne establishment formerly occupied by James W. Bailey would make it much to the interest of such as wish to commence that business to purchase the whole together v itli the lease of the premises now in his possession, if pre ferred. To a person with moderate rapital the advantages of this position would be very obvious; there being only three establishments of the kind in Macon, and these but of limited me ms ana extent The field is fully open for an ex tensive trade not on'y in the city but with the finest and richest portion of Georgia ; and there is no reason why Ma con, with a population ol two-thirds that of Angusta should not handsomely maintain one-third as many Drug Stores. For particulars, terms, amount, Ac apply to M. S. THOMPSON. M. D. N. B. Letters must be post paid. Macon, 15th July, 1845. 12 tf Yew Books. ’ AT E O A It D II AN’S BOOKSTORE. J UST received, all the new publications, among which are the t'nllowing: l’rescou's History of the Conquest of Mexico, Harpers' No.l of the Pictoral Bible, “ No 7 of Hannah Moore's complete works, “ Alison's History of Europe, complete aud full bound, •• Brande’s Encyclopedia full bound, •* Neal's History of the Protestants, Southey’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Rural Life in William Howitt, Kohl’s Russia and the Russians, Ellintson's Surgical Operations, # The Psalmist. Coodie on Children. Cooper (Sir Astiev) on Dislocations, Asliwel! on the Diseases of Females, C.ueeas of England, sixth series. .4 new Patent Inkstand. Perforated Papei. , c,pv^'h Drawing Paper. Blank Booka.Ac.all cheap for CAMi. Jan 16 ^ ,6 To flm Bi I IIoUle»« :»•»«! olh*T itnrsaf 111** tn-ik nf Haron Y OU are hcreb- nmified t« present your demands to the 111 designed within four months from date, that the en ure amount or the liabilities of said institution be ascertain- nnd that distriomlon be made pro rata among the t.evera credit ir*. t . Al 1 communications in writing on this subject must be post paid. CHAS- II- RICE, Receiver. Macon, May 19,1815, 3i tn ? i\g:w WS5Y «<><*!>«. T HIS day received at E. WOODRUFF’S, an invoice of new and fashionable summer Dry Goods, atn. ng which may be found Black Berages. (satin stripe) A few patterns of Buff Muslins, Swiss Muslins, Jaconet do. Swiss and Jaconet Mushit Edgings and Inscrtings, Linen Edgings, Whale Bane, Thread Buttons. Bine Kid Gloves. Blue Flowers and Wreaths. Black Sun Shades. Paris style. Single Foundation for Lit ings. Grass Cloth Skirts, Children’s white and mixed Cotton Ilose, All of which are thisdav received, and will be sold at the lowest market pi ices for cash. E. WOODRUFF. July 15, 1845. 42 tf >u^ar, < Bren, Sail, &c. 3 * HHD? 5 . St Croix, P. li. and N. O. Sugars, « * 150 Hagn lti«* and Cuna Cotl’ee. 30 *• Maracaibo and Java C flee, 50,000 Lbs. Svtedes and American Iron, flat, round and square 75 Kegs, Cut Nails nnd B r ads, Kngiisb. German and Blister Steel, 12u0 Sacks Salt bbls. line Sait. 250 K**im pure N«». I and B. White Lead, 300 Gal o is Linseed Oil, 500 •* Winter an Fall >trai ed Oil. 150 B«>xes Glass. 8 X 10 lo X 22. 1* X 14. 12 X 16, and 12 X 18. With a geneidl assortment ol*Colors .for sale low bv CHARLES CAMPBELL & CO. June 29. 1845. 41 if zi: Awmamc&p s. rllHE subscriber has on hand a large and well selected I. stock ot it k I s and t .U*», ol the latest Fashions, which be is offering at veiy reduced prices fur CASH — The attention of those wishing to purchase is respectfully invited, beingcoufideot he can suit both as to price and quality GEC I SHEPARD. Macon, Dec. 9. 1844. U NEW FAMILY GROCERY. W. A. s.OUiJtlKOV. n AS just received and offers at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, on reasonable tetiiis lhe following coin plete assortment <>l Fa oil, Groceries. Every thing is of the very best quality. Country merchants, planters and families in the etty can now supply themselves with every thing they want, and will do well to call and examine for themselves. O’ Entrance opposite Scott. Carliart A Co- and next door to Geo. M. Logan’s. Biack Tea, Cloves, Nutmegs. Spices of all kinds, Cyaune Pepper, Beans, Canal Flour. Rice da Rice, Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, Brooms, Blacking, Carb. Soda, SaliEratus. Lemon Syrup, Copperas, Glue. Isinglass, Indigo, Madder, Mace, Matches, Mscfcaroni, Vertnacilla. Rose V\ ater. Cologne do. Rotten Stone, Barth Bricks, Starch, Washing Soda, Pipes, Powder and Shot Saltpetre. Epsom Saltz, Seidlitz Powders, Soda do Turpentine, Tame Salt, Cl atnpaigne Wine, Claret do. Madeira do. Port do. Malaga do Loudon Porter, Fine Brandy, Do Gin. Laru Lamps, Solar do. Sup. Sperm Oil. Do. Lard Oil. Ar. TOGETHER WITH A LARGE LOT OF .MrS As ««. ‘'JfcT Macon, March 1st. 1845. 23—tf Pickled Beef, Smoked do. Pickled Pork. Do. Tongues, Smoked do. Codfish, Fresh Salmon. Sardines, Mackerel No. 1, Do. “ 2, Scaled Herrings, Butter, English Cheese, Lard, . Butter Crackers, Soda Biscuit, Pilot Bread, Pic Nic Crackers, Adamantine Candles, Sperm do. Col’dWax do. Family Soap, Toilet do. Castile do. Capers. Olives. Olive Oil, Pickles, Catsups. Mustard, Preserved Ginge r Dried Figs, Currants, Raisins, Prunes, Almonds, Hazlenuts. Pecan Nuts, English Walnuts, Cocoa. Chocolate, Java Coffee, African do. Rio do. Crashed Sugar Pulverized do. Loaf do. Brown do. N. O. Molasses. Sugar House Treacle Hvsor Tea, Imperial do, umo loUO 730 1000 1200 300 1000 500 800 1500 300 300 Warehouse *V C’rimn-ssion Busim s (JRAi/ES, WOOD, &. CO. T AKE this method of informing planters and others, tlio in addition to their wholesale and retail DRY-GOOD.4 AND CiKOC'ERY BUSIIVICMBj they will «*ont»nue to transact a general WAKE-HOUSE AND COM»MISSION BUSINESS, at the old stand, (long known as Graves’ Corner.) on the corner of second street WDMIY «PRIY«S. -BE: JEi ^t _ THE undersigned has by a late ar rangement become sole proprietor of lb s Hotel and flatters himself that from litA experience and the arrangements he hitsmade recently in the House to make oil comfortable win may please to give him a coll during the season — He is prepared to accommodate families by giving them good aud retired rooms, and shall spare no pnius to pre pare and serre up all the luxuries in **hich the country abounds, in a style to suit the most fastidious; and he takes this opportumty to say in view of the hardness ui the time* i that he will redu*e his price# from the lust season, lie plctlgrs himself to use his best endeavois to giveentire sat isfaction aud make all happy v\ho may give him a call. HATES OF FAKE. Board and Lodging per Month, $20 00 41 * 4 “ Week, 7 00 “ * 41 Bay, 1 25 Children and Servants half price. - Horse per Month, 15 00 ** •* Bay, 75 _ WILLIAM A. ELDER. June 25. 1845. SG—3tn New Ficeprooi* Ware-Mouse. MACON, GEORGIA. k r 1^HE undersigned having-erected a * Fire Proof Wat e House, situated at ’ ;a c. the head of Cotton Avenue, tender^ his services to his friends ano the public gen „„„ e rally lor the storage or COTTON and MER^HaNBI.SE, and the tratisactiun of Commission business in al’ its branches, pledging himself to use every exertion to promote tne interests of, and render satisfaction to, those who may confide business to his charge. The storage and sale of Cotton will be under the direc tion and control of Mr. John Jones, who has long been knowti in the Ware House business, and will give particu lar attention to the sale of Cotton and the filling of orders for goods. Liberal advances will be made on Cotton in Store or to be shipped. BAGGING, ROPE, AND TWINE. together with any other articles, will be furnished custo mers. at the lowest maiket price. N B. Storage and Commissi ms at customary rates. J-jne 18—>3-—tf J:*RKY COWLES. WA82I2-IIOC*fc;. THE undersigned will continue tlie WARE HOUaE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS at the stand ori-upied by llteiu tiir lhe last two years and formerly occupied by E. A T. N . Bell They have also rented anniher IVare-House m a retired part nl the city, and nea’ the one they occupy, and which from it3 location will probably be as sale Ironi fire as any in tne city- They solicit the patronage nf their friends and the t-ublic, and p edge their constant personal attention tn the business. OUSLKY A JEWETT. Mnron, July 15. 1845. 42 6m WhitingT Afftlix, R ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of their friends ami tne puotic generally, to their siock if 6SOOTH and to which weekly eddiliens will be made du ring the season. Our assortment embraces the following desert lions: 2000 pairs Men's best black Brogans; Men’s second rate black Brogans; Men’s best Russet Brogans ; Men’s second rate Russet Brogans; Men’s best double sole black Brogans; Boy’s be-i black aud Russet Brogans ;* You.hs* *• ** 1 * “ Men’s best double Sole Calf and Kip Brogans; B.»y’« be*t K p Brogans; Youth’s best Kip Brogans; L.ttiies Leather and c^eal Brogans; Ladies’ Leather and f>eal Shoes; Ladies* Ca.f Brogans; 20 cases Men’s thick and Kip Boots; 8 - B »y*a lincK aud Kip B«x>ts ; 5 •• Youth’s thick an.l Kip Boots; 100 puirs Gem’s floe French cal* Boots; 75 •* Gent’s middling floe French Boots; 100 •• Gent*# double sole Calf Boow; 100 • Grill’s stout wife Ca t* Boots; li Cases Gents aud Ladies’ India Rubber Over Shoes ALSU—A general assortment «»f Ladies’, Misses’and Children s readier, Kill and Morocco W'alking fcdmes of ill kinds and qnali ies; Ladies’. Misse« and Children’s Gaiters and naif Gaiters, thick and thin soles of ail descrip tinns—all of whiefrwil. be sold at the lowest possible oiices- A.l*o boie Leather, Thread, Pegs of all sizes* Boots made and repaired in the best possible manner. Macon. October 19. 18 14. 31 tf S»;i!’s;ai ss ! ISni’ffains ! ! IN BOOTS AND SHOES. 5? A'Ulhit.r.dN^l^u 1 Manufacturers O.VJlMf cost and expenses. 4.000 Tairs "noil Kip Brogans, do do do Also, a setters! assortment nfBOOTS A3HOES, which will be offered low—Call aud see. STRONG A WOOD. Nov 12. 7 $25 rkwTIOL 11ROKE jtil at Perry. Hmist.m rountv. on the 25th inst. JfJ VVILLtAM II. H AN DO LPH. who was commiited on a charge nf horse stealing. The above r ward will be paid to any person who will arre .t said thief and deliver . him up tn the Sheriff of said county, or eonfine him in any jail within the State. Description: said Randolph is about five leet ten inches, or six feet high; is about forty years old; dark hair; rather fair complexion; has one black eye anil the other b>ue; has a down-east, villannus look. WILLIAM HERRINGTON. July 9 1845 41—12t. Sheriff'Houston co. REW1KD. ~ Q RANAWAY from the subscriber on the 15th ol June, a Mulatto womao named MARY (sometimes SfjnS called MOLLY.) about 30or 35yearsof age, 5 feet J2»^.3 or 4.inches high, has long hail, inclined to be bush. which she tucks up with i comb—Iter face is rather scurfy or swarthy, and rather Hat between the nose and rbin to l. ok well. She tells a plausible story, and has a mild voice, but when c'osely questioned lias a stammering or impediment in her speech. She wore off a striped hood with a green veil, and carried off a variety of clothing, amoug the rest a long black cloak and blue homespun dress. I have no doubt she will attempt lo pass as a free woman and may have a free pass. I have reason to suppose she will endeavor to get to Georgia thouuli she may perhaps make for Charleston. I will give the above reward for her delivery to me near Bradford Springs. Sumter District, S. C. or thirty dollars for her confinement in Jail; with ,uch- information that I tnavgethe-. JOHN RHAME. July 22. 1845. 43 3t JOCKAWAY. t REEMAN A ROBERTS have a fine two horse b Kocknwav Carriage which will be sold at a bargain ALSO A large assortment of Harness. Saddles, Trunks Leather. Carriage Titmmings. Hardware, Ac. Ac. Macon. June 10th, 1845. 37 tf BaggiM?, seopeTTwine, &e. &c. A4\ B A LES Gunny Bagging. 4IU 200 pi. ces Kentucky do. 1UU • Dundee do. 125 coils K**ntui-k> and Manilla R*>pe, 2500 •• Barging Twine, 1500 Sark* Salt, 25 Tons Iron, Just received and lor sale at the fairrsf vwrfot prirrx by RUSSELL 5c KIMBERLY. Joly 15 1945. 42 tf Boon’s Uoiiipnnnd Cathartic Fills. In HESE Pill# are intended »o remove all bilious ob- 1 structimis, regulate tlie *ec r eii«>i!8 of the stotnm'h, 1 liver, bowel# and kulntea.aud •• restore n healthy action in i the digestive organs, by removing all unhealthy matter | from the alimentary canal. N B.—These Pills are of the class of the original Lee ' Pills with ii e difference that they are of a more decided bi ious medicine, more sure and thorough i.» their opera- 1 tion. and seldom causing pain, nausea or grping; nnn are j n.*t offered as a Catholicon, lun are the result of care ami observation in on extensive practice. A trial of them wi 1 be a sufficient recommendation. Prepared am* f*r sale who’esale and retail at BOON &. • ROBSON’S Office. Macon Ga where also may be ob tained Boon’s Acue & Fever Fill#, warranted to cure or the money refunded. July 9.* 18*5. 41—istf. NOTICE. A LL persons concerned will please take notice that I am ready to receive the State and County Tax for the ■V""™ 'T”, H,B I year f,.r dtis c U*y.««d all taxpaying citizens will pleaae tender ol their services to ihm* planting Inenrts ami otheis. ; L„ rri t em«l e, accordingly. ' —i. .i—th.,,h«. uhn m... ............ i. .t-*- i t r It BASSETT T C B C with the assurance, that those who may pnlrnmze us in this 'ine of liusiness. shall have our best endeavors to do them ustice and promote their interest Our Ware-House is conveniently situated ; and Colton stored with us. sltull be well taken care of, and protected from the weather. We will also assist with pleasure, our fliends in selling tlieir Cotton, and without charge; and we are at all times pre pared tn make advanceson the same in Cash or Merchan dize. W e respectfully solicit a pnrttjn nf the patronage of the public. GRAVES, WOOD, A CO. Edwin Gkxyes. f Thomas Wood. > J M. Kiudf.k. ) Mscon. September 24. 1844. 52 F:i*liionnl>le Arrival. T A E SAULHBTIRY. will rpen this dav. a superior . |.< of FRENCH CLOTHS. FANCY CASSI MERES A VESTINGS, direct from the French market via New York, which the* will sell very low f orcath. Sejtt J7,I84f 5J 43 if gover Ju'y 22.1815. GEORG A, Crawford count tt. rilBIS dnv Jesse l’ittman of the 529th district tolled be- B f-re me a enroll sorrel Mare Mule, about tour feet high supposed to he two or thre* years old. appraised by Jsnies A Prosser, aud E. W. Knigh'. to Thirty DoPsrs. K R. TURNER, J.P. A true extract from the estrax hoi JACOB LOWE, c l c. July 22, 1845. 43 3t_ GEORGIA, ('rawford County. TOLLED before me by Lewi- Davis nf the 630lli district G. M . a Sorrel Horse, supposed to be about nine years old- and about 4 feet 10inches high, appraised by James A. MM'er. and J H. Sanders to forty dollats. E L. HARRIS, J-P. A true axtracifiom theEstrav Bo >k JACOB LOWE. c. i. c. July 29, 1869, 3t Front Ike Qul’tm'ita Saulli Carolinian. GOVERNOR HAMMOND'S LETTER ON SOUTHERN SLAVERY. Addressed to Thunns Clarkson, the English Abolitionist. [continued ] You are grettt y mist-ikcii, h nvever, if you 'Ititik iliiit the cuti't-qiieuces uf etibincipaliuu herwould be similar and no ttWre inju iuus titan iliose which iuIUiwcd from ii in your lit tle ?ea gin West India I Ends, when nearly all were blacks. The system ef slavery is noi “ n decay” with ns. It flourishes in full untl growing vigor. O ir country is boundless in extent. Dotted here and there with villages und fiel s, it is for the most pint covered with immense forests and swamps of almost un known size. In such a country, wilh a peo ple so restless os ours, communicating of coarse some of that spirit to their domestics, can you conceive that any tiling short of the power of the master over the slave, could confine the Afri can race, notoriously idle and improvident, to labor on our plantations? Break this bond, b it for a day, and these plantations will be sol itudes. The negro loves ch-mge, novelty and sen*uai cxcitemeins of all kinds, when awake. *• Reason nnd older,” of which Mr Wiiber- foree said‘'liberty was the child,” do not cliar- a' i»-r*e him. Released from his present obii- gai o s hi* first impulse would be to go soine- whe-e. And here no natural boundaries would r> strain him. At fi st they would all seek the towns, and rapidly accumulate in sqnal d groups upon their outskirts Driven then In the “armed police,” which would im- m lately spring into existence, they wool t seutier 'ii all directions. Son.e bod es of them might w .iitler towards the ‘Tree” S.ates. or to tue western wildern st, making thtir.track* by tneir depredations anti ilieir corpses. Ma ny would roam wild in mu ‘‘Big woods.”— Many more would seek the recesses of our swamps for secure covett. Few, very few of t' em could be prevailed on lo do a stroke of work-, none to Libor continuously, wnile u Head nf cattle, sic epor swine coul i he found in out ranges, or an ear of com tiouded in our nban- doie-ii fields These exhausted, o <r folds and poultry yards, barn und store houses would be come iheir piey. Finally, our sc ttiered dwel- I ngs would be plunder d, perhaps fir d and tne i m ites murdered. ll-*w loug do you suppose ill..t we could bear tiv se th ngs! How long before we should sleep with rifles at our bed- sines, aud never move wituout one in our hand*? This work once b- gun, let the story of our British ancestors aud lhe aborigines of ■ Ins country tell the sequel, Far inure rapiu however, woul t bx tne caia.*tr>>p!ic. “Ere niii- nv moons went In,” the African race would be e.ste minated, or r uuced again to sl.tveiy, tlie r ranks recruited, tifiery- ur, by Irish “Em gra t*,” from ine.r lather lun i. is ti i<1y preparation ami gradual emaucipa turn s iggesied to .vert these humble conse- qu mes? 1 t;.ought jour experience i. the \V«-si In ii'-a nad et least done so much as to explode that idea. If it laih-d there, m cu more would ii fail fieri-, whete the two races, approximating to equality m n miners, are dai ly ami iiuudy in ihe closest contact. G;ve room but lor a single spark of real jealousy t. he kindled between them, and the explosion would be instantaneous and universal It is the most fatal of all fallacies to suppose that these two races can exist together, after any length of iiine or any process of preparation, on terms at all appioaching lo equality. O t'.us, both of them are finally and fixed.y con vinced. They oiffir essentially, in all the leading trails which characterize the varieties of III. Human speci. s, und color draws an indel- • hie and inseparable line ofsepara ion between t em. Every scneme luund< il upon the ide.i that ill y «an r togtnerou the same soil, bev oud the briefest period, in any other rcla- lio tnun precis ly that which now subsists be tween them, is not o-riy preposterous, but fraught w ith deepest danger. It there was no alternative but to try the “ experiment” here, lvason and humanity dictate that the sufferings of “gradualism” should be saved and the catas trophe of “immediate abolition,” enaettd as rapidlj’ as possible. Are you impatient for the performance to commence 1 Do you long to gloat over the scenes I have suggested, bu could not hold the pen to portray ? In your long life many such have passed uuder your review. You know that they are not ‘•itnpos siblc." Can they be to your taste? Do you believe that in laboring to hr ng them atioui the Abolitionists are uomg the will of God ? No ! Go,, is nut there. It is the work ofriaian. Tne Arch lie. d, under specious guises Intslound his w ay into their.-Oils, and wit.t false appeals to philanthropy,ai.dfoul insinuations to ambition instigates mem to tush headlong to the accom- plisi.met t of his diabolical designs. We live in a rfui age. The events of the last tiiiee quaiters of a • ceniury ap pear to have rev oluliornzed t e human m n i. Enterprise and ambition ate only litni- t. d m tin ii purposes by the horizon of the im agination. lt is the transcendental era. In piiilosophy, r> lijtioo, government, science, arts, c tnmeice,nothing tuat has fiec.i is to he allow ed iu be. Conservatism in auy form is senfi*- ej i.t. Thes.ig test t;.:;.. of it is latul. Whete will all this mil? If \ou cun tolerate one an- cieni maxim let it be tual the best criterion of the Future is the Past. That, if any thing, will give a cluei Ai.d, looking ha> k only tmough y •or tin e, what vv. s tue eatlie*t fiat of tins same TmnsCeiHR-Dtahsm ? Tiie rays of the t.exv Mor.d Diutiiroond Lghtwere hrsl conceit- iruied .o a f chsui Ptins, io liluminaie the Uni- v .-e. lo u twinkling it consumed the po-iti- cul, it 1 ,_iou* anil social ajsiems oi France. It Cjixld uot he extinguished lucre until literally diowned in blood And then from its. ashes a.o*o t .at -uper atu al man, who, lor twenty ve.xi'a kept itifi igltieu Europe in convulsions.— S> nee t a. titn its scattered beams, rcfixictc-1 by broad, s • naves, have nevertheless continued 11 sea.he when ver they l ave fallen. W at political 'true ute, w. at icl gous erted, hut n ie»t the g xlv.mic shock, and even now trem bles to ils luund lions? Mankind, still imr- r *r suiik n bv the caiastropho of France, have shrunk Horn i- shexperune is upv»n social 'y.'t-xx s. But tin y I) ve b-en practising in the E tst a ound the Alediiurran n -n i through t e W» st India Isfiiuisl And growing cot fi ne..i, a poiliou f t.icni seem desperaiely bent mi ki .unng me a i d vo t ring flam-in die bosom ol our land. Let it once again blaze up to lietven and another cydeof blood and de- \a atioti would dawn upon the world. For our sake, and for ihe s-kS of thosn infatuated men who are madly driving on the conflagra tion ; for the sake of human natuie, we aie cal- I led on to strain every nerve to arrest it. A;'-d he assured our cfforls will be bounded only w th ot r icin-T. Nor do I do. bt that fiv.- mil lions of people, brave, intelligent, utoierf; kind prepared to liaznd every tiring will, in such tt, with tiie hl«* ot God, sustus.i tlioxfr- selYx's. At all events come what may it is ->u .* to meet it. We ore well invar" of lhe light estimation in which the Abolitionists, and those who re t.mght by.them, pr.ifx-ss to lioid u.*. Wo hove se n the attempt of a pot tion of tl.e Free Ch rch of Scotland to reject our alms. i>n the ground that we tire “ Slave Drivers;” alter sending Missionaries to solicit them. Aid we I a-'c seen Air. O'Cotincll, the ‘rirresponsille mas'er” of mill ons of ragmd serfs', from whom poverty stricken r.s they are, ho contrives to wring a splendid privy purse. tlirotv buck with contumely the‘‘tribute” of his owr com.try- men from this land of ‘■miscrean’s. 5 ' These people may exhaust their sEng and make black-guards of tlumselvcs, but ti ey cat t oi defile us. And as for tfesugg- slion to exclude slavq holders from your London clubs, we scout it. Many of us, indeed, do go to London, and we have seen your breed of gawky Lords, both there and here, hut it never entered into our conceptions to look on them as Letter than ouwselves. Nor can we he annoyed by the ri diculous airs of such ups’ arts as y-'Ur O’Cun- nel.’s, R tcliie’s, Macaulay’s, and the like.— Tlie American slaye holder.*, collectively orin- diyidually, ask no favors of any man, or race who tread the earth, lit none of the attributes of men, mental or physical, do they acknowl edge or fear superiority elsewhere. ’I hey stand in the broadest light ol tiie knowledge, civilization and improvement of tlm age, as much favored of Ib aven as any of tin* sons of Adam. Exacting nothing undue, they yieid nothing but jus ice and courtesy, even to royal blood. They can neither he flatlereil, dup< d, ii'ir b ‘Hied out of tln-ir r ghts or their properly. They smile with contempt at scurrility aud va poring bej'ond the S' as, and they turn ^iheir hacks upon it where it is “irresponsible; ’ but i solencethat ventuies to look them in the lace, will never fail to be chastised. 1 think I may trust you will not regard this letter as intrusive. 1 should never have enter tained an idea of writing it, had you not open ed the correspondence. Il you think anything in it rash, review your own—which l regret that I lost soon after it was received—and you will probably find that you have itxken your re venge befo ehand. Il you have not, transfer an equitable share of what you deem severe to lhe account of the Abolitionists al large. Thev have accumulated against the slaveiiold ors a balance of invective which, with all our efforts, vfce shall not be able to liquidate much short nf the era in wh e t your N xiio. ;1 'ie w.ll be paid. At all events, 1 have no <: s io to offend you personally, and, wi n t he.*' wish, s for your continued health, 1 have tii honor to br, your obcdie t servant, J. H. HAMMOND. Taos. Clacks >n, E Q. rOU ER OF WORDS. The Amur can Rx view has »n article oi. words; we make the following extract ‘here from : “All classes appear to dt pend upon word*, Principles are noihing in comporSttn* wit speech. A politician i* accused of eownpib •< inconsistency, and loving number one more than number ten thousand. Siraiglnw ay I e floods the country with win ds, and he is lionor- t.b’v acquiii d. A gentleman of f.xr-re-.cirii;g ami purse-reachinc intelligence concocts twen ty millions of pills, and “woiks” tlmm off to agents*, nnd, in the end, transfers the wl.ole from his laboratory to the stomachs of an m- j red and oppressed prople, by means of - " Words. Mi*s A. st. bs the spotless name of M:ss P. with a word-stiletto. Ihe p i*on ns breath of tt venomous fitnalic moulds ts< If int'J syllables, and, lo ! a sect o' Christians i* struck with leprosy. An author wishes to be sub lime, but has no fire in Inui to give sparkle and heat to his compositions-. His ideas a-emnk and water-logged; feeble, common place, n< rve- iess, witless, and soulless; or his thoughts are ballasted with lead instead of hemg winged with, inspiration. ‘Wliat shall 1 do?’ ne cries in the most plaintive tones of aspiring stupidity. Poor poetaster ! do not despair ! take to thy diction- nrv—drench t'nv thin blood with gin learn lhe power of words. Pile ilie Peliun <>f Kaiti on the 0*sa of Hvperbofo, and thy small fract.ou f the Trite shall b-* exahed to the heights of of the Sublime, and the admiring gaze of mn- ttv i eople shall be fixed upon it, and the ernn shall j : ngle in thy pocket, and thou shall be denominat* d great ! But if thy poor [pate be incapable of ihe daring, even in • xpression. then grope dubiously in the dismal swamps ol v r- and let thy mind’s fi'gera feel after .spongy and diopsical words, out ot which lit- tie sense can he squeezed, and arrange the oozy epilnets and subsiuntives inio lines, and out of tin* very depths of Bathos, thou shalt arise a sort «.f mud-Venus, and men shall mistake thee for her that rose from the sea, and the coin shall slid cl nk in thy fob, and tlmu shalt jo called beautiful! S' ell is the omnipotence of woids. Thev can exalt lhe little ; they can depress the high'; a ponderous polj'sjliable, will break the chains of an arguntei t, or cr.tck tne pate of a thought, ns n mace or a battle- ixe couid split the crown <*fa soldi ,- r iuthe elder time. •Words head urmiV, overt'.row dynasties^ man ships, separate f in lies, cozen cozeners,_ ai d steal In arts and purses. And if physiolo gists an 1 metaiihysicia'.s are driven into a cor-,, oer, mid are compel)- d to give ihe real distinc- tion between human beings n"d unima's, iliey are almost sure to sav it consists in the power of speech—in the capuciiy ta fiamo, use, and mu li .1 v at discretion, those omnipotent‘mouth, fuls of spoken wind’—words—words—worth',” THE TARIFF. The following are specimens of the present duties : Per cent. Ter cat. Co d, 72 Ghnropa'gn wine, 12 Coarse cottons, 50 S its, 25 Iron, 59 F ne linen, ~5 Salt, 72 Prtrchws siom s Tho poor who consume stilt in i. numerous preparutions, pay a tax -i tz cent, on eveiy particle used, ri he fifctol". owner, after celling SO per cuii. tl v t!ei- buys champaign wine, and is taxed 12 p only. The workman who buy* a eo i< is taxed 50 pi r cent. The nianufa , ""'ivr wealth makes him «ffird =• li'en sh it, u.v 15 perce t.—A etc It orl A ties. Ex-Governor John Pone, ol Ky. d ev u.. ro<; 12tb uhx, at Lio IvoivioilCtt, uoUJ otttalvol* r c< n m *