Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 27, 1846, Image 2

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n-vont aid pleasant harmony? ChjWS Mu- - t<hrre ncK-Jw p**tpetn*l ©i»biriv.ns ami «lif- m iv !'<• -tkntMmc i a M iteresf dungs inay-fon* ' »; 'MlftMlteltimiil, <>»»inir I nurp vvljfli have smiled w the Oregon territory, in the of wUasirwgnmrrt I .ves gratified and instruc ted I_iuii nvt willing, however, to abandon tbs proposition recommended by the Commit tee on Foreign Affairs, and to substitute in lieu of if jIf* or«tauIwrittcd by the honorable gentleman from .Alabama; and 1 will with the ulmost dc- fi‘|X!itce of that gentleman, give one or two reasons why 1 think that, with ilieVeWg he has expriss^tl—TO ncbly'aTd sireTorjtieiitTy Fxpres- fed-T-Jw; ought_tp..lie, .willing. t*t •£( ve .tfe? go by iiiib^|Mta(t*o4h«hWiiW<' ito. Wu -espeei at inu<tlrafr | .■HMMHWmiPmPlJHVIMIflPVPIV thallw.#l«h^lwiV* n, * aUR *^ drttsmioti strike. ,{<> bis amendment and to stand with us.. Let my «rth> I as hearefig die forse ofwessoO or nf j lodw’-VW^Chairman, itevaa birbo dmisk-rr,' ’ll is imno'sHilde tl»at those -two systems ;cw> e<>i* nhv to'4yfc lr*|u fiitftsther 'for any length of tonti ^tit|^#otfrrtlMtt it is the? dfryxtf kfesuhqiuii oft In; CVrijniiilee r«*t»h it? stmt n In «* plmfolfe; ^eoiihM>f Unit lectten, tl«* nolo protectimi.tif the daws of fee; UflihWfr.'ri tvs.*' . 5«: . rt J\Ifi‘t > fiairhHiiT,<!lii res's orte-blrfflrtion-urgBd, and o»re (Wfiripb relferi aw with greater* force thshrinydiWr—iohB to which wf attention has been «bourn by iHo Truest of those whothare fl sriissed this sbf jiTt on t$o other side. We are todfenk by «rwholdingt#«• -givi eg! t lie no. t ce first; our efeigmiioUTrdi p» there, nod .by thlt nife^i.s, that die country will he takeir pas-- •os who agrpe-on lids, subject meet on common •sgrnippj, iyi ,«upp.ort of be rosQhnion reported, jtrpm the Committee oji Foreign Adairs. What isf tlte > 4 ! lK.*fp»»ee.iti,th«jp i propositions 1 .The resofe{fen r u£the £cn»i>ilh;e 90 f«i{cig(£Affairs thi/j<Vlif<»wWt»Wi •hwtr^ntnrellielieTield^f^Wro^ds dy»t the Pr^idcMt forthwith' give, m i< o*rs, an I : Mr. j]'. :i')ek. qf fefri. spok* against the no tice. He was willing'that" preparations should - be made for the exigencies of war.. He was will ng to vote for buildingfottyiiynt stoamers— and keeping tip the present tariff---and to place fifty millions at the disposal of the President. He* was of opinion thaqwe are bound in honor to accede to the '49th, if Great Britain ehould oftbr it, ns he" believed -she would do. You. will here remark that not only Mr. Pol- lock, but ei’ery member of the House who lias spoken. Takes'it for granted that all the proffers of conciliation-arid compromise have to come from Grdat Britain. We have with- dmvrii piir (iff r, arid are to maintain a sullen silence lill'Grorlt Britain oders a compromise. She may bf! -1 equally stillen arid equally siient, in tvhicii crisb we mi|>lit as well give the notice, and prcpare'tb maintain oiir rights in Oregon. • Mr. Goodyear of New York, also spoko in f,,vor of the u'dtifc. Hitherto, he said, ibis had seemed to'bd* d question between the West am! the .Smith ; tli.i West had been supposed ■■■HHorr -3» JT.7 ^ T'ltlT r r^RAPlJ ! M-a/ ^<T%r>t Hieulb^n fab* and vftrf fcynmoh dent lo 'give tb« notice, but to abrogate the sec- B. * “* i " J ^ ^ * cmibSnmHea^omng^udge another by ourselves, ond clause, of the convention of 1827. This - fip r ' l! f ' aiti ivwwgrra TiiCbtlay, 20 J2T^CV-GC! CIS5 T^EST T*V January 27, 1846. gag; (crests jn his judgment, require, it. .Mr.Ch.qir- ynamd ^oosidyr tbnt this propo,srjo:i is evasive; and l uvor it so cpnsiih red hy this ; and the .J?onUi; tlio ' vesl nai1 oeen suppo: un.tpy, and ihc ,iiritish tiovcrnnwuit, VVby. to he pariicnlavly in favor of the resolution ito^pu .wLii fbempower ilje.Exi cutive to give { acedUid rtf her interests, and that the .thoTiofict; dilttm .the public' interest r. quire it, was to be peculiarly arid exclusively the.s'mertw If, at Ute.^anie lime, we are. not prepared, to |,hy the-CiinsequaRces. He did riot think that prey's the npinjnu th>*t the public i.-termt row . any part of the country corild be bonenited by • raqinies it J ' In war—no living man Would fail to stifler by iiir, the president of (he Ui.itcd States lias it, however glorious might be the result for sem'riti of a *! out title; quietly *ettled<; smd submitted, c.1.1. the information, io connectimt the corintry: I he State of Now \ ork, he sub- nrix',thnt Airfare not-now in n enmlitiun it) do- with tins subject, which.may propellv he sub- ; ™ tied, was us deeply Tiitcrested in the ques- fumr bur title i.nd mHint, in our rigbia. I will, mitted.and which in Iris opinion,.may have any | » ,,n a9 an J’ P r ’ r,,,>n ,he Union, having nn- - - extent of lake coast, and a foreign. com- m'Tcc exceeding that of the whole Union— unit geri.'Vmen, when will this government bo influeuceyipon Congress!" With this, he g ves j r, ady f When-willttris gnverrmcnr bB pn par- you his opinion that the notice might to bo giv- ed b»- n airriniw otir-just rigl ts In the Oregon, territory Wdf griirtlem» i u who follow tiiae in be so gried tisno iufnnn the covritvy forward \vlie«‘ inform the cdbhtvy prqpjises no\v, lint instead of taking upon our- to wHat petiridof litre Uietf.lortk formQ)'wten*i selves the respousihility ©f niecliiig the q ms- thc United States will he in a proper condition- lion and declaring that wc agree t ; o prpj to defend fil-r rin'tmitnl rights in the Oregon - rer- ritorj ? Where - is-The d fiiculty ? Why am. not prepared io defend <(>*• Oregon tor. itnry and. your rights iri Hint fcrriiory ? Is it owing to the ednd iiou of y.'i.r army l or of your navyi So fir as your army is coneurgnf, it is a settled pftfrffjjWe i i ilie goVorrvnent, if: I urwlcrstrind urd'apprecfdto out p-'ople migfit, tb»t-'tfan gov ernment never shall bo ihpendtmf irfg itrriiy frr’the profrcti-ui if the en at once, that this joint occnpam y shall forth with. CU.1SC, The gontleman from Alabama sidcaf, ami give <t to him as our opinion that the notico ought,to be given, and coll upon him you riot pref>aW»l t» drifeiuH. - .Why tndurit under bur.instructions, that we merely say to him Ibat.ito lias the power to do it, and wc shall leave bma to jdepido it. Is it ti e «.l>- j'-pt of-1bo gentleman from Alabama to p'ace upon tho Executive the responsibility of giving the notice when the public interest requires it? imtMungov- i If so the Executive has already taken that re- ori-n sttund- j sponsibility, ao far as it can be placed upon the rififhm «if the J shoulders of any man, by the recommendaiion pcoplri; You can never iiidoce, mnd i trust I w high he Ijas sub - r)it, his message. If you \-rtii *hU never rtes re »o • inducoi Has govern- I slosire, then, not to relieve youyselvcs. from the and the *p ; rit of iho Arimriran. piople. Tt-is<| rived when this notice should be given, when to tlie c'lizen soldier, flnd not the mercena-v [ this j'rint..occupancy should cease, .when the hireling, thill the American pcoplo look for the j rights of. the government should bo declared, defenfcB of their 1 righta’in nn nmrfgenoy of this J and maintained, cost what it may, then meet kind. Is yo tr navV n t prepared/-- Mr Chair- i itboldly face to face; come up to the question maa, I’unt riot prepared, noreshoolJ I detuin as presented by tbe report of the committee, you if 1 w»s prepared; «n go ireo ri discussion I and s$ty to tho President, cause tltc notice to of the conditio i aridClwracternf our rihvy be given. But do not avoid the responsibility; Hut -tell me when Ave will lie liettor prepan-d ij dq not .step gently behind the screen, and say than tve are ribwt \Vdl* h-bc atiomo future | to tjic President, “who deejico giving an opiu- p-riod ? Aragon prepared at ottcc to.make a !ic;.try approprietnm f*>r the inerenso-of your navy ? Wdl this government ©rer-bo piwpnr- rd, iri' g tin;© nf'', fo’ purstW n policy < f this klnrf ? ff wit -will did' r w«lt*>y- {Void the his’ory o! the prrifni - n r ('.)« ©aicsi preceding. And those whi? iiri»'riio4t ai x ousdibw for the scttloiri’dh't of - the Oregon question, and those who nre in ItrvefW postpenirig- it to a futnre : period—nrariyhf them wrtl be furifid on com- rijolh grotind iii warfare upon our litrie-rlavy— flial gaJkdit navy’which needs no prHise^freiin my hands; it' is Written in the bistri'y-of Hie country. ’ ' - - ■ • . . " ■ JXIri C, here pauaid a'miimerif fbitiqui e how m-'ch of lj*s,bour w -, is still iii-.exliausiied; utid liuvii'.g tlv^ lib had but abdut leqimitmtt's more, he proceeded as Cdlpws:] ui Mr. Clmiin>an, I h^v^exfausit-d. inqre tjnie upon 4i. : #c 1 uesioq ; uf .tlte-c oi e or two points tb.uiT ha I b te ried, aud Mon - I iiiu-t pws by WHno-oUififs■ io.n4iiaii;^ ^3 mr/nfed t» rej- r; 3’here -wjM« - , however, oqe pfoaiiuemly bright forivurd in. Ou*. discussios upbti'whick r must bestowal iigst a passing thought. Ii is said %jhosc \ybv Mr ^ ln . 1 M'jyi 9. pc?co measure, i.nd by Hv-'W '>i o oppoi.- it, that it is • ijotjpre- fmtf to *o.tho full extent >v,Ui.s«»m - who de. •tail UaMbri h.c*iv*h!e result of the passage 4M*bip»ri*!!i<p.w41 be to. involve tins.court try .14} a Wfody teiddes - ,frit live w$r. iSor an; - 1. pre- ‘0 . lv ''b those who jMUPiy,assert that there is no danger BWflfTaOtr ill rtierence foOregonl I #»btr >riiV3«U ou tiiis ground, that the .course which I.pqyjosc to pursue, is t|ie,oiie <wIe - J f e - bv lie mr.-eai! tail!, and |ipnor ofpiy country - a«n bi to ho tigl.ts uf.jny gpyennnenf, ap^ s .-nuiilcd, imt to. b.; evaded, but to VM Mdiies?,'firmness Muflbir-iKidn.— w.: ... Slaved; charged ourdutie^ then sir. nv : m Mf s»«- m muvwjK llt$ r .«, ; ntv .y.. .a. t i:, i ii!»usuicious— Snail rib eminent, am. we are in j»e iiiaiispiiiou^if n ^511 «ta«Mti»»rI«lfC Jhat.pursued -.policy. diaiaiuL ly ; bc»v wiorfU. i^eiiBinmArii'% WW’W KP n .Gwbu d jo op —iinr*ir<~jn|ii‘y , iijjT 111 ' ," p J ^ ion ourselves as to tiie proper pol cy to be pur sued ot tills aime; but we will give you the power, (wbicb.peihaps he may already possess.) if, in your judgment, the interest of the coun try icq.d e it, to g ve the notice hereafter.”— I- say,. let us have no evading of .this questioi:; iff we believe the notice ought to be given, let lia so declure by »ur acdons. The hammer of tho Chairvian suddenly.feli, terminating Mr C.’s remarks at this point, and ibe sburp sound, “Mr. Cbaitthm” rung from twenty.earcestiospirants for the floor. • I - -* ’* j *•{$ 5J»* 4 - . vCyiiS>|yn»ttruiS~ qf tbj phstiqllOH Courier. Washington, Jan. 15. Srimc onrio>ity hns heerr excited liy the prolonged Executive sessions of the Senate, and the voluminous KxeCu'tve - niessng-i sen' into the-Senn'e yesterday. In the ( resent stare' of a-rxritr, it would have been supposed tbat the-saibject was very important, r.s Mr. Cass stated ii to Ur;-but for the fact that the Senate would not allow it to interfere with their usual recess from Tim re day. to Mo diy. 1 imagine?that the^''.subject related to - Mr. iSli- dk1Hs. ednfirmation. • To show how -rumors arc got up here, 1 would mentionThat during tho Executive ses sion to^dnv; several Senators sent to the L\- hrary. jn great haste; -fur books and documents wjfa'iveto ourmogociations with England, and td tho-Oregon queston, and especially for the MoMb* .Sound Convention of 1790, as this mold, havo nothing 1 to do with nominations, Some supposed that the message of the Presi dent of yesterday, related to some now propo sition from him to the - government - of Great Brinrin. or to him from that, government on ilie-4td»ject of the Oregon' question. There 4* no doubt time Hie citvWiH be rife with ru- niurs to that effect. The • Senators have be come more chary of information as to Execn- ■terp proceedings of irripnrlance, since Mr. Tappan was censured tor divulging the Texan doc-tnieft-R.' :re •>» Tliemembers of the Hnusd are as anxious to-discurialhe (Jregen question < a* ever. Tire siibjfcct- has'certainly elicited much talent.— r fhe House is full, of talent for talking, if nothing else. There Iras been n great dev I of good speaking in the 11oust - . If to apeak wed fop the counffy bq as meritorious us to art ucll, nsSa’hiat srig.'osts, then Hi* House of llnpre- •eritHtives'deservVs great praise. Today tvc have four-speeches, and all very respectable ones—from Mr. Cocke of T« uii. ^ftti -Mr. JBedinger of -Va. aga-nst tho notice, and Mr, f>*»bbin of. N. G. and Mr. Moore of L'riihf'.'.rer-tDf it. - Mi - . Moore, 1:6f 80'sion, against the orifice,lieeiuste the negoti itioti was pending, 'arid: lie nbw goes forit because it is ended, and tfriit the lioiiorof thu conotry requires that wc slidtdd claim and s isKiin our rights. ; TTin debate VrtW continue till-tne. Liverpool ticket com-iCrig arid that may give a new rni- B it New York would li>m!y sustain tlie rights of tin; country' at all hazards ; even now, while w« were deliberating hero, tho Legislature of New York 'was about to adopt resolutions in favor of sustaining all our rights iri O.egoti. We had admitted that, in negotiations and treaties,for more than thirty years. The sub ject was one, there fore, for liori"riible cori-ipro- ni *c. AVe had gone to the utmost verge of concession when we''off.-red the 49th, and wo were bound to confirm that offer at .any time when Great Britain should accept it, as he sccnv-d to think thaf she would do. He was firritly convinced of the validity of our own ti tle, as stated in the arguments of the American negociafors, hut he placed no reliance on thp title of manifest destiny, which Was relied on go much by some of the \vi stem gentlemen; it >vas a robber’s title, and had been pleaded by Alexander tho Great, by'Bomei and by Napb- leOn, as an excuse for robbery and rapiridi — A war wijli Engl and would exert eVery nerve of tlie nation to its utmost strength. The gen tleman from Michigan had pledged hims< lf that the Michigan people rilonb would take Canada' in 9t) days. S-i tJcn Ilti!! Said, in bis procla mation, hut iu 20 days he V".s a prisoner Hfm'r self, with u!l tils arriiy. llo did n-'t tlfuik it woilii tvhile to bokst of victories before the fight haJ commenced, but,!fit must t«mmcnc6. be would promise, on tlie part <-f his constitu ents, that they would' dot hold hack from it. He wit decided I Ir. uf the ojduiuri (hit (lie im-i tic;: was a pence m'ns’tre, because it would draw.the notice of Great Britain to the sph- jcci, and caiivfricc her that we were "In earuc^t in d m >u iin : its •eulomenf. llie pfemises being at least equal, so far as the condition of England’s population is concerned. Thejiolice will serve only tq bring her to an The'Sh^rifTs were not enabled^to make them It i n tithe for tlie ‘ri-gitW* ^oi^r df^pS^lica- ont in time tion \Q ■ i; ! ■' OR'E&ON 1 ^ While wo have hitherto expressed our dis sent to the extravagant course_ ptifSu'ed* by Messrs. Douglass and Hannegan; and tq the. Quixotic resolutions of Mr. Allen of Ohio, we are far froth wislimg to be understood as be longing to that class of persons who qunhe nt the idea of a o.lli.sion wi:!i any foreign pm.-er, however potnut, in the defence <?f niir pnquus- ciottHWe rights—T - Hty;sncb class there W in report having been made to the Senate, Mr. Allen the Chairman of that Committee moved to fix the 27th inst. ns the day on which the discussion should commence. Mr. Haywood of*. N. C. moved- the 3d February, arid Mr. f We £Jb boon- compelled to dclav-llte publi-J* ad J ustment of the cause of misunderstanding. ^;„ n ^rou”anereto-dav. for ie^rKs, She wil1 come lo as desirous to preserv e ^ - rf -„ ' conaeqiieucnf^Si^SreWftff' Westeott of. Fla. moved the 10th February.-. cun be. But-yf .rash -counsels, shquld prevail, | On tlie vote being taken there were 32 for this und she should Ibrget her own Interests so‘far | last dale and IS against it. The names riftl le aato precipitate a contest; of which there is no; Senators voting in the affirmative and negative reasonable probability, we, in the defence of our| on this incidental proposition are as fellows*, clear qud unq-iestioridble rights writ feel, to a Ayes.—Archer, Barrow, Benton, Berrien, man, that tile wrong is on her side. - Let all Cuiheun,Chalmers, T. Clayton, J. M. Clayton, parties cherish the patriotic.sentiments of Mr. CMquitt, Corwin, Crittenden, Davis, Dayton - Cobb* which wo 'conclude With arid adopt, arid the honor, of .thp country will be preserved, as ivell as^its territory aud its peace! “I plant myself on tl>i-: .greand, that the f;coutS^-wh)tyktv propose to pursue is the one 'cklled for by the national fail it and honor of my eouriti-y'; rind I am iii the prosecution of what I conceive to be the just rights of rr.y govern ment, arid qm endeavoring to carry out tlie policy best Calculated to secure this end. if peace bo the result, 1 sliall gladly welcome it. If jvpr be the consequence, ivo must meet it.— ! It is a crisis not to bo avoided, not to be evaded, this country- - AV© idiidri by'tbe cid.D.'tefttWi'r. u<q ftnn ‘;ess v?.>I*a rd wo fully, concur inth t Vraigl.t. forwa. d, quivOcohson!imeiA* but tqbdibiX'%iih boldness, firmness, and de- h* !; cision.' .When we have discharged our duties, Ctfbb, uho-e spur ell wu publisii in to-day' paper- We are not upon the twelve as by any means ; then, sir, it will be for another depai Orient of , «7 lewnvc t ep p».|-4uuki3 me i interests oi niy couinrv, as tar ns i na ingribe-. jeint occppgijcy-qjj. tlie. ten ttqiy.iand j eoqMMMi appreciate 4hase.-interests.” . dt^sire to bring to a conclusion tho Ipng ad- ' joorned subject; Wliat cause of grievance is this? S’ucVv ait event is coriteniplafeff by the treaty. It must come at some period, why not now? Our people have settled, and are set ting the Oregon on the faith of being, under, the protection of tlie United Sint’cs.-^Edglirid has extend' d her laws over her subjects in that country, and .it may,be said that our doing tlie, same would bo sufficient fur present purposes, but a moment’s reflectiirii wilfprove the im practicability of’such an idea. One only has to imagine himself living in a land w! ere re- publican institutions ^j^djqqqiitichy and qi^qc.:, racy bem* cqnbHwayrri> isoe bow such a plan, would operate, Jt would be hkc two heads’to- one family, or two mailers on one (.lantation. Endless bioiU would ai d, .the govtn n-:^ight into coustuaHcouiaioo, by dm- qitariel-rt'ft^e VrimonKine tiCiebbors.' . -o 'Theji onhy 'serVbAo'^brrnjr ft' tA'a Sg TgLEGRAPH, ;i\ViASHi.NGTON' Citv, Jan, 14th, 1846. Tho jircgun question has been the question of questions during the week past, and like Aaron’s rod it has swallowed up aTlI the rods of I’baraob’sj.qiagicians—rill "other measures and questions have succtimbod before this overshad. * Tne House Af.Ucprv^eritaiives has e to Drmg i!f»;n settl-d sp.-fdy eonclusio-!. And ndrifj will bo. no.ibrngrir apy .quystion qpe i U*ny,ecn. Eriglandtiridi thu UniHil. Sir.t< - s, to disturbitlvui plMtcefiil re : ;bi(«fs ; ivhf«*li Thrib- iritrtuHbittrercsts s.» mni'ii te -I t■ > ( i e ;,- rvo. I p 11 ';’ 'sitirihAff' Mr. Hi 1 'aril, t<> throw i.h'- duly of serving the on t’e.'Bewsi'ient, is un wot thy, ,ot >|;e ou- Corrcipntideiice<if tin. Mercury.' W.tSHiNoro.v, Jan, 17,4946. . The-S-’IIOt ': sv»s iK,t l«».MWsioil .Iaw!hv. HOUSE OF BEPEESENTATIVE8. 'i lie !dpeik«*r laid before thu House a c» nv mu - *icuti«ti from the Treasury DcpaurofetiUu ciisiu.t.'nriworthy • rif wtr eountry.-svAt best it answer to 4 Hesolmion <;f the House calling, c ftyfce - *ftil'WnHe - 4iiO.T-«^ri«n - 's'ils't»!e‘Pre'sblfrib for certain information in rohaioti to the .ereq-. I . , . i ; - . < hi. ti... of a Marine llo,pita.Ut.Ocraeocl, - , it. Noah. '-“S ^ Mg" ! " ) Carolina. ,.,j klu)t«»U»»b«k,fospiflj4l^ty c-.u..! ne t.-.row-i )\Jso, a qommiiutcatier) in reply to needier I on him,dnr. tliwpass.'igtooMfiq res dotjori. j Lot Be-wluikrii, stilting that tie* l> •partuient was ; GorigreSs - eaose tbit Prtisjdi trt to- give-thfc no- not ncqiiriii.ted with tbs fat :pf any attempts, t rici-.ds hi- idriu’d assuredlv tkv.'an-J whSt writ** having been made trteVado the, Iicvpmio di*»S! ’ " ' * ' by the itHroductionaif Syrups under thv name', of Mol arise?; and, .giviug infurntatiuii: relative to tlie rests,«p(»lieJ. to this article to preveu. Iraids. j . «. -j ; {.•/:©•} .tq »Mr. .McConnell, of Alabama, made Atq *«- eitbcloal attempt to introduce it Rt - s<>hit. : o:r -in-; sit u-tting ti«e Gonituittee.on Ways .and Mean* to inquire info tlie expedivitcy of repeal dig the from tfewrA of Jlr. Oobb t wllb csy»biiirp» idea bri«i^Vhri:i\^*C:W. ,U ' - ' ! f **« - Mr. Ckairtnan', will any friend, or r;.tb--r rcry tbiug else is lost lie I,lie, resort To pface'-oui - youritry in a fa's& pa-i f»n, tq,|he eyes ;;f Engl.r d, i>f t:i Idniopt;, arid -jeopardiso tlie peace, of.thu. iwo couii’.ritUi morethan every thing—however iinliscree'.—> which may kwu hreri Vtitl br ’deflA -Eiiglau-I woubr then'.act "oil ihel fitlko pivsumn?^Jtl : mat : -it—- , si ; f, Mur lYq-iJent upour,pcpp'c/bUyr ou t|jq.s-tb. duiies.dD-Soil .(Hid. Irion. * Ghjectibu; being jec', w 11 i c I ii i-nnteui' turly ht Ire. madoitt .v»:is notireceivrd.: .^If i vt u • "oa <>< M| ‘ ■ ' -s, ; Tho ITotisn resolved, imdf into Committee of tlwi Whifii ..n l took up the Bill to carry itttn effi-ct ,|Jw ConVe- title with, Peru granting and p yitig certain »i)denniities : to American morchuiits. The Bill pro; osed to authorize the Attorney .General to adjudicate the cl,rims, and appropriated 62000 for Iris comper>aatMtf and fimK). for; |iis Clerk. TU»» was objected to, as it was contend-d Uiat it ought to be paid by llmdaiTtants tjnd not by the-. Treasury, .and « long-dlthate arose respecting it, and bad not concluded, when > JVlr. It. M. T. fluuter moved tlwt. the Com mittee i btvwhich was agreed to, arid • Mr. Droooigitolu jtiien, in a »bfy feeing, chaste,and .appropriate address, nniifuncd t|ie d'-atb i>£ VY-iUiam T ; »ylur, of \’irgi-ia, vviio (lied vw v Ktitldeidy this niorui/jg *04 .o’clock of an afTeciion of tho heart, moyiug i|te «8ual.Jies<d u dprs .that the members of (Jon-i into mourning ,fi»r 39 d <y,i, &.c.. and t|wt. tfivy wojildja.iteiidhis fuue.rii! on Monday. at.!ialf|Kist l2 o’viuek, and then The House «tj urn*d at.3.. P. M. llh.eto-jjiat'Parliament which the Executive has communicated to Congress; let th t be_ followed by a vote- oil the j art of Con gress. refusing' :o carry out the roc<>i«tme:!d:i- tion of the I’lesident in giving the i>otiee. and will.liq;But say British siatesirien wdfrbb fully autb'orized'.tp draw the inference that the nnii»frft««{ ill** mi tPfl Mfl!A« HOt 11 lift’d • ■ Jt l .fl ,1 11} IO I "O v-p ...w (idyeijpncnt? It dors strike inv mind, Mr. (Hi lintiao, if I occupied (lie position wlrch I liave supposed BiTtisn statesmen to‘occupy, that juy mind would ho drawn very clearly to;the conclusion tint ilfe Amiiri'eari Cdngr>'sh aPc’not. • , ired to concur in iho opinion expressed by the Executive of tlie’Vtnted Sfbesfkqd thtic 2. r.. aVGA:'..!: ?j c... *.v.U O.ymg one beto (be arena,day. Jiy day, of a debate, the in t -reat of ivhtol;|l;^gs nof, : nor firfts, b-it continues rind iricreases from day to day. Ic is a ques ■ion in which inn rcrird ; it seems to’be overridirig jiar'y tie* mil assooiations, and jdacing-men in new positions: ittJeed it bids fi7r Uj break tip iho"<*t,1'party .brganizttiohs, mi l refbrtif, tfntl - recmistitute tha b wndmries of party—those b ind trios to’be do longer Whig top Democrat, but to be b nilcdionly by the title of AMERICAN. li It "true "that there li diversify 'of ft idirori— gre f drv^er^ity rif opinion—as to the particular proposition now before tho Ho tseof Represon- tativ- s, projpojfiya^ly ric^iaitje!^!.,ti> the Presi- “? ^ real Britain for t! >c MOjn]M]c^^ik«|oiivent : o : of b^J^ Hud .that men of the Devnoerutit! purty-are Ojiposod to giving 1 titx'v and t'liuk.tici UifiMiost. plunjs lu. allow the liinTferrib rest tinil ori'r-pviple b»*e .planted tlwms lye/in Uie-Ter.iio.'t, and pat us in a |)oslri,m W .’■(-•lain i'.e o' a wo - should qeysif with. Greri .Britvin r- - spec ftrg it. Bat it fs eq-itdlv tru --Hiaf these j>cr.<qes Iwu one mV! tdbiSiielareJrilMtir ilejei'lftPWMtJB* if this nrstisure tyiplcli t'!iej r think m ty 1-ad i6 - 'a W?! ri|.*vi!-J i>; a i nve I, to st i-t 1 by lltfeii a ittti'-ry, and tfa .war. .-ho'il.i bo the restili, no j o' ctpoliyiiif the c'rir.iet-r an f previous i hfi* of ibev-V moo, tv*lit n-moiueut bn 1, r,^ - -vj y that tiiey ivilfbo. trio inos'. .*,tre. ti ms. -and tirgont in-an-jjjort of every iiteufrire iVicesririy for the d ibrij^pnj|^ *wn r * Ktrit A OJtlTtftgi A Darbig th-rweek which Ins’ el tpsod since niy k.stdcuenniiiy ablasp JoihW liawri'been detiv- the H. R. .Mr. C *bb, of $l^~S9ge, ahjy and.el’qicyi'ly supported the rosqludon unJer disen-sion, and wliicli was reportedriiy tfic Co.nmlttee b'lVFofeigh AlTiirs^of vvbicb b ; is a momher. As his'■speech Ins barn reported at leiigth Jn the p ip - rs >>f tlv.s city, ) think it unnecessary we tne to give-ariy extoiuied iioric-i: ofjk It iiaslfistcncd to with imrheJ'ntteotion by a very fill House jin I will certainly be read with pleasure by his constituents. Mr.''Toombs of jKSfr Stale lias ribo a-ldrjj^ sod tin-.House on tills q-'.esion. lie- too gors forgiving the not ce. btlto advance sojnetbing retv 1 suppose; for I ran bar.iiy conct'ive any other retjs.ouhq/irgut tl jhat' opr tide fq Oregon was not clear except to the tneu li of the Co- f>ia.. Mr. T. came lu re with considernhle Eva' s, Greene, Haywood, Jnrnagin, Johnson of Md., Jolmson of La., Lewis,McDuffie, Man- gum, Miller, Pierce, Pepnybtcker, Phelps, Speight, Upham, Webster, M’estcott, Wood- bridge and Yulee, 32. Nays.—A{l<?n, Ashley, Atchison, Atherton, Breese, B-ight, Cameron, Cass, Dickinson, Dix, Fairfield, Hannegan, Jcuness, Niles, Sem. pic, Sevier, Sturgeon, Turney, IS. This vote is considered indicative of a deter mination on the part of the Senate at the least not to be hasty in this matter, but to be delibe rative and weigh well what they are about.—. On the same day when this vote was taken tli# Affairs reported a in view of the pres, proposes to build 10 Steam-frigates of iron; 5 Sloops of War; and ten smaller Voss. Is, as well as tocomp'oe the vessels n'tw on the stocks, and makes the following appropriations : For huikliitg the Steamers, 85,025,000 Fur completing the vessels oil the stocks, 2 020,000 For repairs, 1,520,00(1 For ordnance, 500,000 For naval supplies, 675,000 $11,240,00 a the lumbi. month, <>f a very ibridfra ch tracfer,''iicaf]y <ri:e- futir'll (4 th.>‘tint'n ri.MH/y r-(n^nirt,!/l r l * Ii /* f/>I _ lowing sritif fis f)tr;ckJa so er t lly ro)a*s is not t-tear tq the nnnd of up.Ui hts reputation. I lie Hubs of Congress u 1.i’tt*W...*:- A..-. ■ r* ~e .'i.« tr»:. , i , . . ■ . . • f are places of dedsive lests as^p tiie jc ipacny of orators; and with reference U) Mr. Tootnbs atid^Ke itgpfwsijioiijic pioduccd, it ..may' be best | Gambling ^rdci‘'ry.' ) ''K' IK’s'*dry'^gnt»d'i'stf)re, | coiiniiiVnicafiou, a more favdrk'bli’^W^Wfelflvv expressed by one word which was uttered in E* ieV.tiiVtifr'shop,', th'a' Observer priming of- I tlie Bniisli y covcl - nm'eii». ' s^f.^P’Wb'rot; r' r{ ■ V.V.: ; 4 I .J ■ 1 h _rj. , • Total, This day also, there has been a v< te in tho Senate which has attracted much attention and remark. Mr. Allen asked leave to introduce a joint resolution rel itive to the interference of Foreign Powers with the Independent nation* of Americt and declaring 'that the U. S. would not perm t such interference. Mr. Calhoun called attention t » the fact that the p>nioncf the Presidents message re.lating. to this subject had been referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, of which M' - . Allen is chairman, anl vet he had taken the unprecedente 1 and un parliamentary coarse of I.-'.troJucing thus; res- o I alio hi'mi this subject without ever co’isttliing atiy of t ie members of that committee. Mr. J trnagin of Tnn:i.;thu t ra t io a m-tilvi'to hr th •q iestiopi of yr tsting leave on the table which was ca rte l by 23 to 24 ; which is iiiriversallv cons dered is a severe ro -tik: to Mr. Allan, and very jo'sdy* 1 Je-terred. y.i i wi 1 n nice in the 1 jst of ye^s anl n^p j;i ven above, the name of Yu lee, which wi( probably s- eni strange to you. It ronv tlwrc* lore be-as ml! to s'a’e llpil Mri Levy of Flan- d ' b«s bad Ids changed;by the h-gshiuro of his statu to Ynice, by w <icti ho w li hence- ibrlh be known-. . ■, •; Tit ^ ii* eretary t f the 3’- eastny is busily er- gagf d as I b-a n in daily c'ntd'ertree wi'lt 1 nun her of Custmn h mse office! s front vnrioc* p- i ts who ; re new I rite w til a view to gir« him aid mid b.fewiariouin. drawing up a plan of a rat in'in ttb-'diettce to the requisition tfth* Coo.ndlUe oil W u vs :o;d .Ml-jhis which 'called upon It nt t*» furisr^s ri jeab ft! a theta XV'hist vi*ill be ike pricis-* feiitures of tins inform y-iu iv liner tban ilia; a I du'®* Will be laid t#.Y valorem a^d t-oise tprcrfr\ 1 a’so learn th - it Tea*.and CefEte^riU siilt bo left free. I regcqt to learn jfi) irir.gtn-icb «* M Tar fF ciin be a revenue -a Lie!) leaves untaxrd these two articles. Ti-ey are .tlie ruost legit.'* mate subjects of taxafion wb|cb wc import* 1 -* And b is very certain that f an ad voMrem diity of 20 per cent, on t! e-e two articles rai-e revenue to the anioont <>f thrie milliMof Uttflctrs (Which it wott'd) and yet they are lift frrih, t’-at other articles must b» taxed wore highly in dr ier to produce this amount of fere- . trie than ..tliry .wou’d ntitqrwise be. It i* M1 ' detit Hi ere ft) re that if three miiidtis of addilioi' 3 ^ j ditties have to be levied on articles wbicb C(,R1!I into competition with articles made in the U* tlie iidthtioiiul duti- s required to raise tM anioririt of rt-veinie mrist be pret- rtive dritses- * And tin* known effect of a prot> ctiye duty L- |J t .ke from the pocki ts of the coipunicrs at J f at into the povkets >if the mtinuftetnrers ii sUt ’ three or . (Our times (or mm j as greats 1,l3t woicb finds its way into the Trea-tiry. There* and raising titc three miliious of revenue, suit thoti of feu-tne Tea «>«•<• —— ,.. which froth other articles, ■ 1 9uni# .1, i pofuiri) trif tgHinl. «w» wj»« b.aye argued -«*»** ifi*»witidnriWfi|i^ilbttiHtu«se; fed j.liat-,0' < g >n will Sever hm i4mh#Mor,fif t,'io Strtfgtfle:oft Wiir,-«K> b.-migla to jiwt fopqliHjaHfr p\ r » upon.tins d v, tbi-t uteqiqiaj'lg,,g)nfii>iraEiylijl: of J imiarv/let it iH>t) e ljf^u|p,;jg ;vfncri£t’ stntcsnr gnvorotqeat c- - t Washington, Jam 46. I ffearn tbSt rieveril of the umi-slavery in tn- tri-rs afe'griing fer tile resolution to itatinl U»e Gbhvtrirtmri; ^ T-ire names of Mr. Culver -an ! (Mr. Albert SmitK «f NwY. are nientiuood. ricjjii u ThtS iM^ftirds with ’ibssuroi'iso ;b» - t>wii out by. [tu;A>neriqui-C‘)(\gc«;''3, tbbt Ufu Mr. -Ehr-ft, in his apeecb-.. . i> , i«.j . • . cm Lu tic; .iYcii f ' Tin’ ii'.ii ato ip tipi 0 • t tlie fi e brigiitared; that ..nt n Briift|iau>joflt AfilUKI Aptoycui) *.«!><** ' 1 if cenu* it musttoliterc e>. • *'!$V c »,fJ 1 ® trust in bcavait it *v t»l 4* - *"•* Mr. Obiirimti. l ib siird to < 0^1 l^r t ! e jf° : position', which lri*.fer«o.«ufe*‘iijjj4 ' L tbrm i,f an hBhJuiIiiv - >t*hy jlip ' , -yaliamii,;[Mr, i Hippon ,,f p-e view* he preset n:d tovT-e tjousaj, I listoncii with deep interest, und with fee coutuo ting*mftridter. ft wall probably be called «p du'Mrt-dty. -^T^Hon-io resumed, in Committoo-of tbe WiPdev the r<-s ilutinti (or annulling the con vention wltflGre-t Bi'iotttb - Mr. Hric!k4-fell, rif'Gnhntctleut, apokoiiu qj’ Latkb_ Fito?t 'Pexas.—-The steumship M’- Kim arrived at.New Orleans on .Sunday ft urn Galveston. Site left that place on tho loth inst. On the J2»h, President Jones issued I its p roc. la matron at uonneing-the receipt <-f official in- tpliigonra of rite passuge by tlio Cut-grass, and can ri appk-ovai by the President - of the , United Staves,-of- the joint Resolution fur the admission 6l-Texas into tho Union; and directing the members of the Legislatute elect to assi tttble in regular bieiurittl se ssion at Austin yn Mon day, (be Hhb of February next, and proceed to Ohgsnize b Srate-Goaornmeiit. l <i^ijit - . Eil-ott, 'TI. B. M’s cx-Miuister to Texri^'he ‘**ottu with the white hai’-’-r i#d - drrivctl ut Galveston. 9 ; ,v- • r -S‘ ft is riscertained bevotnl ;i .bvilit that l|te r Hun. N. HJDicnall bas been elected LieUtun- ai»J vvliioh is so oruijf Vty^ omm^rtrio tno },4? made one k'.own sentiments and opinions of th * Amenc ui . -.wtiyn-™, «, people. If wre'arc determined, Uten, Mr. Cliairi «’! was ccmmly a most aj*.e-ne, and bra ’ A i mj. uveus q«5£*VI l!*ui WC^Vi v v... J .Lafg JUmSWU&tUn , V SW,! ; U *' U ury shbiiM refrain.fro... proposing to tax ' ' ’- -i t'_ ’ i riUo.-e flllil‘“ C [)urd® c Lnii'ttJi betber It at^'ii lualif 1 lastly our j anexp Job* 1 p03» J [the qu Hag « )uke e rme Th specu &on th lUniu ! the q Tli it wil vatioi Lord (Juec try jt lerstoi I post [fairs* - in dc iindef | cone elati [that jgom laces; I niak ! offet F ! Con: ! fall* to ii bet' 1 It w prod mp' ted i facil oom tone | taril I revt t tat ly n enc( any fat'd the £u is!n Uidl g'on. the ib*s I an le(d I q'to; tr-icl I 010 Ii berl -Vl'i'l tbi-t stall nml UMii anti that the ami ' t fall Ion Uni fry th cot bet .tno tiot pet liki .firv uic *.45 be prr rat rno bo evi oui Tor act articles. ' The Committee t.f W«.V S ' howcVei* is nni hound' to report bfsj" a . n {0 . House, and I hope they will propose ^ * n ^ j a duty oo tlmse articles, and if the} 0 j hope .Congress will. It pught JO he d 000 i»aai lectuigs, tint Situ snoui-J no iungt;r perenu ••• ms,*- another p-.uer, however grnat'IWlveWi'ff^l*. ^live all arguud in favorjotfowMtgjfo WUfff. ’ b'.Aveye.r' domineering to (-njby , Hi' < ennidn)n The d^)qiB w iljit^f slilLeoiuiniles and will . with Iter rigitts to wh’ioh slid ii:v4 'TtcPel^af title, probaldv do sofbr-nt least a f>>rtnigbt ir>nger.A- V; 10 Wh5cl1 " " ,S nu iii: ' uh:: ' CVi;I The liu til her ot m m! m * whoderire to ^pres, nTyfajKrB ttBitbloi Jqjiirifl/'jhfc ittMIllfluiifSI j r war’s foil owing tliis notice, as has - been conju- T i was io*4«vpr;of t jj* j U Qia^ritil TH whi r i n i . a-ritotiee'-itfcefl lndtifitod k>em. Jio fuf, Acs jW-jcfr n. Hire*L i red iiripfentmsti Tl^SWTOWt WlNi’>ra<»«-u»rdi>BeihaH»i>rd^>^.x%^b4 | the Washington U. S. Jtfurndl. j»rtj;)oai|iuF»i ninde by Mr. Crittenden ia the Senate.' re d up to (!tc irrt tgib/ttion by the pupets in fee I ; I Ilf !: - c :;!u - k ; *b! i cliques ■ f M r .I! street. If we June interests to preserve ’by p-a< - e, or to s'-iffi-r by war, has not England coi rp^ponding in'erests to ['reserve or sufifcr? No mun - wishes Jo p]nngc*4bjs country into war, tnS’itoati lias any a-lcqua te motive for driSig so. their opinions on this quei^ very large, and the struggle to obtain the floor at tlie c ui- elusion of every s’pdTcli is very r.utusuig while it gives evidence of tbb inlerestrivhicb is felt in the question und* r diwwwion. - f In the waatp the qm'sritjn 1i*fs jieen hro-ttgjit ■ up-in a report from theX’ *r • tlurefure l hope it will be d":"*; % ^ 7.0' ■ .V.' \V’AS)ilNkT ! 'X ClTTi Tho most .important' and st'.ri'feg ff); d my last letter, have been tlie> q* -i • ' ' ' sWceesfttftn of .three vessels from - i. i i; ! *• r i t*- 'i n ii i th-' 1 '■ " " . First we had the.Oxf»rd b;i'tgnig '" J AfTtirs rccomm-rtgin r f\Ka .>a<,ag - of joint tqs*T ’b; en deti olu ions, not merely to rccomriiCt.J ;itu-. si- rrH t :r mxellij. r * nee from L' - n'fei , ' . .[n , 1 ' . I Ttgome was the. anntutr.c-'raraa - . >• - , 5. t ! >t ih- - i* pe I rd lb' - 1 “ ‘ _ jV rtutn- -1 \ xt in hy Cm tl.o lufta