Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 30, 1849, Image 3

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Tclcgrapfaic Intelligence. . JtigM | ,TT ID FOR THE OEOROIA TILEORAFR.] 1 * BALTIMORE, Jan. 2Sih. 8i o’clock. jCitv Tore. Jan- 27.—Cotton firm, brisk sate*. ‘ thousand bate* sold to-day at full prices.— I’ork advancing. Corn slightly declined. Rico j. # per. lb. Groceries, Wheat and Flour atea- jy and unchanged. Wo Steamer. Health of New OrleniM. We are glad to announce, says the Delta of Wednesday last, as the best proof of the fact that a, dread scourgo which recently afflicted our city. ted so much alarm, and proved so injurious to b tinets. is now no longer to be feared, even by tbs most timid—that it is really defunct—dead and baried-that at the Charity Hospital yesterday not ijuglo case ofChoIera was among the admissions. We trust thoso journals at a distance—especially tbote in the West and South-Weal which have *o remarkably industrious in giving curren- *y to every absurd rumor respecting the so-called terrible state of things here, of which, by the way, they have published such accounts as have amused while they have annoyed our citizens, will be equally iudustriona in giving currency to the fact that the Cholera in Now Orleans ia now '‘among tho things that were;" that our streata look gay as ever With the presence of crowds of beauty, and bust ling with the increase of business The Crescent City once more wears its wonted winter appear ance. - Tut Socthksn Caucus.—The Washington cor respondent of the Philadelphia North American, who seems to have boeu pretty well adviaed of the proceedings ortho Southern oaucna, givea tho following as the ayea and uaya on the vote to rec ommit the address. Thoae of the ayes in Italic* , Democrats. In the nays Mr- Oatle wa« the only Whig. Aves.—Messrs Clayton, Spruance, Pearce, R. Johnson, Roman, Life*, Chapman, Mthant, Cris, field, Flournoy, Goggm, Pendleton, McDowell Fulton. Clingman, Barringer Dankl, McKay.Rerri •n. T. B. King, J. W. Jones, Lnmphin, Cobh, Steph «n>, Toomb*. Hilliard, Tompkins, Metcalf, Under wood, Boyd, Morebead, Bell, Cocke, Crazier, Tkomat, Gentry, Barrow, Haskell, Bowlin, Cabell, Rusk, Eoutlon, Kaufmann, Pillsbury—U. \ ir3 _Me«sr«. Mann, Hunter, Atkinson, Meade Bacock, Baylv. Bedinzer, Thompson, W. G. Brown Veuable, Boiler, Calhoqn, Wallace. Simpaon, Woodward, Holmes, Rhett, Harriaon, Iverson, W. R. King, Fitzpatrick. Gatlk, Harris, Inge, Peyton, Davis, Foote, I. Thompson, Featberston, A- G. Brown, Downs, La. Sere, Harmnnsun, Morse. Turney, Hill, Stannlnn, Atchison, Borland, R. W. Johnson, Weatcott, Yulee—48. M*. Cl at is thz 8 c a ate.—A despatch from Frankfort, to (he Baltimore Sun, dated the 24th inst., says in relation to the whig legislative nomi nation just made of Mr. Clay for the Cited State* Senate:— -A letter has been received from Mr. Clay, in which be ezpreaaes hia willingness to accept the nomination. It ia understood here that Mr. Clay will accompany Geueral Taylor on bis route to the Seat of Government, taking this city on their pro gress thither." California. The Boston Traveller of t late date contains the following oz tract, confirming in a great degree the ritraordinary account* hitherto publiaied through out the country in regard to the wealth of the Cali fornia Mines:— “Letters have been received by one of our most respectable bouses, stating that their agent in Cali fornia had shipped $260,000 in gold to England, and that there was upwards of too milt ions of dol- Im ready to be shipped to this city (New York) as soon as vessels could bo found to bring it. This amouut is independent of the stock held and con signed to other places." Another letter (from the same son roe) contain* the following extract of a letter dated San Franco* rn, Ort. 05th, the writer of which ia agent of a California house in New York: “I can't get men aven at $J5 per d*T to put up the kuildingstbat 1 want, nnd at this rate they will :mt work over six nr seven hours per day. This is not so surprising when I assure yon that several persons of my acquaintance who have returned, aveiagcd ms thousand dollari per day iu the 'gold diggina.’ Gold is now ao much more abnpdaul than money tbatitisouly worth $8 per ounce, pay able in coin." Merchant* with capital will make immense for* tunes in this way, ns the gold dust bought at $8 the ounce, return* to them from Mnzatlan in thirty days iu the shape of coin, and worth just doable it* ori ginal cost. A letter received in this city from the gold region says: "oread ia getting to be scarcer than gold." The writer any* that those who land on the const with money in their pockets, do very well, but ad vises no one to come unless lie can calculate upon asurplut after payiug for hi* passage. Public Heeiiai la Vptoa. I DR-WISTAR/SBALSAM OF AVTLDCHERRY THOMASTON, Jan. 27, 1849. —Quackery—No Deception.—In setting forth a,. i, ;s . p„b». of*. „ r count/of Upson, (which had been called by a ' tion, nor do we wish to eoknjize it more than it justly preliminary meeting, bold prior to this ) for tho I <,e,erTes - Yet when we look aronud and see the vast 1 .• . ‘ ^ ‘. uo amount of aotlenner and distress octassinoed by many purpose of taking into consideration tho action of | of the diseases in which this medicine has proved so Congress upon llio slavery question, Air. Robert “ueeaatul, we feel that we cannot urge its Colm„ w„. dl-J M tbaOUir, aad Hr., I ^ A. D. Weaver, appointed Secretary. General puffed into notice fortbe cure of di&eases of the lungs, Evans then arose nnd explained the object of the meeting in a short and concise speech. After! physician** and all wbohave witnessed its effects, that Gen. E. had concluded his remarks, Mr. Matthew i ™ ne lias proved as successful is this. For Asthma, c , - , , ,, , ,, . ,, ^ Shortness of Breutt, and similar affections, it mav bo sandwich otic re a tne following preamble and re* j pronounced a positive cure. It haa cured Asthma in •oliltiooa: I many cases often and twenty years* standimr, after When tn tho course of human event* the power SSkST** dCClired lh ° C “' ebey ° Dd tbc fcach of of Governments becomes subversive of the rights None genuine, unless signed I. Butts on the wrap of tbe peopK it ia the most sacred doty of freemen P e I-. to redress the wronp-nud it is „ 0 less than the Forsafc SuE*SiM* Mac™, by BRU highest privilege ofthe governed to anticipate com, NO A VIRGINS, and GEORGE PAYNE. Drug ing evils, and in all forms, proper to stay their per- u'cerght** 11,(1 dea ^ cr * * n Medicine generallyrin petration. - * No. the slave-holding State, in commor, with SWAYNE’3 COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD the Free States are members of a Cniun, formed I A Truly Wovdertul Core ' in the spirit of compromise on the principle of Dr.Swayne—Dear Sir: In October last, while en- eqnity. Onr fathers were patriots and to blaze tbe gaged with Mr. Joseph Smith, in a saw mill, near way through a wilderness of tyranny for ua, to Waynesbarg, I was attacked with a cough, from grandeur and glory, they originated for os a Uuinn bein S ex P°*ed at night, which gradually increased. whose base was this spirit and that principle I *ttended with spitting of blood and a severe pain in That Union ia dear tons as "the rwddv drops br ««t, loss of appetite. feaer, Ac. Ac, which was which warm the heart;” its dissolution would he f'T® y !! npporUble - 1 wbo were wbo1 :?z!”“5" ts i* 1 s essmk lla - J ,ul uot the greatest. Submission to the lusa- was then attended by several Physicians, bat still tiable craviugs of anU.slavery is infinitely worse grew worse, until my medical attendants gave me op than all our blessings in the Union; “it would de- «* incurable. .Subsequently, my wife observing in moralize tbo constitution of oar whole society, it oaeoftlie public prints, an advertisement of Doctor wonld let loose around our firesides, upon our at- I Swyyne 1 * Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, proegred tara the fierceat butchery and bloodshed the world “ e °? e h 0 ** 1 ® ' ro “ Francis McClure, your agent in orer witnessed Beginning withn few dispersed fan- Levmtowm which reliered me. I continued until \ r i C C iautfie e “e ,h fiendUll U Tnd 1 ""<>* ^ I^rite' thtatoYffer «£ a giant fierce, fiendish, and alrtauy mighty, anil j thanks, and yoa are at liberty to make it known, so all the time the ay ren song has been ebaunted iu that if any human being is •offering as I have been, our ears, "be stiilui) is well. Tbi* we used to | he may have recourse to yonr invaluable medicine, hear froth thoao who feigned to be onr friends iu Yonrs. John P. Boise. tbe enemy's land, bat now tbe note is struck in Lewistown. Pa. our very midat,& that too wheu every man who has HP" Be not deceived by the many spurious and dared to show tho “spirit" and "principle” that preparations of Wild Cherry, ushered into made tbe Union i* already .truck down smon- n°t.ce b y ignorant pretender., butsee *££•**» v». ,n . / ture of Dr. Swayne is on each bottle, which is the only ourenemiea. Yes, we arediotated tir, to be still," guarantee against imposition, while our enemies are belcaaormg us in open dav In-..., ,,, . , ?ho d “j?vs* pared ^ the last outposts of onr rigbta. The North is I Hace streets, Philadelphia. united, and uo candid man Will deny it; we will I Dr. Swayne'* Compound Syrop of Wild Cherry it be united too. Aud wo the citizens of Upson ir- put up in square bottles, enveloped with a handsome respective of party, regardless alike of the taunts steel engraving, bearing the signature of Dr. H. oi Iriends. aud the threats of enemies. SWAYNE, and is sold by agents in all the principal Resolved, That on the slavery question we are to D* throughout the United States. one. Southerners, slavery men. And, ^noe $1 per bottle—Six buttes J?r 45. tl m , ™rdffer S LTe 1 i ! th7rin oni^ ed<!ePe *- 8r,er ’ w -*8-*'ELLIS,'“aud *SHOTw£tL jf GILBERT, that any d Hereuca either in opiniun or action ez- Macon. Ga. 27 ill* among our member* in Cuiigreas. And, 1 Resolved, That we shall see with deep humilia tion, a division among the people of Georgia upon this question ao vital, aud rapidly assuming a posi tion in which we must triumph or be couquored. Resolved, That we believe the luatilation of Af- rienu Slavery as it exists among ns. one that baa Wild CItcrry and SarsaparillaPills. Dr. LE ROY, a Licentiate ofthe Royal College of Physicians in London, having used in his private prac tice, fora number of years, the Wild Cherry and Sar saparilla, at length mado an extract of them, which, with other vegetables, he has combined in one of the , , , - -« , . best Pill* ever made known to the European comma- , vh.ciI 8 lurg* Race from the most degraded bar- „j t y f which met the attention of the American barism to a good degree of Civilization ; while uo people. They are the moat efficacious purgative and other Institution has made* tube ofita progress* tonic yet discovered. (and mav have beeu tried.) T/fE WILD CHERRY Resolved, That there exists on no spot on this is an excellent tonic, possessing astringent and aro- green earth a nobler race of white men than are maticproperties.whichmakeitvaluableinPyspepaio. found in iu midst; the statesman, the soldier, the j8andl0 *. W ^K‘£“ 0 °, f oo 0|>e,t ' divine and the .diri.tian attain their fdleatgrowlh demulcent. atanreri^Md arototagTU given in w, ' b br0 ,^' n * ^ RhmZS S diseases of ? ihe Skinfand to Resolved, That wo pledge our lives, our/ortones, eradicate the bad effect, of Memory. In the opera- and our sacred liouur, to maintain our Rights as tions qfaUuther purgative Medicines debilitation and equa s in this Union; by resisting peaceably, jf we pnrificsiiop go haqd in hand; they remove the good as mu the encroachments of tbe Government of tbe well as the bad, thus weakening the system which United States npop Slavery and/orciAfy if are must, they were only required to cleanse, and making the Resolved. That the enactment of the Wilmoi cure, generally, almost as bad. and frequently much -ovist, below the Compromise of our Father* worse, than the disease. Dr. Le Roy. Pills, on the • - - contrary, strengthen and tone the system which they I purge and purify. And this is their peculiar attribute and the principal canae of tbeir unrivalled popularity. P. 8. The virtues ofthe Sarsaparilla and Wild Cher ry are too well known to medical men and the com munity to require farther detail. Price U cents per box. For sale by J. H. A W. S. ELLIS, and GEORGE PAYNE, Macon, G*. feb S? CT—tv Proviso (the Missouri Compromise ;} or the interference of Congress wjtbSlavenr in the District of Colum bia, or with the Slave Trade among the State* or any of them will dissolve tbe tie that bind* ns to this Union, Aud Resoloed, That we respectfully sqbmit to our fellow Citizens in Georgia, that her voice from the sea board to tliu mountains upon this vital subject should ba beard, unmistakably heard, throughout oar wide spread nnion. Mr. Obadiab C. Gibson then arose and sustained the above' resolution* with n lengthy, able and argumentative speech, after Mr. Gibson had ron--.-la<ied, the chairman arose and ms In a lew very periiuanl remarks aud gsve in hi* adhesion to the Resolutions. DEPARTURE OFTHE ATLANTIC 8TEAMERS From Rurops. New York. Boston. Canada, (Br.)....Jan. 13 Feb 7 Niagara, <Br.j....Jan. 27 ,.,.,Fet^21 Europa. (Br.) .Feb. 10......Mar. 7 Tho Resolution* were then put upon their pa:• I America. JBr.)....Fob.2t Mar.21 sage wheu they were nnuiiinmusly adopted. On Apnl4 • v---- •**" “ 7’ re 9 ,, « sted * b ® '’aper. in Macon *2 oro IfirC.Apri’ V-II’I'-Miy*;";;. L... publi-h the forguing proceeding* and Remilulious, I Cambria. (Br.).... April It ..May 9 and that a copy oftliem lie sent to onr Senators | . ; and Representative* in Congress. Sale of Laud in Bibb County. U NDER the provisit nx of an act of the Legisla ture, approved December30th 1817, entitled "an Act, to authorize the Governor to appoint fit and prop er pesons to sell and dispose of undiawn lots in the land lotteries heretofore bad in this state, and to lim it the time lor fractional purchaser’s to pay for, and to take out grants for fractions," I, David J. Davis, Sher iff of said qoanty, will expose for sale at public outcry, on tiie first Tuesday in March next, before tbe court house iq tbe city ot Mdcon. during the legal hours of sale, the following lands, viz: Nos. 153 189 188 187 190 191 192 219 218 217 220 221 242 243 C6( 265 282 269 372 278 324 325 326 352 353 367 375 376 377 378 379 District, 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4 th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4 th 4th' 4th 4th 4{h 4th <th 13th 13th 13th 13th 13th 13 th 13th 13th 13th - 13th 13th Orignal county, Houston do do do do do do- do do do do de . do do dp <k> do do Monroe do do do do do do do do do Acres. 1571 461 .1401 201 621 lOlj 197 191 105} 1891-9 91 5 961 22j £2) 224 224 18 161 82; 76; 119 139; 191; 181 1-5 181 1-5 181 1-5 181 1-5 158 59 3] 44 The terms of sale for the above deserbod lands are os follows, namely: one third of the purchase money is required .tube paid to tbe Agent of the Stgte attho time of sale, tbe remaining two-thirds in two equal in stalments of one and two year*, payable at the state Treasury, with the express cooditioni. that the pur chaser forfeits all his rights by the purchase, as well as the purchase money be may have paid, and the lands revert fothe State, if be or his assigqs shall fail to pay the principal and interest dne Die State for sixty 4*vs after the last installment becomes due; or shall neglect, for the same space of time, to-wit: (six- S daya after the last instalment is due,) to pay iuto e Treasury the further sum of five dollars for square jots, and the sum of three dollars for fractions, as grant fee*. A Certificate of purchase shall be given to the pur chaser, signed by the Sheriff, and a receipt for the first installment endorsed thereon by the Agent of the State. j*n 30 DAVID J. DAVIS Shff. Bibb Sheriff's Sales. -y^77LL be sold in front ofthe epurt house doqr L in Ou motion of Mr. John J. Cary after an able Speech by him tbe mooting adjmirnad.’ HUBERT COLLIER. Chairman. TuarisA. D. Wzavza, Secretary. Gz.v. Tsu.oa’s views.—According to moat ac. | counts. Geo. Taylor is very cbnry in expressing hit view* and intention* of what bis policy as President, will be. or of what hi* preferences for persons are, If the Baton Rouge correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette i* tn be relied on, the General baa been unusually communicative tn him —clearly tracing ont what bis line of aonduct will be in reference to both men and measures. In his letter to the Gazette, dated Baton Rouge, Dec. IS, 1848. be aayai Gen. Taylor told me that ho was already over whelmed with applications for office, to much so it occupied all bit lime not necessarily devo ted to hnsineee, to read tbe numerous letters, weay of Which are long and todions, so that it is quite oat of hie power to give answer*. "Betide,” says the General, "I am not yet President, end when I am. let theee applications be made through tbe proper departments, and if it ia wished to re move an incumbent, let it be shown that the does not auturer tho Jeffersonian standard for an office bolder, and that the applicant does; for as lar as lies in my power, I intend that all new appoint ments shall be of men honest and capable. I do not intend to remove any man from office because he voted against me, for that is a freeman’s priv ilege -, hut such desecration of office and official patronage at some of them have been goilty of, to secure the election of the master whom ihoy served as slave*, is degrading to tbe character of American freemen, anc I will he a good excuse for tbe removal of friend or foo. Thu office* of the government should be filled with mon of all par- tire, and as I.expect to find many of those now holding office to be honest, good men, and as the •»» appointments will, of course be whig*, that will bring about this result. Although I do not intend indiscriminate removal, yet it grieves me <o think that it wjll be necessary to require a great many to give place to better men. As to my cabinet, I intend that all interests and all sections of the country shall be represented', but not as some of tbe newspapers will have it, all parties. I am a whig, as | have always been free to acknow ledge; bnt I do not believe that those who voted for me, wish me to be a mere partitnn Preaident, and I shall therefore try to be a President of the American people. As to tbe new territory, it is now free, and alavery cannot exist there without a law of Congress authorizing it, and that I do not relieve they will ever pass. I was opposed to the acquisition of this territory, as I alto w-ss to tho a uisition of Texas. I was opposed to the war, although by occupation a warrior, I am a Peace man. (COMXCNICATID.] Mr. Bat—It it understood that President Polk >• expected tp ptss through Georgia, en rente for .his homein Tennessee. Ho expect* to leave 'Vash. •tgton on the 6th of March. Nothing could be more gratifying to the friends of this distinguished statesman, than (o greet him with a cordial wel come ia onr midat. Every true patriotic heart pul- •ataa with pride at the recollection of bis able, ef- f~>eol*nd successful administration oftjbo govern ment, and swells with gratitndo in view of hia dis- finished services, in advancing the great inter- eftho American People. Richer laurels adorn o brow of no living man, a deeper debt of grati tude the people of this commonwealth, owe no liv ing m »n than they justly owe President Polk. Wo °po his friends in Bibb and the adjaccqt counties *11 feel a lively interest, nnd manifest a becoming ^Undoing honor to Mr. Polk, it bo favor* us a visjt. Hon. R. J. Walker, Secretary ofthe - isrury, w:’J accompany the President. CAPT. BR,>GO. [COuaU.VICATZP.l There cam be qo doubt but that the establish raeut of Medical Institutions throughout onr own country has been of great advantage to the cause of science. Since the days of b g wigs and gold headed cane*, a marked change has come over the medical body. Then, by a Up upon tbe jewelled snuff-box, tbe grave Esculapin* could set in peri, atallic motion tbe internal economy of bis patient. Then the knowing look, the learned glance, the polished exterior, kept up a kind of professional aristocracy. Then the poet sung— 11 Information thro' the trick Of Doctors, often makes me sick.” But the steam-engine-spirit of the age has bro ken down tbo'barriers, and the ignoble valgas arc asking— " And why, let any aophist tell. May it not likewise make as well f " Republicanism in pbysie is all very good so long as those commissioned to kill aud cure are really knowing ones. A scientific physician occupies a position in society which no roan can infringe, and — Tbe Prince Of Poets. Homer, sang long since, A skilful leech's* better far, Than half a hundred men of war." There is a grand diffi-renee between “ a skilful j leech” and a quack, who promises to care corns, i cancers and consumption with bine-pill or lobelia. AZ-HANAG FOR THE WXKK COMMENCING ON TCCSDAY, FAN- 30 1849, , Week, Month. Sun Rites, ' Sun Sets. Tuesday 30.*. ...6,48 5,12 Wedneaday 31 6,47 5,13 Thursday 1 ..6.46 5.14 Friday 2 6.45 5,15 Saturday, 3 6,44 5,16 Suqday 4 6,43 5.17 Monday 5 6,42..... 5.18 Taeaday 6.. 6,41 5,19 First Quarter, 3t....llh. 5m. morning. Fall Moon....... .....Feb. 7.... Sh. 39m. morning. Last duarter, 14....10b. 26m. afternoor- New Moon. ...22.... 7h.53m. afternoor.. ■Auno. Oa Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Wil liams, Mr. Thomas M. Eden, to Miss Malinda H. Heath, all of this city. ' the city of Macon, Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in [March next, between the usual hours of •ale, the following property, to wit: Part of lot No. 8, in square 18, in the city of Macon, Bibb county, bounded bn one side by Walnut street, and on the pthe'by Fourth street, said lot extending in front on Walnut attest 105 feet more or less, and on Fourth street 175 foot more or leas, and known as the lot on which Robt. Findley's foundiy ii situated together with all improvements—levied on as the ]>roperty of Wm. Mcplroy, po satisfy two fi. fas. one rgm Bibb Superior Court, Amos Benton vs. Robt. Findley. Nathaniel Smifh, and YVm. McElroy and the other from Bibhi Inferior Court tbe same vs. tho same. Sold for the purpose of perfecting titles. 20 acres of land lying on the Forsyth rosd abonj; 3 miles from Macon, adjoining tbe lands of Wm. Riley and John Brenlly—levied on as the property of fjeo. W. Adams, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Bihb Su perior Coart, for cost Wm- Rilev vs Geareo W. Ad ann—property pointed out by Wm-Riley. • Part of lot No, 8. in sqnare 18. in the city of Ma con, Bibb county, containing one third of an acre more or less, adjoining Robt Findley’s lot on one side, and lying broad side to a twenty foot alley which divides said lot from the lot occupied by John Eases, and known as the place whereon John P. Ev ans now resides, together with all improvempnts— levied on as the property of John P. Evans, to satisfy two fi. fas. one issued from tbe Inferior Court. John W. Howard, trustee Ac., vs. John B. Evans, and the other from Bibb Superior Court for cost, Berry Jlo- errs vs. John P. Evans. ( ~ Lots Nos. 1 and 2, in sqnare 44. containing one acre more or less, together with all improvements-- levied on as tba property of Drnry Thompson, to sat isfy two fi. fas. issued from the Inferior pogrt of Bibb county, one in favor of John Dickerson vs. Drpry Thompson principal, and F,F Lewis legerity, and tbe other the officers of Coq'rt vs, Drury Thompson— property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. Lucy a women 26 years old, X* r $aret a girl 11 years old, Kitty a women 30 years old, Mary a girl 15 years old. and Polly a womqn2p years old—lev- ied on as the property of Jane Irwin to satisfy the following fi. fas: three fi. fas. issued from Bibb Infe rior Crnrt. one for cost. George Robinson for the use of Z. T. Conner, vs. Jane Irwin, one in favor of Geo. C. McNeill, vs. Jane Irwin, one in favor ofthe pifi- cers of Court, vs. Jane Irwin, and two from Bjbb Su perior Court, one in favor of Mile* G. Stevens vs. Jane Irwin, and the other in favor qf Robert Collins VI. Jane Irwin principal, nnd David Jieid security. Lot of land 168, in th* 4th district of original! Houston now Bibb county, containing 202{ acres mor or less, (less 9| acres.) od wfiich stands Joseph Rul lock's blacksmith shop—levied on as as the property of James Gamble to satisfy 4 fi. fits- issued from JJibb Superior Court, one in favor of \ym. Solomon v*. James Gamble, one in favor of Henry G. Lamar v*. tbe aamc. one in favor of 'Elam Alexander v*. the same, and one in favor of Alexander Richard. \s. tbe same—property pointed ont by Henry Q. Ross, and all of said fi. fas. for cost. Also. Lot No. 8. in sqnare 42, together with nil the improvements thereon; levied on .as the property of Enoch Lunsford, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Bibb Inferior Court in favor of James Moy vs. Enoch Luns ford. Property pointed ontby plaintiff’s nltorpey. Also, one due-bill made by Jacob Swrmnn for 8472, and paoxble t > E. D. Willtunr, 1 bureau. 1 wardrobe, I couch, 1 rocking-chair, 1 stand, and one wash-stand; levied oo as the property of Erasmus D. Williams by- virtue of a fi. fa. John Bailey vi. said Williams, jau 30 D.J. DAVIS-Sheriff. BRUNO & VIRGIN’S ere Have now on hand a large assortment ;Wuf splendid IMAtVO FORTE8, from U lithe celebrated manufactories cfNUNNS 4c ULAttlC, aud J. CHICKERING. Also, Piano with Coleman’s much improved jEOLIAN AT TACHMENT, with tuneable Reeds. Oar stock at present consists of Eighty Rosewood itnd Mahogany cased PI.l NOS. (Macon and Columbus Ga., Montgom- ery, Ala.,) and we are continually receiving new ad ditions to our Stock. (3"* All of the above Instruments will be sold VERY LOW for Cash or approved notes. Every Piano sole: by us, will he WARRENTED, for one year—and can be returned should any defect be found in the instrument. Also, fine American and FrencbPIANO COVERS and STOOLS, to correspond with tbe Piano. GF* B. & V. take this opportunity to correct a false strtement which has been made, in two of the Colom bo papers, viz : “That Mr, Herz, when he eave his Concerts here, had used and preferred a Bacon <f- Raven’s Piano to all others in thu city, by which the advertiser intends to make the patilic believe that Bacon A Raven’s Piauos are superior to Nunn's & Clark’s and Chickerings which we keep. Wedesm itduetoqur customers, and tbe public generally, that Mr. Herzfrsl called on us, (with Mr. John Forsyth,) and .anted one of Chicktrmg's seven Octave Pianos ; we had told the last one of this kind two days before the arrival of Mr. Herz. to a gentle man in Colombo*. Mr. Herz wished us to see the gentleman and get the instrument for him. which wo refused to do, for reasons that we explained to him.— Knowing that Mr. Hera's Concert music is arranged for 7 Octave Pianos, we said to him that “perhaps Mr. Reps could accommodate him with 7 Octave Pi ano,” which he did. £«o it happened that Mr. Herz accidentally got the use of a Bacon A Raven’s Piano instead of Chinkerings which he preferred. Mr John Forsyth, who was with Mr. Herz, can testify to the above statement. Mr. Herz, has always preferred Chichering's and Nunn’s and Claris Pianos. When he gave his Con certs in Boston be nsed a Chickering’i Grand Piano, and left his own Piano at the Hotel. And he ought to knots. 13T There is now in this city one of Nnnn’s A Clark’s splendid Grand Piano Fortes, which was pur chased laiit summer for 81,000, and was [selected by an eminent Prefessor of Music,- at tbe same time Nunn A Clark received an orderfor one at 81,600!— In a Boston paper we read an account of a Piano made by Chickering lor the Hon. Caleb Cushing, for 82,0001 ;or 82,200, we forget which.) This is thq truth, and no .“upper ten,’ humbug. By such instruments the manafsoturers prove that they can satisfy the most particular customer. In a few days we shall have some of Cbiokering' apd Nunn's A Clark's low pricek Pianos, which we sell here with stool and cover, for 8250. jy Just received, and directlv imported from Europe, 13 cases of GUITARS, VIOLINS, Bows, Brass Instruments, FLUTES, ACCORDEONS, Strings, Ac. Coiumbus, Ga., Jan, 23, 1849. Papers in Macon, La Grange. Atlanta atid Griffin. Qa., and inMontgomety.Tqskegee, Eafanla and La fayette, Ala., will copy twice and send bill to. BRUNO A VIRGINS. Columbus, Georgia. BRUNO A VIRGINS. Macon. Georgia. BRUNO A VIRGINS, Montgomery, Alabama. jZn 30 2—t BIRD. In this city, on tbe 24th inst. Wiliam Df.tisdx. formerly of Wilkes county, but for the last eight years a resident of this city, aged 60 years. Mr.D. was a- mong the oldest prioters in this State. In Savannah on the 21at instant, Dr A. H Bailst. As a was ardent and successful—as citizen, characterized for bis manly honor—as a friend sincere. In every relation of life pure and honorable In Savannah, on the 23d init. Major Charles Stf.fiiens. For the last seventeen years be was Captain of the Chatham Artillery of that city. COMMERCIAL. MACON MARKET—WEEKLY REPORT, XNDINC JAXOAHT 30. 1849. Cotton.—The Market tbroaghoot the week re . msined firm with • brisk demand. Wa quote to-day The public are interested in maiutatuing the dig. E xtrepl „ 5 | 9 6J—principals sales'5. city of ti)« medical profession. Rampaut quacke- Curs.—Onr market for Coro and Fodder is steady ry lay* ao many victims in the grave, that it be- u former rates. Fortbe former, say 60 eta per buzbel cornea a doty of every roan to stay iu progress, and for tbe latter 62 • 75 eta V cart If those to whom tbe public look for sound legis- | Meal, 10 9 45, PlAS, 50 • 60. Floor—'The market is rather quiet, aales being confined entirely to domestic use. Canal, none. Country, (Georgia) 87 SO if bbl, i*cwt.3j 9 4. Bacon—The stock is light at present. For Hog ; • " - 10. Lard, 8*9. S otter—Georgia 20 » 25. Northern 05 3 30, IDES, 6 ® 7. Tallow, 8 9 0. g EEsWAX. 16 3 18. acoino and Rope—Tbs demand for both these articles continues good, stock light. Kentucky 19 Gonny, 20 3 21, Rope—Kentucky, 10J 9 11. Ms lation in professional matter*, do not driro from among os ’< black, white and grey, with all tbeir trumpery,” to them and to us is tbe eviL We are proud to boast, that to tbe Medical College of the State of Georgia i. due the merit of first propos- | SSSiS tag a radical reform in medical education. In * tbe year 1835 or 'fi, tbe Faculty- proposed to call Convention of tbe Professors of tbe various schools in the United States, to lengthen tbe lee* tare term from four to six mouths^nd to take uth- er steps to elevate tbe character or tbe profession Tbe Georgia Medical College did, for a number of I nilla I2J. „ _ _, non*., continue tbe lectures for a!x months « I 33 a 33. G in 40. Brandy, Apple, none; Peach tbe year, but this was finnlly relinquished because | 62 9 75. young men were in bot-boate to get tb'e sheep-skin. Some three years since, a National Medical Con vention assembled in New Y’ork, aud since that time State Institutions have been founded in near ly every State ip ffie Union. Tbe lecture term has j been lengthened in nearly every College in the country. The enterpriiing faculty of our own are not a whit bebiud.aud they have hoartily respond- pd to tbo call of tbo National Convention. Theso COUNCIL CHAMBER, JANUARY 26. 1848. REGULAR MEETING. Present—The Mayor. Aldermen, Ross, Babcock, Shinbolsicr, Ayres, Dib ble. Sparks, and Collins Absent—Alderman Carl jar). The minutes of tbo last meetings worn read, and confirmed. The Bridge Keener reported tolls for the week end- ng this day 9234 60. M’D. Barnes’account for winding City Clock for remark* have been prompted by tbo reception of I one year, ending Hint January—amount S^0—passed. ».iw~ ■.vb.,.i„ ..rpb J .w.,.!. , ssj,as:.“siS.;sr dot L®J qs see if they axe at the post of duty The application of p. A- Strobel. Lutheran, Mis and enlightened reform: SufS *"»'"•*"*** The Faculty of the Medical College of Georgia. shinholser & Whitehurst, Street Ccntrtjctors pj*£ suggest to tho Medical Profession of the State, tho sented their bond, which was accepted by Council. 00 . _ . The Ccnjauttee on Pumps Report having renewed propriety of organizing an Association. g* infract with Mr. A. Richards, to keep uhc Pumps Since the institution of tbe National or Ameri- j nnd Wells of the City in good repair for one year, I t _aLs> a.t «f 17..L—.««■>•*»> end tn r’pfln nnf tho can Medical Association, onr sister States, Alabama and Sontb Carolina, bavo taken action on the sub* jecqitis, therefore, proposed to call a Convention of the Physicians of the State, to meet in Augusta, on tho 20th of noxt month. (February,) then to adopt such measures for the tbe improvement or benefit of tho profession as may bo deemed proper. The Georgia Railroad has promptly reduced the faro to ono-half, for all members wbo may come to the Convention. Editors friendly to the cause of Medical Sci ence, will please circulate the above notice. M. Mrs. Panjinoton.—We learn that that estima ble old lady, Mrs. Partington, of tho Boston Post, was put out of temper, ou her way yesterday, by somo graceless rogue. She asked where the soci ety for tbe relief of indiginous females was, and says she »us Lo’ti it was contagious to tbo court b:o»e. from the 1st of February; next; and to clean out the Wells, whenthe Committee on Pumps think necessi ty—for the sumofFive Hundred Dollars, Council then adjourned, to meet on Friday next at 7 o'clock P, M, Attest. ArtE- FREEMAN*, c. c. Bibb JTIorlfiraarc Sheriff's Sales. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in April next befere the court house door in the city of Macon Bibb county, between tho usual hours of sale, the fol. lowing property to wit - One necro woman named Yicey, about 36 year, of age and her two children. Mnlissa a girl 3 yea* old and Grcar. a bov eight months old; levied on as tbe property of Wncht Neal,to satisfy a morgage fi fa issued from the 1 nferior Court of Bibb county, in favor ofJaracsT White vs Wright Neal. Property point ed by aaid Morteaer fi fa Also, one necro girl named Mary, abont 11 years old; levied on as the property of Richard L. Rees, to sa- iisfv fi Mortgage fi, fa. issued from the Inferior C'oort ot Kibb conntv, in favorof Levi Calhoun vs Iticharf L. Rees. Property poiened out in said ronrtgare n. f,. THOMAS BAGBY. Dep. 6hff <ac 30 Bibb Sheriffs Sale, W ILL be sold on the Crrt Tuesday in March next. before the court bouse door in the city of Ma con, Bibb county, between the usual hours of aale, the foUowinu property, to wit: Lqt No. IS, lying on College-street, in the northwest common, according to the plan of tbe city of Macon, containing two acres, more or lets; levied on as the property of Joseph'A. White, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Inferior Court, William Tatton vs. Joseph A. White, principal, and Thomas A. Brown aud Ster ling Lanu r secaritii«. Also, Lot No. 8. iu sqnare 42, with iinprovementa thereon, levied on as tbe property of Enoch Lunsford; toaatisfy a fi. fa issued from Bibb Inferior Court in fa vor of Richard Bassett vs. Enoch Lunsford. Property- pointed ontby Richard Bassett, plaintiff. Also, Lot of Land, number not known, in the fourth district of originally Houston, now Bibb county, con- tair.iuc 100 acres, more or less, adjoining Bediugfield and o’hers, and known as the place whereon Mtcbell Coxwell now lives, lying on the Houston road about four miles from Macon, together with all the improve ments; levied on as the property of Mitchell Coxwell, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from Bibb Superior Court, one ia ftvorof Graves, Wood & Co. vs. Mitchell Cox ; well, and the other in favor of James A. Bryan vs. Spencer Riley and Mitchell CoxwelJ. Property point ed oat by plaintiff’s attorney. Also, a House and Lot on Cotttn Avenue. No. 3. in square sixty-two, adjoining W. U. Parker on each side, containing one-fourth of an acre, more or lets, and known as the lot whereon Spencer Riley now re- sides; levied on as the property of said Riley, to sa tisfy a fi, fa. from Bibb Iofhrior Coart. in favor of Ed win B, Weedv*. Spencer Riley. Property pointed ont by plaintiff’s attomies. jan 30 THOMAS BAGBY, Dcp. Shff. CHARLES REPS’ saisaas&s Broad Street, next door to Mulford’s—up stairs. At this establishment can alwars be [found a splendid assortment of R()SE _ 'WOOD AND MAHOGANY PIANO KOHTES, from the celebrated manufactories of Bacpu & Raven, and H. Worcester. They are qffered at the manufacturer's retail prices, (adding only expenses of transportation) and warranted to give entire satisfaction._ The ready sale tho above instru ments have met with here and elsewhere, is the best preofof their superiority. Messrs. Bacon A Raven received from the American Institute the first premi um (Gold Medal) for the best Piaoo Forte. Mr. H. Worcester was formerly a partner of the old and well known firm of Stodart. Worcester A Dun- ham; his manufactory in New York stands highin fa vor with tbe "upper ten.” Also, AEOX-IANT PMNOS from tho celebrated manufactory ofT. Gilbert A Co., Boston. PIANO COVERS AND STOOLS. Fhesh Strings New Music, Foreign Music, %rrett’s cheap Music, (3 cents per page, catalogues furnished gratis,) In struction Books, Primers Singing Books, Music Port folios. Cremona Violins, and cheap Fiddles. Fifes. Flutes, Accordeons and Guitars, and a variety of ar ticles asaally kept at a music store. BANDS TCRNlSHIVG WITH BRASS INSTRUMENTS. ■ Remember, the Piano Mr. Hertz—the celebrated Pianist and composer—selected for bis concerts in this city, w«4 * "Bacon A Raven" from this establishment and he oughltoknow. TO THE PUBLIC. The proprietor of the above establishment having been accused in last week’s Democrat by Messrs. Brupo A Virgin’s of Making a “false statement” in regard to Mr. Hertz's selection of a Bacon A Raven Riano, all persons who take a sufficient ipterest in the matter (which hat remained undisputed for the last two years) arc respectfully requested tq read the following eorrespondenceandjaige for themselves who has made a "false statement" Colombr.s, Ga.. Jan. 19.1849. John Forsyth, Esq—Dear Sir.—1 take tbe liberty to hand you an advertisement of Messrs. Bruno A Virgina, in one of the late city papers, in which I am accused of making a "false statement.” and to jupjiort which accusation yonr name it cited as a witness. Will von do me the favor to state yonr recollection Of the transaction referred to? Very respectfully, CHARLES REPS. Columbus. Jon. 29,1849. Mr. Charles Reps—-Pear ’Sir: In reply to yonr note of yesterday J have to regret that Messrs./Bnjup A Virgins have called on too to testify in a matter of dif ference between you; at least without consulting my recollectiou pf the facts 1 am .cited to prove. Had tbev consuit .d me, I should not no* have to say, Jhat the testimony of my recoljection doc* not support their ••correction of a false statement." The facte are simply, that at the requesteof Mr. Herz I went with him to both establishment, (youra aud Messrs. B. A V'j) go J after trying several instru ment! iu each, lie selected a “Bacon A Raven" from yours; and not because it was a "seven octave” for it was a six octave,) bu ti ns J nuderatooo him, because he prfiferred it. RespcctfuHv yonrs, _ . „ JOHN FORSYTH. Papers m Macqn, Lagrgnga and Griffin. Ga.; and in Montgomery, Tnkeegee. Eufaula and Lafayette, Ala. will copy twice and send bills to Ghaa. Reps, Colum- boc. Ga. ■ jgn 30 2i—2t A DUTY OF'I'EY NEGLECTED. Hf*any FAMILIES are already in the habit of lYA keeping a Vermifuge on hand, aud when any of the usual disturbances occur amongst children, of giv ing it to them. The result is, that the effect is not only astonishing, but often incredible, in causing the expulsion of worms, whilst at other times few or none arc discharged. No Vermifuge perhaps ever before introdoced, has done so much good or been so highly spoken of by thosp who have used it, as that prepar ed by Dr. Little. Another peculiarity of toed- icine is, that it never fails, to quickly improve feebly or drooping children, whether they have worms or not. To give calomel, pink root, Ac., is to be behind the age of improvement, when a remedy like Little's Ver mifuge is to he had, which is not surpassed, jf equall ed. by any thing; besides, requiring nothing after wards. For Plantation use. The Prnprietorlias it put up in Dollar Bottle*, which are one-fonrtb cheaper than in vials, and arc about double the size ot Fahnestock’s and at the same price. Whose is best? Read the proof at home. Dr. Little,—pear Sir; I Imyc 'prescribed your Vermifuge in several cases, and feel no hesitancy in pronnneing it superior to Fahncstobals, Perry’s "Dead Shot," or any other I have ever used. Rtapectfqliy. yours, *c., (Signed) John S. Searcy, M. D. Dr. Little.—Sir.: I have used Fahnestock's and CornstocV* Vermifuge, as well as; your preperation. in my family. 1 have found yours much superior to either of them, in the several cases I have given it In fact, it fully answers the purpose without anything, else, besides is nit unpleasant for children to take. Respectfully, yours, As., (Signed) - James S. Sanders. T&lbo[t|Ui, May. 1848. - . Pneumonia. This very common disease if taken in the outset, is cared in adayortwo;by givings full dose of Dr. E. Cook’s Pills, to be followed every three pr fptjr hours, with the Anodyne Cough Drops regularly, ontil re- lieve^. Beware qf imposition, and avoid tbe use of substi tutes The fac simile pf the signature of Dr, Wa. G. LITTLE, will be found upon the outside wrapper of each article, and pane other* are genuine. £9’*£old by the proprietor at eacho.fbis Drugstore; MiHedggviUs end JJncon. Dr..Robert Carter, and J.F, Winter A pq. Coliuqbns; .Brewer A co. Griffin; Hora A McGuire. Albany;'Also, at'Tnlhotton, Spring Place, Rome,. Marietta, Covington: Greensboro, Eatonton, Cassville, Newuar,, Monticello, Jackson, Greenville, Hamilton. Americn,, Lumpkin. Buena Vista, Lanier, Albany, G aw kinsYille, Dublin, Jeffersonville, Hayue- ville, Perty, Ac. jan 39, By Gsivasi & At acuity, AT PRIVATE SALE. 1,0.000 lbs Flour,an extra line article, from the c brated Lithonia Mills of C'pl, John Swift, put up pressly for family use, insack$ of 100 lbs each. jqp30 St^H By Gnvan. & Jl.iRtirty. A'T PRIVATE SALE. Pickled Oysters, warranted equnl to any ever sold in this market, lor sale by the k&g at 60 ceuts a gallon, jan 30 2t GEORGIA TELEGRAPH wm CHERRY STREET—MACON, GEORGIA. Having recently added a ssw and complete assort ment of JOB and FANCY' TYFJJ to our office, wo are pow prepared to execute with neatness aud at short notice, JOB PRINT1NG 1 of every description ALL KINDS OF TLA1N, FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL printing: Sufh as—PAMriiLETS, drat receipts. HANDBILLS, VISITING CAllDS. LABELS, ,' COTTON RECEIPT I CARDS. BLANKS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, NOTES, Ac. Ac. E?*A1I orders from the city or country promptly at tended to. Ma99(t> January, 1848- *«corgia t Houston County. T> Y virtue of an get of the Legislature of the state L> of Georgia, approved December 30th 1847, en titled an act, to authorise the Governor, to appoint i|t and proper person* to sell and dispose ofthe undrawn lots, in ttie land lotteries heretofore had in this state, and to limit the time for fraction purchaser’s to pay for, and take out gran;s for fractions. I, Drury W. Taylor. Sheriff of said pounty, will, on tbe first Tues day in Marcji next . expose for sale, at public outcry, before tbe court house door in the town of Perry, nritbin the legal hours of 3ale, the following ungrant ed fraction* of land) in the county of Houston,' viz: Fractions No. 323) in the 14th, District of Houston county, containing 41(7-10acres; No. 210, containing 35 acres; and No. 211, containing 32 acres and two roods: Loth, in the 13th Disctrict; No. 118. contain ing 194 acres, two roods and tvrenry poles, and No. 109, containing 302 acres, one rood and tweqiV-four poles; both in the Uthdistrict. No. &61, in the 12th district, containing. (68 acres one roed; Nos. 270, containing lj acres, 278, containing 81 acres, 280, containing2} acres, and281, containing one $cte; all lyining in the (5th.) fifth district of sat'd county.’ The conditions and terms of the above sale are as follows.—One third of the purchase money to be paid to the Agent of the State, at the time of sale; thpre maining two thirds, in two equal instalments of one and two years, payable at ihe state Treasniy, qri)h the express renditions, that the purchaser forfeits all his rights, by the purpj)**e. ** welt as the purchase moneypie may have paid, and the land reverts to the state, if he or hi* assigns shall fail to pay tbe princi pal and interest due the state, for sixty days after the ■ast installment is due; or shall neglect for tbe same space of time, (To-wlt, sixty days after the last in stalment ia due.) to pay into the Treasury, the $nm of five dollars, for *qqare lots, and )hq sum of three dollars, for fractions, as grant fees. A certificate pf purch**e shall be given to the pnrphasar, signed by the sheriff, aud a receipt for the first instalment, en dorsed thereon ijy the Agent of the State. Janua ry tbe 27th 1849. DRURY W. TAYLOR Shff jan.30 . , . Houston Sheriff’s Sale, W ILL be sold before the court house door, in Perrv Houston county, pq fhe first Tuesday in March next, within the legal hour* ofsale, the following pro perty, to wife One hundred and forty twp and a half acres of Land, the tenth district of Houston county, being a part and pa r cel of lot No. 169, and being the place on whiph Allen Barton now resides-levied on as the propet ty of Allen Barton, to satisfy tsu (10) fi fa's issued frojn tile Justices Court ofthe 327 th District, Q. U. in favorof Redding R. Minshew. against Allen Barton and Hen ry Barton, security, and fliouias Pollock, security on stay ofexecutipa. Levy made and returned tome by con,table. Also, at the aarae fime and place, gll that tract or parcel ofland, situate iu the 9tb district of Houston county, known by tfib No 69; levied on as the proper ty of John Jenkins, to satisfy a fi fa from Houston In ferior Court, in favor of Antbpny M. Thompson, adm’r. of Robert Law, dcC'oased, against John W. Jenkins, and Joht) Jpnkinfi. property pointed out by John Jenkins. jan 30 W. JI. TALTON, Dcp sheriff NTedUwl. Dr. C. B. NOTTINGHAM, late of Houston \ ff County, tenders his professional services to the Lfo Citizens of Macon and vicinity.—Office, on Mulberry street, adjoiningtfae Drug Store of J. C. Gil bert A Co. Residence, near Mr: James Deans. Macon, Jan. 30. 1849. 24 .lt* Ribb norfgago SlieriIPs Sales. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday iu April next, before the Court House door in the city of Mtcon. Bibb county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Petsr. a mao 40 years qf age; Patience, a woman 45 years of age. and Winney, agirlabodt 25 veara old; levied on *• the property of Solomon Groce, to satisfy a mortgage fi fit issued from Twiggs Inferior Coart in favor of Benjamin Davis vs Solomon Groce. Property pointed ont in said mortgage fi fg. Also, at tbe same time and place, by vittue of a mortgage fi fa,issued from Bibb Inferior Court in fa vor of George M. Logan ACo., the following proper ty, described in said mortgage, to-wit:—One bed stead, three ms ’trasses, two bcaureanj, one card ta ble, one nine table, one couch, one large looking glass. one wash stand, one wsrdrobe, three arm chairs, half a dozen wood chairs, half a dogen cone chairs, four window curtains, two carpets snd rugs, half doz en soup plates, one dozen dinner plates, ouo dozen breakfast plate, one dozen cap, and saucers, two doz en knives and folks, one soup turene, four dishes, two pictures, odd dozen tumblara, one dozen champaign, three pair andirons, three pairsbovcl and tongs, two large ovens, one spider, one iron broiler, one iron pot, one furnace, one pair of waffis irons, one sauce pan, one tea kettle apd grid iron, one waiter, one coffee mill, fifteen gallons brapdy, ten galjons of gin. ten gals made! rawing, ten gallons iu peach brandy, one wash howl and pitcher, one set castors, two mahogony ta bles,one dozen glass decanters,one dozen small whis key pnpeh pitchers, four brittania pitchers with tops, two table*, tlu-ea screens, two china gilt, sugar dishes, one and a half dozen bar tumblers, nine erm chairs, six lamps, four spittoons, one tobgoco knife, nno wash stand, one gilt frame looking glass, twenty five gals, brandy, fire dozon bottles claret wine, three waiters, thirty-four dozen packs of cards, fifty pounds of tobac co. one and a half dozenchampatgne wine.—levied on as the property of Alphonse Anao' favorof Geo. M.Log&n A Co. property pointed ont in said morcacc ft fa. DAVID J. DAVIS, Shff' jan 36 Brought Us Suit, J8 On the 9th by Geo. W. Seymour, * nc- groman by the name of Kit, about twenty-five or six year* of age. Kit is about 5 ft. 6 or 7 io- “*• ches high, of very dark complexion, and lays he belongs to Edwd. Massey, of Wilcox county, Ala. The owner of jjgjd boy is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charger, and take him away, or, be will be dealt with os the law directs. Macon, Jau. 1849. WILLIS H. HUGHES, Jailer, of Bibb County. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLE to an order of fbe Inferior Court of Crawford ciunty, when sitting as a cogrt of Ordi nary. will be sold at my residence, onMonday. the 5th of March next, within the lawful hours of sale, all the lerishable prongrty belonging to the estate of Mary Norton, late of said county, deceased, consisting of stock, bonsehold and kitchen furniture, Ac.—Terms made known on the day of *ale, this the 22nd day *of January 1849. ' ' H. II. HORTON, Admr. jan 30 * 24 A Female Teacher Wanted, O NE who can come with good recommendations, can find a sitntation for one year to teach only ten little Girls, from 13 years of age.—A liberal price willbe pai<j to one who can come well recrin- mendyij. Those' who may wish a situation of tbo kind, can address either William Allen or Zach. Lamar. Perry, Houston County. £. LAMAR. January 39. 1849. £f S TEWART’S Extra Sugar House Syrup, for sale by SCOTT, CARHART A CO. jan 23 Portrait Painting;. B Y T. J. JACKSON—Room? at the Floyd House, where the Ladies and Gentlemen of Macon and Viuevile, are respectfully invited tp call and examine Mr. J’s style of coloring. Prices will be mode very low ipitil tho fiijt of Jsnn- ary SSr Where entire satisfaction ip npt given no charge will be made. if nov 21 E w Y O It it ftt‘ef,tsSzx * and SAVANNA H=Sa=aisL. LINE QF OCEAN STEAMERS, The splendid .new steamer CHEROKEE, Captain Thomas Lyon, (late ofthe Wm. Seabrook.) leaves' SAVANNAH for NEW Y.OKK, on Wednesday, the ni-.T 1 tth BOfli lI’oKprtsiTV fiiiflftn nv. most substantial manner; and with every Regard to safety, comfort rind speed. The sepond steamer for the line, the TENNESSEE islauncned and will he ready early in’the Spring, ao that one will leave New York ana Savannah every Wednesday. The facilities and advantages offered by this line to the travelling public of Georgia, Tenues- see, Alabama, and'Florida, if is hoped -jviU'be ttied and duly appreciated. ... Persons intending to take passage in this line, are assured that the Central Rail-Road pompa- ny will,' whenever necessary, run a special train (o, suit the arrival aud departure of t(ie steamers. For Freight or Passage, aply to PADELFOKD A PAY. Savannah, or - • sam'L l. Mitchell, 494’£rpiit*t. i^.York. jan 23 " '' ENGINEERS QFYIPE, SOUTH WESTERN) RAILROAD, > ' » Macon, Janowy 24th, 1849. ) C RfQtice to Contractors, ONTRACTS will be enfered into, on t ho applica tion of responsible persons for the grading and masonry of fifteen miles of the Southwestern Raij Road, extending Southwesterly from a point thirty- five miles from Macon. Pl»ns and profiles vgill be ex hibited and terms made known, on application at thiq office. ' F. P. HOLCOMB, Engineer, jan 23 ' 83—2j South Western Bail Road Co. The Annual election fo- Preaident and Directors pf this company, in conformity with the charter, will bo held at the office ofthe company, In the city pf Macon, on Thursday tbe 8th day of February next. HENRY L. JEWETT. See. $ Trcas. Mappq. 6th January 1849. jan 9 ”1—-5t WOOD & BBADLEY, WHOLESALE A RETAIL MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN CABINET WARE. MULBERRY STREET—MACON, GEORGIA. {3p“ Opposite the Washington Hall. jan 28 >VILLIAM Jv. jap 2—20—4t DE GUAFFENKEID,. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. Kpprocs! JScgrops !! A CT Likely yoalig NegroesJur sale by the subscriber tJ on Colton Avenue A. J. pRK. Jan 2 SO—At CHRISTMAS JJSD NEW-YEARS PRESENTS. rrtHE *ubtcribers have on band a large assortment J- ofNtw elegant itud useful articles, suitable for Christmas and Nevy Years Preseiits, which they will take much pleasure in showing to their friends and the public generally, and will be.sold at prices to suit the times. WM. B- JOHNSTON A BROTHER, dee 19 IS CHRISTMAS BOOKS T H E subscriber has a' very foil and complete assort ment of seasonable GIFT BOOKij. adapted fo all ages, sex gnd fires, which will be sold Sf prices corresponding with the depressed state oi’ 1 “the Staple Among which are. Women ol the Bible,Women ot the Scrip turd, Leaflets of Memory, Rose of Sberdii. Friend ships Offering, Amaranth, Read’s Female foet’e, Illus trated Byrou, Moore, Thompson, Longfeilow, Bryant, HalleckrBums, Cowper, Ac. Ac. Among fbe'Juveu- iies, wi'l be found Waldorf Family,' .Christmas Blos soms, Holiday Tales, George’s Journey, Fairy Ring, Little‘Annies Talcs, Childs Delight, tjnow Flake, Ju venile ffprpp Book, Prize Story Book, Watt’s Divine Songs, ^lama’s Bible Stories, Rook of Animals, /Clara’s Amujeineuts Anecdotes for Boys add Girls, F*iry Li brary, Child's Qwn Story Rook, Uncle' John’? Fancy Picture Book tl six varieties; Child’s Picture Binle, Testament, Pilgrims Progress, Little Poems, Little W alls. Little Etop, .City Sight,, Forest Scenes, His tory of England. Scenes iu America, Indians ol Ameri ca, Ac. Ac, Grandmamma's any T«Jes, tjvelve vari eties, and Parker’s London T.oyi- In additiou to these, will be found a vmt .variety of elegantly bound Books, such a* fix lord Bibles, Com mon Prayer und Standard Works too numerous to mention. ' JOSEPH M. BOARDMAN. dec 19 ’ft Male Academy. T HE SjttT. P. A. Strobel, opened bis Academy, on the 22qq inst., at the corner of First and Mulberry Streets. All tbe branches of a thorough English Education, will bo tanght, together with, Latin, Greek, Xjtthematics. Philosophy. Ac., Ac. Due regard will be paid to tho moral, as well as the mental improvement of the pupil*.—The rates of Tuition, will be as follows Primary Department, per quarter 66 00 Third Class 800 Second do 10 00 First ” 13 00 Fire Wood 50 (7* There will be no extra charges. t References.—Macon, S T. Chapman Esq, Doct. Chas. Thompson. Doct. E. L. Ktroheckcr. Savannah, W. H. Bulloch Esq., Editor of the Georgian, and J. L. Locke £sq, Editor of the Republican. Macon Jany , IQfh 1849. . 24 Bt Cr/"kfh/*k Sacks Salt, to arrive. For sale bv UUUu jan 30 SCOTT. CARHART A CO. f)An Bans Rio Coffee. 50 dt for sale by SCOTT. jan 30 do Java do; in store and CARHART A CO. 1 OH Bb, ‘ Ehelp’s Rye Gin, 150 do N O Whiskey J. V/t * 28 do Mononcahela do; 56 do N E Rum. Just received and for sale hr jan 3P SCOTT. CARHART ACO. Slopped. O N Satardav evening last from a negro man, a Ten ; Dollar Bill, which the owner can havo hv de- 1 scribing tbs rame.and paying for thil advertisement, I or aj-p .cation st this effee- jaa39 I G EORGIA. Houston County.—Whereas. John Smith applies to me for letters of Administration on tbe Estate of Rebecca Smith, late of aaid county, de'-cased. • These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by Jaw, to shew cause, jf any they have, why said letters should not be granted.-' Given nnder toy hand and seal at office, In Perry, (hiafho 25$ cay of January 1849. BRYANT BATTON p. c. o. • jan. 30. 24 G EORGIA, Houston County.— Whereas, Josi- ah H. Tedder, applies to me for IcttersofAdmin- istration on the Estate of Mary E. Tedder, his wife, late of this connty, deceased. These are, therefore, co cite and admonish all and •ingplar, the kindred and creditors of aaid deceasee. to be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed bylaw, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given nnder my hand at office in Perry, this the 24th day of Jsnusrv 1843. BRYANT BATTON, c. c. o. Jan. 30. 24 Dissolution. FTtHF. firm of Morris A Westcorfis thi* day dissolv- A ed by mutual consent. Mr Q. H. Morris will continue the business aj the old stand, find settle the business of the l*te concern. ' .OWEN Ii. MORRIS, Dec 28,18J8. . H. P. WESTGOTT. The undersigned feeling grateful for past favors solicits a continuance of public patronage, he feels as sured of being able to givo satisfaction to his custom ers. Repairing in all fts branches executed with dis- f latch, at reasonable prices, and all kind ef work in his ine made fo order. OWEN'-H. MORRIS, jaua 20 • Notice. T HE firm of Merritt, Niles A Roberts, is this dav dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued at the old stnad by onr senior partner, Simon Merritt, who is authorised to jeceive the as sets of said firm, and has assumed Xhe liabilities, and will be thankful torqc»jve th* patronage of our former customers. SIMON MERRITT, R. A. ROBERTS. -BORACjS L. NIJjES. Haykinsville, January X, 18)9. jan 9 * 21—4t Ncxv Firm aiid ncty arrangcnicnts C A. ELJ.3 A SON, wjll retyinue the Family • Grocery business at the old ptienfi, on Mulberry street, where may be found the largest assortment of Family Groceries, Fine Lifggqrg, jCigars, .Candies, Fruit. Ac. to be found in the,up country, and we in- tend to astonijhjtbe 'community hv selling them low for cash. ,C. A. ELLS A SON. jan 3 J- C. Gilbert A Co. W 'OULD respectfully invite the attention ofthe public, to .their well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES. Ac. They have just opened a fall as sortment ofthe various articles used by Physicians in this cUcurte and are prepared to fill *U orders thev may be favored with at short notice. Their medicines are warranted to be of the best quality, and they are receiving fresh supplies fromthe importers every week, and will sell on as good terms as any establishment in tbe city. They have also a very fine collection of Perfumery of every description and can satisfy the taete of the most fastidiouv Macon, Jari. 30.1843. Perfumery! Perfumery!! T HE subscribers would respectfully call the alien- tion of the public, but more especially ofthe Ladies of Macon, to their extensive stock of PERFU MER Y, COSME TICS, <j-e. all of which they war- rent to be resume. They are constantly receiving fresh supplies, and have just opened the following ar ticles: Bouquet du Gen, Taylor, Bouquet <Li Gen. Scott, Bouquet da Joany Lind, Bouquet <Lt Jocky Club, AlabasterThhlcts, Chinese Powder a superior article, Eau I,astral, for softening and strengthening the Hair, Pomade de la Reiue. PhUocou^e, Reef Mar row, Lion Pomade, Bear's Oil genuine; a superior ar ticle of Flesh Balls, Fancy and shaving Soaps of eve:y description—all ot the yhove offered tu the lowest pri ces for cash. They have also a genuine article CASSER OIL, prico 81 per battle, jan 9 J. ,C. .GILBERT A CO. .Tack«jon Female icadomy. T HE Trustee* of tjiis institution, take pleasure iu informing its p&trousj and the friends of Litera ture generally, that they have secured tho services of Mr. Hikam Clark and Lady, (formerly Mrs. A. I.. Hammond.) to tait/3 charge of the -abovc Institution for the year 1849. Their manger/afinatijictfon, we consider vcrysnpc- rior, and having vipited most ofthe popular Female Institutions at the North during the past summer and present Fall. w31 be prepared to givfc additionalintcr- cst to the School.' We fed confident rfiat {hose who may patronize the School, will'be ajnpty compensated in having Hie minds of tbeirdanghters and wards, am ply stored with-useful knowledge. Our fiqildipg fs large and cppnmodiqqs, onr Village decidedly healthy and tjie moral influence salutary. We tryst our Female Istitinion ere -long, will lie reckoned second to none in the State. Board can be had, in good families, in the Villoge on reasonable terms- PRICES QF TUITION- Primary branches, including, spelling, reading, writing. P. Parley’s Geography and rudiments of Arithmetic—scholastic yesrof 44 weeks. .816 00 Common branches, including gratnmer, arithme tic and composition,....) 20 00 High Enclish branches,... 30 00 French Language 20 00 Drawing and Painting watercolors, 20 00 Transparent Oil do.'msjerialsfumishcd,..prqr. 8 00 Wax Flowers, “ ’’ , ’’ 5 00 The School will commence on the third Monday in January next. The examination will take place at the end ofthe third .quarter. WM. R- BANKSTON, Secretary to the Board of Trustee*. Jackson, Butts Co., Get. 17, XB-tS. oct 24 10—I8t .Shad, _ I all yqur friends, that wc are receiving them every evening fresh from Savannah, jau 2' C. A. ELLS A SON. To Hire, Ttv the year, month or day. afirst rate Bricklayer JL> ’#nd Plasterer. For terms, apply at the office of line10 1.8 JOHN RUTHERFORD. Notice. nnHE subscriber willdiscontinue all credit business X fromxhiadate. Goods in future win ba sold for cash and at the lowest possible prices, jan 2—20 GEO. W. PRICE.; S COTCH ALE.—100 dozen John Dove’s celebrat ed Falkirk Ale, received nnd for sale bv jan 23 ' 8COTT, CARHART A CO. fk/k Hbus Cuba Molasses (new crop.) For sale oy ir vJ jan 30 ' 6COTT. CARHART A CO. Fresh Giiydeii Seeds. TURT received from the Wethersfield Gardens, a •f fall supply ofgenuino SEEDS, which arc war ranted. Forgaic by J. C. GILBERT A CJO. jan 9 " Pay Up- A LL perponsindebted to the undersigned, either by note or account, are hereby informed, that if their respective dues arc nqt settled with his agent, Mr. Thomas F. Newton, they will bo placed iu tbe hands ol an Attorney fur collection, as further indul gence cannol be given. SIMON MERRITT. Journal A Messengercopv. jan 9 21—4t Jewellers Look out! CJTOLEN iron: the Subscriber, on the 25th inst., a IO GOLD LEVEL: WATCH, withchsin end»8iU. No. 21,813, M. J. Tobias A Co., Lix'prnno) nwtlreo— *ff>UUEA T X liberal reward wiU he paid bv M S. M.\I!oB. ' -E* I Macon Jany. 23d . 1,90, t-Fcatliers ! FcntHers!! A Large supply of best Geese Feathers. ceastei.'lly I a. on hand, und offered at prices extreraelv low by jan 23 l at prices 1 WOOD A BRADLEY. TNRENCH and High Tost Bedsteads of.Mahogsny, -6- Walnut and Maple, Cribs an I Trundle Bcdsrcada for sale by WOOD A BRADLEY. T OOKING Glasses und Lopkinc Glars Plates, ■ 4 Portrait and Picture Frames, of Gilt, (Mahogany, Rosewood and Walnut, for sale by jan 23 WOOD A BRADLEY. G ENTLEMEN’S aad Ladies' Portable Desks »ed Work Boxes. Elegant Resettood Par)nr sets of Furniture. for r.a)c by WOOD & BRADLEY. jan 23 . oxisfon, Side*M«tcK bit's, of IlcsewooW. Mahcsany, Walnut, and Cherry, with and without marble tops, for sale by VVOOD A- BRADLEY. jh.11 23 r EXTHK, Dining, IVa. Toilet, Work aDd Sofa T«i h Lot of Wine offered in this ow the roost cleg* arket. for sale by WOOD & BRADLEY s. Desks, 5ecrctarie 1 *00D A; BRADL-Y