Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 22, 1850, Image 3

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_S-I:': ;' :: Citixes*«Sf II*• <>”. .! ut Uio Council Cham- j^r^n T»mrasfay..v<*!tog. Jmnxmrj JOtb. Oiimo- lioB| bi* Honor, Geo. M- Logan, was cnlle,] to il.r E. J. Stow, apj.oroteU Secretary. c yett of thenreotlng hmfing iiet-u stated, nation of T. L. Com, a -oouttuiltee of seven was a „poiatod to draft resolution* for ita consideration. *he Cbsirnun appointed T- L. Boss, B. Collins jl K. Hw«*» S. T. diapman, 8. J. Ray, R S Ln- 0 ier tad D. S. Gregory. Tlie committee retired, }|n j after • short interval, rcturuod and reported lie foUnwtog reeolStioni The understgnad, eauiroittee having been ap pointed for the purpose «fexamining into the facts connected with the changes in tho arrival and da- of tho North, the only course thalcsa nov clvcd, Tlmt tho Sfrro! ward a copy c>f ih»>e resu CentMlGoor^Tn! tho M | r*. bo requested In pul. * be requested to ms to our Senators .’ stature, ami that PROTECTION insurance company ! OK HARTFORD, CONN. ^Finc akd Uasixe RtSKStilcQ oh the most favors bic terms by C. BAY, Ae 'ct febS7 IWsfa bicccln' ' mid .\J scon i -- ? adopted os, offered psrture of tho caia at Atlanta, beg leave to sub. oiit tho following Report: jt appears that about two year* a#o. the Presi- dent of the several companies. influenced by tba cooplsinta «f the travelling public, in regard to the delays occasioned by tba want afa proper connec- Tion of tho various Uuilrostls terminating at Atlan- tm. met Hit Excellency the Governor and tire Sn of the State Road,nud arranged n schedule by >' ' 'u-.-.inr. w!io:i Dr. V,'. Hnvi tlta^folfowing which v as also adopted. Resolved, That in the event of the call ofaStato Conventionibyhu Excellency tbo Governor, recommend the nomination of a ticket in VFaahiag- toa county to beeontpnsed of two from each party, to lie nominated by a Convention of said parlies, to which wo pledge our united soporl. On motion of Gan. Robison the meeting then adjourned siuo die. JAMES R. SMITH. > ., R. W. ffLOUftNOF, < Jr** t Q. C. Tor*. J T. G. Strange. {Secretaries. [COMMUNICATED.! Gvn. Tnytoe a W11 mot Provlaolst. There can be no doubt, from the facts already known, that Gen. Taylor did favor and a bit, by all possible means, the formation of a State Govern ment in California, when As lane that thatcansti. tntton would prohibit forever the South from any participation in the fruits of this Territory, pur chased, in part, by their blued and treasure. But be this as it may, one thing is certain—he does re- commend the admission af California as a State, with the Wilmot Proviso as one of its articles. He could not so roooinwcud uuleas he was a free suitor. He could not aid in die organization of ibat constitution, knowing, as he did, that it would effectually exclude the South, unless he bad been favorable to the views of the free editors. Ilia re commendation to Cougressto admit it, is proof that he is ia favor of it, and would vote for it, if j be had the chance. IVhat more could Giddingt j de, had ho been President ? BIBB. (.COMMUNICATED.] Idem ob ibi Crisis. Tho present, is perhtps the most critical period is the history of thin confederacy of States, since the revolution. Whether this great Union shall be pre served, to be a beacon light to nations, an incontro- tlier we shall divide and intestine discord ensue, mil depends on the events which msv transpire during the session oftbe present Congress. The North has encroached and die South eudnrrd, until Notthcrn arrogance has grown insupportable The South can not tolerate farther aggression on her rights and feel ings, without she meant to tatnefy submit her neck to have a day avktdd*. il wnuhl have been but conr- the foot q f insolence forever. This the will not do! Hor people are amused to a scute of the designs. gineer ol of running time, oo as toprevent all uuuoccay do- lavs or hindrances at tiiat point. X’ndcrtbia schedule the various roads continued to perform tho service wilb great regularity and satisfaction, to tho travclliug public. Recently however, as wo have been informed, tho IJngiucer of tho State Road, or some cither party interested with"*! consultation with the Macau&XVetlrru Goinpantea, in vjulatiuB of their rights and of the courtesies duo them—made such representations „ ,| w j<ost Master General, as to cause that office to change lire schedule of running lime so as to violate the term* of tho old agreement, to produco utter coufusiiKi iu die whole mail sorvico of tho country, and effectually to render die Slate Road almost valueless as a means of communication to a largo portion of tho people of tho State. If this clrtuge were to facilitate the marl service iu the slightest degree, the people of Georgia might „ii!.miu« it; but the great Southern mail is not facilitated thereby oho hoar in its arrival at Mont- minery,and while the mails between Tennessee and Upper Georgia nod Florida, null tlio whole Central, Southern and South-Western portion of tbit State are delayed twenty-!our hour* at Attan- u. Why theu has the clianre been made ! Why are thepeoplo of the wltolo Gherokeccountry and «f Western, Soutb-Westeru, Central and Southern Grorgl* to hecompelled to lay over fromeighfecn to twenty hours iu Atlanta ! The State Road was coustructod by the people's money, and far their ■convenience. Is it right—is it proper that it should he controlled far the advantage of sectioual Rail road interests, or of stage contractors ? It it was desirable that the State Road should .jsve a (toy kmiUIc. it would have been but cour tesy to the several companies to have called the.m togetitcrsiu proposed » change which would have preserved the connection and sustained the Inter ests of the people. Wo aro assured by tbo Presi- (tout of the Macon sod Western Company, that the Hoard over which he presides has never been coil- sailed iu this matt or; though they have always manifested n spirit of accommodation, and have siever refused to make any change in their hours ,if arrival and departure, consistent with their ex isting obligations to the department. The projiosed change however, attempted to 1>« foiccd upoa that company, it is linposs ble for it tomake without destroying their present counec- tion with the stage lines, arid thus ueriuusly injur- iug their travel. Bt it tkemforr Retclvfd, Tout li e Excellency, <h« (lovic.ior, the President of Georgia Company, the President of the Macon ana Western Compa ny sod oilier parties interested in the fra asporta tion oftbe grout Northern «od Sontliero mail, be reipiested to meet ot no curly day nod arrange such acheduio* for the various Railroads toimjiialing ut Adsnia. as w ill remedy the existing evil* nud pre- veut future delays mid hindriitices to tbe mud ser vice and travelling public*! lliat point. A’lWcrd, That the State Ruud was constructed by tho inouey of die people of Georgia tor their general good nud convenience, nml ought to be so msu-igeii as to confer espial advantages and bette- 4i la up on all, tl is Un?ix*far» improper and unjust in thosu having control of it to instigate or iisveut to any ch iuga of sch ;d lie which will deprive one half of tho people of th i State ,■! us heu.liis, ,-,ud s-diject tjj travelling public 11 nacre u deiiys and «X|ietMMrtk Jitaf/rrJ, That the proceedings of this meeting ' aV cry tlavchohiing State. And unity of opinion and •ignwl by the Chair man m d .Secretary, be trims- j acl ; cll u ,-j wu wnnt t „ fa-me the North to serious rc- tn.tted to the Prrttmmirer General or. I tJ, “‘ ‘;" r Action sud fci^e the coavictum on lo r. O.u wc me Senators and Keiocsentiitives in Coucr csn lie re- i . . , , , , _ , spiraled to urge that olltoer. either to adopt the m caraest. that we are right, srn.l that oar just de- Jicvv scl<c lido to be udopted by the Governor mid I'residerjis of the roads, or to reslin e the one which vvn* so MS.-ce#«Jolly mu during iJjc last two years. The rcanluliuu# were discKSsed at some length liy W. L. Mitchell, Chief Rugineer of tho Vi’t stern and Atlautic Railroad ; 8 T. Chapman, lisrj, J-anuNcutt, E-q,. J. A. Ni-'oet, E«q.,aud ! will follow. Col. D.Gralfeitrt-id, cud adejoed. | But if we multiply points and rnnic false rssocr, On motion, tile jirooerdiog* were ordered to be , our people at home rannot he nnitvd, ar«l v-e stiail (Ml Wished, and the mveliug ndjonruetl. j f u i|—fail miierahly si home aud dcgradingly at Wash <r. M. LOGAN, Chuirmau- MOKISO.V; IMVUKSU, MHOiClNJhS FOR SALE AT Turn w amsoira OPP0S1IE THE FLOYD HOUSE, spril 3—ly Macon. Oa. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY r OP NEW.yoRK. . A5. AsDATT.See'ry. Jos Em B. Coiains. Prevident. Appncitioua received by C. DAY. Agent. TAYLOR & RUFF, DEALERS IN STaFLE tinotis and mmiBiE COTTON AVENUE—MACON, OA. septtS C—ly NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Francis S. lie ru ao ilex’s .SUGAR MAMTACTOKY, TX1BD smear, NEXT »OOK TO THE STATE EASE MACON. OA. WTiero he keeps constantly on hand, cheap iorCaah, Spaniali, half Spanish and American Scgnrs, at wholesale mad retail. Also, Chewing mid Smoking Tolrrvcco, Stinlf, &c. 6m ect30 ALLEN, BALL & CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No US Bat street. Savannah. Oa. J. 91. BALL A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ItCEEXT A. ALLEN, ) .UdfO*. Oa. TAMES M. BALL, > JVO. V.TARVER. ) Liberal cash advances made on consignments to Savannah Charleston. New York and other porte. dee 4 iC—lira J. JJ. 8. k CO. LIFE INSURANCE. The Southern AlKltal Insnmuce Compstny, Is now issaiogpolicies for Life as well as for shorter period sr RATES TOR tXSCRtXO OXE THOUSAND DOLLARS. Are. one rear. ten year*. Life. 25 sn so ftl3 10 *21 80 35 15 30 17 30 28 90 50 23 10 39 10 48 30 repuhlic over all other faints of government;^ or wht- ' year. ProSts paid hack eunnally. * ... ..I ASBURY IlULL, President. of those who would degrade Iier into a station of hn miliatiug inequality. She will not suhmitto it! We feci this to he tnic. We know it to be true, from the conversation, we hear, llio jopers we read, and the proceedings of Legislatftres and primitive assemblies everywhere. WerepoM, the South is aroused. It is not evinc ed, and we trnst it wQInot be,in a spirit of gascon ade, or bravaJc, hut every turn begins to feel that the time for argomeut is cone and the time for action is came. What are wo to to affect this great republic for weal or w«e; posterity is to rejoice or suffer, uc reding as we arc Cna. temperate and judicious in tlio measures we take. The great point for the South noxr, it to make her isaurjproperty. This done judiciously and adhered to fi m!y, nnd wo believe the storm will pass over without harm, andourobjrct be attained. But if im- pradeiAiueJi, are permitted to rommit as to false is sues.tho result will be disastrous. Our interest is to make few points and let tliem he sucb us the people will he willing all to rally OD. Let us My—1st. The Wilnxit Proviso roust not be applied to any of the new Territory Scoth oi the Mis- j souri Compromise line by Congress. J Cd. Slavery ia the District oi Columbia is not to he | touched. These are all the nc-essery point- we arc to guard. The defence of these c&u ar.-osc the united force of C. r. lie Cat, Actuary. R. S. LANIER, Agent at Macon. .*: of \V:U Cherry—TL BO, and the bestm -divi of every staee, liver r:i eiar-tis, eoldf, bleeding of the ! side, breast fee-, and ail other diseases of the pu'.mo- ■ . asry otgani. fin. urt eflarr '.'i.'ionf—The greater the valcc of j 1 any discovery, tho higher it is hciii in the esteem of 1 the public, and so much in proportion is that public , liable to be imposed upon by the spurious imitations : of ignorant, designing arid dislioneat men, who, iike | the drone to the hive, have neither rite ability nor in- ! riin*tion to proviie for themselves, hut tlirive ani i laxnriate opon t* c-roingsotthe deserving. Now that this preparation is well known to he a more certain cure far incipient C’oaveenpUi-K. JJvcr Oampheint, Aithma. Gou$kt, Bronchitis, mid all simi tar affections, than auy other remedy ever known, there will be. and now are found-thoso so villainously wicked ss to connect a spurious.and perhaps a pois- onous mixture, aud try to palm it off as the genuine Balsam. This is to cautioo dealers and the peblte generally against purchasing any other than that having the written ngnatore if I. Butt* on the wrapper. The rest merely imitate the name of the original, while they possess none of its virtues. Originally prepared by Williams & Co. Pliiladel- phia, now preparsd and sold, wholesale and retail. by- Seth W. Kovrlc. Boston, Mass, to whom all orders should be addressed, and far sale by his agents tbroueliout the eoentry. E3P For sale by J. A. A S. 8. VIRGINS, and GEO. PAYNE, Macon; by 8. S. Kendrick. Baruesville; O. Phelps A Ensign. Forsyth, and agents everywhere. Draw u IV timbers ,F Gejngia .Itstn L-ittc:y, C.ass IS, drawn at Au : .SO 13 SS 36 tbo ISth lust. Coortcia, Crawford County. Coen r OF Onn:NAr Fresent—the (Ton. R.:ubc;i - VVi.'liamsoi. CniohflelJ. As» Murahall. and Grm . gKKRY 8UL1.1VAN, One dtan of V, Ctcor|jl:i M:tr.« Lottery, CL ASil, No. 8. Extra, for the bcr.eht o; the iudet-en ileot Firo Company at Augusta, d .tided by tb-odrnw- ittgot the Husquuhannah Lottery, Clara No. 8, to tc drawn iu the city of Baltimore. Maryland, on Wed nesday, January 23, IfiW —.D. Taii.o Vco. Managers, spleuttlil M inn e, 75 numbers—13 drawn ballots. | Georgia, Cravrl'crJ Couniy- 1 prize of l>33,000 1 prize or S23.000 i CjlfltofOi ) $11.0(10. 55.433, S3,000. S2.CCJ. 20 ol_$1.2M. Ac. ic. ! Jaimiu-v Terai 1656 \ Whole Tickets *10—shares in proportion. j Present-the Honorable Reuben j. Willi iu. .it. Asa Gcorgiia State Lottery, Class 50. fortho beaebt ot the Augusta Independent Fire Company at Augusta, to be drawn in Augusta, Qn.oa this day, u’Xdjan lr50—D- Fame he oo. Man agers. SCHEMt: 13 drawn ballots out of 06 numbers, 1 prize u< *.7,SOU I prize o! s2,l 71 Sl.bud. 5W0. .4 ot S4'J0, 4 ol *200. 4of *U0. Ac. Ac. Wholes, Si,50—Halves, Cl.35—(Quarters, luj vents. ifext BONNETS BLEACHED AND PRESSED. MRS. K. A. BAILEY would respeot- fully inform the Ladies of Macon and itsIXfl yl^tv vicinity, that, having recently removedy^tr from Augusta for tlm purpose of permanently resid ing in this city, she is now prepared to BLEACH, PRE SB. DYE and ALTER BOSKETS and Gentlemen's HATd. Keeling cuufidentthat tlie can give entire satisfaction, Mra. 8. would respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Her system of Dveiug Bonnets is unsurpassed. S.H.—LIM/XO aud TttlMHTNG executed in the neatest nud most fashionable styles. Cp* Residence on Fourth street, directly oppo site the Catholic Church. Jan 22 -71ARR1ED. Ia this city, on the ftli inst, by the Rev. S.Lnr- drutu. Ur. John E. Pocnd to Miss Tncr.ZA L. Flem ing. Geurgin, Wilkinson County. To the Honorable the Inferior Court ni said county, sitting for ordinary purposes. T HE petitionof HeutyBarlowrespectfulIyshew- etli that heretofore, to wit: on the Htb day of November, 1845, Stephen whipplc, of said county, then in life,'bat since deceased, made and executed to joar petitioner ia due form his bond, a copy of which is to this petition annexed, the origiual in court to ho shown, binding himself in the suru of lour Imudred dollars conditioned to be void if tlio said fiteplieu Whipple make or cause to he made to your f ietitioner titles in fee simple to eighty-live acres of and lying in the fourth district of said county, bound ed en the south by lands of your petitioner, on tire north by Barney's lands, and on tho east by Simpson Moore's lands—aud your petitioner avers that here tofore, to wit: on the 30th day-ol November, 1847, the said Stephen Whipple departed this life witliout executing or causing or proridiug in auy way for ti tle* to be executed to voor petitioner for said tract <rf land, and your petitioner avers that lie fully paid 8tc- phen Whipple iu his lifetime the entire amount of the purchase money lor said tract of land and has performed faithfully his part of the contract under which said bond was given, wherefore yonr petition er prays that Robect L. Mitchell, executor of the last will and testament of the said Stephen Whipple, may be ordered cn I directed by this Houorablo Conrt to execute to your petitioner for said tract of land ti tles in conformity with said bond of the ssid Stephen Whipple, deceased, and as iu duty hound your peti tioner will ever pray. A. E. COCHR AN, FlAiutiff's Attorney. Jan. 14th. tSf.0. jan 23 (Copy of Bond.J Georgia, Wilkinson County. K NOW nil mm fcv these presents., that I, Ste- plien Whipple, am held aud firmly 1'ound unto Henry Barlow, tn tlie just and full sum of (bur hun dred dollars, for the true payment of which sura to the said Henry B allow, I bind myself, my heirs, exe cutors mid administrators, jointly and severally nml firmly by these presents, sealed with ray sea! this ( 12th day of January. 1315: The condition of the a- and severe, for"during tho last part of Lis illness his hove obligation is such that, whereas the -said Henry Geovgia State Lottery, Class 51.for the benefit of tlio independent Fire Co. at be draws iu riavannah,an Friday, Sotti inst.—D. Fayue Aeu. Monagers. scheme: 16 drawn ballots out at each packag«ef36 Tickets. X prize ot' £13,50U ■* p.-rzen o. S.'.oUO 10 ot $100,19of *1,00, 10 0( 2ICO, 10 of gist). Ac. Ac. Tickets, $4; Halves. 62; CLuatters, Cl. Marshall. Tbomss CrerhfieM, and Green r.Cuiver- honse. Indues of ssid Coart. YJB’ENRY BRADFORD, Guardian for Susan M.1 jt a-ci-:eb:H 1 IL Drew, minor and crpbsa child of Je'ie M. Drow. ! ter It tn tm- deceased, having applied to' the Court far letters oi j tuvs, snd tii dismission trnrn the guardianship of said minor. It is i mo jT, tuu * e therefore ordered tiist all persons concerned he and i and lungs, appear at the term of ssid Coupt to be beid on the I hnOwu, very r first Monday iu March next, and show ervuin ' ‘ - rr, ' n “*“*■ they can) why said Henry Bradfo missed from said guardianship. A trae extract'front tie minutes of said Court. Jan uary Hrii. 1850. JAMES J. RAY, c. c. o. muse (if suv turn anil plulantlrujust: id not bedi* ! '•pintail ol Cha ry 1 eelc ly attract i*n 22 DIED. In this city, on tke 14th fast. Mr. Enoch Ifxcisss, aged 74 years. In Athens, on the 9th inst. Mr. Geo. Prixgle, for several years a resident ofthat place. All wlui knev.- hiu respected hjai—he was that noblest specimen of God's handiwork, an honest man. In Milledgeville, on theCth inst.CnxitLEsH. Rice, Eij. Secretary to the Executive. In Milledgeville. on the 12th lust. Mrs. \ Cot ton. wife of Tlroaias Cotton, in tlie 45th year of tier age. Mrs. Colton was a native of England, and has been a resident of this city fer about eight years. OittTElBY. Departed this life on the 5th inst. in Bibb county, ct the residence of his father, Rolia Bivens, Esq James S. Bivens, in the 22d year of his age. He died of irdiaiiMnatory rheumatism; his sickness was short Gcei'gjft Stale Lottery, Class B. Extra, 6>r the benefit of ibe Independent Fire company at be decided by thedraw- ingcf the Grand consolidated Lottery, class 11; to be drawn in Baltimore, on Saturday kStlriust.—D. Bayne Aoo. Managers. -Magnificent Scheme i 73 numbers, 13 drawn ballots. I prize ol C(i<),(MlO 1 prize ut * *10)000 1 prize of 20.000 l prize of 12,500 I prize of 2,1)00 l prize of 4,750,80 100 prizes of 2,000 100 prizes of 600 Ac. Ac. Ac. Tickets, 820; Halves,810; Quarters, C5; Eigtitiis 2 50 Georgia Slate Lottery, Class 52, for the benefit of tlie Independent Firoco. at Augusta, to be drawn in Augusta, on Tuesday, 29th inst.—D. Payne dcco. Managers. SCHEME: 1 prize el (4,000 1 prize o7 1,000 lof«400, 1 of CC50, I of $120,215 ot S40, Ac. Ac. Tickets Cl; Halves, 50 ctsg Quarters, 25 cents. FSr’Oflice in the FJnyd House, Third street, near the PostOiUce. Prizes cashed xt rliis utUee. All orders (from town or cuuutrv) promptly attended Co Address CHARLES ». PATTERSON, jan 82 Agent at Macau. «3*. ; which hr * attended the use of salutary < Its power to ra- i.sul'the ■ . fi, havegainedA-t ■ ills entire ocoMctfaeio itsvir- et tiiat it will sol'dtre aud re- they become publicly •he attention of medical '• Vhnt is their ) be teca in the follow- ing: Valentine MoIt, m. -a., Ti lege. New York.says.-—“"Jt givi liiythe value and eiKrjicy ot Ay which I eotiiiderpeouiiaily adaj uf theThroet aud Lungs.' The Ut. Ret. iitsjior F:nu> writes ;» a letter to Ills frieiid, who v.-ss fast sinking under an affection tf the Lungs;—-Try tlio G'terry Pectoral and itany medicine can giw youre.'ich .vi.’h the blessing of tXid that will. Chief Justice Kesris, Louis; • writes “Tlmt a ai severe at- f. Surgery Med 0,1- ; me pleasure to Per es's Cherry Pectoral h i to cure diseases Georgia, Uihb Coanty. To the Hon. the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes, January Term, 1850. W HEREAS, Green .1, It lake, administrator with the will annexed mi the estate of Chsries T Eugtand.laving fully administered nn the hstate of said deceased, as faUy-appcara to this Gcurt. and he „ou»i:.::;i. nriw g raying for letters of dismission thereon. It is there- i ynongslaavliter of bis vm i unSd stfatYerni si ire now ordered by the Court that the Clerk dp pub- j tucks of (,'fojCP bv the •• Chirr v Ttctorol." lisb a citation iu one ot the gazette* of the city once I Arruv.r ANo—Tho Journal aroontbformxnrpntbsareordrugtolaw. ] of Medical Sciertec ztat.s. "fast AeiIiim m.d Brtw- Tliese are therefore to cite and admqnrsb all and chip, ?o prevalent in this inclement cjimatejiasyield- smgularthe kindred and creditors of said deresscil o ' — _ . bo ami appear at ray office, within the time prescrib ed by lnw, to sliow cause, (if auy they hare) why said letters should not be granted. Given under toy hand this ISthof January. 1359, jan 22 MARK 1). DlARK. c-c. o. GpoTg-ra, Bihb Comity. 'VST'HHRFAS. fhsrles F. Hudson applies to me Vv for letters uf administratiini on the estate ol Janies Hudsnu.lateof this county,deceased, with tlie will annexed. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular tlio kindred and creditor* til' tie deceas ed to he snd appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law to sliow cause (if any They have] why ssid letters should not be emoted. Given under my hand this 14th of January, 1850. jsly 25 MARK D. CLaRK.'c c.o. mantis are not to be resisted. Let us rally on these point*, sad not distract suid divide our strength by trib-dU-rdiiig them. Let us state these two plain propositions and adhere to them resolutely, with a Ictcrminatiou never to recede from them, nndsccccss j t w )|cctual endowment*, which, combined with a happy temperament, general intelligence, and tlie sanctity •ng influences of an experimental and practivoJGhris- iauity. eminently qualified him for the diversified and mind was deranged. He was a young man of prom isc—had jast tiuisbed hn collegiate course in Ogle- thortie University. He took a fair start in Ids class aud was strictly a moral young man—kind and atlec tionate iu fits uisuncrs aud beloved by bis fellows anil ail who knew hi tit. Some four years ago lie joined the Metlioilist church aud gave good hn|*o in bis death that be died a Christian. His death was a anredis- pen*atiun«in!i his family and friends. His father had been at considerable expense in cdqcatiug bim, nnd just as lie was iu full expectation of realizing all his hopes. Iiis son was cut down by the hand ol death. Truly the ways of God are mysterious to ns short sighted mortals. May kind Heaven give supplies ti:7g grace to a bereaved father aud tno.'ber and sis- tern, is tlie prayer of one who greatly sympathises with them. II • I *?' Tim Southern Presbyterian will please copy. Thesuhicctofthe fallowing brief notice, Abnek H* FleweLLCX. JJ. D , was born iu Warren county, Ga.< on the ISili .May. 18U0. and died in kVyuutou, on the morning ol the 88th December, 1849, being 49yean and 7 mouths of age. Dr. Flewclleu was possessed of eatrsonlitirry in- E. J. Stoop, Secretary. Public iliei-ling. SzvnxBsvn.LZ, Jan. 8. 1S59. rursnarit tn previous norite, a large snd rt*. (tectable meeting n( the citizens id Washington coiiuty, occurred in the Court IJutise to-Jay. On motion. Dr. Jutnea U. S-nilh anti It. IV. Flournoy were called to the chair. Mid Owen C. 1'nfieaiK] Tliom.11 C- Strange, requested to act ns ■Secre taries. Very appropriate and interesting remaik* were tnadehy both of the Chairmen, explanatory of tho object of the meeting, ia which they showed forth in glowing terms the repeated aggressions of Norlli- eru abolitioniam which had at last aroused the South to a sense of her wruugs, and caused the tnectiug which they addressed. Tho mooting heiug now fully organized. It was moved by Col. Jot. S. (look, that a Committee of Twenty, composed uf membera of both political iugton. If sve suffer Quixotic mm to commit os to such incocs as arc manifestly absurd, and sodi ns the Southern people cannot lie rallied on, our fate is easi ly told. There is danger in this. Imprudent men at lane can damage us marc-than all the Free Boilers iu Con grew thrice told, with a corresponding constit uency at their bar k*. One of the most jaroniinciit of the fahe issue* we we hare to cncouuter, is the idea that some over- zealous Soutlicni men cherish of resisting the admis sion of California as a State, because tier constitution excludes slavery- This would be • false movo. Wc could nut snstaiu ourselves in snch a petition. It has ever been a favorite doctrine at tlio South, that a State must settle all tlie details of her domestic poli cy herself. Tho General Government lias nothing to do with then. That the Constitution of a State iu- sures a republican farm of go’-ernmcnl to its citizcut, is as far as the supervising (lower of tlie General Government goes- California is South of the Missou ri Compromise line. So is Kentucky. And if in the late convention to alter the constitution of that State, it had been thought fit to abolish the institution of Barlow has made aud delivered to tlie said Stephen Whipple his certain promissory note hearing date with these presents for the sum of two hundred dol lars, one due on the first day of January-, 1847, for one hundred dollars, and one due on the first day of January. 1338, for one hundred dollars. Now, should the said Henry Barlow pay or cause to he paid ssid promissory notes, then the said Stephen Whipple is to make or cause to be made to the said Henry Bar- low good nnd sufficient titles in fee simple to aud fer lot of laud No. in the *th district of said county, tULNCIh uhatzbeh. 1’uesoat Evening,fan. IS, 1850. called meeting. Present—Tim Mayor. Aid. H. G. Ross." B. F. Ross, Findlay, Collins, Greeu, Bhinkolscr. and Dibble. Absent—Aid. Conner. Hi* Honor the Mayor, having stated the object of calling tho Council together at this time, read the fol lowing communication, which had been duly received, butowiug to the City Election, and organization of the new Council, he con!J not tay before tliem at an early day. Kun. GEO. M. LOGAN. Mayor of Macoa. St it.—“For the purpose of putting au end to allcou- tnoversy in relation to the Rail Korda c-ossingthc river and forming a common Depot in the City, and with a sincere desire to do full justice to the City of Macon, but witiout yielding any of tho rights that we. or any of us. consider ourselves entitled to. We res peettuUy pi* pose thattha Three Hoads fieri! together pay m thecity of Macon the sum of $85,000, twenty five thousand dollars, arid which sum shall be in lull compensation for thcelaimcd exclusive right of cross ing the river within three miles of the Bridge.nnd also for the privilege of running the Tracks of the several roa ls through sn h of the streets and town cnmtncn as may he required to run to and from the said Depot, which shall he located south of third street so as not to be in tire way of tlie business part of the city. The Companies to piiv damages to l>e assessed iu the usual way. for all private property which said Roads or Depot may touch. Very respectfully, your oVt servants. It. R. CUYLER. President C. R. Rond. L. O. REYNOLDS. President F. W.U.Road. ISAAC SCOTT,President M. A VV. R.R. Co. dec 29, 1849. On motion of Aid. B. F Ross. Unsolved. That His Hon. the Mayor he. and he is Keorsrla, IJIbb county. W HEREAS. Wb Solomon, applies to me for letler* of sdrnlntslrotfon on the estate ot Usry Adeline Blake, into of ssid county deejased. These are therefore to rite and admonish, ml! and singular the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time pro scribed by law, to shew cause, ifsny iLev have, why said letters ehould not he granted. Given under nv hand, this I7tli January, 1850. Jm 22 ~ MARK D. CL A RKK. <:. c.o. Georgia, Houston county, W HEREAS. EzeVel Winberlv.appiies to me for totters of administration upon the estate of Laura P M Fort, late of said county. deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singnlarthe kindred and creditors of ssid be and appear at my office within the rinse prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not he granted. Given under ray hand this t'th davnf Jan.. 1850 jan22 BRYANT HATTON, r. c. o. Georgia, Houston county. TS’^rHEKK AS. Mrs M Gunn, applies to me for let * v ters of administration noon the estate of Dan iel Gnmn, late oftbis county deceased. These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and singular, the kindred nml creditors of ssid deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pre- serihedby lnw, and shew cause if any they have,why- said letters dionld not ho granted. Given under mv hand at oliiro. this 17th Jannaiy, IB50. * BRYANT BATTON.c.c.o. jan 22 / 1 UJjlJ PUSS—A t-ood supply of Bayiey's and VJT other milters. Fur sale hy jan 8-> E. J. JOHNSTON. main ill full force and virtue. (Signed) STEPHEN WHIPPLE. (Attest) A.B. IUirouD. jan 22 contairdng eighty five acres, more or less, bounded on the south by said Barlow, on the north by Barney's j hereby instructed to answer tlie communication from laad, oa the east by-Simpson Mooro's laud, with all I the Presidents of the Central, Sooth Western, am! and singular the rights and appurtenance* thereto j Manoa i Western Rail Road Companies, respectful- belonging or in any wise appertaining or belonging j ly declining their proposition or any other until the which if the said Stephen Whipple should do then ! subject matterufsaid proposition be withdrawn from this obligation to be null and void, otherwise lu re’ | the Legislators. The resolution was passed UTWininioualy- Ou motion of Aid H. G. Rosa. Resahsid, That the committee on streets examined aud report to Council as soon as practicable, on the propriety and probable coot of a plank road from the .Macon Bridge to thes.-uall Bridge near the Rail Hoad Depot, in East Mseon, or to such other point ns they may deem best, near said last named Bridge. Passed. On motion. Reso/red, That Aid. Green, Conner, and Findlay, be and are hereby appointed a romm'rttee to employ Council <n eases where the City ,« a party pend ing in any of the courts. Passed- Couucil then adjourned. Attest. A. R. FREEMAN, c. c. Georgia, Wilkinson County. Coinr or OiiiitNABV, ) . Jannary Term. 1850. y Present their Honors Samuel Beall, James C.Jtsiver, Gc--cr» H. Rargier. Jaeies Gihsotg nud EdisHarvill, Judges of said Court. I T appearing to the Court by the petitionof Henry Barlow, that Stephen IVlujipto. late of saidcouo- tv. ifeceased, did inhis lifetime execute to the ssid cred duties of domestic character, or the interest of the Church, Ida iuflucace was for good, and produc tive of the happiest results. His chief delight, how ever. was found iu the latter iutoreitf. mud iu these his excellent ebarnrter was more fully developed aud respuiwibfe duties ol the citizen and patriot, tlie hus band. father, master, and cbn.tisu In every de- H( . u u , rkiw host.! conditioned to execute titles partmcutoJ life, whether"! toe legislative kali circle in , e0 «m,.le to said Henry Barlow- for eigfev-five of frmmlslop. works of benevolence, morality, tlieaa- | >erot of u | ld lyin „ ia the foSnli distrirt ej- said eoun- ty. boanrloil on tlie south l»y said Barlow's land.on | the north hy lsmd« of Burney. tlie cast by Simp* j sou Moore's l.niil—and it tcntiier npfiearinn li»«t the said .Stepheir^Whipple lias departed this life witliowt ! Aid. Corni - . j • i rxeentinu titles to *wt:d lmj«l «c { insny way providing f H. lr. lions. i fltem-SK. A 1 --,..-Aid. II. F. Ho,, aud Shiuholser. Jam* AST, 18, 1850. jfCETfso. Present—Tlie Mavor. Kcatl! iScttti 11 MACON, 5th Oct. 1349. Dr. W. W. Marshall. Dear sir—The great relief I have recently received ut your hands, induces me to offer my testimony to your successful treatment of Cancerous ftffccfions. 6oiue teu years ago, a small lump, something like a wart, made its appearance iu the centre of my lower lip, giving me at first oo inconvenience or paw. Al ter several years it began to grow, l then applied to a Physician, who cut it off below the surface of the Jip iu.*d berat it withcaastic, aud I thought, cured it. In a short time afterwards, it re appeared and grew more rapidly than before; cfioctfng within the last six months, the giands of the neck, aud giving me ocea >d with ««rp*ising rapidity to Ayer’s Chu-jy Perioral aud we cannot toosticugJyrecommeod ti«Ls skilful pre* pnralion to the Mesdou aud public generally.** L ot the relieved -sufferer :j>ee.k for buafielfi— H-inTroar. dan. 2G, XS47. Dr J. C. Aver— Dearsir:—Having hceurescued from a painful and dangerous disease oy yoar nx*di- ciue. gratitude prompts mo'to seud'ydu this ackimvvi* edgment, not only in justice toyoo, but tor the intonn- atinn of others in likfe Ridictioa- A rfight ccddcjiun tin* ijuijs, neglected nt firat,be came so severe t!u.t spitting oi bipod, n violent cough ami profuse uivJitsweats lollowed dud listened npoa me. i becHttii! emaciated, could not slL p, -va-s dir tressed by my c u ;)». at;d a prtin through fcy cbttt and iu short had aii the alfiiiniRg evniptoms : quick coMumptnin. Ko medicine stctucdatsdlto /:*ach»w case, undl 1 providentiftlly tried youf Cherry lectori! which eocm relieved audituw Itss carad ase. Vours « 3:h respect, je. a. stewart. ^ Prepared tyJ. I Ayer, Chemist, Lovtil, Mas*. SaM in Jlac.m by liniKoK Pstne; CABTEr.; Sifatimah’TcR.vxr. A. Oden, and hy dealers in Mvilfoiue generally. jau 8 Jm 55,00C) DOI LARST ly7*THF. GRAND HIGH CAPITAL P*h!ZE^^S In the Grand Consoiideted Lottery of Maryland. J^rawa December 22, 1849. SiAA by COLVIN & CO. + Eight t.'Rj-itai Prises jioid in December. •• ‘Tis '*trf>nge, ’tis. passing strange." . Event* rf the grist year, so glorious in their results J:ns seated tnc universal verdict— *Lhcir very touch is grid ” t'cuin North to South, and from the East to tho Grant West, in every stale, of ihis great confedera* cy .bits tho name and fame of the- great Lottery firm of Of Baltimore, Ma rylandffigjisprae known hy their BKIM.1ANT SCCCKSS 15 SELLING CAPITAL PRIZE!* One order, per moil, to Colvia A Co. has prbdncod tho capital prize. Tho Agency of Colvin vc co. has been estabUshod iu B4tiuioi*e twenty five years, ns Agents under Mess is. Vntes & McInt yre, V. S. Gregory Jc Cp-* J. G. Gregory Sc Co., and D. Paine Sc Co., Managers. COJLYJN DU’S OFFlCfiy . JV. IV. comer BaUimore envd C'Jlrcrtshicls* Museum Building, BnHknore, Md. tJS^Tbcmost unparalleled Prize -venders iu tlrii world! Guarantee all Prizes. Official drawings of December show eight capitax. TRIZES SOLD IS DECEMBER ftniOUntillg to UpW&TliS Ol $130,000: “We wield the magic w^nd^ the golden tlneson real ized.” Every state in the Unit. capitals sold last Year at C CAPITALS S0I~ 55,000 dollars, sold 1 25,000 15,000 5,000 4,000 20,000 *5.000 12^00 Date. Jan. I s ion ally considerable pain. My physicians gave it as J Jam their opinion that it was c.mccrous zuJ tlmt nothing could relieve sue bn: the knife. In this situation. I put myself umleryoor treatment, on the lOthTSeptemberXaTtf. and to tiny, 1 think, I mny safely ray, titte I am srelL I trest you will hag live to afford relief to the afflicted and distressed. With my wnnwest think*, for your kind dud constant utten tion during my stay with you. 1 am respectfully. Vours, FLOVD. Col. Floyd is known to the community, as the bro ther of Judge Floyd suid *u eminent lawyer, jau lj" meinher of the Methodist bp.scopnl Church, ol which , h M the fllU ^ nnunt of ih< * vurc \ iMe }tr ice of said be h veil aud d,eda» and use ul member ^ „ id Heurv haviu 5 ^etitiowd this Court . A r * !*4SSi- I to direct Robert L. Mitchell, executor of the lart will |>aitie«, he appointed to draft a writable prcaiuble slsvcry, who could have tataiaycd their riijlit to do auil resolutions for the consideration of the meet- *° * tug. This motion iis. iug been uctopted, tlieCliair uppuiated the following gentlemen on said Goin- itiillre, viz; J. S. liio k, I. II. Suffold, Juo. II. Oupgnn, Siitn'l Sniilii, Eiinuiael Brown, L. A. Jciiiipau, Ji.lm Swim, Win. It. Glenn. Gen. Smii'i Ituhison, Dr. Wm. I*. Haynes, Littleton Mathis, C. O AkCnunrll. Kinrlicn Massey,R. B. Craflnn, lili Ciimtiimg, A. O. Ilsynes, Win. I.*. Jordan, Joe) r. Levcictt, A. A. Walker, aud Green Witid- slon. This committee hating retired for a few niluntes, returned uitd mnde the following rejairt, to wit; Whereas the Legislature of Geo rein has signifi ed its desire tiiat tlie peiqde. through meeting* in ■ heir respective counties, should niouifest their wishes ou the subject of a State Cunvention. whose 1 do not say we ought to adroit California as a State- Bat I do say tho objection to her admwsinn. above al luded to. is insufficient. On the principle of State Rights, we cannot maintain soefc ground. There arc mrocrouf vulnerable places in the history of tlie era- stitutiun of California that we can attack tacccttfui- ly. without a resort to this. Her boundaries are too large in tlio first place, including an area sufficientto form probably a doae* States the size of Georgia. That objection wn raised to to (lie admission o* Iowa, in Congress. Such a large State world cxer- ciso an undue influence on the cloctiout. We tee mow tint Pennsylvania anil New York have to he consulted aa to who shall bo President. How much more would be the influence of sneb a giant as Cali duly it shall be Ui determine tt|«ou die propriety 1 fornix, with tlie limits they have mrogated, wboo its ol this State sending delegates to a Southern Con- ! territory should bo peopled by Chinese, {Sandwich vrntinu—Mid whereas the people of this county j i,i, n( j erli people of ail notions aud tongues from Ure viewed w Increasing alarm, tbo danger, to a ^ objection t . n, r. w brtU? “*??rL b £r!2? I In lb. next P J«^. «* might *.k U «b«.« who or kind; as slather, firm and dignified, yet mild and af fectionate; as a roaster, compassionate and pleasant, comroantoatiugto sli with whom lie ho had inter course thst fcelin? of clicerfuluesa which so striking ly characterized hi* own life. As a Christian, lie was conscientious and faithful, suffering no intervention of religious duty; when tlie heuresnte for prayer, private or domestic, or lor pub lic worship in die' temple of God. no paramount olili gation was recognized, auil uothing was suffered to divert iiisu from these high aud holy engagement*.— Tins Doctor was particularly court ocsis and mild, in his intercourse with mankind.' yet fearless and pointed in his admonitions and reproofs to tlwrse of his brethren in wleu he apprehended a necessity fursuch acts of Christian faithfulness. For the space of twenty years or more, lie served ( the rhnrrli of bis choice as leader of a class, for which , responsible office lie was singularly-qualified, and ia the exercise of which he succeeded to* largo extent 1 testament of said deceased, to execute to him ti tles til said tract of* land in conformity with said bond; It is therefore hereby ordered that antice be given at three Or mure public places in said county nud in the Georgia Telegraph newspaper for three months, of such application thst all perKius concerned may 11 e o!ijceti«' any they have, why said Rob't L. Mitch ell. executor as aforesaid, should not execute titles to anti tract uf land iu conformity with.said tond. Oequoii. ) Court «r Ordinary. Jana- Wilkinson County. S ary Term, 1850.—I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true extract from tiie minutes of said Court. Given under my hand and private acal, there being no seal of office. E. J. GILBERT, c. c.o. jan 22 2m ~ The Georgia Citizen. theexerciseof which he succeeded to* large extent | yrvoEH this title,the undersigned pmposea, as ia the edification oflbose committed to his charge, as . J J B(K1I1 „ |, e can effect an adjustment of the af- well ss tnapiringtliem with a high scnac of his guts ; the late '-Muscogee Democrat," to establish and graces, and consequent value to them in this re- . n nuw j om . us ( j nt some eeatraf imiut in Georgia, lation. Long will they remember his lessons otin j ^ ,i lu n },„ devoted to the developcinentof the strnction, cmhueil as they were with the spirit of re- , rctoQPCC1 0 fthe State and the advancement of its in- ligmn, and repfete with “the wisdom which is mint > j ug ,rial puvruits snd interests. Its motto will be— above." which “is first pure, tlieu peaceable, gentle, j ■■independent tn ail things. Ktutral in nothing. ami easy to he entreated, full of mercy, and good j Jt will be a “map ol busy life"—spicy, piquant and frnits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. j varied. It will be tbepalludiumoftlie peooie'srights Owingtotlie nature of hi* disease, (luvolvrngatro . f ur tlic defence” of the weak andoppressed. confirmed. The Bridge Keeper reportei ending last eveuiug SIP2 35. prietnrsofthe "Jiniriial * Messenger,* la*t year. Ou motion of Aid. Green. Jan. 3, Jan. 4, •Ian. 3. Jan. 7, Jaa. fa Jan. 9, Jan. 10, Jaa. 11, .ran. 12, dan. 14, -au. 15. dan. 10. be accepted. Tlie Resolution passed. to ope of abolition fanaticism, resulting iu unconstitution al encroachment* upon Emiihern Sights—and whereas wo believe that prompt slid decisive ac tion is now required, nud that without it, u-e the ftoutlicrn people must sink iutu cnulemptible in feriority, cutii|iarc<l with the rest of this groat con federacy. Therefore. Revolved, That wo cordially approve the sng- S eition* lundo by tbo Coiuniiltco on tbo sUto of jo Itepti I die, nud hope that tho Lcgislntnre. wlien jt again convenes, will at once net upon this sub- j w k •*nl place it in tlie power of tlio Governor to stall a Stalo Convention just so soon as the crisis *U*lUcranndihi lcourw " •Ifc Tbatwe regard tlie fearful crisis near ■ntam], nod* declaration of Southern right* itn- pcnauvoly demaiHlcd, and therefore favor tho •uggestiou of Mits'oiippi, f,,r tho immediate call of«fcou!bern Convention, to be held at Nuoh- tifle, in order to uuifed and haraiomoua nctiuti throughout the entire South. *° risgard the U’ilmot Proviso ns wholly unconstitutional in principle, nggreasivo in its uin> and directly iitsuliing to ibe South; nod rather than submit to its application to any terri tory now acquired tir hereafter to bo acquired South of tho .Missouri Compromise, we are tor tot- mediate dissolution of the Union. Rt solved. That any attempt to interfere wilb slavery in the District of Columbia—the admission of California tinder her anti-slavery constitution, or my future interference on the fiart of the non- clavclioldiiig States, between the Southern master and bis fuguice slave—will be the signal for action on the part of tho South, and that then, wo hope to tee her rise in the majesty of herstrongtb, throw offa government no longer n blessing to her, and fans bid a proud defiance to her ivould-be oppres sors. Retelved, That we view this subject as a mighty, torrent, rising high above all parly, and-beoring on 'to Surface the destinies or out proud Republic; wo therefore'donut como to ita consideration in the oi uxird spirit orpartizan rancour, hot as a portico of Hie citizen* of tho Uuion. nml sons of tb« South, ■ ~ •odiu the foregoing roaotoli ios, wo have oaprecs- ; *o to the world tbo result of o..r cn.ut errro-.- tic ■ or. -sc.*«;;ccs,slcI essayed to*uwest to ouririGLkes - trs ganised that goverament were American citizens! And was the population sufficient to authorize them in erecting themaelve* into a State ? Besides other olvections that will readily suggest themselves. Urge these as far as necessary.buttotus avoid raising cap tioos objections that wo easnot maintain. We should assume uo ground now. tiiat we are unwilling to peril the Union and stake our live* and property oo. CEDAR SHOALB. St. l'iilrirlrte l,odge, Xo. 32. DANVILLE, Jan. lUb.1859. Whereas, the. Supreme Ruler of the Universe in Iiis inscrutnbto providence, was pleased to remove by death on tlie morning of the 13th Inst, brother UlM! Pjcttm. in tiie 39th year of bis age, Therefore, Resolved. Thot we deeply deplore bis lose both a* a citizen, friend aud brother, tn our Irater- CU iteecdvcd farther. Tbit oar warmest.sympathies are due, end are hereby tendered to the desolate wid ow and relations of our lamented worthy brother. Uesolved. That in testimony of o«r *® f 1 '* memory, wc will wear the usual badge of xaonrmug for thirty days. .« Resolved. Tbst a copy of the foregoing preamble end resolution, be transmitted to the widow, and *1»° • copy sent to the Georgia Telegraph for publication, BENTON BYIID. W. Er.tTccKxa.Sec’ry pro tem. / Ilcformod ."Totllcul Convcnllori oIGcorglu Tba reformed or Botanic fraternity of Georgia, will bold a Convention in the city of Manon, on the 8th end Btb of February next. The profession generally *r® requested to attend, as matters of much importance will be before the body; organ union too, is much de sired. Papers throughout the state, will confer e favor ro the profession, by copying tho above. W. A. CIIERItY. GROCERY AND COThfjiSlO* TYRCHANT. savannah, oa tal prostration of bis nervous system.) «ur beloved brother gave nodyingtestimony ofa readiness forlus chance. None wot needed. His record is with God snd bis lrretbretn bis life is the proof of bis religion, the exemplificstion of Iiisfsith in Christ. “Mars the perfect man and behold the upright, for the cud of that man is peace." , But to sum the whole up tn few words, the Dorter was social in his feelings and cheerful in his manners, vet dignified snd grave; deeply pious snd devout in his relizion, though not morose; uniform and bold tn Iiis aUseluaents to the church, combining st the same time, thociiarncteristicaoftlie Christian, patriot, gen tleman, and companion. Few have lived more be- loved.or died more deeply regrette d. But ‘ we sor row not ns those who have no hope." and yielding with submission to this dispensation, hope for the formation of a reanion in tho “spirit land," which shall grow nnd strengthen with the perpetual gees ol a blissful eternity. Jlsse Borins. COMMERCIAL. MACON MARKET—WEEKLY REPORT, ENDING JSNIJART22. 1849. Cotton.—The market for the staple haa been ex cited throughout the week jmt closed. The fetters p-rCanada having been received at Nrw York, and considered more favorable than the telegraphic ac counts, that market became active, and heavy sales took place at an advance of H a 1 Jc. per lb. These mdvtcos enhanced price* in this market j a Je. We quote 111 a 121c. extremes—principal sale* tl{ a 12c. Comparative Statement of the Receipt* cf Cotton a! the Ports, to the latest date*. New Orleans,.!aouary IS... Mobile, January 11 Savannah, January 15 Charleston. January J7 Florida. January 3 Texas, Jfaiuary 5 North Carolina, Jaoaary 5. Virginia, January J 1843-50. 1848-49. . 424.973 463,963 . 174.158 237.037 . 373.703 156.568 . 196.863 211.747 . 60.312 36.232 . J 1.250 j 10,945 . 3.553 685 . 3.623 3.800 1,046.443 1,(46,050 Decrease in receipts 97.607 btles. Expert* to Foreign Conntne*. To the latest dates, 1849-50. 1 Do. do. do. 1848-49 < $todt on kend oi the perl*. To fcfttfi dales. tv> d "v do- • 1HJ9C It will be the *c0*nreofcoTuptlon ia its every phase moral, social «n«l political—the foe of “every form of tyrauny over the mind of man,” and the special friend of e«jnal privilege ami honest industry. In a word, the Editor will brio*; all his experience, tact, and en ergy to the effort of making “The Georgi % Citizen” the‘fitting type nod representative of the Georgia Gentlci* i«# in the true aud manly acceptation of that much abused term, and without any of the false dis guises. arrogant assumptions* snd financial preten sions af its counterfeit. For particulars as to terms fee. see Prospectus, which will be issued at an early dav. L. 1\ W. ANDREWS. Columhas, Jan. 10. 18-*i0. jan V3 Franklin Lodge No. 3, I. O. O- F. T HE Anniversary of this Lutlgc. will he observed by nn address from brother J. W. Benson at their Hall, on Saturday evening next. Tho menitiers of United Brothers r Lodge, Oemulgee and Franklin Encampments, nnd the citizens genarallv, are re spectfully invited to attend. Lodge open st 7 o'clock. r G. W. TALMAGK. jan 22 Recording Secretary. Georgia, Houston comity. W HEREAS. Thomas Pollock, administrator of the estate of John Mercer, deceased, applies for letters ofdismission tram said estate. These are therefore to cite end admonish *11 and siugufarthe kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear it my office within the time prescrib ed by law. to shew cause (if any they have) why said letters should be granted. Given under ray hand st office, this 17th *Tan., 18j0, jqn 22 BRYANT BATTON c-c.o. Engine or Slide I-nthe for sale. - T HE subscriber has for sale, nt his Furnsco on Stamp creek. Cat* county, a superior Engine or Slide Lathe. 10 feet long, nearly uew, and an excel lent article for turning light Iron. It would he a most useful article about a Foundry or Machine shop.— Price 8250 cash. 8. M. EARLE, jan 22 *J3 Mexican linrr or Panama Cotton Seed A FEW sacks of those superior Seed, have h received of Messrs. Hsrdx man i Hamilton of this place, and are for sale at Ten Dollars per sack. ja° 82 23—4 I>R. QUIRK. OF 490 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. T HE RE.TUVINAT0R has made arrangements to visit Macon about the 26th fast, when ell re quiring his professional services in thu wny of a whole or pert HEAD OF HAIR, need only to apply, and be Rejuvinated. To theyoang who are loosing their hair, a timely applicstinn maybe the means of resinr ing the same and bringing it back to its forint r luxu riance end beauty. jan 22 23—2t through Lot number v, jjtu: open th« tkreet in the rear ot my Logon nen s nn as marked in the 1*1 at of the Surveyor that ruu oat tli advance fronts inf 1342—by Che City 's giving me i exchange the Laud oftbe advance trout Lot uuraln 11 aud number 3. JAMES A. RALSTON. January 4, 1850. The Committee on Public Proport having examin LtillMvLtlUt) 4\U » a Ut. CU «-l> LCI m ran ouiu .. w— of the Factory Lots, which thoroughfare is now rins ed; for tho advanced front* oa Lot No. 11, South Lot No. 8, South-Western Range, for the advanced fronts on tlie same Lot, so as to make a fifty foot con tinuation of Third Street, between Ralston's Lot and Berry Rogers' Lot, instead ofa sixteen foot / “ now exists. some arrangements with Berry Rngers, to widen this Street still farther, or to receive payment from him for the advanced fronts to the Lots now occupied by him. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES M. GREEN.) HENRY G ROSS > Comtcc. Z. T. CONNER, ) Macon. Jan, 18, 1850. The above Report was received aud ndbpted M. D. Barnes' bill was receivod and referred to the Finance Committee. The Bonds of J. B. Camming, M O. Steven* and Bertrand Tisscresn wero presented and approved. The Proposal ofM. 1). Barnes, for winding, oiling and regulating the City Clock, for #75 00, uutiltbe ISth of January next, was accepted. On mutiuo of Aid. Dibble, Resolved, That a Committee of Three he appointed to report some plan to the next Regular Meeting of Council, for the organization of a Night W ateb. Aid. Dibble. Conner and t iudlay were appointed that Committee. On motion of Aid. H. G. Boss. Resolved, That the Committee on Streets be re quired to examine the Alley iu the rear of the Floyd House, and if the same be found to be a nuisance, to have the same nbated or corrected in such mannei as they may deem best- On motion of Aid, Green. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to examine and report some plan of systematic pub- licdrainage—Conner. Findlay and Sbioholscr, were appointed thst committee. The .appointment of Engineer snd Firo Masters FEW sacks oflbose superior Seed, have beau ,0 c' otlDC ii t i,en adjourned until Friday next, at 7 o' clock. P M. „ .. Attest. -V. R. FREEMAN, c c* Roney Found. P OUND by one of mv servants, near Chaprcl Epps- in Twiggs county, a r.nxi! rum of mooey. which the owner rea have ny detcribing and paying for this sdfertiisaaet. by cpfy.rz temenesr Jeff*/ jrnrJtl*, ruli'f* cesrty. ' T \ D. F.’^BNE. F OUR months alter dstc, application will be made to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Upson county, for leave to sell a portiouof a lot of Isod No. 515. on ginailv Houston coanty. oow Upson, adjoining lands of R. Thompson, H. Thompson aud Arroon b'tcphcns. all of the county of Upeon. jan2-' ALTA BARKER. F.*V- Kxccutor's rale, W ILL be sold,on the firstTuesdayin Murr.h next. before tho court bouse door tu Jacksonville. Telfair County, two lots of laud, to wit .-Nos. 330 and 353 fa the 1st districtof said county. , urn 22 KEN'RY r.'WOOP. Ex'or. JVetr Firm. jpliORfiK PAYNE having associated with him, d \JT Mr. Mturs 0. Nisbkt. the Drug and Apotheca ry business writ be dontiuucd, under the firm ofl'ayne A Nishet Referring to tlie above netiee. the undersigned a- vails himself of this occasion, to tender bis sincere tlianksto his friends for their very libera! patronage, aud to sulicit a continuance of the same to the new f him. GEORGE PAYNE. J^^Freali Dru^a anil Genuine Medicine*. Perfu mery. Fancy Articles. »Vc. wili be kept coauaulycn band, and for safe at modernte prices, by PAYNE Jt NISBET. Druggists A Liecused A{K>tiii-cariea,Jtiacon, Ga. jm 15 21—3t Yellow Plmiticiu Potatoes. 1 Barrel of yelluw Potatoes 1 \_r 'Ly do Meicor Potatoe* lor caliug. Just received aud iu flue order. For sale by jnu 15 C. A. ELi.i? k SON T« fltre- T.j5TILL b<* hired on tbe 1st Tarsduv tn February, ¥ V in tin: town oi Knoxville, Craw ft r«l count.', *v tbe highest bidder, tbrec likely Men, il u t previtHnly hired. A so, ForsAle. ray Plantation on tvhicli ? now live, lyiniroB the rosd lcadinc from Mncon to Knoxville, nnd oae mile west of Tlmrjt’s mills, contsiumc 5510 acres uf La ul weii improved. Any person wishiiur to purchase. c«u jrct coru. fodder, stock, See. on eoou terms. R. B. SMILEY, jan 15 21—''.It Notice. rfIHE undersigned will furnish board and lodging jL for two or three gentlemen, and day boarders for a few others on reasonable terms. Apply to JNO.K. HARMAN. jan 35 2t—•-« Gardou Si!«ds. TTU5T received tho Inrgest and best Assorted in j voice of Garden Seeds, ever oflered in th is u) nr- ket. They are pat np in convenient sized papers, with full directions concerning the time of |»TMtin«:, aV . Persons who desire choice-end eariv vegetables arc [ respectfully invited to call aud select from their ex j tensive tot. A liberal discount made to whoVssle porchnscrs. : K. L. UTttflHKCKER, M. D. jan 15 Successor to J. C. Gilbert Jc v O. /^AIVAIIY SfSKD—A fresh lot, jnit received and for sale by £. L. STH.OH ECKICll.’ Jhu 15 Cold Ci’cain. r JTHtS Coqipouml, so ldand ami nice. efTertaallv 3 prevents die hands and lips front chapping Wien they are th's affected, a few applications will henl .n 1 reuder them soft ami sinootn. A small let frerhly prepared and for sale by jsn « E. I,. STROHECKER. M. D. ' Desolation rplIE firm of Wood * Bradley is this ddy disso’v- 1 1 ed by mutual consent. THOMAS WOOD. ! ELIJAH A. BRADLEY. Maron.Dec 31, 1S4S. jau 8 j At Cost. | rjlHE Subscriber (ins on liftod. « prent variety of j A Gold and UiU Jctcel^y, ond fancy article*, that be will sell at aud under Acto York Co*t. for c ish, to j persons wishing to m*k« up lots to sell acrin.— i Also, a few plated Castors* Astral Lamps. F!ow.»r | Ac. K. J. JOH.NoTL-N. j Macon. Jany. 6th 1650. Toilet IieQUisitca. FTTAYLOR'S Chrystalline transparent Wash Bail, j E Genuine hrowu Winsor Soap Pure Ox Marrow Pomade Concealed Rears Greuse \ Eso T.astral, for dressing tiie hair White Canoiue Kanecs Liquid Rrngc ; Dressing Comb i Geu Buffalo H i I Hair, Nail and Teeth Brushes j With a general assortment of Perfumery and Fancy | Articles! For sale hy j jau 8 K. L.STROHECKER M r. Candles. rXf'X Dozes fljpena ckndTcs, 25dbHydraV.ic dc | /vU 50 do Adau^actino do. Just rc-t-vgc und fer i [ sale by C. A* HLL3 A. j ! - iaD 13 I csented in the list of is A co's. ! DECEMBER, i-der Virginia. Ohio. Alabama. Louisiana. Pennsylvania-. North Caroliua. Tennessee. Indiana. Lotteries for Jantsary, 1850. Capital No. of Price of prize. Ballets. Tk’ts.Pkgeof Qrs. Si-O.ooO 75 Nos. 32diewo, i 5 817,50 30,800 78 Nos. 13 drawn, 25,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn. 38,01:0 75 Nos. l-I draws, 30,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn, £6,000 78 Nos. SHi i.Wli, 22j)00 78 Nos. 13 drawn, 35,000 75 Nos. 11 drawn, H 22.500 78 Nos. i; drawii, 15.090 75 Nos. 14 drawii, 50,000 78 Nos. 12 drawn, 35,000 66 Nos. 12 drawn, 20.000 75 Nos. 32 drawn, 35,000 78 Nns. IU drawn, Ian. i7,3ofl0.000 72 Nos, 33 drawn, Jan. 18, 38.000 78 Nos. 13 draw*), 37.500 75 Nos. 12 drawn, 25.000 78 Nos. 33 drawn; 24,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn, 33.000 75 Nos. 13 drawn, 20,000 79 Nos. 32 drawn, 10,000 65 Nos. 33 drawn, 60,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn, 27.500 75 Nos. 11 drawn, 18,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn, 32,COO 78 Nos. 13 drajyn, 10' 32,50 20,000 75 Nos 15 drawn, 3 17,00 < ca»Ki: THAN A CaUVOUXIA.ADVEKTltSX! Letter* i.lways.come safe by emit.' Managers’ Official Brewings, wit*.) ststoroept of re sult. sent under close envelope toallwlio orderlicknls All eommunicatiousatrictly- confidential. , Pionsc address, COLVIN A _CO.. jan l Baltimore. Md; , Bank ol Bronstvick—Angustu. AGENCY AT MACON.. rrtHE undersigned will soil Checks onNewVotk, 1. and purchase Bills-on New York,Boston, Prov idence. Savannah, and Charleston. P. D. WOOLHOPTEB, Agent. Office, formerly occupied by the Commercial UauK. i:0V 20 ' 14—3111 IIe»d Quarters, Georgia, MILLEDGEVILLE, January 5tb, 3850. T 'O the Colonels, nr Commandauts of Regiments comprising 1st Brigade Miltia, Whereas, a vacancy lu 5th Division, Georgia Mi Biig. Gou.C. E. F. W. C Now, in order that sai l iv be filled, r.-:d proper to issue t the said fan.19, Tan. 21, Ian. 22, Ian. 23, Jau. 24, Jan- 25, Jau. 26. Jan. 28, Jan. 29, Jan. 30, Jau. 33. Georgia giving due co- . _ _rigadier General, And I do further order Itatthe returns of said clectiou be made to Hoad- Inaitera ia tbe time prescribed by law. Bv order oftbe Commander-in-Chief. JOH N T. SMITH, Aid-dC Camp.- Jours and Jasper counties touijesethe Brigade. j:inl5 21—8t The Hcspgriasi B. A SEW.-Mrstc BOOS. IX pat DR. WM M. HOUSE ■i,rk tn'the kind ever offered to the w< is 576 pages, and nearly 600 tunes, a!! atost d. It ■ >r tho ' .-'. liooL c-tnpeiv ml Patriotic pieces. Scotch. In and other fine foreign tuner a great nisicnever before pobh.fotii: the noble thrilled the hearts of bur l'nthers and H re. a work adapted to the Say school for hihirei:; the singing school)tiie Church choir of every :nd tiic love of every thing elevating to mind nnd leart should rule the hour. This great work may he bought of Rev. David iounc. Americas. Somtefl ecnn’.y; John 8 Johnson, 'ustoikstur. Pcrrv, Houston-, and Joseph M- Board- nan, Bi«l:.elier. Macon. G.i. The Author's address i Spier's, Jefiersoo ctuuty, Ga. jsn 8 —3 Con r : ;s and Colds- 4 Supply of Ayers Cherry Pectoral rSt VYistar's Balsam of’.Vjld CherO' Swavne's Syrup of Wild Cherry Javne's Expectorant and Tavlor’ftlir;’s.\m L: w rT- jun 8 DiSSOfotfaR- ,h!p hereh'fore fit . under the firm oi ' Wm B- Johnston having rvtiraii ; will iu future 1)9 rondoeted by * All Jieraons indebted to the oh t; sated to rail and settle st ffia—— sire ‘ ‘ ' .hetweeB tit* B Jclinston ll C<-3.CDt. :i.p buainess. roHXSTOK. A To »*ire, lCK SMITH Apr! 1C3 H. CK.THit';. SaltaOit, n l- -... v. :j 3 71HN9TOM. T .” .’,~n:T3?r*t