Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, December 20, 1853, Image 1

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m ....... . rtf Cftgll elegfttf 6 CHARACTER JIM AS XECEMMARV TO A S.TATE AM TO A P8ITATK IXUIVIBCAL, AXD T3IE CLOKV OF A STATE IS THE COJ1.HO.Y PKOPERTV OF ALL ITS CITIZENS. ■ VOL. XXVII. MACON, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20, L853. £|t (gtnrgifl £ilcgrn|ij), ■^TlUHEP EVERT TOESPAT MOHM.NO T BV GREEN, BARNES A UO. editors and proprietors. ' Tj^lS<Vrfiy »» Adeaner, Two Dollars and i-CentJ. prr annum. 0? pfr discontinued, except at the option of thp until all arrearage* are paid. ^ ‘"'•HiaaiJirs at the regular charge will be Onr , p-r square of 10 Unci or less, for the first in- F j fifty Cent* for each subsequent inscr- ” ”»ll ndrsrli^tneuts not specified as to time, Tt,published until forbid and charged accord- Obituary Notices exceeding ten lines, will be , : Cd n Advertisement*. Letters ou business, must be post rain. .forest!, rtfu J r | C fihr Department of the Interior. \i-e, Report of Mr. McClelland, Secretary of Department of the Interior, is a long docti- , \v*e have rnotn, however, for only the rawing brief abstract: I* ri:ig the year the snrvcy of the public jl. has been steadily prosecuted, large bo- ■„ of new lands brought into market, the Ho-, of the emigrant fn% met, and choice fv offered to the hardy pioneer. Ta Land System is nearly correct in prin* Its details need but little modification, i r n* the year, 9,$19,111 acres have been j-vered. 10,31)3.801 acres brought into mar- , i u d 1,003,495 acres sold. The number f warrants issued up to the 30th Septem- Lf tat was 200-043, of which there were then ^’■.Hiding (16,04/. 1.. , entire area of the public domain is [f.jjtod at 1,584.000.000 acres. Its purchase ejected at the rate of 14 41 cent, per v, amounting to 907,999.700. Add the sSm Reservation, valued at $4,250,930 and ii; the cost of selling lauds sold previous line last, the entire cost, excluding String, amounts to $88,994,015. The . a mount accruing from sales up to June •Vi was $142,283,478, being $53,299,405 .than the cost of the whole. It is esti* jul that the net amount which will have m realized for them, is the sum of $331,' iU®. [ The policy- of bringing the lands into mar- : it the curliest possible day is urged. Early if iii.u is calleil to the disposition of the Bands of California, the unsettled busi es* 4’the Pension Office, and the frauds upon tiujr. The cleiical force of the Bureau of ns needs to be increased. [ He Indians have been unusually peaceful inch the year. The present number in the 'dttd States is estimated at 400,000—18,000 [,.t of the .Mississippi. | Xrpsrt if Ihr Mrcri-lnry ol' the Trrnsnrr. | Arer.r.liog to Mr. Guthrie’s Itcport thepub- .i, nt of nil kinds, on the 1st of July last, Mated to$72,401,587,27 ; since which time -.1 up to the 3.1 of December, 1853, it has a reduced to $50,336,157 52. i':..' amount of money on deposit iu the min' §a the 25th of November last, was $11,451,- Ur. Guthrie considers that the balance in TiYUtiry on the 3:)th of September, and I'.* Militated receipts for the remainder of the vut fiscal year, will justify the further ap- ntion of $15,000,009 to the purchase of the die debt, and leave a sufficient surplus iu Treasury for any practical purpose. The | . i?.sc of the debt has been, therefore, con- 5.1. and $7,837,495 94 expended iu the ■rdubc during the second quarter of the fis- i' year. | The imports of the fiscal year 1852, includ- : iperie have been $2(57.978,617, and the > rts $231,452,2 id. A diminished importa- a it anticipated during the remaining three arters of the fiscal year. For ;Iid parpo <e of reducing the revenue to ■mo int requisite for the proper and econo- | ' administration of the government. Mr. mWe proposes to enlarge the freelist and to Ulitvthe duties on other imported articles. JTbe details of the proposed changes are cm- [ died iu tables accompanying the report.) It a not proposed, however, to reduce the rev- sw below the amount of $45,000,000 until the ftViic debt has been paid, or to allow any ' us,' to take effect before the first of Januu- , 1 '55. j TV ad valorem principle is adhered to, but Irpedric duty on iron is suggested for tliecon- t ui "U,,j' Congress. It is also proposed to kc » ,it free of duty. I S.'. Guthrie pnqioses to arrange the articles f !T Wing duty in two classes, one. to pay I'D jw cent, ami the other 25 per cent. This, ioinks, will give much less trouble in col- *■? the revenue. He suggests a specific du- r “I iron, and that salt be made free and fish- :?djonnty repealed, leaving “that branch of to the fair competition which causes uunuime enterprises to flourish.” a large number ol' clerks iu the department ■ n,| t receive sufficient compensation for their »pp >rt and the secretary asks congress for an | mvise. ■Vtti t inspectors of the customs and super- r rirv officers of the revenue cutter service iv t beta dismissed. 3rmflni, Iiaritinnrr, ttr. FALL & WINTER TRADE, 1853. WZ ABE SOW OFFERING AT THE OLD STASO OF WM. B. * E. J. JOHNSTON. Mulberry St., fronting Cotton Avenue, T H E Largest stock of new' and desirable style of Watches. Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fancy G'oode, duns, Cutlery, etc., to be found in the State, on the most favorable terms. £y A call is respectfully invited. »"»* E.J. JOHNSTON A CO. t* resenu*, A FINE Selection of articles, suitable as Bridal and other presents. Wedding Cuke Boxes, Ac., for sal,, by [imv 8] E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. Work. Boxes, AT rRlTINO DESKS, Odour Boxes. Ac. For sale W by E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. nnv i forte .Tionjiics, C IGAR CASES, Walking Canes, an elegant lot. For sale by "E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. nov8 i3 Sew Games. O ETS of Furniture. Tea Sets. Rattles, Dolls, Boxes •O of Tools, Battle Doors and Shuttle Cocks, and a number of other desirable articles for Children. For sale by [nov *[ E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. i'lauoi'ortos, "VTOW Receiving some of the ■■■«*- 1 _ .^rr J , SPLENDID PIANO FORTESp3=E,.#SJ ever oif.-red for sale in Macon, from the'j J ii J j celebrated Factories of J. C. Chiekering and Nimn A Clark, warranted superior to any other made in the United States. Also, two 11ARPS from J. F. Brown A Co’s. Factory. The above instruments arc a feast to one's eyes to look at, and the tone completely captivating. We shall take pleasure to show these instruments to any that have a taste for tine goods. Ou hand. Prince, best article of the kind made ; Guitar-, Violins, Banjo*, Accord eons, Tainborins, Bogles, Ciariouetts, Flagolettes, Flutes, and a variety of Brass Instruments for Bands, kept iu ourline. Guitar and Violin Strings, Sheet Music for Piano and Guitar, Instruction Books, Ac. Wulrbr., Jewelry mid Fancy Goods. Splendid Gold and Silver WATCHES; Gentlemen and Ladies patterns. Gold Chains, Brooches, Rings. Bracelets, Gold Thimbles. . Gold Pens, and Pencils, Gold aud Silver Spectacles, Silver Spoons and Forks, silver, ivory and wood Nap kin Rings, silver plated Crke Baskets, Castors, Wait ers and Caudle Sticks—and it variety of Fancy Goods, Shot Gnns, Rides, Game Bags, Pouches, Flasks, Pistols, Ac. Clocks tmd Watches repaired, and warranted, at short notice. Give ns a call at our old stand, Cot ton Aveuiie, Union Building. nov 2 J. A. A S. S. VIRGIN. HARDWARE. BRAY, CA1U1VKT A CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN iiXGLINII A AliLHIC'A.I IIA It DWARF. THIRD-STREET—MACON, Ga. B eg leave to invite the attention - f , |„„ their friends aud the public, to their'^5EyiX?> now large and splendid stock of Hard- ware and Cutlery, Iron and Steel, Nails nbd Hollow-ware. Blacksmith and Carpenter's Tools, Bnildiug Materials of every description, and every variety of Fhelf Goods. House keeping Articles, Agricultural Implements and Machinists' Tools, Cot ton, Manilla and Hemp Itopc, together with a large stock of Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc, Wire, A... We are also now receiving direct from Sweden, one hundred tons of Swedish Iron, assorted, from 1 to 12 iuciies wide. We lose this occasion to assure nil who call on Us that we are prep ired to furnish them with everything iu onr line at the very lowest uisrket rates, dee 6 >7 krosi ami sieel. rn HE undersigned are now receiving in addition A to their large Stock of Iron, loo Tons Sweed Irou by direct importation. 50 Tons English and American Refined, and common English Iron. 20 Tons Oval, half round Bands, Hoops, Scroll, Horse Shoe Iron and Nail Rods. 10,000 lbs. Cast, Blister, Germ in and Spring Steel, dec fi BRAY, CARHAUT A CO. SJli iKgs uud Axles. O Art A LBri. just received and fur sale bv /6 J.UUU BRAY, CARHAUT A CO.i dec 6 17 Saws, Saws, Saws* -i f\DOZ. Cross Cat. Back and Pit Saws. A — 50 do. Hand, Pannel, Kip and Te.inon Saws, or sale by id-efi] BR A V. CAItllAWT.V CO. ptiMrt* sf the Mccri-inry of the Navy mat the Post.inastrr (Icncral. IjJ* ffoport of the .Secretary of theXavy ad- the re-organisation of the navy, and [ ’^ n V- nda J* 1 ® “Ppropriation of five millions [, r ", u “uing first class steam propeller frigates, mso recommends that the Santee, at Kit- the Sabine, at New York, on the y|? '"ice 1819, he altered and fiuishcd, as for two frigates of the same cltiss “*»« as worthless. The old ship of the * * fwiklin is being repaired at Kittery, aud ’• "'■‘'l changed, with a view of converting r a lir»t class steam frigate. 5Ve have * J . T stated that the report would rccoin- tlic establishment of machine shops. To '^'oratiou of flogging in the navy he is - c'' lil . v opposed. He advises a retired list, ^ urge of the inefficient, promotion of merit, •--ding to sea service, aud rewards aud J^pWeats 'Jid honorable discharge to sailors ■ of encouraging longer enlistments. ■ f are radical changes, in wltich public ,n PP° rt Mr- Dohin. .* ° st, “ ,ster General’s Report is a long •wuenL Tlic expenditures of his depart ■ or the fiscal vear were $7,932,758, an V " o'er the revenue of $2,742,364 G7.— r-Bai postage system has ereated an dehen of nearly $3,000,009. The re VfMv 4 n . eW6 Papers has been $400,000.— ritiiw ° n> * 4 wa ** service pays but one-third l; - 4 . Still, by b iluucc ou the audi- i >a * 3 Joly 1, 18 52, and appropriations to Wav 'l e , the dep irtment li.w an , iu,ce of S1J4.726 46. The tota ,. t - r of P JJ t-uffiies is 22,633. Daring the |J,r r ' ouuimeudng July 1, 1352, 1393 post ‘nit.-. ere citubiished; 4/{) were discontinued i» j.* 8 *?” appflnted during the year end «, thc e,JJ ’ 8567 - On the 3Jth Jun. ,’rr»» r . e ? rere * u operation 6692 mail routes. S'“length 217,743 miles, and 5533 con luita ./‘"P’ojed thereon. Aunnal transpor t|*i „ , ® 'noils on those routes 61,fi92.54‘- ka. 1 the annual cost thereof $1,495,963 seven cents two mills per mile.— stamps sold amount to $1,629 09. ’iiaiin ,A,ERS ,N TH * Would.—-Thefollow ItL PPo»cd to be the number of newspapers is,.; n odd: .-—10 in Austria, 14 iu Arne i, 21 W Portugal, 159 in Asia, 63 in •' ii j - ’,2“ * 1 Denmark, 99 in Russia and ■ > • s . .i® other Germanic States, 500 in end Irluud, and 1,8 JO iu the ‘^States, Cutlery, gr gr rt DOZ. Table Cutlery of every grade. 300 dozen Pocket do. 2.1 do Sheers and Scissors. 25 do Razors. ALSO, some new and beautiful patterns nf fine Ivo ry Handle Table Cutlery which Ci-Uaul fail to please. Just received and for sale by dee fi BK VI. CARHART A CO. RiacHNinitit’s Toots. r Cotter Key and solid box vices I O 50 English and American Anvils. 15,000 lbs. "Atwood's’' Hammers assorted. ■to Smith's Bellows from 0t to 40 inches. 75 Setts Stocks and Dies from 3-16 to 1 1- inches For sale by dee C BRAY, CA RH ART A CO. Til ill. Qrtrt KEGS Cut Nails t u i Spikes. OUU 25 Kegs Wrought Nails and Spikes, just re ceived and for sale by _<lec t> BRAY. CARHART A CO Horst* Tails and IIoi so 8lioes. 1 Art LBS. Griffin s Horse Nails. lOUU 25 Kegs Burden’s Horse Shoes, just re ceived and for sale by dee 6 BRAY. CARHART A CO. Sliovcls, Spades aiul Axes. o A DOZES “Ames" Shovels and Spades. OU 50 ilo '.cu “Leverets" Axes, warranted. 30 do. Axes, Inferior Brands, for sale by dec 6 BRAY. CARH ART A CO. Chains ! C'liuius ! 1 Ortrtrt UBS. l*ress Chains. OUUU 3000 lbs. Coil do., from 3-15 to 1-2 inch. 2000 lbs. Log and Fifth do. assorted sizes. 500 pair Trace Chains, for sale bv dec 6 BRAY, CARHART A CO. Jlill Irons anil HI ill Saws. -AAA LBS. Mill Irons, various kinds. OUUU 5 dozen Mill Saws, assorted length and breadth. 6 48 inch Circniar Saws, for sale by dec 6 BRAY, CARHART A CO^ T. B. MSBET. CHAS. F. LEW. .lisbot & I.cvy, O CMULGF.E FOUNDRY A MACHINE SHOP, Macon, Goorgia. Manufacturers of Steam En gines and Boilers, RiceThrashers, Gin and Mill Gear ing, Saw Mill Irons and Shaftings, Water Wheels, Plates and Bails, Pulleys, Grave Railings aud Ma chinery in general. As a testimonial to the character of their work, they beg leave to submit the following extract from the Report of the Committee ou Machinery, to tile So. Central Agricultural Society A Mechanics’ Insti tute. Mr. Win. M. Wadley is the well known and competent Engineer in the" Chief of the Western A Atlantic Railroad, mid the other members of the Com mittee are men of high standing as mechanics. EXTRACT FROM THE REPORT. "Ofthe three E lgines exhibited, we eonsiderMessrs Nisbet A Levy’stlie best, mid best adapted to agricul tural purposes, and award them the premiums—a Silver Cup worth IW and a Gold Med:d worth 130. •• Of the Pump.-, Water Wheels aud Gin Gear ex hibited, we consider Messrs. Nisbet A Levy’s the best, and award them the premium on these artirlesof ai inufactnre." WM. M. WADLEY, Ch’n. 155^ Orders for Gin Gear khd other machinery, promptly tilled, on suitable reference being given. M-r-h 1,1853. ly Iron Words. M ORE a GALLAGHER, Philadelphia, Pa.- M innf icturers of all kinds of Iron R tiling, B d- •o.iies. ihs. Iron Fronts, Garden S.-ats. Dogs, Icons, and Ornamental Fancy Work of xll kinds.— \ book of designs Ac., m ty 1m seen, nnl contracts ■I'd •. on anplicatiuii to A. It. McLAUGHLIN, Micon. .Tnlv 5, 1*53. 47—ty Agent. CAi'EB A GitIPFIX A T borne, with a we'l selected stock of Groceries and -tuple Dry Goods. _ Bust qnility Bagging, Western and Russia Rope, Georgia Woolens aud shoes. Refined and St. Croix -ugtrs; Old Java and Rio Cotfeo; Extrinnd Snper- ine Flour; Paints, Oils, Ae. Our friends will please dill remember us. sep 6 ' Paints tmtl Oil. r rtrtrt LBS. WHITE LEAD; ■).U L) U 5,000 lbs. Blake’s fire-proof Taint, 500 galls. Linseed Oil. Fur sale 1 inne15 by CARHART* TtOFF. i.tuilter: jLuiuDcr: Ltuibcri T HE ondenigned is now ready to supply from lti.- Steam Mills, every description of Lumber iidSmutling, at the shortest notice and ef the chui cost quality. Applications *■ ;it lo the Mill, or eft with the ondursigued, will meet with Prompt ittention. W.D.MIMS. »ne 3 Cash! Cash! rrtliK highe.-t market j.rh-ewill be paid forWOOL. I Wa ited 1-r Unwa-hed. Air,>. IIuh-s. Beeswax m,l Talluw, ,|. iiv.-red iu -Macon at my Mure, corue uf Fi.-Ms A Adams' Firc-uruot \\ art-lnuir,-. apr 12 £5—if C. G. W1LLLLLK. gflpggnnjj ?trnm Ijjips. Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Comj>any. T HE new and splendid side-wheel steam- ship Key Stone State, Captain It di rAlffisi ert Hnrdie; State or Georuia, Captain J. J. Gsr- van, Jr., wiy leave Savauuah for Plukbelnhia evtry \\ ednesday. Tliese steam-ships are the most comfortable on the coast, and are unsurpassed for safety and speed.— They will leave Savannah ns follows: K ey Stone State, Wednesday, 2?t h Sept. State of Georgia, “ 5th Oct. Key-Stone State, “ 12th “ State of Georgia, “ lot), „ Kcv-Stone State, «* 2fcth “ State of Georgia, “ Snd Nov. Key-Stone State, “ 9th •• State of Georgia, « 16th “ Kev-Stone State, “ 23rd “ State of Georgia, “ 3oth “ Key-Stone State, «• 7th Dec. State of Georgia, “ 14th “ Cabin Passage $20 00 Steerage Passage a 00 C. A. L. LAMAR, A gent in Savannah. HERON A MARTIN, Spot. 27,1933.Agents in Philadelphia. l.MTLB STATES BAIL LITE. New York 8k Narannah tsCeanisbipa. s&zk DATS OF LEAVING SAVANNAH FOR NEW TORE. THE Florida, Capt. Woodhull, Nov. 5 Tiie Alabama, Capt. Sclienek “ 9 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon •* 12 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull •• 19 The Alabama, Capt. Schench, “ 23 Tlie Augusta, Capy. Lyon, “ 26 The Florid;!, Capt. Woodhull, Dec. 3 The Alabama, Capt. Schenck, “ 7 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon. “ 10 The Florida, Capt. Woodhnl “ 17 The Alabama, Capt. Schenek •• 21 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, “ 24 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull “ 31 These ships are the largest on the coast, unsurpass ed in speed, safety or comfort—making their passage in 50 to 60 hours, aud are commanded by skillful, careful aud (Kiltie officers. They offer a most desir able conveyance to New York. On the completion of the KNOXVILLE, in January next, this line will be seuti- weekly. Cabin passage, $25. PADDLEFORD, FAY A CO., Agents iu Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHELL, nov 1 13 Broudwav, New York. FOR PALATKA. E. F., Touching at Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary's, Jacksonville, Middleburg, (Black Creek) and Picolata. rpHE New and Scterior steam- 1 packets SAINT JOHN’S. Capt. James Freeborn, aud WILLIAM GAsTON, Capt. Thus. Shaw, will leave for the above places as follows : The St. John's on Thurs day morning. 15tli inst., at 10 o'clock, and Wm. Gas ton on Tuesday morning, 20th iust., at 10 o’elock, and will contiime to leave at the same hour every Thursday and Tuesday thereafter. The latter, boa't carrying the U. S. Mail, For freight or passage, hav ing handsome state room accommodations, apply on board or to ( J. ll.GUXBY, Agent. !3r*The St. John's wdl go to St. Augnstine every 4th trip, commencing (leaving Savannah) on the 29th iust. sep 6 ly Trains to Gridin, Atlanta, Dalton, Chattanooga Nashville, Ac. Connecting daily at Columbus bv a fast line of Conches 28 miles to Opelika, thence 64 miles bv M. A W. P. R. R. to Montgomery. Alabama. Connecting at Oglethorpe with Tallahassee and Eumula mail stage*. Passengers dine at Fort Valley. GEO. W. ADAMS, Snp’d'nt. Macon, Augnst 22. 1853, sep "0 Silicon & Western UailroaU. NEW ARRANGEMENT. O N and after Monday, May 17tb, the Trains will be run as follows : . MAIL TRAIN. Loavo Macon 8 15 I*. M„ arrive in Atlanta 1 39 “• M.; Leave Atlanta 5 30 P. M., arrive in Macon 10 4 . 5 • ; comiecting at Atlanta with the Trains of the western A Atlantic and LaGrange Ronds,and with the Day Train of the Georgia Road, and at Ma con with the Day Train of the Central and South western Roads. Passengers will arrive in Macon at a quarter past 12 and at Atlanta, at half past 1, ha ving the remainder of the night for rest. Accomodation Trains, Tri-Weekly, will leave Ma con every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 o'clock, A. M. Leave Atlanta 7 30 A. M. Arrive in Atlanta 3 P. M. This Train will connect With the night lrain ofthe Georgia Road at Atlanta, and with the night Train of the Central Road at Macon. Passengers by the Upward Train can dine in Griffin. Tire Accomodation Train between Macon and Griffin will be discontinued. EMERSON FOOTE, Sup't. may 11 39 The Road to Health! HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. CUiui. Ur a Hi dotrtuEUHO nv A SO BAU HI UK B17 OS. Copy of a letter from Mr. R. W. Kirkus, Chemist, 7 Prescott street, Liverpool, dated tiik Jane, 1851. To Prof. Holloway—s>tr: Your PiUs and Ointment have stoyjl tlie highest ou our li sc of Proprietary Me dicines fur some years. A customer, to whom lean refer for any cuqnries, desires mu to let you know lire particulars ot tier case. Sire had been troubled for years with a disordered liver and bad digestion. On tue last occasion, however, the virulaucc of the nttacK was so at.inning, and tlie inti unation set in so severely, that doubts were entertained of tier uot be ing ab.e to bear up under it; fortunately she was in duced to try your Pills, aud she informs me that alter the first.und eacli succeedingdose, she had great relief. She continued to take them, and althougu she used only three boxes, she is now iu tlie enjoyment of perfect health. I could have sent you many more cases, but the above, from the severity of the attack, and the speedy cure, I think speaks much iu faver of your astontsUiug Pills. (bigned) R. W. KIRKUS. An extraordinary cure of Rheumatic Fever in Van Uiem<in’s Land. Copy of a letter inserted in the Hobart Town Cou rier, of the 1st March, 1851, by Major J. Welch. Margaret M'Connigan, 19 years of age, residing at New Town, had been suffering from a violent rheumatic fever for upwards of two months which had entirely deprived her of tlie use ot her limbs; during this period she was under tlie care of the most eminent medical men iu Hobart Town, .and by them her ease was considered hopeless. A friend prevail ed upon her to try lioiloway's celebrated Pilis,which she commuted to do, and in an incredible short space of lime they eti'ected a perfect cure. Cure of a Pain and Tightness in the Chest and Sto mach of a peri-on 8 ! years of age. From Messrs. Thew A Son, Proprietors of tlie Lynn Advertiser, who can vouch for tlie following state ment, August 2d, 1851 : To Prof, llolloway—.sir: 1 desire to bear testimony to the good effect of Holloway’s Pills. For some years I have suffered severely from a pain and tight ness in tlie stomach, which was also accompanied by a shortness of breath, that prevented me from walking about. 1 am 84 years of age. and not with standing my advanced state of life, these PiUs have so relieved me,that I am desirous that others should bo made acquainted with their virtues. I am now- rendered, by their means, comparatively active, and can take exercise without inconvenience or pain, which I could not do before. (Signed) HENRY COE, North-st., Lynn, Norfolk. These celebrated Pills are wonderiidly efficacious in the following complaints: Ague, Asthma, Billious Complaints, Blotches on the .skin. Bowel Complaints, Copes, Constipatiou ol’ the Bowels, Consumption, Debility, _ Dropsy, Dysen tery, Erysipelas. Female Irregularities, Fevers of all kinds, Fits. Gout, Headache, indigestion. Inflamma tion, Jaundice, Uver Complaints, Lumbago, lthcu- inatism, Piles, Retention ot Urine, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symptoms, Tic Douloureux, Tumours, Ulcers, Ve- nentl Affections, Worms of all kiuds. Weakness from whatever cause, Ac. Sold at the establishment of Prof. HOLLOWAY', 214 Strand, (near Temple Bar, London) and by all re spectable Druggist and Dealers in Medicines through out the British Empire, and those of the U. States, iu boxes at 37j'ccnt-, 87, and 81 00 each. Wholesale by the principal Drug Houses in the Union aud by Messrs. A. B. A D. SANDS, New Yurlt. There is a considerable saving by taking tho larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. For sale by W.U. \V. LINCOLN, savannah, Ga., and by E. L. STKOHECKER, Macon, Ga. may l» - eowly I .xAXCf CONFECTIONARY AND GROCERY . .il'OKE.—J. 11. DAMOUK still at his old stand, Mulberry street, two doors below Lanier House, keeps up his old reputation of selling (of his own importation) the best of LIQUORS, such us old Br.mdy, Holland G.u, Jamaica Rum, Scotch and Irish iVhbuu-y, Champ igue. Burgundy, Bordeaux, Malaga, sherry aud M uleJa Wait- uf best qualities. assortment of such SEGARSus are seldom fouud anywhere. Also, tiue Tobacco. Batter, Cheese, Crackers, Dr.ud Beef, Beef Tongues, Pickles, Pre serves, Nuts and Fruit of all kinds. Candy of home manufacture, and imported Froucb preserved Can dies. oct 5 Jlcsilii’s Grist Mill. T HESE celebrated MILLS are built by the sub scriber in Macon, aud warranted superior to any others now iu use. They can be seen at the Iron Works of Robert Findlay, or at my shop on Cotton Avouue. siH 4ft—tain GKORGE MEATII. Cltcese, &>:. O r BOXES New York State « licese. OU *23 *' SptjmftndAd.ixniutineCftBdMS. 20 “ No land Pale S .ap. Ju-t received and for sale by CHAS. CAMPBELL. oct 11 Rlankeis *."*•.■. l.000Knu^;rs^a;v-‘''y rf Staple Dry Goods suitable fertile season, ju-t receiv ed and for sale by CiiAS. CAMPBELL, oct n l\nil-i\Dni} J^tirrs. Notice. Boutliivcstt-ru Railroad Company, ) T „ Macon. Oct. 26, 1853. ( HE subscribers to the Stock of this Comprnv for the Auiericus Extension, are notifieiltbat they are required to pay the third and last Instal ment of Fifty Dollars per share ou said Sto:k, to the undersigned, at Macon, or T. M. Furiow, Esq. at A- mcricur, on or before the first day of January next. Stockholders in Savannah can make Davmcnt at the Central Railroad Batik. ty Prompt payment will be expected, as the funds are required for the purpose of paying tor the Iron now daily expected to arrive. JOHN T. BOIFEUiLLET, Treasurer, nov 1 ls 9t Soutiiwcsteni tttuirouii. P ASSENGER TRAINS leave Macon daily at 61, A. M„ arrive at Oglethorpe 10J, A. M„ arrive at uonimbus 1 o clock, P. M. Leave Columbus daily at 9 o clock, A. M., and Oglethorpe at 111, A. M„ ar rive at P M . x, , $500 Reward. MACON A WESTERN RAILROAD CO., June 13, 1853. J T HE above reward will be paid for the detection and proof to convict any person or persons, who have, or uiny hereafter be guiitv of obstruct ing with timber or other things, the Traek of the Macon A Western Railroad. j»ne 14 ISA AC SCOTT. President. Office of tiie millednevUle Sturt road Comi»any. BwwwwawjaiM VOTICE is hereby given that the Books of Sub- iY script;on to tlm Capital Stock of this Company, chartered for the purpose of completing a Railroad communication from Augusta through MilledgeviUe to Macon, will be opened at the several places named below, on and after Monday, tho 12th day of Decem ber next, under tiie superintendeneo of the Commis sioners named herein, or any three or more of tlu-in. The said Capital Stock consists of Six'een Thousand Shares of One Hundred Hollars each-—five dollars per share being required by the Charter to be paid at tlie time of subscribing. In Charleston, S. C., under the supervision and di rection of Messrs. Heury W. Conner, George A. Trcnholm, Ker Boyce, John $elinerlie, William M. Martin, E. W. Bancroft and Benjamin W. Force. Iu Augusta. Georgia, under the supervision and di rection of William M. D’Antignue, John K. Jackson, Charles J. Jenkins, John Phiuizv, Thomas S. Metcalf, and James B. Bishop. In YVarrenton, under the supervision anil d'rection of Messrs. Jesse M. Roberts. Wm. W. Anderson Thomas Persons, W. II, Wellborn, George V. Neal aud Edmund Cody. In Sparta, under the superintendence aud direction of Messrs. Janies Thomas, Hardy Culver, Thomas M. Turner. It. M. Johnston, Linton Stephens. E. II. Baxter, William Sayre, and Ezekiel Canborn. In Macon, under the supervision and direction of Messrs. Isaac Scott, Pulaski S. Holt. J. J. Gresham, Thomas T. Nisbet, L. A. Whittle, Robert Collins, and O. G. Sparks. In Milledgeville, under the supervision of the Board of Directors. • The Report of the Chief Engineer can be procur ed on application to any of the above named Com missioners, containing ilie estimates of construction and equipment, and indicating the contemplated route of said Road. By order of the Board of Directors. WM. S. ROCKWELL, Secretary. dec 6 17—3t SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD CO., Macon, Augnst 11, 1833. A T a regular meeting of the Board of Directors, Tl. tins day, the following Resolutions were passed: Wlwreas, Many applications have beeu made, from various quarters, tor tlie further extension of the road of litis Company, beyond Atnericus, and iu- asuiueh as this Company has always beeu trilling to_ extend the Road wheuuver the people of South- Western Georgia should be prepared to come tip to the work i And, trhereas. The Charter of the Company looks to a route intermediate the Flint and ChaUah'oochee Rivers, whence connexions can he .made to Fort Gaines on the one hand, and Albany on the other baud; And, whereas. The Company is encouraged by the course of the citizens of Sumter county, iu relatiou to the extension to Amcricus, end by the prevailing feeling of the people generally, to go on according to the spirit of the Charter; It is Rcsolced, That this Company will extend its Road from Americas through the Twelfth District of Lee county, and the Fourth District of Ramie Iph county, to a point on or near the north line of Baker county, provided individuals shall, by the first of January next, subscribe for stock to the exteut of 8225,0110 (two-fifths of the estimated cost of the whole ex tension,) on the following terms: 1st. Twenty per cent, to be paid on subscribing, and the residue installments to be called bv the Company as may be required for the prosecution of the work. 2. The new subscribers to bo placed on the footing of tlie present Stockholders, as soon as the exten sion is completed ; Provided, That if it shall be de termined tu open the extension in purt, an account shall be kept of the nett earnings of so much of the road as may be opened, and tlie same shall go to those who subscribe the 8225,000, pro rata, iu the propor tion O'f their subscription to the whole cost-of the extension, according to the shares they respectively hold, until the extension is complete. Resolved, That the President is requested to have a preliminary survey of the route, luadeat as early a day as possible. True Extracts from tho Minutes. JOHN T. BOIFEUILLET, ang 16—tlj—1 Trea-Hirer. ItrunswicK ana FKii-nlu autlioitd. C tOXTK ACTORS are wanted on this Road front / Buffalo Creek, ju Glynn comity, to the eastern line of the county of Clinch. The work is,grading, bridging and furnishing cross-ties. The prices wilt be liberal and p lyinents made monthly: two-thirds iu cash,and one-third instock of tho company. Profiles of the work are ready for examination at the Engineer’s office, as far as butilla river, uud the work on that part of the road will bo first let. Ap plications made to THOS. W. COLLINS, Brunswick. ALEXANDER A COLLINS, Macon. mb 22 Lumber. H AVING on the first of September leased tlie Saw Mills, recently in charge of James Van Valkenburg A Sou, wc are prepared to fill orders at short notice. Orders received, and Bills receipted by us. No one is authorized to use or sign our name as Agent. J. A. A S. 8. VIRGIN, nov 15 Bacoiir Flotif, &c. OA AAA Ull •*. BACON, 120 bis. Lebanon and 4s U • U U U Etawah Flour, 30 bis. Hyram Smith and Bpaul.iing Flour, 50 bis. Clarified and Crashed Sugars, with a general assortment of Groceries, for sale by CHAS. CAMPBELL, sep 6 , 1 Ciioitc ll:ivaiiu:i Cigars. r Ann Tree Fiona’s Cigars. J.UUU 10,000 Correi Cigars, a superior article. £0,' 00 Josephina, and Union Pauatella. \ LS0, 25,oui cigar-, various brands, American manu favturt—very low jirioes fur cash only. For sale bv dec 0 T. C. DEMPoEY. professional nuit ‘Jonsinrss Cnriis, A. M. SPEEK. A. D. HAMMOND. PEER A HAMMOND, Attorneys at Law, Mn- O con, Ga.—Will practice in the adjoining comities of tlie Macon and Flint Circuits, nov 8 lv j «. f ATTtiltaON, ATTORNEY AT LAW- / . Forsyth. Monroe Countt, Ga. M r h 22. 1853. lv W A. I,ANG. ATTORNEY AT’LAW, , Cunton, Ga. mav 17 lv KouEKT P. HALL, JOHN J. CAltV. H ail a- caky, attorneys at law. Micon, Ga.—Will practice in the counties of B:bb, Monroe, Upson, Pike, and Spalding. Office over Dr. W. G. Little's Drug Store. Macon, Oct. 12, 1852. lv H. G. LAMAR, O. A. LOCHKANE. L AVIAll & I.OCHRANB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW—Office over Btlden .y Co's. Hat Store, Macon, Ga.—Wiil practice in the Superior Courts of the following comities: Bibb. Monroe, Pike, Houston, Dooly, Sumter, Crawford, Macon, Jones, and Twiggs, anil in the Su preme Conrt at Mr.con, Decatur, and Columbtut. All cases placed in our hands for collection will be punctually attended to. jan 6 ly P A. K. JJ. TRACY, ATTORNEYS AT AWL, . Macon, Ga.—Will practice in all the Superior Courts of the Macon Circuit, aug 17 ty O hi. mSANW KJUU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, O. Bamnwille, Ga.—Will attend tho Superior Courts in the counties of Pike, Spalding, Upson, Monroe and Crawford. And will give prompt atten tion to all business intrusted to his care, jan 11 ly J OHN II, 1‘OYYEUS continues to practice Law in Houston, and all the adjoinin'* counties of the Maron :iud South-Western Circuits,Jr.nd in any part of the State by special contract. Perry, Nov. 29, 1833. 16—ly Dentistry. 4 $ DR. G. MCDONALD has de gggK dined leaving Macon, the firm of G. A. Jos. M. McDonald will bo con- TTP tinued as heretofore. They are qualified for and pre pared to do, any style of work belonging to the Den tal Profession. Ofiioe as usual, at the residence of G. McDonald, on Second street. nov 22 * E A. NT MIS It T, Will practice taw in Bibb and • the adjoining counties, and in tlie Supreme Court at Savannah, Macon, Milledgeville, Americas, Columbus and Decatur. He will pay particular attention to the collection or settlement of debts aud to Conveyancing. iSF Office over tlie store of Charles Day A Co., on the corner of Mulberry and Second Streets. Macon, Nov. 22,1833. 3m M ItOECAl. NOTICE.—DR’S. J. M. tc H. Ii. GREEN, will continue tlie Practice of Medi cine ns heretofore. One of them, unless otherwise engaged, can always be found at their office, opposite the Methodist Church, and next door to Mr. Poe’s. Macon, Feb. 1, 1853. lv D R. I’.H ilARU II. NTSIiKT, lias removed to Ralston’s New Block, on Cherry Street, where he may be found at all hours during the day or night, except when professionally engaged. Par ticular attention paid to calls from the country, oct18 10 JlcdicnI. D RS. BOON A HAMMOND have associated Themselves in the practice of theirprofessiou, and offer tlieir services to the citizens of Macon and surrounding country. They pledge themselves to give prompt and faithful attention to all cases en trusted to their care. Office over Mr. George Payne’s Drug Store. J. R. BOON. oct 11 3m D. W. HAMMOND. L amJaUsst, A' tu., uu.uarioaiu.N MERCHANTS and Shipping Agents, Savan nah, Go, aug 30 lv LbiAULEs UAl, C OMMISSION MERCHANT. NEW YORK.— / EsP" C. Day A Co., will advance on cons’gn- ments. apt 1 j 'KA.M-.I.lN jliKl.M; ANO I f>u: lN- 1 BFBANCR COMPANY.—Home Office, Saratoga •'■priiigs. New York. Cush Capital, 8300,. 000. Cady Hollister, President, John li. Buruap, Secretary. It. D. PHILLIPS, Agent. ;j6*~ Office at Store of W. B. Fluky a Co., Ma con, Ga. de’ 13 18—3m* pftwTfll'TTU.i l.vntAAAN Cst CO., Op’ J. Hartford, Conn., Fire and .Marine Risks taken on the most favorable terms by C. DAY, Agent, fell 27 H um) MNsttasanuac tour.i.i x—ouice. No. 10 Wall Street, New Yurie. Cash Capital, 8300,000. SIMEON L. LOOMIS. Presideut. Charles J. Martin. Secretary. CKAS. CAMPBELL, Agent, novl lv M-tcou, Geo. H AItTT'GItU F1KK (NSCKANCK CO., Hartpord, Conn.—Established in 1810. Fire risks on Cotton, and Product* in Store, merchandise, store houses, dwellings, and furniture, churches, Ac., in the above old and well established Company, ta ken at the usual rates by fc. J. JOHNSTON. Agent jan 18 for the city of Macon. Bibb co. M rn.u, t, 1 i j; innckanck co., of New York. Jas. Abbatt, Secretary. Joseph B. Collins, President. Applications received bv feb 27 C. DAY, Agent. .Bounty Lund uud Pension Agency. CHARLES C. TUCKER, WASHINGTON, D. C. V Ti'ORNEY for Claimants, and Agent for obtain ing Revolutionary, Naval, Invalid and llalf-pay Pensions, Bounty Land, arrears of pay, Extra pay, Ac. Bounty Land obtained for the widows and heirs of soldiers of the Texas Revolution of 1836. Address CHARLES C. TUCKER, Washington, D. C. sept 27 7—3m A KCU1 TEC T(JUE . EDWARD A. VINCENT, (FROM LONDON.) ARCHITECT AND CIVIL ENGINEER, AND City Surveyor. O FFICE ON COTTON AVENUE, over Payne’s Drug Store. Gentlemen wishing copies of the new Map of Macon, will please register tlieir names at my office, as no other copies will he issued, net 4 3m Business Curd. T HE subscriber takes this method of informing the public, that having fitted up a house for the tiie purpose, and having numerous orders to fill, ho is prepared at all times to purchase Negroes, either singly or in families, and will pay fair market prices for tliem in cash. —ALSO— In addition to the above, he will receive and sell, on commission, any real estate or personal property, that his patrons may be pleased to entrust him witn, ho will also be responsible for any per onnt property that he receives. WM. WRIGHT, Broker. oct 4 Bay Lane, Savannah. Bounty Lunil unit Pension Agency. LIT HE undersigned have established an office in jL Macon for the pnrehasc and sale of Land, and will also attend to tiie recovery of claims for Bounty Lauds aud Pension from the Government to the Sol- dies who served in the late wars. £5** Office over A. J. White’s Store. Macon, Ga. juig 3U C. A A. J. MACARTHY. L and agency, milledgeville, ga.— The snbsciiber will attend to the purchase or sale of Lands, of the Several Land Lotteries of this State on Commission. JAMES U. BUTTS, oct 19 tij8 Fixtures. T HE subscribers have now received and will con tinue to receive, an assortment of GAS FIX- TUlUi. S, (oi M. -rs. Cornelius Baker A Co’s make, Philadelphia.) such as Ch indefiers, Pendants, Brack ets, and every other style of fixtures used ill burn ing Gas; and are prepared to furnish and fit them ap in Stores, Dwellings, Hotels, Ciiurehes, Ac., at short notice. E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. sep 27 7 Gus Fixtures. tTt HE subscribersliaviug engaged competent work 1. men, are now prepared to fit up Stores and Houses with Pipes, Burners, and all the necessary ap par ting for tho use of Gas. This work will be war ranted, and done under the superintendence of the Engineer of the Macon Gas L'gfit Company. A reg ister book is now open at the stores of the subscri bers, and applicants will be fitted up in order of ap plication. BRAY, CARHART A CO. june 28 46 M, D, BARNES, Tobacco, Cigars, »Yc. oh Boxes Tobacco, ou Consignment, very super- t 3 fine article. 25,000 Cigars, various qualities. 10 boxes Cherroots. For sale by nov l ASHER AYRES., Barit 1 }', Ae, t rtrt Bushels Seed Wheat. 75 bttslieU Barley.- JLUU ”50 bush As Seed Oats. 75 sacks Guano. F.W »«le bv |nov H A-it I !; Witi.S speeui. tVii.iie. ri icii.iic Uns JTrtrt CALLS. Pure Sperm Oil; 5,00gulls, b'eddi DIM eu Whale OU; 10 barrels Machine O.l. I ’tor - a, 1 1 lor sale bv CARHAUT A ROFF. Muekei'ci, n-A HALF II hi. No. I Mackerel, j 2 J 15 do. •• ■; 2 •• 4D lbs. Cod Fish, just received and for sale bv oct 11 CHAS. CAMPBELL. ' Sonts, ?ljofs, rir. rtc. * iliUtlOH: I 1«| llfcell soil 101 3«UL*e T HE subscriber offer* for sale, on liberal terms, his Plantation in Pulaski county, lyiug three miles and a half from Ilawkiusville, on the North east side of Big Creek, one thousand .acres of Laud, one hundred acres of creek Land, two hundred acres cleared L ind, two hundred acres wooded hammock Land first quality, six hundred acres level well tim bered Pine Laud, and a good Steam and Circular Saw Mill on the Land. Also, a gin house and screw, both new. aud forty .five bearing English Mulberry Trees. No part of the county is more health v than this place, it is well watered with cool springs. Tho above property will remain in market until tlie first day ol December next. Purchaser* will id ease call and examine i«»r themselves. n,| g ni> n ARTHUR PHELPS. Ltitids For Side L N Houston comity. Eleven Hundred Acres good Planting Land, well improved, contign to Fort Valiev, in Houston county, formerly owi hy Col. A!i.-n Wiggins. Apply to'Col. Allen Wig* on tlie premises. Oft 11 9—3:n . 19. 4V. B. 1'KBBY & CO., DEALERS IS BOOTS AiVD SHOES, Second Street, Triangular Block. A RE now receiving a very large stock of & 11 Hoots nnd Hhocs, for the fall aud win- f ter trade, to which they respectfully invite the attention of Ladies and Gentlemen tradingiu thecity. .Their stock has been laid iu with great care, embra cing all the desirable styles prevailing at the North and will be offered ou the most liberal terms, net 11 4m / 1 ENTS’ Fancy Dress, Pump and Welt, Medium vj and Water-proof Boots; fine pegimitation, Dress and strong Boots; Patent Leather, cloth, enamel and calf Congress Gaiters, Opera Ties, Dauciug Pumps, Slippers, Rubber Over-shoes and cork soles, just re ceived and for sale by oct 11 WM. B. FERRY ft CO. OKOGAN —A large stock of black aud Russet JJ Plantation Brogans; also, kip, calf and enamel leather Brogans, just received and for sale by oct 11 WM. B. FERRY ft CO. T KATHEK.—A larffe stock of Oak and Hemlock JLj sole Leather, French calf Skinsshoe threads, Ac., just received by WM. B. FERRY & CO. oct 1! { AI)IE -’ Laeennd Congress Prunella, Satin Fran- Lj cia. White Kid and Satin Slippers; Jenny Lind Enamel and Kid Boots and Gaiters; Enamel and Kid Ties and Buskin Over-shoes, cork soles, Ac., just received and for sale by oct 11 WM. B. FERRY A CO. TROYS’ fino sewed and peg imitation, drees and JJ thick Boots; calf, enamel and kip sewed and peg Brogans, Gaiters, Dancing Pumps, Ac., just re ceived by WM. B. FERRY A CO. oct 11 A rIS-'ES’ Lace and Congress Gaiters; Enamel and 1>X Jenny Lind Boots and Gaiters and Slippers, just received by WM. B. FERRY' A C'O. oct11 , Kciv Boots aud Shoes, A T THE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. No. 3, jg Cotton Avenne, opposite Washington Hall, Macon, Georgia.—Tee subscribers would >4 return tlieir thanks for tho very liberal and long con tinued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We have now in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the dif ferent 6tyles and patterns usually erfllod for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as auv house in the city or State, oct 12 ' MIX A KIRTLAND. “I ) OOTS.—A full assortment of Gents' fine S’ 1) French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and JC waterproof, of various kinds aud qualities, both soled and pegged. Just received and for sale low by oct 12 31IX A KIRTLAND. I J OOTS AND SHOES.—Men's, Bovs and Afa)-. I') Youth's fine calf and kip peg'd Boots Men's stout kip hunting and mud Bools; Gents last- ing Gaiters. Monterey, opera and ties, and fine calf Brogans; Gents,boy's’and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans: Men's, boys’ and youths’ California kip Brogans, a large assortment, oct 12 MIX A KIRTLAND. T> UIlBElt SHOES.—A large assortment IX of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, L» lPm dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoe* of Goodyear’s celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by oct 12 .MIX A KIRTLAND. 1 >LANTATIONBROGANS.-Now instore .A*.. X the best assortment of Negro Shoos, we •’W" 1 * have ever offered in this market. 3Icn's doubh soled peg and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled black anil russetts; do. boys and youths bhu k and russetts, all of which we arc selling very low. 3IIX A KIRTLAND. oct 12 fNALF SKIN AND SOLE LEATHEK.-On hand a X, very superior lot of French Calf Skins, with Li nings and Binding; Oak and Hemlock sole Leathei Shoe Thread, with a good assortment of Lasts, peg Boot Tret s and shoe finishing. Just received snd for sale by MIX A KIRTLAND. oet 12 l'nuii5 .jFnr infe, &r. Plantation for Sale. Yf Y Plantation in Bibb county, lying in the fork ol J.VX Tobesnfkee and Rocky Creeks, four and a halt miles from Macon, and containing 810 acres, is fot sale. There are about 375 acres in cultivation, witl a good gin house add screw, and all necessary hnild ings for plantation purposes. Tlie laud is produc tive and affords many facilities, and is a desirablt place to those wishing to purchase in this section. My overseer on the place will show it to any per son wishing to purchase, or I can be found at any time in Macon. N. BASS." sep 20 tf Laud tor .Sale. T OFFER for sale, on any time, that may he re- X quired, the following valuable Farming Lands; six hundred acres ou Jones Creek, in the 13th district of Dooly county, with one hundred and seventy acres of land deadened and ready for cultivation, with a new and comfortable .double Log Dwelling, Kitchen, -tinokS-house, Crib, Stables, Ae. Also, 400 acres, on Jones Creek, in tlie 14tli district of Dooly ; and 200 acres in the 14th on Swift Creek ; also, 500 acres in the 17th of Thomas couuty. These Lauds in Dooly will make from 700 to 1,200 lbs. of Cotton to the aero. Applv to sent 27 T. \\\ MONTFOIif, Oglethorpe, Ga. fv Journal A Messenger, copy tf. Lund for Sale. rrt HE undersigned has Eleven Hundred Acres of X Land, lvtag on the Southwestern Railroad, in the twenty-ninth district of Snmtcr county, between Oglethorpe and Auiericus, twelve miles from the for mer place, and seven from the latter, lying on the west side, and not more than 15 acres from the road, which are good corn and cotton lauds, being creek mid branch lands, upon which are about one hun dred and twenty-five acres of cleared land, and in a good state of cultivation, which I will sell on good terms. Those wishing to buy will do well to call and examine, ns I intend making a different arrangement in my affairs. HERRING HOOKS. Sumter eo„ Ga. Oct. 11. tf Valmible Pluutatiou for Sale in Baker County, Ga. f 11 HE SUBSCRIBER, desirous of removing from L the State of Georgia, offers for sale his PLAN TATION, lying on the waters of the Coolawhnee, five miles West of .Albany, adjoining the lands of Paul Tarver, Dr. Xicholls and others; containing 3,125 acres, more or less. There are about 800 acres of open, cultivated land. The land is situated so that it can be easily divided, and if two purchasers appear, the subscriber will di vide it so as to suit both. Any one desirous of purchasing, would do well to address “Moore A Edwards’’ or tnvself at this place. JOHN J. RAYVXS. 3Iacon, Ga. August 30, 1853. 3—tf My Ageut, living on the place, will show the Lauds to any person calling for that purpose. J. J. R. IjF Columbus Times and Sentinel, Augusta Con stitutionalist, Albany Patriot, Federal Union, Savan nah Georgian and Charleston Mercury, please copy tf and forward bill to this office. Baker County Land. A SPLENDID body of 3,000 acres Oak and il Hickory Land, ou Cooleewahee Creek. *n?* seeoud district Baker countv, abont 10 miles from Albany. For sale by CHARLES DAY A CO. nov 9 Improved Lnnd for Sale. fllHE UNDERSIGNED has 405 acres ofMJ X very valuable LAND, lying on tho Oo- * mulgee River, in the 13th district of Houston coun ty, Ga„ 200 acres cleared, a Dwelling, Gin, and all necessary out-houses ou it. He has also, a Dwelling House and Lot in the village of Perry, 'Houston county, Georgia, well im proved. The above described property can be purchased upon easy and advantageous terns. Apply to WILLIAM L. FRANKS. Perry. Ga., July 12, 1853. 48—tf Valuable Laud for Sale. rrtrt ACRES of first quality Laud in Monroe •JVJU couuty, aiYtuiiiing lands of Dr. Thweatt, and the Montpelier Institute—more titan half of this land is as heavily timbered as any in the county, it will bo sold on favorable terms if ap plied for soon. For further particulars, applv to ang 23—2 \V. s. WILLIFORD. C tLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, at cost hy / nov 28 WIN SHIP A SON. Trugs, IMMrinrs, &r. DRUGS. CHERRY STREET, NEA K COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA I II. A W. S. ELLIS are receiving, snd, •J . keep constantly on lnnd a penerr l as*< uient of DRUGS AND .MEDICINES—as lows : Alcohol, full strength, Calomel Opium, Antimonials, Acids, Iodine, Mercurials, Cubebs, Iodide, Indigo, Madder, Copperas. ALCOHOLIC EXTRACTS OF Dandelion Stramonium Sarsaparilla Henbane Aconite Coloevnth Com. Conium Gentis Belladonna PATENT MEDICINES. Old Dr. J. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla : Sands’ do ; Wistar's Balsam Cherry; Sarsaparilla Fills; Jayne's Alterative; Hair Dye, Syrup Neptha; Tetter and Ringworm Ointment; Dead Shot; Cholera Remedy; Trusses; Bodv Braces; Cherry Pectoral; Jew Da vid's Piaster; Exp-..: rant; Vcrmting- -. Cholagogue; Pile and Itch Ointment; Extract JBuchu; Seialitx Powders. Cuppiug Cases, Ac.; Paints. Varnish, Glass, Putty. PERFUMERY. Premium Shaving Cream; Fancy Soaps; Extract Rose; Verbena; Patchouly; Mask ; Cologne, various choice qualities; Jenny Lind, Pomade; Ox Marrow, Ae. Vinegar. Rouge, Flavoring Extracts, Ac. On hand, tbr Concentrated Compound Syrup of Queen's Delight aDd Sarsaparilla, so highly recom mended by Dr. Frost and other physicians, in ex- treme eases of Rheumatism, Liver Cmnplaiuts, White Swellings Ulcers of tho Throat. Coughs, Scrofula, Syphilis, eruptions ofthe skin. Tetter, Jaundice, Ac. Also, 1 set of fine Dentist’s Instrum'-nts, consisting of 52 different instruments, in a fino mahogany case. For sale below Now York retail price. . Pik“ Physicians* and families supplied as low as the market will admit. nov 12 tf It. It. It,—To the Public. EADWAY A CO„ the Inventors, Manufacturer, and Proprietors of the justly celebrated R. R. R. Remedies, wero the first to discover a Remedy possessing the Marvelous and Miraculous power of stopping the most excruciating pRtr> in an instant, allaying the worst Cramps and Spasms, either inter nal or external, iu a few minutes, and soothing the most severe Paroxysms of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Tic Dolorcux, as soon as applied. The R. R. R. Remedies consist of three Remedies, each pow-<-.- siug quick and wonderful powers over ceitaut com plaints and diseases and will instantly— Relieve the Ilumau System from pain. Regulate each Organ to a Healthy action. Resolve away all Diseased Deposits. Kekovate the body from all corrupt humors. Rebuild the weak and broken down constitu tions. Restore to Health, strength and vigor all unsound and worn out parts. It. B. It.—No. 1. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF, For *11 Acute Complaints, INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL. Tlie moment it is applied externally, or taken into the system, it will stop the most excruciating pain md quickly remove its cause. Ilheumntism. Mr. Granger, a mason well known in Brooklyn. was 1 eripplo for nine years. Rad way's Ready" Relief relieved him from pain in fifteen minutes, enabled him to walk two mdes without a stick or crutch in three days, aud eured him entirely in one week. Thousands of other cases equally as wonderful as he above, have been eared by It' It. Relief. Cholera ttlorbas. Rsdway’s Ready Relief will relieve the sufferer rnm all pain in fifteen or twenty minutos. It will ;ure tlie most desperate cases in a few hours. Neuralgia. The moment R. R. Relief is applied it allays the nost painful paroxysms. It will always euro. Sick Headache, It wi’.l relieve the most distressing pains in fifteen ninutes. It will likewise prevent renewed attacks. Ague. In ten minutes a tea spoonful of R. R. Relief will .top tiie Chiils and break the Fever. Aches of all kinds. Pains of all kinds, Bruises, Burns, scalds, strains, sprains, stiff joints, lameness. One application of Railway's Ready Relief w ill ill a Jew moments entirely slop the patn. ' It reduces swellings, heals sores, cuts and wounds, removes bruises; allays tlie most violent irritations. For all pains use It. It. Relief. Look for the signa ture of Radway A Co. on each bottle. R. R. R.—No. 3. RADWAY’S RENOVATING RESOLVENT, RESOLVES, RENOVATES, REBUILDS. IT CURES Scrofula, Syphilis, Seres, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ulcers, Tumors, Consumption, Rickets, Nodes, Fever-sores, Bleeding of the lungs, Erysipelas, St. Vitus' Dance, Salt Rheum, Rash, Canker, Tetters. The above eighteen complaints R. R. Resolvent will positively cure. It renovates the system completely, resolving away from the solids all impure poisonous and diseas ed deposits, freeing the blood and fiuids of life from all corrupt humors, restoring energy and vigor, health and strength to every organ aud member of the body. LETTERS FROM HIGH AUTHORITY. Hon. J. J. Middleton, of Waecamaw, S. C., writes us under date of May 2d, 1853, that Rad way's Reno vating Resolvent cured one of his negroes, on his plantation at Beaufort, of a scrofulous complaint, of many years’ standing. The poor fellow was a dir gusting object of pity; he was a moving in.-ms of sores. The other negroes could not remain in tho same place with him. He was entirely cured by Radwav's Renovating Resolvent, and is now at work upon the plantation. To the people of S. C., 31 r. .Middleton is well known, and to the political world 31r. Middleton is no stranger. Scrofula, When the Patient has been afflicted for five years, or under, favorable symptoms will appear on tho third day after using R. It. Resolvent. Ten years on the Fifth dav. Fifteen years, " Seventh dav, Twenty years, •• Tenth day, "ah'.; Thirty years, “ Fifteenth dav. Forty years, •• Twentieth day, Fifty years, “ Thirtieth day. For side bv E. L. STKOHECKER A CO., Macon; I’hslps ft-Ensign, Forsyth; J. W. Jones, Griffin, and Druggists aud Merchants every where. oct 25 (y Brilliant and Beautiful. G EORGE W. ROSS A CO. are now receiving the first Installment of SPRING, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, comprising every article of taste, elegance, and utility, usually found in first class Drv Good Establishments. "The Ladies are specially invited to look in and judge n>r themselves ofthe superior style, elegant fabric and am’ it- as sortment now open for their inspection snd appre ciation. The following arc a few of the things which adorn our shelves and counters : SILKS, as Brocade fig’d. Poult. deSoie; Black Gro do Rhine; White Brocade Silk Robes; Twuted Silk Herman}’; Lustrings, ail colors, Bridal Dresses, kill....; li-.r . t.cviri st;.!<■; Embroidered Crape Dresses ; Silk Tissues, Plain"and *•':-tired. CELLAR* -U’.m.r.x. Lug- Star, aud Embroidered, and Empress Luge Embroidered Valenciennes Cnem^etts. SLEEVES, ail qualitie-i from30 SC.', per pair. Embroidered Brocha do Paris DRESSES. Swiss and Jaconet Edgings and Trillings, from 10 ets. a vard to 87 00. MANTILLAS and Scarfs. 13 different varieties, of which may be mentioned Taglioni, Zotulio, C'lier- melli and Pavouu*. Dainabk ClutliB, Tow**U anti Xapkii;». Diaper, I5irdrf Eve, Huckaback and O’otton. Also, Binsmj 13 r&pestry and 3 plv Carpetings, Mattings, Bugs Window Shades, Gilded Damask, for curtains, with trimmings to correspond, Gent’s Furnishing GoimU, embracing every thing rich and new, »\c., &c. Sold wholesale and retail, and as low Roods of the same quality can be purchased iu this market. X. B.—G. W. R. A Co. have also on hand, in a separate establishment, an extensive Stock of Gro ceries, which will be sold by wholesale and retail. 100 Guano, Grouiifi Pl&xiii ft SACKS Pi-ruvian Guano. 25 Casks Ground Plaster. 100 Basil'd* Barley, loo •• Rye. ' 100 “ Wheat. 500 “ Oats. For sale by ASHER AYRES. oct 11 Mackerel, < otI Fish aud Potutots y - P VCKAGES Mackerel. / */ 5 Barrels Mess Shad 100 l!„. Cod Fish. 10 Barrels .Mercer Potatoes. 5 Barrels Onions. For sale by [oct 11 AS HER AYRES.