Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, December 27, 1853, Image 1

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t II.YKAi I tit IS A!S M.CGSS.IKV TO .1 STATE AH TO .V PRIVATE MDITIDVAIi, AiVD THIE OI.OKY* OF A .STATE IH THE t'OH MON PROPERTY OF AK.E. ITS CITIZENS. »» VOL. XXVII. MACON, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 27. 1353. NO. 20. fljt (gtnrgia frltflrnpji, F.VKRT TUESDAY MORNING rl iYGBKEX. BARNES & CO. EDITOR* AND FROrKIETORS. ’* Advance, Two Dollars and — .nnnn). IW-L*-—* e * c, T t nt Iho option of tlie *f!Z nn til nil Mre»rs«e» «ro paid. W* 1 -myjsri st the regular charge will bo One i» rt *’r ,q W re of 1° /»»<* or for the first in- v !l " , p-py Cents for each subsequent inser- \ J 1 *. in-rtisementa not specified as to time, . ^ hluked until forbid and charged accord l«Jbt p 001 fenWtaarv N"*! 1 '" exceeding ten lines, will be irj,. Advertisement*. tl! betters on business, mnst bo post paid. \cTT t s Scotchman mat Become.—At a ". jjjldJn Edinburgh last week to obtain l^ tho British government “justice for Scot- Sir A- Alison, the historian. related the . ^ecdote., “to show Itow Scotchmen US the world over”: I j^Hitleinen, one very curious thing occur- I US* how Scotchmen do rise Till the l*»Ijovcr, and with tliis anecdote I will con- I'Sf Marshal Keith hnd the command of the Ihdrutn a™"'’ wllich ,on £ combated the Turk- I vtors>he Daunbe, under tlie grand vi- l N after a long and bloody combat the CWrals came to a conference together. Ir. vizier came mounted on a camel with all II nwip of eastern magnificence. The Scotch SSw Keith, from the neighborhood of Tn- J. iin Als’rdeeiisliirc, at the head of the Aus- l*i ,^ops, had a long conference, and after K, pmicrence, the Turkish grand vizier said bAlarshal Keith that he would like to speak a ' ixords iu private to him in his tent, and he |v,-vl that no one should accompany him.— ISj Keith accordingly went in, and the 1. at they entered, and when the confer- ( ia the tent had closed, the grand vizier ferotT his turban, tore off his heard, and Lyua" to Marshal Keith, said, “Ou, Jonnic, L'si’ni’ ye man,”—[Loud laughter.] Aud [ (liseovered that the grand vizier of 'jkfv wits an old school companion of his n.xho had disappeared thirty years before t-na parish school near Methlic. [Laugh- A Nrni Operation. On the last trip down of the Magnolia two rrflt'crtntly dressed gentlemen came aboard l frubaig. and took a state-room together. , ir t!v after the boat got tinder way, one of the came up to the temporary or acting fii, x worthy citizen, and asked for some and scaling wax, wliich being given to c, he proceeded to tie up a small lougitudi- ii package, which lie handled very duintily, rl having duly scaled and fastened, wrote > voids, “valuable—J. K.” and delivered it id*acting clerk, to he deposited in the iron 6, u it contained bank notes to the value of ilBO. On the arrival of the Magnolia, the ™ strangers told th.c acting clerk that they aid go up to the hotel, and secure rooms, fcithrn return for the packago of money left ili him. and then settle for their passage.— he clerk politely acceded to this request, and H gentlemen left. The next day passed, am l * strangers had not returned to get their idtage. At night, the captain, on looking tc the passage-book, observed Jhnt the two io*r strangers had not settled for their fare; r inquired into tlse matter, :md the acting itii acquainted him with the fact of the valu- deposit. “ By Jupiter,” exclaimed the ex- thle captain. “ if they haven’t called before k it is a sham. Let us look at it.” _ The ckuge was produced, and duly opened in the wence of witnesses, when it proved to be wposed of a number of slips of newspapers Mot the width of bank notes, folded together, d then enveloped in stout brown paper, and tit tied with thread and sealed with wax.— Well, exclaimed the amiable and joke-loving nptain, “L—, you arc badly sold; that is &M a neat an operntiouas I have ever seen.” h the meantime, tlte well-dressed strangers bd taken the “ shute,” and disappeared in the of erring mortality which surges through «r streets.—X O. Delta. lacidrnl nl lire Uarper’a Fire. Scon alter the alarm of fire at Harpers, three wag women were seen for a moment at a *dow in the third story of the burning build W- Apparently, they were either paralyzed xkfeiir or overcome by the smoke whichsur- wM them. As soon as thp report of their fliloas situation readied the ehrs of a young 140 hi the crowd, he instantly darted into the '**'• and np to the stairs, to the room indica- d ky some persons outside. He called loudly stieyoung women, but received no answer. 'Wing himself unable to enter the room in an S t posture, owing to the dense smoke prevailed, he crept on his hands and feet ‘ti* window, near to which he found the ob- ^ofhis solicitude, prostrated and helpless. « was obliged to drag them one by one to the —> and with a great deal of difficulty, he iu getting them into the open air.— _>oon had the satisfaction of seeing them jSwntly recovered to be enabled to go to irrespective homes, while he, to avoid mueh WMiing by the bystanders, hurried off to -'place of business. : m *y not he amiss to mention that the JS. m:u > holds a subordinate place in a firm 3 '*ll- s£ ., Hn ,[ that he has a wife and young ■ Spending on hint for support. •min Kosiix'a Aililrrss to Ibr People. dtiTt'^ * 80cont l time from the tiger grasp ■V* Austrian tyrant, I owe my liberation to fuerons will* of the people of this Union, . P***«ke to aconseiottsness of their provi- niission and destiny, and seem deter- -■yo protect all those who are bound to * tnf * v °l , "itary onth of allegianee, and , i i»v e the name of their country rcspcct- T ? me cabinets of Europe. ’’ generous will wliich inspires! the ouln,s * , ‘‘l with executive power, “di found a real, manly expression in the of Capt. Ingraham, I ain indebted Wiling again the shores of America, I feel r ‘’ 'j u, y to give a feeble expression of PWitude which I foster in the innermost ^ lorir * towards all those who took utrsonr’ or ev ®n a sympathizing part, in that ^ uuary. case, in which the American ^"pencil its. wings for the protection of the L-in.' i * lumR " wul international rights. it<n«a- f *° Accidental actor of this great ii, _ Uoi, *l event which saved tne, my grati- 4,1,' '! en the most ardent, can bo only of . «ne to the American people; but the RlltniwA*: « A *e it _ .•, ^’J u * ,mr ?ti° n . and sympathy of all nations vL f u • " ,J crty; and, on tho other hand, ct , , slon a “d fear of all presumptuous and cespota, isareward noble in itssourees, fill?*.' 1 * efficacy, and worthy of n people %'»»• Jlost respectfully, MARTIN KOSTZA. AT 3ruitlnj, I'nr&innrr, rtr. FALLA WI1ITEB TRADfi, 1853. W AlUt NOW OFFEKINO AT THE OI.D STAND OF WM. ]{. A E. J. JOHNSTON. Mulberry St., fronting Cotton Avenue, rrtllE J.arnest stock of new and desirable style of A Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fancy Goods. Guns. Cutlery, etc., to be found in the State, on the most favorable terms. A call is respectfully invited. n»v s K. J. JOHNSTON A CO. Presents. A FINE Selection of articles, suitable as Rridnl and other presents. Wedding Cake Boxes, Ac., for sale hv fnov s| E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. w Work Boxes, 7R1TINO DESKS, Odour Boxes. Ac. For sale t by K. J. JOHNSTON A CO. by nor H c Porte Jlonaies, IGAR CASES, Walking Canes, an elegant lot. _ For sale by E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. nov i in Mew Gii mes. ETS of Furniture, Tea Sets, ltattli'S, Dolls, Boxes O of Tools, Hattie Doors and Shuttle Cocks, and a number of other desirable articles for Children. For sale by [nov s[ E.,1. JOHNSTON A CO. PiituoFortes. ATOW Receiving aome of the most-., ~j i\ SPLENDID PIANO FORTKsPSSsSj ever offeris] for sale in Maeon, fVom the J li W L celebrated Factories of J. C. Chiekering aud Nunn A Clark, warranted superior toanv other made in the United States. Also, two HARPS from J. F. Brown A Co’a. Factory. The above iustrnments are a feast to one’s eyes to look nt, and the tono completely captivating. We shall take pleasure to show these instruments to any that have a taste for fine goods. On hand, I’rinee MelndUus, best article of tlie kind made ; Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Aceordemis, Tainliorins, Bugles, Clarionetts, Flagolettes, Flutes, and a variety of Brass Instruments for Bands, kept in ourliiie. Guitar and Violin Strings Sheet Music for Piano and Guitar, Instruction Books, Ac. i'nniis /or Suit, Z:i. Tlircc IsOls of Lami for Sale. I ASI offering for sale, on accommodating terms, three Ixits of Land, to wit: Nos. IOC, 107, and «, in the 1 tth district of Taylor county, 6 or 8 miles from Butler, and adjoining Flckltag’a Mills. Said Lands are well timbered, and iu a liealtliv section of country. Information can he hud by applying to John S. Brooks, of Crtlwford comity, or to' me at Cairo, in Decatur count v. dee 20 19-41 JOSEPH J. BRADFORD. Plantation for Sale. M Y Plantation in Bilib county, lying in tho fork of Tobesofkce and Rocky Creeks, four and a halt miles from Macon, and containing 810 acres,'is for sale. There arc about 375 acres in cultivation, with a good giu bouse and screw, and all necessary build ings for plantation purposes. Tile land Is produc tive and atfonls many Oieilities, and is a desirable place to those wishing to purchase in this section. My overseer on the place will allow it to nny per- son wishing to purchase, or I can be found n’t any time in Macon. X. BASS, sop 20 tf JLtttuI for Salt*. Valrkn, Jrwrlrv nnd Fnnry Good Splendid Gold nnd Silver WATCHES; Geutlemdh and Ladies patterns, Gold Chains, tfC Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles, Gold Pens, and Pencils, Gidd nnd Silver Spectacles, Silver Spoons and Forks, silver, ivory and wood Nap kin Rings, silver plated Cuke Baskets, Castors, Wait' era and Candle Sticks—and a variety of Fancy Goods, Shot Guns, Rides, Game Bag's, Pouches, Flasks, Pistols, Ac. £o r * Clocks and Watches repaired, nnd warranted, at short notice. Give us a call at our old stand. Cot ton Avenue, Union Building. nov [J. A. A S. S. VIRGIN. ^° KK '—Florence has been lately tempt on the part of the ’’•*4 DnV * an Rt *cmpton the <1^ makeafton mot. An inhabitant L *iadn *° P oor water hot of . Kousc, and on the head of ^Wdjhtkc. who was passing at that poor subject, horror struck, The airs, and, tailing on his knee>. ! "Never initial, never min,!. _.r h “ Sovereign, “only Nsfnlj Englishman that the ■^ n f d ,to.fortf } *hould HARDWARE. BRAY, CA.51IAKT A CO., WHOI.ES.VU AND KKT.MI. DEAl.EItS IN ENGLISH AtlERIC.t.V IIA It l> WARE THIBD-STREKT— MACON, Ga. B EG lenye to invite the attention ol'__^_ vn Bk their friends nnd the public, to their now large and splendid stock of Hard- ^• ware and Cutlery, Iron and 3toel, Nails and Hollow-ware, Bhieksmith and Carpenter's Tools, Building Materials of every description, and every variety of Shelf Goods. House-k; eping Articles, Agrieiiltural Implements and Machinists' Tools, Cot ton, Manilla and Hemp Rope, together with a large stock of Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc, Wire Ac, We nre also now receiving direct from Sweden, one hundred tons of Swedish Irou, assorted, from 1 to 12 inches wide. We take this occasion to assure all who call on us that we are prepared to furnish them with everything in our line at the very lowest market rates. dec 6 Iron and Steel. rpHE undersigned are now receiving in addition i to their large Stock of Iron, tot) Tons Sweed Iron by direct importation. 50 Tons English and American Refined, and common English Iron. 20 Tons Oval, half round Bands. Hoops Scroll, Horse Slice Iron aud Nail Rods. 10,000 lbs. Cast, Blister, German and Spring Steel, dec r. BRAY. CARHART A CO. Springs aud Axles., 2 rr r\r\f\ LBS. just received and for site liv O.UUU BRAY, CARHART A t’O. dec'6 17 Saws Saws, Saws- -I qDOZ. C rosa Cut, Back and Pit Saws. L -C . r »0 do. Hand, Panne], Rip nnd Tennnn Saws, for sale by [dec 6] BRAY. CARHART A CO. Cutlery. -ro DOZ. Table Cutlery of every grade. OOU 300 dozen Pocket do. 25 do Shears and Scissors. 05 do Razors. ALSO, some new and beautiful patterns of fine Ivo ry llundlo Table Cutlery which canuot fail to please. ’ Just received and for sale liv dec 6 BRAY, CARHART A CO. Blncksiuith’s Tools. 7 fr Cotter Key and solid box rices » ») 50 English and American Anvils. 15,000 lbs. •■Atwood’s” Hammers assorted. 40 Smith's Bellows from 26 to 40 inches. 75 Setts Stocks aud Dies from 3-16 to 1 1-2 inches For sale hr dec 6 BRAY, CARIIAUT A CO. Mails. Q A A KEGS Cut Nails and Spikes. OUU 25 Kegs Wrought Nails and Spikes, just re ceived and for salo by dec 6 BRAY, CARHART A CO Mails and Horse Shoes. 1 CAIl LBS. (triflin’* Horse Nails. iOUU 25 Kegs Burden's Horse Shoes, just re ceived and for sale bv dec 6 BRAY. CARHART A CO. SIiovcls, Spades aud Axes. /> n DOZEN “.Vines'' Shovels nnd Spades. OU 50dozen “Leverets" Axes, warranted. 30 do. Axes, Inferior Brands, for sale by dec <i BRAY, CARHART A i'O. Chains! Chains O 000 LBS. Press Chains. 3000 lbs. Coil do., from 3-15 to 1-2 inch. 2000 lbs. Log and Fifth do. assorted sizes. 300 pair Trace Chains, for sale by doc 6 BRAY, CARHART A CO. Hill Irons aud Ulili Saws. LBS. Mill Irons, various kinds. Mill irons, various Kinos. ,JUUU 5 dozen Mill Saws, assorted length and breadth. 6 41 inch Circular Saws, for salo by dec 6 BRAY, CARHART A CO. T. n. SI3UET. CIIA5. r. LEVY. Nisbct A Levy, O CMITLOEF. FOUNDRY A MACHINE SHOP, Macon, Georgia. Manufacturers of Steam En gines nnd Boilers, RieeTIirasbers, Gin nnd Mill Gear- 1. _ vl.. - - Will I.... . Cl, alt i.i wr W’.iti.r U’liiiillfl ing. Saw Mill Irons and Shaftings, Water Wheels, Plates and Balls, Pulleys, Grave Railings and Ma chinery in general. As a testimonial to tlie character of their work they lieg leave to submit the following extract from the Report of the Committee on Machinery, to I lie So. Central Agricultural Society A Mechanics' Insti tuto. Mr. W in. M. Wadloy is tho well known and competent Engineer in the Ciiief of the Western A Atlantic Railroad, mid the other members of the Com mit tee nre men of high standing as mechanics. EXTRACT FROM THE REPORT. "Oftlic three Eagin.sexhibitcd, we consider Messrs Nisbct A Levy stlie Ins-t, and best adapted to agricul tural purposes, and award them tho premiums—a Silver Cap worth IS) nnd li Gold Medal worth 830. “ Of tho Jhuups, Water Wheels and Gin Gear ex hibited, we consider Messrs. Nisbct A Levy's the best, and award them the preminnloo these articles of manufacture." M U. JL WADUEV, Cli n. Orders for Gin Gear nnd other machinery, lirwuiptlv Hied, ou suitable reference being given. March 1,1853. >: I OFFER for sale, on any time, that may be re quired, the following valuable Fanning Lands ; six hundred acres on Jones Creek, in the lytli district of Dooly comity, withonehmidredand seventy acres of laud deadened anil ready for cultivation, with a new and comfortable double Log Dwelling, lvilcheu, Smoke-house, Crib, Stables, ,Vi*. Also, 4(H) acres, on JoncaCreek, in'tin- 14 th distriet of Dooly ; and 200 acres in the 14th on Swift Creek ; also, 300 acres iu the 17th of Thomas eomitv. Those Lauds in Dooly will make from 700 to 1,200 lbs. of Cotton to the acre. Applv to sent 27 T. W. MONTFOIit, Oglethorpe, Ga. Journal A Messenger, copy tf. Iron YVorlts. TV TORE A GALLAGHER, Phii-adelphia, Pa - .l L Manufacturers of all kinds of Iron Railing, Bal- oonien, Vuromiahs, Iron Front*, Garden Soiite, Dop*. Lion*, and Ornamental Fancy \\ ork of all kind*.— A book of design** Jco., may bo seen. ,ll MT < iv ni(: ^ made, on a^pliention to A. K. McLALGllLIN. Maeon, July 5, 1853. 47—ly Agent. Tin Ware Manufactory. CHEHKT STREET—ItACON, OA. TTAA'ING now engaged good, prompt and faithful JUL workmen, I am prepared to do all kinds of TIN WOJtK in the city or country, in tho best manner, ami on the most reasonable terms. All orders for Tin Work, or Goods in my line, will be promptly attended to. nov 1 B. A. WISE. House I'm iiisliiiig Goods. mABLK and Packet Cutlery 1 Stoves, Grates, and Hollow-Ware Maatleized Iron .Mantles Tin and Iron Ware of nil kinds Wood Ware, Brooms and Brusboss. at It. A. WISE’S nov t New Store, Cln-rry si.. Macon. Ga. Lami for Kale. f IT HE undersigned lias Eleven Hundred ijrrei of L Land, lying on the Southwestern Railroad, in the twenty-ninth distriet of Sunder county, between Oglethorpe and Amentia*, twelve miles from tlie for mer place, ami seven from the latter, lying on the west side, and not more than 15 acres from the road, which are good corn and eoiton lauds, being creek and branch lands, upon which are about one hun dred and twenty-five acres) of cleared land, and in a good state of cultivation, which I will sell on good terms. Those wishing to buy will do well to call and examine, as I intend making a different arrangement in my affairs. HERRING HOOKS. Sumter eo., Ga. Oet. 11. tf Bilker County Land. y SPLENDID lmdy of 3,000 acres Oak nnd ] Hickory Land, on Cooleewahee Creek.^21 second district Baker county, about 10 miles Iroio Albany. For sale by Clt.VRLES DAY A CO. nov!) Improved Land for Kale. rpHE UNDERSIGNED has 405 acres of i very valuable LAND, lying on the Of- - l" mulgee River, in tlio tilth distriet of Houston coun ty, Ga., 200 acres cleared, a Dwelling, Gin, and all necessary out-houses on it. He has also, a Dwelling House and Lot in the village of Perry, Ulonston county, Georgia, well im proved. The above described property can be purchased upon easy and advantageous terms. Applv to WILLIAM L. FRANKS. Perry. Ga., July 12,1853. 4s—If Valuable Laud For Kalv. r-r\ /N ACRES of first quality Land in Monroe OUU county, adjoining lands of Dr. James Thweatt, and tho Montpelier Institute—more than half of tills laud is us heavily timbered as any in the county, it will be sold on favorable terms if ap plied for soon. For further particulars, apply to “ ' W. S. WILLIFORD. nng 23—2 Lauds for Kale [N Houston county. Eleven Hundred Acres o _ good Planting Laud, well improved, contiguous to Fort Valiev, in Houston county, formerly owned by Col. Allen ’Wiggins. Apply to" Col. Allen Wiggins oil the premises. oet 11 9—3m* ’jGnnls, Ijjnts, rtr. rtr. tv. it. VKBKV A CO., DEALERS IN BOOTS AMI) SHOES, Second Street, Triangular Block. A RE now receiving a very large stock of 1 V Roots nnd Shoes, for the fall and win ter trade, to which thev respectfully invite tlie_ _ attention of Ladies anti Gentlemen tradingin tlieeity. Their stock has been laid iu with great care, embra cing all the desirable styles prevailing at the North and Avill be offered on tlie most liberal terms, net II (m G ENT.S’ Fauey Drets, Pa:np sud Welt. Medium and Water-proof Boots; tine peg imitation, Dress ami strong Bools; Patent leather, cloth, enamel and calf Congress Gaiters, Opera Ties, Dancing Pumps, Slippers, Rubber Over-shoes and cork soles, just re ceived and for sale bv oet 11 •' WM. B. FERRY A CO. B ROGANS—A large stock of black ami Russet Plantation Brogans; also, kin, calf and enamel leather Brogans, just received and for sale bv oct 11 WM. B. FERRY A CO. ilnil-Jlnail jiifew. Sou til-W estern ItuiJroad Company, .MACON, Dec. 13,1833. L EATHER.—A large stock of Oak and Hemlock 8«>ie Leather, French calf gkiusahoe threads, Ac., ju»t received by WM. B. FERRY A CO. oct It AD IKS’ Lace and Congress Prunella, Satin Fran eia. White Kill and Satin Slippers; Jenny Lind ■hiamel and Kid Boots aud Gaiters; Enamel and Kid Ties nnd Buskin Over-shoes, cork soles, Ac., just received and for sale by ' oet 11 WM. B. FERRY A CO. OYri’ fine sewc-il and peg imitation, dress and thick Boots; calf, enamel and kip sewed and B peg Brogans, Gaiters, Dancing Pumps, Ac., just re- ceived tv WM. B. FERRY A CO. M ISSES’ Ism and Congress Gaiters; Enamel and Jenny Lind Boots and Gaiters and Slippers, (■reived by WM. B. FERRY A CO. just received by oct 11 Mew Hoots and KIiocs, A TTIIKSIUX OFTIIE BIG BOOT. No. 3, Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hull, Maeon, Georgia.—The subscribers would return tlieir thanks for the very liberal and long con tinued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We lmve now in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the dif ferent styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, nnd would invite those wishing to purchase, to call nnd examine our stole, ns wc are prepared sell as low as any house in the city or State, oet 12 MIX A KIRTLAND. 1 JOOTS.—A full assortment of Gents’fine J French Calf Moots, pump sole, welted mid waterproof, of various kinds and qualities, both ^ soled and pegged. Just received and for sale low by oct IS i MIX A KIRTLAND. B OOTS AND SHOES.—Men’s, Boys and Ari Youth's tine calf nnd kip pag'd Boots Men’s stout kip limiting and mud Bools;, Gents last iug Gaiters. Monterey, opera and ties, and line calf Brogans; Gouts,boy.■- and youths’ pntent mid enam elled Brogans; Moil’s, boys’ and youths' California kip Brogans, a large assortment, oet 12 SI1X A KIRTLAND. R UBBER SHOES.—a large assortment, of Gents and hoys Rubbers. Also, L: dies slipjeT mid sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’s T HE Annual Election for President and Five Directors of this Company, will be held at tlieir Office, in this citv, on Thursdav, February !>th 1* >4. JOHN T. BOIEEUILLET. dec 20 9t Secretary A Treasurer. Office Tlioinnatnn nnd Rnrnrsvillr It. It. Co. Thomaston, Dec. 15th, 1853. T IIE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this conqiauy. will be held in the Court-lionse iu Thomaston on Tuesday, the loth dav of January next, at which time a Board of Directors will be chosen, to manage the aflhirs of the company for tlie current year. Bv order of the Board of Directors dec 20—4t W. D. WOODSON, Treas’r. Office ThniunMon and Itnrncorillr It. It. ('o. % xSFsX. Thomaston, Dec. 15th, 1853. T HE Stockholders of this Company nre required to pay mi additional installment'of Ten Dollars per share, on or before the 15th dav of February next, at their office in Thomaston. B’v order of the Board of Directors. W. D. WOODSON, Trens. dec 20 uf Notice. as Southwestern Rnilroad Company, Macon, Oct. 26, 1853. rpHE subscribers to the Stock of this Company 1 for the Americas Extension, are notified tluit si,. uiericus, on or before the first day of January next. Stockholders iu Savannah can make payment at the Central Railroad Bank. £y Prompt payment will be expected, ns the funds are required for the purpose of paving for the Iron now daily expected to arrive. JOHN T. BOIFEUILLET, Treasurer, nov 1 12— at P ASSENGER TRAINS leave Macon daily at 6{, A. M., arrive at Oglethorpe loj, A. M„ arrive at Columbus 1 o’clock, P. M. Leave Columbus dailv at 9 o’clock, A. M., and Oglethorpe atllj, A. 51.,'ar rive at Macon 31, P. M., connecting at Macon each wa v with Central R. R.Trains to Savannah, Augusta and Milledgeville, and with Macon A Western Trains to Griffin, Atlanta, Dalton, Chattanooga, Nashville, Ae. Connecting daily nt Columbus by a fast line of Coaches 28 miles to Opelika, thence 64 miles by M. A W. P. R. R. to Montgomery, Alabama. Connecting at Oglethorpe with Tallahassee and Eufaula mail stages. Passengers dine at Fort Valley. GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’d’nt. Macon. August 20, 1853. sep 20 illacoii «V Western Rnilroad. NEW ARRANGEMENT. O N nnd after Monday, May 17th, the Trains will be run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Macon 8 15 P. M„ arrive in Atlmitn 1 39 A. M.; Leave Atlanta 5 30 I*. 51., arrive in Macon 10 45 P. M.; connecting at Atlanta with the Trains of tho Western A Atlantic and LaGrangc Roads, and with tiie Day Train of the Georgia Road, mul nt Ma con with the Day Train of the Central and South western Roads. Passengers will arrive in Macon at a quarter past 12 and at Atlanta, at half past 1, lia - ing tlie remainder of tho night for rest. Accomodation Trains, Tri-Weekly, will leave 31a- con every 5Ionday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 o’clock, A. 51. Leave Atlanta 7 30 A. 31. Arrive ill Atlanta 3 P. 31. This Train will connect with the night TYain of the Georgia Road at Atlanta, and with the night Train of the Central Rond at Silicon. Passengers by the Upward Train can dine in Griffin. The Accomodation Train between Silicon and Orilfiu will be discontinued. EMERSON FOOTE, Sop’t mav 11 39 SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD CO., i SI .icon, August 11, 1853. j IC355S3 celebrated patent. Just received aud for sale low by oet 12 MIX A KIRTLAND. hav ■'poiui lucky it accident rl been, half an hour involved in h di- Wlietil, Barley, Ac. Bushels Seed Wheat. 73 bushels Barley.— 350 bushels Seed Oats. 73 sacks Guano. For l.y |novl| ASHER AYRKS, 1LOAKS AND MAXTIT.LAS. at cost by WIXSHIPA SON- 100 c F jAXTATIOX BROGAXS.-Xnw instore the best assortment of Negro Shoes', wc have ever offered iu this market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black nnd russetts; do. heavy single soled hlaek and russetts; do. boys aud youths black and russetts. all of which we are selling very low. MIX A KIRTLAND. oct 12 C ALF SKIN AND SOLE LEATHER.-On liand a very superior lot of French Calf Skins, with Li nings mid Binding; Oak nnd Hemlock sole Leather siioe Thread, with a good assortment of Lasts, peg Boot Trees and shoe finishing. Just received and for sale by MIX A KIRTLAND. oct 13 Mow Books T BOABDMAN’81!!—Sir Jonas Barrington's Sketches of his own Times; The Mud Cabin; .Mark Hiirdlestone; Roughing it in the Bush; The Fawn of the Pale Faces; Victims of Excitement, by Voii • Story's Life and Letters; Swift’* Works; United States Exploring Expedition, in five Vols; French on Words, on Proverb*, and the Parables; Story of Mont Blanc ; Stray Yankee in Texas; Nick ofthe Woods, by I)r. Bird ; The Attorney, or the (Fo.d ( ..rre-.o.nd. lie.': II,oil ; Tv -uev -ml M-r chant • Kinks’ Historyofthe Civil Wars of France; l .. . I ., (..'Work- t.r. Trill! - hv Great Auihors"; f.-ar Book of Facts for •:«; Tin- Artist Wife: Licht and shade : Saxe* Poems; langlewood Tales, bv Hawthorne; Edgar Clifton; The Young Mar"..nets ; Miles Tremenhere : The Pieiure Pleasure Book, «n.l lots of Juveniles, to amuse and instruct. For sale by [oet l.-| .13! ItOARDMAN A T a regular meeting of the Board of Directors, this day, the following Resolutions were passed: tVhcna*, 3Iany applications have been made, from various quarters’, lor the further extension of the road of this Company, beyond Americas, and in- :effimeh as this Company lias always been willing to extend the Road whenever the people of South- Western Georgia should be prepared to come up to the work: And, irheme*. The Charter of the Company looks to a route intermediate the Flint mid Chattahoochee Rivers, whence connexions can he made to Fort Gaines on the one hand, and Albany on the other hand; And, whereat. The Company ts encouraged by the eburse of the citizens of Sumter countv, in relation to the extension to Americas, and by tiie prevailing feeling of the people generally, to go on according to the spirit of the Charter; It is A root Bed, That this Company will extend its Road from America) through the Twelfth District of Lee county, nnd the Fourth District of Randolph county, to a point on or near tho north line of Baker county, provided individuals shall, bv the first of January next, subscribe for stock to the extent of 9225,000 (two-fifths of the estimated cost of the whole ex tension,) on the following terms: 1st. Twenty per cent, to be paid on subscribing, and the residue installments to be called by tlie Company as may be required for the prosecution of tlie work. 2. The new subscribers to be placed on the footing of the present Stockholders, us soon as the exten sion is completed ; Provided, That if it shall be de termined to open the extension iu partj an account shnll be kept of the nett earnings of so much ofthe road as may be opened, and the same shall go to those who subscribe the 8225,000, pro rata, iu the propor tion of tlieir subscription to the wliule cost of tho extension, according to the shares they respectively hold, until the extension is complete. Resulted, That the President is requested to have a preliminary survey of tlie route, mndeat as early a dav as possible. iYue Extracts from the 3Iinutes. JOHN T. BOIFEUILLET, ang 16—tlj—1 Treasurer. Brunswick and Florida Railroatl. C ONTRACTORS are wanted on this Road from Buffalo Creek, in Glynn county, to the eastern line of the county of Clinch. The work is grading, bridging and furnishing cross ties. Tlie prices will lie liberal and payments made monthly; two-thirds iu cash,anil one-third instock of tlie company. Profiles of the work are ready for examination at tho Engineer’s ofliee, as far as Satilln river, mid the work on that part of the road will be first let. Ap plication* made to TII08. W. COLLINS, Brunswick. ALEXANDER A COLLINS, Maeon. lull 22 China and Crockery Store. Second Stirel Triaupular llloek, Macon, (la. R P. 3IcEVOY has just received and is now • opening an extensive and elegant stock of Goods in his line, to which lie invites public at tention. Among other items, he begs leave to men tion tlie following : White and Gold-band China, in Tea and Dinner Setts, at prices from 88 to 8130. Silver Plated Castors and Fruit Baskets. Chnudaliers (forfluid) suitable for Halls t Churches. Britt.mia Ware—Knives and Forks. Large lot of Vases—Coffee Cups. Goblets, Tumblers and other Glassware/ ]moking Glasses—Waiters. Beside a large assortment of Whito Granite and Common Ware, mid every other article usually kept in a similar establishment. 'Tlie Ladies are special ly invited to call aud examine his assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. sept 27 Teachers—Take Motlcc. T IIE ACADEMY in Pond Town, Sumter county, needs a 3I:tle Principal and Female Assistant Teachers, for the ensuing year. A large and lncra- live patronage can be secured by immediate uppli cation to the undersigned. WM. A. BLACK, ROBERT BURTON, 8. MONTGOMERY. , C. R. TON DEE, H. S. FRENCH. A. B. GREENE. Pond Town. Dec. 6, 1853. 17—4t 'rnfrssiinml null S&Minfss tfnriis, A.-N. SPEKR.* A. II. HAMMOND. PEER A HAMMOND, Attornkys at Law, Ma- S con, (/a.—Will practice in the adjoining counties of the 3Iaci>n and Flint Circuits, nov 8 tv T XV. PATTEBSOK, ATTORNEY at LAW- •/ » Forsyth. 3Ionroe Copsty, Ga. March 22, 1853. ly A. I,ANTE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, VV . Clinton, Ga. may 17 lv ROBERT r. HALL. JOHN J. CART. ~I TAM, &■ cars, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, FU Maeon, Ga.—Will practice in the enuuties of Bihh, Monroe, Upson, Pike, and Spalding. Ofliee over Dr. W. G. Little’s Drug Store. Maeon, Oet. 12, 1852. ly H. G. I.AMAH, O. A. LOCHUASE, T ATIAR «V I.OniHAM!, ATTORNEYS It AT LAW—Ofliee orer Brlden Co’s. Hat Store, Maeon, Go.—Will practice in the Superior Courts of tho following eotmties: Bibl), Monroe, Pike, Houston, Dooly, Sumter, Cnnvford, Macon, Jones, and Twiggs, and in the Su premo Court at Macon, Decatur, and Columbus. All cases placed in our hands for collection will be punctually attended to. jan 6 ’ ly P & E. I>. TRACY, ATTORNEYS AT AWL, X . Macon, Ga.—Will practice in all the Superior Courts of the Maeon Circuit, ang 17 ly C* W. BRANWBUo ATTORNEY-AT LAW, O. Barntsville, Ga.—Will attend the Superior Court* in the counties of Tike, Spalding, Upson, Monroe nqd Crawford. And will give prompt atteu lion to all business intrusted to his care, jan 11 ly TORN II. POAVERH continues to practice Laav tf iu Houston, and all the adjoining counties of the Macon nnd South-Western Circuits,Jand in any part of the State by special contract. Perry, Nov. 29, 1853. 16—ly Dentistry. t s du. g. McDonald ha* de. l\. dined leaving Maeon, the firm of /nteSS&jjL G. k Jns. M. McDonald will be eon- ^UITTTp tinned as heretofore. They are qualified for and pre pared to do, nny style of work belonging to the Den tal Profession. Office as usual, at the residence of G. McDonald, on Second street, nov 22 j X a. XiSffUT, Will practice law in ltibh and Jit. the adjoining counties, and in tho Supreme Court nt Savannah, Macon, Milledgeville, Americus, Columbus and Decatur. He will pay particular attention to tlie collection or settlement of debts nnd to Conveyancing. office over the store of Charles Day * Co., on the corner of Mulberry and Second Streets. 3In<-on, Nov. 22, 1853. 3m A fKDICAL NOTICE DR’S. J. M. k H. K. JYL GREEN, win continue the Practice of Medi cine as heretofore. One of them, unless otherwise engaged, can always be found at their ofliee, opposite the Alethodist Church, and next door to Mr. Poe’s. Macon, Feb. 1, 1853. ly INK. RICH AR E> II. NT Mil HT, has removed JJ to Ralston’s New Block, on Cherry Street, where he may he found at all hours during the day or night, except when professionally engaged. Par ticular attention paid to calls from tlie country, oct IS * to medical. -p|RS. BOON A HAMMOND have associated ij themselves in the practice of theirnrofessiou, nnd offer their services to the citizens of Macon and surrounding country. They pledge themselves to give prompt and faithful attention to all cases en- trusted to their eare. Office over 3Ir. George Payne's Drug Store. J. R. BOON. oct 11 3m D. W. HAMMOND. r OC’KET, I.OHG & t’O., COM3IISSIOX .1 j 3IERCHANTS and Shipping Agents, Saran- nah, Ga. ang 30 ly t'HARLKM DAY, /'T03I3HSSI0X MERCHANT, NEW YORK.— V [i“ C. Day k Co., will advance on consign ments. apl 1 j .AKANTSI,IIS itlAKIN'E AND EIRE 1N- X Nl'RAXCK CORE ANY.—Home Ofliee, Saratoga Springs, New York. Cash Capital, 8300,- 000. Cady Hollister, President, John G. Bitmap, Secretary. R. D. PHILLIPS, Agent. 13 s * Office at Store of AV. B. Ferry k Co., Ma con, Ga. dec 13 18—3m* PROTECTION IN.NI HA.NCU T’O., OF X Hartford, Conn., Fire and 3Iarine Risks tsken on tho most favorable terms bv C. DAY, Agent, fob 27 TTOJIE INNIHANCK COMPANY'—Ofliee, JTx No. 10 Wall Street, New York. Cash Capital, 8500,000. SIMEON L. LOOMIS. President. Charles J. Martin, Secretary. CRAS. CAMPBELL, Agent, nov 1 ly 3Iacon, Geo. TTAKTFOKD FIRE INSURANCE CO., JLX Hartpord, Conn.—Established in 1810. Fire risks on Cotton, and Produce iu Store, merchandise, store houses, dwellings, and furniture, churches, ,V<\, in the above old and well established Company, ta ken at the usual rates bv E. J. JOHNSTON, Agent jan 1R for the city of Macon, Bibb co. A4CTCAI, LIFE INMFRANCE CO., OF IrJL New York. Jas. Abbatt, Secretary. Joseph B. Collins, President. Applications received by feh 27 C. l)Ai' t Agent. A RCHITEV TUBE . EDWARD A. VINCENT, (FROM LONDON.) ARCHITECT AND CIVIL ENGINEER. AND City Siirvcyoi', * / nFFICE ON COTTON AVENUE, over Payne’s Y J Drug Sloro. Gentlemen wishing copies of the new 3lan of Maeon, will please register tlieir names at mv office, us no other copies will be issued, oet 4 3m Business Curd. rpHE subscriber takes this method of informing the public, that having fitted up a house for the tiie ptlrpose, and having numerous orders to fill, he is prepared at all times to purchase Negroes, either singly or in fumilics, and will pay fair market prices for tliem in cash. —ALSO— In addition tc the above, he will receive and sell, on commission, any real estato or persoual property, that his patrons may be pleased to entnist him with, lie will also be responsible for any personal property that he receives. WM. WRIGHT, Broker, oct 4 Bay Lane, Savannah. Bounty Lttnd and Pension Agency. rpHE undersigned have established an ofliee in J. Maeon for the purchase and sale of Laud, and will also attend to thn recovery of claims for Bounty Lands nnd Pension from the Government to tho Sot dies who served in the late wars. US** Office over A. J. White's Store, Macon, Ga. nug 30 C. k A. J. MACARTH Y. Bounty Enitd nnd Pension Agency. CHARLES C. TUCKER, WASHINGTON, D. C A TTOKNE Y for Claimants, A. Agent for obtaining 1 A. Revolutionary, Naval, Invalid and Half-pay Pensions, Bounty Land, arrears of pay, extra pay, kc„ for .Military and Naval services. Bounty Lami obtained for the widows nnd heirs of volunteers of the Texas Revolution of 1*36; and extra pay obtained for services in tiie U. S. Navy on the coast's of California and Mexico, from 1846 to 1852. Aildress CHARLES C. TUCKER, dee 6—3m Washington, D. C. BRUNSWICK CITY*, GRORUU. T ARGE aud peremptory sale of Building lads in 1J tiie city of Brunswick, State of Ueorgin. The proprietors of the city of Brunswick hereby give no tice, that a sale of Five Hundred eligible'Lots will take place, by public auction, nt the Oglethorpe House, iu said city, on Tuesday, the 12th day of Jan uary, 1854, at 12 o’clock, M. Tlie sale will* be posi tive to the highest bidder. Terms—One third cash, and tho remaining two-thirds in one nnd two years. Title perfect. Tlie port and site of Bumswiek hold out commercial and maritime advantages superior to those presented by any other South of Chesapeake Bay. The climate is healthy—the water pure. Fur ther particulars, with maps, kc„ may be had at the ofliee of tlie Company, 90 Broadway, New York, or of Mr. John Brooks, Agent, Brunswick, Georgia. WILLIAM CHACNCEY, President Thomas A. Dexter, Secretary, nov 29 16—Gt IJrngs, 4 ifir&itiata, kt. DRUGS. cherry street, near cotton avenue, Macon, cu T II. A- W. H. Kill.IS are receiving, and tf , keep ciuistmitiv on hand a general assort ment of DRUGS AND .MEDICINES—as fol lows : Alcohol, lull strength, Calomel Opinm, Antimonials, Acids, Iodine, 31ercu rials, (’nbebs, Iodide, Indigo, Madder, Copperas. ALCOHOLIC EXTRACTS OF Dandelion Stramonium Sarsaparilla Henbane Aconite _ Coloeynth Com. Couimn G'cntin Belladonna PATENT MEDICINES. Old Dr. J. Townsend's Sarsaparilla; Sands' do; Wistar's Balsam Cherry; Sarsaparilla Pills; Jayne’s Alterative; Ilnir Dye. Syrup Neptha; Tetter nnd Ringworm Ointment; Dead Shot; Cholera Remedy; Trasses-; Body Braces; Cherry Pecteral; Jew Da vid’s Plaster; Expectorant; Vermifuge; Cholagngite; Pile and Itch Ointment; Extract Buchti; Scialitz Powders. Cupping Cases, Ac.; Psints, Varnish, Glass, Putty. PERFUMERY. Premium Shaving Cream; Fancy Soaps; Extract Rose ; Verbena; Patchouly; 31>tsk ; Cologne, various choice qualities; Jenny Liiid, Pomade; Ox 3Iarrow, Ac. Vinegar, Rouge, Flavoring Extracts, Ac. On hand, the Concentrated Compound Syrup of Queen’s Delight and Sarsaparilla, so highly recom mended by Dr. Frost and other physician*, in ex treme cases of Rheumalhnt. I.iverComplaints, White Swellings Ulcer* of the Throat, Coughs. Scrofula, Syphilis, eruptions oftjie akin, Tetter, Jaundice, Ac. Also, 1 set of fiuo Dentist's Instruments, consisting of 32 different instruments, in a fine mahogany case. For sale below New York retail price. fV Physicians and families supplied as low as tho market will admit. nov 12 tf It. It. R.—To the Public. RADWAY A CO., the Inventors, 3Ianufacturers and Proprietors of the justly celebrated R. R. R. Remedies, were the first to discover a Remedy possessing the 31nrvelou» and Miraculous power of stopping the most excruciating pains in an instant, allaying the worst Cramps and Spasms, either inter nal or external, in a few minutes, and soothing the most aevero Paroxysms of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Tic Doloreux, as soon as applied. The B. R. R. Remedies consist of three Ren •’dies, each posses sing quick and wonderful powers over certain com plaints and diseases and will instantly— Relieve the Human System from pain. Regulate each Organ to a Healthy action. Resolve away all Diseased Deposits. Renovate the body from all corrupt humor*. Rebuild the weak and broken down constitu tions. Restore to Health,strength and vigor all unsound and worn out parts. It. It. It.—No. I. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF, For all Acute Complaints, INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL. The moment it is applied externally, or taken into the system, it will stop the most excruciating pain and quickly remove its cause. Ithcuniatisui. 3Ir. Granger, a mason well known in Brooklyn, was _ cripple for nine years. Radwav’s Ready Relief relieved him from pain in fifteen minutes, enabled him to walk two miles without a stick or crutch in three days, and cured him entirely in one week. Thousands of other cases equally as wonderful as the above, have been cured by R. U. Relief. Cholera Itlorbus, Radway’s Readv Relief will relieve the sufferer from all pain in fifteen or twenty minutes. It will cure the most desperate cases in a few hours. N'curnlgin. The moment R. R. Relief is applied it allays the most painful paroxysms. It will always cure. Mirk Ilcmtnclir. It will relieve tlie most distressing pains in fifteen minutes. It will likewise prevent renewed attacks. Ague. In ten minutes s tea spoonful of R. R. Relief will stop the Chills and break the Fever. Aches of all kinds. Pains of all kinds, Bruises, Hums, scalds, strains, sprains, stiff joints, lameness. One application of Radway’s Ready Relief will in a few moments entirety stop the pain. It reduces swellings, heals sores, cuts and wounds, remove* bruises, sllnys the most violent irritations. For all pains use R. ft. Relief. Look for tlie signa ture of Radwav A Co. on each bottle. K. It. It—No, 3. RADWAY’S RENOVATING RESOLVENT, RESOLVES, RENOVATES, REBUILDS. IT CURES Scrofula, Syphilis, Sores, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ulcers, Tumors, Consumption, Rickets, Nodes, Fever-sores, Bleeding of the lungs, Erysipelas, St. Vitus’ Dance, Salt Uhenm, Rash, Canker, Tetters. The above eighteen complaint* R. R. Resolvent will positively cure. It renovates the system completely, resolving away from the solid* all impure poinonou* and diseas ed deposits, freeing the blood and fluids of life from all corrupt humors, restoring energy and vigor, health and strength to every organ aiid member ot tlie body. LETTERS FROM HIGH AUTHORITY. Hon. J. J. Middleton, of Waccamaw, S. C., writes u* under date of May 2d, 1853, that Railway's Reno vating Resolvent cured one of his negroes, on his plantation nt Beanfort, of a scrofulous complaint, of many years’ standing. The poor fellow wa» a dis gusting object of pity; ho was a moving mass of sores. The other negroes conld not remain in the same place with him. He, was entirely cured bv Radwav’s Renovating Resolvent, and is now at work upon the plantation. To tlie people of S. C., 3Ir. Middleton is well known, and to the political world Mr. Middleton is no stranger. Scrofula. When the Patient has been afflicted for five years, or under, favorable symptoms will appear on the third day after using K. R. Resolvent. ‘ Ten years on the Fifth day. Fifteen years, ’’ Seventh Hay, Twenty years, ” Tenth day,’ Thirty years, “ Fifteenth day. Forty years, “ _ Twentieth day. Fifty years, “ ’ Thirtieth dav. For sale by E. L STROHECKEU A CO., .Maeon; Phelps A Ensign, Forsyth; J. W. Jones, Griffin, and Druggists aud 3rerchants every where. oet 25 tv Notice. CjTRAYED from the subscriber abont the O September last, a his ok mare MULE.iws ►Id, a little grey all over, moro so about the fla: lie p tees well,'and is of g 1 length, and twi.-t.- linil feet in walking or pacing, very mueh .-hi >ver the eyes for a mule of her age. Anv p,- lelivering -aid Mule to me, shall r.-ceive Ten ars, or writing to me so 1 get her, shall b« libei rewarded. SOLOMOX KOKK Montezuma, 0?*., Poe. 13, IPS.'l. T home, with a woll selected stock of Groceries A ' 2'A. and Staple Dry Goods Best quality Bagging, Western nnd Rnssia Rope, Georgia Woolens and Shoes. Refined and St. Croix Sugars; Old Java and Rio Coffee; Extra and Snpi-r- fine Flour; Paints, Oils, Ac. Our friends will please still remember as. sep 6 4 C L, O T II £ S R £ M O V A T I N G~ Oglethorpe House. T HE Subscriber lms just opened this spa cious, and every way desirable Hotel ibib at Brunswick, and rermsned it throughoutJiL with New Furniture, mid he intends to offer to Travelers, and regular or transient Boarders, all the comforts of a First Class Hotel. JOHN H. WOOD, Proprietor, Brunswick, Georgia. 3Iay, 1853. 41—lr jffra-^nrk Bcrrtisratnls. Western Hotel. rpms spacious HOTEL situated in * h v X most <-entrsl portion of the city for bn- [mjm siness, and capable of accommodatin'! persons has just been thoroughly repaired tnrough- out, and opined for the accommodation ofthe pub- lie. 3!krchants from Georgia will find this one of tlie most comfortable and convenient HOTELS in the city, as the proprietors are anxious to secure their patronage, r?’ One trial is solicited. D. I). WINCHESTER. > THOS. D. WINCHESTER, > Proprietors. BENJ. T. WINCHESTER,> No’s. 9. 11, 13 and 15, Courllandt street, N. Y. March 15. 1*53. tv Fairbanks’ Platform Kcales. L ONG KNOWN—Severely test- ed—Always RIGHT—The ac knowledged Standard. Agents—Fairbanks A Co., 89 Wa ter-st., X. Y„ PiiiLBMCK A Bell, Savannah, Ga. Railroad, Hay, Coal, nnd Farmers’ ^ Seales, set in aiiy part of the conn-j try, at short notice, oct 4 3m Valuable Works lor Libraries, PUBLISHED BT CHARLES B. NORTON, No. 71 Chambers Street, N. Y. P OOLE’S Index to Periodical Literature.— Forming a complete kevto the conttnts of over 1,500 volumes of standard Periodicals, both Ameri can and English. Published in 1 voL 8vo. *6; half calf. 87. Stuart’s Naval and Mail Reamers of the United States.—Beautifnlly illustrated with over 40 plate*. Published in t voL Ito. 88; Turkey Moroco*. 812. Stuart’s Naval Dry Docka of the United States.— Forming a complete history of thr construction, cost. Ac., of the Naval Dry Docks of this country. 1 vol. 4to., SG^Turkey Morocco, 810. The New York Quarterly.—This valuable Periodi cal will hereafter be published by the subscriber. Terms 83 per annum. Tho back volume can be had on application. Norton’s Literary nnd Educational Register for 1854.—Containing n full report of the first Librarians’ Convenlion; also, valuable Statistics relating to Literature and Education. Price 33 cents; bound 50 cents. Norton's Literary Gazette.—Tlie most complete guide for book-buyers. Published on the 15th of each month at 81 per annum. In Press—A Complete Catalogue of Books, suita ble for town nnd school Libraries, carefully select ed for Libraries of 100 to 2,000 volumes, by Henry Barnard, LL. D„ originally prepared for the use of the School Committees of Connecticut and Rhode Island; carefully revised and brought down to thu present time; l vol. 8vo. Now Ready—3Inclaurin's System of Writing.— Very desirable for Academics and Schools, and al ready extensively introduced in tho Public Schools of New York city. A great help to teacher*, and tho best system extant. Price 81,50 perset. 3Inelaurin’s Series of Fine Hand-Books.—Com plete in 4 parts. 50 cents. The Maclanrin Steel-Pen—3Ianufactured by Gil- lott expressly for this system of writing, in boxes of three dozen each. Price 33 cents. 1^ All of the above sent by mail, on receipt of the amomit affixed. CHARLES B. NORTON, Atrentfor Libraries, dee 13 No. 71 Chambers-ft, N. Y. Hurd’s Golden Gloss lor the Hair. A MONG the many preparations for tho growth of the Hair, this GOLDEN GLOSS takes the lead. Three reasons Yvill he given why it is so uni versally used and preferred to all others. 1st. Be cause it has proved the most effectual in Baldness. 2d. Because it imparts a beautiful dark gloss and delightful perfume to the Hair. 3d. Because the La dies, with fine discrimination, which they all possess, have adopted it. Many other reasons could be given why it is a great favorite, but those who want more have only to give it n trial. Price 25 cents in largo bottles. For sale by Druggists and Storekeepers every where. \v. C. HURD, Proprietor, 304 Broadway, N. York. I P" Largo discount to Merchant*, [nov 22 6m Kilk Goods, dec. C ARLETON. CLARK, A CO.—Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Silk and Fancy Dry Goods, 139 Broadway. N.Y. Are receiving by ev ery arrival of Steamers and Packets from France and England, the most desirable description* of RICH DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS, RIBBONS, EMBROI DERIES, Ac., Ac., of their own selection. And will bo prepared by the 15th instant to exhibit an assort ment of goods in their line, which will fairly com pete with an}’ in the city. Also, a complete assortment of CARPETINGS, foreign and domestic, and haring manufacturers ma king exclusively for them, on hand, and will be receiving throughout the season patterns to be found in no other house. J ill V 19, 1853, lv Fresh Garden Seeds, o (\ r\r\f\ Papers Garden Seeds. •jU.UUU 2 barrels Onion Seeds. 1 bushel Kentucky Blue Grass Seed. 1 do. French Lucerne Seed, l do. Red aud White Clover Seed. Just re ceived, and for sale wholesale and retail, by GEORGE PAYNE, Druggists, Hacon, Ga. dec 6 17—3m To the Merchants of Macon. G OODS intended for 3Iacon, brought up the Chat tahooehce River upon the Boat* mentioned be low, will be forwarded through Columbus Free of Commission. Steamer Oswichee, “ South Carolina, “ Cusseta, “ Eagle. Columbus. Nov. 8, 1853. 3m GENERAL TAILORING. rpHE subscriber mav he found at tho Mansion he will carry on the above b isi- experience in this line, he feels - able to satisfy all who mav favor•* of all 'kinds eleam'-d and equal to new. Also, Ladies -ilk ated, in the best manner.— WILLIAM COIIKIDAN. 1 H ties*. From lo confident he wi him with a oal renovated, to look > and other dresses r- Tailoring in general nov * 3in JLamli’cth’s Warranted Garden Seed. G ROWTH of viz :—12 varieties Cabbages; Beans Snap*, and Kutiuera; Beets, Cucum bers ; Lettuce, Radishes; It) varieties Peas; Tur nips, E. Dutch, Red Tops, and others; Grass seeds. Flower seed*. Canary Seeds, and many other kinds. Also. Button Onions, aud Onion setts. Qf Country Merchants and Families supplied o suitable terms. J. 11. A W. SJJLLIS, Near Cotton Avenue Cherrv .-t., Macon. MORE <V GALLAGHER, Ridge Road and Coates Street, Philadelphia. I RON FOUNDERS A 3Iar.ufacturers of Wrought and Cast Iron Railings, and all kinds of Orna mental nnd Architectural Iron Works, Iron Railings for public and private Grounds, Verandahs, Settees, Chairs, Tables, Ac. ssr Particular attention pnid to tho enclosure of Burial Lots. More A Gallagher’s Book of Original Designs and List of Prices sent to persons wishing to make a selection. nov 8 2m Fancy Goods. Comb and Hosiery Warehouse. W ’ARI), PECK A CO.. Importers and Deal ers.— No. 47, Maiden Lasse, Neur York.—Hava ahvavs on hand the largest andbest assorted stock of Fancy goods, combs, jewelry, per. FU31EKY, and YANKEE NOTIOXSgenerally. that can be found in America, to wliich thoy would in vite the particular attention of the Merchants of Georgia. The Ilosierv Department is superintended by Hr. CHURCH, whose long experience in this branch of the business, will enable them to offer kxthaor- ntNAItr INDUCEMENTS. N. 11.—Great care and attention given to orders. Marcli IS, 1853. ty Arrivals for Fall Trade, 1833. EW A HEAVY WOOLENS, the greatest bar- gains ever offered in New York. WM. II. KNOEPFEL, Nos. 99 nnd lot William street. N. Y. Has now for sale an extensive stock of FALL GOODS, suitable for Clothiers and 3Ierch»nt Tai lors, mostly of his own importation. Short time and cash buyers are particularly invited to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. jttlv 26 ty Fisher A. Cushing, TMPOSTERS AND JOBBERS IN SILK AND X FANCY DRY GOODS—No. 10 Courtlandt Street, New York.—Have now on hand, and are constantly receiving tin (idlest a ml most desirable styles of’DRESS GOODS. SILKS, LACES, EM BROIDERIES. MANTILLAS and RIBBONS, to which they would invir* the attention "f the Oeck- gia Merchants when visiting New York, and for cash or approved credit great inducements will be offered. N. B.—Particular attention paid to orders. March IS, 1853. ly Fi’itnd 1 A LL who Yvnnt AXES of the real COLLINS A CO. make -lnmU he particular to notice thn stamps, as there nre various counterfeits and imita tions tramped Collins, and Inbelled much like ours, wliich are fraudulently sold in some parts of the Uni- 114 Gill* TnflnillantllP.Y 'PKaax* OPn muiiu its ted States ns our manufacture. They arc made in different parts of the country by various axe-makers, and are generally of very inferior quality. The leonine Collins axes, which have acquired such an xtensive reputation, are invariably stamped “ COL LINS A CO., Hartford," and each esc lias a printed label with my signature. It is r " more than 25 years since wo commenced the L - with tho stamp of “ Cillins A Co., Hartford,” and I do not know of any other axe-maker by the mime of Collins in tiie United States. ang 2:t—2 ly SA3I. W. COLLINS. Hobcrt Lawson, S ADDLE, HARNESS AND COLLAR 31 A NUF AC T l’ R El!, wholesalei AND RETAIL, -Ye. 42. South -trrrt. one door' Jntm IjomtmrA street, Baltimore. Maryland. Ths above articles are manufactured of the best materials, and at the lowest prices. Merchants and Wholesale Dealers are invited to call and examine my stock before making purchasts, being prepared to sell goods as lew as they can bo purchased in any of the Northern or Eastern cities, and pledges himself to duplicate any bill made in those cities. Please call aud satisfy yourself of tho fitet. [ang 9 52—ly . dec 6 17 3m Blankets, Kerseys, Ac. 1 non 8nml 3 Tarter Blankets. 15 pair 10, II luUU nnd 12, quarter Bed Blankets. 10 bales Georgia Kerseys. 15 bale* Osnnburgs. to bale* Yarns. With a general assortim nt of Domestic and Staple Dry Goods. For sale hv nov l ASHER AYRES. I) rails O N Savannah, Charlcstoi Ac., d discounted hv *w York. Boston, C DA Y A CO. REMOVAL Macon Haulier it'tin Gallery. W "K have removed from Mulberry Street, to Triangular Block, where we will be pleased to see ottr friends, and all those who are desirous of having Likenesses taken. Satisfaction given in ev ery instance, or no charge, ty* Instruction given, and apparatus furnished. I i r ‘ Entrance through Messrs. Murdock te Os. horn’s Piano Store, Cotton Avenne, and between McEvoy A Ferry’s, Second Street. d-c 19—tt Ml DANIEL A SMITH I! ill broideries. I N (Ihemizotta. Under-sleeves, 3Iuslin Robe*, Colars aud Emhroideris generally, our stock is far above competition. We will prove’the fact to all who famr us with a visit. BOSTICK A JOHNS, oct 11