Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 10, 1854, Image 1

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- ftp If), •• « BK is AN NKCK'MABV I () A MTATE An TO A S'It I VAT I IVimiDCAL, A.\o TIIK CO.OSY OF A STAT i: is Till: CO.miO.V PKOP1IBTY OF AM ITS CITIZENS: CXXVII- MACON, GA., TUESDAY MOKXING, JANUARY 10, 1854, NO. 22. C^iirgia Ctltgrnpjr, e-—TTvKKr tukaday mohsinb "JSeES. BABVB8 * CO. 81 cniToio aso pnormtTO«8. we, Two Dollars and “ fc P t “ tl,e °l" Km of ,he r „iU all Arrearages are paid, k ' a t the regular charge will bo One " : t «aw 10 vr tet *' lor tJ,u first iu * , *5?! rests for each subsequent luser- a^/j^rtnenU not specified as to time, |i* ^tJnadlforbid and charged aceord- I _ exceeding ten lines, will be jotRrdiseiueiits. J Uttrt* 00 bus,nes *’ mn9t ho P0ST PA,D ]-:-.n '^^7,0rSK « A l,liXI)Kll, 1S.11. i =? a r?l "5 « f?|3 , | Srmrlrn, I'nrkmrf, itc. A Winter Evening is hke au orange fully I ’ ripe. Itis partitioned into from three to six . hours according to our habits, each of which I * AUI. iV iVISITEB T1MDE, 1853. is distinct iu its offices, mid, like “the quar ters" of that favorite fruit, can he peeled out without draining a drop from the others. And every hour is lull of juicy, lucious cooling I A Watches, Jewelry; Silver Ware, Fancy minutes, that dissolve away into the ex]>eri- j mostoavora Inniisjror ?nlf, fcr. we AllE .VOW OFXFRtNQ AT THE OLD STAND OF W11.11. A E. J. JOHNSTON. Three Lots of Laud for Sale. T AM offering for sain, on accommodating term* JHH| three I»ts of Land, to wit: In. 106,107, and 87, T J 'P , ± ucrr !l‘ : ’ , 'iJ ru ' H, "g i~miun gtrenue, linthcqttli district of Tavlor county, 6 or 8 mile.-, Ilh Largest stock of new and desirable stylo off from Butter, and adjoining Fickiing's Mills. Said W atches. Jewelry, Silver War* fancy Goods, I^, n d, ^ weU timbered, and iu a healthy section of r pi ■■■■ for sale by ItiovgJ E. J. JOHNSTON A CO enees of wise people, comforting and blessing on their way, as the orango-pulp does the pal ate of the schoolboy. A Winter Evening out j may he very profitable, and very entertaining, but at home it is golden, and its winged hours arc drippiugwith humble joys. Lectures, con certs, operas, arc very well iu their way ; they | Work Boxes, are a great comfort to bachelors and mistiiken yr tr ITI XO DESKS, Odour Boxes. Ac. For sale couples, who do not live, hut board, and to YV by E. J. JOHNSTON * CO. travelers sojourning here for a day or two.— ^ Hut why families should desert their glowing fires and parlors warmed to just the desired heat is a marvel. Why a man of taste should Guns, Cutlery, etc., to be found in the State, ou the I country. Information can be bad by applying to ibln terms. I John S. Uiiooks, of Crawford county, or to the at Cairo, in Decatur countv. dec so to—41 Joseph j. dradfokd, de terms. HP* A call is respectfully invited. nov 8 E, J. JOHNSTON & CO. 1* resents. A FINE Selection of articles, suitable as Bridal and other presents, Wedding Cake Boxes, Ac., Plantation for Sale. Tk/TY Plantation in Bibb county, lying in the fork of -liA Tobesofkeeand Rocky Creeks, four and « half miles from Macon, and containing 810 acres, is for sale. There are about 375 acres iu cultivation, with a good gin bouse and screw, and all necessary build ings for plantation purposes. The land is produc tive and affords many facilities, and is a desirable place to those wishing to purchase in this section. My overseer on the place will show it to any per- eat dry bread and raucid butter on the soiled cloths of eating-houses, is a wonder, when the table at home smokes with hot dishes and savo ry morsels. Why one should prefer the hard Porte Mouaies, . .... . - , , , /"NIG Alt CASES, Walking Canes, an elegant lot. ° *" rd, “ e ' orIcan bo L For sale by E. J. JOHNSTON „V CO. T* V* * V BAS f; nov 8 13 I — P Land for Sale. New Caines. .■ ■ m C*KTS of Furniture, Tea Sets, Rattles, Dolls, Boxes T . for *"'« "". v , may l.e re O of Tools, Battle Doors and Shnttio Cocks, mid a 4- qmred, the following valuable t annmg Lamb,; seats of a theatre* the b’liovs * •‘hi-lli”-illir in I 1,um,,cr of other desirable articles for Children. For I *>x hundred acres on Jones C reek, in the loth district „?tW,..?.lYk., i salobv [nov S[ E.J. JOHNSTON* CO. of Doolyconnty.intbonehnn.lre.laiid wyentyiures thegallery, and the pit murmuring Wlthcruuch- I ‘ I of land deadened and ready for cnltivntion, with a ed pea-uuts, the “stars” tearing their passion I PianoFortCS. I new aud comfortable double Log Dwelling, Kitchen, to tatters, and the minor actors by their man- ATrrtiKL' ' ri , J. oke A ,,0,, r e '- tl 7u' ■'}*??’ 1°°* cr 'f-A? • A , , A SPLENDID PIANO I'OKTKSl Y’-tV-^/V Jon** Creek, in the 14th district of lloolv; and 200 nerisin offending the ear, and their unnpt make t . ver om . r ,. (1 f „ r iu from lk TlTff seres in tlie 14th on Swift Creek; also, sou aeres in up wearying the oyc like a bad perspective, I eek«)imted FaMorit** of J. C. CkU kmn^ and Nunn I tlie 17th of Thomas county. before the same drama, taken .at one’s ease at I & Clark, warranted superior to any otlicrnuide iii the I Tlieso Lauds in Dooly will make from 700 to 1,200 home, the curtain dropping for the apples to Umteimates.^ Also, two HARPS from J. F. Brown n*g ^VAv.Toxn^t, Oglethorpe, Ga. come in just when he wills, the tedious scenes I ^j lu a ^ ove instruments are a feast to one’9 eyes to I 1a* Journal fc Messenger,copy tl. shortened to his taste, and the company just look at, and tlie tone completely captivating. We those he loves best, or none at all, ns he pre- I shall tike pleasure to show these instruments to any fers—this, too, is a perpetual marvel Land for Sale. that have a taste for fine goods. ' | fTIHE undersigned has Eleven Hundred Acres of W l 1“ ., ™- . , • . , I On baud, Prince Melodians, best article of tlie I A Laud, lying on the Southwestern Railroad, in »> liy a Ilian slioulil put on Ins 0\ ercoat and | fci n j Ula ; Guitars, Violins, Bnnjos, Aceordeons, I the twenty-ninth district of Sumter county, between comforter, and a woman wrap herself in furs, rTamhorius, Bugles, Clariouetta, Flagolettes, Flutes, I Oglethorpeand Amerieus, twelve miles from the for- mufflers, cloaks and shawls, and tlie children I and a variety ofBrass Instruments for Bands, kept in nier placr, and seven from the latter, lying on the bundle up to face a strong norNvcster, and go *" et Music for ' w ^ t - 8id ''’ 1111,1 uot more ,h * n 15 acres from the road, out to hear a lecture of dubious excellence, or I i!U ‘ oan 01 • ll! ’ uc *” n OOKB ’ a concert that after all is little better tlmn a ^ iratcbn, Jewelry nud Fnnry Goods bore, while at hoinca gooilly array of philoso- I SpUndid Gold and Silver WATCHES; liliec and iwmts afnrv-teilers nod crrnnd ndvi- I Gentlemen aud Ladies patterns, Gold Chains, pliers ana poets, storytellers ana griuia ami- 1 , ro , M . ht „ i Jiin Brac * t . let ^ G old Tliimhles..^ sera stand waitingto offer their services ; yet Gold Pens, and Pencils, Gold and Silver SpecmT ■ not one of which looks sad if his neighbor is I Slha-r Spoons and Forks, silver, ivoryaml woml Naj»- preferred before him—this we would wonder kin liings, silver plat ed Cake Bnskets,_Castora, Wait- - — ....... — l ers aud Caudle Sticks—aud a variety of Fancy I which are good corn and cotton lands, being creek and branch lands, upon wliicli are about one linn- dred and twenty-live acres of cleared land, and in a good state of cnltivntion, which I will sell on good ternu. Those wishing to liny will do well to call and examine, as I intend making a different arrangement 1 1 HOOKS. in ray affairs. Sumter co., Ga. Oct. 11. HERRING 1 tf at if it were not everybody’s habit. If a man ^^ul'l PoucS. has weak eyes, or his thoughts find noaiichor- | Flasks, Pi.-toK &J. , . ^ Clocks and Watches renairfd, and warranted, Thweatt, and the UontpeO er Institute—more tlian short notiee. Give us a call at our old stand. Cot-1 half of this land is as heavilv timbered as anv in light age, and if he cannot afford the luxury of apri- Valuable Laud For Sale. roo ACRES of first quality Land in Monroe «JUU county, adjoining lauds of Dr. James, vate reader, let him visit the public lecture- I J* , ... ,, ., room and lie can get much good from it. Or | to "„ A ^^ Umon Building^ ^ g g >f lihattr New York Spirit of the Times.] i Barr with Twelve Kutrica. - iii arrive entries 1 The flag waa unfurled, ' named the steeds, and the track was k dak each through all seasons and dime, l ik-v please, save to run against time ; gsn were all, of rare bottom and speed, Jin indurancr—unrivalled in breed. - have they Tun, eighteen hundred and <> iiioo first waved it* "light" flag attho ( i s withdrew her wide curtains of black, 17 -urtnl his steeds on Eternity’* track; n’l tmmpet first sounded away they have :,ds are still fresh, though the riders are i! tut to the drum note, “saddle up” ia the call. [Mihthc breve steeds from each dust-covered «,ni January, with blankets of snow .. - kraklrd mane, stands forth ready to go; a’ »*»y! '—he is goue—scarcely gone ero he’s H urp starts on his wintery run; ' na iuul 'mid tempest one turn round the '- mark the time;" “will ho wint" ho is ' (jsi.-kst ibeword March'* blankets are flung, I n ^rruv swift-winged round the quarter he i-a math an ice-spur he came in like a bird, Winrsng fortli from the stand at the word; ;'ail me showers thnt softened the track J;- :Ut before gave the hoof music back, ■rtmukl pause not on thy storm shrouded way, I aging to welcome our hoautiful May ! |- i with blossoms she comes, and 'mid the i-tlong | >:■•! i- fleet, how slio gniiops along, tided uiai HARDWARE. BRAY, CAKHAUTaV CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GVfilJNII & A .711! It SCAN HARDWARE. THIRD-STREET—MACON, Ga. half of this land heavily timbered ns auy the comity, it will bn sold on favorable terms if ap plied for soon. For further particulars, npplv to aug 23—2 . W. S. WILLIFGKD. Lands for Sale I N Houston county. Eleven Hundred Aeres o good Planting Land, well improved, contiguous to Fort Valiev, in Houston county, formerly owned by Col. Allen Wiggins. Apply to Col. Alien Wiggins on the premises. oct 11 9—3m* i'nnis, j?jjoF5, tic. Etc. ■Agpuiilly her bud-braided mane to each time, IkrTakU to her rival sweethart, petted June— I- a pride aud in splendor ueed dread nqeom- I prt. I -.- the rauree she must yield, for Angiut is here, [l ik-ktj (kmg her fruit-laden tray, PrtlKM September with shrill-laughing neigh, Nkiakud* morn-tiiited and mingled with green, hwititd favors she appeals on the scene, nri§round the eonrse, wnon her trials are over, pritk Ndors far sadder away speeds Octobt [fi c», newly pressed her health still is c l.Wmirr b heard his steel anaflia to dank; if for his sins he has lost his home, let him go to the concert and mortify himself. But we who have homes ciuiuot afford first the sacrifice of our home comforts, second the loss of pre cious Winter evening hours, and third the price | JHHIHI of rickets, unless we know of a surety that they I T) EG leave to invito the attention of, will admit us to choice performances. I ^ their friends and the public, to their Vo». ? ■» .hould i. muuhof Ihcir Win- ter evenings. They are the school-hours ap- I and Hollow-ware, Blacksmith and Carpenter’s Tools, pended to their business days, SO that none I Building Materials of every description, and every I need lack an education. Some, indeed, have variety °f Shelf Goods. House-keeping Article*, . . ... , e Agricultural Implements and Machinists Tools, Cot- no evening, and a sml tune they have of it.— £*, Mall5nil nn< \ Hem r,.^, together with a large But there arc many in the City who, in these I stock of Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc, Wire, leisure evenings, have made themselves mas- I *<". ters of oue or two modern languages, acquired . w « «• also now receiving direct from Sweden, one j. .. , ° .P , .* _ I hundred tons of Swedish Iron, assorted, from 1 to 12 a familiarity with several practical sciences, I i llc j 1( , 3 wi(Ie aud very greatly enlarged the circumference of We take this occasion to assure all who call on us their general knowledge. An hour a day that we arc prepared to furnish them with evorythiug I ter trade, to which they respectfully invite the works wonders for a learucr in any depart- I ln ["tf J‘ ue st the very lowest market rates. | attention of Ladies and Gentlemen tradingiu thecity. incut, aud a good heart with a manly earnest ness of purpose surprises him at the year’s end with the length of the road traveled over. When one conics to appreciate the value of his evenings at home, lie will know’ how highly to prize the priveleges that are afforded by lec tures, schools and libraries.—Neto York Daily Times. Iron and Steel. T HE undersigned are now receiving iu addition | to their large Stock' of Iron, • 100 Tons Screed Iron by direct importation. 50 Tons English and American Refined, and] common English Iron. 20 Tons Oval, half round Bands, Hoops, Scroll, Horse Shoe Iron aud Nail Rods. 10,000 lbs. Cast, Blister, German and Spring Steel, dec 6 BRAY. CAUHAKT & CO. V. B. FEIUtV fit CO., > DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Second Street, Triangular Block. A RE now receiving a very large stock of Boot* nml NIioin, for the fall and wiu- Their stock has been laid in with great care, embra cing all the desirable styles prevailing at the North and will l>e offered on the most liberal terms, oct 11 4m l\nil-T\cnii jiJoiirrs. South-Western Railroad Company, MACON, Dec. 13.1833. Drags, atotiirinrs, &r. *5. t Stv'. .• *11 rpiIE Animal Election for President and Five L Directors of this Companv, will be held at their Office, in this eltv, on Thursday, February 9th, 1854. JOHN T. BOIFEITLLET, doc 20 9t Secretary & Treasurer. Office TlioniiiNtoit nud Rnniesrillc K.It. Co. | Thom-aston, Dec. 15th, 1853. T HE Aunual Meeting of tlie Stockholders of this - company, will he held in the Court-house in . Thomsston on Tuesday, the loth day of January I ^lstars Bahtam Cherry; SarsapanUa l’Uls; Jaynes uext, at which time a Board of Directors will he | Alterative; Hair Dye, Syrup Neproa; letter and chosen, to manage the affairs of tlie company for tlie I Brngwonn Ointment; Dead Shot; Cholera Remedy - enrrent year. Bv order of tlie Board of Directors. I *. r ! , . ss £? • ““''j'. Braces; Cherry Pectoral; Jew Da DRUGS. CHERItr STREET, NEAR COTTON AVENFE, MACON, T II. A- W. S. ICI.I.IN are receiving, and, .1 , keep constantly on hand a general assort ment of Dltl'GS AND MEDICINES—as fol lows : Alcohol, full strength, Calomel Opium, Antimoniali Acids, Iodine,- Mereurials, Cnhebs, Iodide, ludigo. Madder, Cojiperas. ALCOHOLIC EXTRACTS OF Dandelion Stramonium Sarsaparilla Henbane Aconite ColonVnth Com. Conium Gentia Belladonna PATENT MEDICINES. Old Dr. J. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla; Sands' do ; jOftn-^ork SlkiErtisEniEutB. Tr Western Hotel. HIS spacious HOTEL situated in the •t central portion of tlie city for bu- ItTifll] .-ine-". and capable of accommodating Ueo JljJfflL persons has just been thoroughly repaired througii- out, and open d for the accommodation of the pub He. Merchants from Georgia will find this one of tlie most comfortable and convenient HOTELS iu tlie city, as the proprietors are anxious to secure their patronage. Lf" One trial is solicited. I). D. WINCHESTER, ) THUS. I). WINCHESTER, > Pro BENJ. T. WINCHESTER,5 No's. 9. 11, 13 aud 13, Court land! street, N. Y. March 15, 1833,'^ly raprietors. Valuable Works lor Libraries, PUBLISHED BY CHARLES B. .NORTON, No. 71 Chambers Street, X. Y. P OOLE'S Index to Periodical Literature.— Forming a complete key to the contents of over dec 20—41 W. D. WOODSON, Treas’r. Office Tlionmstoii nml ISnrnrsTille It, R.Co, vid’s Piaster; Expectorant; Vermifuge; Cholagogue; I 1,500 volumes of standard Periodicals, both Amcri- Pile and Itch Ointment ; Extract Bueliu; Scidlitz I can and English. Published iu t vol. 8vo. $6; half ritHE Stoeklu dders afthb* < tompETf'an-''reqnfred | £ , ° We < l nalities: Jcnl, >' LUl<1 - X to pay an additional installment of Ten Dollars 1 per share, ou or before the 13th day of February next, at their offiee ill Thoinaston. By'order of the Board of Directors. W. D. YVOODSON, Trens. dec 20 9t Southwestern Railroad. P ASSENGER TRAINS leave Macon daily at 6}, A. M„ arrive at Oglethorpe 10], A. M., arrive at Columbus 1 o’clock, P. M. Leave G’oimnbus daily at 9_o’clock, A. M., and Oglethoriie at 11], A. M., ar rive at Macon 3], P. SI., connecting at Siacon each way with Central If. R.Traius to Savamiah, Angusta and Sliltcdgcvillc, and with Siacon & Western Traius to Griffin, Atlanta, Dalton, Chattanooga, Nashville, Ac Powders. Cupping Cases, Ac.: Paints. Varnish, Glass, Putty. PERFUSIEUY. Premium Shaving Cream; Fancy. Soaps; Extract Rose; Y’erbena; Patchouly; Musk; Cologne, various choice qualities; Jenny Liinl,. Pomade; Ox Slarrow, Ac. Vinegar, Rouge, Flavoring Extracts, Ac. On hand, the Concentrated Compound Syrup of Queen’s Delight and Sarsaparilla, so highly recom mended by Dr. Frost ami other physicians, in ex treme cases of Rheumatism, Liver Complaints, White Swellings Ulcers of tho Throat, Coughs, Scrofula, Syphilis, eruptions of the skin, Tetter, Jaundice, Ac. Also, 1 set of fino Dentist’s Instruments, consisting of 52 different instruments, iu a fine mahogany case. For sale below New York retail price. Physicians and families supplied as low as the market will admit. nov 12 tf It. R. R.—To the Public. RADWAY A CO., the Inventors, Manufacturers Co,meeting daily at Columbus by a fast line of I “ nd **°P rietors ° f , th ® j f' y < ? lebrnted * R f Coaches 28 miles to Opelika, thence 64 miles by M. A YV. P. R. R. to Montgomery, Alabama. Commoting at Og' Eufaula mail stages. I Passengers dine at Fort Y’alle; calf. 67. Stuart's Naval and Mail Steamers of the United States.—Beautifully illustrated with over 40 plates. Published in 1 voL 4to. B8; Tm key Mnnu-ee, 812. Stuart's Naval Dry Docks of tlie United States.— Forming a complete history of the construction, cost, Ac., of tlie Naval Dry Docks of this country. 1 vol. 4to., 86; Turkey Morocco, §10. Tlie New York Quarterly.—This valuable Periodi cal will hereafter tie published by the subscriber. Terms S3 per annum. Tlie back volume can be bad oil application. Norton's Literary and Educational Register for 1854.—Containing a full report of the first Linrarians' Convention: nlso, A-alunble Statistics relating to Literature and Educatjpn. Price 38 cents; bound 30 cents. Norton’s Literary Gazette.—The most complete guide for book-buyers. Published on the 15th of each month at 81 per annum. In Press—A Complete Catalogue of Books, suita ble for town and siriiool Libraries, carefully select ed for Libraries of too to 2,000 volumes, by Henry Barnard, LL. D., originally prepared, for the use of the School Committees of Connecticut and Rhode Island; carefully revised and brought down to the Remedies, were the first to discover a Remedy possessing the Marvelous and Miraculous power of 1 P r »? ellt J 'l 1 )' °* - , v at Oolotliomf, with Tallahassen „„,i I . ” . ... . . ... I Now Readt—Itaciaunns System of Y\ nting.— at ugn tnorpo with laiiauasseo ana | stopping the most excruciatmg pains in an insUuit, Very desirable for Academies and Schools, and al- Fort vallev I a ** a y‘ n o tbe worst Cramps and Spasms, either inter- I ready extensively introduced in the Public Schools GEO. YY’. ADAMS, Sup’d’nt. | nal or external, in a few minutes, and soothing the | of New Y’ork city. A great help to teachers, and the Macon, Angnst 22,1853. sep 20 Itlacou A Western Railroad. I YiCTr i XEYV ARRANGEMENT. O N and after Monday, May 17th, the Trains will he run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Macon 8 15 P. M., arrive in Atlanta 1 39 A. M.; Leave Atlanta 5 30 P. M., arrive in Macon 10 45 P. II.; connecting at Atlanta with the Trains of the YY’estern A Atlantic and LaGrange Roads, and | tions. with the Day Train of the Georgia Road, and at Ma- ~ con with the Day Train of the Central aud South western Roads. Passengers will arrive in Macon at a.quarter past 12 and at Atlanta, at half past 1, ha ving the remainder of the night for rest. Accomodation Trains, Tri-YVeekly, will leave Ma most severe Paroxysms of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Tie Dolorcux, as soon as applied. The It. R. R. Remedies consist of three Remedies, eacli posses sing quick and wonderful powers over certain com plaints and diseases aud will instantly— Relieve tho Human System from pain. Regulate each Organ to a Healthy action. Resolve away all Diseased Deposits. Renovate tlie body from all corrupt humors. Rebuild the weak and broken down constitu- Price 81,50 per set. “ Hi ‘ “ and-Books.—Coin best system extant. Mneiaurin’s Series of Fine plete ill 4 parts. 30 cents. The Maolaurin Steel-Pen—Manufactured by Gil- lott expressly for this system of writing, in boxes of three dozen each. Price 38 cents. ry All of the above sent by mail, on recoipt of the amount affixed. CHARLES D. NORTON, Agent for Libraries, . Chambe dec 13 No. 71 ( ibers-st„ N. Y. con every Monday, YVednesday and Friday, at , A. M. Leave Atlanta 7 30 A. M. "Arriv ’clock, in Atlanta 3 P. M. Arrivo This Train will connect with tlie Hurd’s Golden Gloss for tlie Hair. A MONG the many preparations for tlie growth of the Hair, this OOLDES QLQSS takes the Restore to Health, strength and vigor all unsound I lead. Three reasons will be given why it is so uni- mm not n .rta I versaily used and preferred to all others. 1st Be 1 * I cause it has proved the most effectual in Baldness. — ,, „ .. | I 2d. Because it imparts a beautiful dark gloss ami DinirivCrn'inv mil hid delightful perfume to the Hair. 3d. Because the La- “AI)W At S READ I Hh.l,lr.b, | j; e3i with fine discrimination, which they all possess, For all Acute Complaints, have adopted it. Many other reasons could be given nternal and external. I why it is a great favorite, but those who waut more The moment it is applied externally, or taken into I hay? only_to give it a trial. Price 25 cents in large night Train of the Georgia Road at Atlanta, and with the system, it will stop the most excruciating pain I bottles. For sale by Druggists and Storekeepers the night Train of tlie Central Road at Macon. Passengers by tlie Upward Train can dine in Grifiin. The Accomodation Train between Macon and Griffin will be discontinued. EMERSON FOOTE, Sup’t. may 11 39 rery where. \v. C. HURD,Proprietor,304 Broadway, N. York. Large discount to Merchants, [nov 22 6m Silk Goods, Ac. Here is Your Kciuedy. G ENTS’ Fancy Dress, Pump and YY’elt. Medium andYY’ater-proof Boots; finepegimitation. Dress and strong Boots; Patent Leather, cloth, enamel nud calf Cougress Gaiters, Opera Ties, Dancing Pmnps, Slippers, Rubber Over-shoes and cork soles Just re ceived and for sale by oct 11 YVM. B. FERRY ,V CO Springs and Axles. ! LBS. just received andjfor side tor 17 BRAY, t’AKHAKTAt Cham her’s View or the United States. —The venerable Edinburgh publisher and au. ■ ~ tlior Win. Chambers, Esq., who has recently I ~20,UUL) made a brief tour in tlie Northern aud Eastern States, has on the eve of his return to Europe, | Saws, Saws, Saws* published a letter, in which he says: , qDOZ. C ross Cut. Back and Pit Saws. “Ileavc the United States with much regret. I L-i SOdo.Haud. Panuel, Rip and Tennon Saws, j I carry with mo the conviction that a great and I for sale by [dec 6) BR AY’. CARHAIiT & CO^ B ROGANS—A large stock of black and Russet I Plantation Brogans; also, kip, calf and c ] leather Brogans, just received and for sale by oct 11 YVM. 1$. FERRY ,V CO. L EATHER.—A large stock of Oak and Hemlock sole Leather, French calf Skins.-dioe threads. Ac, just received by YY'M. B. FERRY A CO, oct 11 xy to riaiid, Cutlery jr rf\ DOZ. Table Cutlery of every grade. OO U 300 dozen Pocket do. 25 do Shears and Scissors. 25 do Razors. ALSO, some new and beautiful patterns of finelvo- spleudid future is before them. Coiitrar; opinion of most travelers from Engl I see here a young but rapidly growing na- tiou offering au example to the oldcrst commu nities in Europe. It is far from my wish to flatter; but what do I not feel vast delight in I ry Handle Table Cntlery which cannot fail to please, seeingj I am overcome with the stupendous ^‘receivedand **r jale by ■ & c0 . proportions ana capacity of the country—its [ far-stretching fields for human subsistence anti Hlacksmith’s Tools, way speeds October; I happiness. Of the American people, so little I 7 ^ Cotter Key and solid box vices *. ;.".J ^Mi;. tr ?«» <'»< ««« n-™»k*blc love of •iVJrer newly woke by the swift-footed hound, their energy and perseverance, their love of itVnin pride of entries, the last, I independence, their self-respect of oven the Arndo- hounds off 'ueath tlie spurs of the humblest closes among them, their striking so briety, their admirable educational systems, their*many excellent libraries and universal fondness for reading; their press,free from fiscal I £^VJd andfo?Wo by exactions ; their rclipous institutions, untam-1 « BRAY, CARIIART A CO pered by civil polity; their economically and spiritediy-got-up railways, now pushed Imlf- L ADIES’ Lace and Cougress Prunella, Satin Fran cin, YYliito Kid and Satin Slippers; Jenuy Lind Enamel and Kill Boots and Gaiters; Enamel and Kid Ties and Buskin Over-shoes, cork soles, Ac. I just received and for sale by 1 oct 11 YVM. B. FERRY A CO. B OY’S' fine sewed and peg imitation, dress and thick Boots; calf, enamel aud kip sewed and I peg Brogans, Gaiters, Daueiiig Pumps, Ac., just re ceived by YVM. B. KERRY A CO. oct it Nwdrrtirned. Now the flag is refnried, t ; ,'W!ir«’i race round the track of the world forever! But again at the score pk »• Meed realty mounted by yonng Fifty-four. 'tivrionae him gladly! Fill up to the brim, * babble break dead on the rim; ,*** 1 »*trtt for the race that has past * Fw this hour of pleasure e’en cast, •* 7» won every bet, 'tis equally dear, ^■mignt, wySum * ’ ,n« That wo It ■ we’ve each font a year! b Time in his face, jeers at us oil in tho race, the winds and to each oue that’s dear, drink gaily a Happy Sew Year ! ‘L'tt s bumper, langh beard tha^e v c»j> t" the winds tt Chine.r Idrna of Driith. M«ordiag to the Chinese notions on the sub- “Mt has three souls. Of these, at P one goes to their Purgatory; anoth- tomb with his body; and the third wooden tablet, which tlicy call his fwt Sett.’’ This is tt small piece of wood j of a parallelogram, and lias writ- his name and tho hour of his birth rr***hi from whence they calculate from Jr*'P**l observations the good or ill fortune Priority in matters upon which they j.’j" *o consult the indications of futurity. • ’-he death of the individual, this tablet is ^mtlar^cancestral temple, and worsliip- with, numbers of others. After jr^'xyirit passes through various stages ^ final absorption into the great spirit ‘^which tlie members of this sect absoption of a drop of dew in tlie At first, the soul is advanced or their scale of existence, according • “7, ,‘<-’ter of his life. If tlie soul lias t ?Ea sensual man, it passes into a hog w ^ l S; if that of a cruel man, into a tiger, ’•cr it** or cru cl animal. The ; 'f;' "J h’ars and the hearts of those wanting Ud k t f^riion, are torn out in the spirit ul 00 * dcm °" s ’ On the othor hand, led virtuous lives ou earth are ^ ' ■vl P°! ,r maa becomes wealthy, and raised to poaitious of power and fee,jifP^h*P* tliey become Sion or Conii— for virtue, without passing tii'i :..u- 15,0U0 llis. “Atwood's” Hammers assortod. 40 Smith’s Bellows from 26 to 40 inches. 73 Setts Stocks and Dies from 3-16 to 1 1-9 inches For sale bv deed BRAY, CAUHAKT A CO. Nails. ijaa KEGS Cut Nails and Spikes. OUU 25 Kegs YY'rought Nails and Spikes, just rc- M ISSRS’ Iotce and Congress Gaiters; Enamel and Jenny Lind Boots and Gaiters and Slippers, I just received by YVM. B. FERRY A CO. oct It Horse Nails and Horse Shoes. v c— -;r . - Art LI1.S. Griffin’s Horse Nails. way to the Pacific; the neatness of tlicirdwel- I OUU 25 Kegs Burden’s Horse Shoes, just Hugs; their wonderful, and to an Englishman I ceived and for sale by alarming progress in the mechanical arts; the * marvellous growth of their cities, and, I will add, their civility to strangers—I say all this gives me unqualified pleasure. And when I contrast tlieir cities, free from pauperism and vice in its most loathsome forms, with what meets the eye in London, Edinburgh, Gins- I w, and other large cities in Britain, I feel I 3Q00 ^"‘coil do.?from 3-15 to 1-2 inch. dec 6 * BRAY, CAUHAUT A CO. Shovels, Spades and Axes. aa DOZEN “Ames” Shovels and Spades. OU 50 dozen “Leverets” Axes, warranted. 30 do. Axes, Inferior Brands, for sale by dec 6 UltAY. CARIIART A CO. Chains ! Chains !! LBS. Press Chains. New Boots and Shoes, A TTHE SIGN OFTHE BIG BOOT. No. 3, I u Cotton Avenue, opposite YY'ashiugton Hall, Macon. Georgia.—The subscribers would _ return tlieir thanks for tho very liberal and loug con tinned patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of tlie same. YVe liave now in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of ail the dif ferent styles anil patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call aud examine our stock, as wo are prepared to sell a3 low as any houso in the citv or State, oct 12 MIX A KIRTLAND. B OOTS.—A full assortment of Gouts’ flue French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and I waterproof, of various kinds aud qualities, both soled aud pegged. Just received and for sale low’hy oct 12 MIX A KIRTLAND. that travelers from the old country have real ly little reason to speak disdainfully of Ameri ca, or to exaggerate faults which at most arc only partial and of no sort of account. “Such being my impression, it will be my duty to represent, in my own poor way at B OOTS AND SHOES.—Men’s, Boys and Youth’s fine calf and kip peg’d Boots dec 6 Voi"- 1 ^mal life. The pagodas, so cou- ttprescntiitions of Chinese scenery, Vp 0 t,_^!i 10 5° u tr«l tlie powers of nature, .‘"you, or winds and waters. Some *4e 1) ? ldd ‘ D 6* are very magnificent. One l * 0 *Eij»r t?* Oantou, was measured by kg,, | 1 °fficers during tlie late war be- ItjBH'aud China, and ascertained to Hdji aud 96 iu diameter at the base, « ,mve upwards of§3,000,01)0. “i porcelain slabs with which it is beautifully painted. ^tttd : t!...!"** (l .' 1 " - ' Uatii.nt. It !- -1. . '• "G ;'.it- nt- ill (.’.mgn - - liai e ' . i{|'. r Vl« r ‘‘-d in l-noroftl \t.-n-i..u patent forseven years. n-HiTV- ■ . ^GVi-rinnent of the United States tin- • :l,ld Oamifaeturc the repeating arias ia all tlieir own armories ‘. lld uaval inirposes. The reasons " s’ it are stated to he, that the inveu- ' 1 «ad the use of his patent in a profit- Iflill Irons :uul Hill Saws. 8aaa LBS. Mill Irons, various kinds. | JUUU 3 dozen Mill Haws, assorted length and home," things as they deserve to be spoken of. I breadth. 6 48 inch Circular Saws fir rale by Nor shall I fail to speak of the advantages to BRAY, CARHART A be derived by an emigration of the laboring I t. b. nishkt. , chas. r. lkvt. classes crencrallv to this country—fleeing as I Nisoet at Levy, -tWZfiL , ,?ri.h.’,.cr n.oinnimnrova- /^xCMULGEE FOUNDRY A MACHINE SHOP, they will do, from a penshmg and unimprot a (J Macon. Georgia. Manufacturers of Steam Eu- lllc condition to a state.of comfort an bound- I „j ues au j Iloilers. RiceTiirashers, Gin and Mill Gear less prospects of well-doing.’’ I ing. Saw Mill Irons and Shafting*, YVater YY’lieels, I Plates and Balls, Pulleys, Grave Railing* aud Ma- “ Wkar and Tkar ’’ or Bank Not Its.— I As testfuionial to tho character of tlieir work The State Bank of Indiana recently addressed I they beg leave to submit tho following extract from circulars to the various banks of the country the Report of the Committee on Machinery, to the ,«,h**,, to .fwiom of circulating notes, through a senes of years, I competent Eugiueer in tlie Chief of the YY’estern A No very satisfactory returns were made, hut I Atlantic Railroad, and the other members of the Com in two instances, they elicited the following! odttee «remeno^l^st^ngnsmrcWes. facts: The CatskiU Bank, in thirty years, .. 0fB ^^Vin.Sbf.e.WecoJd^Messre with an average circulation of §1*00,000, gam- NUto-t A Levy’s the best, and best adapted to agricul- ed §15,000, as this amount has not been return- tural purposes, and award them tlie premiums—a cd in ten years. The Merchants’ Bank of Bal- 8U .tctCup worth «so and a Gol.l Medal worth «o. „;al „ I Of the Pump*. Water Wheels and Gin Gear ex* timorc, III fort J SC' cu years, with a Circulation I hibited, we consider Messrs. Nisbet A Levy’s the ranging from §300,000 to tji000,000, averages | best, and award them the premium on these articles of about §428,000. Of bills issued between the I manufacture.” YV.YI. M. YVADLEY, Ch’n. ve-irs 1806 aud 1839, they have now outstand- BT Ordcra for Gin Gear and other machinery, years . , "T ’ , J . . maa hid promptly tilled, on smtabio reference being given, ing, after a lapse of at least tonycars^S-’JO, 190, | r March 1.1953. ly being an annual average of §800. The large , average, however, was AT ORE A GALLAGHER, Philadcltria, Pa.- ohc time, of $lo,000 m notes. We presume Jy |^ Manufacturers of all kind* of IroaRailing. Bal- the losses *6 the public by the mismanapfcment I conies. Verandahs, Irou Fronts, Garden SeaU, I>c»gs, of banks or bank-owners, in some sections of Lions, aud Oniamental Fancy YY’ork of aU kinds.— U* ™»uy. kirger! ,tSrallZKr'' ' — | Macon, July 5, 1853. 47—ly Agent Attempt to Escape-—Wo learn from tlie Milledgovillo Recorder that on Tuesday night last, a hold attempt was made by several of i j j- 2000 lbs. Log and Fifth do. assorted sizes. I Men's stout kip hunting and mud Boots; Gents last- *r.n r ~ i - 1 1 ing Gaiter*. Monterey, opera and tie*, and fine calf Brogans; Gent*, boys’ and youths’ patent nml enam elled Brogans; lien’s, boys’ and youths' California kiu Brogans, a large assortment, oct 19 MIX A KIRTLAND. 500 pair Trace Chain*, for sale hv BRAY', CARIIART A CO. R UBBER SHOES.—A large assortment of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoe* of Goodyear' celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by oct 12 MIX A KIRTLAND. the convicts in the Georgia Penitentiary to ef fect their escape. The ringleaders were John Smith aud Wells of Morgan county, and the notorious Dr. Roberts. Smith succedcd in getting out of tho cell building; the others, sonic four or five in number, only succeeded in getting out 1 heir cells into the passage. It was fortunate, remarks the Recorder, that the plot was discovered in lime, as it is believed quite a number were concerned in this daring at- t,‘iii]it t.. hivuk pi-on, though tlie cells of only 0 f the jiri.-' uers were found unlocked.— ] Tln-re are now I 1!) convicts in the Penitentiary, and the utmost vigilance should he exercised, or some of them will be found missing. It is a gratifying fact, that no convict lias escaped under tlie efficient administration of Major Xachrv. Tin Ware manufactory. UIIERKT STREET—MACON, OA. AY'IN’G now engaged good, prompt and faithful workmen, I am prepared to do all kimis of TIN WORK iu the city or country, in tho best manner* and on the most reasonable tenus. |^r All orders for Tin YY’ork, or Goods in myline, will bo promptly attended to. „, P v 1 B. A. YYTSK. House Furnishing' Goods. PABLE and Pocks* Cutfi ry i Stoves, Grates, and Hollow-YYara M n.:i. ' -1 Ir.n M - Tin mill Irou NS ;irc ol til kinds Woful W m* liroonis aud Brushf*>s at II. A. WISE’S 11.,v 1 NV\\ Sti.r-. Ui' n-\ -f - M i • (\ \ Wheat, Barley, I /a Hu-lit U Sffd Wli< :it. ?-• li.i'li* •' B;ir!«*y. I UU Si-t-d On!.*7. ‘'a.-ks Gtinuo. For >:*!•* l>y jiiov 1) ASIIEE -V^ K1 *S. c 1LOAKS AND MAXTII.LAS, at net bv W lN'SIHl* A SON. P LANTATION BRO&ANS.-Now in store tho best assortment of Negro Shoes, w« have ever offered in this market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled black and rassetts; do. boys and yuuttis black and rnssetts, all of which wo are selling very low. MIX A KIRTLAND. oct 12 ALF si?IN AND SOLE LEATHEIL-On hand a very superior lot of French Calf Skins, witli Li nings and Binding; Oak and Hemlock sole Leather Shoe Thread, with a good assortment of Lasts, peg Boot Trees and shoe finishing. Just received and for •ale by MIX A KIRTLAND. oct 13 China aud Crockery Store. Secotul Street Triangular Block, Macon, Ga. ■p P. Mc-EY’OY has just received and is now 11, opening an extensive and elegant stock of Goods in his line, to which lie invites public at tention. Among other items, ho begs leave to men tion tlie following: YYTiito aud Gold-band China, in Tea and Dinner Setts, at prices from 98 to *150. Silver Plated Castors and Fruit Baskets. Chandaliers (for fluid) suitable for Hails a Churches. Brittania Ware—Knives and Forks. Large lot of Vases—Coffee Cups. Goblets, Tumblers and other Glassware. Looking Glasses—YY'aiters. Beside a large assortment of YYTiite Granite and Common YY’are, and every other article usually kept in 11 similar establishment. The Ladies are special ly invited to call and examine His assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. sept 27 New Books A T HOARD MAN’S!! '■—Sir Joun* Barrington’s Sketches of his own Times'; The Mud Cabin; Mark HunDettOae; Roughing it in the Hush; The Fawn of tho Pale Faces; YTctiins of Excitement, by Mrs. llontz; Crawford, hv the Autiior of Mary Barton: M u-.uil.u - Sji, ii > - ; Nm|"'1'".i ia I-..'". Tin- -::.l Vol. of Calhoun’s YVorks: Webster's YY’ork* in ~ix Y’ols.; Story’s Life ami Letters; .Swift'.- Work-; United State- Exploring Expedition, in five Vol-: French on YY’or.i-. on Proverbs, sad the Parables; Story of Mont Diane; Stray Y’ankee in; Nick of the Woods, by Dr. Bird; The Attorney, ,. r the Quod Correspondence ; 1 *.»-i 1 : 1 be suere-sinl Mcr chant : Rank-' Hi-tory ot tin.- Civil YY ar* of France : Coolridge’s Complete YY’ork*; Great truth- by tircat Yuthor- . Year Book of Fact- for 1853, Tin* Arti-f Wife: Light ami Simile: Six.- - Poem* : Tangb-wooii Tale-, by Hawthorne; Edgar ("lition; 1 he Young Maroonet*; Mill-* Treineulu-re; iliei’icture Pleasure Hook, ami lot* of JllVfiiik‘8, to mmiv ami intrriiut. sale t>y [oet lsj J. M. BOAR DM AN. and quickly remove its cause. | JUlicuumtiNin, Mr. Granger, a mason well known in Brooklyn, was a cripple for nine years. Kadway’s Ready* Relief relieved him from pain in fifteen minutes, enabled I s~\ARLETON, CLARK, A CO.—Importers and him to walk two miles without a stick or crutch in Wholesale Dealer* in Silk and Fancy Dry throe days, and cured him entirely in one week. Goods, 139 Broadway. N. I”. Are receiving by ev- Thousands of other cases equally as wonderful as ery arrival of Steamers and Packets from Franco the above, have been cured liy It. It. Relief. 1 and England, the most desirable descriptions of RICH DRESS (it It IDS, SIIAYYT.S, RIBBONS, E.Y Cholera Jlorbu*. I Radway’s Ready Relief will relieve the sufferer I from all pain in fifteen or twenty minutes. It will cure tlie most desperate cases in a few hours. Neuralgia. Tlie moment R. R. Relief is applied it allays the I most painful paroxysms. It will always cure. Sick Headache MBKOI- DERIES, Ac., Ac., of their own selection. And will be prepared by the 15th instant to exhibit an assort ment of goods* in their line, which will fairly com pete with any in the city. ■Also, a complete assortment of CARPETINGS, foreign and domestic, and having manufacturers ma king exclusively for them, have now on hand, and wili be receiving throughout the season patterns to iy OLLOYY’AY S OINTMENT.—A most miracu lows cure of Bad Legs, after 49 years’ standing. It will relieve the most distressing pains in fifteen ll0U ~ e ’ | minutes. It will likewise prevent renewed attacks. *iuiy i». leas, Ague. mini: Sc GAIJiAGHER, In ten minutes a tea spoonful of R. R. Relief will Ridge Road and Coates Street, Philadelphia. \ stop the Chills and break the Fever. I TUOX FOUNDERS A Manufacturers of Wrought Aches of all kinds, I’ains of nil kinds, Bruises, I J. and Cast Iron Railings, and all kinds of Orna- Ilurus. scalds, strains, sprains, stiff joints, lameness. I mental and Architectural Iron YVorks, Iron Railings n ^ Extract of a letter fronrMr. William Galpin, of 70 I Q ue application of Railway’s Ready Relief will iu a I for public and private Grounds, Y’erandnhs, Settees, St. Mary's Street, YY eyinounth, dated 15th May, I few moments entirely stop the pain. I Chairs, Tables, Ac. M entirely stop the pain. I, 185 - , |_ . . I It reduces swellings, heals sores, cuts and wounds, To I rofessor Hollow: Sir—At the age of 18 my | removes bruises, allays the most violent irritations, wite (who is now 61,) caught a violent cold, which For aII „a in8 us0 ]{. ft. ftelief. I*.ok for tlie sigua- settled in her leg*, and ever since that time they | ture 0 f ftadway A Co. on each bottle. . ->y have been more or less sore, and greatly inflamed. Her agonies were distracting, ami for months to gether site was deprived entirely of rest and sleep. Every remedy that medical men'advised was tried, but without effect; her heaitli sufi'ered severely, and the state of tier legs was terrible. 1 had often road your advertisements, and advised her to try | - , . your Pills ami (Hutment; and, as a last resource, c, j , 131 after every other remedy lrad proved useless, she I ... contented to do so. She commenced six weeks ago, and, strange to relate, Is now ill good health. Her legs are painless, without seam or scar, «nd her sleep I j,-..'!:,''',.., sound am! undisturbed. Could you have witnessed I .{Jr* 1 the sufferings of my wife during thelast 43 years, I J|5,b 1 * and contrast them with her present enjoyment of I health, you would iudeeil feel delighted in liaviug I been the means of so greatly alluviating the sutler- I Tlie above eighteen complaints R. R. Resolvent ngs of a fellow creature. will positively cure. (Signed) YYTLLIAM GALPIN. » renovates the system completely, resolving 1 ! away from the solids all impure poisonous and diseas- I It. It. It.—No. ». RADWAY’S RENOVATING RESOLVENT, RESOLVES, RENOVATES, REBUILDS. IT CURES Syphilis, Asthma, Ulcers, Consumption, Nodes, Bleeding of the lungs, St. Y’itus’ Dance, Kush, Tetters. vsr Particular attention paid to the enclosure of Burial Lot*. More A Gallagher’s Book of Original Designs and List of Prices sent to persons wishing to make a selection. nov 8 2in Fancy Goods« Comb and Hosiery Warehouse. W ARD, PECK A CO., Importers and Deal ers.—So. 47, Maiden Lame, Sctc York.—Hava always on hand the largest andbest Essorted stock of Fancy goods, combs, jeyy’elry, per fumery’, and YANKEE NOTIONS generally, that can be found in America, to which they would in vite the particular attention of the Merchants of Georgia. Tlie Hosiery Department is superintended by Mr. CHURCH, whose long experience in this branch of tlie business, will enable them to offer extkaor- DIX'AItr INDUCEMENTS. N. B.—Great care and attention given to orders. March 15, 1853. ly Arrivals for Fall Trade, 1853. A pert,,,, 70 yeart of age cured of a bad leg of thirty ed deposits, freeing tlie blood aud fluids of life from e ^ftSedl? N*5yoi£* Kna ‘ eSt bar years tlanding. «U corrupt humors, restoring energy and vigor, x 9 gawsextr \ V M H KNOFPFFL Cony of a letter from Mr. William Abbs Builder of 'Z'tnW 8trWlgth *° ev< ^ * lld member of Nos. 99 andVoi William street N’ Y. Gas Ovens, ofRushclifie, near Huddersfield, dated tlie boo*. Has now for sale an extensive stock of FALL Mav3t, t83t letters from high authority. UOODS, suitable for Clothiers and Merchant Tai- . s foli'ssorHol'.oway: Nir—I havesuffered a pe-1 Hon. J. J. Middleton, of YVaccamaw, S. C., writes I lors, mostly of his own importation, nod of thirty years from a bad leg, tlie result ol two ug under dato of May 2d, 1853, that Railway’s Reno- Short time and cash buyers are particularly invited or three different accidents at gas works; accompa- V ating Resolvent cured oue of his negroes, ou his to call and examine iny stock before purchasing nied by scorbutic symptoms. I had recourse to a I plantation at Beaufort, of a scrofulous complaint, | elsewhere, variety of medical advice, without deriving any | 0 f man y years’ standing. Tlie poor fellow was a dis- ' ' benefit, and was even told that the leg must be am- gusting object of pity; he was a moving mass of putated, yet, 111 opposition to that opinion, your Pills sorcs . The other negroes could not remain in the ami Ointment have effected a complete cure in so I SAine place with him. He was entirely cured b short a time, that few who had not witnessed would I Radway’s Renovating Resolvent, and is now at wori WILLIAM ABBS. The truth of this statement can ho verified by Mr. Mr.'Middieton is no stranger. ~ YY’. P. England, Chemist, 13, Market Street, Hud-1 „ , . dersfield. b ’ I .Scrofula. july 26 iy Fisher & CusliInHi IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS—No. 10 Courtlaniit B the plantation. To tho people of S. C., Mr. I Street, New York.—Have now on hand, and are eton is well known, and to the political world I constantly receiving Jhe richost and most desirable stvles of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, LACES, EM BROIDERIES, mantillas ami ribbons, to Ten years Fifteen years. Twenty years, Thirty years, Forty years, Fifty years, on the Tenth day, Fifteentli day, Twentieth day, Thirtieth dav A dreadful bad breast cured in onr month. Extract of a letter from Mr. Frederick Turner, of Pcnshurst, Kent, dated December, 13th, 1850. [JTo Professor Holloway: Dear Sir—My wife had suffered from bad Breast* for more than six months, and during the whole period had the best medical attendance, lint all to no use. Having before healed an awful wound In my own leg by your unrivalled medicine. I determined again to use your Pills and Ointment, and therefore, gave them a trial in her I PXelps A r.nsign, Forsytl case, aud fortunate it was I did so, for in less than a «“ d Druggists and Merchants every where, month a perfect enre was effected, ami tlie benefit I ° l * 2i *’ that various other branches of my family have de rived from theiruse is really astonishing. I now strongly recommend them to all inv friends. (Signed) FREDERICK TURNER When the Patient has been afflicted for five years, G ?° r u * •under, favorable svmntoms will annear on the G, 4 MkrcHAHTS when Ylflltni^ ^ork, and for or under, favorable symptoms will appear 011 the third day after using K. It. Resolvent. Fifth day, Seventh day, For sale* bv E. L 8TR0HECKER A CO.?Macon; Phelps A Ensign, Forsyth; J. YV. Jones, Griffin, l.v The Pills should bo used conjointly with the Oint ment in most of the following cases : Bad Legs, Chilblains, Bad Breast, Chapped hands. Bums, Cancers, Bunions, Corns (soft,) Bites of Mos- uitoes and Hand Flies, Contracted and Stiff Joints, Joco-liav, Cbiego-foot, Elephantiasis, Gout, Sore Throat, Glandular Swellings, Scurvy, Lumbago, Sore Heads, Tumours, Piles, Ulcers, Rheumatism, Yaws, Wounds, Scalds, Sore Nipples. Sold at the Establishment of Prof. HOLLO’Y’AY. 244, Strand, (uear Temple Bar, London,) aud by all respectable Druggists a Dealers in Medicine* thro'ugh out the British ”—' # ‘ L * Oglethorpe House. nE Subscriber lias just opened this spa- A- cious, and every way desirable Hotel jasi at Brunswick, and furnished it throughout ji£l__ with New Furniture, and he intends to oiler to cash or approved credit great inducements will be oft'ered. N. B.—Particular attention paid to orders. March 15, 1853. ty Fraud! A LL who want AXES of tho real COLLINS A CO. mako should be particular to notice the stamps, as there are various counterfeits and imita tions stamped Collins, and labelled much like otirs, which are fraudulently sold in some parts of the Uni ted States as our manufacture. They are made in different parts of tho country by various axe-makers, nml are generally of very inferior quailty. The genuine Collins axes, which have acquired sucli an extensive reputation, nro invariably stamped “ COL LINS A CO., Hartford,” and each axe lias a printed label with my signature. It is now more than 2: Travelers, and regular or transient Boarders, all the I years since we commenced the business with tho comforts of a First CInss Hotel. May, 1853. JOUN II. YY’OOD, Proprietor, Brunswick, Georgia. 41—ly Fresh Garden Seeds. Of\ Papers Garden Seeds. OU.UUU 2 barrels Onion Seeds. 1 bushel Kentucky Bluo Grass Seed. 1 do. French Lucerne Seed. 1 do. lied aud YY’Jiite Clover Seed. Empire, an Ithose of the United States, . 1 , , 'V f ^,.01' ‘cuts, 87 nr.d 81 50 each. YVhoicsaie ceived, and forsalewhok-saleattd retail, by in pots at 37} cents, 87 bv the principal Drug Houses iu the Union, ami by Messrs. A. B. A D. HANDS, New York. (J" There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for tjie guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each pot. iLIAM YY’. LINCOI TBOlIECKEH.Macon, Ga. 38—eon- ly GEORGE PAYNE, Druggists, Macon, Ga. dec 6 17—3m To the Merchants or Macon. G OODS intended for Macon, brought up the Chat f ’ " • ^^ tahoochce River upou the Boats mentioned be For sale by WILLIAil YV. LINCOLN, Savannah. I *2' Tl wiU b<3 forwarded through Columbus Free of I fact. -- - - 1 Commission. Steamer Oswichke, “ South Carolina, “ Cusseta, “ Eagle. Columbus, Nov. 8, 1853. 3in >y YY IE Ga., and by E. L. S' mav 3 stamp of “ Cillins A Co., Hartford,” and I do not know of any other axe-maker by the name of Collins In the United States. aug 33—2 ly SAM. YY’. COLLINS. Robert Lawsoil, S ADDLE, HARNESS AND COLLAR M A X U F AC T U R Kli, wholesale AND RETAIL, -Yo. 42, South street, one door' from Lombard street, Baltimore. .!•-> ’and. Bifl above articles are manufa,.. . »d of the best materials, anil at the lowest prices. Merchants and YVholesalo Dealers are invited to eail and examine my .-feck before making purchases, being prepared to sell goods as low as they can he purchased in any of the Northern or Eastern cities, and pledges himself to duplicate any bill made in those cities. Please call aud satisfy yourself of tho [aug 9 52—tv e Quarter and Half Pipes Pure imported Brandy. O 25 do. Malaga, Madeira and Port YY’ine. Hoi- land Gin. Monongahela and old Bourbon YY’hiskey. 30 Boxes and half Boxes Y’irginia Tobacco. T. C. DEMPSEY, dec 6 Floyd House Building. Choice Havanuu. Cigars. f_ rx rv/x Tres Fiona’s Cigars. D.U U U 10,000 Correi Cigars, a superior article. 20,000 Josephiua, and Uuiou Panatella. ALSO, 25,000 Cigars, various brands, American maim faeture—very low "pi doe 6 anotu 'prices for cash only. For sale li v T.C. DEMPSEY. Laud ret h’s Warranted Garden Seed. ROYVTH of lS5tl,viz :—12 varieties Cabbages; ans, Snaps, and Runners; Beets, Cucum bers | Lettuce, Radishes; 10 varieties Peas; Tur nips, E. Dutch, lted Tops, and others; Grass seeds. Flower seeds. Canary Heeds, and many other kinds. Also. Button Onions, and Onion setts. Uy Country Merchants aud Families supplied on suitable terms. J. II. A YY'. H.KLL1S, Near Cotton Avenue Cherry-st, Macon, dec 6 it 3 m Sperm, Whale, Muchiue Oils. n OU ; 5,00 galls, bleach* larrels Machine Oil. In I .r.- and for sale bv CAUHAKT A KOFF. -no GALLS. Pure OUU ed YY'hale Oil limbroidcrles. N Chemizett*. I'uder-sleev. s. Muslin Robes. Colars and Embrnideris generally, our stock is far abox’t niipetition. We will prove the faet to all who favor with a visit. BOSTICK A JOHNS, oct 11 Blankets Kerseys, At. AAA 8 and 9 quarter Blankets. 15 pair 10, II Dee and 12, quarter Bed Blankets. 10 bales Georgia Kerseys. 15 bales Osnaburgs. 10 bales Yarns. YY it li a general assortment of Domestic anil Staple Dry Goods. For sale bv ' ASMKB AYRES. Drafts O N Savannah, Charleston, New Y’ork, Boston, Ac., discounted by C. DAY’ A CO. nor 9 REMOVAL Macon Dagucrreaii Gallery. W E have removed from Mulberry Street, to Triangular Block, where we will be pleased to see our inends, and all those who are desirous of having Likenesses taken. Satisfaction given in ev- ery instance, or no charge. : Instruction given, and apparatus furnished. I tr“ Entrance through Messrs. Murdock A Os born's Piano Store, Cotton Avenue,- aud between McEvov A Ferry's, Second Street. dec 2o i9—tf mcdaniel a smith. 20 Mackerel. HALF BbLNo. l Mackerel. 15 do 400 lbs. Cod Fish, just received and for sale by ,„ t ll ' CHAS. CAMPBELL. Christmas and Yew Y ear presents. rit HE subscribers re*p«etfully invite Public, atten- J. tion, to tlieir .-election of Fine YVatehes, Jewelry, Silver YY’are, YY’ork Boxes, Desks, Dressing Cases, ami an endle.-,* variety- of Fancy Articles, appropri ate for Holiday Gifts.' E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. dec 20 For Sale. FINE Northern horse, perfectly broke * Applv to E. L. STROHECKER. to draft, dec 27—Ot